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European Research on

Funded by the Seventh
Framework Programme

Research and

Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

Directorate I – Environment
Unit I.4 – Climate Change & Natural Hazards

Contact: Estelle Barrillon


European Commission
B-1049 Brussels

European Research on
Climate Change
Funded by the Seventh Framework Programme

2013 Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2013

ISBN 978-92-79-31251-9

© European Union, 2013

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Cover image : © Sergey Nivens, #33443008, 2012. Source:


Climate change is arguably among the most about climate change and lead to the estab-
pressing societal challenges of our times, lishment of the IPCC in 1988. Since then, Eu-
and now certainly the most well-known ropean research provided essential contribu-
amongst the public. From initial observa- tions to its regularly published assessment
tions of global warming and proposed ideas reports.
about the root causes, a steady consensus
has built up that climate change is one of Climate change research has grown consid-
the most serious threats facing the world in erably in size and complexity. FP5 (1998–
the near future. It is very clearly stated in 2002) supported a large number of projects
the recently released 5th Assessment Report within the specific ‘key action’ on ‘Glob-
of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate al Change, Climate and Biodiversity’. FP6
Change (IPCC) on the physical science basis, (2003-2008) supported 31 large projects on
that global warming is mostly caused by hu- climate change, with research areas ranging
man activities. from atmospheric pollutants to the predic-
tion of climate change and its impacts..

Climate change research:

its European roots Climate change in the Seventh
Framework Programme for research
Climate sciences have an illustrious Europe- (FP7, 2007-2013)
an history. In the 19th century, Germany’s
Wladimir Köppen laid the foundations for Climate research has been one of the main
climatology, while the French mathemati- research themes of FP7 with one of its
cian Joseph Fourier (1768 – 1830) postu- ‘Theme’, i.e. ‘Environment (including climate
lated the natural greenhouse warming effect change)’ which includes it explicitly in the ti-
and speculated that human behaviour could tle. Actions have supported research projects
change a regions climate. Swedish Nobel that analyse pressures on the environment
Prize winner Svante Arrhenius made the (oceans, atmosphere, and ecosystems) and
first, and amazingly realistic, calculations in
improve our understanding of the complex
1896 on how changes in the levels of car-
climate system, also through Earth System
bon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere could
modelling. Another key research area includ-
alter the temperature of the Earth’s surface.
ed assessing impacts, vulnerabilities and
In the 1930s the British scientist Guy Stew-
solutions for adapting to climate change, de-
art Callendar demonstrated that global land
veloping strategies for disaster risk reduction
temperatures had increased over the pre-
and analysing pathways for a smooth tran-
vious 50 years and showed that this could
sition to a low-carbon society. While some
have been caused by anthropogenic CO2
calls are still open and a final figure cannot
yet be given, a rough estimation indicates
Research into the Earth’s climate system has that from 2007 to 2013 in FP7 over 800 Mil-
been present in the EU’s Framework Pro- lion Euro were spent on supporting climate
grammes from the beginning. In the 1980s change research. The majority of the funding
the focus was on the ozone depletion in the was provided for collaborative research proj-
stratosphere and EU-projects played an im- ects within the ‘Cooperation’ programme1 ,
portant role for the global ban of the pro- complemented by other funding for research
duction of Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and infrastructures for climate observations and
other ozone depleting substances (Montreal modelling and for investigator-driven ‘fron-
protocol). Meanwhile, the increasing concen- tier’ research awarded by the European Re-
tration of greenhouse gases raised concerns search Council2 (ERC).
1 =
I 2 =
Research activities on climate change rep- search has focused on the observations and
resents only a relatively minor part of what simulation of Earth System processes at dif-
we can name as “climate-related” research. ferent scales, determining and understand-
In fact, much more has been done in view of ing climate variations of the past, as well as
developing a low carbon economy, through on the production of reliable projections of
activities funded by the Framework Pro- future change. The results were used in the
gramme notably in the areas of energy, IPCC reports and other assessments sup-
transport, agriculture, industrial and infor- porting decision-making and have provided
mation technologies which contribute to the information of great value for many so-
identification and development of mitigation cio-economic sectors across Europe. Studies
options through progress on energy efficien- of single or combined critical ocean/atmo-
cy, renewable energy, low carbon manufac- sphere/land interactions have been conduct-
turing processes and more environmentally ed in different climate regions (e.g. Arctic,
friendly transport systems. Mediterranean, North Atlantic) in Europe and
worldwide. Whenever significant, focus has
International cooperation has been an im- been given to processes affecting reversibil-
portant element of FP7. Participation in FP7 ity and triggering abrupt changes. Substantial
was in fact open to all countries worldwide, improvements in the Earth system models
with many Third countries (especially de- have allowed to obtain more accurate climate
veloping ones and those with economies in projections at seasonal-to-decadal time
transition) also eligible for funding. For the scales, and to reduce uncertainties in the pre-
projects presented in this catalogue, partic- diction of climate change for future decades.
ipation of institutions from non-European
countries amount to approximately 9,5% of Robust and long-term climate observations
the total number of project partners, while fi- are crucial to the production and validation
nancial contribution from FP7 to these coun- of reliable predictions. It is an essential part
tries represent even 14% of total spending. of the EU’s research policy to support infra-
Key participating countries in this domain structures and their European and global
include China, India, Brazil, Russia, USA, Can- integration. Networks of autonomous (EU-
ada, South Africa, and Japan. RO-ARGO) or manned monitoring platforms
(EURO-Fleets, ACTRIS) provide baseline
Six research areas have been covered in this climate data as well as process studies. Sup-
catalogue: port for networking, trans-national access
and joint research has improved the perfor-
1. Climate observation, processes and pro- mance of distributed stations like InterAct,
jections a circumpolar net of research facilities for
2. The carbon and nitrogen cycles and green- monitoring change in Arctic terrestrial eco-
house gas emissions systems. FP7 also supported the preparation
and implementation of essential infrastruc-
3. Atmospheric pollution and climate inter-
tures identified in the ESFRI3 roadmap, like
IAGOS (In-service Aircraft for a Global Ob-
4. Climate change impacts serving System), ICOS, the Integrated Car-
5. Climate related natural hazards and ex- bon Observing System, and the Svalbard
treme events Integrated Observing System (SIOS). These
6. Climate change adaptation, mitigation and efforts, as well as dedicated projects focus-
relevant policies sing for example on the oxygen depletion
in the ocean (HYPOX) or capacity building
(GEONETCAB), have contributed to the set-
Climate observation, processes and up of the Global Earth Observation System
projections of Systems (GEOSS).

Climate observations and modelling have The ERC grants support frontier research
been the main research pillars in FP7. Re- projects related to climate science, with
3 = European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures
focus on various aspects like biosphere-cli- The carbon and nitrogen cycles and
mate interaction or the formation of small greenhouse gas emissions
particles (aerosol) and clouds in the atmo-
sphere. Several ERC projects attempt to Research on carbon cycle and other green-
improve the reconstruction of atmospheric house gases has been an important com-
CO2 concentrations, carbon cycling or tem- ponent in FP7 in order to fill key knowledge
peratures thousands - or even millions - of gaps. Research actions have mainly focused
years back in time which are fundamental on providing an improved quantitative as-
for better projecting future change. sessment of the sources and sinks of carbon
and/or nitrogen in terrestrial ecosystems in
Critical aspects of climate modelling such Europe and the Atlantic Ocean, assessing
as missing or lacking understanding of key their vulnerability to climate change and
processes in the atmosphere and the ocean human activities and better quantifying the
have been successfully addressed via proj- impact of elevated carbon concentrations
ects such as COMBINE (inclusion of pro- to ecosystems, such as ocean acidifica-
cesses such as C-and N-cycle, sea-ice and tion. This effort led to the establishment of
permafrost) and EUCLIPSE (cloud model- high-quality, long-term observation systems
ling), respectively. They offered new evalua- and to the development of state-of-the-art
tion tools and climate simulations in support models that accurately capture carbon-cli-
of the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5). mate interactions. Results have contributed
These projects, as well as the climate model- to key international scientific assessments
ling community in general, profited from the (e.g. IPCC) and programmes (Global Carbon
EU support to the e infrastructure for the Eu- Project). Furthermore, particular emphasis
ropean Network for Earth System Modelling was given to vulnerable ecosystems with
(IS-ENES). high carbon and/or nitrogen content such a
permafrost soils and tropical forests.
Ocean acidification is one of the most critical
aspects of the continuously increasing CO2 Another lighthouse project is NITROEUROPE
concentrations in the atmosphere, due its which addressed the major question of what
severe impacts on the ocean ecosystem. The is the effect of reactive nitrogen (Nr) supply
EPOCA project, a major contributor to AR5, on net greenhouse gas budgets for Europe.
has generated key information on ocean The project provided key elements to answer
acidification including the rate at which it this question:
proceeds and the hotspots where critical - A comprehensive new European Nitrogen
pH values will be reached first. It assessed Budget (for EU27);
the consequences of ocean acidification in - A more accurate estimate of the various
terms of biodiversity, ecosystem services, war ming and cooling effects of Nr man-
biogeochemical processes and feedbacks on agement in Europe;
the climate system, and identified the most - A comprehensive cost-benefit analysis;
vulnerable ecosystems. - An assessment of management options
for more efficient management of the
Another major achievement is the launch of nitrogen cycle, with recommendations to
“European climate observations, modelling reduce the climate warming effects of Nr
and services” (ECOMS) initiative focusing on losses and the provision of evidence base
seasonal-to-decadal predictions and the de- for the design of environmental policies.
livery of trustworthy climate information to
stakeholders. ECOMS integrates three major
projects respectively dealing with observa- Atmospheric pollution and climate
tions (NACLIM), climate modelling (SPECS) interactions
and climate services (EUPORIAS) and is a
key European contribution to the WMO Glob- FP7 has significantly contributed to advance
al Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). the understanding of the complex changes

