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1. Why does the handle of the tools used by electrician usually have plastic or rubber
cover on them?
2. What happens when
a. We freely suspend a bar magnet?
b. South Pole of one magnet is brought closer to South Pole of another magnet?
3. What do you mean by the term ‘Stimulus'. Name one plant that exhibits Stimulus
4. Give any two methods by which camels prevent water loss from their body?
5. Burning of an incense stick is "an irreversible change. Comment
6. Mention any two ways used to bring change in a substance. Explain them example
7. Define the following:
a. Weaving
b. Ginning
8. Give reasons why:
a. Bubbles come out of soil when we add water to it.
b. Some tiny shining particles are observed in the beam of sunlight entering the
dark room.
9. Define the term:
a. Vermicomposting.
b. Why waste containing salt and pickle should not be added to
10. Suggest any three ways to minimize the over use of plastics.
11. Explain in detail rooftop rainwater harvesting along with diagram.
a. A Name the gas that supports burning.
b. Why should we breathe through our nose and not through mouth?
a. In summers, why water kept in a plate underneath a tree shade also gets
evaporated after some time?
b. Name the process by which the plants contribute water vapour into the air.
14. What are synthetic fibres? Give two examples.
a. What are the fruits of cotton plant called?
b. Write a short note on Spinning.
16. Differentiate between Biotic and Abiotic components of environment with two
examples each.
17. Rahul spread some iron filings on a sheet of paper and placed a bar magnet on it.
a. What will happen to the Iron Filings?
b. Draw a labeled diagram representing his observation
18. Observe the given two figures carefully:

Fig A Fig B
a. Explain why the bulb glows in figure ‘A’ but it does not in ‘B’.
b. Will the bulb in Figure ‘B' glow if we insert a metallic key in the space
between the electric cell and bulb? Give reason for your answer.
a. Categorize the given wastes into two groups based on the colour of dustbin
which is used for their disposal;
b. Kitchen waste, metals, plastics and animal waste
a. Write down the reason why have you differentiated the above was
b. Why do we observe long chimneys in factories?
a. Enlist any three uses of Air.
b. Why excess of rainfall is sometimes problematic?
a. How is a metal rim fixed onto the wooden wheel of?
b. Categorize the following as reversible or irreversible
i. Baking of clay pot
ii. Making a paper boat by folding the paper
iii. Batter to Idli.
iv. Ice cream to molten Ice cream
23. How are the following features useful to given organisms in their habitat?
a. The trees in mountain regions are cone shaped.
b. Eyes of deer are placed on the side of its head.
c. Stem of cactus plant is covered with thick waxy coating.
d. Frog has strong back legs.
e. Blowholes in dolphins are located on the upper part of their body.
24. Explain in detail along with the diagram how we can convert a Rectangular Iron Bar
into a magnet?
a. What is a switch?
b. How can we make a switch using safety pin, drawing pins and wooden board?
c. With the help of diagrams represent the ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ position of a switch.

Question 1to 9 - 2 marks each

Question 10 to 18 - 3 marks each
Question 19 to 25 - 5 marks each

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