Articulos de Interés Sobre Ubicación de Objetos de Los Cofres de Ocarina of Time Con Una Seed Aleatoria

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OoT Randomizer Version v3.

0 - Seed: Twitch

create_spoiler: True
open_forest: True
open_kakariko: False
open_door_of_time: True
gerudo_fortress: normal
bridge: medallions
all_reachable: True
bombchus_in_logic: True
one_item_per_dungeon: False
trials_random: False
trials: 6
no_escape_sequence: False
no_guard_stealth: False
no_epona_race: False
fast_chests: True
big_poe_count_random: False
big_poe_count: 10
free_scarecrow: False
shuffle_kokiri_sword: True
shuffle_weird_egg: True
shuffle_ocarinas: True
shuffle_song_items: True
shuffle_gerudo_card: False
shuffle_scrubs: random
shopsanity: random
shuffle_mapcompass: dungeon
shuffle_smallkeys: dungeon
shuffle_bosskeys: dungeon
enhance_map_compass: True
unlocked_ganondorf: False
tokensanity: off
quest: mixed
logic_skulltulas: 50
logic_no_night_tokens_without_suns_song: False
logic_no_big_poes: False
logic_no_child_fishing: False
logic_no_adult_fishing: False
logic_no_trade_skull_mask: False
logic_no_trade_mask_of_truth: False
logic_no_1500_archery: False
logic_no_memory_game: False
logic_no_second_dampe_race: False
logic_no_trade_biggoron: False
logic_earliest_adult_trade: pocket_egg
logic_latest_adult_trade: claim_check
logic_tricks: False
logic_man_on_roof: False
logic_child_deadhand: False
logic_dc_jump: False
logic_windmill_poh: False
logic_crater_bean_poh_with_hovers: False
logic_zora_with_cucco: False
logic_zora_with_hovers: False
logic_fewer_tunic_requirements: False
logic_morpha_with_scale: True
logic_lens: all
ocarina_songs: False
correct_chest_sizes: False
clearer_hints: False
hints: agony
text_shuffle: none
difficulty: normal


Links Pocket: Fire Medallion

Queen Gohma: Spirit Medallion
King Dodongo: Kokiri Emerald
Barinade: Forest Medallion
Phantom Ganon: Zora Sapphire
Volvagia: Shadow Medallion
Morpha: Water Medallion
Twinrova: Light Medallion
Bongo Bongo: Goron Ruby
Song from Saria: Piece of Heart
Song from Ocarina of Time: Mirror Shield
Sheik at Colossus: Eponas Song
Sheik at Temple: Rupees (200)
Impa at Castle: Rupees (200)
Sheik in Kakariko: Deku Shield
Song at Windmill: Deku Shield
Song from Composer Grave: Deku Nut Capacity
Sheik in Crater: Bombchus
Song from Malon: Hylian Shield
Sheik Forest Song: Progressive Strength Upgrade
Sheik in Ice Cavern: Deku Stick (1)
Kokiri Sword Chest: Bolero of Fire
Mido Chest Top Left: Bomb Bag
Mido Chest Top Right: Rupees (50)
Mido Chest Bottom Left: Piece of Heart
Mido Chest Bottom Right: Heart Container
Kokiri Shop Item 1: Buy Deku Nut (5)
Kokiri Shop Item 2: Buy Fairy's Spirit
Kokiri Shop Item 3: Buy Deku Nut (10)
Kokiri Shop Item 4: Buy Bombchu (20)
Kokiri Shop Item 5: Hylian Shield
Kokiri Shop Item 6: Buy Deku Nut (5)
Kokiri Shop Item 7: Rupees (5)
Kokiri Shop Item 8: Buy Bombchu (10)
Skull Kid: Bombs (10)
Ocarina Memory Game: Rupees (50)
Target in Woods: Rupees (5)
LW Deku Scrub Deku Stick Upgrade: Piece of Heart
LW Deku Scrub Deku Nuts: Rupees (20)
LW Deku Scrub Deku Sticks: Rupees (20)
Gift from Saria: Recovery Heart
Ocarina of Time: Fire Arrows
Underwater Bottle: Serenade of Water
Lake Hylia Sun: Piece of Heart
Lake Hylia Freestanding PoH: Hammer
Diving in the Lab: Nayrus Love
Child Fishing: Piece of Heart
Adult Fishing: Piece of Heart
