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UMEZAWA  MPI Board of Directors resolved to file a complaint against Umezawa for 2
(GR 149357 & 149403; March 4, 2005) counts of qualified theft
PETITIONER: Mobilia Products, Inc. [Intervenor; GR 149357], People of the o Public prosecutor filed an information for qual. theft against Umezawa
Philippines [GR 149403] (P3.2M damages)
RESPONDENT: Hajime Umezawa o RTC issued a writ of preliminary attachment covering Umezawa’s
TOPIC: Nature of rights under last par. properties
DOCTRINES: o Umezawa filed an omnibus motion to quash the information, for the
 The bare fact that the Respondent was the President and general manager of discharge of the writ of attachment, and to set the case for preliminary
the petitioner corporation when the crimes charged were allegedly committed investigation
and was then a stockholder thereof does not itself deprive the court a quo of its  Jul 21, 1995: Meanwhile, MPI filed another criminal complaint for qualified theft
exclusive jurisdiction over the crimes charged. The property of the corporation against Umezawa and co. for the March 1995 act
is not the property of the stockholders or members of its officers who are  Though the RTC dismissed the omnibus motion, it eventually ordered the
stockholders. reinvestigation of the case upon Umezawa and the Public Prosecutor’s joint motion
 Sept 25, 1995: Umezawa filed a petition with the SEC for the nullification of the
 The ownership of that property is in the corporation, and not in the holders of MPI board resolution
shares of its stock. The interest of each stockholder consists in the right to a  Jan 3, 1996: Public prosecutor found probable cause for the qualified theft and
proportionate part of the profits whenever dividends are declared by the estafa against Umezawa, dismissing the case against the other accused and later
corporation, during its existence, under its charter, and to a like proportion of filed an information against him
the property remaining, upon the termination or dissolution of the corporation,  Apr 25, 1996: Umezawa filed a motion for the suspension of the proceedings
after payment of its debts on the ground of the pendency of his petition with the SEC (denied by the
 Umezawa eventually pleaded not guilty and then later on filed another motion to
FACTS: quash the information, positing that the facts alleged did not constitute qualified
 MPI manufactures and exports furniture theft
 MP Jap (MPI’s mother corp) sent Umezawa to the Philippines to head MPI as Pres o appropriate charge should be estafa and not qualified theft
& Gen Manager o no allegation in the Informations as to who was the owner, so there was
o To qualify him, he was entrusted with one nominal share of stock no offended party
 Jan 1995: Umezawa, his wife, and his sister organized another company o MPI board resolution was approved by a mere minority of its members
(Astem Phils. Corp = APC)  Umezawa also filed a Motion to Quash the information re: the charge of estafa
o He was still Pres, GM, & Board Director of MPI o Information did allege that any demand was made for him to return the
o He did not notify the Chairman and CEO Susumo Kodaira or the other goods.
board members o owner of the said articles was not specified
o APC was in the same line of business o no lawful private complainant
 Pending formal organization, the APC group wanted to accelerate its market o MPI board resolution was not approved by the majority of the members
potentials by participating in the International Furniture Fair 1995 in Singapore o charge for estafa with abuse of confidence was already included in the
o This required that the furniture exhibits must arrive and be received at charge for qualified theft (alleged that he committed theft with abuse of
Singapore not later than February 23, 1995 confidence); double jeopardy
o Pressed for time, Umezawa and co. stole prototype furniture from MPI  Jan 29, 1999: RTC dismissed the cases for lack of jurisdiction
for it to be presented as belonging to APC in the fair o dispute over the ownership of the properties subject of the charges is
o to avoid detection, Umezawa contacted Chua (Dew Foam owner and intra-corporate in nature, and was within the exclusive jurisdiction of
supplier of MPI) to load and store several prototypes into Dew Foam the SEC
trucks and warehouse o Umezawa, as a member of the board and president of MPI, was also a
 Feb 8, 1995: First batch of furniture was stolen (sofa models worth P500K) stockholder thereof
 Feb 18, 1995: expensive furniture stolen from MPI factory (worth P2.96M). o Umezawa claimed to be the bona fide owner of the properties which he
Umezawa personally supervised the loading, the carting and spiriting away of the appropriated for himself, the private complainant disputes the same;
said furniture. hence, the conflicting claims of the parties should be resolved by the SEC
 Feb 19, 1995: 3 seater sofa stolen (worth P225K)  MPI moved to reconsider
 Mar 1995: Based on orders made, Umezawa caused the manufacture of 89 pieces o conflict was not intra-corporate and is thus within its jurisdiction
of furniture using MPI resources (P17.1M), to the benefit of APC o cited Sec 5 of PD 902-A (rules on cases within the SEC’s original and
o But before they could be taken away from MPI, the previous theft was exclusive jurisdiction)
