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Thermal Unit Operation

Heat Transfer without Phase Change.
. Practically all operations that are carried out by the Process Engineer involves the
Production or absorption of energy in the form of heat.
. Nature of Heat Flow:
When two objects at different temperatures are brought into contact, heat flows
Flows from the object at the higher temperature to that at the lower temperature.
i.e. Net heat flow is always in the direction of decreasing temperature.
. Heat Transfer mechanisms:
Three types: conduction, convection and radiation .
. Conduction:
If a temperature gradient exists in a continuous substance heat can flow unaccompanied
By any observable motion of matter. Heat flow of this kind is called ‘conduction’.
Example : Heat flow in opaque solids, as in the brick wall of a furnace or the metal
wall of a tube .
. Convection:
When a current or macroscopic particle of fluid crosses a specific surface, it carries with
it a definite quantity of enthalpy. Such a flow of enthalpy is called ‘convection’ .

Since convection is a macroscopic phenomena it occur only when forces act on fluid
and maintain its motion. Forces used to create convection currents are two types.

Natural convection :
If the currents are the result of buoyancy forces generated by difference
In density caused by temperature gradient the this type of heat flow called ‘natural
Example: The flow of air across a heated radiator.
Forced convection:
If the currents are set in motion by the action of a mechanical device such as a pump
Or agitator ,the flow is independent of of density gradients and is called
‘forced convection’ .
Example: Heat flow to a fluid pumped through a heated pipe.
. Radiation:
Radiation is a term given to the transfer of energy through space by electromagnetic
If radiation is passing through an empty space,it is not transformed into heat or any
form of energy nor is it diverted from its path.If however,if matter appears in its path,
the radiation will be transmitted ,reflected or absorbed.It is only the absorbed energy
that appears as heat.
Examples: Fused quartz transmits practically all radiation that strikes it.
A polished opaque surface or mirror will reflect will reflect most
of the radiation.
A black surface will absorb most of the radiation and transforms it into heat.

Heat Transfer by Convection

. Importance:
. In many situations a process engineer encounters problems of heating/cooling ,and
vaporization/condensation of fluids.
Examples: Heating of milk for Pasteurization
Concentration of sugar cane juice in evaporators.
. To do such a task one uses the heat energy of another fluid .It can Steam, Cooling water
Waste exhaust gases or another process fluid.
. Exchange of heat between the two fluids (one hot another cold) in a faster way and
in a compact equipment is the challenging job of a process engineer.
. Since the fluids are flowing in the equipment at a sufficient velocity on both side of metal
wall (a tube or plate ) ,forced convection heat transfer place a major role.
. Convection Mechanism:
. The heat exchange takes place in sequence as under
Hot fluid gives energy to metal wall by convection, then
Heat is transferred within metal wall by conduction, then
Heat is absorbed from metal wall by cold fluid again by convection.
. Let us examine now how heat flows from fluid to wall or from wall to another fluid
by convection.
. Conduction and convection heat transfer requires presence of a medium a solid or fluid.
. Convective heat transfer requires a fluid in motion, but not as stagnant fluid layer.
. Heat transfer through a stagnant fluid layer is by molecular conduction like in solids.
. Since the thermal conductivities values of liquids are compared to that of metals, heat
Flow is less through stagnant fluids.
. But when the fluid is moving ,the currents of fluid absorb heat fast by convective
. Heat flow in fluids by convection is much faster than that by conduction.
Consider the following example:

Hot plate at T2 C
_______________________________________ _____
--------------------------------------------Q---------------- l
------------‘Fluid’-----------------Heat flow through- L
______________________________________ l___

Cold plate at T1 C
Fig: Heat flow through a fluid sandwiched between two parallel plates.

When fluid is stagnant heat flow ‘Q’ is slow.

When fluid is agitated heat flow ‘Q’ is fast.
More the agitation more faster is ‘Q’( more convective heat transfer)
. External verses Internal Flow :
. Fluid flow is classified as external flow or internal flow depending on whether fluid is
forced to flow over the surface or inside a confined channel.
Example: For External flow- Fluid flow over a flat surface or over pipe(s).
For internal flow- Flow of fluid inside a pipe or duct completely bounded
by solid surface.
. Hydrodynamic (or velocity) boundary layer:
Consider a fluid is flowing over a flat plate with velocity u α as shown below.

Fig: External flow over a flat surface & development of hydrodynamic boundary layer.

. After certain distance from entrance the δh remain constant.

