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Proc. R . Soc. Lond . A 375, 361-378 (1981)
Printed in Great Britain

Space—times admitting Killing-Yano tensors. I

B y W. D i e t z and R. R u d ig e r
Institut fu r Astronomie und Astrophysik derWurzburg,
A m Hubland, D-8700 Wurzburg, F

(i Communicatedby D. Lynden-Bell, - Received 2 May 1980)

This is the first of two papers dealing with Killing-Yano tensors. In this
paper, K illing-Y ano tensors are classified according to their valence. The
cases of valence 1, 3 and 4 are trivial or almost trivial. Canonical line
elements of metrics adm itting Killing-Yano tensors of valence 2 and
rank 4 are derived w ithout any further restrictions. (The case of rank 2
will be treated in p art II of this series.) Furtherm ore, we give a relativistic
analogy of the classical Kepler motion in a plane if there is no force com­
ponent orthogonal to this plane. This analogy demonstrates the way in
which a K illing-Y ano tensor may be considered as being related to the
angular momentum of a particle.

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n
The purpose of this and a further paper (referred to as II) is to examine the
properties of K illing-Yano tensors which were first introduced by Yano (1952) from
a purely m athem atical point of view. We classify Killing-Yano tensors, derive all
line elements adm itting a K illing-Yano tensor and present physical interpretations
for situations described by these tensors. There are several motivations for per­
forming an investigation of this kind.
(a) Nearly all interesting and most striking properties of the K err (vacuum) space-
time are closely related to the existence of the Killing tensor first investigated by
Penrose & W alker (1970), whereas the significance of the Killing tensor itself is
still unclear. This may be a reason why ‘there are aspects of the K err metric which
need understanding’, as Chandrasekhar (1979) formulated. A remarkable property
of the Killing tensor of the K err metric is th a t it proves to be a product of a skew-
symmetric tensor with itself which satisfies the Killing-Yano tensor equation, as
pointed out by Floyd (1973) (see Penrose (1973)), Rudiger (1973) and Collinson
(1976). Moreover, the existence of a Killing-Yano tensor characterizes the Kerr
space-time in a certain sense.
(b) The standard application of symmetries (especially isometries) in general
relativity seems to have reached a stagnation point, as Collins (1979) pointed out.
For this reason, we choose the Killing-Yano tensor, which is not related to
symmetries of the space-time, as the starting point for our discussion, and, indeed,
we find metrics w ithout any symmetry adm itting a Killing-Yano tensor. On the
other hand, a class of Killing-Yano tensors leads to the existence of Killing vector
[ 361 ]
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362 W. Dietz and R. Rudiger

fields w ithout any additional assumptions, including the well known isometries of
the K err space-tim e as pointed out by H ughston & Sommers (1973) for electro­
vacuum conditions and, from a different point of view, by H auser & Malhiot (1976,
1978) who assume the existence of a Killing tensor satisfying certain restrictions.
(c) Since Penrose & W alker (1970) have proved th a t the Killing tensor of the K err
space-tim e is irreducible, relativists have tried to interpret the associated constant
of the motion as the square of a kind of angular mom entum (Hughston et al. (1972)).
We draw our attention to the K illing-Y ano tensor for the following reason. In a
flat space-tim e, we find by direct integration of the K illing-Y ano tensor equation
th a t the general K illing-Y ano tensor is, a p art from constants of integration, a simple
bivector field of the form / *ab = V a b m n E,mrn,wh
ra the orthogonal component w ith respect to £a of the position vector field. Now,
suppose to be timelike, then la = f * amp m is the angular-m om entum vector of a
particle as seen from an observer with 4-velocity ||f||_1 This very strong relation
between angular momentum and K illing-Y ano tensors in a flat space-tim e can be
shown to be also valid for certain non-flat situations, especially for K illing-Y ano
tensors of rank 2 as described in paper II. Moreover, Carter & McLenaghan (1979)
constructed, using a K illing-Yano tensor, an angular-momentum operator in con­
nection with the separation of the Dirac equation in curved space-times.
(d) Finally, K illing-Yano tensors occur in a somewhat different connection.
Killing tensors of the type existing in the K err space-tim e and non-null K illing-Y ano
tensors of valence 2 (as well as related objects) deliver the existence of two inde­
pendent shear-free geodesic null congruences as investigated by Dietz & Rudiger
(1980). As a first step, we consider the K illing-Yano tensors as the most restricted
objects in the hierarchy of geometric entities connected with two shear-free con­
gruences of null geodesics.
This paper starts with the definition of K illing-Yano tensors and Killing tensors
and describes their inter-relation. We use the valence of the Killing-Yano tensors
for classification. First steps in this direction have been taken by Stephani (1978).
The third section deals with Killing-Yano tensors of valence 3 which may be
divided into two classes. The K illing-Yano tensors of the first class imply th a t there
exists a covariantly constant null vector field. The corresponding line element has
recently been given by Letelier (1979). The Killing-Yano tensors of the second
class prove to be equivalent to a Killing tensor with the three-fold degenerate
eigenvalue zero or to a gradient field which additionally satisfies the conformal
Killing equation. The line elements determined by a Killing-Yano tensor of the
second class contain the general R obertson-W alker space-times for which the first
integral of the geodesic equation generated by the Killing-Yano tensor may be
interpreted as being a king of angular momentum.
The fourth section deals with Killing-Yano tensors of valence 2. We present
the integrability conditions which lead to the Petrov-Pirani type D or N for the
Weyl tensor, generalizing results of Collinson (1974) for em pty space-times. We
investigate the conditions for the existence of isometry groups.
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Space-times admitting Killing-Yano tensors. I 363