Gerudo Valley Waterfall Freestanding PoH: Piece of Heart
Gerudo Valley Crate Freestanding PoH: Arrows (10)
Gerudo Valley Hammer Rocks Chest: Deku Shield
Gerudo Fortress Rooftop Chest: Minuet of Forest
Horseback Archery 1000 Points: Arrows (10)
Horseback Archery 1500 Points: Deku Nuts (5)
Haunted Wasteland Structure Chest: Rupees (50)
Colossus Freestanding PoH: Rupees (50)
Desert Colossus Fairy Reward: Goron Tunic
Zelda: Lens of Truth
Malon Egg: Recovery Heart
Hyrule Castle Fairy Reward: Rupees (20)
Ganons Castle Fairy Reward: Bombs (20)
10 Big Poes: Rupees (50)
Castle Town Bazaar Item 1: Buy Deku Stick (1)
Castle Town Bazaar Item 2: Buy Deku Nut (5)
Castle Town Bazaar Item 3: Buy Bombs (5) [35]
Castle Town Bazaar Item 4: Buy Fish
Castle Town Bazaar Item 5: Buy Bombchu (5)
Castle Town Bazaar Item 6: Buy Bombchu (10)
Castle Town Bazaar Item 7: Buy Hylian Shield
Castle Town Bazaar Item 8: Buy Bombchu (20)
Child Shooting Gallery: Rupee (1)
Bombchu Bowling Bomb Bag: Piece of Heart
Bombchu Bowling Piece of Heart: Arrows (5)
Castle Town Potion Shop Item 1: Buy Deku Nut (5)
Castle Town Potion Shop Item 2: Buy Bombs (20)
Castle Town Potion Shop Item 3: Buy Arrows (50)
Castle Town Potion Shop Item 4: Buy Red Potion [30]
Castle Town Potion Shop Item 5: Buy Blue Fire
Castle Town Potion Shop Item 6: Buy Heart
Castle Town Potion Shop Item 7: Bombs (5)
Castle Town Potion Shop Item 8: Buy Green Potion
Treasure Chest Game: Deku Stick (1)
Bombchu Shop Item 1: Buy Arrows (30)
Bombchu Shop Item 2: Buy Hylian Shield
Bombchu Shop Item 3: Buy Heart
Bombchu Shop Item 4: Buy Arrows (10)
Bombchu Shop Item 5: Buy Deku Seeds (30)
Bombchu Shop Item 6: Buy Heart
Bombchu Shop Item 7: Piece of Heart
Bombchu Shop Item 8: Buy Deku Nut (5)
Dog Lady: Boomerang
Man on Roof: Zeldas Lullaby
Anju as Adult: Bombs (5)
Anjus Chickens: Arrows (30)
10 Gold Skulltula Reward: Rupees (200)
20 Gold Skulltula Reward: Rupees (200)
30 Gold Skulltula Reward: Rupees (50)
40 Gold Skulltula Reward: Recovery Heart
50 Gold Skulltula Reward: Piece of Heart
Impa House Freestanding PoH: Piece of Heart
Windmill Freestanding PoH: Deku Nuts (5)
Kakariko Bazaar Item 1: Buy Heart
Kakariko Bazaar Item 2: Buy Bottle Bug
Kakariko Bazaar Item 3: Buy Deku Stick (1)
Kakariko Bazaar Item 4: Buy Goron Tunic
Kakariko Bazaar Item 5: Deku Nut Capacity
Kakariko Bazaar Item 6: Bombs (20)
Kakariko Bazaar Item 7: Bottle with Letter
Kakariko Bazaar Item 8: Piece of Heart
Adult Shooting Gallery: Piece of Heart
Kakariko Potion Shop Item 1: Buy Arrows (10)
Kakariko Potion Shop Item 2: Buy Poe
Kakariko Potion Shop Item 3: Buy Blue Fire
Kakariko Potion Shop Item 4: Buy Arrows (50)
Kakariko Potion Shop Item 5: Buy Zora Tunic
Kakariko Potion Shop Item 6: Buy Deku Shield
Kakariko Potion Shop Item 7: Buy Fairy's Spirit
Kakariko Potion Shop Item 8: Buy Deku Stick (1)
Graveyard Freestanding PoH: Dins Fire
Gravedigging Tour: Bombchus
Shield Grave Chest: Ice Trap
Heart Piece Grave Chest: Rupees (5)
Composer Grave Chest: Odd Mushroom
Hookshot Chest: Arrows (30)
Dampe Race Freestanding PoH: Rupees (50)
Death Mountain Bombable Chest: Piece of Heart
DM Trail Freestanding PoH: Bombs (5)
Goron City Leftmost Maze Chest: Piece of Heart
Goron City Left Maze Chest: Piece of Heart
Goron City Right Maze Chest: Piece of Heart
Goron City Pot Freestanding PoH: Slingshot
Rolling Goron as Child: Arrows (10)
Link the Goron: Arrows (30)