in the composition of the atmosphere and tribution to the review of the EU’s air poli-
the impact they have on the environment. cies due in 2013 through the publication of
Research efforts have focussed on providing a summary of policy-relevant findings that
sound scientific basis to combat the adverse was presented at the ‘2013 Green Week’ in
effects we are facing, namely the warming Brussels.
of the climate and the negative impact on
health and ecosystems associated to air pol-
lution. Results have contributed to the revi- Climate change impacts
sion and implementation of EU Air policy and
to reduce the uncertainties in the climate Climate projections indicate that our envi-
models, in particular by better understanding ronment and society can be significantly af-
the role of atmospheric aerosols and other fected in the medium to long-term. Impacts
short lived pollutants and their precursors across the globe will be diverse, posing se-
(including nitrogen oxides, volatile organ- vere challenges but also sometimes creat-
ic compounds, sulphate, and black carbon). ing opportunities. They can span a variety
Particular attention has also been given to of sectors, including agriculture, the water
the development of integrated assessment cycle, land cover and vegetation, ecosys-
tools for the design of emission abatement tems, the marine environment, health, etc.
strategies taking into consideration relevant Climate change impacts concern not only the
socio-economic aspects. natural environment, but also peoples’ liveli-
hoods, and will challenge our socio-econom-
The RECONCILE project is studying the de- ic system and structures. Relevant research
pletion of ozone layer through dedicated seeks to assess the level and magnitude of
laboratory and field measurements, work- potential impacts, to help us identify the ex-
ing to improve model representations which tent and likelihood of expected changes. On
can simulate and predict current and future the one hand, this information helps us un-
Arctic stratospheric ozone loss. This project derstand our vulnerabilities and adaptation
contributed to the observation and expla- needs; on the other, it also informs climate
nation of the first ever Arctic ozone hole in policies, by identifying critical thresholds and
2011 when an area of very low stratospheric tipping points for our ecosystems and econ-
ozone concentration, comparable to the loss omies.
observed every year over Antarctica, oc-
curred over the Arctic. The Impact2C project integrates the expertise
of top climate scientists, impact specialists
Air quality and climate change have tradi- with both scientific and economic backgrounds,
tionally been viewed separately by scientists and local specialists from specific regions un-
and politicians alike. Breaking with this tradi- der study. All are working to deliver maximum
tion, the FP7 PEGASOS project assesses the support on the development of sectoral and
impacts of European air pollution on climate cross-sectoral pan-European strategies for
change and vice versa by combining field adapting to a 2°C global temperature rise.
measurements at different heights with state
of the art atmospheric and climate models. In addition to global impact assessments,
Thanks to the unique flight characteristics of several FP7 projects have dealt with cli-
the Zeppelin airship used by the project, the mate change impacts on specific sectors
scientists had an unprecedented view of how and vulnerability hotspots. Among these, the
pollution is distributed in the lowest one or CLIWASEC cluster, formed by the CLIMB,
two kilometers of the atmosphere over Eu- WASSERMed and CLICO projects, focused
rope. It is in this layer of the atmosphere that on water security in the Mediterranean re-
most pollutants emitted on the ground react gion. The projects have provided a better
with other atmospheric compounds. understanding of the hydrological budget
and potential changes in the water balance
PEGASOS, with other 20 projects related of specific catchments, and of more global
to air quality, provided a very valuable con- impacts on key economic sectors and activi-

ties. The ACQWA project focused on chang- Urban areas of European countries face in-
es in the water cycle of mountain regions, creasing flood risks due to urbanisation and
which can have huge implications both for the effects of climate change. The STAR-
local economies and for downstream areas. FLOOD project focuses on the development
In Europe, the project studied the Rhone (CH/ and implementation of appropriate and
FR) and the Po catchment (IT). Results from resilient flood risk governance arrange-
the project indicate a future decline in alpine ments in Europe, whereas FLOODCHANGE
snow cover, as well as an increase in extreme investigates the drivers of flood generation.
precipitation events. Relevant impacts, in This is assumed to require a diversification
terms of climate-driven hazards, forests, of Flood Risk Management Strategies – in-
hydropower generation, agriculture, tourism cluding flood defence, pro-active spatial
and aquatic ecosystems were studied exten- planning, flood mitigation, flood preparation
sively to provide a comprehensive overview and recovery.
of future risks.
Flash floods present a challenge for early
The Ice2sea project set the challenge of re- warning systems, since heavy rainfalls are
ducing uncertainty in the contribution of gla- hard to be forecasted with high accuracy
ciers and ice-sheets to sea-level rise, which and enough anticipation to allow efficient
the last IPCC report identified as a key prob- decision and risk management support.
lem in projections. Over the past four years Research carried out under the European
a team of scientists from 24 institutions project IMPRINTS has, however, produced
have worked together to find out how i.e. the first Early Warning operational platform
the Greenland ice-sheet responds to global able to provide hydrological warnings based
warming. Based on observations and ad- on the rainfall forecasted by meteorological
vanced computer simulations they forecast- models (few days in advance) and by weath-
ed how much ice the Greenland and Antarctic er radar networks (few hours in advance).
glaciers will release to the ocean within the The platform is able to transform the antici-
pation provided by the rainfall forecasts into
next 200 years. The project provided a de-
hydrological forecasts, and also to combine
tailed global map of the non-uniform con-
these hydrometeorological forecasts with
tribution of the glaciers to sea level rise and
the available information about vulnerabil-
thus a sound scientific foundation for policy
ity and flooding risks, providing a full Early
development surrounding sea-level rise and
Warning System for Flash Flood and Debris
the best possible basis for European coastal
Flow risk management.
defense planning.
The enhanced understanding of drought pro-
cesses and their impacts is another key area
Climate related natural hazards and where FP7 funded research contributes. Rel-
extreme events evant early warning indicators, assessment
of drought risks and potential damages are
Managing future risks related to climate particularly challenging to address, given
change and developing strategies for di- the complexity of the phenomenon, such as
saster risk reduction need to take into slow onset, the diverse impacts depending
account the possible risk drivers. Antic- on the geoclimatic region and socio-eco-
ipating, preventing, limiting the impacts nomic context, and the very different levels
and managing these threats will contrib- of preparedness and coping capacity. The
ute to a safer and more resilient society. Drought-R&SPI project seeks to better
The projects presented in this publication characterise past and future droughts in Eu-
illustrate some examples of the on-going rope, both as natural hazards and in terms
interdisciplinary research collaboration of their impacts. It actively works for devel-
that is addressing the challenges societies oping a successful science-policy interface,
and populations will have to face with cli- which is providing support to a number of EU
mate-related hazards. policies.

Climate change adaptation, that can enable decision and policy makers
mitigation and policies to plan adaptation measures and adapt ef-
fectively. The issues of scale (local, regional,
The majority of greenhouse gas emissions and national) but also of uncertainty, cost-ef-
is generated by five key sectors: energy, in- fectiveness of adaptation measures and
dustry, transport, food and agriculture, and policies, and synergies or conflicts with mit-
households/buildings. The nature and drivers igation goals and other policies have been
of these emissions, the policy instruments a focal point in the FP7 climate research
which have been developed to address agenda.
them, and the issues, problems and market
imperfections and failure which they seek to In this context, ClimateCost provided a
tackle, differ greatly and several FP7 projects comprehensive estimate of the costs of cli-
have been focusing on these research areas. mate change in Europe. Research focused
on quantifying impacts and economic costs
Research projects addressing the econom- for different sectors, such as agriculture,
ics of mitigation and mitigation policy have health, energy, and considered several risks,
developed scenarios and models to under- such as river flooding and sea level rise in
stand the magnitude of the change that is coastal zones. This quantification showcased
required in key sectors, to quantify the ex- that adaptation is generally very effective at
pected effects of policy instruments and reducing impacts at low cost, but also iden-
their interaction, and also to understand the tified the need for robust and flexible adap-
sectoral, economy-wide, and cross-cutting tation strategies to cope with the inherent
impacts of the current policy instrument mix uncertainty associated with climate change
for climate change mitigation. To mention projections.
some, the LIMITS project has defined emis-
sion reduction pathways consistent with the Projects such as CLIMSAVE and MEDIATION
2°C target at global level, assessing the in- have developed web-based tools and knowl-
vestment requirements to implement these edge bases to help policy makers and local
transformation pathways, and the changes actors explore alternative adaptation solu-
in the energy infrastructure and land use tions in different sectors. The outputs of these
which major economies need to implement projects will be made available through the
to attain stringent climate policies. The proj- EU Climate-Adapt platform, with the aim to
ects ADVANCE and COMPLEX are preparing provide the much needed resources to local
the new generation of modelling tools and actors faced with the challenges of adap-
decision-support systems which are needed tation in different sectors. RAMSES takes a
also to support communities across Europe particular focus on adaptation needs in cities
working to make the transition to a low-car- worldwide, providing tools and models easily
bon economy. The modelling results of these transferable to diverse urban environments
projects will inform the international policy and socio-economic contexts. FUTURESOC
debate at UNFCCC level, in the Durban Action is about changes in future society which will
Platform, with an open and rigorous assess- influence the capabilities to adapt to climate
ment of the climate policies in the EU, US, change. Education levels, demographic trends
China and India. and global long-term projections of human
capital will be investigated to build scenari-
The achievement or not of climate change mit- os of long term societal changes. Economic
igation goals set at global level is linked with aspects relating to adaptation are further
the manifestation of corresponding levels of tackled through the ToPDAd project which
climate change and the need for adaptation. develops a new second generation toolset for
assessing the socio-economic impacts of ad-
As adaptation to climate change becomes aptation with a particular focus on the trans-
a pressing decision-making priority, there is port, energy and tourism sectors in different
increasing need for good quality information, regions of Europe. At the same time, knowl-
assessment methodologies and new tools edge on adaptation is being enhanced by

BASE: through the analysis of over 20 cases, With the view of sustaining this leadership
the project improves adaptation knowledge, in climate change science and of developing
integration and utilisation, strengthens stake- suitable options and solutions for mitigation
holder participation in adaptation decisions and adaptation, the up-coming Horizon 2020
and policies, and supports coherent, multi-lev- – the Framework Programme for Research
el and multi-sector policy development. and Innovation 2014-2020 – will broadly
support research and innovation in this field.

Some concluding remarks Across the three pillars of Horizon 2020 –

Excellent Science, Industrial Leadership and
Societal Challenges – at least 35% of its 70
The growing body of scientific knowledge
billion Euro funding for research and innova-
produced through successive Framework
tion will be spent in climate-related actions
Programmes for research helped to define a
spanning from climate change research to
robust research roadmap and provided very the development of low carbon technologies
valuable information to policy makers for the and adaptation solutions.
development and implementation of the EU
Climate Policy and for supporting interna- This FP7 catalogue is therefore intended as
tional negotiations within the UN Framework a summary of what has been and is being
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). carried out at the edge of the start of the
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.
European research in climate change is lead-
ing globally, as acknowledged by its contri- It is the baseline on which the new Pro-
bution to the IPCC Assessment Reports. gramme will build in the next seven years.

