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Works Cited

Primary Sources

Building Code Enforcement following Hurricane Hugo in South Carolina​.

ir=1&article=1067&context=fmhi_pub. Accessed 25 Oct. 2018. This is a journal article

of the building codes enforced after Hurricane Hugo. This source has helped me

understand how the building codes were used and how they affected the buildings

constructed by the code after Hugo. This was useful to my project by further expressing

one of the triumphs of Hugo and how it affected South Carolina after the storm.

Bush Sends Troops to St. Croix​. 21 Sept. 1989. ​Wunderground,​ 21 Sept. 1989, Accessed 24 Jan. 2019. This is a

photograph showing the cover page of a news paper exclaiming that president Bush sent

troops to St. Croix after Hugo.This source has helped me understand how the United

States's government helped with the recovery of hurricane Hugo. This source was used in

my project by giving a visual of what actions were taken place during the clean up for

hurricane Hugo.

Charlotteobserver​. 21 Sept. 2014,

This is a website showing how hurricane Hugo affected North Carolina. This source has

led me to understand how Hugo has affected North Carolina after hitting South Carolina.

This source was used in my project by giving me primary examples of how Hugo

affected North Carolina.

Fema​. 22 Sept. 2014, Accessed 28 Oct.

2018. This is a web site about a blog from a primary source of an emergency worker

from when Hugo hit and what lessons were learned from the storm. This source has

helped me understand how Hug affected the emergency response agency by providing

new guidelines to follow to keep safe for other storms. This source was useful to my

project because it provided primary examples of the lessons learned from Hugo, which

supported my triumphs of Hugo for my project.​ 10 Sept. 2014,

wer. Accessed 17 Jan. 2019. This is a web site focusing on North Carolina firefighters

recalling their experience with Hugo. This source has led me to understand how people in

different areas were affected by the storm, other than South Carolina. This source was

used by providing primary examples of people being affected by Hugo, which caused my

research and project to grow in information.

Fishing boast came to rest next to Silver Hill Plantation near McClellanville after the title surge

of Hurricane Hugo. 21 Sept. 1989. ​The Post and Courier,​ 20 Sept. 2017,

-with/article_ba265414-9e39-11e7-83a0-83b7dadf8b18.html. Accessed 11 Oct. 2018.

This is an image of a collection of boats that crashed in McClellanville after Hugo. This

source had helped me understand the disastrous effects of Hurricane Hugo in South

Carolina just a few hours of making contact with the state. This source was used in my
project by exposing to the amount of power Hugo had in South Carolina by the

destruction the boats had.

Fretwell, Sammy. ​Hurricane Hugo, an Unforgettable Storm for the Carolinas.​ ​The State,​ 10

Sept. 2018,

Accessed 24 Jan. 2019. This is a photograph of a boat that is in the street after Hugo's

winds brought it out of the water. This source has helped me understand how strong

Hugo's winds were by being able to transport a boat out of the water to the street. This

source was used in my project by providing a visual for the short term impact of roads

being blocked because of Hugo.

Grownpeopletalking​. 21 Sept. 2014,

Accessed 24 Jan. 2019. This is a website showing a survivor of hurricane Hugo telling

his story. This source led me to understand what it was like to experience Hugo because

the author gave details about what happened and what it was like. This source was used

in my project by providing primary quotes and examples of how Hugo impacted South

Carolina from a primary source.

Haney, Christopher J., et al. "Some Initial Effects of Hurricane Hugo on Endangered and

Endemic Species of West Indian Birds." ​American Birds​, vol. 45, no. 2, 1991, pp. 1-4,

C.-Some-Initial-Effec.pdf. Accessed 7 Oct. 2018. This is a journal about how Hugo

affected the habitats of birds in the Caribbean Islands. This source has helped me

understand that Hugo has not only affected civilization, it has also affected ecosystems
and the organisms that have their habitats there. This source has helped with my project

by showing me another tragedy of Hugo and how Hugo has affected ecosystems, which

gave me more sources for the project.

"HQ Wpde Hugo Afternoon Cutin 9-21-89." ​Youtube​, uploaded by Wpdehistory, 5 Feb. 2010, Accessed 11 Jan. 2019. This video of news

coverage about hurricane Hugo making its way to the coast of South Carolina after

hitting the Caribbeans helped me understand the cataclysmic effects on the Caribbeans

before hitting South Carolina. This source was useful to my project because it signified a

way people in South Carolina were preparing for the storm and the effect of Hugo in the

Caribbean, which helped me inderstand more on the preperation and effect of Hugo.