Goron Shop Item 1: Buy Bombs (5) [35]
Goron Shop Item 2: Buy Bombs (5) [25]
Goron Shop Item 3: Buy Red Potion [30]
Goron Shop Item 4: Buy Bottle Bug
Goron Shop Item 5: Buy Deku Nut (5)
Goron Shop Item 6: Buy Heart
Goron Shop Item 7: Buy Green Potion
Goron Shop Item 8: Buy Bombs (10)
Darunias Joy: Arrows (30)
DM Crater Wall Freestanding PoH: Piece of Heart
Biggoron: Song of Time
DMC Deku Scrub Bombs: Arrows (30)
DM Crater Volcano Freestanding PoH: Piece of Heart
Crater Fairy Reward: Hover Boots
Mountain Summit Fairy Reward: Piece of Heart
Frog Ocarina Game: Recovery Heart
Frogs in the Rain: Progressive Hookshot
Zora River Lower Freestanding PoH: Prelude of Light
Zora River Upper Freestanding PoH: Progressive Wallet
Diving Minigame: Song of Storms
Zoras Domain Torch Run: Arrows (5)
King Zora Thawed: Heart Container
Zoras Fountain Iceberg Freestanding PoH: Rupees (20)
Zoras Fountain Bottom Freestanding PoH: Ocarina
Zora Shop Item 1: Buy Bombchu (10)
Zora Shop Item 2: Buy Arrows (10)
Zora Shop Item 3: Buy Arrows (30)
Zora Shop Item 4: Buy Poe
Zora Shop Item 5: Arrows (5)
Zora Shop Item 6: Buy Red Potion [50]
Zora Shop Item 7: Bow
Zora Shop Item 8: Arrows (5)
Zoras Fountain Fairy Reward: Arrows (5)
Talons Chickens: Deku Nuts (5)
Lon Lon Tower Freestanding PoH: Piece of Heart
Ganons Tower Boss Key Chest: Recovery Heart
Kokiri Forest Storms Grotto Chest: Rupees (5)
Lost Woods Generic Grotto Chest: Deku Stick (1)
Deku Theater Skull Mask: Rupees (20)
Deku Theater Mask of Truth: Arrows (5)
LW Grotto Deku Scrub Arrows: Suns Song
LW Grotto Deku Scrub Deku Nut Upgrade: Arrows (30)
SFM Grotto Deku Scrub Red Potion: Bombs (5)
SFM Grotto Deku Scrub Green Potion: Bombs (5)
Wolfos Grotto Chest: Bomb Bag
LLR Grotto Deku Scrub Deku Nuts: Deku Nuts (5)
LLR Grotto Deku Scrub Bombs: Deku Stick Capacity
LLR Grotto Deku Scrub Arrows: Bombchus
Remote Southern Grotto Chest: Ice Trap
Field Near Lake Outside Fence Grotto Chest: Recovery Heart
HF Grotto Deku Scrub Piece of Heart: Rupees (5)
Field West Castle Town Grotto Chest: Bombs (5)
Tektite Grotto Freestanding PoH: Sarias Song
Redead Grotto Chest: Slingshot
Kakariko Back Grotto Chest: Arrows (30)
Mountain Storms Grotto Chest: Progressive Wallet
Goron Grotto Deku Scrub Deku Nuts: Deku Nuts (5)
Goron Grotto Deku Scrub Bombs: Rupees (5)
Goron Grotto Deku Scrub Arrows: Deku Shield
Top of Crater Grotto Chest: Rupees (5)
DMC Grotto Deku Scrub Deku Nuts: Recovery Heart
DMC Grotto Deku Scrub Bombs: Bow
DMC Grotto Deku Scrub Arrows: Recovery Heart
Zora River Plateau Open Grotto Chest: Ice Trap
ZR Grotto Deku Scrub Red Potion: Magic Meter
ZR Grotto Deku Scrub Green Potion: Heart Container
LH Grotto Deku Scrub Deku Nuts: Rupees (5)
LH Grotto Deku Scrub Bombs: Rupees (20)
LH Grotto Deku Scrub Arrows: Bombchus
Desert Grotto Deku Scrub Red Potion: Deku Nuts (5)
Desert Grotto Deku Scrub Green Potion: Deku Seeds (30)
Valley Grotto Deku Scrub Red Potion: Arrows (30)
Valley Grotto Deku Scrub Green Potion: Arrows (5)
Deku Tree Lobby Chest: Heart Container
Deku Tree Compass Chest: Zora Tunic
Deku Tree Compass Room Side Chest: Map (Deku Tree)
Deku Tree Basement Chest: Rupees (20)
Deku Tree Slingshot Chest: Piece of Heart
Deku Tree Slingshot Room Side Chest: Arrows (10)
Queen Gohma Heart: Compass (Deku Tree)
Dodongos Cavern Map Chest: Piece of Heart
Dodongos Cavern Compass Chest: Piece of Heart
DC Deku Scrub Deku Sticks: Magic Meter
