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Distinguish a holistic perspective from a partial point of view.

1. This is often described as looking at the “big picture” when describing and analyzing a situation or problem.
a. Philosophy b. Partial thinking c. Holistic thinking d. frameworks
2. This focuses on specific aspects of a situation.
a. Philosophy b. Partial thinking c. Holistic thinking d. frameworks
3. Plato traced man’s need to philosophize to his
a. Sense of wonder b. doubt c. experience d. frameworks
4. Karl Jaspers saw the need to philosophize because of ___________
a. Sense of wonder b. doubt c. experience d. frameworks

Recognize human activities that emanated from deliberate reflection.

Requires a person to be willing to examine one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions and to learn more about one’s life and

a. Holistic thinking b. Partial thinking c. Frameworks d. Reflection

Realize the value of doing philosophy in obtaining a broad perspective on life.

Philosophy encourages a person to know oneself, his or her strengths and weaknesses, establish an identity, and determine his or
her purpose in life. What practical uses of philosophy that this refers to?
a. Philosophy enables a person to engage in critical analysis and interpretation of concepts, definitions, arguments, and
b. Philosophy improves problem-solving and decision making.
c. A philosopher is a good communicator who can clearly and adequately present his or her ideas.
d. Knowledge of philosophy can contribute to self-development.

The ability to analyze a problem or dilemma, identify its significant aspects, and comme up with alternative solutions. What uses of
philosophy this refers to?

a. Philosophy enables a person to engage in critical analysis and interpretation of concepts, definitions, arguments, and
b. Philosophy improves problem-solving and decision making.
c. A philosopher is a good communicator who can clearly and adequately present his or her ideas.
d. Knowledge of philosophy can contribute to self-development.

Do a philosophical reflection on a concrete situation from a holistic perspective.

Your family has already made plans to go on vacation but two days before your trip, your father had an accident and your planned
vacation had to be cancelled. Your younger sister was really looking forward to the trip and was upset with your father for ruining
it. How can you solve the situation using philosophical reflection?
a. Blame your father why the trip has cancelled.
b. Let your sister be angry to your father.
c. Go on with trip with your younger sister so that she won’t be upset anymore.
d. Let your sister understand because of the unexpected problem came and tell to plan another trip.

Distinguish opinion from truth.

These are statements that are observed to be real.

a. Facts b. opinion c. conclusion d. Beliefs

These are comprised of statements that provide views on a certain matter.

a. Facts b. opinion c. conclusion d. Beliefs

These are statements that express convictions that are not easily explained by facts.

a. Facts b. opinion c. conclusion d. Beliefs

This is a judgment based on certain facts.

a. Facts b. opinion c. conclusion d. Beliefs

Analyze situations that show the difference between opinion and truth.

Determine which statement is based on opinion.

1. a. The sun is the center of the solar system.
b.It takes 60 seconds in one minute.
c. Green is my favorite color.
d. A person must always consider the interests of his or her family before his or her own happiness.

2. a. Asia is the largest continent in the world.

b. Cebu is the South capital of the Philippines.

c. The beach in Boracay is more wonderful than in El Nido.

d. Anna loves playing guitar.

3. a. Ferdinand Marcos was the best President of the Philippines.

b. President Rodrigo Duterte is the 16th President of the Philippines.

c. Jose P. Laurel was the president of the Puppet Government in the Philippines.

d. Corazon Aquino was the first lady president in the Philippines.

Determine which statement is based on truth/fact.

a. May 1 is a labor day in the Philippines.

b. Christmas vacation is better than summer vacation.
c. Andres Bonifacio was the real National Hero.
d. Math is the best among all other subjects.

a. Tagalogs are arrogant and dominant.

b. Sheryn Regis is a talented Cebuana.
c. Aeta’s are ignorant and filthy.
d. Leah is a self-centered person because she is a Boholano.

Realize that the methods of philosophy lead to wisdom and truth.

Refers to a person’s ability to apply knowledge to daily life particularly in making sound choices and judgement.
a. Wisdom b. knowledge c. truth d. claim
Evaluate opinions.
1. Opinions are often influenced by bias.
a. True b. False c. maybe d. partially true
2. Which of these statements is an example of confirmation bias?
a. How can I accept his view that there is no God? I am a Christian!
b. These soldiers who fought in the war are all bloodthirsty murderers!
c. As the daughter of the accused, I believe I have the right to express my opinion on the issue of his alleged corrupt
d. I do not agree with this Western practice of placing homes. We Filipinos take care of our family members.
3. Which of these statements is an example of cultural bias?
a. How can I accept his view that there is no God? I am a Christian!
b. These soldiers who fought in the war are all bloodthirsty murderers!
c. As the daughter of the accused, I believe I have the right to express my opinion on the issue of his alleged corrupt
d. I do not agree with this Western practice of placing homes. We Filipinos take care of our family members.
4. The following are kinds of fallacy except
a. Conflict of interest
b. Ad hominem
c. Appeal to force
d. Appeal to emotion
5. Which of the following statements is an example of fallacy of division?
a. Of course he believes that the government is flawed, he is a rebel and a Communist.
b. These cases of robbery in this district have convinced me that the city has become a den thieves and criminals.
c. You come from a family of doctors and intellectuals! Surely you can do better in this course!
d. Every boy in your age already has a girlfriend, you should go find one!
6. Which of the following is an example of appeal to tradition?
a. Marriage should be between a man and a woman. It has been so for a long time in this country; it should be remain so
today and in the future.
b. I have a right to free speech, therefore you cannot stop me from talking.
c. You come from a family of doctors and intellectuals! Surely you can do better in this course!
d. Of course he believes that the government is flawed, he is a rebel and a Communist.