In § 5, we restrict our attention to K illing-Y ano tensors of rank four. (We analyse
the K illing-Yano tensors of rank 2 in paper II.) After introducing and gauging
a tetrad of null vector fields, we deduce the line elements determined by K illing-
Yano tensors of valence 2 and rank 4. These line elements form four different classes.
The metrics of class (ii) and (iii) adm itting one Killing vector seem to be completely
new and coincide under further specifications with the line elements (0.1) and (1.0)
of Hauser & Malhiot (1978).
In § 6, we describe a four-dimensional analogy of the situation for classical Kepler
motion in which a test particle initially within the equatorial plane will stay in this
plane: for certain K illing-Y ano tensors of rank 4, there exists a timelike hyper­
surface which is totally geodesic. Finally, we w ant to stress th a t we only assume the
existence of a K illing-Y ano tensor and make no further assumptions restricting the
Ricci tensor or the K illing-Y ano tensor itself.

2. G e n e r a l i z a t i o n s of t h e K illing vector equation

The following two generalizations of the Killing vector equation have become of
interest in general relativity and have been discussed extensively since the
discovery of the fourth constant of motion in the K err space-tim e by Carter (1968).
In the following, let Mbe a smooth manifold of dimension n w
metric gab.
(a) An r-form field (1 ^ r ^ n )fai....ars a^ to be a Killing
valence riff
^ (a 1f a 2)a3...ar+1 = (®^ - 1 )

where Va denotes the metric connection. This definition goes back to Yano (1952)*
According to (2.1), the ( r —l)-form field

iai...ar- 1' f

is parallel-transported along affine parametrized geodesics with tangent field p a.

(b) A symmetric tensor field K ai iars called a Killing tenso

This equation ensures th a t K mi mrp mi.. . p mris a first integ

These two generalizations of the Killing vector equation are related. Let be
a Killing-Yano tensor, then the tensor field
K , = Jfan <L ...m rJf m 2. . . m Tb

is symmetric and proves to be a Killing tensor called the associated Killing tensor.
= ( 2 . 2)

is the quadratic first integral generated by K ab.

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364 W. Dietz and R. Rudiger

I t should be mentioned th a t the concepts of K illing-Y ano tensors and Killing
tensors have been further generalized: Tachibana (1969) and Kashiwada (1968)
have defined conformal Killing-Yano tensors. Moreover, self-dual complex
bivector fields have been considered by Dietz & Rudiger (1980) which are the tensor
version of Killing spinor fields. Furtherm ore, Penrose & W alker (1970) have defined
conformal Killing tensors as a straightforw ard generalization of conformal Killing
vector fields.
Here, we restrict our attention to K illing-Y ano tensors in space-tim es ( = 4),
using Schild’s (1967) conventions and notation. To determine all line elements of
space-times adm itting a K illing-Yano tensor, we consider four separate cases
which are naturally parametrized by the valence of the K illing-Y ano tensor. We
first treat the two trivial cases briefly.
A Killing-Yano tensor f a of valence 1 is a Killing vector, and the associated
Killing tensor degenerates to f af b. Thus, the metric remains invariant under the
action off a, i.e. the line element is independent of the coordinate associated w ith /“.
If f abcd is a Killing-Yano tensor of valence 4 fulfilling

^ (efd) cba
then f abcd is proportional to the alternating pseudotensor 7jabcd, and the Killing-Yano
tensor equation ensures th a t the proportionality factor is a constant. The associated
Killing tensor equals the space-time metric up to a constant. Thus, the space-tim e
is not restricted b y / a&crf.
The remaining two cases are discussed in the following two sections.

3. K il l in g - Y ano t e n s o r s of v a l e n c e 3
L e t/abc be a Killing-Yano tensor of valence 3:

dfc)ba6 .
We may dualize f abc according to

6/*° = P r ^ f m n r -
This enables us to give an alternative form to the Killing—Yano tensor equation

4V2 V J * * = - V . / * " 7 . w . (3.1)

The associated Killing tensor takes the form

K a b = t t f b * - f Z f * m9ab

which gives rise to the following two cases.