o public prosecutor did not affix his conformity to the motion, and  The property of the corporation is not the property of
instead opted to appear before the trial court during the hearing of the the stockholders or members or of its officers who are
same stockholders
o During the hearing, the private prosecutor argued that the trial of the case  Properties registered in the name of the corporation are
must be done in the presence of and under the control and supervision of owned by it as an entity separate and distinct from its
the public prosecutor members
 RTC denied the motion o SHARES OF STOCK constitute personal property, BUT they do NOT
o SEC has jurisdiction over intra-corporate controversies represent property of the corporation
o motion was pro forma, since the public prosecutor had not approved the  only typifies an aliquot part of the corporation’s property, or
same the right to share in its proceeds when distributed according
 OSG filed a petition for certiorari & mandamus with the CA (which allowed MPI to to law and equity, but its holder is NOT the owner of any part
intervene), alleging: of the capital of the corporation
o controversy involving the criminal cases was not between Umezawa  he is NOT entitled to the possession of any definite portion
and the other stockholders of MPI, but one between him as the of its property
accused and the People  stockholder is NOT a co-owner or tenant in common of the
o Under Sec 20(b), BP 129, the RTC has exclusive jurisdiction over the property
cases against Umezawa  Sec. 5 of PD 902-A mandates that cases involving fraudulent actions and
o RTC committed grave abuse of its discretion in dismissing the cases devices which are detrimental to the interest of stockholders, members or
 CA initially granted the petition and nullified the RTC’s orders, but later on, upon associates and directors of the corporation are within the original and exclusive
Umezawa’s motion, reversed itself and reinstated the RTC’s decision. Hence these jurisdiction of the SEC
petitions from MPI and the People. o Taken in conjunction with Sec. 6, the fraudulent acts/schemes which
the SEC shall exclusively investigate and prosecute are those in
ISSUES: violation of any law or rules and regulations administered and
1. [[JURISDICTIONAL ISSUE] WON the RTC has jurisdiction over the crimes charged enforced by the Commission alone
in the Informations o investigative and prosecutorial powers of the SEC are further
without prejudice to any liability for violation of any provision
HELD: Both petitions GRANTED. CA resolution REVERSED and SET ASIDE. of The Revised Penal Code
1. RTC has exclusive jurisdiction over the crimes charged. The filing in the SEC for  the filing of the civil/intra-corporate case before the SEC does NOT
the nullification of the MPI Board Resolution was NOT a bar to the criminal his preclude the simultaneous and concomitant filing of a criminal action
prosecution before the regular courts
 jurisdiction of the court in criminal cases is determined by the allegations of the o fraudulent act may give rise to liability for violation of the SEC rules &
complaint or Information and not by the findings based on the evidence of the regulations
court after trial o as well as criminal liability for violation of the RPC cognizable by the
 Jurisdiction is conferred only by the Constitution or by the law in force at the regular courts
time of the filing of the Information or complaint  Thus, the filing of a petition in the SEC for the nullification of the MPI Board
o Once jurisdiction is vested in the court, it is retained up to the end of Resolution was NOT a bar to his prosecution for estafa and qualified theft for
the litigation his alleged fraudulent and delictual acts
o jurisdiction of the court is NOT determined by what may be meted  relationship of the party-litigants with each other or Umezawa’s position as a
out to the offender after trial or even by the result of the evidence that corporate officer in MPI during the commission of the crime is merely incidental
would be presented at the trial, but by the extent of the penalty & holds no bearing on jurisdiction
which the law imposes for the misdemeanor, crime or violation o What is essential is that the fraudulent acts are likewise of a
charged in the complaint. criminal nature and hence cognizable by the regular courts
o If the facts recited in the complaint and the punishment provided for o dispute involving the corporation and its stockholders is not
by law are sufficient to show that the court in which the complaint is necessarily an intra-corporate dispute cognizable only by the SEC.
presented has jurisdiction, that court must assume jurisdiction Nor does it ipso facto negate the jurisdiction of the RTC over the
 based on the material allegations of the Informations in the 3 cases, the court a subject cases
quo had exclusive jurisdiction over the crimes charged o not every conflict between a corporation and its stockholders involves
o The bare fact that the Umezawa was the president and GM of MPI corporate matters that only the SEC can resolve
when the crimes charged were allegedly committed and was then a
stockholder thereof does NOT in itself deprive the court a quo of its
exclusive jurisdiction over the crimes charged.

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