. Within this boundary layer immediate to solid wall there is a laminar sublayer
then buffer layer then above δh main turbulent zone where velocity remain unchanged.
Thermal boundary layer:
. If the plate is hot and cold fluid is flowing over it,then we find formation of thermal
boundary layer δt as shown below.

. The temperature of fluid element that is touching the wall will be T s.

. This temperature of fluid elements drops from Ts to Tα in this thin thermal boundary layer
where heat transfer is mainly by molecular conduction.
. Above this thermal boundary layer fluid is in motion and heat transfer takes by convection.
. Hence the rate of heat transfer from wall to fluid is a complex phenomena.It depends on fluid
Properties like ‘k’, specific heat Cp ,density ‘ρ’ ,viscosity ‘µ’ ; fluid velocity,type of flow i.e.
laminar or turbulent ( which influences boundary layer thickness.)
. Despite complexity of convection mechanism, the rate of convective heat transfer is observed
To be proportional to the temperature difference and is conveniently expressed by
“ Newton’s law of cooling “ as
qconv = h.A.(Ts-Tα) , W
= hA∆T,
Where , h = convective heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 C
A = heat transfer surface area,m2
Ts = temperature of surface, C
Tα = temperature of fluid , C
. Definition of ‘h’ :
Convective heat transfer coefficient is defined as rate of heat transfer between surface
and fluid per unit surface area per unit temperature difference.
Air at 20 C blows over a plate of 50 cm × 75 cm maintained at 250 C. The convective heat
transfer coefficient is 25 W/m2 C. Calculate the rate of heat convection.
Given A = 0.05×0.075 = 0.00375 m2
Ts =250 C ; Tα =20 C
qconv = h.A.(Ts-Tα)
= 25×0.00375×230 = 21.56 W
An electric current is passed through a wire 1 cm in diameter and 10 cm long. The wire is
Submerged in a liquid water at atmospheric pressure, and current is increased until the
water boiles.For this situation the ‘h’ value is 5000 W/m2 C and the water temperature
will be 100 C .How much electric power must be applied to the wire to maintain wire
surface at 114 C ?
Given A = πdL= π×0.01×0.1 = 0.003141 m2.
Ts =114 C ; Tα =100 C : h = 5000 W/m2 C
qconv = h.A.(Ts-Tα)
= 5000×0.003141×14 =219 W

Dimensionless numbers-Convective Heat Transfer

‘Nusselt’ number, Nu

. In convection heat transfer studies it is common practice to non dimensionlise the

governing equations by combining variables, which group together into dimensionless
numbers in order to reduce the number of total variables.
. Nu =Dimensionless convective heat transfer coefficient. It is defined as ratio
of heat flow by convection to heat flow by conduction.

Hot plate at T2 C
_______________________________________ _____
--------------------------------------------Q---------------- l
------------‘Fluid’-----------------Heat flow through- L
______________________________________ l___

Cold plate at T1 C
Fig: Heat flow through a fluid sandwiched between two parallel plates L distance apart.

Nu = qconvection/ qconduction = (hA∆T)/kA(∆T/L) = ( hL/k)

In this ‘L ‘ is the characteristic length : length between parallel plates,or it can be
‘d’ ,the inner diameter of pipe for fluid flowing inside a pipe.

. ‘Nu’ represent the enhancement of heat transfer through a fluid layer as a result
of convection relative to conduction across the same fluid layer.
. Larger the Nu more effective the convection.
. Nu=1 represents that the heat transfer across fluid layer is purely by conduction.

‘Prandtle’ Number, Npr:

. The relative thickness of hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers is best described
by the dimensionless parameter ‘Prandtle’ number as:
Npr = Molecular diffusivity of momentum/Molecular diffusivity of heat
= ϑ/α =momentum diffusivity/thermal diffusivity = = (µ/ρ)/(k/ρCp)
= (Cpµ/k).
Where ‘µ’ is viscosity, kg/m.s , ‘k’ is thermal conductivity, w/m C and ‘ρ’ is density
of the fluid, kg/m3, Cp is specific heat, j/kg C, then units of ϑ or α will be m2/s

Physical significance of Npr:

. As ‘k’ increases ‘δt’ increases. The ratio of δt/δh ,therefore depends on Npr
When NPr ‹ 1 δt/δh › 1
Npr › 1 δt/δh ‹ 1 and
Npr = 1 δt/δh = 1 i.e both momentum and heat transfer are at the same rate.
Numerical values of Prandtle numbers for some common fluids:
For Air/gases = 1
Water = 10
Light organic fluids = 5 to 50
Heavy viscous fluids = 105
Liquid metals = ‹‹ 1 around 0.004.