(a) The first case is /* a null; or equivalently f mnrf mnr = 0. The associated Killing
tensor degenerates t o / * / * where f * a is a null Killing vector which implies by
(3.1) t h a t / a&c is a covariantly constant tensor field. Therefore, is a covariantly
constant null vector field. Conversely, if we insert the definition o f / *« into Vbf * = 0
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Space-times admitting Killing-Yano tensors. I 365

and contract with the pseudotensor, we obtain Vd/ C&a = 0. Thus, we have shown the
f abcwith f m n r f mnr = 0 is a K illing-Y ano tensor iff the dual vector / *®= / 2 %yamnrf mnr
is a covariantly constant null vector.
The general line element adm itting a covariantly constant null vector field has
been determined by Letelier (1979). I t is of the form
ds2 = y ap{u, x, y) + 2 d dv,
where (xa) = (u,x,y) (a, ft =1,2, 3) and the y a/y are arbitrary functio
(b) The second case is /*® non-null. We may then p u t

/*® = Sta with tmtm — e — ± 1,

so th a t the associated Killing tensor takes the form

K ab = - e S 2(gab- e t atb(3.2)
and possesses the eigenvalue zero to the eigendirection /*® and the three-fold
degenerate eigenvalue — eS2.
Conversely, a Killing tensor adm itting a system of eigenvalues of this kind can be
characterized by the dual vector/*® of the Killing-Yano tensor itself as follows:
A symmetric tensor possessing the eigenvalue zero to the non-null eigenvector
ta and the three-fold degenerate eigenvalue — with is a Killing tensor
iff the vector field / * “ = Sta is a confirmed Killing vector and a gradient field.
Proof. A symmetric tensor field with the assumed system of eigenvalues is given
by (3.2) which implies
Vfcifw = - 2eSg„bVa)S + 2f* V J * ,. (3.3)
First, assume th a t K ab is a Killing tensor. Because the eigenvalues of Killing tensors
are constant along the associated non-null eigendirections, we obtain
V«£ = e(tmVmS )ta(3.4)
Equation (3.4) inserted into (3.3) and contracted by eaebec with arbitrary ea ensures
that/*® is a conformal Killing vector with conformal factor tmVrnS. Moreover, from
(3.4), we deduce th a t/* is a gradient field such th a t

V J t=
Conversely, we assume (3.5) to be valid. Then, because of (3.4), / * “ is geodesic.
Equations (3.4) and (3.5) inserted into (3.3) ensure th a t K ub is a Killing tensor.
Moreover, f abc is a Killing-Yano tensor if the dual vector satisfies (3.5). If we
insert the definition o f/ * “ into (3.5) and contract with yabcd, we obtain / 2 V
= rjdcba an(l consequently the Killing-Yano tensor equation fo r /a6c. We collect our
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366 W. Dietz and R. Rudiger

The following statem ents are equivalent:
(i) f abc is a K illing-Yano tensor w ith /mnr/ mnr # 0.
(ii) The non-null dual vector / * a of f abc is a conformal Killing vector and a
gradient field.
(iii) f amnf mnb is a Killing tensor with the additional properties th at/* ® is a non­
null eigendirection to the eigenvalue zero and the three-dimensional eigenspace
orthogonal to / * a possesses the (degenerate) eigenvalue — = —
Now it is straightforw ard to show from (3.5) th a t the line element of a space-tim e
adm itting a Killing-Yano tensor f abcw ith f mnrf mnr ^ 0 is

ds 2 = e(dx4)2— S 2(x*) y

where a, (3, y run from 1 to 3, and f * = S 8* w i t h =

I t should be noticed th a t if ta is timelike, then this is the general R obertson-
W alker line element which therefore can be characterized by the existence of a
Killing-Yano tensor f abcw ith fmnrfm
nr 6. For this c
the conserved quantity K mnp mp n as a kind of squared angular momentum as
Let hab = gab —tatb be the induced metric on the hypersurfaces orthogonal to ta
and let p “ be the orthogonal projection of the momentum p a with respect to
ta:p°A[ = h ^ p 171. Then, by (2.2) and (3.2), K mnp mp n may be w ritten as

L n lmn = - ( S ||p J )2, where ||p J 2: = hmnp mp n.

This may be considered as being a generalization of the first integral of the geodesic
equation in the Friedm ann cosmos discussed by von Laue (1931) and later Honl
(1949) which can be understood as being the angular momentum of a particle moving
freely on the surface of an expanding sphere with radius S. This interpretation can
be made more precise in the following way. The position-vector field ra in a flat
space-time can uniquely be characterized (apart from a rescaling and from a
translation of the origin) by the fact th a t it is a conformal Killing vector field and a
gradient field. In this sense, / * “, which possesses these properties because of (3.5),
may be considered as being a four-dimensional position-vector field. Then, the first
integral —S 2 | | p x j | 2 is the square of the angular momentum lab = 2

4. K i l l i n g - Y a n o t e n s o r s of v a l e n c e 2
This section deals with Killing-Yano tensors of valence 2 denoted by f * b in
accordance with Dietz & Rudiger (1980). In the following, we first briefly enumerate
some definitions concerned with bivectors which we frequently need in this section.
The dual of a bivector Vab given by V*b = Fmn satisfies F*6* = - V ab. Vab is
said to be (anti-) self-dual iff Vab = ( ± ) i V*b. A scalar product for bivectors is defined
by 2 V- W := Vmn Wrn w hich implies, for self-dual bivectors, 2 VamVbm = V 28b.
Furthermore, a real bivector Vub is of rank 4 iff ^ 0, otherwise it is of rank 2.
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Space-times admitting K illin g-Y an o tensors. I 367

