MERP Creatures of Middle Earth

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Creatures of Middle-earth Authors: Ruth Sochard Pitt, Jeff O'Hare, Peter C. Fenlon, Jr. ‘Tables: Coleman Charlton First Edition Editor: Pete Fenton Second Edition Editor: Jessica Ney-Grimm Cover Art: Angus McBride Interior Mlustration: Kent Burles, Liz, Danforth, James A. Fallin, Kamran Sedaghatkish Species Distribution Maps: Derek Carbonneau Project Specific Contributions: Siri Eto: Jessica Ney-Griewm, Canton Fator Pete Fenlon Pagenaking: Derek Carbonneau Parte Nick Morawitz, Katheryn Beggarly, Ed Mawyer ‘Ant Disco: Jessica Ney-Grimo Cover Tradedres: Terry Amthor Gover Graphics Coleman Chaslton Hlusewtion Sdation Jason O. Hawkins ‘Antosted Le® Trantor: Nick Morawitz TCE StaStSale Meng Deane Bopibi Eduoral Contioaionr; Colernan Charlton, Chatlie Nap Mine Colo a Crutchfield, Terry K. Amthor, Heike Kuboech, Prelit Petes Beon CBOs Boe Neidingee Rick Britton, John David Rutemmler, Jef McKeage, Eres epee Christian Gehman, Susan Tyler Hitchcock, eae eae Caul Willner, Teta Ney-Geirn Special Contributions: Olivia H, Johnston, Sia, Caner Servi, & Operation Su Terry Amthor, Deane S. Begiebin Joh Breckenridge, Davie Johnson tke Kubasch, Dave Placnick ‘Shyping Staff Dave Morsis, Daniel Willie David “DA” Anderson, Bruce R. Neidlinger, Kurt Rasmussen, Paula Peters, Larry Brook, “The Deer Phiral Are has supplied this sourcebook Heidi Heffner, Becky Pope, Swink, Yeti & Cthulo, with a naraber of fine ilsteations Various Misellaneoi Scandinavians the Frankfort 36, ocpunn of Midlcuts ia revised compilation of Book Fait. ul poetry pbtied pele eta werk eka "Crean of Middle-earth «Beniary of Animal ard Mencia” ‘While ICE hae add! new material and recrganized the da, ‘most ofthe prose here was alveady in print when we began © 1986, 1995 Tolkien Entesprises,« divsion of Elan Meschandiaing, Beskeley, Galfomia, USA. Crier of Mildl-oor, “THe Hal, and ‘he Lord of he Rin anc all characte and places thecen, are tradematle properties of Tallaen Enterprise. Al characte an places dsived fram the works of [UR Talkion re common law trademacks used cree license from Geafton Books (Harper Collins), publishing successors ro Unwin Hyman Lid. and George Allen & Unwin, rc, ‘London, England, All rights resecved. Produced and distributed by IRON CROWN ENTERPRISES, Inc., P.O. Box 1605, Charlocresville, VA 22902. Second US, Edition 1995 Stock #2012 ISBN 1-55806-216-5

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