Hurricane Hugo – 29 Years Later.​ ​Charlestondaily​, 19 Sept. 2018, Accessed 25

Jan. 2019. This is an image showing the destruction caused by Hurricane Hugo on a

house and street. This source has helped me understand how Hugo impacted streets and

how homes looked after being caught in the storm. This source was used in my project by

providing a primary example of the effects of Hugo in a town.

"Hurricane Hugo ABC News Nightline Coverage 9-22-89." ​Youtube​, uploaded by

Mrwcginwash, 4 Dec. 2011, Accessed 13

Jan. 2019. This video clip of news coverage of Hugo starting to impact South Carolina

and the predictions the storm will have as it moves farther inland has helped me

understand the greater amount of power the storm had when it first made an impact to the
state. This source was useful to my project because it showed me the beginning effects

the storm had and the power it had on impact.

"Hurricane Hugo Charleston TV Coverage." ​Youtube​, uploaded by Ted Tadman, 18 Sept. 2014, Accessed 13 Jan. 2019. This video clip

(online) of news coverage of Charleston before hurricane Hugo made landfall to South

Carolina helped me understand the strength of the storm before hitting South Carolina by

showing the wind speed and direction of Hugo. This source contributed to my project by

exposing a way people prepared for the storm and details of Hugo before landfall to

South Carolina.

"Hurricane HUGO (High Quality) - Luquillo, Puerto Rico - September 17-18, 1989." ​YouTube,​

uploaded by Tropmet Storm Chasing, 28 June 2009, Accessed 19 Nov. 2018. This video clip

(online) of people preparing and studying Hugo as it crossed over the US Virgin Islands

and Peruto Rico helped me understand the power Hugo had when it made an impact to

the islands, which were hit before South Carolina. This source contributed to my project

by giving me more information about how Hugo affect the islands and the details of the

storm as it moved over those areas.

Hurricane Hugo | Hurricane Hugo Garden City Beach 1989.​ ​Pinterest​, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019. This is an image

of Garden City after hurricane Hugo. This source led me to understand the mass

destruction of hurricane Hugo across the beach. This source was used in my project
because it provided an image to give evidnece of why governemnt officals would go

there to see the distruction caused by Hugo.

"Hurricane Hugo Left His Mark 24 Years Ago." ​Youtube​, uploaded by Wpde ABC15, 22 Sept.

2013, Accessed 11 Jan. 2019. This video

clip (online) about a recount of hurricane Hugo 24 years ago and how it was on impact

has helped me understand the tragic effect the storm had on South Carolina. This source

contributed to my project because it uses an interview with someone who was a primary

source, which gave me more detailed information about the storm from someone who

experienced it first hand.

Hurricane Hugo Lessons Learned in Energy Emergency Preparedness​.


14 Dec. 2018. This is a book about the lessons learned from the aftermath of Hugo and

the actions that took place before and during the storm. This source helps me understand

how the storm has affected South Carolina and what actions were taken during and

before the storm to prepare people for their safety. This source helped with my project

because it showed the many triumphs of hurricane Hugo and what actions that were taken

before and during the storm, which helped with my research for the project.

"Hurricane Hugo / 1989 (8 of 8)." ​Youtube,​ 12 Oct. 2015, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019. This video clip is

showing a news report of Hugo before it makes landfall to Puerto Rico. This source has

helped me understand how people prepared for the storm and learned about the
characteristics of Hugo. This source was used in my project by providing a primary

example of

"Hurricane Hugo Sumter, SC 9 15 89." ​Youtube​, uploaded by James Flowers, 31 Mar. 2018, Accessed 11 Jan. 2019. This is a video clip

(online) of the effects of Hugo in Sumter, South Carolina. This source has helped me

understand the disastrous effects hurricane Hugo had in South Carolina. This source

contributed to my project because it showed a primary example of the effect Hugo had on

South Carolina.

