Simple Future Tense: Pengertian

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Simple future tense


Simple Future Tense is a verb tense which is used to talk about things that will happen.

Verbal dan Nominal dalam simple future tense

 Verbal merupakan salah satu kalimat yang mengandung kata kerja didalamnya
(+) S + will/ shall + verb 1
(-) S + will/ shall + NOT + verb 1
(?) Will/Shall + Subjek + Verb 1 + O + ?

contoh :
(+) She will go to Jakarta tomorrow morning (Dia akan pergi ke Bandung besok pagi)
(-) She will not go to Jakarta tomorrow morning (Dia tidak akan pergi ke Bandung
besok pagi)
(?) Will she go to Jakarta tomorrow morning? (Akankah dia pergi ke Bandung besok

 Non verbal atau nominal merupakan salah satu kalimat yang tidak mengandung kata
kerja didalamnya.

(+) S + will be + noun/adj/adv
(-) S + will not be + noun/adj/adv
(?) S + will not be + noun/adj/adv

(+) She will be a nurse someday.
(-) She will not be a nurse someday.
(?) Will she be a nurse someday?


(+) S + To Be (is, am, are) + Going To + Verb 1 + O

(-) S + To Be (is, am, are) + NOT + Going To + Verb 1 + O
(?) To Be (Is, Am, Are) + S + Going To + Verb 1 + O + ?

Contoh kalimat

Penggunaan going to
(+) I am going to finish all my homework tonight (Saya akan menyelesaikan semua
pekerjaan rumah saya malam ini)
(-) I am not going to finish all my homework tonight (Saya tidak akan menyelesaikan semua
pekerjaan rumah saya malam ini)
(?) Am I going to finish all my homework tonight?

Contoh lain

+ - ?
Will I heard dadang will I heard dadang will Will dadang visit you at
visit you at the hospital visit you at the hospital the hospital today?
today today

Shall We shall invite Mike to We shall not invite Shall we invite Mike to
the party everybody to the party. the party?

Going to I am going to give this I am not going to give Am I going to give this
sweater to my sister, as this thin jacket to my sweater to my sister? As
she’s always had a sister, as she’s always she’s always had a fever
fever due to the cold had a fever due to the due to the cold weather
weather cold weather

Will/shall dan Be Going To

Modal will/shall serta be going to sama-sama menunjukkan hal atau kegiatan yang akan
terjadi di masa yang akan datang.

Untuk will digunakan saat mengungkapkan suatu keputusan yang spontan atau bisa juga
suatu janji

going to digunakan untuk hal yang pasti akan terjadi karena sudah direncanakan


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