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Words Etymology Meaning Sentence

1) Adagio Italian, from ad agio ‘at ease’. Meaning a slow tempo or slow The final adagio of this music
speed. Sometimes it is the name of is truly impressive.
a work like Mozart's Adagio for
Violin and Orchestra.

2) Andante talian, literally ‘going’, present Meaning a walking tempo or The tempo marking in most
participle of andare . walking pace; a moderate speed. cases is andante

3) Cadenza Borrowed from Italian cadenza, An extended solo (played alone) Mark a friend of mine played
from Latin cadentia. Doublet of for the soloist in a concerto. A Beethoven’s Cadenza.
cadence and chance. cadenza can also be a solo in an
orchestral work for one or a group
of instruments

4) Chorale mid 19th century: from Originally refers to a German The Chorale in our chuch is
German Choral(gesang ), Protestant hymn tune. In way too good and they really
translating medieval Latin cantus composition, it typically means a harmonize.
choralis . choral composition for voices or
instruments, such as a Bach
chorale. The word “Chorale” is
also sometimes used as the name of
a choir or chorus.
5) Concerto early 18th century: Italian, A work for one performer or a Mozart’s piano Concerto was
from concertare ‘harmonize’. group of performers with orchestral played in my school.

6) Fermata Italian, from fermare ‘to stop’. A symbol that tells the performer to It is used over
hold the note as long as s/he would a fermata denoting a long note
like, but certainly longer than the or rest.
written note value.

7) Harmony late Middle English: via Old The simultaneous combination of They were sang really good
French from pitches, especially when blended and made a good harmony.
Latin harmonia ‘joining, concord’, into chords that are pleasing to the
from Greek, from harmos‘joint’. ear.

8) Molto vivace Very lively, or at a very quick Her way of singing is molto
speed. vivace.

9) Opus early 18th century: from Latin, Meaning work. Work numbers are He worked on his opus to
literally ‘work’. usually assigned by the composer. make it good and comfortable
Often the opus numbers are to sing.
assigned in order of composition,
but at times the numbers are
assigned by order of publication.
10) Pitch Middle English (as a verb in the The frequency* of a note His voice is low pitch.
senses ‘thrust (something pointed) determining how high or low it
into the ground’ and ‘fall sounds (* “frequency” in this
headlong’): perhaps related to Old context is the number of complete
English picung ‘stigmata’, of oscillations per second of energy as
unknown ultimate origin. The sound in the form of sound-waves)
sense development is obscure.

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