Recognize own limitations and possibilities.

Refers to the state of being a person.

a. Man b. Human being c. Personhood d. Person

Refers to the person having a clear perception of oneself, including his or her thoughts, emotions, identity, and actions.

a. Dignity b. externality c. self-determination d. self-awareness

The innate right to be valued and respected.

a. Dignity b. externality c. self-determination d. self-awareness

The capability to reach out and interact with others and the world.

a. Dignity b. externality c. self-determination d. self-awareness

Refers to the capability of persons to make choices and decisions based on their own preferences, monitor and regulate their
actions, and be goal-oriented and self-directed.

a. Dignity b. externality c. self-determination d. self-awareness

Evaluate own limitations and the possibilities for their transcendence.

The person is a very biologically deficient being. This means that

a. Human person is useless.

b. Human person is not equipped with best physical attributes.
c. Human person do not have the ability to do what he/she wants.
d. None of the above

Which of the following statements is NOT true about human transcendence?

a. Human’s ability to surpass limits

b. Overcoming oneself or being in control even if the body reminds us of certain tendencies.
c. As persons, we are able to exercise our imagination and reflection to go beyond our own thoughts and experiences.
d. None of these

Recognize how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for transcendence

Which of the following statements is NOT true about embodiment?

a. The human body stands as the mediator between the material world and spiritual world.
b. The body is the only thing that defines human.
c. Human embodiment allows persons to attach certain feelings or ideas not only to people, but also to objects.
d. Our experience is also a product of embodiment.

Distinguish the limitations and possibilities for transcendence.

Which of the following shows transcending limits?

a. Kyla did not pursue to her singing audition because of stage fright.
b. Alex decided not to join the soccer game which will be held in Brazil.
c. Despite of being deaf, Jane joined the classical music contest by playing violin.
d. None of the above

Notice disorder in an environment.

Which of these statements about humankind and nature is NOT true?

a. Humankind can use natural resources without regard for the consequences.
b. Humankind has a unique relationship with nature.
c. Humans are able to transform and change the environment.
d. Humans are stewards of nature.

The following are dramatic changes/catastrophic climate situations in which global warming is evident, except

a. Melting of ice shelves

b. Lakes in some part of Northern Africa were gone
c. Rising of the sea levels
d. Low category hurricanes and decrease of major storms.
Base from the documentary film “An Inconvenient Truth” which was presented by Al Gore, what year was the hottest?
a. 2005 b. 1997 c. 2000 d. 1990

Climate change is what kind of issue?

a. Moral b. environmental c. social d. political

According to Al Gore, there are three factors that effect the Earth and its ultimate survival. Which of these is not one?

a. Population growth
b. Big business enterprise
c. People’s way of thinking to the environment
d. Scientific and technological evolution

Notice things that are not in their proper place and organize them in an aesthetic way.

One philosophical view that believes maintaining order in the environment will bring out the natural beauty of the surroundings
and contribute to the well-being of the people and other organisms living in it.
a. Environmental philosophy
b. Environmental aesthetics
c. Sustainable development
d. Economic efficiency

This is the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the natural environment and humanity’s place in it.

a. Environmentalism
b. environmental philosophy
c. environmental aesthetics
d. environmental justice

This view considers man the most important species on the planet.

a. Biocentrism
b. Ecocentrism
c. Anthropocentrism
d. Environmentalism

This view believes that all organisms have inherent worth and should be valued and protected.

a. Biocentrism
b. Ecocentrism
c. Anthropocentrism
d. Environmentalism

This view places great value on ecosystems and biological communities.

a. Biocentrism
b. Ecocentrism
c. Anthropocentrism
d. Environmentalism

Show that care for the environment contributes to health, well-being and sustainable development.

This perspective advocates action to address environmental problems.

a. Biocentrism
b. Environmentalism
c. Ecocentrism
d. Anthropocentrism

This is a moral approach in analyzing the relationship between humans and the environment.

a. Environmental justice
b. Environmental aesthetics
c. Environmental philosophy
d. Environmental ethics

This concept focuses on reconciling human activities and economic development with the protection of the environment.

a. Sustainable development
b. Environmental integrity
c. Economic efficiency
d. equity

Which of these statements does NOT reflect environmental ethics?

a. Man must take action to solve environmental problems.

b. Natural disasters are unrelated to human activities.
c. We should reflect on how our actions show regard for nature.
d. We must uphold the welfare of the environment and everything in it.

Which of these statement is NOT related to sustainable development?

a. Human activities must not negatively impact the environment.

b. Natural resources must be used wisely and efficiently.
c. Resources must be conserved for other people.
d. Humankind must use up all natural resources.

Which of the following situations show the right or moral choice with regard to the environment?

a. A mining corporation decided to save costs and did not construct an effective storing facility for mining waste. The improperly
stored waste leaked and polluted the nearby river, poisoned marine life, and caused people in the nearby village to get sick.
b. A businessman bought a large piece of farmland and decided to convert it into a subdivision. During construction, hundreds of
trees were uprooted and streams were covered in cement.
c. A local official led a campaign to set aside several hectares of forested land in their city a as watershed area. This area was
declared off-limits to loggers and miners.
d. All of the above

Demonstrate the virtues of prudence and frugality towards environments.

Which of the following shows prudence and frugality?

a. Throwing of leftovers
b. Buying different dish everyday
c. Applying best practices in garbage segregation
d. Iron clothes daily

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