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Data base is a place in the computer where data saved is called data base. We are going to
implement our final project of Management information system on SDLC (System Development
Life Cycle). Our topic is to analyze the previous system of an organization or institute and
develop a new system which will be better for them. For this purpose we choose Al Hamad
academy and analyze his previous system and develop a new system. We a made a system by
using MS Access software.

How we developed & How it works:

We made this system for Accounts department, Administration department and his sub
departments (Examination office and Admission office). This data base is named as Al Hamad
academy. First we made tables different tables of the departments by using the student’s data.
These tables based on fields e.g. Code, Student name, class, age, fee, marks etc. then we made
forms from these tables. Our first table “student record” based on the student general
information (Name, Father Name, NIC, age, blood group etc.). From this table we made a form
named as student record form. Our second table is “student fee record” which based on the
student fee information (Class, fee, fee paid, date of paid etc.). From this table we made form
named as “student fee record form”. This is for the accounts department. Our third table
“student exam record” based on the students exam information (Subjects, Marks obtained,
grade etc.). From this table we made a form named as Exam record form which is for the
examination department. Our last table is the “Prospects students” based on the visitors
students who visit the academy and get information from the reception it includes (Name,
received by, search for) which will use by the Reception of the academy.

Through forms person using this system can fill the data of student admission information,
result information, Fee information on form within few seconds and the data will automatically
stored in the table at the back end. When you entered data on the form and you need next
form for another student you can get by just one clicking it is the time saving way. When you
entered data in the form and submit it the next blank form will automatically open and the data
will save in the table at the back end.

In admission office if they want to know the how many student get surveyed of his academy
and how many students get admission in the academy they can get this information by making
the query from the existing data. If the Accounts office wants to know the students balances or
fines they can also use the quires. If in the examination department wants to know about the
10 topper students in the academy they can get this information by using the data of student
exam table.
In this system if you want to find the record of any student you will use the search bar for this
where you will write any his field data e.g. his code or name etc. it is the easy way as comparing
to the previous system in which you search all the papers related to his class or program but
through this you can get data in just few seconds.

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