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nit 5 te
Listening 5 The underrlined wordss are in the wrong
s. Replace thhem with the correct wo
(10 marks))
1  Listen to tthe news ite
em. Circle th
he crimes th
are mentioneed in the new
ws. (4 marks s) 1 Be care eful where yoou park around here.
Ecologists always ccheck this are ea.
n credit cardd fraud iden
ntity theft
______ _________
mugging shoplifting smuggling vandalism
2 I’m a ho ousehold; I hhave a shop and
a a small café.
______ _________
2  Listen aga
ain. Comple
ete the sente
6 marks) 3 The burrglars of the town have started a
neighbo ourhood watcch scheme so s they can all
1 The Greekk police thinkk that the crim
me is
help to protect eachh other’s hommes.
_________ ______ beca ause they
______ _________
_________ ______ that someone sta arted the fire
4 Alan an nd Jo are ressidents; they study the na atural
environment. _______________
2 Feng Chen n planned to use the dea ad man’s
5 The trafffic wardens pretended to o be police
_________ ______ afterr he had stolen his
officers. _______________
_________ ______ .
6 The bus siness owne r has promis sed to reducee
3 The shop a assistant kne
ew the woma an was
crime in
n the area. ____________ ____
_________ ______ beca ause she fou und the stolen n
7 There are
a four peopple living in my
m local coun ncil.
DVDs in her ________ _______ .
______ _________
8 The police think thaat the fire at the supermarrket
y was van ndalism. ______________ __ .
9 The fraudsters enteered the build ding through an
3 Complete
C the
e names of two
t d
types of people and
open window._______________
hree crimes. (5 marks)
10 The boy y who broke the shop win ndow has
1 police ____________
committed an act off arson. ____ ___________ _
2 traffic ____________
3 credit cardd _________
4 drug-____ ________ Grammar
G r
5 identity __
6 Complete the sentencces with the e past simple
e or
4 Complete
C the
e sentencess with the wo
ords. There past perfect form of th
he verbs. (10 marks)
are two word
ds that you do
d not needd. (5 marks) 1 When the police offifice _______________ (arrrive),
forgery fraudster identity theft mugging onist _______________ (e
the arso escape).
policce officer sh
hoplifting sp
peeding 2 He ____ ____________ (run) home because he
______ _________ (fforget) to lock the door.
1 A girl at myy school is in
n trouble for
___________ (be) cold in the classroo
3 It _____ om
_________ ______ at thhe local depaartment store e.
yesterday because vandals ___ ___________ __
2 The art expert confirme ed that the Van
V Gogh
(break) a window thhe night before.
painting was a ______ _________ .
4 I _______________ (read) the bo ook of Catchh Me
3 Police stoppped my dad d for _______ ________ inn
If You Can
C after I _____________ ___ (see) thee film
his new ca ar; he was reeally upset.
with Leoonardo DiCaaprio.
4 There wass a ________ _______ in th he park last
5 I _______________ (became) wo orried that
week. The e criminal toook the victim’s mobile
someon ne _______________ (ste eal) my identity.
phone out of his hand and ran awa ay.
5 The _____ __________ caught the criminal
c as h e
was trying to leave the e bank.

nit 5 te
7 Write
W sentences. Use a past
p simple form and a 9 Complete the sentencces with a correct moda
past perfect fform in each one. (10 marks)
m verb. (5 marks)
1 Before / th hey / get / home / burglars s / try / to can’t (x2) could / m
might / may (x2) must
open / the front door.
1 That ___________ bbe Jess; she’s in New Yorrk.
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __
2 Julia __
_________ bbe Helen’s sis ster; they loo
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __
the samme and they hhave the sam me surname..
2 The judge / not send / the man / to / prison /
3 She ___ ________ bee Alex’s mum m; she looks
because / he / not com mmit / a crime
e / before.
much tooo young.
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __
4 Penelop pe ___________ win the competition;
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __
she’s goot quite a goood chance.
3 She / write e / a successsful / detectiv
ve novel /
5 He lookks English, soo he ______ _____ be ourr new
before she e / be / eighteeen years oldd.
English teacher; wee’ll find out fo
or sure later.
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __
4 How much h money / the e fraudsters / spend /
P English
before / the police / cattch / them / ?
0 Complete the dialogu
ue with the words.
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ (15 marks)
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __
hind could middle mu
ust right
5 I / park / m
my car / in / a / no-parkingg / zone / butt /
luckily / I / not get / a parking
p tickett. Victor: OKK. Let’s start the game. YouY describe a
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ photo and I havve to draw it.
_________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ Emma: OK K. At the top of the picture e is the sky.
Victor: OKK, that’s easyy.
8 Jo
oin the idea
as using who
o, where, wh
hich or Emma: In the (1) _____ ___________ _ there’s a po
w Write
e complete sentences.
s (5
( marks) car and a man getting out of o the car.
1 I know a café. It has go
ood coffee. Victor: Hee (2) _______________ be e a police offficer.
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ Emma: Ye e car, there is a
es, that’s righht. Next to the
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ wooman and a cchild. They are a talking to the
2 Donald ha as moved to London.
L He is
i studying police officer. TThe woman is upset and the
there. child is frightenned and hidin ng
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ (3)) __________ ______ her. On O the
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ (4)) __________ ______ there are people
3 This is the
e man. He robbbed me. sta
anding and w watching.
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ Victor: Mmmm… she (55) _________ ______ be a
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ vic
ctim of a muggging. Has sh he got a
4 This is the
e woman. Her daughter wonw the handbag?
competitioon. Emma: No o, she hasn’t..
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __
5 This is the
e shop. You can
c buy chea ap clothes
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __

nit 5 te
ading 12
2 Read the text
t again an
nd answer the
t question
(10 marks))
11 Read
R the textt. Match sen
ntences A–E
E with 1–5 in
n 1 Who oftten commit m more crimes after prison? ?
he text. (5 m
marks) ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
A because w writing can heelp prisonerss to ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
understand d themselvess better. 2 What kinds of coursses can priso oners do in
B for examplle, translatingg books into Braille for prison?
blind childrren. ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
C For this reason, the reh habilitation of
o prisoners iss ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
in the interrest of the pu
ublic’s safety
y. 3 Why are e these courrses importan nt?
D study for uuniversity deggrees by disttance learnin
ng. ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
E These jobss help the prrisoners to de evelop work ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
skills and ggain valuablee work experrience. 4 How ca an prisoners llearn to exprress their
M people believe that rehabilitation n of prisonerrs ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
should be a laarge part of any
a country’s s prison
5 What arre the benefiits of jobs forr the prisoners?
ystem. Rese earch shows that many prisoners who o
have had little
e or no rehab bilitation often go on to ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
ommit more crimes after they are rele eased from
prison. (1) ____ In the UK, some prison ns make it
obligatory for prisoners to participate in education
opportunities. Many have left school with w no basic
qualifications,, so the focuss is on basicc literacy and
numeracy skills. Once the ese basic skills have been n
addressed, th hey can take vocational trraining
ourses in subjects like se
co ewing, carpentry, IT,
plumbing, and d gardening. Prisoners ca an also (2)
__ Education n and training help prison ners get readdy
or jobs on thee outside.

P are encouraged d to take up hobbies
h and
do activities w
which help exxpress their creativity
c and
mprove their emotional he ealth. Book groups
g and
creative writin
ng courses are popular (3 3) ___ Arts
and crafts aree also popula ar, and some etimes
prisoners disccover hidden n talents. Pris
son is a toug h
place and acttivities like these can help p make life in
prison more b bearable.

P can
n also work in n prison, which is a greatt
o prepare for life outside. Jobs can
opportunity to
nclude workinng in the kitcchen, the laundry, the
brary and so
ometimes eve en on a farm. There are
soome unusua al and interessting jobs, (4) ___ In somme
prisons, prisoners work ass sales assis stants, selling
products overr the phone to t customers s. (5) ___

nit 5 te
Wriiting Paragraph 1
13 Write
W a news
spaper articlle about a crime. Use th
he Set the sce ene. Where w was it? Whatt was happening
deas and qu
uestions to help
h you. Reemember too before the crime took pplace? Who was
w there an nd
use the word
ds for orderiing events in the box what were they doing?
below. Write about 125 words.
w (10 marks)
m … was wallking in the ppark when a young man … .
aftter that at first in the en
nd At first, he / she thoughht … .
later then when while e
Paragraph 2
Describe th he main evennt. What was s the crime and
who comm mitted it? Whaat did they do
o? What did
other peopple do while itt was happening?
Then, he / she realizedd that it was … .
The man … .
After that, he
h ….
Other peop ple in the parrk immediateely … .

Paragraph 3
Write abouut what happeened in the end.
e What diid
people do after the crim
In the end, … . Later, … .

__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
_ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________

g _____ / 10 Reading ______ / 15
Vocabulary _____ / 20
2 Writing ______ / 10
Gramma ar _____ / 30
Practical English ___
___ / 15 TOTAL ______ / 100


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