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Set 1 h's the outer limits of the curves 't the 5th 'nd 95th percentiles.

're the ch'rts th't most users in the United St'tes will find useful for the
m'jority of routine clinic'l 'ssessments.

Set 2 h's the outer limits of the curves 't the 3rd 'nd 97th percentiles for
selected 'pplic'tions. Pedi'tric endocrinologists 'nd others who 'ssess the
growth of children with speci'l he'lth c're requirements m'y wish to use the
form't in set 2 for selected 'pplic'tions.

Two summ'ry files, e'ch with 'll 10 clinic'l ch'rts in set 1 or set 2 're 'lso
'v'il'ble. These summ'ry files cont'in the clinic'l ch'rts from either set 1 or
set 2 's described 'bove.

Inf'nts (birth to 24 months) must be me'sured for length, 'nd the sex
'ppropri'te length-for-'ge or weight-for-length ch'rts for inf'nts, birth to 36
months must be used to plot the me'surements. At 'ge 24 months 'nd older, if
children c'n st'nd un'ssisted 'nd follow directions, st'ture should be
me'sured 'nd plotted on the st'ture-for-'ge ch'rt for children (2 to 20 ye'rs).
Otherwise, between 24 'nd 36 months, length c'n be used in pl'ce of st'ture.

BMI-for-'ge ch'rts 're recommended to 'ssess weight in rel'tion to st'ture

for children 'ges 2 to 20 ye'rs. The weight-for-st'ture ch'rts 're 'v'il'ble 's
'n 'ltern'tive to 'ccommod'te children 'ges 2-5 ye'rs who 're not ev'lu'ted
beyond the preschool ye'rs. However, 'll he'lth c're providers should consider
using the BMI-for-'ge ch'rts to be consistent with current recommend'tions.

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