DC Deku Scrub Deku Shield: Progressive Hookshot
Dodongos Cavern Bomb Flower Platform: Recovery Heart
DC Deku Scrub Deku Seeds: Heart Container
DC Deku Scrub Deku Nuts: Compass (Dodongos Cavern)
Dodongos Cavern Bomb Bag Chest: Heart Container
Dodongos Cavern End of Bridge Chest: Map (Dodongos Cavern)
Chest Above King Dodongo: Deku Nuts (5)
King Dodongo Heart: Recovery Heart
Boomerang Chest: Ice Trap
Jabu Deku Scrub Deku Nuts: Compass (Jabu Jabus Belly)
Jabu Jabus Belly Map Chest: Map (Jabu Jabus Belly)
Jabu Jabus Belly Compass Chest: Ice Trap
Barinade Heart: Piece of Heart
Forest Temple MQ First Chest: Small Key (Forest Temple)
Forest Temple MQ Chest Behind Lobby: Recovery Heart
Forest Temple MQ Boss Key Chest: Small Key (Forest Temple)
Forest Temple MQ Redead Chest: Rupees (20)
Forest Temple MQ Well Chest: Small Key (Forest Temple)
Forest Temple MQ NE Outdoors Upper Chest: Small Key (Forest Temple)
Forest Temple MQ NE Outdoors Lower Chest: Small Key (Forest Temple)
Forest Temple MQ Bow Chest: Rupees (200)
Forest Temple MQ Map Chest: Small Key (Forest Temple)
Forest Temple MQ Compass Chest: Boss Key (Forest Temple)
Forest Temple MQ Falling Room Chest: Ice Arrows
Forest Temple MQ Near Boss Chest: Compass (Forest Temple)
Phantom Ganon Heart: Map (Forest Temple)
Fire Temple MQ Entrance Hallway Small Chest: Small Key (Fire Temple)
Fire Temple MQ Chest Near Boss: Ocarina
Fire Temple MQ Megaton Hammer Chest: Map (Fire Temple)
Fire Temple MQ Map Chest: Progressive Strength Upgrade
Fire Temple MQ Boss Key Chest: Small Key (Fire Temple)
Fire Temple MQ Big Lava Room Bombable Chest: Piece of Heart
Fire Temple MQ Maze Lower Chest: Rupees (200)
Fire Temple MQ Maze Upper Chest: Small Key (Fire Temple)
Fire Temple MQ Maze Side Room: Boss Key (Fire Temple)
Fire Temple MQ Compass Chest: Small Key (Fire Temple)
Fire Temple MQ Freestanding Key: Recovery Heart
Fire Temple MQ West Tower Top Chest: Small Key (Fire Temple)
Volvagia Heart: Compass (Fire Temple)
Water Temple Map Chest: Boss Key (Water Temple)
Water Temple Compass Chest: Small Key (Water Temple)
Water Temple Torches Chest: Compass (Water Temple)
Water Temple Dragon Chest: Small Key (Water Temple)
Water Temple Central Bow Target Chest: Small Key (Water Temple)
Water Temple Boss Key Chest: Small Key (Water Temple)
Morpha Heart: Small Key (Water Temple)
Water Temple Central Pillar Chest: Small Key (Water Temple)
Water Temple Cracked Wall Chest: Heart Container
Water Temple Dark Link Chest: Map (Water Temple)
Water Temple River Chest: Deku Nuts (10)
Spirit Temple Child Left Chest: Piece of Heart
Spirit Temple Child Right Chest: Farores Wind
Spirit Temple Child Climb East Chest: Small Key (Spirit Temple)
Spirit Temple Child Climb North Chest: Rupees (5)
Spirit Temple Compass Chest: Small Key (Spirit Temple)
Spirit Temple Early Adult Right Chest: Rupees (5)
Spirit Temple First Mirror Right Chest: Rupees (50)
Spirit Temple First Mirror Left Chest: Map (Spirit Temple)
Spirit Temple Map Chest: Progressive Scale
Spirit Temple Sun Block Room Chest: Small Key (Spirit Temple)
Spirit Temple Statue Hand Chest: Small Key (Spirit Temple)
Spirit Temple NE Main Room Chest: Boss Key (Spirit Temple)
Silver Gauntlets Chest: Recovery Heart
Mirror Shield Chest: Requiem of Spirit
Spirit Temple Near Four Armos Chest: Small Key (Spirit Temple)
Spirit Temple Hallway Left Invisible Chest: Bombs (5)
