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Org © 2010 Name

EnglishForEveryone.Org © 2008 Date

““The Interview””
Reading Comprehens ion – Short Stories
Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

Jethro gets ready for his job interview.

He takes a shower.

He shaves.

He brushes his teeth.

He cuts his fingernails.

He combs his hair.

He puts on the new suit he bought just for today.

Jethro feels confident. He is also very nervous.

Here is why. Jethro graduated at the top of his class in college. Still, Jethro
knows the economy is bad. His dad just lost his job at the bank a few weeks ago!
Many people are interviewing for the very same job. There is a lot of

Jethro is still positive. He thinks he has a good chance of getting the job at the
technology company.

Jethro arrives at his interview at 9:45. He is 15 minutes early. He realizes the

importance of being prompt. He does not want to be late.

“Have a seat. Mr. Stone will be right with you,” the receptionist says.

Jethro sits. He thinks about what he has learned to do in an interview.

Look people in the eye.

Give a firm handshake.
Speak clearly.

Jethro feels ready.

“Mr. Stone is ready to see you now,” the receptionist says.

Jethro takes a deep breath and walks into Mr. Stone’s office.

“Good to meet you, sir,” Jethro says and gives Mr. Stone a firm handshake and a

1) What kind of job is Jethro 2) What is one thing Jethro does to get
interviewing for? ready?

A. a college job I. He talks to his dad.

B. a banking job II. He calls Mr. Stone.
C. a technology job III. He combs his hair.
D. a receptionist job A. I only
B. I and II
C. III only
D. I, II, and III

3) What time is Jethro's interview? 4) What does it mean to be

A. 9:30
B. 9:45 A. to be early
C. 10:00 B. to be sure
D. 10:15 C. to be worried
D. to be nervous

5) Why might Jethro be nervous? 6) What is competition?

A. He did not do well in school. A. when people get ready to go out

B. He is not a very good speaker. B. when people go for a job
C. He does not like to wear suits. interview
D. Many others are interviewing for C. when people feel they are not
the same job. good enough
D. when many people are going
after the same thing

7) Why is it good that Jethro gets to 8) What has Jethro learned to do in an

his interview early? interview?

A. It gives Jethro time to think. A. be positive

B. It helps Jethro speak clearly. B. tell good jokes
C. Mr. Stone likes people to be C. talk about his college experience
early. D. look people in the eye
D. The receptionist asks him to be
there early.
9) Why might Jethro be positive about 10) Which of the following can help
getting this job? make a good impression at an
A. The economy is bad.
B. He did well in school. I. looking people in the eye
C. Jethro's dad lost his job. II. wearing a new suit
D. He knows Mr. Stone well. III. being well groomed
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

11) What has Jethro learned to do in 12) If you are prompt, this means you
order to be understood by an are
A. positive
A. speak clearly B. intelligent
B. look people in the eye C. on time
C. give a firm handshake D. in control
D. feel confident

Have you ever felt nervous about doing something new? Explain.
●●●ReadTheory.Org © 2010 Name
EnglishForEveryone.Org © 2008 Date

““Julian’’s Work””
Reading Comprehens ion – Short Stories
Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

Julian works at the bookstore.

First, his job is to unload boxes of books from the truck.

Then he opens the boxes. After that, Julian puts the books in different piles.

One pile is for books that tell true stories. These are called books of fact.

Another pile is for books that tell stories that are not true. These are called books
of fiction.

Julian then puts the books on shelves in the bookstore.

Putting books on shelves is what Julian likes to do best at work.

When Julian has free time at work, he likes to read through all of the books.

His favorite books are the ones that tell true stories about real people and their

On Sunday and Monday, Julian does not work at the bookstore.

On these days, he stays at home. He uses this time to write a story about

Julian grew up in Peru. Now he lives in the United States. He works at the
bookstore to pay for school.

Julian wants to be a teacher.

One day, he hopes to turn his story into a book.

He hopes to see it at the bookstore.


1) Where does Julian work? 2) What must Julian do first at his job?

A. on a truck A. open the boxes of books

B. at a bookstore B. read through all of the books
C. in Peru C. unload boxes of books
D. at an art store D. sort through piles of books
Questions (continued):

3) What is the second thing Julian 4) In how many piles must Julian put
must do at his job? the books?

A. open boxes A. two

B. tape boxes shut B. three
C. put books on shelves C. four
D. put books in piles D. six

5) In what piles are the books placed? 6) A book that contains a story that is
not true is called
A. easy and hard
B. long and short A. a book of fact
C. true and not true B. a book of fiction
D. funny and not funny

7) Which word describes a story that is 8) What does Julian like to do best at
true? work?

A. fact A. unload boxes

B. fiction B. open boxes
C. put books in piles
D. put books on shelves

9) What does Julian do during his free 10) Which books does Julian like
time at work? best?

A. write stories A. true books

B. read books B. funny books
C. tell stories C. sad books
D. put books on shelves D. books with happy endings

11) Why does Julian work at the 12) What does Julian hope to turn his
bookstore? story into?

A. to buy a house A. a book

B. to pay for clothes B. a movie
C. to pay for school C. a play
D. to pay for a trip to Peru D. a TV show
●●●ReadTheory.Org © 2010 Name
EnglishForEveryone.Org © 2008 Date

““Talia’’s Special Day””

Reading Comprehens ion – Short Stories
Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

Today is a special day for Talia. She is getting ready for a dinner celebration.
She wants to look very nice for her night out.

First, she gets her hair cut at a salon. A salon is a place where people go to get
their hair and nails done.

