Name: Cerli Marsita Nim: 1605111571

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Name : Cerli Marsita

Nim : 1605111571

Short story :

My struggle and me

Time keeps running, didn’t feel that Mika had entered the fifth semester. In the semester
where she must be more focus and energetic. Certainly this semester is not the same with the
previous. This semester begin to even harder. All subjects that are increasingly complicated and
the tasks that she must do carefully and lots of practice such as presentations, she always try to
do what the lecturer wants, although sometimes her bad habits that she can’t remove that is
the lack of confidence or often feel nervous when she wants to show a presentation. In the fifth
semester, it is different with what Mika expected. There are many obstacles that will Mika faces.

Mika is a student in the Department of English Education at the University of Riau. Mika
is an independent woman. She continues to strengthen herself and try not to complain every
time when she has a problem. Every day except Saturday and Sunday, she passed as usual,
carrying out her obligations as a student to gain knowledge by studying in campus.

A wave of wind seems to gently comb the leaves, accompanying the bright morning.
Mika accelerated her pace walking down the road to the campus with her friend named Bela.
Mika met with Bela for the first time when she was a freshman. Bela is a nice friend. As usual
they go to the campus together. There was nothing to worry about that morning because they
felt they had left on time. After almost few minutes, they arrived at the campus, before entering
class it appeared that their lecturer, Mr. Mul sits in front of the class. Suddenly Mika and Bela
panicked and rushed in then choosing their own seat.

“Why are you come late? Mr. Mul said last week, no one come late.” Replied one student who
had been in the class and also seems panicked.

“Why are you come late?” Apparently Mr. Mul also asked the same question. At that time, Mika
and Bela are just silent and feel guilty.

Not only Mika and Bela who came late that morning, but also there are still many
students who came late besides them. “Please on time.” said Mr. Mul who looked very
disappointed. “Today we will practice meeting discussion right?” asked Mr. Mul.
“Yes, sir.” all the students replied. “So who wants to be the first?” Mr. Mul asked. Then all
students answered with fear “there are no complete members from each group, sir”

“Hhh ”. Mr. Mul murmured while showing his disappointment.

“How is this Bel? my group is also incomplete ” Mika said, reaching out her cellphone to notice
her members to come soon.

“I don’t know Mika, my group is also incomplete.” Bela replied.

Every time when the student come, Mr. Mul always asks if there is a complete group or
not, but still doesn’t yet, thus Mr. Mul even more annoyed. All students in the class just fell
silent so did Mika and Bela. They must show their tasks that they have made in a video and
practice it in front of the class.
“Ok if it’s not there, just practice with your own group “. With a tone still disappointed then Mr.
Mul starts walking out of the class. “I’m sorry, sir.” All students said, watching Mr. Mul walk out.

After walk out and not seen again, all students panicked, feared and felt guilty. Mika is
very disappointed with herself after last night she had practiced for her performance that day
but all cancelled because of her mistake. Regardless of that, they can only surrender and
promise not to repeat mistakes next week then Mika and her friends rushed out after seeing the
lesson hours had over.

As usual when it enters October, in Pekanbaru, will also enter the rainy season again.
That afternoon, the rain begins to fall. First of all, it only blots. More and more heavy, so that
Mika feel a little lazy to leave home and just spent her day at home doing her tasks. Mika began
to be busy with all her tasks. The first task is to prepare a script of the conversation to practice
becoming an interpreter for tomorrow. Tomorrow is Mika's turn to be an interpreter, after Fika
was an interpreter. In that subject, they have to practice becoming an interpreter. There are
three people in one group. Mika's group are consists of Fika and Lala.

She left the television on while she doing her tasks looking for the script. It was not easy
for her to look for it, she always confused and had not yet discovered what conversation topics
are suitable for an interpreter. Moreover, there is also a quiz for tomorrow and Mika has to
study hard to be able to answer the questions well.

"There are so much that I have to do. The script for the conversation and prepare for a quiz."
She mumbled in the heart because it began to feel tired and saturated. "It feels like I want to go
home when I have these, miss my mom and sisters." She said thoughtfully. "But I mustn’t give
up, I can do it ..." Then Mika continued her tasks with enthusiasm. Suddenly her cellphone rang
"Kring kring." Mika quickly grabbed her cellphone and looked at the screen. It turned out that
her mother and sisters are calling through a video call,so that Mika is very happy. She also can
let go of longing for her family and let go of fatigue after hard thinking for her tasks. After
talking with family, then Mika continue her work.

Finally after few hours, Mika got the script for conversation to an interpreter, she feel
relieved, she immediately edited the script. After editing, Mika send the script to the members
of the group, they are Fika and Lala. Then Mary began to memorize the script of the
conversation to be able to perform optimally tomorrow. Threw her body on the bed , Mika still
continue to memorize the script of the conversation.

In the middle of the night, but Mika still sitting on the edge of the bed and silent because
she focused on reading the quiz material after memorizing and edited the script of the
conversation for interpreter practicing. She believes her efforts will get good results for the quiz
and performance as an interpreter as well.

On a bright Monday morning. Mika is ready to do her routine today, it is a busy day. The
quiz that will be faced my Mika will be passed soon, she continues to pray to be given ease.
After praying, she immediately answers to a sheet of white paper on her table. Even though
there are some questions that ahe can’t answer, she is still optimistic that she will get good
enough result because she is sure of the other answer she could answer.

When the quiz is over, Mika and her friends rushed to the next class. While waiting for
the lecturer come, Mika continues to practice as an interpreter.
“Come on , let’s practice.” Mika invites her friends to practice. “We start from Fika” Mika said.
"Alright" Fika and Lala replied. During practice, Lala often forgets her part which makes Mika
feel annoyed.

"Thanks Fika, I’m still try my what was that?” said Lala stuttered. “Lala,please
seriously. Don’t forget it again, your part isn’t too difficult.” Mika said,began to show her
resentment. She afraid later she also make a mistake as an interpreter. Mika already remembers
what sentence she will translate, but if Lala keeps forgetting, the sentence that will be
translated by Mika also change. That is why Mika more frightened and annoyed. "Ok Mika, I’m
so sorry, I will remember my part.” Lala replied. Then the lecturer come to the class. Mika’s
heart almost burst out of its place. Cold sweat began to spread, she pray that her nervousness
would disappear.

The first performance starts from the first group until the fifth group that is Mika’s
group. Mika gets up and walks to the front of the class. With a deep breath and bracing herself,
walking with the confidence and calmness she could has at that moment. Whatever will happen
in front of the class she will pass with all her might. After few minutes they performed smoothly,
finally Mika was relieved. The lecturer also seems satisfied with their performance. It was not in
vain that Mika practiced and memorized the script of the conversation all night. A happy smile is
clearly reflected oh her face.

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