A real bivector is called algebraically general iff F -(F + iF * ) # 0; otherwise it is
algebraically special. These two classifications overlap: a bivector of rank 4 is
algebraically general and an algebraically special bivector is of rank 2.
Let us assum e/a* is a K illing-Y ano tensor of valence 2:

V J & = 0, (4.1a)
which is equivalent to
Vc/*6 = Vabcm£m> (4.16)

where the real vector field is defined by

Za ’ =
The K illing-Yano tensor equation for f*b implies an analogous equation for f ab:

v j* , = 2 (4.2)
Sometimes, it seems to be of advantage to combine these two real equations for
f ab and fihnto
i the single complex equation

Vc 0 ab = 2 {-lbga]c+ iyabc
for the self-dual bivector field 0 :ab= f ab -I- if*b. The associat
the form
= & / * ”» = + i (** + **)9a>, (**)
where the bar denotes complex conjugation.
For later use, we give the integrability conditions for the K illing-Yano tensor
equation in two equivalent forms: I f we differentiate (4.1) again, we obtain, by
virtue of the Ricci identity, after a short calculation (see Tachibana 1968),

2VdVc/*ft = fobfam.+ R mabcf*m+

(In Collinson’s paper (1974) a factor two is missing.)
On the other hand, we apply the Ricci identity to (4.3) after a further covariant
differentiation and find the integrability condition

+ = 0 (4.5)
in terms of 0b.a
We decompose (4.5) into the following system of equations:

+ 0 V W * - 0, (4.6o)
2(V [J6l + iV,J f , ) - lCabmn 0™“ - \R4>ab - 0, (4.66)

2V(o£w- = 0, (4.6c)

V , J m = 0, (4.6d)
which is equivalent to (4.5).
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368 W. Dietz and R. Rudiger

Equation (4.6a) determines the P etrov-P irani type of the Weyl tensor as can be
seen after introducing adapted tetrad fields as follows.
(i) Let f*b be algebraically general. Then, there exists a te tra d of null vector
fields ( ka, n a,m a,m a) , the only non-vanishing products being 1 = - m rmr, so
th a t f*b takes the form

fa b = Im

with Dab: = 2k[anb].Then, the self-dual bivector 0 ab is

®ab = t ( D ab + iD*b).(4.8)
This tetrad is unique up to transform ations of the form

(ka,n a) -> (&a e x p 6 , wa exp ( —6 )), (4.9

(ma, ma) -* (ma exp (i<^), p ( —i^)), (4.96)

with real functions 6 and (f) and the inversion

(ka, na, m a, m a)-* (na, k a,m a,m a). (4

Consequently, the associated Killing tensor possesses the two two-fold degenerate
eigenvalues (Im i/r)2 and —(Re \Jr)2.
Conversely, a real symmetric tensor K ab with such a system of eigenvalues can be
w ritten as a product of an algebraically general real bivector with itself (see, for
example, Dietz & Rudiger 1980).
(ii) An algebraically special bivector can be cast into the form

i fa b = 2 k a ( m b ) - ^ b ] ) ’
and correspondingly
®ab = 2h a m bV (4 -10)

If we insert (4.8) and (4.10) into the integrability condition (4.6a), we immediately
obtain the following result.
The Weyl tensor of a space-time adm itting an algebraically general (special)
Killing-Yano tensor belongs to the Petrov-Pirani type D (type N).
I t is possible to obtain a further consequence of the integrability conditions, if we
assum e/^, to be of rank 4 such t h a t/- /* ^ 0. We split up equation (4.6c) into its
real and imaginary parts. If we contract the real p art w ith /* 6d and insert R cmf * dm
from the imaginary part, we obtain / * m6V(a£TO) = 0. I t follows th a t

V(a£&) = 0
because o f/-/* ^ 0. Therefore, £a is a real Killing vector field, and the integrability
condition (4.6c) simplifies to Rm(a0 b)m = 0 which can be solved for :

K ab = - 2 (^ )-X 0 a m ® mb + i E 9ab>
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Space-times admitting Killing-Yano tensors. I 369

where 0 1X
: = —\ R rs(Jcrns + mrms). We stress th a t satisfies the (complex) free
Maxwell equations. The case 0 1X= (
Sommers (1973).
Next, we show th a t r\a defined by (see Hughston & Sommers 1973)

r - = K “mijr
is a second real Killing vector and th a t £ a nd 7ja gener
acting transitively orthogonally.
The vector field
Sa- = ®am£m (4-11)
is a gradient field, since 2 S a= Vai/r2, which is orthogonal to the
£a and 7]a.V[a$ 6) = 0 and equation (4.3) imply

bW ym^ab u 0 u= 0 = L

and consequently, by the definition of K ab in terms of 0 ab,

= 9 = LgKab.
So, the definition of 7]a leads to [£, 7j]a = 0. Furtherm ore, rja obeys the Killing vector
equation because
^(aVb) = \dj^Kab —£,mVm= 0,

