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Supplementary Material


(Compulsory Supplementary Material for Beta Upper Module.
Suggested Supplementary Material for Gamma Intermediate Module.)
Phrasal Verbs are expressions formed by a verb and a preposition. The most frequent combinations are verbs
with the following prepositions, eg. to, into, out of, on and off, and verbs like go, get, put and take. Let’s review
some of them.

get to (a place) = arrive go to (a place)

get in / into (a car) put on (clothes)
get out of (a car) take off (clothes)
get on (a bus, a train, a plane) take out of
get off (a bus, a train, a plane) turn on / off

EXERCISE 1. Fill in the blanks with the corresponding phrasal verb.

1. I made a silly mistake this morning. I ______________ the wrong bus.

2. ____________ the car, Eddie! We’re leaving right away.

3. If you don’t _____________ your sweater, you will catch a cold.

4. You have to _____________ at El Golf subway station to come to my office.

5. She _____________ the taxi and rushed into the office.

6. You should always ______________ your hat when eating dinner.

7. How can I ______________ the nearest bank?

8. Please, _____________ the first floor and ask for more information.

9. I want to watch the news. Will you please ______________ the TV for me?

10. a) Where are the scissors? b) _________ them _________ the drawer.

EXERCISE 2. Match the parts in column A with the ones in column B to form sentences.

1. When I get into ... __ our coats. It’s too hot in here!
2. I get on ... __ her robe when she gets up.
3. She puts on ... __ the car, I lock the door immediately.
4. We didn’t get off ... __ the cinema next weekend?
5. Pete always gets to ... __ at the bus stop you said.
6. Get out of ... __ school late.
7. Let’s take off ... __ my office now!
8. Why don’t we go to ... __ the same bus everyday.
9. Turn off the gas, please. __ the kettle is boiling.

Supplementary Material
EXERCISE 3. Write your own sentences using the phrasal verbs in parentheses.

(get out of)

(take off)

(get in)

(get on)

(put on)

(get off)

(get into)

(get to)

(turn off)

Supplementary Material


I. 1. got on
2. Get in / into
3. put on
4. get off
5. got out of
6. take off
7. get to
8. go to
9. turn on
10. take... out

II. 1. When I get into the car, I lock the door immediately.
2. I get on the same bus everyday.
3. She puts on her robe when she gets up.
4. We didn’t get off at the bus stop you said.
5. Pete always gets to school late.
6. Get out of my office now!
7. Let’s take off our coats. It’s too hot in here!
8. Why don’t we go to the cinema this weekend?
9. Turn off the gas, please. The kettle is boiling.


Supplementary Material
(Supplementary Material for Gamma Intermediate Module)

Some verbs can be combined with prepositions or adverbs to obtain a new verb. The meaning of the resulting
verb is different from the original one. We call this new combination a phrasal verb. Pay attention to the
following formula.


(A verb with a different meaning)

Study the meaning of the following verbs:

LOOK: To use the sense of sight.

PUT: To place, to set.

GO: To move from one place to another.

TAKE: To accept or carry.

Study the meaning of the following prepositions:

AFTER: a time later.

BACK: to a previous location or time.

UP: from a lower to a higher place.
DOWN: from a higher to a lower place.

INTO: getting inside, entering

OUT: away from the inside

Study the meaning of the following phrasal verbs formed with the verb ‘LOOK’. As you can see, the meaning
is different from both the verb and the preposition taken separately.

Look after: to be responsible for.

Example: There is only one nurse to look after all the patients.
Look back: think about something that happened in the past.
Example: Looking back on it, I realize it was my mistake.
Look up: try to find information (from a higher source).
Example: If you need to know more about it, you can look it up on the Internet.
Look down: consider someone inferior.
Example: They tend to look down on people who haven’t got a degree.
Look into: to investigate or examine.
Example: The Interpol is looking into the murder of this woman.
Look out: to be concerned about.
Example: Mario has to look out for his health.

Supplementary Material
Study the meaning of the following phrasal verbs formed with the verb ‘PUT’:

Put back: to return, to replace to original position.

