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I am small in stature and continuously losing

I am always hungry, so I sometimes get

aggressive about food and tend to stash it away.

I always come to school, even if I am not feeling

well, because I am scared of my step-mom.
✘ Report of suspected child abuse
was filed to the Department of
Health and Human Services in
December 2015.
✘ In February 2016, the teacher,
special education teacher,
guidance counsellor and principal
were notified that no action would
be taken due to lack of evidence.
Emails between “He never stays home… even if he’s
not feeling good… because he’s too
the teacher, afraid of his step-mom”

“He appears to be hungry
special throughout the day and appears to
be 15-20 pounds lighter than last
education year”
Place your screenshot here
teacher, and “I feel being on his own and finding
a shelter through a city program will
guidance provide him more nutrition and
guidance….than what he’s receiving
counselor at home”
August 2016
- Boy was reported missing
- He was found the next morning by the railroad
tracks near his home
- He was taken into the custody of the
Department of Health and Human Services
- He was evaluated by a Physician
- The report concluded:
- Weighed 47 pounds
- He was exceptionally skinny with each rib
observable and well defined
- Bruised with old cigarette burns and a cut lip
- Severely dehydrated
- Condition was life threatening
Victim Report

He told police that his father and step

mother kept him from eating.
He ran away because he “was tired of
being treated like a dog” and he did
not think he would “reach his 13th
August 2016

The educators pleaded no contest to one count of
failing to report suspected child abuse and the other
charge was dropped.
✘ Probation [93 Day Misdemeanor]
✘ Fines (all below the amount of $1000)
✘ 100 hours of community service
Upon successful completion of the above terms, the
charges will be dismissed and removed from the
educators criminal record
August 2016


All four educators remained on probation until the

end of the 2018 school year.

All remained working at the school.

School district conducted its own investigation after

the court case was finalized.
Child Youth & Family Enhancement Act
Section 4

“Any person who has reasonable and probable

ground to believe that a child is in need of
intervention shall forthwith report the matter”

ALL school personnel have the ability and duty

to report when there is reasonable or probable
grounds to suspect abuse.
Teachers Rights and Responsibilities
Call 1-800-387-KIDS
“Legislation requires teachers to report directly to the
child welfare director and no to parents. Counsellors or
Conversations with administrators and counsellors
about suspected child abuse should not reveal the
identity of the student.
“No action can be taken against a teacher for reporting
suspected cases of child abuse unless such reporting is
done with malice or without grounds”

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