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WANTED Schooling
 Born November 19, 1938 in Ohio  Attended the Cincinnati Board-
ing School
 Was physically abused and is bi-
polar  Attended the Georgia Military
 1959: Parents got divorced and he
got kicked out of school

personality accomplished
 Took the initiative to continue his father's
 Was a troublemaker as a company  Albert Schweitzer Gold
child Medal for Humanitarianism
 Great business skills
 Confident  Bower Award for Business
 In between an autocratic and democratic
 Innovative leader. I think this because he is the leader,
but he still realizes that he needs others.

 A Visionary

 Pushed everyone to work hard quotes

 Stepped up to restart this business
 “You can never quit. Win-  “You can never quit. Win-
ners never quit, quitters ners never quit, quitters
never win.” never win.”

 “You should set goals be- IMPORTANT INFO  “You should set goals be-
yond your reach so you yond your reach so you
 He is the founder of the 24-hour news chan- always have something to
always have something to
nel CNN live for.”
live for.”
 He is a philanthropist who plays an active
role in the United Nations Association.

 As a kid Ted loved to read and play with sailboats. As an adult Ted followed his passion
with boats and reading. He did boat races as was going to get his degree in classics

Reward of
1 million dollars
Report all findings to Hannah carter

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