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LE. HALLS OF THE ELVEN-KING a ; " | q ca Pa) RTL Home. of Légolas and Thranduil ORCRESSES of Middle-earth HALLS OF THE ELVEN-KING CREDITS Author/Designer: Tom Loback Eéitor: John D, Ruemmler Series Kditor: Peter C. Fenlon Jr wer Art: David and Elisa Martin Art Direction: Richard #1. Briton Cover Graphics: Bruce "Ban Havin Interior Art & Graphics: Elise Mastin, Tom Loboch Development: Rick Briton, 8. Coleman Chari Editorial Contributions: Jolin Ruewuler, Pete Fealon Rick Briton, Terry K. Arbor Produetion Manager: Kurt Fischer Page Layout: Suzanne Young ‘Typesetting: Karen Stange of FASA Production: Suzanne Young, Marcia Steret, Paula Peters, Eileen Smith, Becky Pope. Bill Downs Special Contributions: Olivia “Incusril Fisteners” Jonnston, Bill “the Hipster” Covert, Deane "President of the Stofan Edberg Fan Club” Begiebing. Rob “Champions Gusu” Bel, Jessica "Parachute Pants” Ney, Rick "Cap'a” Britton, S. Coleman “the Professor Charlton, Peston Maxwell Bennett "Split Personality” Eisenhower TV, John “Paperback Writer" Ruemmler, Bill "Rescue Squad Downs, John "National Guard” Breckenridge, David “Ihe Veteran’ Johnson, Bruce “Highly Dubious” Neidlinger, Heike "Servs Kuhasch, “Saint” Michael Allen, Kur “No Sideburns” Rasmussen, Kurt*Production Tsar” Fischer, Kevin "Bearer of Brenzo” Barer, Lars “Holder ofthe Yellow Card!" Thor, Kar! “ine Carwashec® Borg. Leo "Whirling Death” LaDell, Pee “the Destroyer” Fenlon, Swink CONTENTS 1,0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 THE FORTRESSES SERIES. 12 TERMINOLOGY. 13 ADAPTING THIS MODULE 2.0 BACKGROUND 2. THE GREAT MARCH OF THE ELVES... 22 THE NANDOR.., : 23 OROPHER THRANDUIL AND THE THIRD AGE... THE RISE AND FALL OF DOL GULDUR LEGOLAS, GOLLUM AND THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING 3.0 THRANDUIL'S ARMY 3.1 THE FOUR GWADOR. 3.2 THE STRENGTH OF THE ARMY... 3.3 OTHER BROTHERHOODS 34 FORMATIONS 35 DRESS, WEAPONS AND EQUIPMENT 4.0 THE KING'S HALLS 4.1 THE TALE. 4.2 THE LAYOUT 5.0 ADV RES S.A SORCERER IN THRANDUIL'S HALLS (T.A. 1450) DRAGONS EYE (1.4. 2951) ELVES’ PRISONER (TA, 3018) 1 DORWINION AGENT (EARLY FOURTH AGE) 353 OTHER ADVENTURES 6.0 A TYPICAL TRE] ‘ORI 7.0 MASTER GARRISON TABL 8 8 “9 9 9 9 10 10 2% 28 2s 28 28 29 80 ANI Rights Reserved. Created, proxtced, and distributed by IRON. ‘CROWN ENTERPRISES.lnc., P.O. Bor 1605, Charlotesville, VA 22902, Copyright © 1988 TOLKIEN and The Lord ofthe Ring First U.S. Edition, August, 1988, irk properties of TO! ISBN 0-55806.015.4 Stock #8208 TEN ENTERPRISES, \TERPRISES, a division of ELAN MERCHANDISING, Inc. Berkeley. CA. Halls of she Elven-king, The Hobbit, ann all characiers and places therein, are trad 1.0 INTRODUCTION ‘The palatial Halls ofthe Elven-king (Q.*"Mardo Edhetaro”) cut ‘deep into a hill located in northeastern Mirkwood. Facing south- \ward, themaindoorsintothiswondrousdelving lookoutonioasione bridge that spans the cool, swifily-flowly Forest River (S. “Taur- duin"). This strategic crossing joins the great Woodland Realm ruled by King Thranduil to the north with the oppressive depths of the haunted woods to the south, Besides guarding the bridge, the fortified subterranean palace servesas both the capial of the Wood-elves(S. "Tawarwaith”)and, asthe gateway into northern Mirkwood, Here, only ten miles fom the point where the ForestRiver surgescut othe woodland andinwo the Long Marshes of Wilderland, the Elven-king greets the rare travellers who joumey westward up the Taurduin valley, Few sojoum beyondthe Halls, though, for Woodland Realm remains an ‘enchanted land shrouded in mystery and threatened by the dark forces spawned by the Lord of the Rings. 