Jones, Laura. Services provided in national declared emergencies and better technology that

issue forecasts weeks in advance, you need to be prepared for anything. ​Charleston Home

and Design,​ 14 July 2016,

ant-home/. Accessed 16 Jan. 2019. This is a photograph showing the national guard

stationed in South Carolina after Hugo. This source helps me to understand that Hugo

caused much destruction, which led to the national guard being stationed so that no one

gets hurt or sick from the rubble. This source is useful to my project because it provides a

primary example of the immediate aftermath of Hugo and the precautions taken so that

no further incidents would take place, which gives evidence for the impact of South


Leonard, Teresa. This Eckerd Drug Store opened for emergency supplies in the aftermath of

hurricane Hugo. ​Newsobserver​, 18 Sept. 2014,
Accessed 17 Jan. 2019. This is a photograph of a drug store opening to hand out supplies

for the victims of Hugo. This source has led me to understand how people acted after the

storm by helped each other by giving out needed supplies. This source was used to show

the amount of destruction Hugo caused and how people acted after the storm.

Newsday.​ 20 Sept. 1989. ​Noreasters​, Accessed 18 Jan. 2019.

This is a newspaper showing Hugo's path through the Caribbean Islands and Puerto Rico

and the effect the storm had on those areas. This source has led me to understand how

people in the United States are preparing for Hugo and the specific impact Hugo had on

the impacted areas. This source was used in my project by providing a primary example

of how people were preparing for Hugo, which gives evidence to be used for my

side-topic of how people prepared for the storm after the Caribbean island impacts.

Noaa. ​Hurricane Hugo.​ 21 Sept. 1989. ​Weatherworksinc,​ 22 Sept. 2014, Accessed 24 Jan. 2019.

This is a photograph showing hurricane Hugo just before the eye makes landfall to South

Carolina. This source has helped me understand the size Hugo was right before it made

landfall to South Carolina. This source was used in my project by providing an visual of

what Hugo looked like when it was about to make landfall to South Carolina from a


Nytimes.​ 18 Sept. 1992,

Accessed 24 Jan. 2019. This is a website showing a newspaper about how the clean up
process from Hugo. This source has led me to understand how the recovery of Hugo has

been over the three years since the storm made landfall. This source was used in my

project by providing evidence of how the clean-up for Hugo was a short term impact.

Randolph Hall, Towell Library and the cistern yard showing the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo.

College of Charleston, Charleston, SC, 1989. 1989. ​Lowcountrydigitalibrary,​

he-cistern-yard. Accessed 25 Jan. 2019. This is a photograph showing the effects of Hugo

in Charleston, South Carolina. This source led me to understand how hugo affected the

agriculture in some cities and what destruction the fallen trees have caused. This source

was used in my project by providing a visual of the effects of Hugo in South Carolina and

the plant life in the state.

Riley, Joe. "Remembering Hurricane Hugo: An Interview with Charleston Mayor Joe Riley."

National Weather Service,​

Accessed 19 Nov. 2018. Interview. This is an interview with Joe Riley, the mayor of

Charleston during hurricane Hugo. This source has given me a deeper understanding of

what Hugo was really like and what happened before and after Hugo. This source helped

with my project by showing me information from a primary source that was in charge of

one of the most impacted areas.

The State​. Accessed 14 Dec. 2018. This is a

web site of Hugo survivors stating what the storm has changed to the present time. This

source has helped me understand the ways the storm has affected the locations and the

people that were affected by the storm. This source was used in my project by providing
primary accounts of what has changed since Hugo from people who were affected by the

storm, which give me information on the impacts the storm since today.

Struby, Cynthia J., editor. ​Hurricane Hugo and the Grand Strand.​ 1989. This book is about

hurricane Hugo's effect on the Grand Strand and the evacuation process before the storm

came. This source allowed me to understand how destructive Hugo actually was by using

pictures to show to destruction. This source helped with my project by providing many

different photographs from the Grand Strand of how Hugo affected the area.

Thetandd​. 21 Sept. 2014,

51-11e4-9ac0-8f01bf10c358.html. Accessed 24 Jan. 2019. This is a website showing a

rendition of a newspaper article of Hugo in 1989. This source has led me to understand

the dates of Hugo more clearly because the source shows the dates with the specific

action the storm did on those certain dates. This source was used in my project by

providing a timeline of the storm and how people recovered from the storm as well.

Vmax135. As a separate perspective... although the damage is dramatic looking, this flimsy

wood-frame constructed home actually fell apart in winds of 90-95kts. That said, this

happened long before the arrival of the eyewall. ​Strom2k​, 24 Feb. 2007, Accessed 16 Jan. 2019.

This is a photograph of a destroyed home in Luquillo after Hugo made landfall there.

