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Relevant trials for Corporate Network Managers

The ACTS programme contains a large number of practical trials of advanced

communications, many of them involving real users. The list below highlights those which are
most relevant for Corporate Network Managers.

More information on any of the trials being run by these projects can be found by following the
links below. There are three types of report available, although not all types are yet available
for all projects. The reports are, in order of usefulness as an introduction to the results
relevant to this sector:

• A summary report of the trial results written by the ACTSLINE project (in the “S”
column in the list).

• A more detailed report of the trial results written by the ACTSLINE project (in the “F”
column in the list).

• A report of the trial results from the InfoWin web site (in the “I”column in the list)

Where no report is identified for a particular project, the InfoWin web site will give you general information on the project and its plans for
carrying out trials.

Project no Project name Trial description F S I

AC236 CABSINET Cellular access in broadband services & interactive TV Y Y

AC014 CANCAN Contact negotiation & charging in ATM networks

AC069 COBNET Corporate optical backbone

AC354 DEMON Evolution of a metropolitan Optical Network

AC035 DIVINE Usage of interpersonal videoconferencing Y

AC094 EXPERT 1) Testbed for other projects; 2) Distributed conferencing; 3) Y

Virtual classroom

AC337 IthACI Interconnecting IP LANs over different IP switching solutions

AC006 MEDIAN Wireless broadband CPN/LAN

AC088 MICC Mobile integrated communication in construction

AC080 MISA Management of integrate ATM & SDH networks Y Y

AC307 PETERPAN Enhanced Transport by Exploiting Reservation in IP & ATM


AC052 PROSPECT Multi-domain management for open services (Service trial) Y Y

AC052 PROSPECT Multi-domain management for open services (Network trial) Y Y

AC048 RETINA Real-time distributed processing environment

AC330 SCAN Secure Communication in ATM Networks

Project no Project name Trial description F S I

AC351 SONATA Switchless Optical Network

AC097 SQUALE Security, safety and quality

AC064 TECODIS Teleworking in co-operative development of software

AC112 TRUMPET Mechanisms to provide integrity of inter-domain access to TMN Y

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