1b. Rooftop Area Project Samples

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Rooftop Area project samples

1.The buildings with area deviation lager than 10% need to be fixed. If the shape is wrong
but area is right, you can leave it.
2.No need to draw the buildings under construction with tiny height. As samples below.
3-1.Buildings under construction with an obvious height need to be drawn. As samples

3-2. Do not miss the small buildings – there are many in this project.
3-3. If buildings/walls are covered by green vegetation, they are likely abandoned. Do not
draw these.
4. Sometimes the computer captures trees as buildings. Delete these. As samples below.
You can distinguish tree canopy because it’s boundary is not smooth, and there is round /
cone roof structure in the middle.
5.Circular buildings need to be drawn.
The boundary of circular buildings is smooth. It is a cone-shaped at the rooftop. The
color is brown. Those buildings are usually built in groups. Draw them.
6.Cut buildings properly.
Samples below are buildings that need to be cut, as they are clearly separate (remember,
get the building COUNT and AREA right).
7.Delete the polygons that are obviously not buildings in the water area.

8.Hollow out any large cavities. Samples below need to hollow the middle of the buildings.
Any tiny hollows can be ignored.

Need to hollow Need to hollow

No need to hollow No need to hollow

9-1.Do not draw the ground as buildings. Ground doesn’t have height or shadow. The
color is brown or green. Samples below are all ground, and should not be drawn.
9-2.Do not draw agricultural land as buildings. The samples below green or brown color
with no height. Also we cannot see clear boundaries. DO not draw these.
10. Do not draw the sidewall into buildings. Just capture the ROOF. Some buildings are
higher than other buildings, but do not draw the sidewall. Otherwise the area of the rooftop
will be wrong. Below are wrong samples. In the rare case where the roof appears to
overlap a building beside it, you can shift the rooftop so it doesn’t overlap.
11.Do not draw big rocks as buildings. Be careful these can be tricky to spot.
The rocks have no regular shape or straight corners. While buildings are all in
rectangle shape. The top of the rocks is irregular, which is different from the roof texture of
buildings. Samples below are rocks. They usually appears in rural area. Do not draw.
12. Do not miss any buildings in the dense area. Remember, the COUNT and AREA must
be correct. Samples below highlight missed buildings. In dense areas, buildings are
adjoining to each other so it can be easy to miss some in between. Be careful here. There
is rarely a large area of ground between each building in these dense areas. Watch for
visual cutes of height (ie. shadow), which buildings have while ground doesn’t. Some
buildings are not that clear, but do not miss any!
13-1.No need to fix the strange corners which will not affect the area accuracy. These are
13-2. However, definitely fix the strange corners that will clearly affect the building area.
14.Where one rooftop has been captured as two, you can merge the polygons that belong
to one rooftop. We can select those polygons and press “V” to merge directly.
15.Cut slum buildings properly
16. Use copy paste to draw the buildings with the same shape.

Original image Firstly, draw one building. Then select that

building and press “ctrl+v”

Secondly, drag that building to the second Circle the steps to draw the third and forth
building position. buildings.

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