Soal Comperative Sentence

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Lengkapilah bentuk perbandingan berikut ini dengan bentuk‘EQUATIVE’ yang tepat!

1. This pencil is long. That pencil is short. That pencil isn’t as ________ as this pencil.
2. A buffalo can’t run as _________ as a horse.
3. I can do the Biology test easily. I think Biology is not as _________ as Mathematic.
4. An orangutan isn’t as __________ as an elephant. An elephant can lift a wood with its trunk easily.
5. My father is handsome, so, my brother is as -------- as my father.
6. My mother is beautyful, so, my sister is as -------- as my mother
7. My father is 45 years old. My mother is 45 years old, my father is as -------- as my mother
8. My knife is sharp, the chef’s knife is sharp, my knife is as -------- as the chef

Lengkapilah kalimat berikut ini dengan bentuk ‘COMPARATIVE’ yang tepat!

1. Andi is 165 cm tall. Donna is 167 cm tall. So, Donna is _________ than Andi.
2. My father is 45 years old. My mother is 46 years old. So, My mother is _________ than my father.
3. A buffalo is big. But, an elephant is ________ than a buffalo.
4. Bengawan Solo river is long but Nil river is ________ than Bengawan Solo river.
5. Most students think Mathematic is ___________ than Social Science.
6. Roger is 12 years old. Danu is 15 years old. So, Roger is ______ than Danu.
7. A hill is __________ than a mountain.
8. A horse runs __________ than a goat.
9. A car’s price is usually __________ than a motorbike’s price.
10. The red jacket is 60,000 rupiahs. The blue jacket costs 75,000 rupiahs. The red jacket is ________
than the blue jacket

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