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Department of Computer Science and Engineering NITK, Surathkal Tutorial and Laboratory Questions (B. Tech 2nd Semester, 2018-19) Subject: Computer Programming (Theory & Lab) (NG#@! This is to record the questions used for tutorial and Lab. It is requested to the respective course instructors to write your section no. in the 3rd and 4th column of the respective question, which is discussed the class (tutorial) and asked for execution in regular lab. Q1, Q2, and so on is the list of questions available in the pool (click here), Question Section Section-Batch Brief Description Code (Theory) (Lab) Common prime factors of given two a $1 (03.01.19) numbers No. of classes to be attended to get a2 $1 (03.01.19) 75% attendance Finding pair of integers (x, y) such 3 that (x + y) mod A/B = 0 os Finding units place digit of the first N natural numbers factorials 5 Input/Output Programs ‘What happens if the short, int, long int variables data is exceeding their range of values respectively. For 6 $2 (10.01.19) instance, what happens if a short variable is holding the value of 12312317 Understand the concept of implicit a7 $2 (10.01.19) type conversion. Draw algorithm and flowchart to 8 | accept the number of days $6(09.01.19) the member is late to retum the book and display the fine or the appropriate message.(problem statement given separately) ag write a algorithm and flowchart to calculate sum of digits of the 5-digit number $6(09.01.19) ato Write a C Program to input two angles from user and find third angle of the triangle, $6(14,01.19) an Program to format printf() on integer and float data type. $6(14.01.19) a1 program to express a length X given in millimetres in meters, centimeters and millimeters. $6(18.01.19) a3, use of scanf() and print() function perform input and output on primitive types in C programming $6(18,01.19) ara program to swap two number without using temporary variable, $3(14 Jan 19) ais program to read two integers a & b. Calculate value of (a+b)? a) with using pow() function b) without using pow() function $3(14 Jan 19) ate Write a C program to convert feet to inches. $4(14 Jan 19) a7 Write ¢ program to print the variables using format specifiers in print). $4(14 Jan 19) ars Problem: Write an appropriate definition for each of the following symbolic constants, as it would appear within a C program. Program output should print a statement as: Pen Drive Cost is: $4(15 Jan 19) 20.25 ara Program to format printf() and scanf() on integer and float data type. $3(18 Jan 19) Q20 C program to leam about escape sequences. $3(18 Jan 19) 21 In a town, the percentage of men is 52. The percentage of total literacy is 48. If total percentage of literate men is 35 of the total population, write a program to find the total number of illiterate men and women if the population of the town is 80,000. '$4(11 Jan 19) a22 The distance between two cities (in km.) is input through the keyboard. Write a program to convert and print this distance in meters, feet, inches and centimeters. '$4(11 Jan 19) Q23 024 25

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