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a conrpaign ane Gdccentureé golsebook Foe ee TWIOOIe Caren: inclading the colld lade—east, south, & panth Contains a FULL COLOR 24" x 36” poster map b ot - - ae ‘ al ; t a 5 | ee | mr StS seed p bi ; - ay tl yA SEWyore ror J 2" oo) ST aCe] wroduced and @& yt sgh Race bate puis me (fe. ni @ campaign and adventure guidebook for middle earth including the wild lands —east, south & north Based on).RR.TOLKIEN's THE HOBBIT and THE LORD OF THE RINGS™ ow ©1982 Tolkien Enterprises, Berkeley, California. The Lord of the Rings™ and The Hobbit and all characters and places therein are trademark propertics of TOLKTEN ENTERPRISES, Berkeley, California. No tnauthorized use permitted, Produced and distributed by Iron Crown Enterprises, Inc. CONTENTS L.OINTRODUCTION 2.0 SOURCES 3.0 DEFINITIONS AND TERMS 4.0THE WORLD, AN OVERVIEW 4.1 Geography/Topography AAU The Land 412 The Water 5.0 THE INHABITANTS OF 5.1 General Notes on Inka 5.0 LANGUAGE AND CUL 6.1 Language in the West IDLE EARTH 6.181 Entsh 6.152 lack Speech 6.153 Orkish (Orch) The Lenguages of Harad 6.155 The Language of the Forodwaith Snowmen”) P.O. Box 1605 Charlottesville, Va. 22902 6.2 Language im the Wild Lands + Fast, South and North 7.0 THE USE OF POWER IN MIDDLE EARTH 7.1 Power in the West Versus Power Elsewhere in Middle Earth 7.2 Power and FRP Settings 8.0 INTEGRATING MIDDLE EARTH INTO A FANTASY ROLE PLAYING CAMPAIGN 5.1 Adaptability and FRP Settings 5.2 A Suggested Approach for Integration 9.0 OF MAPS AND MODULES AND THEIR USE. 9.1 Mlustrative Maps 9.11 Major Towns and Settements of the West ISome Ruined) 9.12 Mafor Citadel of the West (Some Ruined) 9.13 Trae Rowtes and Roads 914 Languages ofthe West 9.18 Climate 9.2 Notes on Use of Continental Map 10.0 RECOMMENDED READING (1.0) INTRODUCTION This guidebook is intended as an id for those wishing to intograte LR.R. Tokens Mle Barth tothe laniasy roe paving pame. sentially. ti sahency reference unit specifica’ oriented toward aj fantay oe ey ig systems and the forthcoming Middle Earth seies fom ICE. TERR. Tolblen’s legacy is tly monumental: his works of fantasy are nasterioses of imagination - consistent, thorovgh, colorful, stirring and, ‘ost call, hoaght provoking. Each of s who hes delved into his world has ‘develeped hivarherenr impressions ofthe ra fauna sn landscape, and thas built upon these conceptions by wondering #hout those hinge that ‘received relatively ite, or no, atteaion inthe texts and appendices. This syndrome as spawned this work and fanisy role paying series. sal in tended to provides wcrking base for ereatve inde wc enjoy the workLel Middle Earth and hav long wie to venture out into its lands, discover ‘new ways, experience slvr, and bid upoalts wondrous structures an ‘einige, The entire tone of ICE's approach ix smed at those who Wat a oundatioa from which to work, not necessary absolutes. (2.0) THE SOURCES ‘Tolkien's Middle Earth has been documented by a variety of commen: lator, inching hs so0 Chrisiopher. Certan aspects ofthe World and is serocinted histories are described in immense deta while others rrnsin shred in varying degrees of uncertainty. Most commentaries center on the West (actualy the Norwest of Ender. the mide cantinent of Ard, land give ite or no apace 1 oxlving repions, aside from examining inca sions of invaders oe noting the vague asivitis ofthe Dark Lord, When Ianling evoms and setts in Une East North, oe South, then, one is very ‘mach on his own, The only rules of tham’ to abide by ae: (1) derive tnderterding of ‘western activity” and the overll world sting: and (2) sake sure your research shows no confit wih the sparse date fou ine Primary soerces, the actual siting of. Tolkien and those edited by bis son Christopher, Adventures set inthe West, however ae necemsatly ‘more restrited ‘A complete bibliography Ie provided in Section 10.0. What follows a bret isto the most help primary and secondary sources which wil prove invaluable for any Middle Earth fatasy role paying (PRP) game’ Primary Sources: ‘Tolkien, ILR. The Felowship ofthe Ring. Boston: Houghton Millia Co., 1963, Copyright® 1965 by LIRR, Tolkien, ie Hobbit. Revised Paition, New York: Bathe 10965, Copyright ©1997, 1938, 196 by 1.8. Tolkien The Retwn of the King, Boston: Weughton Milli Co. TRS Copyright®) 1965 hy FRR. Tolkien The Sitmarilion, Boston: Houghton Mi Copsright© 1977 by George Allen & Unwin Lig The Two Towers. Boston: Houghton Miffia Co., 1965. Copyright® 1965 by LR. Tolkien, Unjnighed Tales, Boston: Copyright® Houghton Mili o., 1980 Copyright© by George Allen & Una Lu Secondary Sources: Foasta, Karen Wynn. The Adar of Middle Farth Boston: Houghton Mil- Flin Co, II. Copyright© 1981 by Karen Wan Fonstad, Foster, Robt. The Complete Guide o Middle Earth. New York: Ballan- tine Hooks, 1978. Copyright 1971, 1978 by Robert Foster ‘Tyler LEA. The Nev Tolkion Companion. New York: Avon Books, 1978. Copsilzht®) 1976, 1978 by LEA. Te: ine Boots, tin Co,, 197 This work ishesed on The Hob and The Lord ofthe Rings, particularly the appendices mn The Rear ofthe King. the htc volume ofthe ogy Groat pains have hoon taken to assre no confit with any othorprenary source material. Sice the material in ICE's series is derived fom the histories ofthe Third Ape. The Lord of the Rings stands a the mest Ia sdrumental resource The Sionartion aud Ua/iished Tas may provide crucial daw for care ‘aligns inthe First or Second Ages of Mile Earth. The former cr tainly ey o any in-depth commologial overviow. ICE's Mile Eorthlin it med ot sctings of later perio, but wil, nonetheless, prove helpful 0 those concerset with ere mes

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