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Centre: The Henley College

Centre no: 62441

Name: Jemimah Newman-Smith
Student no: 973753
Competition: Open City Documentary Festival
Proposal: 31 January 2019

For Unit 13, I would either like to produce a documentary or music video. After making a music video in the last
unit, I found it quite fun, but I really enjoyed making two documentaries in first year. When I come up with my
three ideas, I will be able to decide what I feel most passionate about. If I chose a documentary, I will want a
strong story with a strong background. If I chose music video, I would choose a song with strong meaning, not only
visually but verbally. Both elements are good choices, but I feel that maybe documentary is a better calling and
that I’ll be able to produce a better product. And if it’s a good product, it might attract some attention. It also all
depends on how I want to film them. I want to use a different style of cinematography for the documentary, I will
research into the different styles in order to do this. I want to improve the way I’ve filmed documentaries.

Project Concept:
For this Final Major Project, I will be focusing on the research, pre-production as well as filming. I feel that I have
lacked in these areas before, so I will definitely spend most time on these areas. I will try much harder when it
comes to creating the final product. I will create a better story; the whole idea will be presented properly
throughout. I will also experiment more with the Cinematography, which is my specialism, whether it’s different
shots or just different movement. I also want to strengthen my editing for this final production so that it’s better
than my last FMP, I want to make it more interesting and effective. In order in do all this, I need to be more
organised and plan each day/week out so that I know what I need to do for that day/week. If I am organised I will
be ahead and if I’m ahead, I can improve any work that’s needed. I will also film before the allocated time that is
presented on the schedule/brief.

From previous units, this has prepared me for this Final Major Project. I should be able to produce a production
that I have researched, looked into, constantly watched to make sure it’s perfect, the final product should be
perfect. I need to stay ahead of all the sections for this unit. If I fall behind, I will struggle to stay on track and that
could affect my production. I will evaluate each week. I will talk about what I did this week that went well and if
anything went wrong and how did I resolve it. I want my evaluations to show how I have improved and also how
I’ve overcome problems.
Once every week, I will have a one to one with a teacher, so that will help a lot. I can have another perspective
when it comes to my work and how I’m doing. I will also ask for a teacher to look at my weekly blog/evaluation, so
that I can improve or add to the blog/evaluation.

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