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Pick or roll species (race)

1d100 Species 91-94 Halfling 99 Wood Elf
1-90 Human 95-98 Dwarf 00 High Elf
2. Roll attributes (or assign 100 pts and add race modifiers)
Human Dwarf Halfling Elf
WeaponSkilll 2d10+20 2d10+30 2d10+10 2d10+30
BallisticSkilll 2d10+20 2d10+20 2d10+30 2d10+30
Strength 2d10+20 2d10+20 2d10+10 2d10+20
Toughness 2d10+20 2d10+30 2d10+20 2d10+20
Initiative 2d10+20 2d10+20 2d10+20 2d10+40
Agility 2d10+20 2d10+10 2d10+20 2d10+30
Dexterity 2d10+20 2d10+30 2d10+30 2d10+30
Intelligence 2d10+20 2d10+20 2d10+20 2d10+30
Willpower 2d10+20 2d10+40 2d10+30 2d10+30
Fellowship 2d10+20 2d10+10 2d10+30 2d10+20
Wounds SB+(2×TB)+WPB SB+(2×TB)+WPB (2×TB)+WPB SB+(2×TB)+WPB
Fate 2 0 0 0
Resilience 1 2 2 0
Extra Points 3 2 3 2
Movement 4 3 3 5

1a. If keep as rolled, +50 XP. If rearrange rolls

instead, +25 XP. If reroll or assign 100 pts
(plus race attribute bonuses), no XP.
1b. Add ‘Extra points’ to Fate and Resilience.
2. Culture Skills and Talents: pick 3 Skills
at +5, 3 skills at +3, write down talents (p. 132)
Human: Skills: Animal Care, Charm, Cool,
Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Language
(Bretonnian), Language (Wastelander),
Leadership, Lore (Reikland), Melee (Basic),
Ranged (Bow). Talents: Doomed, Savvy or
Suave, 3 Random Talents.
Dwarf: Skills: Consume Alcohol, Cool,
Endurance, Entertain (Storytelling), Evaluate,
Intimidate, Language (Khazalid), Lore
(Dwarfs), Lore (Geology), Lore (Metallurgy),
Melee (Basic), Trade (any one). Talents: Magic
Resistance, Night Vision, Read/Write or
Relentless, Resolute or Strong-minded,
Halfling: Skills: Charm, Consume Alcohol, Dodge, Gamble, Haggle, Intuition, Language
(Mootish), Lore (Reikland), Perception, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Trade (Cook). Talents: Acute
Sense (Taste), Night Vision, Resistance (Chaos), Small, 2 Random Talents
High Elves. Skills: Cool, Entertain (Sing), Evaluate, Language (Eltharin), Leadership, Melee
(Basic), Navigation, Perception, Play (any one), Ranged (Bow), Sail, Swim. Talents: Acute Sense
(Sight), Coolheaded or Savvy, Night Vision, Second Sight or Sixth Sense, Read/Write.
Wood Elves. Skills: Athletics, Climb, Endurance, Entertain (Sing), Intimidate, Language
(Eltharin), Melee (Basic), Outdoor Survival, Perception, Ranged (Bow), Stealth (Rural), Track
Talents: Acute Sense (Sight), Hardy or Second Sight, Night Vision, Read/Write or Very Resilient,
3. Career: Attributes, Skills & Talents:+5 pts to “+” career attributes, 40 pts (“advances”) to
8 starting career skills, pick 1 career Talent (p. 132). If roll random career, +100 XP.
Career Human Dwarf Halfling High Elf Wood Elf
Academics Apothecary 01 01 01 01–02 –
[page] Engineer 02 02–04 02 – –
Lawyer 03 05–06 03–04 03–06 –
Nun 04-05 – – – –
Physician 06 07 05–06 07–08 –
Priest 07–11 – – – –
Scholar 12–13 08–09 07–08 09–12 01
Wizard [60] 14 – – 13–16 02–05
Burghers Agitator 15 10–11 09–10 – –
Artisan 16–17 12–17 11–15 17–19 06–10
Beggar 18–19 18 16–19 – –
Investigator 20 19–20 20–21 20–21 –
Merchant 21 21–24 22–25 22–26 –
Rat Catcher 22–23 25 26–28 –
Townsman 24–26 26–31 29–31 27–28 –
Watchman 27 32–34 32–33 29 –
Courtiers Advisor 28 35–36 34 30–31 11–14
Artist 29 37 35–36 32 15–18
Duellist 30 38 – 33–34 –
Envoy 31 39–40 37 35–37 19–25
Noble 32 41 – 38–40 26–31
Servant 33–35 42 38–43 – –
Spy 36 43 44 41–43 32–35
Warden 37 44–45 45–46 44–45 –
Peasants Bailiff 38 46–47 47 – –
Hedge Witch [ 39 – – –
Herbalist 40 – 48–50 46–47 36–42
Hunter 41–42 48–49 51–52 48–50 43–52
Miner 43 50–54 53 – –
Mystic 44 – – – 53–57
Scout 45 55 54 51–56 58–68
Villager 46–50 56 55–57 – –
Rangers Bounty Hunter 51 57–60 58 57–59 69–70
Coachman 52 61 59-60 – –
Entertainer [87] 53–54 62–63 61–63 60–62 71–75
Flagellant 55–56 – – – –
Messenger 57 64–65 64–65 63 76–78
Pedlar 58 66–67 66–67 – –
Road Warden 59 – 68 – –
Witch Hunter 60 – – – –
Riverfolk Boatman 61–62 68–69 69 64 –
Huffer 63 70 70 – –
Riverwarden 64–65 – 71 – –
Riverwoman 66–68 71–72 72–74 – –
Seaman 69–70 73 75 65–79 –
Smuggler 71 74–75 76–79 80 –
Stevedore 72–73 76–77 80–82 – –
Wrecker 74 78 – – 79
Rogues Bawd 75–76 – 83–85 81–82 –
Charlatan 77 – 86 83–85 –
Fence 78 79 87 – –
Grave Robber 79 – 88 –
Outlaw 80–83 80–82 89 86–88 80–85
Racketeer 84 83 90 – –
Thief 85–87 84 91–94 – –
Witch 88 – – – –
Warriors Cavalryman 89–90 – – 89–92 86–90
[109] Guard 91–92 85–87 95–96 93–94 91–92
Knight 93 – – 95 93–94
Pit Fighter 94 88–90 97 96–97 95–96
Protagonist 95 91–93 – 98 –
Soldier 96–99 94–96 98–100 99–100 97–100
Slayer – 97–100 – – –
Warrior Priest 100 – – – –