This source has led me to understand the full amount of destruction the storm had

because it was able to bring a house completely down. This source was useful to my
project because it provided evidence to the tragedies of Hugo and the effects of Hugo in

the Caribbean islands.

The Washington Post.​ 15 Oct. 1989,


99b1bf79. Accessed 28 Oct. 2018. This is a web site of a primary article about the

damage caused by Hugo and how people would be able to recover from Hugo. This

source has helped me understand how people would be able to move on after the storm

and what the changes would in for the future of hurricanes. This source was used by

providing information about what changes were made for safety regarding hurricanes and

natural disasters.

Wineka, Mark. ​Yesterday: Hugo Hits Rowan County County Sept. 22, 1989​. 11 Sept. 2017.


Accessed 11 Jan. 2019. This is an image showing the destruction of a tree caused by

Hugo. This source has led me to comprehend some of the small amounts of destruction

caused by Hugo based on location. This source was used in my project by showing me

that Hugo's power decreased as it moved more inland and the farther it moved, the less

power it had.

Wunderground​. Accessed 24 Jan.

2019. This is a website showing a recount of a hurricane hunter flying through hurricane

Hugo. This source led me to understand how powerful Hugo was from the inside of the
storm. This source was used in my project by providing primary quotes of a hurricane

hunter flying through Hugo and that it was powerful from the inside out.

Secondary Sources

Adcox, Seanna. ​Hurricane Conglomerates - Evacuation Zones.​ ​PostandCourier,​ 10 Sept. 2018,

ears-effective/article_ecae59d2-b507-11e8-b430-c30c881683a8.html. Accessed 17 Jan.

2019. This is a photograph of the evacuation locations in South Carolina for hurricanes.

This source has helped me understand the new ways people would be able to prepare for

hurricanes. This source was used to show the new evacuation areas that were enforced

after hurricane Hugo.

"Awareness May Be Hugo's Silver Lining Hurricane Hugo Drew Attention to Disasters." ​News

& Record,​ 28 May 1990. ​News & Records,​

e_0d42145c-52ae-54c2-b720-5eef3e501f31.html. Accessed 5 Oct. 2018. This is a

newspaper article about the aftermath of Hugo and that the storm brought some good

after it hit. This source has helped me understand the effects of the destruction that Hugo

caused. This source contributed to my project by showing me the triumph of larger

hurricane awareness, which caused my project to grow.

Biggerstaff, Michael. Track of Hurricane Isabel relative to dual-Doppler lobes from the SMART

radars. The dashed circular rings indicate the operational radar range. The stippled region

is the area available for dual-Doppler analysis. SR-1 (R1) is located to the north, and
SR-2 (R2) is located to the south. The yellow line is the path of the eye of Hurricane

Isabel. Note that the hurricane tracked directly through the eastern lobe of the

dual-Doppler coverage area. ​Researchgate​,

om-the-SMART-radars-The_fig1_237143845. Accessed 25 Jan. 2019. This is a

photograph of the two Doppler radars located in North Carolina. This source has helped

me understand that states did add new technologies to prepare fr future hurricanes. This

source was used in my project by being a visual of one of the long term impacts that

hurricane Hugo had.

Center for Climate and Energy Solutions.​ Accessed 8 Nov. 2018. This is a

website about ways climate change can lead to stronger hurricanes. This source helped

me understand the ways climate change has contributed to an increase in hurricanes and

their power. This was useful to my project because it explained to me how Hugo was able

to gain as much power as it did compare to other hurricanes that happened around the

same time.

Charlotteobserver​. 10 Sept. 2018, Accessed 25 Jan. 2019.

This is a web site showing theories if hurricane Florence would be the next Hugo. This

source has helped me understand how present time hurricanes compare to Hugo in

strength, speed, and size. This source was used in my project by providing a map of when

hurricane hugo became a category four storm in the Atlantic Ocean.

Citizen Times​.

-threat/15958193/. Accessed 7 Nov. 2018. This is a web site about a summary of Hugo

making landfall to South Carolina and how the state is better prepared for the next storm

with this type of power. This source has helped me understand how people are now better

prepared for hurricanes based on the events after Hugo. This source was useful to my

project because it gave me information on how Hugo helped people prepare for the next

hurricane with the same or greater amount of strength.

