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Grades 4-5 Reading Comprehension Strategies Rubric

Strategy & Description Minimal (1) Basic (2) Proficient (3) Advanced (4)

Making Connections Does not make connections to Attempts to relate to text by Makes text-to-self, text-to-text Makes multiple text-to-self, text-
Recalling background the text. making simple text-to-self, text- and text-to-world connections to to-text and text-to-world
knowledge and experiences to-text and text-to-world enhance meaning and make connections to enhance meaning
which relate to the text in order connections. predictions. and make predictions.
to enhance comprehension and
make predictions.

Visualizing-Organizing Does not use mental images to Uses some mental or graphic Uses mental or graphic images Uses and describes multiple mental
Constructing a mental image to clarify text; or images do not images to clarify text and that enrich the text and explains or graphic images that extend and
clarify or organize information relate to text. attempts to explain how those how those images enhance enrich the text. Clearly explains
for the purpose of extracting and images enhance comprehension. comprehension. how those images enhance
constructing meaning from text. comprehension.

Monitoring Comprehension Rarely uses text features to Occasionally uses text features Regularly uses text features to Consistently uses text features to
Thinking about how and what clarify meaning. Reads without to clarify meaning. Sometimes clarify meaning. Often pauses to clarify meaning. Frequently pauses
one is reading to determine if pausing to think about what was pauses to think about what was think about what was read or to to think about what was read or to
one is comprehending the text, read or to self-correct. read or to self-correct. self-correct. self-correct.
combined with the ability to
clarify and fix any mix-ups.

Questioning Asks only literal questions. Asks literal questions and Asks questions to deepen the Asks relevant questions of self and
Engaging in learning dialogues questions to clarify meaning. meaning of text and enhance others to enhance meaning.
with text (authors), peers and comprehension. Questions the author’s purpose and
teachers through self-questioning challenges the text.
and question generation.

Inferring Attempts to make predictions or Makes predictions or draws Makes predictions or draws Develops predictions, conclusions
Combining what is read and draw conclusions without using conclusions that are consistent conclusions and supports the and interpretations about the text
what is implied with relevant the text accurately to defend the with the text. prediction or conclusion. and clearly explains connections
prior knowledge to create a statement. between the text and personal
personal meaning from the text. knowledge, ideas or beliefs.

Synthesizing Identifies few key elements. Identifies and explains some key Identifies and explains key Identifies and clearly explains key
Determining importance of what Minimal evidence of integrating elements. Some evidence of elements. Integrates thinking elements. Articulates how thinking
was read and forming new thinking with new information. integrating thinking with new with new information to form is integrated with new information
perspectives. information. new perspectives. to form new perspectives.
Evaluating Does not formulate/defend Rarely formulates/defends Sometimes formulates/defends Formulates/defends judgments.
Judging the value of material for judgments, discriminate among judgments, discriminates among judgments, discriminates among Discriminates among various
a specified purpose based on various points of view to form an various points of view to form an various points of view to form an points of view to form an opinion.
definite criteria. opinion or discover bias in text. opinion or discovers bias. opinion and discovers bias in Discovers and examines bias in
text. text.

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