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-Kings are to rule in loving observance of God’s covenant.


Covenant- an agreement between two parties; in the old testament it is the faithful relationship of God
with man and man to God.
Psalms- Song-prayer dedicated to God.
Israel- Northern part of Israel.
Judah-Southern part of Israel.,
Ark of the Covenant- this contains the tablet of the ten commandments.


-We do not have to look far, God is faithful to us and to the covenant He has made.
-In the Old Testament people where disunited because of sin. They lack the faith of winning and victory.
-They believe that king will bring them victory over battles that lead to the establishment of Israel’s
-Samuel- Transition figure from tribal to monarchy.
-Last Judge
-First of the prophets.
- Samuel spoke of God’s condition; God will remain as the only true king of Israel; human king
must only be a representative of God to His people.
-king are also subject to follow God’s law.
-God and His laws are over and above any human law.
-God is over and above any human kings.


-He was the first king of Israel.
-He was a great warrior who protected the Israelites from the Ammonites and won a number of battle.
-Saul’s Success made him too much proud and he began to follow his own ways.
- 2 Samuel 13:13-14

2. David
-He is known to be the greatest King.
-He served God faithfully.
-He was anointed secretly to be the next king of Israel while he was still young because he has a heart
like God’s.
-He ruled two kingdoms: Israel and Judah.
-Jerusalem was hailed to be the capital of Israel also known as the city of David.
- He brought the ark of the covenant and tabernacle in Israel.(Religious center of the nation)
-David offended God Though the sins that he committed.
1. What are the sins committed by David?
-He repented sincerely from all the sins that he committed.
-He wrote Psalms to God
-Common theme of David’s Psalms are Praise, thanksgiving and lamentations.
1. Search for one verse of a Psalm.

3. Solomon
-He is known to be the wise king.
-Solomon fulfilled his father’s dream of constructing the temple of the Lord.
-The temple serve as the visible sign of God’s presence over the land.
1. What is Church or temple???
-Solomon build shrines for his wives and traders that lead the impurity of israel’s religion.

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