Dvidshub.​ 18 Sept. 2014,

versary-hurricane-hugo. Accessed 24 Jan. 2019. This is a website showing a recount of

Hugo from South Carolina's National Guard. This source has helped me understand how

the national guard acted during the aftermath of Hugo and how they were used to help.

This source was used in my project by providing quotes of how Hugo affected the people

of South Carolina physically.

Exploring the Environment​. Accessed 19

Oct. 2018. This is a website about how hurricanes form. This source has helped me

understand how hurricanes form in more detail and the necessary characteristics of what

hurricanes are like when they first form and what is needed for the formation. This source

was useful to my project because it explained to me the conditions that Hugo formed and

caused me to figure out if the conditions of Hugo's formation caused it to become more

Giovine, Roberto Di. "The South Carolina National Guard Commemorates the 25th Anniversary

of Hurricane Hugo." ​Dvidshub,​ 18 Sept. 2014,

versary-hurricane-hugo. Accessed 16 Jan. 2019. This is a web site focusing on how South

Carolina's Army National Guard actions during the aftermath of Hugo. This source has

helped me understand the measures that Hugo caused because of all the work the national

guard had to complete in the cleanup process. This source was useful to my project

because it provided me with information on how governor Campbell of South Carolina

assisted with the clean up for Hugo and what he ordered for the aftermath of the storm.

Greenville News​. 10 Sept. 2018,

e-why-south-carolina-evacuations-have-gotten-better/1261430002/. Accessed 28 Oct.

2018. This is a web site showing how South Carolina has gotten better at evacuations and

emergency planning. This source has caused me to understand the ways Hugo has

impacted South Carolina in a triumphantly way. This source was used in my project by

providing me with direct quotes and information to use to support the claims of Hugo's

triumphs and the impacts the storm had on South Carolina.

Greenville News​. 10 Sept. 2018,

uth-carolina/799689002/. Accessed 28 Oct. 2018. This is a web site focusing on the

different hurricanes that affected South Carolina. This source has led me to comprehend

how Hugo compares and contrasts to the other storms that have had a disastrous effect on
South Carolina. This source was used to provide evidence of why Hugo was considered

as one of the strongest storms to hit South Carolina by comparing it to the other storms.

Hiltonpond.​ Accessed 25 Jan. 2019. This is a

website showing Hilton pond and its impact with hurricane Hugo. This source has helped

me understand how Hugo affected wildlife and ecosystems directly. This source was used

in my project by providing a image to show that Hugo is weakning as it moved north

twords Canada from the United States.

Hugo's Path through the Carolinas.​ ​Noreasters​, Accessed 18 Jan.

2019. This is a photograph showing Hugo's path throughout the Carolinas and the result

of the storm impacting the area. This source has led me to understand how Hugo

specifically impacted a certain area in the Carolinas and the path the storm took. This

source was used in my project by being an example of the path Hugo took. This source

also gave information on how the path affected the Carolinas based on the direction the

storm took.​ Accessed 24 Jan. 2019. This is

a web site showing a collection of photographs from when Hugo made landfall and what

actions were taken after. This source has helped me understand what actions were taken

after Hugo to help with the recovery and to show the damage the storm caused. This

source was used in my project by providing me with many different primary photographs

to use to provide evidence for my claims.

Hurricane Hugo Beach Report​. ​Noreasters,​ Accessed 18 Jan.

2019. This is a photograph showing the effects on the beaches from hurricane Hugo. This

source led me to understand the area of the impact caused by Hugo and the effects of the

impact. This source was used in my project by providing me the information of the

affected areas of Hugo and provided a visual from the area of impact for South Carolina.

Hurricane Hugo devastated the South Carolina coastline and inland communities on September

21st and 22nd 1989. The barrier islands shouldered the worst of what Hugo had to give.

The storm's chainsaw winds and hammering waves wiped out places like the Isle of

Palms with the force of an atomic bomb. ​Thestate,​ 3 Aug. 2009, Accessed 24 Jan. 2019. This is an

photograph showing Hugo's winds when it made impact to South Carolina. This source

has helped me understand how powerful Hugo was based on what it shows in the image.

This source was used in my project to show how powerful Hugo was when it first made

impact to South Carolina.

