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A beautiful heart-shaking story about the Benefits of the Siwak

Al-Habib Kazim Al-Saqqaf

April 18, 2017

The Story of Two Brothers (Benefits of Using Siwak) - Extract from the lecture entitled "Gog, Magog & the
Western Sun" by al-Habib Kazim al Saqqaf

There were two brothers who loved one another for the sake of Allah Almighty and they would assist one
another upon the obedience of Allah Almighty.

They had a deep fraternity and love of brotherhood, a bond for the sake of Allah Almighty and they were
always together, meaning they walked the path of goodness encouraging each other.

So one of them said to the other that 'When I die to make sure you pray to Allah for mercy and also that you
seek forgiveness for me.'

And this is of the benefit of true friendship inside this world and brotherhood for the sake of Allah Almighty,
as it benefits you in the next world.

The relationship you have in this world, they cease at the point of death. But the relationships you have for
the sake of the next world, they continue after the point of death.

So thereby these two brothers assisted one another for the sake of Allah Almighty. One of them was a jurist
and so one of them died.

So his brother always prayed to Allah Almighty for the mercy and forgiveness for him. And he would always
make mention of him until he saw him in the dream state. That is, everybody sees something in the dream

Whether it is a dream from the All-Merciful or whether it's a dream from the Devil and amongst the truest of
all dreams is a dream in which you see the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

And so after one year, which had transpired, he saw his deceased brother inside of the dream state.

His brother was of those who was always standing guard over the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace
be upon him) and was very particular about the sunnah of the Siwak in that as soon as he woke up from
sleep, he would use it across his teeth and mouth.

So the brother saw his deceased brother in a dream and it was a very clear and vivid dream. In this dream,
he asked his brother about his state.

He was asking him, "How were you after death?" As in, how did you fare with the interrogation of the two

And he was speaking to him. He said the first thing he said was, "When I died I never even felt I had died.'

He said, "How is that possible?"

He said, "When the angels seized my soul, I thought I was sleeping. And there were people washing my
body and praying over me, but I thought I was sleeping. This was until they brought me inside of the grave
and they buried me."

He said "I never felt anything whatsoever until these angels entered inside of my grave.' And so they said,
"Oh slave of God, sit up. You are going to be interrogated!" 2/2

He said, "Where I used to live I used to put my Siwak and place it beside my head where I slept. So the first
thing I would do when I would wake up in the morning, I would take hold of my miswak and I would cleanse
my mouth and then say the prayer of waking up, 'All praises is due to Allah.'

So when the angels thereby made me sit up and said: "You are going to be questioned."

He said, "I woke up but I thought I was waking up from sleep. So I'm looking for my siwak inside of the
grave. So I'm saying the actual dua for waking up from sleep."

He said, "So I started shouting my son, saying to my son "Where is my miswak gone? Who stole my
miswak? "

So the angel, the one that was standing in front of me. [In Theology, they are called Munkir and Nakir, one
of them is in front of us and one is behind].

And so the angel that was in front of me said, "Oh slave of Allah, what siwak are you looking for? And who is
that person you are shouting out for? Do you think you are sleeping in your bed? You are dead and you are
in your grave!

And the angels begin questioning me and it was at that point that I became aware I was inside the grave.
And now I began to get scared. And I began to repeat over and over the prayer for waking up from sleep.
So the angel in front of me said, "You are a righteous slave, you are not going to be questioned and there's
no punishment for it"

So he said, "My Lord secured me and made me safe from death and the questioning of angels by the virtue
of the blessings of the Siwak."

So look at the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him). It is a very 'simple Sunnah
(Prophetic Practice)' BUT its BLESSINGS are IMMENSE and GREAT.



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