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By Paul andrew Hutton

Kit Carson
and the
Was Kit Carson

large rodent determined celebrity status mean Kit also deserves
truly the king of the
the destiny of Kit Carson, to be recognized as one of the kings of
the Mountain Men and trappers? the fur trade?
much of the American
West. The North Runaway Teen Kills His First Man
American beaver, the second-largest rodent the introduction of demi-castors (half- When Kit was two, his parents, Lindsey
in the world, along with its Eurasian cousin, beaver pelts mixed with wool or hare), and Rebecca Carson, moved their family
was prized for its luxurious fur. Beaver the price dropped and markets expanded of 11 children westward in 1811, following
pelts, useful in manufacturing malleable throughout Europe and the colonies. Daniel Boone’s trail to Boon’s Lick, in
felts for hats, were prized throughout Now affordable to most consumers, Howard County, Missouri. Lindsey was
Europe, with the industry centralized in hats were worn by everyone, in styles killed in an accident while clearing out
Russia from the 15th century onward. ranging from the top hat to clerical and trees in 1818. Three years later, after
The fine quality of beaver hats, and military headgear that included the naval Rebecca remarried, she apprenticed
their expense, led to their identification cocked hat, the tricorne and the army 12-year-old Kit to David Workman in
with wealth. During the English Civil War, shako. In this era of almost-constant nearby Old Franklin. The boy was to learn
the broad-brimmed beaver hat became warfare, the English dominated the the saddler’s trade.
symbolic of the royalist cavalier faction, military headgear trade after 1750—it was Workman was a kind master, but Kit
while in the Catholic Church, it became big business. was unhappy with the labor. He later
the headgear of cardinals. By the late 16th The new American government looked stated, “being anxious to travel for the
century, however, European beavers had to the frontier fur trade as a critical purpose of seeing different countries, I
been trapped to near-extinction. source for economic growth. When concluded to join the first party for the
The colonization of the New World Thomas Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis Rocky Mts.”
opened up a fresh and cheaper supply and William Clark westward in 1803, the
of beaver pelts. The French and the explorers were charged with ascertaining
British fought a series of wars in order to the potential of the fur trade beyond the (Opposite page) A Presbyterian pastor,
monopolize this new fur trade market. The Missouri River. John Colter, one of the the Rev. Samuel Parker, was the first to
triumphant British attempted to keep their members of that expedition, would soon introduce Kit Carson and his exploits in
American colonies hemmed in to the east of become famous for his exploits as a new a book. Kit’s interest to readers would
continue, even after his death on May
the Appalachian Mountains to better control type of frontiersman—the Mountain Man.
23, 1868, as demonstrated by works
this valuable trade, which contributed to Yet the most famous of all the Mountain
that included The Fighting Trapper, or,
the outbreak of revolution in 1775. Men would be born on Christmas Eve in Kit Carson to the Rescue, a dime novel
With an increased supply of high- 1809 in Madison County, Kentucky— published in 1874.
quality beaver pelts from America and Christopher “Kit” Carson. But does his –Courtesy Library of Congress –

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Kit Carson II wears a coat owned by a Mountain
Man friend of his father’s, Tom Tobin. Kit II must
have gotten the coat from his brother William, who
married Tom’s daughter Pasqualita in 1878.