4. Trappings (Equipment p. 288, Arms 294, Armor 300)

Academics: Clothing, Dagger, Pouch, Sling Bag containing Writing Kit and 1d10 sheets of
Burghers: Cloak, Clothing, Dagger, Hat, Pouch, Sling Bag containing Lunch
Courtiers: Courtly Garb, Dagger, Pouch containing Tweezers, Ear Pick, and a Comb
Peasants: Cloak, Clothing, Dagger, Pouch, Sling Bag containing Rations (1 day)
Rangers: Cloak, Clothing, Dagger, Pouch, Backpack containing Tinderbox, Blanket, Rations (1
Riverfolk: Cloak, Clothing, Dagger, Pouch, Sling Bag containing a Flask of Spirits
Rogues: Clothing, Dagger, Pouch, Sling Bag containing 2 Candles, 1d10 Matches, a Hood or Mask
Warriors: Clothing, Hand Weapon, Dagger, Pouch
Plus turn to career page and write down starting trappings.
4b. Starting coin (1 GC = 20 shillings = 240 pence):

5. Details and Background Questions (p. 37)

6. Advancement: after each session expect to receive 75 to 150 XP, with +100-250 XP at the
end of an adventure (p. 264). Completing a career requires level advances (5 x career tier, ie. level
3 tier is 15 advances) in (1) 8 career level skills, (2) all career level attributes, and (3) 1 Talent from
current career level.
Advances Attribute Skill Other XP
0 to 5 25 (125) 10 (50) +1 Talent 100 XP +100 XP/prior Talent point
6 to 10 30 (150) 15 (75) Complete Career 100 XP
11 to 15 40 (200) 20 (100) Incomplete 200 XP
16 to 20 50 (250) 30 (150) Non-career X2 cost (no non-career Talents)
21 to 25 70 (350) 40 (200)
26 to 30 90 (450) 60 (300)
31 to 35 120 80
36 to 40 150 110
41 to 45 190 140
46 to 50 230 180

