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Learning Environments and Classroom Management

Zach Zimmer

National University
Dear Parents,

I wanted to touch basis with you this week and give some insight on my personal

approach to classroom management. When it comes to classroom management there are

essentially four different approaches, behavioral, cognitive, humanist, and social psychological

approaches. Behavioral approach focuses on creating clear expectations on appropriate

behavior in the classroom. This includes modeling correct behaviors, monitoring student’s

behaviors in the class, and reinforcing students who exemplify appropriate behaviors. The

cognitive approach relies on teaching students how to critically think and self-reflect on their

actions/behaviors in the classroom. A teacher must effectively teach their students proper

techniques to assess their own behaviors in the classroom so they can correctly self-assess.

The humanist approach focuses on placing all the tools in the students hand and letting them

“take the reins” and manage their own learning environment. In the humanist approach often

times teachers will meet with their class for group discussions. With the help of the students,

the teacher will facilitate the group and the students will help create rules that they see as

necessary for the classroom. Finally social psychology focuses primarily on instruction and

working with a variety of social interactions amongst the students, social growth is obviously a

major focus of this approach. Cooperative learning is a major part of social psychology where

students work together in small groups to accomplish a common goal.

The approach we will be using in my PE class is the behavioral approach. The

behavioral approach is ideal for our PE class due to the fact that we need to exemplify certain

behaviors in the class, especially in PE. In PE students are bound to get wound up running

around in open space, this is why it is important to show them correct behaviors that are

appropriate for the PE classroom. Some of these behaviors are keeping your hands to yourself,

no demeaning language towards classmates, and much more. To ensure that all students

succeed under this approach I will make sure to sit the students down week one and go over
the rules and expectations we have in the gym. As well as demonstrate for them what proper

and improper behavior looks like in PE.

Finally I will wrap up this letter explaining a few classroom rules and the rationale for

these rules

1. Listening to the teacher and others in class vs. talking out.

a. While a teacher is talking (either myself or another PE teacher) we expect

students to listen attentively with their eyes and ears, giving their full attention

b. This is to ensure that students are being respectful to their teachers as well as

ensuring they absorb the material

2. Transitions during the day, entering / exiting the classroom, changing subjects,

moving from one location to another for instructional purposes, hall behavior, and

playground behavior.

a. When we transition stations with another class I will explain to the students we

never enter the gym/or area that a class is currently using

b. This is to be respectful to the other classes as well as to ensure we don't get

students lost in transitioning.

3. Possession of required materials and supplies, such a books assigned to

students and materials they should have in their possession (pens, pencils, paper,

binders and/or folders).

a. It is expected that every student come to PE in the school provided PE t-shirt and

shorts. Students may wear sweats underneath their PE t-shirt and shorts.

b. This is to ensure that students are being responsible and actively dressing

out/participating. This will also help teachers determine if a student should be in

PE or a student who is out of class wandering around.

4. . Classroom supplies such as in a storage cabinet, resource books on shelves in

the classroom, etc.

a. Student will be assigned a locker at the beginning of the year. While there are

not many rules to the lockers we ask that students do not fill lockers with trash

and to regularly take their clothes home to wash.

b. Keeping the lockers clean is essential for student’s personal hygiene as well as

keeping the locker rooms nice for the whole school.

5. Use of the restroom.

a. Students will be allowed to use the restroom whenever they need to, however,

we do require students to ask for permission to use the restroom before leaving

b. This is to keep track of the students. If a student were to simply leave class the

teacher may believe that the student is missing or left school campus.

6. Talking to other students in the classroom, noise level.

a. Social interaction in PE is essential. However, when a teacher is giving

instruction we expect students to listen attentively to directions.

b. This is to ensure that students understand what they will be doing, rules of a

game, etc. Students listening to directions will also help ensure that everyone is

safe outside doing physical activity.

7. Eating / drinking during class time.

a. There will be no eating in the PE class. Students may bring water with them if

they desire.

b. We do not allow food out at PE to ensure that our campus stays nice and clean,

as well as keeping all our students safe (from allergies, etc.)

8. The teacher’s desks and personal items.

a. While we PE teachers will not be working at our desks (in the coaches office) but

in between periods, we do have certain rules for the coaches office. We do ask

that students knock before entering the coaches office.

b. This is to ensure that a coach is in the office to assist the student.

9. Attending to directions,

a. As stated above, we expect students to listen attentively to all directions given to


b. This is to ensure that they are most importantly safe. For instance, when we do

our swimming unit we will give direction that there is to be absolutely no running

on the pool deck. This is to make sure no student slips and falls.

10. Boundaries: when and how others approach you or behave around you.

a. Students may approach a teacher/coaches office whenever they need to.

However, we do ask that students refer to us as Coach or Mr. Zimmer.

b. We are always here for students, however we do expect students to address us

respectfully as they would any other adult authoritative figure.

11. Absences

a. All excused absences will have no penalty and the student may make up the

missed work on the day they return. Unexcused absences will be given a non

participation and a 0 for the day.

b. It is very important that students are attending their class on a regular basis so

they do not fall behind.

12. Failure to complete assignments

a. A failure to dress out or complete an assignment (such as participate in a game)

will result in a 0 in participation for the day.

b. It is important that every student come in proper attire and try their best in PE


13. Fair and respectful treatment of students and families

a. We expect all of our students to treat their peers and teachers in a respectful

manner 24/7. This means no foul language, no bullying, no fighting, etc.

b. We strive to ensure that every student feels safe and respected when coming

into the gym.

14. Respect and acceptance of differences vs. intolerance and harassment in class

and in the school

a. All PE classes will inevitably have students who come from a different culture,

students who are in special ed., and other differences. Every student in the class

deserves their peers respect, any student who is caught harassing or bullying

another student will be referred to student services for disciplinary action.

b. Every student should feel safe when they come into PE. This does not only mean

physically, but emotionally as well.

15. Medication and other health issues

a. We ask that any students who need to take medication or concerning health

issues please discuss these issues with your teacher beforehand. The teacher

will make sure the medication and health issues are taken care of in the class.

b. We PE teachers need to know if there is any medication or health issue that may

cause issues with the lesson. For the safety of the child please make sure the

teacher is aware of any medication/ known health issues.

Please be aware that any IEP’s, 504’s, ELL students, amd students with cultural or religious

needs will be taken into account and rules may be adjusted accordingly. We strive to make our

class inclusive for all students to find success. Thank you for your time


Mr. Zimmer

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