Then, she gets her fingernails painted pink. A woman who works at the salon
paints Talia’s nails.

Talia is not happy with the color. She asks the woman to change the color to

She likes the purple very much.

It is almost time to go out. Talia goes home and looks in her closet.

She tries on a pair of light blue pants with a white shirt.

She tries on a purple dress with a black belt.

She tries on a brown skirt with a green top.

She wears the purple dress.

Many of her friends and family are at the restaurant when she gets there.

She hugs her mother and father.

She gives her grandfather a kiss.

Talia’s sister gives her a big smile.

Her best friend, Asra, gives her a present.

Tomorrow is Talia’s birthday, but she is celebrating it tonight.

“Happy Birthday, Talia,” they say. “You look great!”

“I feel great because all of you are here,” says Talia, “for my last night as a

1) What is Talia doing for her special 2) Why does Talia want to look nice?
A. She is celebrating.
A. She is having a party at home. B. It is a national holiday.
B. She is going to her friend's C. She is going to church.
house. D. She is going a dance.
C. She is making dinner.
D. She is going to a restaurant.

3) What does Talia do first? 4) Why does Talia change the color of
her nails?
A. She picks out a dress.
B. She gets her nails painted. A. It does not match her dress.
C. She gets her hair cut. B. She is not happy with pink.
D. She goes out to eat. C. Her friends tell her to change the
D. She is not happy with purple.

5) What does Talia wear out? 6) What does Talia do when she sees
her parents?
A. light blue pants
B. a brown skirt A. She smiles.
C. a purple dress B. She says hello.
D. a green top C. She gives them a hug.
D. She gives them a kiss.

7) Who smiles at Talia? 8) How old is Talia?

A. her mother A. 15
B. her sister B. 16
C. her father C. 19
D. her friend D. 21

9) As described in the beginning of the 10) Why does Talia feel great?
story, what is a salon?
A. because she looks great
A. a restaurant B. because her friends and family
B. a place where people talk about are there
business C. because her hair is cut
C. a gift shop D. because her nails are purple
D. a place to get hair and nails
●●●ReadTheory.Org © 2010 Name
EnglishForEveryone.Org © 2008 Date

““One Hundred Dollars””

Reading Comprehens ion – Short Stories
Directions: Read the story. Then answer the questions below.

Leonard James is a homeless man. For him, life is always hard.

He is always hungry. His shoes have holes in them. He needs a haircut. His
clothes are old and dirty.

“What I would do with one hundred dollars!” Leonard says. This is a game he
likes to play with himself to take his mind off things.

He is walking down the street on a Thursday night. The winter air is cold on his

“If I had one hundred dollars, I could buy new socks,” he says. He continues to
walk down the street.

“If I had one hundred dollars, I could get a haircut,” he says. He continues to walk
down the street.

“If I had one hundred dollars, I could buy new pants,” he says. He continues to
walk down the street.

“If I had one hundred dollars, I could get a hamburger,” he says. His stomach
rumbles at the thought.

“If I had….” Leonard looks down at the sidewalk. He cannot believe what he

Someone has lost his wallet. Leonard picks it up. Inside are five twenty-dollar

“One hundred dollars!” Leonard says. He is very excited. “Now I can buy
everything I want!”

Then Leonard begins to think. “But this is not my money,” he says.

Leonard goes to the police station. He gives a police officer the wallet and

“Thank you,” says the police officer. “You are a very honest man.”
Leonard smiles. He turns around and begins to leave the police station.

“Hold on,” the police officer says. He reaches in his own pocket and gives
Leonard ten dollars. “Get yourself something to eat.”

1) What is life like for Leonard? 2) How does the reader know that
Leonard is poor?
A. It is hard.
B. It is easy. I. He finds a wallet.
C. It is warm. II. He has no home.
D. It is full of good food. III. He is always hungry.
A. I only
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

3) Why does Leonard think about what 4) What time of year is it?
he would do with a hundred dollars?
A. spring
A. It helps him go to sleep. B. summer
B. It takes his mind off things. C. fall
C. The police officer asks him to. D. winter
D. He knows he will find the

5) What does Leonard say he would do 6) Why does Leonard's stomach

with a hundred dollars? rumble?
I. get a haircut A. because he is hungry
II. buy new clothes B. because he is tired
III. get a hotel room C. because his clothes are dirty
A. I only D. because he is homeless
B. I and II
C. II and III
D. I, II, and III

7) “He cannot believe what he sees.” 8) Why does Leonard go to the police
What is another way to write this station?
A. because he owes money
A. He thinks what he sees is crazy. B. because he wants a reward
B. He feels what he sees is good C. because the wallet is not his
luck. D. because he has committed a
C. He thinks what he sees cannot crime
be true.
D. He thinks what he sees is scary.
Questions (continued):

9) What kind of man does Leonard 10) As used at the end of the story,
seem to be? what does it mean to be honest?

A. bad A. to feel good

B. dumb B. to want more
C. good C. to be truthful
D. old D. to be hopeful

11) How does Leonard seem to feel 12) What does the police officer give
about what he has done? Leonard?

A. angry A. advice
B. happy B. a handshake
C. sad C. money to eat
D. unsure D. the one hundred dollars

13) What kind of man does the police 14) Why does the police officer give
officer seem to be? Leonard ten dollars?

A. angry A. to surprise Leonard

B. busy B. so Leonard feels better about
C. kind returning the wallet
D. mean C. because it is part of his job
D. because he wants to get
Leonard off the streets

If you found one hundred dollars, would you keep it? Why or why not?

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