Spirit Temple Hallway Right Invisible Chest: Piece of Heart
Spirit Temple Boss Key Chest: Progressive Wallet
Spirit Temple Topmost Chest: Rupees (50)
Twinrova Heart: Compass (Spirit Temple)
Shadow Temple MQ Compass Chest: Piece of Heart
Shadow Temple MQ Hover Boots Chest: Progressive Strength Upgrade
Shadow Temple MQ Map Chest: Small Key (Shadow Temple)
Shadow Temple MQ Early Gibdos Chest: Small Key (Shadow Temple)
Shadow Temple MQ Near Ship Invisible Chest: Rupees (20)
Shadow Temple MQ Invisible Blades Visible Chest: Bottle with Poe
Shadow Temple MQ Invisible Blades Invisible Chest: Recovery Heart
Shadow Temple MQ Beamos Silver Rupees Chest: Map (Shadow Temple)
Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Lower Chest: Light Arrows
Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Upper Chest: Small Key (Shadow Temple)
Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Switch Chest: Stone of Agony
Shadow Temple MQ Invisible Spikes Chest: Biggoron Sword
Shadow Temple MQ Stalfos Room Chest: Small Key (Shadow Temple)
Shadow Temple MQ Wind Hint Chest: Piece of Heart
Shadow Temple MQ After Wind Enemy Chest: Small Key (Shadow Temple)
Shadow Temple MQ After Wind Hidden Chest: Boss Key (Shadow Temple)
Bongo Bongo Heart: Deku Nuts (5)
Shadow Temple MQ Spike Walls Left Chest: Rupees (50)
Shadow Temple MQ Boss Key Chest: Iron Boots
Shadow Temple MQ Bomb Flower Chest: Small Key (Shadow Temple)
Shadow Temple MQ Freestanding Key: Compass (Shadow Temple)
Bottom of the Well Front Left Hidden Wall: Compass (Bottom of the Well)
Bottom of the Well Front Center Bombable: Deku Shield
Bottom of the Well Right Bottom Hidden Wall: Bombs (5)
Bottom of the Well Center Large Chest: Bottle with Big Poe
Bottom of the Well Center Small Chest: Progressive Scale
Bottom of the Well Back Left Bombable: Small Key (Bottom of the Well)
Bottom of the Well Freestanding Key: Arrows (30)
Bottom of the Well Defeat Boss: Small Key (Bottom of the Well)
Bottom of the Well Invisible Chest: Deku Nuts (5)
Bottom of the Well Underwater Front Chest: Recovery Heart
Bottom of the Well Underwater Left Chest: Deku Stick Capacity
Bottom of the Well Basement Chest: Small Key (Bottom of the Well)
Bottom of the Well Locked Pits: Map (Bottom of the Well)
Bottom of the Well Behind Right Grate: Slingshot
Ice Cavern MQ Map Chest: Piece of Heart
Ice Cavern MQ Compass Chest: Map (Ice Cavern)
Ice Cavern MQ Iron Boots Chest: Bombs (5)
Ice Cavern MQ Freestanding PoH: Compass (Ice Cavern)
Gerudo Training Grounds Lobby Left Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds)
Gerudo Training Grounds Lobby Right Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds)
Gerudo Training Grounds Stalfos Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds)
Gerudo Training Grounds Beamos Chest: Hylian Shield
Gerudo Training Grounds Hidden Ceiling Chest: Rupees (5)
Gerudo Training Grounds Maze Path First Chest: Rupees (200)
Gerudo Training Grounds Maze Path Second Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds)
Gerudo Training Grounds Maze Path Third Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds)
Gerudo Training Grounds Maze Path Final Chest: Rupees (20)
Gerudo Training Grounds Maze Right Central Chest: Bombs (20)
Gerudo Training Grounds Maze Right Side Chest: Deku Seeds (30)
Gerudo Training Grounds Freestanding Key: Nocturne of Shadow