‘Reynold’ Number, NRe :

. It is a dimensionless number that describe the flow regime i.e. flow is laminar or turbulent.
NRe = Inertial forces/Viscous forces, or
= Eddy diffusivity/Molecular diffusivity
= v.L/ϑ = v.d/ϑ = ( d.v.ρ/µ)

Calculation of ‘h’ ,convective heat transfer coefficient:

. ‘h’ is also called ‘film heat transfer coefficient’ or ‘individual heat transfer coefficient’
. Under turbulent flow conditions, to calculate ‘h’ we use empirical equations that are
developed in the following form.
Nu = f (NRe , NPr , µ/µw ) where µw is fluid viscosity at wall temperature.

= a. (NRe)b , (NPr)c , (µ/µw)d

Using the empirical constants a,b,c,and d as applicable to the situation the
Nusselt number is evaluated. then ‘h’ value is calculated from Nu = hL/k.
For Laminar flow conditions the Nusselt number is evaluated in terms of other
Additional dimensionless number called ‘Gratz number”.

Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient, U : Heat Exchangers:

. Heat exchange takes place in heat exchangers between hot and fluid and cold fluid
separated by tube wall :
1. A Double pipe exchanger:

2. A shell and Tube Heat Exchanger:


. Let hot fluid is flowing inside the tube and cold fluid outside the tube.
. Let the tube has an inner radius, ri and outer radius of ro

Hot fluid Tube Wall Cold fluid

Inside tube r i ro outside tube
Th T1 T2 Tc

. Let Th be the temperature of hot fluid.

. Let Tc be the temperature of cold fluid.
. Let T1 and T2 be the temperatures of inner and outer surface of tube wall.
. The sequence of heat flow is: by convection from hot fluid to wall,by conduction within
the tube wall and by convection from wall to cold fluid.
1. qconv = from hot fluid to tube wall = hiAi(Th – T1) = ∆Th/(1/ hiAi)
Where , hi is inside film heat transfer coefficient
Ai is inside tube area= 2πriL
2. qcond = within the tube wall = (T1 –T2)/ (B/kAm)= ∆Tw/ (B/kAm)
Where B=(ro-ri) ,k=thermal conductivity metal of the tube wall
Am = 2πrlnL , rln = B/ln(ro/ri)
3. qconv = from tube wall to cold fluid = hoAo(T2 – Tc) = ∆Tc/(1/ hoAo)
Where , ho is outside film heat transfer coefficient
Ao is outside tube area= 2πroL
. At steady state all the three heat flow are same=q,
Overall ∆T= ∆Th+∆Tw+∆Tc = q ( 1/ hiAi + B/kAm +1/ hoAo )
q = ∆T/ ( 1/ hiAi + B/kAm +1/ hoAo )=∆T/R, where R =overall resistance.
. If heat flow calculations are based on outside area of tube,A o,then
q = Ao∆T/AoR = Ao∆T/( Ao/ hiAi + BAo/kAm +1/ ho ) =UoAo∆T
where 1/Uo = ( Ao/ hiAi + BAo/kAm +1/ ho )
Uo is called ‘overall heat transfer coefficient’ based on outside area.
. If heat flow calculations are based on inside area of tube,A i then
Q = UiAi∆T ,where 1/Ui = ( 1/ hi + BAi/kAm +Ai/ hoAo )
Ui is called ‘overall heat transfer coefficient’ based on inside tube area.
. Generally Uo is used in design calculations.

1/Uo = ( Ao/ hiAi + BAo/kAm +1/ ho ) = ( ro/hiri +roln(ro/ri)/k + 1/ho )

Uo = 1/ ( ro/hiri +roln(ro/ri)/k + 1/ho ) ----- (1)

. Hence when we use without subscripts U means Uo and A means Ao

Q = UA∆T
When U is calculated based on equation (1) it is called ‘
‘Clean overall heat transfer coefficient’ =Uc

Fouling Factors:
. When fluids are flowing inside and outside of tubes, scales(dissolved solids in fluids) will
be deposited over a period of time on both sides of tube wall.
. This scale offer additional resistance to heat flow between hot and cold fluid.
. These are called dirt or fouling resistance. The reciprocal of dirt resistance is called
as ‘fouling factor’.
. If ‘Rf’ is the total dirt resistance given for both fluids ,then the over all heat transfer
coefficient is expressed as
1/UD = 1/UC +Rf where ,UD is called ‘Dirt overall heat transfer coefficient’
Rf = ( 1/UD -1/UC )
. Hence design calculations use,
q= UDA∆T as basic design equation, instead of q= UCA∆T.