A. Starting at higher levels

400 xp is enough to start at level 2 in a career, or advance to a different same-class career. This
completes all 15 pts. in required Attributes, all +5 in career skills, 1 talent, and the new career XP
cost. 500 XP would be a complete career plus a second Talent or +10 (not merely +5) in two first
level career skills.
1000 XP is enough to start well into the second career.
Combat Rules
1. Initiative: Everyone goes in Initiative characteristic order. (Or roll, if succeed, go before
enemies, if fail, go after)
2. Turn: each may Move (2x Move in yards) and take an Action, and as many Free Actions
(talking, drawing a weapon, etc.) as DM says reasonable. Actions:
a. Melee Attack: roll opposed Melee Weapon (WS) tests. If attacker gets higher SL,
hit and +1 Advantage. If defender wins, +1 Advantage and attacker done.
b. Ranged Attack: roll Ranged test, if hit and +1 Advantage. Target may oppose with
Melee, if have Shield or may oppose with Dodge. Bonus/penalties for Size (-
20/0/+20/+40) (p. 162)
c. Full Move = Move x 4 in yards; Charge up to full Move if go at least Move yards.
d. Cast Spell: Languages – Magick and Channeling
3. Damage:
a. If hit, determine location (reverse ones and tens) and Damage = Weapon Dam. +
SL – (Toughness Bonus + Armor Points)
Roll Location
01–09 Head
10–24 Left Arm (or Secondary
25–44 Right Arm (or Primary
45–79 Body
80–89 Left Leg
90–00 Right Leg
b. Critical hits = roll on Charts (174-78). If below 0 wounds, also roll on Chart.
c. Death = 0 wounds, unconscious, and critical wounds value > Toughness bonus
d. Healing:
4. Advantage
a. Each 1 Advantage point = +10 attack and resist influence (WP) rolls; optional
maximum = Initiative Bonus or 10. Track with Die.
b. Lose advantage when miss/lose roll, are Wounded, and when combat ends.
(Optional: Decreases 1 point per round not gained)
c. +1 advantage: surprise, Charging, tactical advantage, win opposed combat, win
sneak attack
5. Fate, Fortune, Resilience, Resolve
a. Fate/Fortune: Fortune spend to reroll, regain at next session. Fate permanently
spend to avoid death through plausible explanation (how did he miss?!)
b. Resilience/Resolve: spend Resolve to become immune to Psychology, ignore mods
from Critical Wounds, or remove a Condition; spend Resilience permanently to
ignore a chaos mutation or to choose a die roll result (any).
6. Common Situations
a. Shields: May oppose ranged attacks with WS (Melee), +1 SL to all defensive
opposed WS (Melee) rolls to stop attacks, +Shield to AP body and arm. House Rule:
Only adds SL when successful check.
b. Outnumbered: 2:1 on opponent is +20, 3:1 is +40 WS.
c. Two-weapon fighting: only attack once, secondary hand -20 attack (ambi negates),
may attack 2x if Dual Wielder Talent (use inverse numbers of same roll to hit).
d. Mounted Combat: Move = Mount, Rider’s Melee + 20 attack and Charge may use
Mount’s Strength/Size for Damage (Horse Str = 45). Either Rider (-10) or Mount
may be targeted. Mount may attack Engaged targets unless Skittish Trait
e. Impact weapons (two-handed, firearms): add ones digit to damage
f. Impale weapons: critical on 10s as well as doubles
7. Conditions: p. 167
a. Broken: must run away every round, -10 tests except running/hiding; Cool test at
end of round after being Disengaged, each SL removes 1 Broken level; gain 1
Fatigue after broken done
b. Ablaze: 1d10-AP W per round (+1W per Ablaze level)
c. Fatigue: -10 tests until rest
d. Poisoned: -1W per round, -10 all tests until pass Endurance or Healed
8. Fear/Terror: Need WP (Cool) SL equal to Fear level, or -1 SL to all tests near creature and
WP (Cool) test to approach. Terror: Cool test or Broken = Terror level plus the negative
SLs. (Note: Creature size differences can create Fear and Terror)
Casting Rules
1. To cast a spell, must have the requisite Talent (e.g. Petty Magick, Arcane Lore), which
determines what spells you have.
2. Roll Languages – Magick test, need SL = CN (Casting Number) of the spell.
3. If Critical Cast, roll on the Miscast tables (p. 234) (unless have Intuitive Diction Talent)
and choose an additional effect:
a. Critical Cast: If the spell causes Damage, it also inflicts a Critical Wound. See page
172 for details.
b. Total Power: The spell is cast, no matter its CN and your rolled SL, but can be
c. Unstoppable Force: If you scored enough SL to cast your spell, it cannot be
4. Channeling: For spells with higher CN, can attempt to achieve the success level with a
Channeling (WP) test. Each channeling SL provides 1 CN, and Channeling can occur over
multiple rounds.
a. After meeting the Spell’s CN through Channel, make Casting Roll next round with
a CN 0 needed.
b. If Critical Channeling, spell is cast immediately but also roll on Minor Mishap table
(unless have Aethyric Attunement Talent).
c. If Fumble, roll immediately on Major Mishap table. If Interrupted (damaged, etc.),
roll a -20 Cool test or lose the spell and suffer a Minor Mishap.
5. Spell Components (Ingredients) – absorb 1 level of miscast.
6. Dispelling: may make an opposed Languages – Magick test to stop another casting of a
spell, negating one opposed SL per round.
Profile Template
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W

Arms, Armor, Spells:
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 25 35 30 30 20 35 30 30 20 20 11
Traits: Armor 1 (4 all), Afraid (Elves), Infected (festering wound if fail Easy+40 Endurance), Night
Vision, Weapons +7 (32), Venom (poison-wounds)
Arms, Armor, Spells: Spear (D7, very long, impale-crits on 10s), Shield 2 (Defend +1SL, +2 AP),
cutlass (D7)

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