Old Franklin was an outfitting center In this fight, 19-year-old Kit killed his first
for wagon trains heading west over the man. As was the trapper’s custom, Kit
Santa Fe Trail. In August 1826, Kit joined scalped the Apache.
William Wolfskill and Andrew Broadus’s As Young’s party pushed westward
caravan bound for Santa Fe in present-day to trap along the Verde River, various
New Mexico. Workman placed a one-cent American Indian bands continually
reward for the runaway in the October 6, harassed them. In frustration, Young sent
1826, Missouri Intelligencer: “Notice a party of men to Taos with beaver pelts
is hereby given to all persons, that secured thus far, while he headed to
Christopher Carson, a boy about present-day California with Kit and 16
16 years old, small of his age, but others to seek safer trapping country.
thick-set; light hair, ran away from A difficult journey followed in which
the subscriber, living in Franklin, their passage was blocked by the Grand
Howard County, Missouri, to whom Canyon. A band of Mojaves, who traded
he had been bound to learn the corn and beans with the trappers, guided
saddler’s trade.... All persons are them south to a crossing of the Colorado
notified not to harbor, support, or River. This same river crossing is where
assist said boy under penalty of Mojaves had slaughtered most of Jedediah
the law.” Smith’s trappers two summers before.
The teenager reached Santa Fe Young’s party reached San Gabriel
that November and immediately Mission (near present-day Los Angeles)
headed north to Taos, then the seat of the and turned north to trap the central valley
Southwestern fur trade. He wintered there of present-day California before returning
with Matthew Kinkead, a trapper who to Taos in present-day New Mexico with
was also from Boon’s Lick. In the spring, 2,000 pounds of beaver pelts in April 1831.
Kit joined on as a teamster for an El This was the first party of Americans to
Paso, Texas-bound wagon train. Back in cross from the Rio Grande settlements
Taos, Kit met Ewing Young, famed for his to present-day California and then back
daring trapping expeditions throughout again. In this epic journey, Kit became a
the Southwest. Young employed Kit as a full-fledged member of that daring and
cook, but soon promoted him to trapper. eccentric breed who came to be called
From Young, Carson learned not only Mountain Men.
how to be a trapper, but also the cruel
reality of life on the far-flung edges of Trapping with Broken Hand
the frontier. In the spring of 1829, he In the autumn of 1831, Kit signed
accompanied Young and 40 other trappers on with Thomas Fitzpatrick, one of
on a dangerous journey to trap beaver the heads of the new Rocky Mountain
along the headwaters of Gila River. This Fur Company.
was Apache country, and the trappers Called “Broken Hand” by Indians
had to dodge Mexican Army patrols—fur because of a gunshot wound to his left wrist,
trapping by Americans was illegal—as Fitzpatrick had immigrated to America
well as Apache scouts. from County Cavan, Ireland, in 1816 at age
American trappers were notorious for 17. He traveled up the Missouri in 1823
bribing Apaches with powder and guns with William Henry Ashley’s company—a
for safe passage, yet Young declined to do band that included Jed Smith, Jim Bridger,
so. Along the Salt River, Apaches attacked, Hugh Glass, William Sublette and James
but he and his trappers repulsed their foe. Clyman. Some of these men were already

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on the Yellowstone with Ashley’s partner, the mountains, while Fitzpatrick carried
Maj. Andrew Henry. Fitzpatrick took their beaver pelts to Fort Atkinson,
part in the great battle with the Arikara along the Missouri in present-day
that June on the Missouri, in which a Nebraska, and reported the discovery
dozen trappers were killed and as many of South Pass to Ashley.
more wounded. When Fitzpatrick led Ashley and
Many trappers pulled out of the trade a party of trappers back into the
after Ashley’s fight, but Fitzpatrick—along mountains, Ashley divided the trappers
with Smith, Sublette, Clyman, Edward into smaller parties and marked a spot
Rose and six other bold adventurers— along the present-day Utah-Wyoming
decided to bypass the river route and border (at the mouth of Henry’s Fork
strike westward to find a pass across of the Green) where they would all
the mountains and open up a land route meet at the end of their hunts. The
between St. Louis, Missouri, and the rich result was the first great Mountain Man
beaver country on the far side of the rendezvous, held on the Green River
Continental Divide. in July 1825. Some 120 men attended
The party crossed the Black Hills this first of 16 such mountain fairs.
and made for Absaraka, the land of the Most were Ashley-Henry trappers
Crows. Rose, who was intimate with who included Fitzpatrick, Clyman and
the Crows, went ahead to meet with his Smith, but 20 Hudson Bay Company
friends. While he was gone, Smith was deserters joined in, as did a band
horribly mauled by a grizzly bear along of trappers up from Taos under
the Cheyenne River. His detached scalp Étienne Provost.
and dangling right ear were stitched back At that first rendezvous, Ashley
on by Clyman. hauled in 9,000 pounds of beaver
Fitzpatrick went ahead with most of pelts, worth $50,000 in St. Louis,
the men to trap along the branches of the Missouri ($1.25 million in today’s
Powder River, while two stayed behind to money). Beaver skins traded for
nurse Smith. The party, eventually rejoined around $5 each. In comparison,
by Smith, then wintered with the Crows coffee or sugar traded for $2 a pint,
just north of present-day Wyoming’s Wind gunpowder $2 a pint, lead $1 a bar,
River Valley. tobacco $2 per pound, a good knife
The Crows told their guests that the $2.50, while a blanket was $20. Whiskey Fur trappers were more rustic in their
beaver were so plentiful in the Green was not plentiful at this first rendezvous, hats, as seen in this 1890 Frederic
River to the south that they would not but that would change. Remington artwork, but the beaver
need traps, but could club them. The After the 1826 rendezvous, held in pelts they sold were turned into
trappers headed south in February to find Cache Valley in present-day Utah, Ashley fashionable hats fraught with peril.
this beaver Eden and, after an arduous sold out to Smith, Sublette and David Mercury nitrate made producing
journey, rediscovered South Pass. Others Jackson. Smith then led expeditions demi-castors easier, by applying the
had been there before—most notably the southwest from present-day Utah into chemical compound to hare felt that
eastbound Astorians led by Robert Stuart California, where he trapped north up was being mixed in with the higher-
quality beaver felt. That process,
in 1812—but the Smith-Fitzpatrick party the San Joaquin to the American River
however, led to unfortunate health
put South Pass on the map. In time, South and then east across the Sierra Nevada
consequences for workers who made
Pass became the key point on the great to reach the 1827 rendezvous at Bear these hats—thus the phrase “mad as
road of Western empire. Lake in present-day Utah. His remarkable a hatter.”
The party trapped with great success. expeditions made the teetotaling, bible- –COURTESY TIM PETERSON FAMILY COLLECTION,
Smith and some of the men remained in reading Smith a legend in the mountains.

