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MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE Prof. James Dennis C. Gunpal, 1.0. INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL JURTSPRUDENCE 1. Etymology and definition of medical jurisprudence 2. Laws 2.1, Sections 6 and 21, R.A. 2382 as amended by R.A. 4224 (1965) & R.A. 5946 (1369)! 2.2. Section 5, Rule 138? 3. Mistery of Medical Jurisprudence* 4, COURSE MODULE TOPICS 1. Introduction to Medical Jurisprudence (no quiz)~ Jan. 15 2. Anatomy* ~ Jan. 15 3. Biometrics* - Jan, 29 4. DNAY - Jan. 29 5. Reproduction & Assisted Reproductive Technology - Feb. 12 6. Pregnancy & Abortion - Feb. 12 7. Paternity & Filiation - Feb. 26 8. Child abuses - Feb. 25 Virginity & Rape - March 12 18, Physical injuries* - March 12 11. Insanity and Psychological incapacity - March 26 12. Gender and Sexuality - March 26 13. Addiction & toxins - April 16 14. Medical ethics - April 16 15, Medical negligence - April 23 16. Death and dying (no quiz) = May 7 17. Submission/presentation of projects - May 7 ‘submission of practical exercise instead of quiz 5. BASES OF GRADES TOTAL SCORE FINAL GRADE (70%) PRE-FINAL SCORE + (20%) FINAL EXAM SCORE TOTAL SCORE + PROJECT SCORE 5.1, PRE-FINAL SCORE - 70% 5.1.1. QUIZZES (@) + 8 modules have quizzes + 18 questions per quiz (maximum of 104 points, inctuding bonus) + given on the first 18 minutes of the class and based on the Scheduled module for the day + Bonus points given for high quiz scores quiz score: Bonus points total points 18 8 B > pttes://mm. Lawph utes/e Le 46, » ete: // Tull pat Page 1 of 2 ° 2 ae 8 4 a 7 down none. actual score 5.1.2. RECITATION (R) + based on the over-all recitation performance for the whole Semester + maximum of 28 points 5.1.3. PRACTICAL EXERCISES (PE) + 6 modules have PE + maximum of 16 points per PE (total of 68 points) 5.2. FINAL EXAM SCORE - 30% 5.2.1. covers all modules 5.2.2. NCQ and T/F statements 5.3. PROJECTS (optional) - graded from a range of 1 to § points and added to the total raw seore 5.3.1. to be submitted or presented on the Last meeting 5.3.2. must show insight, understanding, analysis or advocacy on any. Some or all of the modules taken 5.3.3. creativity in presentation or thoroughness in research paper or written articles will be given its corresponding merit. 5.3.4, email copies of the projects to upmediuragmail.con * itation of £1 Basis Sample Raw score Maximum raw score possible quizzes (®) 65 20 Practical exercises (PE) 40 sa 0s 149 Adjusted OPE (1957148) x16: (249/149) x100=100 recitation (R) 5 20 PRE-FINAL SCORE 88 ine Pre-ti 6 4 FINAL EXAM raw score 30 128 Adjusted FINAL EXAM raw score (98/128)x100=75 (120/120)x108-100 “30% Ginalexam) 2 TOTAL SCORE 78.5 ua PROJECT SCORE 5 5 FINAL GRADE 83.584 us 6. COMMUNICATION - course all communications through the class beadle using the Fotlowing contact number and email + essssasaa38 + Page 2 of 3 7. ATTENDANCE - based on AUF attendance policy 8. STUDYING FOR THE COURSE 8.1. A hard copy of module outlines are available at the Office of the Secretary. 8.2. Access the digital copy of the course outlines by opting in, 1.e., giving your email addresses througn your class representative so you can be given Benail invite to have access to the Dropbox app folder containing the Outiine. Due to the dynamic nature of technology, module outlines. are Feviewed and revised each sonester so do not depend on eld outlines of previous students. 8.3. You are expected to read the 1aus. cases, readings and view the recomended Videos WHETHER these are actually discussed in class or not. ALL outline materials are used for quizzes and final exams 9. Provide a clear passport-sized photo which can fit in a small-size folder showing your seating arrangement. Page 3 of 3

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