Example: Please put the books back on the shelf when you finish.
Put up: to build something such as a building.
Example: The company decided to put up a modern office building.
Put down: to write down.
Example: He put down his name on the list.
Put into: to place in.
Example: They were told to put their valuables in the safe.
Put out: to put something outside the house.
Example: Please put out the garbage before going to bed.
Put out: to stop a fire from burning.
Example: The firemen couldn’t put out the fire easily.

Study the meaning of the following phrasal verbs formed with the verb ‘GO’:

Go after: to follow.
Example: In most books, the index goes after the text.
Go back: to return.
Example: After the long trip it was nice to go back home.
Go up: to explode, be destroyed by fire.
Example: We saw the building go up in flames.

Study the meaning of the following phrasal verbs formed with the verb ‘TAKE’:

Take after: to resemble, have similar characteristics.

Example: Your son is clever, isn´t he? Yes, he takes after his mother.
Take down: to remove something from its place, to disassemble.
Example: Can you help me take down the Christmas decorations, please?
Take into: to accept as part of.
Example: I didn’t trust her enough to take her into my confidence.

More examples:

Does she return late? (Get back)

Yes, she gets back late.

Did Fred invent this story? (Make up).

Yes, he made it up.
Yes, he made this story up.

Will the firemen extinguish the fire? (Put out)

Yes, they will put the fire out.
Yes, they will put it out.

Supplementary Material
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions changing the words in bold type with the phrasal verbs
provided in parentheses.

1) Will the company’s shares increase? (go up)

2) Has John stopped smoking? (give up)

3) Did your coach postpone the athletics competition? (put off)

4) Did Elizabeth continue watching the movie? (go on)

5) Will they meet Roger at the airport? (pick up)

6) Are you returning the books to the library? (take back)

7) Can he give his friend a bed for the night? (put up)

8) Was the old theater demolished? (pull down)

9) Is Evelyn starting to learn yoga? (take up)

10) Did he recover from the disease? (get over)

11) Did you invent that excuse? ( make up)

Exercise 2. Match column A and B to complete the following ideas:

1) We can’t put them up.
___ I’m sure she made it up.
2) She always fights with her boyfriend.
___ It is too loud!
3) This story can’t be true.
___ as they were coming into the Pub.
4) He has been sitting on the plane for half an hour
now. ___ Please , slow down, or we may have an accident.

5) Would you turn the television down, please? ___ They don’t get along with each other.

6) You are driving too fast. ___ When is it going to take off?

7) They ran into him. ___ because we don’t have an extra room.

Supplementary Material
Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using the following phrasal verbs in the correct verbal tense.

run into put out put away give up

look up put on throw away

1) If she doesn’t understand this word, she should ____________ it ____________ in the dictionary.

2) I need these magazines. Please don’t ____________ them ____________.

3) My hands are very cold; I need to ____________ my gloves.

4) Would you like a cigarette? No, thanks, I ____________ smoking a year ago.

5) Smoking is not permitted inside the building. Please ____________ your cigarette.

6) When are you going to ____________ your winter clothes? We are in summer now.

7) I ____________ my cousin Bill on the subway.



1) Yes, they will go up. 7) Yes, he can put him up for the night.
2) Yes, he has given it up. 8) Yes, It was pulled down.
3) Yes, he put it off. 9) Yes, she is taking up yoga.
4) Yes, she went on watching it. 10) Yes, he got over the infection.
5) Yes, they will pick him up at the airport. 11) Yes,he made it up.
6) Yes, I am taking them back.


1) We can’t put them up because we don’t have an extra room.

2) She always fights with her boyfriend. They don’t get along with each other.
3) This story can’t be true. I am sure she made it up.
4) He has been sitting on the plane for half an hour.When is it going to take off?
5) Would you turn down the television, please? It is too loud!
6) You are driving too fast. Please, slow down, or we may have an accident.
7) They ran into him as they were coming into the Pub.


1) look up 2) throw them 3) put on 4) gave up

5) put out 6) put away 7) ran into

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