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Kit Carson entered this world on Christmas
Eve and left it the most famous of all the
Mountain Men who blazed their trails in the
frontier West.
– Courtesy A.r. MitChell MuseuM of Western Art, trinidAd, Co –

In 1830, Smith sold out to Fitzpatrick,

Bridger and three others, who formed the
Rocky Mountain Fur Company. This is the
outfit that Kit signed on with in 1831.
After purchasing the fur company,
Fitzpatrick traveled to Santa Fe, in present-
day New Mexico, with Smith, Jackson and
Sublette. He needed to secure trade goods
to take back to his men in the mountains.
Smith, who had decided to quit the
mountains after so many narrow escapes,
was killed by Comanches along the Cimarron
that May.
Late in July 1831, Fitzpatrick and some
40 men, including Kit, headed north
up the front range to the North Platte
and then west toward the Green River
Rendezvous. Fitzpatrick soon returned to
St. Louis, Missouri, but Kit and the others
trapped the Green and then wintered in
Idaho Country near the headwaters of
the Salmon River. With the thaw, Kit and
a handful of companions moved east to
trap the central Colorado streams, where
they had several sharp engagements with
natives, endured considerable privation
and hardship, but still returned to Taos
in New Mexico country in October 1833
laden down with fur.
Trapping was, needless to say, hard and
dangerous work. Kit’s friend Joe Meek
left a clear account of the techniques
employed by the trappers:
“[The trapper] has an ordinary steel
trap weighing five pounds, attached to
a chain five feet long, with a swivel and
ring at the end, which plays round what is
called the float, a dry stick of wood, about other end by a thong to the bank. A small The trappers skinned the beavers after
six feet long. The trapper wades out into stick or twig, dipped in musk or castor removing from the trap (if the trap worked
the stream, which is shallow, and cuts serves for bait, and is placed so as to properly, the beavers had drowned). They
with his knife a bed for the trap, five or six hang directly above the trap, which is discarded the meat and harvested only
inches under water. now set. the pelt and castor glands for future bait.
“He then takes the float out the whole “The trapper then throws water plentifully They kept the beaver tail too, considered
length of the chain in the direction of the over the adjacent bank to conceal any foot a delicacy in the mountains.
centre of the stream, and drives it into prints or scent by which the beaver would The mountains were becoming crowded.
the mud, so fast that the beaver cannot be alarmed, and going to some distance Britain’s Hudson’s Bay Company ruled
draw it out; at the same time tying the wades out of the stream.” the far northwest. Their trappers pushed

