WANTED Business Leader Poster

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“WANTED” Business Leaders Poster


1. While researching answer the following questions:

a. Where did they grow up & in what circumstances? Siblings,
Social Status, Parents Occupations, etc.
b. Where did they go to school and for how long?
c. What are they like as a person – their personality
d. How are they a leader (qualities) and what type are they
(autocratic, democratic, bureaucratic, Laissez-faire) and why
e. What are some of their hobbies, activities, habits, social
network (people they hang around)
f. What have they accomplished?
g. Famous Quote(s) by that person
h. Any other important information we should know about the
2. Make a list of the references from which you got this information on
your Word document.
3. Create a “WANTED” poster. You will need to format the text,
pictures, etc. appropriately so the poster looks evenly distributed,
fonts are easy to read, and layout looks professional. Make this look
as realistic to a Wanted Poster as possible.
4. When you are finished and have reviewed the rubric, you may print to
the color printer.

Links to suggested leaders, each leader must be a BUSINESS owner of

some sort, do not simply pick a name, and read on them first:

Link One
Link Two
Link Three

If you have one that is not on here, you may get it approved through the
teacher. If you choose someone who is in no way a positive leader, one
will be assigned to you.

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