Gerudo Training Grounds Underwater Silver Rupee Chest: Bombs (10)
Gerudo Training Grounds Hammer Room Clear Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training
Gerudo Training Grounds Hammer Room Switch Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training
Gerudo Training Grounds Eye Statue Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds)
Gerudo Training Grounds Near Scarecrow Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds)
Gerudo Training Grounds Before Heavy Block Chest: Ice Trap
Gerudo Training Grounds Heavy Block First Chest: Bomb Bag
Gerudo Training Grounds Heavy Block Second Chest: Piece of Heart
Gerudo Training Grounds Heavy Block Third Chest: Arrows (10)
Gerudo Training Grounds Heavy Block Fourth Chest: Rupees (5)
GC Deku Scrub Bombs: Double Defense
GC Deku Scrub Arrows: Bombchus
GC Deku Scrub Red Potion: Small Key (Ganons Castle)
GC Deku Scrub Green Potion: Bombs (5)
Ganons Castle Forest Trial Chest: Rupees (20)
Ganons Castle Water Trial Left Chest: Rupees (20)
Ganons Castle Water Trial Right Chest: Heart Container
Ganons Castle Shadow Trial First Chest: Deku Stick (1)
Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Second Chest: Bow
Ganons Castle Spirit Trial First Chest: Bottle with Fish
Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Second Chest: Small Key (Ganons Castle)
Ganons Castle Light Trial First Left Chest: Weird Egg
Ganons Castle Light Trial Second Left Chest: Piece of Heart
Ganons Castle Light Trial Third Left Chest: Piece of Heart
Ganons Castle Light Trial First Right Chest: Rupees (5)
Ganons Castle Light Trial Second Right Chest: Piece of Heart
Ganons Castle Light Trial Third Right Chest: Kokiri Sword
Ganons Castle Light Trail Invisible Enemies Chest: Piece of Heart (Treasure Chest
Ganons Castle Light Trial Lullaby Chest: Boss Key (Ganons Castle)


1: {
Links Pocket: Fire Medallion
Mido Chest Top Left: Bomb Bag
Master Sword Pedestal: Master Sword
Castle Town Bazaar Item 1: Buy Deku Stick (1)
Dog Lady: Boomerang
Deku Tree Compass Chest: Zora Tunic
2: {
Kakariko Potion Shop Item 6: Buy Deku Shield
Magic Bean Salesman: Magic Bean
Zora River Upper Freestanding PoH: Progressive Wallet
Redead Grotto Chest: Slingshot
DC Deku Scrub Deku Sticks: Magic Meter
DC Deku Scrub Deku Shield: Progressive Hookshot
3: {
Lake Hylia Freestanding PoH: Hammer
Man on Roof: Zeldas Lullaby
Kakariko Bazaar Item 4: Buy Goron Tunic
Graveyard Freestanding PoH: Dins Fire
Queen Gohma: Spirit Medallion
King Dodongo: Kokiri Emerald
4: {
DMC Grotto Deku Scrub Bombs: Bow
Fire Temple MQ Entrance Hallway Small Chest: Small Key (Fire Temple)
Fire Temple MQ Chest Near Boss: Ocarina
5: {
Composer Grave Chest: Odd Mushroom
Crater Fairy Reward: Hover Boots
Diving Minigame: Song of Storms
Fire Temple MQ Boss Key Chest: Small Key (Fire Temple)
6: {
Frogs in the Rain: Progressive Hookshot
Mountain Storms Grotto Chest: Progressive Wallet
Fire Temple MQ Maze Upper Chest: Small Key (Fire Temple)
Fire Temple MQ Maze Side Room: Boss Key (Fire Temple)
Fire Temple MQ Compass Chest: Small Key (Fire Temple)
7: {
Gerudo Fortress Rooftop Chest: Minuet of Forest
Gerudo Fortress North F1 Carpenter: Small Key (Gerudo Fortress)
Gerudo Fortress North F2 Carpenter: Small Key (Gerudo Fortress)
Gerudo Fortress South F1 Carpenter: Small Key (Gerudo Fortress)
Gerudo Fortress South F2 Carpenter: Small Key (Gerudo Fortress)
Kakariko Bazaar Item 7: Bottle with Letter