Hurricane Hugo, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Charleston, South Carolina, September

17-22, 1989.​ 1994. ​The National Academies Press​,

Accessed 28 Oct. 2018. This is a book that contains a chapter about a summary of Hugo

affecting the Caribbean Islands and South Carolina and the immediate impacts of the

cataclysmic storm. This source has helped me comprehend Hugo further by exploiting

detailed characteristics of Hugo in the certain areas of impact and how those areas were

impacted by the storm as time went on. This source is useful to my proect because it
provideed me with the information needed to show the imapcts of Hugo in the different

locations and how the storm affected people personaly.

Hurricane Hugo September 1989​. ​,​ Accessed 17 Jan.

2019. This is a photograph of the path and characteristics of Hugo while traveling across

the Atlantic ocean. This source has led me to understand how strong Hugo was based on

the information of the wind speed on the photo. This source was used in my project by

providing information needed for the timeline and gives an example of the path that

Hugo took for a page on my website.

"Hurricane Hugo's Impact: 20 Years Later." ​Weather.thefuntimesguide​, Accessed 17 Jan. 2019. This is a web

site containing information about Hugo from the formation to the impact the storm had.

This web site has helped me understand how hurricane Hugo formed and the actions of

the storm as it moved across the Atlantic ocean. This source was useful to my project

because it provided me with information on the path of Hugo and gave me certain dates,

which would be used for my timeline.

Hurricane Hugo's Track​. ​​,

Accessed 17 Jan. 2019. This is a photograph showing the path of Hugo based on the day

and category of the storm. This source has led me to understand how the storm's power

progressed as it moved across the Atlantic Ocean. This source was used in my project by

proving an example of the path that Hugo took and when the storm gained and lost power

based on location.
Hurricanes: Science and Society​. Accessed 26 Oct.

2018. This is a web site stating the effects of hurricanes on environments and its

habituating organisms. This has have helped me understand how hurricanes can affect an

environment and its inhabitants in different ways. This source was useful to my project

because it added on to my evidence for the tragedies of Hugo, which helped in the

growth of my project.

Kitzmiller, Felicia. "25 Years Later, Hurricane Hugo's Lessons Loom." ​GoUpstate

[Spartanburg], 20 Sept. 2014,

Accessed 8 Oct. 2018. This is a newspaper article about hurricane Hugo's impact on

Spartanburg and South Carolina from destruction to better evacuations. This source has

helped me understand that Hugo has had different impacts depending on where in the

state was impacted by showing that the Lowcountry was impacted worse than the

Upcountry. This source has helped me with my project by exposing the triumphs of better

evacuation codes and stronger hurricane awareness for the people in South Carolina.

Learning from Hurricane Hugo: Implications for Public Policy​. June 1992,


2018. This is a source about the characteristics of hurricane Hugo and what actions were

taken place after the effects of Hugo on the people and structures. This source has led me

to understand the detailed effects Hugo had on everything in its path and why people
would have wanted to be prepared for the next hurricane with this much strength. This

source has advanced my project by showing me what the characteristics, impacts, and

effects the storm had, which gave me much information need for my project.

Major Hurricane Hugo.​ ​Weather Underground,​ Accessed 28

Oct. 2018. This is a web site about the path of Hugo and the category it was at a

certain location. This source has helped me understand what category the storm was

based on a certain location. This source was useful to my project because it provided

information for my timeline and path of Hugo because it showed me where the strength

of the storm increased and increased.

The National Academies Press​. Accessed 28 Oct.

2018. This is a book with a chapter that contains the information about the differences

between buildings that followed the new building codes and buildings that did not follow

the code. This source has allowed me to understand how the new building codes were

effective and why they were used after Hugo. This source is useful to my project because

it provides information about the new building codes and why they were enforced after

Hugo, which supports my claim for the triumph of new building codes.

National Weather Service.​ Accessed 5 Oct. 2018.

This is a web site showing a summary of hurricane Hugo. This source has led me to

understand Hugo in more detail and to know the detailed characteristics of the storm as it

traveled. This source is useful to my project because it gave me detailed information

about hurricane Hugo that can be used in my project.

National Weather Service.​ Accessed 28 Oct. 2018. This

is a web site recalling Hugo by using the characteristics of the storm and personal

accounts. This source assisted me to understand the speed of the storm and its winds,

which led me to comprehend why the storm was as powerful as it was. This source was

useful to my project because it provided me with primary pieces of evidence to use and

detailed facts about the characteristics of the storm, which helped me indicate how strong

the storm was and why it was as destructive as it was.