1. Climate observations, processes and projections
AIRSEA– Air-Sea Exchanges driven by Light............................................................................................................................................ 2
ATP– Arctic Tipping Points................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
CACH– Reconstructing abrupt Changes in Chemistry and Circulation of the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean:
Implications for global Climate and deep-water Habitats..................................................................................................... 5
CAPRI– Clouds and Precipitation Response to Anthropogenic Changes in the Natural Environment...................... 6
COMBINE– Comprehensive Modelling of the Earth System for Better Climate Prediction and Projection.......... 8
DARECLIMED– Data repositories and computational infrastructure for environmental and climate studies in
the eastern Mediterranean...............................................................................................................................................10
DESERT STORMS– Desert Storms – Towards an Improved Representation of Meteorological Processes in
Models of Mineral Dust Emission........................................................................................................................12
DINOPRO– From Protist to Proxy: Dinoflagellates as signal carriers for climate and carbon cycling during
past and present extreme climate transitions.................................................................................................................14
DRIHM– Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology.....................................................................................15
DRIHM2US– Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology to United States of America............17
EARLYHUMANIMPACT– How long have human activities been affecting the climate system?...........................19
EMBRACE– Earth system Model Bias Reduction and assessing Abrupt Climate change...........................................21
EMIS– An Intense Summer Monsoon in a Cool World, Climate and East Asian monsoon during interglacials
with a special emphasis on the Interglacials 500 000 years ago and before.........................................................23
EPOCA– European Project on Ocean Acidification.............................................................................................................................25
ERA-CLIM– European Reanalysis of Global Climate Observations.........................................................................................27
ERICON-ABSTRACT– The European Polar Research Icebreaker Consortium Aurora Borealis...............................29
ERMITAGE– Enhancing Robustness and Model Integration for The Assessment of Global Environmental
EUFAR– European Facility for Airborne Research in environmental and geoscience.....................................................33
EUGENE– Improving coordination, visibility and impact of European GEOSS contributions by establishing a
EUropean GEoss NEtwork (EUGENE)........................................................................................................................................35
EURO ARGO– Global Ocean Observing Infrastructure...................................................................................................................37
EURO-BASIN– European Union Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration.........................................................39
GEONETCAB– GEO Network for Capacity Building..........................................................................................................................41
GREENSEAS– Development of global plankton data base and model system for eco-climate early warning........ 43
GROOM– Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation and Management.................................................................................45
HYPOX– In situ monitoring of oxygen de-pletion in hypoxic ecosystems of coastal and open seas, and land-
locked water bodies..............................................................................................................................................................................47
HYRAX– Rock Hyrax Middens and Climate Change in Southern Africa during the last 50 000 years.................49
ICE– Laboratory and modelling studies of ice nucleation and crystallisation in the Earth’s atmosphere..........51
ICEMASS– Global Glacier Mass Continuity............................................................................................................................................52
ICEPROXY– Novel Lipid Biomarkers from Polar Ice: Climatic and Ecological Applications........................................53
INDO-MARECLIM– Indo-european Research Facilities for Studies on Marine ecosystem and climate in India...... 54
INTERACT– International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic...........................................56
IS-ENES2– Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System Modelling – Phase 2.................................58
ITOP– Integrating Theory and Observations over the Pleistocene............................................................................................60
JPI CLIMATE CSA– Joint Programming Initiative Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe – Coordination
and Support Action......................................................................................................................................................62
MATRICS– Modern Approaches to Temperature Reconstructions in polar Ice Cores.....................................................64
MEDSEA– Mediterranean Sea Acidification in a Changing Climate (MedSeA)..................................................................66
MESOAQUA– Network of leading MESOcosm facilities to advance the studies of future AQUAtic ecosystems
from the Arctic to the Mediterranean.............................................................................................................................68
MODES– Modal analysis of atmospheric balance, predictability and climate..................................................................70
NACLIM– North Atlantic Climate: Predictability of the climate in the North Atlantic/European sector related to
North Atlantic/Arctic sea surface temperature and sea ice variability and change.......................................71
NAMASTE– Thermodynamics of the Climate System....................................................................................................................73
PACEMAKER– Past Continental Climate Change: Temperatures from Marine and Lacustrine Archives............75
PAGE21– Changing Permafrost in the Arctic and its Global Effects in the 21st Century............................................76
PAST4FUTURE– Climate change – Learning from the past climate.....................................................................................78
PESM– Towards the Prototype Probabilistic Earth-System Model............................................................................................80
PHOXY– Phosphorus dynamics in low-oxygen marine systems: quantifying the nutrient-climate connection in
Earth’s past, present and future....................................................................................................................................................82
PHYTOCHANGE– New Approaches to Assess the Responses of Phytoplankton to Global Change.....................84
PLIO-ESS– Pliocene Constraints on Earth System Senstivity (Plio-ESS)..............................................................................85
SIOS-PP– Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System - Preparatory Phase..................................................................87
THOR– Thermohaline overturning - at risk?...........................................................................................................................................89
TITAN– Transition Into the Anthropocene...............................................................................................................................................91
2. The carbon and nitrogen cycles and greenhouse gas emissions
AFRICA GHG– The role of African tropical forests on the Greenhouse Gases balance of the atmosphere.....94
AFRIVAL– African river basins: catchment-scale carbon fluxes and transformations..................................................96
AMOPROX– Quantifying Aerobic Methane Oxidation in the Ocean: Calibration and palaeo application of a
novel proxy........................................................................................................................................................................................98
CARBFIX– Creating the technology for safe, long-term carbon storage in the subsurface................................... 100
CARBOCHANGE– Changes in carbon uptake and emissions by oceans in a changing climate........................ 102
CARBO-EXTREME– The terrestrial Carbon cycle under Climate Variability and Extremes – a Pan-European
Synthesis...................................................................................................................................................................... 104
CARBONSINK– Life Beneath the Ocean Floor:  The subsurface Sink of carbon in the Marine Environment........106
CO2SOLSTOCK– Biobased geological CO2 storage................................................................................................................... 108
CO2VOLC– Quantifying the global volcanic CO2 cycle.............................................................................................................. 110
COCOS– Coordination action Carbon Observing System........................................................................................................... 111
DE-CO2– Quantifying CO2 emissions from tropical deforestation to ‘close’ the global carbon budget........ 113
ECO2– Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems........................................................................................ 114
EUROCHAR– Biochar for Carbon sequestration and large-scale removal of greenhouse gases (GHG) from
the atmosphere........................................................................................................................................................................ 116
FORESTPRIME– Predicting carbon release from forest soils through priming effects: a new approach to
reconcile results across scales................................................................................................................................. 118
GEOCARBON– Operational Global Carbon Observing System.............................................................................................. 119
GHG-EUROPE– Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems.......................................................... 121
GRACE– Genetic Record of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide........................................................................................................... 123
ICE&LASERS– Innovative Concepts for Extracting climate and atmospheric composition records from polar
ice cores using new LASER Sensors.......................................................................................................................... 124
ICOS– Integrated Carbon Observing System.................................................................................................................................... 125
INGOS– Integrated Non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observing System....................................................................................... 127
PANACEA– Predicting and monitoring the long-term behavior of CO2 injected in deep geological formations.....129
POPFULL– System analysis of a bio-energy plantation:  full greenhouse gas balance and energy accounting....131
QUASOM– Quantifying and modeling pathways of soil organic matter as affected by abiotic factors,
microbial dynamics, and transport processes.............................................................................................................. 133
RISCS– Research into Impacts and Safety in CO2 Storage...................................................................................................... 134
T - FORCES – Tropical Forests in the Changing Earth System.............................................................................................. 136
URGENCHE– Urban Reduction of GHG Emissions in China and Europe........................................................................... 137
3. Atmospheric pollution and climate interactions
ACCENT-PLUS– Atmospheric Composition Change: the European Network -Policy Support and Science...... 140
ACTRIS– Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network............................................................. 142
APPRAISAL– Integrated assessment for regional and local air quality policies.......................................................... 144
ARISE– Atmospheric dynamics Research Infrastructure in Europe...................................................................................... 146
ATMNUCLE– Atmospheric nucleation:  from molecular to global scale........................................................................... 148
ATMOGAIN– Atmospheric Gas-Aerosol Interactions – from Fundamental Theory to Global Effects ............. 149
C8– Consistent computation of the chemistry-cloud continuum and climate change in Cyprus......................... 151
CITYZEN– megaCITY - Zoom for the ENvironment....................................................................................................................... 153
COMBINISO– Quantitative picture of interactions between climate, hydrological cycle and stratospheric
inputs in Antarctica over the last 100 years via the combined use of all water isotopes........... 155
COPAL– COmmunity heavy-PAyload Long endurance Instrumented Aircraft for Tropospheric Research in
Environmental and Geo-Sciences.............................................................................................................................................. 157
DUSTTRAFFIC– Transatlantic fluxes of Saharan dust: changing climate through fertilising the ocean?..... 159
EUCLIPSE– EU Cloud Intercomparison, Process Study & Ealuation Project................................................................... 161
EUROCHAMP-2– Integration of European Simulation Chambers for Investigating Atmospheric Processes –
Part 2.................................................................................................................................................................................... 163
EXCATRO– In-situ experiments on the chemical composition of high altitude aerosols and clouds in the
tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere ................................................................................................ 165
IAGOS-ERI– In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System – European Research Infrastructure............. 167
MEGAPOLI– Megacities: Emissions, urban, regional and Global Atmospheric POLlution and climate effects,
and Integrated tools for assessment and mitigation........................................................................................... 169
MOCAPAF– Role of Molecular Cluster in Atmospheric Particle Formation...................................................................... 171
PEGASOS– Pan-European Gas-Aerosol-Climate Interaction Study..................................................................................... 172
QUAERERE– Quantifying Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Effects by Regime................................................................................. 174
RECONCILE– Reconciliation of essential process parameters for an enhanced predictability of arctic
stratospheric ozone loss and its climate interactions........................................................................................ 175
SHIVA– Stratospheric ozone: Halogen Impacts in a Varying Atmosphere........................................................................ 177
SIDERI– Strengthening International Dimension of Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure.......................................... 179
SIP-VOL+– Stress-Induced Volatiles in Biosphere-Atmosphere System.......................................................................... 181
4. Climate change impacts
ACCESS– Arctic Climate Change, Economy and Society............................................................................................................ 184
ACQWA– Assessing climate impacts on the quantiy and quality of water .................................................................... 186
ANAEE– Infrastructure for Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems...................................................................... 188
ARCRISK– Arctic Health Risks:  Impacts on health in the Arctic and Europe owing to climate-induced changes
in contaminant cycling................................................................................................................................................................ 190
ATOPICA– Atopic diseases in changing climate, land use and air quality....................................................................... 192
CIRCLE-2– Climate Impact Research & Response Coordination for a Larger Europe.............................................. 194
CLAMER– Climate change and marine ecosystem research results................................................................................... 196
CLARIS LPB– A Europe South-America Network for Climate Change Assessment and Impact Studies in La
Plata Basin................................................................................................................................................................................. 198
CLEAR– Climate change, environmental contaminants and reproductive health........................................................ 200
CLICO– Climate Change Hydro-conflicts and Human Security............................................................................................... 202
CLIMATE FOR CULTURE– Damage risk assessment, economic impact and mitigation strategies for
sustainable preservation of cultural heritage in the times of climate change...... 204
CLIMB– Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrology of Mediterranean Basins:  Reducing Uncertainty and
Quantifying Risk through an Integrated Monitoring and Modeling System........................................................ 206
DROPS– DROught-tolerant yielding PlantS....................................................................................................................................... 208
ECCONET– Effects of climate change on the inland waterway............................................................................................. 210
ECLAIRE– Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution Impacts and Response Strategies for European
Ecosystems........................................................................................................................................................................................ 212
ECLIPSE– Evaluating the Climate and Air Quality Impacts of Short-Lived Pollutants.............................................. 214
ESCAPE– European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects............................................................................................... 216
EUROPOLAR– European Polar Consortium: Strategic Coordination and Networking of European Polar RTD
Programmes............................................................................................................................................................................ 218
FORCE– Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment (FORCE): an ecosystem approach to managing
Caribbean coral reefs in the face of climate change...................................................................................................... 221
FUME – Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire
affected areas of the world........................................................................................................................................................... 223
GENESIS– Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems:  New Scientific and Technological Basis for Assessing
Climate Change and Land-use Impacts on Groundwater (GENESIS)............................................................... 225
HERMIONE– Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man’s Impact on European Seas..................................................... 227
ICE2SEA– Ice2sea – estimating the future contribution of continental ice to sea-level rise............................... 229
ICEPURE– Impact of Climatic and Environmental Factors on Personal Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure and
Human Health.................................................................................................................................................................................. 231
IMPACT2C– Quantifying projected impacts under 2°C warming.......................................................................................... 233
INCREASE– An Integrated Network on Climate REsearch Activities on Shrubland Ecosystems......................... 235
ISEFOR– Increasing Sustainability of European Forests............................................................................................................ 237
MACROCLIMATE– Quantitative dynamic macroeconomic analysis of global climate change and inequality......239
MEECE– Marine Environmental Evolution in a Changing Environment.............................................................................. 241
MESMA– Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas ..................................................................................... 243
OFFICAIR– On the reduction of health effects from combined exposure to indoor air pollutants in modern
offices................................................................................................................................................................................................. 245
QWECI– Quantifying Weather and Climate Impacts on Health in Developing Countries........................................ 247
RUMINOMICS– Connecting the animal genome, gastrointestinal microbiomes and nutrition to improve
digestion efficiency and the environmental impacts of ruminant livestock production............. 249
TRANSPHORM– Transport related Air Pollution and Health impacts- Integrated Methodologies for Assessing
Particulate Matter............................................................................................................................................................ 251
VIROCLIME– Impact of Climate Change on The Transport, Fate, and Risk Management of Viral Pathogens in
Water.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 253
WASSERMED– Water Availability and Security in Southern EuRope and the Mediterranean............................. 255
WRECKPROTECT– Strategies for the protection of shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea against forthcoming attack
by wood degrading marine borers. A synthesis and information project based on the effects
of climatic changes................................................................................................................................................... 257