where we have used the Killing tensor equation for K ab. Moreover, (4.3) and the self­
duality of 0 ab ensure th a t 0 ab and therefore K ab remain invariant under the action
of 7ja.T he isometry group generated by £a and 7ja acts orthogonally transitively if a
family of 2-surfaces exists which simultaneously are orthogonal to the independent
Killing vectors £“ and 7ja. Now, by an argument due to Sommers (1973), it is easy to
prove th a t and 7ja are independent Killing vectors if and only if Re x]r and Im xjr
are independent functions such th a t d(R e \Jr) A d (I m ^ ) # 0.
For this case, a family of 2-surfaces is determined by the real and imaginary parts
of the (complex) gradient field S a defined by (4.11). These 2-surfaces are, in fact,
orthogonal to £a and 7ja because —0 = S m7im is valid.

5. S p a c e - times a dm itting K illing- Y ano t e n s o r s /*6 of r a n k 4

The objective of this section is to derive the line elements of all space-times
admitting a Killing-Yano tensor f *bo f rank four or, equivalent
Consequently, the Killing-Yano tensor is algebraically general and takes the form
(4.7). The Killing-Yano tensor equation (4.1) evaluated with respect to this basis

(5.1 a)


ch/r = —pn —n m + Ttn), (5.16)

p\jj = p>[f, /i\Jf = pijr, t \]s = mjf (5.1c)
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370 W. Dietz and R. Riidigey

with the 1-forms k = lcr dxr, n=
& Penrose (1962). So, kaand n a are tangent to shear-free null
equation expresses the fact th a t Epis real.
Now, the rank-4 condition fo r/a* takes the form Re Im # 0. Furtherm ore, the
two Killing vector fields are given by
Ep= \[r[{p
7ja —(jLika + pna) + (Re i/r)2 (7rma + Tfria)]. (5.2 6)

The next step is to gauge the chosen tetrad field with the free transform ations (4.9)
which imply
(p, p)-> (pexipd, p e x $ ( - 6 )),(5.3a)
(r, 7 t)-> (rex p (i^), 77exp ( —i<j>)),
for the Newman-Penrose coefficients p,
equation (5.1 6 )into real and imaginary parts and obtain
d (R e ^ ) = ^Jr{pk —pn
), di ( I m ^ ) = }Jr(nm —Tm),
where we have used (5.1c).
Suppose th a t d( Re \Jr)^ 0 ^ d (Im ^ ). Then a suitable choice of ^ in (5.3 6)ensures
r = — 7T. The 1-form d(Re^") may be spacelike, null or timelike according to the
value 1, 0, or —1 of e= sgn(pp). For e ^
p = ep\ e= 0 is equivalent to pp —0. For the latte
means of the inversion (4.9c), and the choice of 6 remains free. So, for all values of e,
we have found p =ep. If d (Re \jr) or d (Im) \jf vanishes identically, the
and r = —itsi again possible but the transform ations (5.3a) or (5.3 6 ) are
available, respectively.
Thus, for all cases, the gauge
p= ep, t = —77, (5.4)
can be attained, the transformations (5.3a) or (5.36) still being available if one of
the quantities p ,r or e vanishes. The Killing-Yano tensor equations (5.1)
k = (T ~ 0 — v — A, (5.5
dip = ip[p(ek —n) + T(m + m)],(5.56)
pip= pip}= (5.5c)
We proceed to evaluate the integrability conditions where we insert the gauge (5.4)
and make use of the Killing-Yano tensor equation (5.5). Moreover, the only non­
vanishing curvature terms are ¥/2, 0 n and —4/1 as we pointed out in § 4. Then,
equation (4.66) is equivalent to
D ( ^ r ) + 5(^p) = ip p [2T+((5.6a)
oc + ft

& {ipr)-ed (ipp) = ?/rr[- (5.66)

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Space-times admitting K illin g-Y an o tensors. I 371