Fire Temple MQ West Tower Top Chest: Small Key (Fire Temple)
Volvagia: Shadow Medallion
8: {
Gerudo Fortress Carpenter Rescue: Carpenter Rescue
Gerudo Fortress Membership Card: Gerudo Membership Card
Zelda: Lens of Truth
King Zora Moves: Bottle
Sheik Forest Song: Progressive Strength Upgrade
Forest Temple MQ First Chest: Small Key (Forest Temple)
Fire Temple MQ Map Chest: Progressive Strength Upgrade
9: {
Barinade: Forest Medallion
Forest Temple MQ Well Chest: Small Key (Forest Temple)
Forest Temple MQ NE Outdoors Upper Chest: Small Key (Forest Temple)
Forest Temple MQ NE Outdoors Lower Chest: Small Key (Forest Temple)
Spirit Temple Compass Chest: Small Key (Spirit Temple)
Gerudo Training Grounds Lobby Left Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds)
Gerudo Training Grounds Lobby Right Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds)
Gerudo Training Grounds Stalfos Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds)
Gerudo Training Grounds Hammer Room Clear Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training
Gerudo Training Grounds Hammer Room Switch Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training
Gerudo Training Grounds Eye Statue Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds)
Gerudo Training Grounds Near Scarecrow Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training Grounds)
10: {
Forest Temple MQ Boss Key Chest: Small Key (Forest Temple)
Forest Temple MQ Map Chest: Small Key (Forest Temple)
Forest Temple MQ Compass Chest: Boss Key (Forest Temple)
Spirit Temple Child Climb East Chest: Small Key (Spirit Temple)
Spirit Temple Sun Block Room Chest: Small Key (Spirit Temple)
Gerudo Training Grounds Maze Path Second Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training
Gerudo Training Grounds Maze Path Third Chest: Small Key (Gerudo Training
11: {
Phantom Ganon: Zora Sapphire
Spirit Temple Statue Hand Chest: Small Key (Spirit Temple)
Spirit Temple NE Main Room Chest: Boss Key (Spirit Temple)
Gerudo Training Grounds Freestanding Key: Nocturne of Shadow
12: {
Shadow Temple MQ Map Chest: Small Key (Shadow Temple)
Shadow Temple MQ Early Gibdos Chest: Small Key (Shadow Temple)
13: {
Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Lower Chest: Light Arrows
Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Upper Chest: Small Key (Shadow Temple)
Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Switch Chest: Stone of Agony
14: {
Biggoron: Song of Time
Shadow Temple MQ Stalfos Room Chest: Small Key (Shadow Temple)
15: {
Shadow Temple MQ After Wind Enemy Chest: Small Key (Shadow Temple)
Shadow Temple MQ After Wind Hidden Chest: Boss Key (Shadow Temple)
16: {
Bongo Bongo: Goron Ruby
Shadow Temple MQ Bomb Flower Chest: Small Key (Shadow Temple)
17: {
Song from Ocarina of Time: Mirror Shield
Shadow Temple MQ Hover Boots Chest: Progressive Strength Upgrade
Shadow Temple MQ Boss Key Chest: Iron Boots
18: {
Water Temple Map Chest: Boss Key (Water Temple)
Spirit Temple Near Four Armos Chest: Small Key (Spirit Temple)
19: {
Morpha: Water Medallion
Twinrova: Light Medallion
20: {
GC Deku Scrub Red Potion: Small Key (Ganons Castle)
Ganons Castle Forest Trial Clear: Forest Trial Clear
Ganons Castle Fire Trial Clear: Fire Trial Clear
Ganons Castle Water Trial Clear: Water Trial Clear
Ganons Castle Shadow Trial Clear: Shadow Trial Clear
Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Second Chest: Small Key (Ganons Castle)
Ganons Castle Spirit Trial Clear: Spirit Trial Clear
21: {
Ganons Castle Light Trial Lullaby Chest: Boss Key (Ganons Castle)
Ganons Castle Light Trial Clear: Light Trial Clear
22: {
Ganon: Triforce

Way of the Hero:

Dog Lady: Boomerang

Zora River Upper Freestanding PoH: Progressive Wallet
DC Deku Scrub Deku Sticks: Magic Meter
DC Deku Scrub Deku Shield: Progressive Hookshot
Lake Hylia Freestanding PoH: Hammer
Man on Roof: Zeldas Lullaby
Graveyard Freestanding PoH: Dins Fire
Fire Temple MQ Chest Near Boss: Ocarina
Composer Grave Chest: Odd Mushroom
Crater Fairy Reward: Hover Boots
Diving Minigame: Song of Storms
Frogs in the Rain: Progressive Hookshot
Kakariko Bazaar Item 7: Bottle with Letter
Zelda: Lens of Truth
Sheik Forest Song: Progressive Strength Upgrade
Fire Temple MQ Map Chest: Progressive Strength Upgrade
Gerudo Training Grounds Freestanding Key: Nocturne of Shadow
Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Lower Chest: Light Arrows
Shadow Temple MQ Falling Spikes Switch Chest: Stone of Agony
Biggoron: Song of Time
Song from Ocarina of Time: Mirror Shield
Shadow Temple MQ Hover Boots Chest: Progressive Strength Upgrade
Shadow Temple MQ Boss Key Chest: Iron Boots

Gossip Stone Hints:

They say that #DTemple of Time#@ is on&the way of the hero.

They say that #DZora's River#@ is on the&way of the hero.
They say that #DKakariko Village#@ is on&the way of the hero.
They say that the #DMarket#@ is on the&way of the hero.
They say They say the #Btreasure&thrown by Princess Zelda#@ is the&#Afurnace
They say that #Bghost hunters#@ will be&rewarded with a #Apurple gem#@.
They say that the #BMask of Truth#@&yields a few #Adanger darts#@.
They say that slaying #B30 Gold&Skulltulas#@ reveals #Abig bucks#@.
They say that slaying #B40 Gold&Skulltulas#@ reveals a #Afree heal#@.
They say that slaying #B50 Gold&Skulltulas#@ reveals a #Alittle love#@.
They say that the #BOcarina of Time#@&teaches a #Asilvered surface#@.
They say that #BBiggoron#@ crafts the&#Atune of ages#@.
They say that #Bgambling#@ grants a&#Abreakable branch#@.
They say that the #Bcrater's melody#@ is&#Aproximity mice#@.
They say that under the #Bicy waters#@&lies a #Aflute#@.
They say that in #BGoron City#@ the&hammer unlocks a #Alittle love#@.
They say that the #Bhouse of the dead#@&hoards a #Aface in the jar#@.
They say that a #Bdeep forest#@ hoards a&#Ahearty meal#@.
They say that a #Bvast lake#@ hoards a&#Alot of love#@.
They say that a #Aburnable barrier#@ can&be found at #BKakariko Village#@.
They say that a #Ablue gem#@ can be&found at #BLake Hylia#@.
They say that #Awealth#@ can be found&at the #BLost Woods#@.
They say that a #Aportable bank#@ can be&found at #BZora's River#@.
They say that a #Aseed shooter#@ can be&found at #BKakariko Village#@.
They say that a #Ablue crystal#@ can be&found at #BLake Hylia#@.
They say that #Apower gloves#@ can be&found at #BSacred Forest Meadow#@.
They say that #Awall crawlers#@ can be&found at the #BGraveyard#@.
They say that the #Bgoddess of the&sand#@ hoards a #Agem purse#@.
You were almost a @&sandwich.
They say that Ganondorf will appear&in the next Mario Tennis.
They say that Okami is the best&Zelda game.
These hints can be quite useful. This&is an exception.

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