5. Climate relevant projects on natural hazards and extreme events

3ENCULT– Efficient ENergy for EU Cultural Heritage.................................................................................................................. 260
ABSTRESS– Improving the resistance of legume crops to combined abiotic and biotic stress.......................... 262
CAPHAZ-NET– Social Capacity Building for Natural Hazards:  Towards more resilient Societies..................... 264
CATALYST– Capacity Development for Natural Hazards Risk Reduction and Adaptation...................................... 266
CLIM-RUN– Climate Local Information in the Mediterranean region Responding to User Needs..................... 268
CLUVA– CLimate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa.................................................................................................... 270
CONHAZ– Costs of Natural Hazards..................................................................................................................................................... 272
CORFU– Collaborative research on flood resilience in urban areas.................................................................................... 274
DEWFORA– Improved Drought Early Warning and FORecasting to strengthen preparedness and adaptation
to droughts in Africa................................................................................................................................................................ 276
DOFOCO– Do forests cool the Earth? Reconciling sustained productivity and minimum climate response with
ensembles of contrasting forest management strategies..................................................................................... 278
DROUGHT-R&SPI– Fostering European Drought Research and Science-Policy Interfacing............................... 280
ENHANCE– Enhancing risk management partnerships for catastrophic natural disasters in Europe............. 282
ENSURE– Enhancing resilience of communities and territories facing natural and na-tech hazards............. 284
EUPORIAS– European Provision Of Regional Impacts Assessment on a Seasonal to decadal timescale.... 286
EUROOT– Enhancing resource Uptake from Roots under stress in cereal crops......................................................... 288
EWENT– Assessing disruptive effects of extreme weather events on operation and performance of EU
transport system................................................................................................................................................................................ 290
FACCE-JPI– Joint Programming Initiative for Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change.......................... 291
FLOODCHANGE– Deciphering River Flood Change.................................................................................................................... 293
FORMIT– Forest management strategies to enhance the MITigation potential of European forests (FORMIT)......295
HEALTHY FUTURES– Health, environmental change and adaptive capacity:  mapping, examining and
anticipating future risks of water-related vector-borne diseases in eastern Africa...... 297
HURRICANE– Past hurricane activity reconstructed using cave deposits:  Have humans increased storm risk?......299
IMPRINTS– Improving Preparedness and Risk Management for Flash Floods and Debris Flow Events........ 300
IPCCAR5– Support in Preparation of the IPCC 5th Assesment Report............................................................................... 302
KNOW-4-DRR– Enabling Knowledge for disaster risk reduction in integration to climate change adaptation......303
KULTURISK– Knowledge-Based Approach To Develop A Culture Of Risk Prevention............................................... 305
MICORE– Morphological Impacts and Coastal Risks by extreme storm events........................................................... 307
MOVE– Methods for the Improvement Vulnerability Assessment in Europe.................................................................. 309
MOWE-IT– Management of weather events in transport system........................................................................................ 311
ROOTOPOWER – Empowering root-targeted strategies to minimize abiotic stress impacts on horticultural
crops..................................................................................................................................................................................... 312
SAFELAND– Living with Landslide Risks in Europe..................................................................................................................... 314
SEFIRA– Socio Economic implications For Individual Responses to Air pollution policies in EU+27................ 316
STAR-FLOOD– Strengthening And Redesigning European FLOOD risk practices:  Towards appropriate and
resilient flood risk governance arrangements.................................................................................................... 318
TRACE– Tephra Constraints on Rapid Climate Events (TRACE)............................................................................................... 320
XEROCHORE– An Exercise to Assess Research Needs and Policy Choices in Areas of Drought........................ 321
6. Climate change adaptation, mitigation and policies
ACCENT– Action on Climate Change through Engagement, Networks and Tools....................................................... 324
ADAPTAWHEAT– Genetics and physiology of wheat development to flowering: tools to breed for improved
adaptation and yield potential............................................................................................................................... 326
ADVANCE– Advance Model Development and Validation for Improved Analysis of Costs and Impacts of
Mitigation Policies....................................................................................................................................................................... 328
AFRICAN CLIMATE– The Web Platform for Uptake of Climate Related Research Results for Africa............. 330
AMAZALERT– Raising the alert about critical feedbacks between climate and long-tern land use change in
the Amazon.............................................................................................................................................................................. 332
AMPERE– Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation Pathways and Evaluation of the Robustness of
Mitigation Cost Estimates.......................................................................................................................................................... 334
ARANGE– Advanced multifunctional forest management in European mountain ranges..................................... 336
BASE– Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe...................................................... 338
CC-TAME– Climate Change – Terrestrial Adaptation and Mitigation in Europe............................................................ 340
CECILIA2050– Choosing Efficient Combinations of Policy Instruments for Low-carbon development and
Innovation to Achieve Europe’s 2050 climate targets................................................................................... 342
CLIMAFRICA– Climate change predictions in Sub-Saharan Africa: impacts and adaptations............................ 344
CLIMATECOST– ClimateCost The Full Costs of Climate Change......................................................................................... 346
CLIMATEWATER– Bridging the gap between adaptation strategies of climate change impacts and European
water policies................................................................................................................................................................. 348
CLIMSAVE– Climate change integrated assessment methodology for cross-sectoral adaptation and
vulnerability in Europe............................................................................................................................................................ 350
COMPLEX– Knowledge Based Climate Mitigation Systems for a Low Carbon Economy........................................ 352
ECLISE– Enabling Climate Information Services for Europe.................................................................................................... 354
ECOADAPT– Ecosystem-based strategies and innovations in water governance networks for adaptation to
climate change in Latin American Landscapes....................................................................................................... 356
ENCI-LOWCARB– European Network engaging Civil society in Low Carbon scenarios.......................................... 358
ENTRACTE– Assessment and further development of the European climate policy................................................ 360
EUTRACE– EuTRACE – A European Transdisciplinary Assessment of Climate Engineering................................... 362
FUTURESOC– Forecasting Societies’Adaptive Capacities to Climate Change.............................................................. 363
GHG-TRANSPORD– Reducing greenhouse-gas emissions of transport beyond 2020:  linking R&D, transport
policies and reduction targets......................................................................................................................... 365
GP– COMBATING CLIMATE CHANGE:  Political economy of Green Paradoxes................................................................. 367
HIGHNOON– Adaptation to Changing Water Resources Availability in Northern India with respect to
Himalayan Glacier Retreat and Changing Monsoon Pattern.......................................................................... 368
ICAD– Advancing Knowledge Systems to Inform Climate Adaptation Decisions......................................................... 370
ICARUS– Innovation for Climate chAnge mitigation:  a study of energy R&d, its Uncertain effectiveness and
Spillovers............................................................................................................................................................................................... 372
IMPLICC– Implications and risks of engineering solar radiation to limit climate change....................................... 374
I-REDD+– Impacts of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Enhancing
Carbon Stocks (I-REDD+)........................................................................................................................................................... 376
LAGOONS– Integrated water resources and coastal zone management in European lagoons in the context
of climate change...................................................................................................................................................................... 378
LIMITS– Low climate IMpact scenarios and the Implications of required Tight emission control Strategies..........380
LONG-TERM RISKS– Evaluation and Management of Collective long-term risks................................................... 382
MEDIATION – Methodology for Effective Decision-making on Impacts and AdaptaTION..................................... 383
MOTIVE– MOdels for AdapTIVE forest Management (MOTIVE)............................................................................................. 385
PLANETS– Probabilistic Long-Term Assessment of New Technology Scenarios......................................................... 387
POEM– Policy Options to engage Emerging Asian economies in a post-Kyoto regime............................................ 389
POLIMP– Mobilizing and transferring knowledge on post-2012 climate policy implications............................... 391
PROMITHEAS-4– Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy
portfolios........................................................................................................................................................................... 393
RAMSES– Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities.......................................... 395
REDD-ALERT– Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation through Alternative Landuses in
Rainforests of the Tropics (REDD-ALERT).............................................................................................................. 397
RESPONSES– European responses to climate change:  deep emissions reductions and mainstreaming of
mitigation and adaptation (RESPONSES)................................................................................................................ 399
ROBIN– The Role of Biodiversity in Climate Change Mitigation in Latin America (ROBIN)..................................... 401
SAFEWIND– Multi-scale data assimilation, advanced wind modelling and forecasting with an emphasis on
extreme weather situations for safe large-scale wind power integration............................................... 403
SPECS– Seasonal-to-decadal climate Prediction for the improvement of European Climate Services.......... 405
TOPDAD– ToPDAd Tool-Supported Policy-Development for Regional Adaptation...................................................... 407
TREES4FUTURE– Designing Trees for the Future....................................................................................................................... 409
UNDERSERT– Understanding and combating desertification to mitigate its impact on ecosystem services......411
Climate observations,
processes and projections