(eD - A) (i/rp)+ (8 + 8) (^ t ) = 2i/r(xF 2 - ^ A ) -i/r p [ 2 e { p -p ) + e(e + e) + ('y + y)]
+ ^ r [ - 2 ( r - r ) + ( a - ^ ) + (a -^ )].
The integrability condition (4.6c) implies
D(t/rr) —5 (r/rp)= — \}rp(<xe),
&(frT) + ed(ijrp) = -e\]rp{pL+f}) + \ln { y - y ) , (5.8
where we have made use of (5.5c). N ext, we combine equations (5.6) and (5.8) and
D (^ t ) = }JrT[p - (e -e )], A = - \Jn[ep - -y )],
e5 (\Jrp)- &Jrp\r —(pL+ fi]\.
On the other hand, the equations (4.2c), (4.2i) and (4.2&) (see Newman & Penrose
1962) of the Ricci identity can be cast into the form
D {xjn)= frT[p + {e-e)], A (^r) = - ^rr[ep + ( y - y ) ] ,
e8 (ftp) = e\Jrp[T+
( a + /?)],
by using the gauge (5.4) and the K illing-Yano tensor equations (5.5 and (5.5c).
We compare these two sets of equations and get
2{e-e) = p - p , 2 ( y - y ) = e (p -p ), 2(a + fi) = r - r . (5.9)
For epr = 0 it is always possible to use the transform ations (4.9a) or (4.95) to obtain
(5.9) .The integrability conditions of the corresponding differential equations for 0
or Q are fulfilled by means of (5.7).
Our next objective is to select coordinates. We introduce first the new basis form
*j2 u = e k - n ; j
*j2 x = m + m ; m ,J
which simplify further calculations. The exterior derivatives of the new basis forms
are given by
d ( |^ j-1tt) = V2 M (l + e2)-1[y + y - e ( e + e)] A
d d ^ l '1#) = -fei \rjr\[ ( a - / ? ) - ( a - / ? ) ] A
d ( |^ \ ”xy ) = 2V2 \ f \ (1 + e2)-1i ( r - f ) | A
+ f c W [ ( * - P) + {*-P)]W~lx a \&\~ly, i (5.11)
d(\i/r\-xv) = - % p \ f t \ ( i + e2) i ( p - p ) \ f t \ - xx A
—*J2 \i/r\(1+ c2)-1 [(e + e) + e(y + y)
+ i ( l + e2) ( p + p ) ] |^ |" 1M A
where we have made use of the Killing—Yano equation (5.5) and the relations (5.4)
and (5.9).

13 Vol. 375. A
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372 W. Dietz and R. Rudiger

Consequently, the theorem of Frobenius ensures the existence of real functions
E, F, M, N, P, Q and u, x, ,y v such th a t
u = \i/r \ E d u , j
y = \\Jr\(Mdy + N d v) =
is valid and the line element ds2 = 2 (krns—m rms)
ds2 = -\ifr\z{e[(Edu)2- ( P d y + Qdv)*] + {Fdx)z
+ (M d y + N dv)* + 4 { l - e * ) E du(Pdy + Q dv)}. (5.13)
The metric functions satisfy a set of partial differential equations. We need the
dvM = dyN , (5.14 a)
d„E 0 (5.14 6)
dyE - j 2 \i/r\(l+ e2)"1 [e(e+
= dvF + / 2 i M
duM - 2 p \ x ] f \ (l + e2)-1i(T —r) EP= 0 = (1 + e
(5.14 d)

0x-P + ^ ( 1 + e2) \^ \K p ~ P ) F M =0 = Sx^ + -vV

dx{M /N ) = 0 if 2 V ^0 , du(P/Q) = 0 if (5.14/)
The form of the line element (5.13) remains invariant under the transform ations
(u, x )->
(y, v) -> (; y'{«),
, v'(«/, v
of the coordinates. If we define the real functions
= ^2 \ijrpna d :=
the Killing vectors £“ and ya (see (5.2)) take the form

= | ^ | - 1{d[ev“ - ( l - e 2)w“] + JBy«}, (5.16a)

= l^ l-1 {(Im ^ ) 2d [c ra —(1 —e2) ua]—(Re

and equation (5.56) of the Killing-Yano tensor equations simplifies to

difr — A E du —iBF dx.
Therefore, the functions Re^q A E and Im i / B F depend only on u and x,
respectively. The coordinate vectors d/dy and are given by
(d/dy)a — \\jr \ [P[eva —2(1 —e2) —M y a), (5.17a)
(0/0v)a = \ifr\ {Q[eva—2(1 —e2) ua] —N y a). (5.176)
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Space-times admitting Ktensors.

We now make use of the Killing vectors expressed with respect to the coordinate
basis by
£0‘)« = a('i\d/dy)a + Ui)(

where for j = 1, 2£(1)a = and £(2)a = rja, and the explicit form of the coefficients
may be read off if we compare (5.16) with (5.17). Then the Killing equations may be
w ritten as
2 9y(a 0 6)aii) + 2 9v(a

The xy- and ^-com ponents of this equation yield a homogeneous system of linear
equations for dxa(-1) and dxb(j) whose determ inant is MQ —N P which cannot vanish
because the metric determ inant is proportional to MQ —N P. Therefore, and 60)
are independent of x.For e# 0, the uy- and av-eom
are also independent of u,which may be shown in the same way.
ww-component of the Killing equation and the relation between and b{i) give us
(after applying du and after using the equations (5.5 and (5.14 6,^)) again a
homogeneous system of linear equations for du, a(j) and with non-vanishing
determ inant MQ —N P . Therefore, aw and 6(;) depend only on y and v. So, we are able
to use the transform ation (5.15 6) which is still available so th a t the coordinates y
an d /o r v are adapted to the Killing vectors.
W ith these preparations, it is easy to derive the final form of the line elements.
We tre a t four separate cases.
(i) p#0 j=. t .Re ijr and Im \Jr are then independent functions, and £a, y
independent Killing vectors adapted to the coordinates v and y, respectively.
Moreover, we find the relations
N = -\i/r\~ 2B, M
(2 —e2) Q — |^ |~ 2 A,
if we compare (5.16) with (5.17). Finally, we fix the transform ation (5.15a) by
u' = Re \Jr and x' — Im \Jr. We insert these relations into (5.13) and obtain
du\ 2 / dx \ 2
ds2 = — (ule
A{u)J + \R 0r)/
— (u 2 + x2)~x {[B(x) (dv —u 2 dy)](dv + d
Ci 11
( 1 —e2) - ■A ( u ()dv + x 2dy).