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“Kit Carson...
told him if
he wished to
die, he would
south into the central Rockies with the Although that spring
accept the name of the great
goal of trapping out the beaver and
keeping Americans from coming north.
hunt was successful,
it damaged the future
challenge.” bully of the mountains,
mounted his horse
Empire was at stake as well as money. of the Mountain Men with a loaded rifle, and
The Americans had no such monopoly, by killing beaver mothers before they challenged any Frenchman, American,
for rival free trappers competed with the could nurture their kits (baby beavers Spaniard, or Dutchman, to fight him in
men of Fitzpatrick’s Rocky Mountain Fur who remained in the lodge for the first single combat,” the Reverend wrote. “Kit
Company and John Jacob Astor’s older month of life). Carson, an American, told him if he wished
American Fur Company for furs. to die, he would accept the challenge.
In this reckless enterprise, the beaver A Grand Rendezvous Shunar [Chouinard] defied him—C.
population was soon destroyed, as was the The August 1835 Green River Rendezvous mounted his horse, and with a loaded
self-sufficiency of the natives. The diseases was to be one of the last of the great Mountain pistol, rushed into close contact, and both
inadvertently introduced by the trappers Men gatherings—and also its most notable. almost at the same instant fired.”
also decimated the Indian population, Lucien Fontenelle had departed from what Kit, who was slightly wounded above
especially among the river tribes. Astor, would become Bellevue, Nebraska, in late the ear, put a ball through his opponent
who operated several important fur trading June with six wagons, roughly 50 men Joseph Chouinard’s wrist that went up
posts in competition with the St. Louis and nearly 200 horses, and, on July 26, his arm before exiting. The wounded
trappers, came to dominate the trade. He met up with Fitzpatrick at Fort William French trapper who worked for Astor’s
made a fortune, but wisely left the business along the Laramie River (the future Fort company begged Kit for his life. Parker
in 1834, just before its rapid decline. Laramie). He had with him two Presbyterian did not know that Kit and Chouinard
Kit remembered his youthful years as missionaries—Dr. Marcus Whitman and the had previously quarreled over the
a Mountain Man as the happiest days Rev. Samuel Parker—bound for Oregon affections of an Arapaho girl, Waanibe or
of his life. In March 1834, he rejoined Country. Under Fitzpatrick’s command, the Singing Grass, and that she had inspired
Fitzpatrick and Bridger in northwestern party set out on August 1 and reached the their duel.
Colorado. Although he was a free trapper, Green River Rendezvous 11 days later. In good time, Kit would ask her father
he agreed to work with the Rocky Roughly 200 Mountain Men came, along for the girl’s hand, pay a substantial bride
Mountain Fur Company. with bands of Arapahos, Shoshones, Nez price and take her away into the mountains.
While out hunting alone late one Perces, Flatheads and Utes. All attention With the Rendezvous winding down
afternoon, Kit shot an elk, but almost was quickly riveted on Dr. Whitman, who and most of the Indian bands departing,
immediately was confronted by two demonstrated his great surgical skill by Fitzpatrick headed to Fort William
grizzly bears who seemed to desire a two- removing a three-inch iron arrow point with 120 beaver packs and 80 bundles
course dinner of both hunter and elk. With from Bridger’s back. The Blackfoot barb of buffalo robes. More than 80 trappers
no time to reload, Kit ran for his life and had been lodged in Bridger for three accompanied him, for the beaver were
climbed a tree. The bears could not climb years. Whitman, the hero of the hour, was playing out and trappers were quitting
the tree, but one remained a while to study now much sought after by many an ailing the business. Fitzpatrick was also joined
Kit. “He finally concluded to leave,” Kit trapper in the camp. by Dr. Whitman, returning east to recruit
recalled, “of which I was heartily pleased, Parker was delighted to find so many more missionaries.
never having been so scared in my life.” potential Indian converts at the Rendezvous, Bridger guided the Rev. Parker toward
Bears might well have been Kit’s most but he had no hope for the white heathens Oregon Country, until he and his men
terrifying foe that trapping season, but he found there: “They appear to have sought reached Jackson Hole in present-day
the Blackfeet also made life miserable for for a place where, as they would say, human Wyoming to trap; Flatheads and Nez Perces
the trappers. In February 1835, Kit was nature is not oppressed by the tyranny of conducted the missionary westward.
shot through the shoulder in a fight with religion, and pleasure is not awed by the Parker explored Oregon country before
the Blackfeet along present-day Idaho’s frown of virtue.” he returned to the East coast by sailing
Snake River. He recovered well enough Kit distracted the good reverend in a ship via Hawaii and Cape Horn. His
to join Bridger in a spring hunt before dramatic display of Mountain Men anger. memoir of his adventures—Journal of
heading to the Green River Rendezvous. “A hunter, who goes technically by the an Exploring Tour Beyond the Rocky