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Air-Sea Exchanges driven by Light
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grants
ERC funding:  2 370 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/04/2012
Host institution:  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR
Principal investigator:  Christian George
Project website:
Key words:  air-sea interactions, photochemistry

The challenge chemistry, photochemistry and is therefore

interdisciplinary in nature.
The scientific motivation of this project is the
significant presence of organic compounds Methodology
at the surface of the ocean. They form the
link between ocean biogeochemistry through It will lead to the development of innova-
the physico-chemical processes near the wa- tive techniques for characterising chemical
ter-air interface with primary and secondary processing at the air sea interface (e.g., a
aerosol formation and evolution in the air multiphase atmospheric simulation cham-
aloft and finally to the climate impact of ma- ber, a time-resolved fluorescence technique
rine boundary layer aerosols. However, their for characterising chemical processing at
photochemistry and photosensitizer proper- the air-sea interface). It will allow the as-
ties have only been suggested and discussed sessment of new emerging ideas such as a
but never fully addressed because they were quantitative description of the importance of
beyond reach. This project suggests going photosensitized reactions in the visible at the
significantly beyond this matter of fact by a air/sea interface as a major source of halo-
combination of innovative tools and the de- genated radicals and aerosols in the marine
velopment of new ideas. environment.

Project objectives Emerging results

This project is therefore devoted to new This new understanding will impact on our
laboratory investigations of processes oc- ability to describe atmospheric chemistry in
curring at the air sea interface to predict the marine environment which has strong
emission, formation and evolution of halo- impact on the urban air quality of coastal
genated radicals and aerosols from this vast regions (which by the way represent high-
interface between oceans and atmosphere. ly populated regions) but also on climate
It progresses from fundamental laborato- change by providing new input for global cli-
ry measurements, marine science, surface mate models.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Arctic Tipping Points
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  6 545 776 €
EC contribution:  4 998 098 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/02/2009
Consortium:  13 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  Paul Wassmann
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, Arctic marine ecosystems, time-series,
ecological thresholds, regime shifts, early warning indicators, socio-
economic impacts, EU policy integrated management

The challenge tions will be used to validate the thresholds

identified from time-series analysis, and to
There is mounting evidence that ecosystem postulate new climate-driven tipping points.
response to certain types of external pres- Ecosystem models will test these, and help
sures (climate, human impacts, etc.) is often to formulate future trajectories of Arctic
abrupt and non-linear, leading to significant marine ecosystems under climate change
reorganisation of system properties and pro-
scenarios that consider the possibilities of
cesses. These ecosystem changes are known
tipping points.
as regime shifts. Regime shifts arise, for in-
stance, from introduction of alien species or
the loss of key species in ecosystems. These
changes can result in alterations of the most Compilation of historical records of Arc-
basic ecosystem parameters, including food- tic climate change and projections of fu-
web structure, the flow of organic matter ture changes in Arctic sea climate (physical
and nutrients through the ecosystem, or the oceanography and ice systems).
patterns of space occupation, leading to a
cascade of ecosystem changes. Time series of Arctic ecosystem analysis using
novel statistical tools to detect regime shifts
The term tipping point commonly refers to
and ecological thresholds and tipping points,
a critical threshold at which minor pertur-
bations can qualitatively alter the state or and evaluate their sensitivity to climatic forcing.
development of a system. Because the Arc- Experimental manipulations and compara-
tic is warming about two times faster than tive analyses across broad climatic ranges
the global rate, Arctic ecosystems are likely to detect climatic thresholds and tipping
to encounter climate driven thresholds or points of Arctic organisms and ecosystems.
tipping points that lead to abrupt changes Genome-wide analysis to develop genomic
much sooner than other ecosystems. markers of climate-driven stress useful as
early warning indicators of the proximity of
Project objectives tipping points.
Investigate the existence of climate-driven Application of a biological-physical coupled
tipping points for key species and ecosys- 3D model to generate future trajectories of
tem processes through analysis of available Arctic ecosystems under projected climate
time-series data and coordinated experimen- change scenarios (regional climate model
tal evaluations. These experimental evalua- REMO, scenarios B1, A1, A1B) and to identify

their consequences for the Arctic ecosystem. and regime shifts through coupled physical/
Evaluation of socio-economic opportunities biological and regional climate models.
and risks emerging from climate-driven im- Development of early-warning indicators of cli-
pacts (activities of strategic importance for matic thresholds for major phytoplankton taxa.
the European Arctic, employment and in- Evaluation of expected changes in relation-
come). Assessment of possible policies and
ships between a) climate forcing and biological
legislative frameworks to adapt and miti-
responses and b) ecosystem components and
gate these impacts.
their inter-relationships during regime shifts.

Emerging results Assessments of the implications of chang-

es in the Arctic for socio-economic activities
Identified climate thresholds and tipping and governance of Arctic resources.
points for key Arctic marine ecosystem com- White paper evaluating different policy op-
ponents and processes. tions in avoiding exceeding tipping points for
Modelled future trajectories, tipping points Arctic ecosystems.

Project partners
University of Tromsø NO
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas ES
Akvaplan-niva AS NO
SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture AS NO
University of Aarhus, DK
Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences PL
Department of Applied Matematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge UK
Université de Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 FR
Centre of Marine Sciences PT

Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences RU

Greenland Institute of Natural Resources GL

Swedish Academy of Science, Beijer Institute for Ecological Economics SE

Max-Planck-Gesellshaft zur Förderung der Wissenshaften, Institut für Meteorologie DE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Reconstructing abrupt Changes in Chemistry and Circulation
of the Equatorial Atlantic Ocean: Implications for global Climate and
deep-water Habitats
Funding schemes:  ERC Starting Grants
ERC funding:  1 998 833 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/10/2011
Principal investigator:  Laura Robinson
Host institution:  University of Bristol, UK
Project website:
Key words:  deep-sea coral, paleoclimate, sediment core

The challenge volving oceanography, geochemistry, pa-

laeobiogeography and palaeoclimate in a
Ice-core records show that glacials had low- field-based project in the Equatorial Atlantic
er atmospheric CO2 and cooler temperatures
combined with geochemical analyses to re-
than today and that the last deglaciation was
construct the history and dynamics of past
punctuated by large, abrupt millennial-scale
climate events. Explaining the mechanism climate change.
controlling these oscillations remains an out-
standing puzzle. The ocean is a key player, Emerging results
and the Atlantic is particularly dynamic as it
Thus far the project has focussed on plan-
transports heat, carbon and nutrients across
the equator. This project is a focused study ning and organising the field-based compo-
of present and past ocean chemistry in the nent of the research, together with prepa-
Equatorial Atlantic designed to address how rations in the laboratory to facilitate the
the oceans modulate climate, as well as as- analytical component of the research. The
sess the impact of ocean chemistry on frag- research cruise will take place in October
ile deep-sea ecosystems. through to November 2013 on the RV James
Cook with the remotely operated vehicle Isis.
Project objectives During the cruise we will map, image and
collect seafloor samples that will allow us to
There are three major objectives in the proj-
address our project objectives.
ect, designed to test vital climate and eco-
system hypotheses: The results of the cruise, and of subsequent
• Determine the major controls on the past and laboratory analyses will be of benefit to
present distribution of cold-water corals those who seek to understand both modern
• Develop and test new geochemical proxies in and past oceanographic processes. The two
deep-sea corals and sediments
major components of the project will relate
• Determine the chemistry and circulation of the
abyssal and intermediate Equatorial Atlantic to the interactions between the ocean and
during the Last Glacial Maximum and during past climate, and between ocean chemistry and
rapid climate change events deep-water ecosystems. As a result the proj-
ects outcomes are likely to be of interest to
a broad scientific community as well as the
This is a multidisciplinary investigation in- wider public.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Clouds and Precipitation Response to Anthropogenic Changes in
the Natural Environment.
Funding scheme:  ERC Consolidator Grants.
ERC funding:  1 428 169 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/09/2012
Host institution:  Weizmann Institute of Science, IL
Principal investigator:  Ilan Koren
Project website:  http://
Key words:  Climate, Clouds, Precipitation, Ahntropogenic effects