For this line element, the null-basis forms and the coordinate forms are related by

72(1 + e2) k = (u2+ x 2)%[eA-xdu+ (2 —e2)-1

^ (1 +e2)n = (u2+ x2)^[ —A~xdu + epi —e2)~l {u2+ x 2)*1A
a/2 m= - { u 2+ x 2)^[B~1dx + i(u 2 -\-x2)~1B{dv —u2dy
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374 W. Dietz and R. Rudiger

We apply C artan’s formalism to compute the non-vanishing rotation coefficients

1 . u
P= A(u), fi =
1 u —ix
T —— B(X), 7TT,

e= - 272 (^2+ £2)- ^ y = ee>

a = -272 {u2 + x2)~$ , fi = - a .

So, the Killing-Yano tensor equations (5.1) are satisfied for arbitrary functions A
and B.
(ii) p#0 = r. This implies B = 0 so th a t d ifr = E A
are functions of u. The Killing vectors become parallel and the coordinate v may be
adapted to £a. Then, by comparison with (5.176), we find

N = 0, (2 —e2) Q=
F = F(x, y), M = M (x,y), = C

by virtue of the equations (5.14 a, b, d ,f), so th a t A = We use transform ation

(5.15a) to fix u b y u' = R e\jr.These relations inserted into (5.13)

A 2
d.s2= —|^r|2 (dv + Cdy)
(\n /I
+ (F d x )2+ (M d y )2+ 2( 1(dv
- +C ^

and the Newm an-Penrose coefficient

so th a t the Killing-Yano tensor equation p\Jr = p\js is satisfied only if dx

with l: = I m ^ = const. We put D(x,y) := )~x (0^(7)^ and perform the trivial
transformation y / 2l -> y, obtaining the line element

d' 2 = - < “ 2+ ;2> +d- G^ y ^ x ’y ^ + { - ^ j ) 2]}

+( u2
+ l 2)-1e[A(u) (dv -f 2lC(x, y) dy)]2
c| 7/
- 2(1 - g2) A (u)(dv+ 2 y) dy)
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Space-times admitting Killing-Yano tensors. I 375

for which the basis null forms and the coordinate forms are related to each other by
-jz(l + e2) k = (u2 + l2)l{eA~1du + {2 - e 2)-1
+ e2)ti = (u2 + l2)i { — A ~ xdu + e{2 —e2)-1
V2 m = ( u 2+ Z2)i (0X<7)1{ - Dd
Using C artan’s formalism, we find the non-vanishing Newman-Penrose coefficients
p =-j 2A{u) (u2 + l2)~%(u —il),/i = ep
dA u —\V
e 2J2 {u2 + l (u) —A(u) 7 = ee>
dw u^+T2] ’
~(0* C{x,y))f
a = - 272 (u2 + 12)-* [0XC(x, y)]~x 0.
. D{x,y)

+ i dv[D{x,y){dx C{x,y))%]\, / ? = - a .

Therefore, the Killing-Yano tensor equation (5.1) is satisfied for arbitrary functions
A, C and D.
(iii) p= 0 # r. For this case, we find A=
Im ^r are functions of x. Again, the Killing vectors are parallel and 0/0y may be
adapted to £a.
If we proceed in the same way as before, we obtain the line element

ds2 = — (k2+x2) |0WC(u,

v) jev) d«)s - + 4(1 —e2)d u dv| +
— (k2 + x2)-1 {B(x) [dy —(1 + e2)-1 4 v) dv]}2,
where Jc: = Re ^ = const. ^ 0. Because the null-basis forms and the coordinate
forms are related by

^ ( 1 + e2) k = (Jc2 + x2)l (0MC)i (D ^ d v + eDdu),

^ 2(1 + e2)ti = (k2 + x2)%(duC)? (e D ^ d v —Ddu),
J 2 m = - ( F + x2)I {B~xdx + i (+ x2)-1 B(dy —(1