Log-Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD),∆Tln :

. In the heat exchanger basic design equation ‘∆T’ is the temperature difference between
hot and cold fluid.
. When fluids are flowing inside and outside the tube(s) ,the fluid temperatures keep on
changing as they travel from one end to other end of exchanger length. So as ∆T values.
Then what value of ∆T one should use?
Co-current (parallel) and counter current flow:
. Depends on the cold and hot fluid flow directions in the exchanger, if both travel in the
same direction then it is called parallel flow exchanger else counter flow exchanger.
. Let the fluid inlet and outlet temperature are designated as under.

. Temperature variation in counter flow is depicted below:

Case-1: Temperature profile in counter current exchanger.

. Similarly the temperature variation in parallel flow is depicted below:

Case-2: Temperature profile in Parallel exchanger.

. At any point ’x’ in the distance of exchanger ∆T keeps changing as shown in the
above figures.
. Consider a small element of exchanger at ‘x’ with dx distance. Heat flow in this element
of area dA is dq
dq/dA = U(∆T)local at ‘x’.
. To apply above equation for the entire area of heat exchanger we need to integrate.
. q =qT = total heat transfer between cold and hot fluid in the entire exchanger.
= heat gained by cold fluid = mcCpc(TCb-Tca)
= heat lost by hot fluid = mhCph(Tha-Thb)
Where mc , Cpc are mass flow rate and specific heat of cold fluid.
mh , Cph are mass flow rate and specific heat of hot fluid.
. Take counter current case:

Where ∆T1 and ∆T2 are called temperature approaches at two ends of exchanger.
d(∆T)/dq = (∆T2 - ∆T1)/qT

d(∆T)/UdA∆T = (∆T2 - ∆T1)/qT

Following assumptions are made for the integration.
1. U is constant
2. Cph ,Cpc are constant.
3. heat transfer to ambient is negligible.
4. Flows are steady.


This is called ‘Log-mean temperature difference’= ∆Tln.

AT =A = total area of exchanger.

Similar analysis can be made for Parllel flow and following conclusions are made:
1. The outlet tmperature parallel of cold fluid can reach to a max value i.e outlet
temperature of hot fluid in case of parallel flow.
2. Where as for counter flow case the same can reach upto a maximim
Value i.e.inlet temperature of hot fluid.
3. ∆Tln for parallel will be lesser than ∆Tln for counter.
4 Hence heat transfer ‘q’ is less in parllel flow exchanger than counter
flow exchanger.
5. Counter flow arrangement is always efficient.
A hot fluid enters a concentric pipe apparatus at a temperature of 300 F and is to
be cooled to 200 F by a cold fluid entering at 100 F and leaving at 150 F.Shall they
be directed in parallel or counter flow?
Let us calculate the ∆Tln for both cases:
Counter current:
Hot fluid - 300 F -----------›------------ 200 F
Cold fluid- 150 F -----------‹------------ 100 F
∆T1=150 F ∆T2 = 100 F
∆Tln counter = (150-100)/ln(150/100)=123 F
Parallel Flow:
Hot fluid- 300 F -----------›------------ 200 F
Cold fluid- 100 F -----------›------------ 150 F
∆T1=200 F ∆T2 = 50 F

∆Tln parallel = (200-50)/ln(200/50)=108 F

Since q= UA∆Tln ,the driving force ∆Tln is more in counter flow case.Hence use
counter flow for more heat transfer in the apparatus .(15% excess heat transfer)

Emperical Correlations for forced convection heat transfer :

. To determine film heat transfer coefficient’h’ ,following emperical correlations were

Developed for flow of fluids inside/outside of conduits for heating or cooling.
Laminar flow: When NRe ‹ 2100
Nu = 1.75(NGz)1/3 for NGz › 100
Nu = 3.66 for NGz ‹ 10
Where NGz = mCp/kL = (NRe NPr d/L)
Turbulant flow: when NRe › 10000 (fully developed flow)
Nu = 0.023NRe0.8 NPrn – Dittus Boelter equation
n= 0.3 for cooling : n=0.4 for heating
where NRe = (devρ/µ) , NPr = (Cpµ/k) ,Nu = ( hde/k)

Notes: The properties ρ,Cp ,µ ,k for the fluids are to be evaluated at bulk average
temperatures between inlet and outlet values.

