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Music Lesson Plan

Trisha Bacalso

Lesson Topic​: Triplets and complex meters

Grade Level or Class​: Intermediate woodwinds/percussion class
Lesson Duration​: 30 minutes

Materials Needed for This Lesson:

● Rhythm set 12
● Standard of Excellence Book 1, #112
● Divisi board and projector
● Drumsticks to keep tempo
● Trumpet or clarinet for modeling

Lesson Objectives:
● Students will demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between similar rhythms
in 6/8 and 2/4 meter by accurately clapping and counting all of the rhythms of rhythm set
12 #’s 13-24, as well as standard of excellence #112 (Triple Threat)
● Students will play #’s 13-24 of rhythms set 12 on a concert Eb together, with rhythmic
● Students will play #112 from Standard of Excellence Book 1 with correct pitches and

AZ State Standards Addressed:

● MU.PR.5.PE.8a: Develop strategies to address technical challenges in a varied repertoire
of music
● MU.PR.5.PE.8b: Use feedback from ensemble peers and other sources to refine
● Performing - intermediate: Utilize musical symbols encountered in the repertoire
● Performing - HS proficient: Maintain a steady beat, with visual assistance, while playing
individually and with others note and rest values in simple and complex meters as
encountered in the repertoire.

National Music Standard(s) Achieved:

☐ Imagine: Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts
☐ Plan and Make: Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts
☐ Evaluate and Refine: Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work
that meets appropriate criteria
☐ Present: Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship,
and exhibits originality
☐ Select: Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical
skill, and context
☐ Analyze: Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their
implications for performance
☐ Interpret: Develop personal interpretations that consider creators’ intent
☐ Rehearse, Evaluate, and Refine: Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble
performances, individuality or in collaboration with others
☐ Present: Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy,
and in a manner appropriate to the audience and context
☐ Select: Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context
☐ Analyze: Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the
☐ Interpret: Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators’/performers’
expressive intent
☐ Evaluate: Support evaluations of musical works and performances based on analysis,
interpretation, and established criteria
☐ Connect: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make music
☐ Connect: Relate musical ideas and works to varied contexts and daily life to deepen


Introductory Activity / Anticipatory Set​:

● Students will call and response to rhythms that the teacher will model on a concert Eb.
o Time allotted: 1 minute
● Students will identify which count is being divided and what type of divisions are being
o Time allotted: 30 seconds

Body of the Lesson / Activities that demonstrate new material/concepts

● Activity 1: Students will identify the time signature of column 2 of rhythm set 12, and
will identify how many counts are in a measure of 6/8 as well as what note gets the beat
o 100% engagement: Class discussion allows all students to participate
o Modifications/Accommodations: Project rhythm set on board to provide visual
assistance to all students.
o Formative Assessment: Students’ answers will serve as formative assessment
o Instructional Strategy: student-centered discussion; teacher is acting as a guide to
facilitate discussion, while students are coming up with ideas and answers
o Time allotted: 2 minutes
● Activity 2: Students will help the teacher write the counts of the rhythm of #13.
o 100% engagement: Students will shout out the counts as a class.
o Modifications/Accommodations: Rhythm set will continue to be projected on the
board for visual assistance.
o Formative Assessment: Students’ answers will serve as formative assessment.
o Instructional Strategy: Student-centered
o Time allotted: 1 minute

● Activity 3: Students will clap and count #13-24 (separately) with assistance from the
teacher beating the counts on drumsticks.
o 100% engagement: All students will be clapping and counting.
o Modifications/Accommodations: Rhythm set and written-out counts will continue
to be projected on the board for visual assistance; students will be patting their
chests to give them a kinesthetic sense of internal pulse.
o Formative Assessment: Teacher will listen for any errors or faulty technique.
o Instructional Strategy: Teacher-centered
o Time allotted: 4 minutes

● Activity 4: Students will play the rhythms of #13-24 on a concert Eb.

o 100% engagement: All students will be playing their instruments.
o Modifications/Accommodations: Rhythm set and written-out counts will continue
to be projected on board for visual assistance; teacher will continue to beat time
on drumsticks for aural reference of pulse.
o Formative Assessment: Listen for any errors or faulty technique.
o Instructional Strategy: Teacher-centered
o Time allotted: 3 minutes

● Activity 5: Students will clap and count line A from Standard of Excellence #112 with
rhythmic accuracy.
o 100% engagement: All students will be clapping and counting their rhythms.
o Modifications/Accommodations: Line A will be projected on the board for visual
reference, and counts will be written in as needed.
o Formative Assessment: Listen for any errors or faulty technique.
o Instructional Strategy: Teacher-centered
o Time allotted: 2 minutes

● Activity 6: Students will clap and count line B from Standard of Excellence #112 with
rhythmic accuracy.
o 100% engagement: All students will be clapping and counting their rhythms.
o Modifications/Accommodations: Line B will be projected on the board for visual
reference, and counts will be written in as needed.
o Formative Assessment: Listen for any errors or faulty technique.
o Instructional Strategy: Teacher-centered
o Time allotted: 2 minutes
Concluding Activity
● Students will play either line A or line B of #112 with pitch and rhythmic accuracy.
o Time allotted: 2 minutes

Summative Assessments
● Assessment Activity/Assignment: Students will be assessed formatively by listening for
any pitch or rhythmic errors.

● Rubric​:
Criteria 4-Excelling; 3-Meets the 2-Approaching 1-Falls far
Exceeds the Standard below
Rhythmic Students perform Students perform
Students perform Students perform
accuracy all rhythms all rhythms with
all rhythms with less than 60% of
accurately and in 90% accuracy 60% accuracy all rhythms
time. and in time and is mostly in accurately and is
time not in time
Pitch accuracy Students perform Students perform Students perform Students perform
all notes all notes with all notes with less than 60% of
accurately. 90% accuracy 60% accuracy all notes

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