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Statistix 8.

0 12/27/2018, 7:18:25

Latin Square AOV Table for Yield

Source DF SS MS F P
Row 3 126.50 42.167
Column 3 394.50 131.500
Treatment 3 291.50 97.167 1.85 0.2382
Error 6 314.50 52.417
Total 15 1127.00

Grand Mean 21.750 CV 33.29

Tukey's 1 Degree of Freedom Test for Nonadditivity

Source DF SS MS F P
Nonadditivity 1 37.075 37.0752 0.67 0.4509
Remainder 5 277.425 55.4850

Completely Randomized Design 1.26
Randomized Complete Block, Row 1.29
Randomized Complete Block, Column 0.89

Means of Yield for Treatment

Treatment Mean
A 23.250
B 15.000
C 22.000
D 26.750
Observations per Mean 4
Standard Error of a Mean 3.6200
Std Error (Diff of 2 Means) 5.1194

According to the ANOVA results, it can be concluded that the yield of

millet at different planting densities are the same.

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