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Prof. J.D.C. Gumpal, M.D.

Module: DNA

Module objectives: By the end of the class, the students can

1. explain the molecular basis of the DNA structure and the process of
DNA profiling

2. interpret DNA-based data for purposes of identification

3. identify the salient provisions of the Rule on DNA evidence

4. enumerate the prerequisite standards for admissibility of DNA

evidence in People v. Vallejo1, 431 Phil. 798 (2002).

5. discuss the DNA evidence in the case of Herrera v. Alba2, G.R. No.
148220, June 15, 2005.

I. Molecular basis of DNA

Video: What is DNA and how does it work?3

II.DNA profiling

Video: DNA profiling4

1. Structural basis for identification

2. Short tandem repeats
3. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
4. Profiling process5
5. Codis (US & UK)

III.Interpreting DNA-based data

IV.Evidentiary value of DNA

1.Rule on DNA Evidence6

2.People v. Vallejo, 431 Phil. 798 (2002).
3.Herrera v. Alba, G.R. No. 148220, June 15, 2005.
4.Reading: The case of Joseph Sledge7

V.Forensic DNA Analysis in Criminal Investigations8 ⚚⚖

1 sc.judiciary.gov.ph/jurisprudence/2002/may2002/144656.htm
2 sc.judiciary.gov.ph/jurisprudence/2005/jun2005/148220.htm
3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwibgNGe4aY
4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbR9xMXuK7c
5 www.cleveland.com/rape-kits/index.ssf/2013/08/from_evidence_to_dna_how_the_b.html
6 www.lawphil.net/judjuris/juri2007/oct2007/am_06_11_5_sc_2007.html
7 www.witn.com/home/headlines/Panel-to-consider-murderers-innocence-claim-289553201.html
8 philjournalsci.dost.gov.ph/pdf/pjs pdf/vol132no1/pdf/forensic_DNA_analysis.pdf

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