1.1 THE FORTRESSES SERIES The Fortresses of Middle-earth series 1s intended (0 provide Gamemasters (GMs) with exiremely detailed overviews of indi vidual towers, casts, citadels, and other fortifications of particu lar note. Bach moxiule in the line documents the history. design, layout, ane! garrison associated with the given site. A list of suggested adventure themes follows the text ‘Before reading the material on this fortess, take a look at the two-page view located at the center of the booklet. It gives you a clear picture of whatthe text all about, Then turn to Section 1. Like the rest af the Middle-earth Series, this module contains, ‘game terminology and references based on ICE's Middle-earth Role Playing (MERP) und Rolemaster (RM) fantasy role playing (FRP) systems. IF you need to adapt the material to another FRP game, read Section 1.3, 1.2 TERMINOLOGY Because of space considerations, we eannot reasonably discuss all the peculiar terms found in this module. We can, however, provide a sampling of the most commonly used terminology. alley — an enclosed courtyard, Barbican — an outwork containing a castle gateway. Bartizan — a small tower suspended trom a wall or toner to provide ‘anking fire. attlement — the protected defensive position located stop a wall ot (Crenelation — a notched bantement (parapet esemblingspaced teeth” ‘with altemating cpeninys (embrasures called crenels) and sections ‘providing cover (mexions) Curtain — a straight ection of defensive wall [Dike — an anificial embankment such asa man-mace earthen wall also Drawbridge — a bridge that can be raised and lowered. Embrasure — « specially designed opening from whicha defender fires missiles, such a8 a crenel ora space hollowed in. thick wall which provides access 1 3 Toop. Hourd— anoften emporary, overhanging timber galley projecting rom the top of a wall. Keep — also called a Donjon, it ithe independem, sell-defensibe. inner ‘Mronghold of a castle or manor. Introduction. Loop — a narrow opening in a wall fo the discharge of missiles Machiocolation— aprojecting paller atthe topof a wall oe tower with slots (murder holes) inthe floor from which missles cn be dropped foc fired down against an eneray Moat — a defensive itch Motte — a large defensive mound Parapet — a bank of earth ors wall over which 2 defender ma Portcullis — a vertical, slicing grill with spike! tps that serves us @ barrier ate Splay — a sloping base aa wall ur toner, which fstates ramming hy deflecting strikes upwares ‘Fats — a sloping wall, thicker (splayed) a is base Turret — a bartioan. 1.3 ADAPTING THIS MODULE ‘This module js adaptable to most major FRP games. Statistics are expressed on a closed or open-ended scale, using a 1-100 hase and percentile dice (D100). No other dice are required. 1.31 HITS AND BONUSES ‘When converting percentile values to a 1-20 system, a simple rules: for every +5 on a D100 scale you geta +1 on a one-twenty (120) or three to eighteen (DIR) scale. ‘The concussion hit numbers sted inthis module only represent general pain and system shock. They cover bruises and small cuts ratherthan wounds, Critical strike attacks anc damage are used 10 describe scrious blowsand wounds (respectively), Should youuse 2 FRP system that employs no critical strike results (e.8., TSR Inc.'s Advanced Dungeons & Dragons® game).simply double the ‘number of hits the PCs take or halve the hit values found in this ‘module. 1.32 CONVERSION CHART Iyou play an FRP game other than MERP or Rolemaster aid you do not use a percentile system, use the following chart to convert 1-100 numbers to figures suited to your game,

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