TSR 2628 - The Great Modron March

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TN |e IVC J>) MeV Nef ’ = ee. > // Pa , 7 Nt VD a i = i up ACD CT EWALD > en ad a —— THe GREA+ pat 4, Mepren Marcu+ Being a Collection of Adventures in which Player Characters of all Levels encounter the Modrons as they Traverse the Great Ring. CREDI+S Designers: Monte Cook and Colin McComb + Editor: Michele Carter Creative Director: Steve Winter Cover Artist: Randy Post Interior Artist: Randy Post, Adam Rex, and Ray Nadeu + Cartography: Rob Lazzaretti Art Direction: Dawn Murin, Stephen A. Daniele Electronic Prepress Coordinator: Dave Conant + Typography: Angelika Lokotz Border Art: Robert Repp # Graphic Design: Dawn Murin Proofreaders: Dave Wise, Ray Vallese . US. CANADA, ep EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS ASIA, PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA x Wizards of the Coast, Belgium Wiaards ofthe Coast, Ine. PB. 34 0. Box 707k 2300 Turnhout Renton, WA 98057-0707 Belgium 1-206-624-0933 5214443044 Suan Visit our website at htp:/wwwisrine.com ISBN; 0-7069-0640-0 2628XXX1501

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