The challenge recognition and texture analyses. Such ap-

proach will allow the extraction of cloud field
Clouds and precipitation play a crucial role morphological properties and will establish a
in the Earth’s energy balance, global atmo- direct link between the theories of systems
spheric circulation and the water cycle. De- approach and cloud physics.
spite their importance, clouds still pose the
largest uncertainty in climate research. As Methodology
in many dynamical systems, cloud fields`
response to anthropogenic changes in the We will use a new approach for study-
natural environmental conditions will not be ing anthropogenic effects on cloud fields
linear. Some of the effects can be damped and rain, combining both scientific ends:
by negative feedbacks, resulting in relatively reductionism and systems approach. Ideas
small changes in the average cloud proper- from several different disciplines such as
ties, while others can result in a migration cloud physics, remote sensing, radiative
of the cloud system into a different state, transfer, pattern recognition, computer vision
resulting in dramatic changes in lifetime, and systems approach are merged, in order
coverage, morphology and precipitation. The to distil new physical insights.
challenge is to recognize and separate the Observations and models are used interac-
main governing processes and to understand tively allowing us to “peel apart” detailed
the outcomes of key anthropogenic effects physical processes. In parallel, a systems
on radiation and water budgets. view of the field is developed, looking for
emergent behaviour rising out of the com-
Project objectives plexity, as the end result of all the coupled
The aim of this work is to provide a funda- processes. A better understanding of key
mental new understanding of the coupled processes in a detailed (reductionist) manner
surface-aerosol-cloud fields-rain system, enables us to formulate the important basic
with a new insight about the sensitivity of rules that control the cloud system and look
various cloud types to anthropogenic chang- for the end net effect.
es in land, ocean and atmosphere. It will of- Our research program is based on in-
fer better, more realistic cloud characteristic teractions between four components:
parameters to be used in climate models in 1) Surface and satellite observations and
order to predict future climate responses to meteorological data 2) Cloud resolving nu-
man-made actions. Moreover, it will add new merical modelling, in scales of clouds and
dimensions to cloud and climate research by cloud fields 3) Morphological analysis of
introducing new insights gained by pattern cloud fields for detection of cloud patterns

and following their evolution in time, using ment of knowledge from theories of com-
satellite and model data, and 4) a systems plexity, networking and self-organization to
analysis component, in which general rules cloud-climate studies. We propose a long-
that dictate the behaviour of the whole cloud term, open-ended program of study that will
field and are the outcome of all processes, have great scientific importance, as long as
are detected and analysed. Those 4 compo- human-caused influence on the environment
nents are used interactively to study feed- continues to evolve and change.
backs between anthropogenic effects and
As a proof of concept we have recently
cloud properties.
shown how the aerosol-cloud-precipitation
Emerging results system can be simulated as a collection of
The outcome of this work will be a new un- complex oscillators, each coupled with adja-
derstanding of how we affect our climate cent clouds. The equations describing the in-
and the availability of fresh water. This work dividual clouds are predator-prey like, based
will emphasize the consequences of human on the interplay between rain that consumes
actions on the environment, and how we the clouds and aerosols that affect cloud and
are changing our climate and hydrological rain formation. Solutions of such system al-
cycle as we input pollutants and transform lowed us to predict few possible stats of real
the Earth’s surface. It will open new horizons cloud system, which were later verified using
in cloud research by enabling the employ- observational data.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Comprehensive Modelling of the Earth System for Better Climate
Prediction and Projection
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  11 423 157 €
EC contribution:  7 922 679 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/05/2009
Consortium:  23 partners from 14 countries
Project coordinator:  Marco Giorgetta, Max Planck Institute for
Meteorology, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, DE
Project website:
Key words:  Earth system model, processes, initialization, decadal
climate prodiction, climate projection, impacts, scenarios, climate policies

The challenge • To assess, improve and implement new strategies

of ocean and sea-ice initialization techniques for
One of the most pressing questions of the decadal climate prediction.
current time is to predict the future of the • To combine ESMs and integrated assessment
Earth environment. This question arises from models to find revised CO2 emission scenarios,
including those scenarios constructed on the basis
the realization that human activities have
of climate policy.
a sizable impact on our planet, the Earth. • To assess climate change impacts on wa-
The COMBINE project brings together lead- ter availability and agriculture, globally and
ing European modelling centres to face the more specifically in three selected regions:
challenge of building the next generation of The Arctic, the Eastern Mediterranean and the
Earth System Models (ESMs), to advance the Amazon basin, where different feedbacks are im-
capabilities of climate prediction and pro- portant.
jection. COMBINE follows previous European
Commission large—scale projects, such as Methodology
ENSEMBLES from FP6, on being a strong The project workflow is subdivided in 8 work
European effort. In COMBINE, model devel- packages (WPs). WP1 to 4 are dedicated to de-
opment aims at incorporating our most ad- velopment and validation of new components:
vanced knowledge of the Earth System. Pio- Carbon and nitrogen cycles, the coupling of
neering applications of ESMs in new areas of aerosols, cloud microphysics and chemis-
research, such as decadal climate prediction, try, stratospheric dynamics, and cryospheric
are a core aspect of the project. processes. Ocean and sea-ice initialization
techniques are tackled in WP5. The effects
Project objectives of combined new components are investi-
The overarching objectives of the COMBINE gated systematically by means of dedicated
numerical experiments in WP6 and 7. Re-
project are:
spectively, WP6 analyses the effect of the
• To advance the prediction capabilities of ESMs by
new components on decadal climate pre-
including critical physical and biogeochemical pro-
cesses (“new components”) into the models. diction, thus also incorporating the methods
• To represent more accurately the forcing mecha- developed in WP5. WP7 uses simulations of
nisms and the feedbacks determining the magni- centennial climate projections to investigate
tude of climate change in the 21st century. the effect of the new components on climate

related feedbacks. WP8 explores the outputs • Improved understanding of processes regulating
of climate predictions and projections for ice-sheet surface energy and mass balances; in-
impact analyses, at the global and regional creased realism of the representation of surface
snow processes in both ice-sheet and sea-ice
scales. WP8 also combines the ESM outputs
and integrated assessment modelling to find • A new ocean re-analysis has been conducted using
revised CO2 emission scenarios. up-to-date quality-controlled ocean observation
data sets and atmospheric forcing fluxes, with sig-
Emerging results nificant progress in sea-ice assimilation.
• Decadal prediction and centennial projection fol-
The COMBINE partners have advanced sig- lowing the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Proj-
nificantly on developing the scientific and ect phase 5 (CMIP5) protocols completed with the
technical foundations for incorporating new relevant COMBINE ESMs. The decadal experiments
components in ESMs. The first phase of the have been initialized using observation based
ocean state estimates. The combined results of
COMBINE numerical experiments has been
the new ESMs and integrated assessment models
completed. The main results achieved so far will provide new information to the policy makers
are: on the necessary reduction in CO2 emissions for
• Implementation and testing of land use changes reaching defined targets in global warming, with
and wildfire impacts, processes for the terrestrial implications for international climate negotiations.
and oceanic nitrogen cycles, and processes related The results obtained will contribute not only to the
to methane emissions from permafrost and wet- Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental
land changes. Panel on Climate Change, but also directly to Eu-
• Evaluations of cloud-radiation and aerosol-cloud ropean climate policies. Harmonisation and stan-
effects and land use impacts on tropospheric dardisation of climate simulations and model data
chemistry. will contribute to further strengthen the European
• Incorporation of tropical and polar stratospheric climate modelling community and the European
dynamical variability in ESMs. voice in international climate negotiations.

Project partners
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, DE University of Exeter, UK
Met Office, UK Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, UK
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR Cyprus Research and Educational Foundation, CY
Ministerie van Volkshuisvesting, Ruimtelijke
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici, IT Ordening en Milieubheer (Planbureau voor de
leefomgeving), NL
Météo-France-Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques, FR Eidgenössiche Technische Hochschulen Zürich, CH
Het Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut, NL Technical University of Crete, EL
University of Kassel- Centre for Environemental
University of Bergen, NO
Systems Research (CESR), DE
Danish Meteorological Institute, DK University of Bristol, UK
European Centre for Research and Advances
European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecast, UK
Training in Scientific Computation, FR
Finnish Meteorological Institute, FI Université Catholique de Louvain, BE
University of Helsinky, FI

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Data repositories and computational infrastructure for
environmental and climate studies in the eastern Mediterranean
Instrument:  Coordination action
Total cost:  555 681 €
EC contribution:  500 000 €
Duration:  30 months
Start date:  01/02/2011
Consortium:  7 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  Manfred A. Lange, The Cyprus Institute, CY
Project website:
Key words:  MENA region, Climate data, Water sector, Energy Sector,
Regional climate modeling, Data repository

The challenge relevant entities into an integrated study of

regional climate change, its impact and the
Recent climate projections have highlight- associated policy issues related to mitigation
ed the Eastern Mediterranean, the Middle and adaptation. To this end the project will
East and North Africa (MENA) as a “climate set up expert groups and carry out studies
change hot spot”. This will result in in- and networking activities aimed at regional
creased summer temperatures, heat wave climate stakeholders (research institutions,
intensities and duration, decreasing precip- public authorities, relevant state agencies,
itation and prolonged drought periods. The NGOs, etc.), in order to raise their awareness
environmental and socio-economic conse- and engage key actors into (i) creating the
quences of such impacts will be significant. appropriate conditions for the formation of
Climate research requires data records for a regional data infrastructure devoted to
at least several decades. While the Eastern climate, energy and water related data; (ii)
Mediterranean offers a significant range of contributing to a climate change impact
documentary information, climate data for study that will integrate results obtained by
longer time spans with adequate spatial multiple research organizations in the re-
and temporal coverage are scarce. Given gion; (iii) capacity building prospective and
the interconnections between climate, water incubation activities for future collaborative
availability and energy consumption, data on climate research.
all three sectors are highly desirable in order
to map out the possible future of the MENA Methodology
region. However, the cultural background,
the history of science and the recent political In order to reach the goals of the proposed
transitions in parts of the MENA region ac- project, the following activities will be carried
centuate the issue of data scarcity and the out:
significant challenges to be met. 1. Organization of local stakeholder meetings and
scientific workshops in the study region; major
purpose: take stock of available data and their
Project objectives accessibility, understand methodologies for data
gathering; explore data homogeneity issues;
The main objectives of the project are to fa-
specify policies for the quality control and harmo-
vour and prepare the creation of a regional nization of the relevant data
data infrastructure devoted to climate, wa- 2. Creation of a Task Force for preparing the cre-
ter, energy and related topics, and to engage ation of a regional data infrastructure covering

climate, energy and water related data international cooperation, in relation to the
3. Coordination and cooperation with other Euro- fact that actions fostering the development
pean and international projects with related and
of climate data infrastructures need to con-
possibly overlapping objectives
4. Creation of a regional repository of climate and ducted at the regional scale. The pooling and
air quality models and simulation results coordination of resources will be ensured on
5. Organization of an International Conference the regional scale, thanks to the stakehold-
which will showcase the progress made with re- er meetings, and to other networking and
gard to creating a data infrastructures as a basis
for climate change impact assessments and the
outreach activities. Moreover, the project
scoping of adequate adaptation/mitigation stud- will identify and promote best practices, as
ies in the Mediterranean well as foster a culture of cooperation within
the regional climate science community and
Emerging results with regional stakeholders. While this effort
DARECLIMED will make a significant contri- will originate within the regional scientific
bution to the development of a coordinated community, it will gradually involve addition-
policy for research infrastructures in the field al stakeholders. The project will thus not only
of climate research and climate data, for have an impact on climate science but also
the South-Eastern part of the European Re- be beneficial to specifying policy issues at
search Area. It will address specific needs for the regional scale.