Equivalant diameter,de :
For flow inside pipes or tubes de = di( inside diameter)
For flow outside : de = 4rH =4(Hydroulic radius)
rH = (flow area/wetted perimeter)
example: for concentric pipe case
rH = π/4(Di2-do2)/πdo
where Di =inside diameter of outer pipe,
do = outer diameter of inner pipe.
Other forms of correlations:
. Dittus Boeltor equation is modified by Sieder Tata by including viscosity correction
factor ,(µ/µw)0.14 and the value of ‘n’ is taken as 0.33.
Nu = 0.023(NRe)0.8(NPr)1/3(µ/µw)0.14 ------ Sieder Tata equation.
Only one equation for heating or cooling application.
. Colburn modified the Sieder Tata equation by dividing both sides by N ReNPr to get
Nst NPr2/3(µw/µ)0.14 = 0.023NRe-0.2 ----- Colburn equation.
Natural convection:
. Heat transfer from wall to fluid when the fluid motion is not subjected to external
forces is called free or natural convective heat transfer.
. Example: heat losses from insulated steam pipe to surrounding air.
. There is no effect of NRe.
. Correlations : Nu = a( NGr×NPr )b where NGr = Groshof number = (d3ρ2βg∆T/µ2)
Where β = coefficient of thermal expansion of fluid
g = accellaration due to gravity
∆T = temperature difference between wall and fluid.

Dimensionless Groups –convective heat transfer:

Name Expression Physical significance
. Nusselt no Nu =hd/k heat flow by convection/heat flow by conduction.
. Prandtle no NPr =Cpµ/k molecular diffusivity/thermal diffusivity
. Reynods no NRe = dvρ/µ inertial forces/viscous forces.
. Stanton no Nst = Nu/NReNPr rate of wall heat transfer by convection/rate
of heat transfer by bulk flow.
. Groshof no NGr = d3ρ2βg∆T/µ2 buoyancy forces/viscous forces.
. Peclet no NPe = NRe NPr Used in heat flow in liquid metals

Oil is flowing through a 2” sch. 40 pipe (di =2.06” ,do =2.375”)at 3ft/s.It is being heated
By steam outside the pipe and steam film heat transfer coefficient may be takenas
2000 Btu/h.ft2F .At a particular point along the pipe the oil is at 120 F ,its ρ=55lb/ft 3
µ= 2.1cp , CP =0.52 Btu/lb.F ,k = 0.078Btu/h.ft.F.
a. What is ‘U’ at that point based on inside area of pipe?
b. If the steam temperature is 270 F ,what is the heat flux at this point based
on the outside area of the pipe.
Neglect the wall resistance.
Part- a. When wall resistance is negligible 1/Ui = 1/hi +ri/horo
ri/ro =di/do =2.06/2.375=0.8673 ; ho =steam side =2000 Btu/h.ft2. F
Let us first calculate ‘hi’ film heat transfer coefficient inside the pipe.
NRe = divρ/µ Take cosistance units to make dimensionless.
di =2.06/12 = 0.172 ft, v= 3 ft/s=3×3600=10800ft/h, ρ = 55 lb/ft 3 ,
µ = 2.1cp= 2.1×2.42=5.08 lb/ft.h (1cp =2.42 lb/ft.h )
CP =0.52 Btu/lb.F , k = 0.078Btu/h.ft.F

NRe = 0.172×10800×55/5.08 =20103, i.e. flow is turbulant

NPr = CPµ/k = 0.52×5.08/0.078 =33.8
Let us use Sieder Tata euqtion
Nu= hidi/k = 0.023×NRe0.8×NPr0.33 .= 0.023×(20103)0.8×(33.8)0.33 =203.8
Therefore ‘hi’ = 203.8k/di =203.8×0.078/0.172 =92.4 Btu/h.ft2.F
1/Ui = 1/hi +ri/horo = 1/92.4 + 0.8673/2000 =0.011261
Ui = 88.8 Btu/h.ft2.F
Part-b. Local heat flux based on outside area = ( q/A)local = (Uo ∆T)local
1/Uo = ( ro/ri)/hi + 1/ho ro/ri = 2.375/2.06=1.153
= 1.153/88.8 + 1/2000 = 0.01297
Uo = 77.1 Btu/h.ft2.F , ∆T = (Steam temp.-Oil temp.)= 270-120=150 F
Heat flux = 77.1×150 = 11565 Btu/h.ft2.