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Kit Carson’s near-deadly encounter with grizzly bears may have left him desirous
of a grizzly bear chair, like the one presented to President Andrew Johnson, crafted
by fiddler Seth Kinman, who sits in the chair in the below photo. Based at Fort
Humboldt in California, Kinman reportedly shot 800 grizzly bears in his lifetime.

Mountains—published in work as guides for U.S.
New York in 1838, contained Army explorers and as
his account of Kit’s duel with Indian agents. Kit guided
Chouinard. This marked Kit’s the famed “Pathfinder,”
first appearance in a book, but John C. Frémont, and that
hardly the last. soldier’s report of their
exploits made Kit the
Quitting the Mountains most famous frontiersman
By mid-September 1835, in America.
Kit was trapping with Bridger Was Kit the king of the
along the Yellowstone and Big Mountain Men, as later
Horn Rivers on the fall hunt. writers heralded him? Not
Kit even worked briefly for the at all. While Kit certainly
Hudson’s Bay Company. The deserved his reputation
trappers found themselves as a scout, Indian agent
constantly harassed by and soldier, he was never
Blackfeet until the spring a leader of the Mountain
of 1837, when a smallpox Men. He came to the
epidemic reduced the once mountains late.
mighty tribe by two-thirds. Young, Smith,
The Mandans were almost Fitzpatrick, Sublette and
completely wiped out. Astor’s Bridger were among the true
men had inadvertently leaders of that rare breed.
carried the pestilence up the Backing them, of course,
Missouri River. were the men with the
When Waanibe bore Kit money—Astor, Ashley and
a daughter, Adeline, they quit Blackfeet Kit was warmly greeted at the trading the Hudson’s Bay Company.
country and went south to Fort Davy post in 1841. Ceran St. Vrain and the Bent All of them contributed to a bold
Crockett at Brown’s Hole in present- brothers offered him employment as a enterprise that had blazed a trail across
day northwestern Colorado. Many contract hunter, at $1 a day. The buffalo the wilderness that would soon give rise
of the Mountain Man marriages with hide trade was quickly supplanting the to a continental nation.
Indian women were unions of economic beaver trade as the money maker. In
A Distinguished Professor of History at the University
convenience, but Kit and Waanibe were a Europe, the silk hat had come into favor, of New Mexico, Paul Andrew Hutton won the Western
real love match. Kit attempted to explain while the beaver hat fell out of fashion. By Writers of America Spur for his most recent book, The
Apache Wars: The Hunt for Geronimo, the Apache Kid,
their devotion to each other to Jessie 1840, the beaver had been all but wiped and the Captive Boy Who Started the Longest War in
Benton Frémont, in simple Mountain out by the trappers anyway. American History.
Man terms: “But she was a good woman. “Come, we are done with this life in
I never came in from hunting but she had the mountains—done with wading in
warm water for my feet.” beaver-dams, and freezing or starving
Waanibe bore Kit another child, in 1840, alternately—done with Indian trading
but became ill with fever and died from the and Indian fighting,” Robert Newell told (Opposite page) Kit Carson earned his
complications of childbirth. A devastated Joe Meek. “The fur trade is dead in the fame as a new type of frontiersman, the
Kit, with two small children to care for, Rocky Mountains, and it is no place for Mountain Man, charting out in unknown
decided to leave the mountains. “Beaver was us now, if ever it was.” territories fraught with danger, just like
getting scarce, and, finding it was necessary One by one, the trappers quit the these Mountain Men, portrayed in this
to try our hand at something else,” he later mountains. The great era of the Mountain detail of Frank McCarthy’s oil Crossing
declared, some of us “concluded to start for Men had come to an end. Many of these the Divide.
Bent’s Fort on the Arkansas.” men, including Kit and Fitzpatrick, found –COURTESY TIM PETERSON FAMILY COLLECTION,

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