Project partners
The Cyprus Institute (CY) Panepistimio Kritis (University of Crete) (EL)
Biomedical Research Foundation, Academy of Athens (EL) Istanbul Teknik Universitesi (TR)
Tel Aviv University (IL) Ministry of Transport (JO)
Weizmann Institute of Science (IL)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Desert Storms – Towards an Improved Representation of
Meteorological Processes in Models of Mineral Dust Emission
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grants
ERC funding:  1 360 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/10/2013
Host institutions:  University of Leeds, UK
Principal investigator:  Peter Knippertz
Project website:
Key words:  Earth system models, aerosols, dust, haboobs, low-
level jets, dust devils, wind, turbulence, boundary layer, turbulence,
roughness, Sahara, Sahel

The challenge by developing new parameterizations.

Dust particles, lifted from the world’s deserts Methodology

and transported around the globe, signifi-
cantly affect weather and climate through Desert Storms is undertaking:
their influences on solar and thermal radia- (A) A detailed analysis of observations in-
tion, cloud droplets and ice particles, chemi- cluding station data, measurements from
cal reactions in the atmosphere and the car- recent field campaigns, gridded global anal-
bon cycle via the fertilization of ecosystems.
ysis data and novel satellite products. For
Recently, increasing efforts have been made
example, 30 years of surface station data
to include effects of dust into weather and
across northern Africa were carefully quality
climate models. Quantitative estimates of
controlled and analysed with regard to the
dust emission and deposition, however, are
frequency of dust emission and the occur-
highly uncertain. This is largely due to the
lack of sufficient observational data and the rence of peak winds speeds and their diurnal
strongly nonlinear dependence of emissions and seasonal variations. The analysis also
on peak winds, which are often underesti- allows determining emission thresholds as a
mated in models. function of time and space.
(B) A comprehensive comparison between
Project objectives output from a wide range of global and re-
gional dust models, including new continen-
• Compile the most comprehensive observational
dataset of peak winds and dust emission to date. tal-scale, high-resolution simulations over
• Improve the understanding of physical mecha- northern Africa.
nisms of peak wind generation in dust emission (C) Extensive case and sensitivity studies
• Assess the relative importance of single processes
with regional and large-eddy simulation
for total dust emission. models in realistic and idealized set-ups.
• Evaluate the representation of these processes in In contrast to previous studies, all evalu-
state-of-the-art regional and global models.
ations are made on a process level con-
• Determine model sensitivities with respect to hor-
izontal and vertical resolution and model physics. centrating on specific meteorological phe-
• Improve the representation of crucial processes in nomena, which are identified by specifically
models by identifying optimal configurations and designed objective identification algorithms.

Emerging results the treatment of the atmospheric boundary
layer. Desert Storms demonstrated that cold
Desert Storms has discovered a large down- outflows from thunderstorms are one of the
ward trend in wind and dust emission in the main drivers of dust uplift over summertime
Sahel, which was attributed to an increase in northern Africa, but that these are essential-
vegetation-related surface roughness due to ly missing in global models.
a recovery of rainfalls.
In the long run, Desert Storms will use these
Many models struggle to realistically repre- results to provide guidelines and new tools
sent key meteorological features involved to dust model developers, which will sub-
in dust emissions. For example, nocturnal stantially advance our quantitative under-
low-level jets tend to be underestimated in standing of the global dust cycle and reduce
many models, leading to a too flat diurnal uncertainties in predicting climate, weather
cycle in surface wind, which is sensitive to and many impacts.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  From Protist to Proxy: Dinoflagellates as signal carriers for
climate and carbon cycling during past and present extreme climate
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 498 800 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/09/2010
Host institution:  Utrecht University, NL
Principal investigator:  Appy Sluijs
Project website:
Key words:  paleoclimate, reconstruction, carbon cycle, dinoflagellates,
geochemistry, culturing experiments, tipping points, climate sensitivity,
biotic change

The challenge Methodology

Improve projections of future climate change Using culturing experiments, the project will
and the response of biology to ocean acidifi- quantify the physiological and biogeochem-
cation resulting from CO2 emissions by look- ical response of dinoflagellate species to
ing at selected target episodes in the geo- varying CO2 concentrations. This response
logical past. Past analogues of rapid carbon can also be measured in fossil dinoflagel-
injection can aid in the quantification of cli- lates and can then be used to reconstruct
mate change and identification of vulnerable past CO2 concentrations.
biological groups, critical to identify ‘tipping
points’ in system Earth. Emerging results
Project objectives The extensive experiments have confirmed
the basic assumption that the biogeochem-
Primary objective: to develop a new meth- istry of dinoflagellates changes systemati-
od to reconstruct CO2 concentrations in the cally as a function of sea water CO2 con-
past. Secondary objective: to quantify the re- centration. This provides the fundament to
sponse of dinoflagellates, important unicel- reconstructing past CO2 concentrations and
lular organism in marine ecosystems, to ris- thereby the integrated reconstruction of cli-
ing CO2 concentrations and resulting ocean mate and carbon cycling for better projecting
acidification. future change.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology
Instrument:  Collaborative project - coordination and support actions
Total cost:  4 809 838 €
EC contribution:  3 500 000 €
Duration:  42 months
Start date:  01/09/2011
Consortium:  10 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  Antonio Parodi CIMA Research Foundation, IT
Project website:
Key words:  Hydrometeorology, grid computing, high-performance
computing, data, models

The challenge 1. The provision of integrated HMR services (such

as meteorological models, hydrological models,
Predicting weather and climate and its im- stochastic downscaling tools, decision support
pacts on the environment, including hazards systems, and observational data);
such as floods and landslides, is still one of 2. The design, development and deployment of us-
er-friendly interfaces enabling multidisciplinary
the main challenges of the 21st century with and global collaboration between meteorologists,
significant societal and economic implica- hydrologists and other Earth scientists (e.g. cli-
tions. At the heart of this challenge lies the matologists) for fostering research, including the
ability to have easy access to hydrometeoro- impacts of Climate Change ;
logical data and models, and to facilitate the 3. The support of an HMR e-Science environment
collaboration between climatologists, me- enabling user-driven “composition” of virtual fa-
cilities in the form of hydro-meteorological fore-
teorologists, hydrologists and Earth science
casting chains, composed of different HMR re-
experts for accelerated scientific advances in sources (models, post-processing tools, decision
hydrometeorological research (HMR). DRIHM support system models and data);
is developing a prototype e-Science envi- 4. The establishment of HMR e-Science support
ronment to facilitate this collaboration and centres and corresponding training activities to
provide end-to-end HMR services (models, attract a broad end-user audience comprising of
datasets and post-processing tools) at the scientists and non-specialists including relevant
European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastruc-
European level, with the ability to expand to
tures (ESFRI) communities.
global scale.
Project objectives
The interaction between HMR and ICT scien-
The DRIHM partners aim to formulate a tists within DRIHM focuses on three suites of
common long-term strategy, to foster the experiments, as described below, designed to
development of new HMR models and ob- prove the full extent of the DRIHM e-Science
servational archives for the study of severe environment capability. These address the
hydrometeorological events, to promote the interdisciplinary and international challenges
execution and analysis of high-end simula- of HMR in forecasting severe hydrometeoro-
tions, and to support the dissemination of logical events over complex orographic areas
predictive models as decision analysis tools. and assessing their impacts.
This ambition has been translated into four They also provide laboratories for the inte-
main technical objectives for the DRIHM col- gration of new ICT infrastructure and de-
laborative environment: velopment of new working practices in the

DRIHM e-Science environment. These are: produced by experiment suite 2.
1) Experiment Suite 1 — Rainfall:
Combination of different Numerical Weather
Emerging results
Prediction (NWP) models to form a high-res- DRIHM has been running for more than 20
olution multi-model ensemble together with months and it is at the middle of its life.
stochastic downscaling algorithms to enable
A first version of the e-Infrastructure is now
the production of more effective quantitative
available with some Meteorological and Hy-
rainfall predictions for severe meteorological
drological models (e.g. WRF, MESO-NH, Rain-
FARM, RIBS, DRiFt and HBV). This version of
2) Experiment Suite 2 — Discharge: the e-Infrastructure is oriented towards im-
Fusion of rainfall predictions (potentially proved modelling and better understanding
from experiment suite 1) with correspond- of severe hydrometeorological events; how-
ing observations, which forms the input for ever, at the same time it also enables us to
multiple hydrological models to enable the run complex forecasting chains to increase
production of more accurate river discharge our understanding of the on-going Climatic
predictions; Changes and its impacts in terms of hazards.
3) Experiment Suite 3 — Water Level, Flow For this reason, the Climate Change commu-
and Impact: nity is becoming one of the targets of the
Execution of hydraulic model compositions DRIHM e-Infrastructure. Systems such as
in different modes to assess the water lev- those developed in DRIHM can help to ad-
els, flow and impact created by flood events. vance research on Climate Impacts, espe-
Indeed, this process can be driven from data cially at the regional and local levels.

