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unc 621.73,043 + 669.14 6242955.4 January 1969 Steel Forgings Tolerances and Fersissible Variations for Drop Forgings ‘Schmiedesticke aus Stahl; Toleranzen und culdssige Abveichungen ‘sir Genenkschmiedeaticxe ‘the content of this Standard is the outcone of Joint studies by German, British experts, Ie hao been prepared on bebalf of the "EUNOPONGE" Technical Committee ~ an association of Buropean forgenasters: To facilitate understanding between one country and another, the present Standard adopts not only the factue! content but also the grouping and the sage nurbering of sections and. tables from the Jointly produced document. in eo doing it has accept the fact that the terms used and their explanation are not. as is th ina DIN standard — grouped ine special Section at the otart of the text, Since this pplication standard Saber act represent o disadvantage to the user if the terue are explained each time in the Sections ie volch the Seed for thes arises by the nature of the subject. Tue fepetstion, 12 appropriate veres, of provisions from the Part entitled "Drop forgings produced in hamsere and presses" in the Fare entitled "Drop forgings produced in horizontal forging aachines" is @ Ronsequence of the sdoption of the grouping aa used in the jointly produced draft and in fact Beans sinplified reference for the User of the Standerd. Sections denoted by « dot (#) in front Of the Section number are conformal in content for both eamufacturing processes. Mais Standard is intended to supersede the exiating. standards DIN 7524 Part 1 to Part 3 dealing With pereissible variations for drop forgings. For the initial manufacture of dies, DIN 7526 Should be applied from the start. Hovever to give users an opportunity to use up existing rages and tooling it is permiesible to work and supply on the basis of DIN 7524 Part 1 to E'S up to st December A971. Only then will DIN 7524 Part 1 to Pert 3 be withdra ded by DIN 7526 80 that afver this date only DIN 7526 will be valid. and supe Contents Page Tage Deep forgings produced in banmera and B20, Pourth group (ave Table 6 and Gene) ere are eiaeetsnatsts ee 3.2:6.4, Porpiasibie variations fob Hines General jnfommation-relesing endcomer Tad sss cee fron fopeine 2 Permiansie height and Width of exe and presses. « - trinsing fines este vets * Scope. epee eee Porsianble depth’ of aubtace Porgisg grades 1222222 iderastariice tetas Special sgreesesta 22. 3.2.4, Tolerances Zor tne slope or or Setereining the surfaces vee scree Pee eS aren fore 3.245. rode aera and sovece, (ogettten of gee Bole oe a. -2.8.6, Tolerances for uon-ebaped part + ° eee sees SIBINL7! Peraineible deforeation of theered endo se rte ts = Fass. ae intraceapinicy ér‘aacéried, ‘Yap of Tabley tor determining she Complexity of ‘the drop in_hanmers and presses . = Tolerances for drop forgi Tabi: Bade dn bansers pat grecsess a eee eee id er pena Pr eS Tebdle 6... ae ae Biplesetsohe otesrtleg padetanes oe spans for toy First group (see Tables 1 and 2) PROMNER. ee te ee tes sb projection) and perm: Indication of peraissibie varia aepth of chamfer ss. tone in the forging drawing . Tolerances for hole aizensicng - pa Second’ group (eve Hablea 3 rutuced 2p horzon!, Tolerances for thickness 4i- & General inferention relating to Eensions 7 ‘opgliee produced tu Borieontal, Peesioettie high’ and depts orgaed prptucet 2 barizonial 2.3. Third group (see Tatic 5). « Scope... = eee 32311, FemieSibie aefiection and Specian agreegedta 22222212 porzisatble aisvostion “". . . ‘Terminology and ite application to 3.23.2, Rolerances for centre forgings produced 1 horizontal distances. we ee ee ee Poa Continued on pages 2 to 27 Explanations on page 25 Weight of the drop forging 180 DIN 6930 Part 2 Page 9 ‘Standards and other documents referred to DIN 6930 Part 1 Steel stampings; technical delivery conditions DIN 6932 Rules for designing steel stampings DIN 6935, Cold bending of steel flat products DIN 8588 Separating manufacturing processes; classification and concepts Iso 1101 Technical drawings; geometrical tolerancing; tolerances of form, orientation, location and run-out; ‘generalities, definitions, symbols and indications on drawings Vo1 3345, Feinschneiden (Fine blanking) Previous editions DIN 6934: 08.59; DIN 6936: 01.55x, 07.69; DIN 6937: 01.55, 10.68; DIN 6938: 01.55, 10.68; DIN 6939: 01.55, 10.68; DIN 6940: 01.55x; DIN 6941: 01.55, 07.55x; DIN 6942: 01.55, 07.59; DIN 6943: 01.55x; DIN 6944: 01.55; DIN 6945: 01.55; DIN 6946: 07.61; DIN 6947: 07.61; DIN 6948: 07.61, 10.68; DIN 6949: 07.61, 10.68; DIN 6930 Part 3: 10.71; DIN 6930 Part 4: 10.71; DIN 6930 Part 2: 04.72, 01.83. ‘Amendments. The following amendments have been made to the January 1983 edition a) Some of the values specified in tables 4 and 5 have been amended, b) The standard has been editorially revised. Explanatory notes For converting the angular dimensions specified in table 3 to linear dimensions for measurement purposes, table 7 below ives tangent values. Table 7. Angles and associated tangents ‘Angle | Tangent || Angle | Tangent | | Angle | Tangent 8 | 00015 25 | ooo7s || wax | ooze to | 00029 so | omer || 2 | ons 1s | 0004 so | ors |] x | opsae 20 | 0ose | cons International Patent Classification 8 21D 28/00 B26 F 1/38 179 Page Page Shaped part of a forging. «s+ 10 Peraii ble deformation of Poreing vith tyo shaped parte |. 