Tube Wall Temperature:

. In the heating and cooling of viscous fluids ,the correlations are to be corrected for
viscisity correction factor, ( µ/µw)0.14 where µw =viscosity of fluid at wall temperature.

. How to find wall temperature,Tw ?

. when we neglect the resistance in the metal wall of tube T1=T2 =Tw
. Then we have only two convective heat transfer resistances in serieswhich
contribute to overall resistance.
. q = ∆Th/(( ro/ri)/hi) = ∆T/ (( ro/ri)/hi + 1/ho ) = ∆Tc/(1/ho)
Where ∆Th =Th –Tw , ∆T= Th –Tc , ∆Tc = Tw –Tc
. Knowing the values of hi and ho we can find the Tw using the above relationship.
Work sheet Problems:
1 Methyl alcohol flowing in the inner pipe of a double pipe exchanger is cooled with
water flowing in the jacket. The inner pipe is made from 1-inch sch 40 ( di = 0.0874ft,
Do =0.1096ft ) The thermal conductivity of Steel is 45 w/m o C . The individual film
heat transfer coefficients and total fouling factor are given below. Calculate the clean
and dirt ‘overall heat transfer coefficients’ based on outside area of pipe.
Alcohol coefficient, hi = 1020 w/m2 o C
Water coefficient, ho = 1700 w/m2 o C
Total fouling factor , = 8000 m2 o C / w.

2 Carbon Tetra Chloride ( CCl4 ) flowing at 19000 kg/h is to be cooled from 85o C to
40o C using 13500 kg/h of cooling water at 20o C. The film coefficient for CCl4 outside
the tube is 1700 w/m2 C. The wall resistance is negligible but ‘hi’ on the water side
including fouling is 11000 w/m2C. The average specific heats of CCl4 and cooling
water shall be taken as 0.74 and 0.95 cal/gm C.
What area is needed for a counter flow exchanger?
By what factor would the area be increased if parallel flow were used
to get more rapid initial cooling of CCl4 ?

3 Toluene is being condensed at 110oC on the outside of ¾-inch 16 BWG ( do =

19 mm, di = 15.7 mm ) Copper tubes through which cooling water is flowing
at an average temperature of 26.7oC. Neglecting the resistance of tube wall,
what is the tube wall temperature? Take convective heat transfer coefficients
for cooling water 2270 w/m2C and for toluene 2840 w/m2C.

4 Water is flowing through a tube having 25mm OD and 1.5mm wall thickness
at a velocity of 2m/s. The wall temperature is 82oC and water enters at 21oC
and leaves at 54oC. The properties of water at average temperature are given below.
Ρ =1000kg/m3 ; Cp = 4180 j/kg C ; k = 0.63 w/m C
µ = 0.685×10 N.s/m ; µw ( at wall temperature ) = 0.345×10-3 N.s/m2 .
-3 2

Calculate the heat transfer coefficient by using

Dittus- Boelter equation.
Sieder-Tata equation.

5 In a counter flow heat exchanger 1800 kg/h of Benzene is cooled from 80 oC

to 35oC by cooling water that enters in the annular space of the exchanger at
15oC and has a mass flow rate of 1200 kg/h. Inside tube diameter d i =1 cm and
outside diameter do =1.32 cm. Assuming the convective heat transfer coefficient
of water side as 7500 w/m2 C and neglecting the thermal resistance offered by tube
wall ,calculate the overall heat transfer coefficient and length of tube.
Physical properties of the Benzene at its bulk temperature are
Cp = 1885 j/kg C k = 0.147 w/m C
Ρ = 780 kg/m 3 µ = 3.9×10-4 kg/m.s
For water take Cp = 4180 j/kg C .

6 Milk is flowing into a pipe cooler and passes through a 2.5 cm internal diameter
Pipe at a rate of 0.5 kg/s . Its initial temperature is 50 oC and it is wished to cool it to
20oC using a stirred bath of constant 10oC water around the pipe. Assume an overall
heat transfer coefficient of 900 w/m2 C for heat transfer between milk and water.
Take the specific heat of milk as 3890 j/kg C.
Determine the amount of heat transferred.
Determine the LMTD and Area
What length of pipe would be required?

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