Outsideonline.​ 11 Sept. 2018,

Accessed 26 Oct. 2018. This is a web site of an article focusing on if hurricane Florence

would be as strong or stronger as hurricane Hugo and what did Hugo teach so that we

would be prepared for the next storm. This source has helped me understand what was

learned after Hugo and how people are preparing for a hurricane that might be as strong

or stronger than Hugo. This source was useful to my project because it provided me with

information on how people are using the new emergency planning that was

implemented after Hugo, which supports the claim of the triumph of emergency


Outsideonline.​ 11 Sept. 2018,

Accessed 25 Jan. 2019. This is a website about what lessons from Hugo can be used to

learn more about hurricane Florence. This source helped me understand how the lessons

from Hugo are still being used today and how Hugo affeced people for it to be compared
to present hurricanes. This source was used in my project by showing an image of

hurricane Hugo making landfall to South Carolina.

"Remember Hugo 1989." 11 Sept. 2018. ​Twitter​, Accessed 11 Jan. 2019. This is an

image of Hurricane Hugo's path from near the east coast of Flordia to making landfall to

and traveling through South Carolina. This source has helped me understand the path the

storm from when it traveled through South Carolina and what category the storm was as

it traveled through the United States. This source was useful to my project because it

provided me with information on the path the storm took and what category the storm

was based on the location.

Rindge, Brenda. "Lessons Learned from Hurricane Hugo 28 Years Ago Still Help with Today's

Storm Preparations." ​The Post and Courier​, 20 Sept. 2017. ​The Post and Courier​,

-with/article_ba265414-9e39-11e7-83a0-83b7dadf8b18.html. Accessed 5 Oct. 2018. This

is a source of a newspaper article that contains a summary of hurricane Hugo. This

source has led me to understand the full impact that Hugo had on South Carolina. This

source was useful to my project because it gave me direct quotes from people who

experienced the storm first hand.

Schafer, Susanne. "How South Carolina Has Changed Dictator Plans in 25 Years since

Hurricane Hugo." ​Insurance Journal​, 9 Sept. 2014, Accessed 5 Oct.

2018. This is a web site that shows what new emergency planning has been substituted
after the impact of hurricane Hugo. This source has led me to understand the ways people

are preparing for the next storm with this type of power. This source was useful to my

project because it showed me the new emergency planning and how people are better

prepared for the new hurricane with the same amount of power, which gave me evidence

to support my claim.

Storm2k.​ 24 Feb. 2007, Accessed

17 Jan. 2019. This is a web site of a summary of the characteristics of Hugo when it

made an impact to Puerto Rico. This source has helped me understand how strong Hugo

was when it made an impact, which led me to understand why Puerto Rico was as

damaged as it was. This source was useful to my project because it provided me with

evidence so that I can understand how strong Hugo was based on its characteristics when

it made a impact to Puerto Rico.


e-410e-11e4-aad5-27042341bdb7.html. Accessed 7 Nov. 2018. This is a web site

focusing on how South Carolina would react to the next hurricane with a similar

amount of power as Hugo. This source has helped me understand how South Carolina has

better prepared after Hugo and the effect of those changes would be. This source was

useful to my project because it provided me with the effects of the new emergency

planning, which give evidence to support the claim of the new planning to be a triumph

of Hugo.
"Tracking Category 4 Hurricane Hugo (1989)." ​Youtube,​ uploaded by NoaaVisualizations, 19

Sept. 2014, Accessed 11 Jan. 2019. This is a

video clip (online) showing the path that Hugo took and when it increased in power and

lost power. Thiss source helped me understand the full path the storm took as it traveled

over the Caribbean Islands and the United States. This source was useful to my project

because it gave me the information about the path of Hugo, where the storm increased

and decreased in power based on location, and where the storm disassembled and ended.

Wind Gusts (mph)​. ​​, Accessed 25

Jan. 2019. This is a photograph of the wind speeds of Hugo when it made landfall to

South Carolina. This source has led me to understand the strength of Hugo when it first

made impact to South Carolina. This source was used in my project by giving a visual to

show where Hugo made landfall and how high the wind speed was on impact.

WIS News.​ 22 Sept. 2014,

icane-hugo/. Accessed 28 Oct. 2018. This is a source about the technological

advancements that came after Hurricane Hugo. This source has helped me understand the

ways technology has advanced in preparation for the net hurricane with a large amount of

power. This source was useful to my project because it provided the information needed

to support the claim of technological advancements being a triumph of hurricane Hugo.

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