we deduce using C artan’s formalism the non-vanishing Newman-Penrose


r = - J_ B(x) 7T = — T
V2 1 V + x2)F
(du C(u,v))* 1
e = -2 7 2 (^2+ ^2)_i (0mU(w, v))-1J0m - « v) (0„ C(u, #))*] j ,
D(u, v)
{du C(u,v))Y
7 = 2^2 (^2+ x2)- 1 (0wC'(w,v))-1Je0. + 0„[i)(«.») a G(u, »))*]!;
D(u, v)
k —ix \
OC= - 272 (k2+ x2)-i (x) - i B(x) , /? = —a.
k 2 + x2j
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376 W. Dietz and R. Rudiger
Conversely, the K illing-Y ano tensor equation (5.1) is satisfied for arbitrary
functions B, C and D.
(iv) p = 0 = t . The functions A and Ba
nd th
Bei/r and Im \jr are non-vanishing constants. Furtherm ore, (5.11) implies th
basis forms are hypersurface orthogonal so th a t in (5 .1 2 )Y = $ 0 = P . Then, the
equations (5.146, c) and (5.14 a, d) e n s u r e
E =E
(u,v);Q= Q(u,v), =
If we absorb the constant \rjr\ into the functions E, F, M and Q, we find the line
ds2 = —e[(E(u, v) d u )2—(
- 4 ( 1 - e2) E(u, v) d uQ(u, v) dv - (F(x, y)
The basis forms and coordinate forms are related by
7 ^ (1 + e2) k= Qdv + eEdu, ^ 2-(l +e2)n =
So, the non-vanishing Newm an-Penrose coefficients are given by
e = - 272 (EQ )-1( du )Q
7 = —272 {EQ)*1 (edu Q(u,v) + dv E(u,v)
a = - 2^ ( F M ) - 1( - d xM{x,y) + idvF(x,y)),
A= - 2^ ( F M ) - i( d x M (x,y) + idy F(xj y
The Killing-Yano tensor equation (5.1) is fulfilled for arbitrary functions E, F, M
and Q.
Additionally, we wish to comment on the param eter e introduced to determine
whether d(Re^") is timelike, spacelike or null. The param eter e has a direct geo­
metric meaning if d (R e ^ ) 0^ as in the cases (i) and (ii). B
(iv) are characterized by the vanishing of d (Re \jr), e becomes meaningless in these
two cases. However, e appears in these cases again because we treated all cases
simultaneously as far as possible and, therefore, applied the basis transform ation
(5.10) which depends on e. For th a t reason, e also appears in (iii) and (iv), formally
making the direct correspondence of the two cases (ii) and (iii) more transparent. 6

6. G e o m e t r i c a l i n t e r p r e t a t i o n o p K i l l i n g - Y ano
Contrary to the case of a Killing-Yano tensor of rank two, there does not seem to
exist a simple interpretation of Killing-Yano tensors of rank four. In this chapter,
we shall demonstrate that, under conditions to be specified, one property of the
classical Kepler motion may be rediscovered in a metric adm itting a Killing-Yano
tensor of rank four.
Consider a (Newtonian) gravitational field with vanishing force component
orthogonal to the equatorial plane. Then, a test particle started within this plane
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Space-times admitting Killing—Yano tensors. I 377
and tangent to it will stay in the equatorial plane, and the angular momentum
vector will always be orthogonal to this surface. A four-dimensional analogy of this
situation would be th a t there exists a timelike hypersurface which is totally
geodesic (see Schouten 1954) and which has the property th at, for any geodesic in
with tangent field p a, the vector la =is orthogo
prove th a t the following statem ent is true.
Let f *b e a K illing-Y ano tensor of rank four with the following properties.
(а) The function Z : = |/ * /* is not a constant.
(б) There exists a timelike hypersurface of the family of hypersurfaces
Z = const, such th a t/* 5 is simple on ^ i.e.
(c) On 34*,
R m, r J mnf * r‘ = 0,
is valid.
n, 34?is totally geodesic.
These conditions are fulfilled for di?(0) /d x = 0 on the surfaces = 0 in the cases (i)
and (iii) of § 5.
Let na = Z a( —Z mZ m)-i be the unit normal field on the hypersurfaces Z = const.,
where Z a —V aZW
. e prove th a t Vbwa = 0 on From (4.16) and (4.2)
Za =f}mZ™(6-1)
The real p art of the integrability conditions (4.66) and (4.6c) gives

^ d a = - l ( C abmnfmn+ W a
which implies, by using (4.16), th a t
VftVaZ = - * / * n iC ^ sr
From (4.6a), we obtain
<6 -2 >

which merely expresses the fact th a t the Weyl tensor is of Petrov-Pirani type D.
The bivector identity WamWb*m = \gabW ' W* applied to (6) gives
f amf * mb= 0, (6.3)
on ^ and (c) implies, by using (6.2) and (6.3), th a t Cmbrsf rs c c f mb on 2^ . So, we
have V6VaZ = 0 on and, consequently, 0 on Therefore, the second
fundamental form on vanishes, which c h a ra c te riz e s^ as being totally geodesic
(Schouten 1954).
Furthermore, the vector la =f*mPm is orthogonal to 34?
This may be read off from the dualized version of
Z lalb]= 0,
on 34? if p mZ m = 0: dualizing equation (6.4) yields
Pl aKmZ™ = 6,
which is, in fact, fulfilled by virtue of (6.1) and (6.3).
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378 W. Dietz and It. Rudiger
Obviously, this property of la supports, a t least for the specialized case of a particle
with worldline in , the interpretation of la as an angular m om entum vector.

The authors wish to thank Tevian D ray for reading the m anuscript.

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