40 Shenred codes sv nr cee 615 Nonahaped part of w forging. © - 11, Persigeible depth of eunface is Data for determining the toler estecteli tne a BEANE ieeeines proieei te 9.24.5. Tolerances for tnd Spe oe iGelioneal forpinrsechises =; |. 11 sirteeen cee coe see 15 Weight of the sheped part... . 17 20, Use of Sables for geteminin Intinctability of saterialy Bigcteletances of formsore gtecl ered ee ere lee zade in horizontal forming Soaplesity of te forging 111 11 BEING eee eee 1B Tolerances for forpings produces 10-2. MBE Ne inhorizontal Tomine wanes. 42 10-2. Table TTL T ITI III fo Maple IIIT IIIT Diviaton into groupe, «00. 42 Soar Mee TIT Tiiii antes vee pene tee cs ee 42 Me Guidelines for aravings for Biest pxoup (ace’mapie' a} 1111 48 ‘omsinge profuced in horizontal Tolerances for dinncter forging eachines os. ess 17 Gigensionns scr crn oo ee 12 Carney eae Goieronces for" shoalder measles Geenscsins ca Bimensionds evr se ee ee 42 pereissisie variations to the . Tolerances for length dizen- forcing ravings ene sen. . 47 Bone rss eee a Pemmfaaibie saenten’ and Tables Pemissible eccentricity. .... 15 Table 1. Forging erade 7, tolerances References for local variations gnd:peretasibie variations, for on the non-ahaped parte st st. 13 Teneth, width and helene disen- Bereiscibie reaiduel fiaen sions (alameteral nlosetes, CHinah projection) and per Sceentricity, residual flesh ond Bianibie cepth of chasters . 5 16 depth of chaser ws cee Oe ag Tolerances for hole sinen= Table 2. Foreing grade 2, tolernces Mostar ae fed peraissisie varintions. for 9.2.2. Secona’ group’ Cues fabie 3): 122 40 Length width and helene dices 9.21214, Tolerances for thickness dimen- sions (diameters) siezaten, Mone ss eens rns «1% Pesidual flash ene 9.2.3. Enind group (eoe’tavie’s) 1111 te depth of chanfer ss. 22 S:2:5:4. Permiesibie geflection and Table 3. Fokeing grade fy tolerasece’ ake perionible distortion... 5 14 pereissibie variations for Polerances for centre thickness dizensions and ejector Giotunces sven ee ee 1H iparkecier cress et eps tree = 9.2.4, Fourth group (aee Fable 6 and Tobie 4. Forging ginde’E) ioleraicen’ and Reece eee 10 pereieaible variations for Permieasble variations’ for Ehiekness Simeasions and ef ector fillets and corner magic... 2 15, earkeeseteees ister teeta Feral Selene ana wigin Tebie 5. Feraissivie detiection, “pertis- of erimaing fine and pareing sible distortion, persiasibie Vine fines ses eshe ccs «6 15 Warintions for cintre dietences. 27 Permiasibie alignsent error Table 6. Permlesible variations for Gonition of" axee of deep Fivete end comer fedile per- lessee as Sissible heignt and width bf triesing fins and parting Line Fine, pereiasible Seforssticn of shenrea endee sees. . 27 Digensions in aa Drop forgings produced in hammera nnd presses 4. General information relating to drop forgings produced in hamsers and presses a4: Scope Sections 1 to 5 of this Standard, teken in conjunction with Tables 1 to 6, apply to drop forgings in the delivery condition which are forged hot in hassere or presses, f¥on carbon ateel or alloy steel. Rng tolerances apply to ¢rop foreings up to a weight of 250 kg and a saximun length of 500 mn, Tolerances for drop forgings heavier or larger than thia, aa well a tolerances for drop forgings with very complex shapes or of steels which are difficult to forge must be agreed between the sanufacturer and the cuatoner. ‘The tolerances allow for all variations permissible through die wear, die gap or different rates of shrinkage. 1:2. Forging grades Two forging grades are distinguished, as follows: Forging grade F with tolerances providing an adequate standard of accuracy for the majority ‘Gt applications, and capsble of being complied vith by comsonly used fersiag equipeest ane production methodes forging grade E with closer tolerances, compliance with vhich requires more expensive produc- tion. ‘The tolerances of forging grade E should be applied only to individuel dimensions requiring a higher standard of accuracy then provided by forging grade F. 181

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