Project partners

CIMA Research Foundation, IT

Ludwig Maximilians University Munich Department for Informatics, DE

Deutsches Zentrum Fuer Luft und Raumfahrt, DE

Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology – National Research Council, IT

Universidad Politecnica de Madrid – UPM, ES

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – CNRS, FR

Republic Hydro-Meteorological Service of Serbia, RS

Stichting Deltares, NL

HR Wallingford, UK

Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, US

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology to
United States of America
Instrument:  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  884 737 €
EC contribution:  500 000 €
Duration:  24 months
Start Date:  01/11/2012
Consortium:  8 partners from 5 countries
Project coordinator:  Antonio Parodi –CIMA Research Foundation, IT
Project website:
Key words:  Hydrometeorology, grid computing, high-performance
computing, data, models, interoperability

The challenge are crucial and challenging tasks. Providing

an integrated computing and data e-Infra-
Hydro-Meteorology Research (HMR) is an structure able to support application re-
area of critical scientific importance and of quirements in a scalable, extensible and in-
high societal relevance. It plays a key role teroperable fashion is the primary need and
in guiding predictions relevant to the safety challenge. The DRIHM2US objectives are:
and prosperity of humans and ecosystems
1. Analyze requirements of the HMR community
from highly urbanized areas to agricultural towards common e-Infrastructures within the EU
landscapes and coastal zones. Of special in- and the US;
terest and urgency within HMR is the problem 2. Investigate common ICT infrastructure approach-
of understanding and predicting the chang- es (such open standards, middleware and meth-
ing impacts of severe hydro-meteorological odologies) and stimulate their adoption in order
events, such as flash-floods and landslides to lower access barriers;
in complex orography areas, on humans and 3. Invite, in dedicated workshops, selected experts
the environment, under the varying condi- from both the HMR and ICT communities to per-
form tests between current EU and US e-Infra-
tions of the global Climate Change.
The DRIHM2US project aims to improve the 4. Summarize the results of these workshops and
interoperability in the use of e-Infrastruc- provide an outlook into the future based on the
tures for advancing scientific collaboration respective findings.
in Earth Sciences in general and Climate
Change studies in specific on both sides of Methodology
the Atlantic.
DRIHM2US is a Coordination and Support
Action. Consequently, DRIHM2US aims at
Project objectives coordinating research activities and relat-
Scientific progress in the Earth Sciences is ed policies with special emphasis on the
heavily based on the ability to share, ana- research topic (HMR also under the effect
lyze and archive extreme amounts of data, of climate change) and on the geograph-
which are often collected dynamically from ic scale (Europe and the USA). In order
widely distributed sources, as well as com- to achieve the DRIHM2US objectives the
plex and computationally demanding mod- project is organized in five work packages:
els/post-processing tools. Sharing, analyzing Project Management (WP1); Architecture
and archiving these data and model outputs Harmonization Analysis and Planning (WP2);

Joint Prototypes and Experts Networking Emerging results
Sessions (WP3); Dissemination (WP4); and
Sustainable International Research Infra- DRIHM2US aims at fostering collaboration
between the two sides of the Atlantic in
structure (WP5).
the field of the use of e-Infrastructures for
While WP4 (Dissemination) focuses on cre- Hydro Meteorological Research (HMR) un-
ating awareness and educating stakehold- der Climate Change effects. However, it will
ers on achieved results, WP2 (Architecture also strengthens the link between leading
Harmonization Analysis and Planning) and HMR and ICT initiatives/institutions via close
WP3 (Joint Prototypes and Experts Network- interaction with other European projects
ing Sessions) prepare the ground technically such as DRIHM (Distributed Research Infra-
by analysing current approaches (WP2), de- structure for Hydro-Meteorology), HyMeX
riving requirements (WP2), and specifying (HYdrological cycle in the Mediterranean Ex-
prototypes adhering to these requirements periment), CLIMB (Climate induced changes
(WP3). on the hydrology of Mediterranean basins:
Reducing uncertainty and quantifying risk
WP5 (Sustainable International Research In- through an integrated monitoring and mod-
frastructure) advances the results achieved elling system), ICORDI (International Collab-
in other work packages by providing a sus- oration on Research Data Infrastructure),
tainable framework, which supports a long- and EUDAT (EUropean DATa). All these proj-
term vision of joint prototypes on EU and US ects have already expressed interest in col-
scientific data infrastructures. laborating with the DRIHM2US activities.

Project partners
CIMA Research Foundation IT
Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Department for Informatics DE
Institute of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology – National Research Council IT
HR Wallingford UK
Stichting Deltares NL
Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science US
National Center for Atmospheric Research US
Rutgers University US

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  How long have human activities been affecting the climate
Funding schemes:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  2 370 767 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/07/2011
Principal investigator:  Carlo Barbante
Host institution:  University of Venice, IT
Project website:
Key words:  biomass burning, paleoclimate, human impact, ice core,
lake sediment

The challenge well as the role of aerosols through time.

Key objectives to be answered include:
Human activities are currently altering the
1. How does biomass burning change through time
global climate system at rates faster than and space?
ever recorded in geologic time. Ample ob- 2. How do climate parameters respond to or cor-
servational evidence exists for anthropo- relate with changes in biomass burning?
genic climate change including measured 3. Did fires increase ~7000 and/or ~5000 years
increased in atmospheric carbon dioxide, ago?
4. Can natural and anthropogenic fires be differen-
associated temperature and sea level rise,
tiated? If so, how do fires and associated climate
and changes in ocean and atmospheric cir- change ascribed to human activity differ from
culation. Anthropogenic aerosols may have natural biomass burning?
altered the global climate system for thou-
sands of years as suggested by comparing Methodology
late-Holocene greenhouse-gas concentra-
tions to those from previous interglacials. My research group has pioneered a ground-
breaking technique based on high-perfor-
The decrease in the spatial extent of forests
mance liquid chromatography with triple
beginning ~7000 years BP may be related
quadrupole tandem mass spectrometric
to early agricultural activity including for-
detection, for measuring a globally present
est clearance through burning which should
molecular marker of biomass burning (levo-
leave a quantifiable signal in climate proxies.
glucosan, 1,6-anhydro-β-D-glucopyranose)
which can quantify past fire as recorded in
Project objectives ice cores and lake sediments.
We aim to quantify the temporal and spatial We will supplement pyrochemical analyses
changes in Holocene biomass burning in ice with palynological evidence of the impact
and lake core records from seven continents of past fire regimes. The combination of ice
which correspond with centres of the origin and sediment cores are the only scientific
of agriculture. The proposed research incor- approach to fire history that provides data
porates continuous ice and lake core climate across all possible time scales and types of
records from seven continents with parallel information on fire, yet this combination has
histories of fire activity. These fire histories never been utilized. These fire histories can
can provide essential insight into the inter- provide essential insight into the interplay
play between climate and human activity, between climate and human activity as well
especially with the advent of agriculture, as as the role of aerosols through time.

Emerging results ity and impact of anthropogenic aerosols in
those regions. We already analysed sever-
We used several international collaborations al ice core samples collected in Greenland
that gave us the opportunity to access to and Antarctica dating back to 10 kyr before
several set of ice cores and lake sediments. present. The quantification of a pre-industri-
We had the opportunity to drill a series of al biomass burning signal in these samples,
ice cores to bedrock at Ortles in the Eastern can test the hypothesis of an early detect-
Italian Alps. Through collaborations with the able human impact on the climate system.
Russian and Chinese Academy of Sciences, The negation or confirmation of this hypoth-
we obtained ice cores from the Caucasus esis will have an important interdisciplinary
and the Tibetan Plateau, which will be very impact on both climate science and anthro-
helpful to understand the past fire variabil- pology.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Earth system Model Bias Reduction and assessing Abrupt
Climate change
Instrument:  Large-scale integrating project
Total cost:  9 530 409 €
EC contribution:  6 999 730 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/11/2011
Consortium:  18 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  Colin Jones, Sveriges Meteorologiska och
Hydrologiska Institut, SE
Project website:
Key words:  Earth system model, Climate, Environment, Sustainability

The challenge ropean ESMs,

2. to fully evaluate ESM simulation quality and im-
Policy makers must make important deci- provements made in the project,
sions with respect to future climate change. 3. to increase the realism of interactions between
On one hand working to ensure long term the physical and biogeochemical components of
environmental sustainability while on the ESMs,
4. to assess future risks of abrupt or irreversible
other aiming to minimise negative impact
changes in key components of the Earth system,
such decisions may have on their country’s
in response to increasing greenhouse gas emis-
people, industry and economy in the short sions and land-use change.
term. Such decisions are easier to make if
reliable projections of the future climate are Methodology
available. By the end of the EMBRACE proj-
ect, it is envisaged that improvements made The primary ESM biases targeted for im-
within the project Earth System Models will provement include, (i) the representation of
lead to a more informed picture of future moist atmospheric convection and links to
climate, helping policy makers make more coupled tropical variability and precipitation,
informed decisions on how to best limit, and (ii) equatorial and coastal ocean upwelling
adapt to, future climate change. and their impact on the climate system and
carbon cycle, (iii) coupled processes con-
Project objectives trolling physical and biogeochemical mixing
in the Southern ocean, (iv) soil hydrology and
EMBRACE brings together the leading Earth its coupling with the atmosphere and (v) the
System Models (ESMs) in Europe around a representation of terrestrial carbon cycle,.
common set of objectives to improve our
Model improvements will be evaluated fol-
ability to (i) simulate the Earth System and
lowing the CMIP5 historical simulation proto-
(ii) make reliable projections of future global
col, with CMIP5 forming the basis for climate
change. EMBRACE builds on existing Europe-
projections made to assess the risk of abrupt
an networks of collaboration in Earth System
changes. A cross-cutting theme is the impact
Modelling and is presently the main Europe-
of improved process description, combined
an input to international efforts in this field.
with increased model resolution, in reducing
The project has a number of key goals; ESM biases and improving the reliability of
1. to reduce the main, known biases in existing Eu- future projections.

Emerging results EMBRACE will make a considerable contribu-
tion to improving the representation of key
Key advances likely to be delivered are the:
climate processes in European ESMs, thereby
• improved representation of the global carbon cycle;
• improved simulation of tropical deep convection increasing the reliability of future projections
and its links to important modes of tropical climate made with these models, providing greater
variability; insight into the future climate for national
• improved representation of vegetation and soil
processes, leading to greater reliability of projec- and international decision makers. This will
tions of summer drought and heat wave risk. allow mitigation and adaptation measures
• improve the representation of equatorial and to be developed that ensure the impact of
ocean upwelling; regions of high ocean biological
productivity as well as being key components of a changing climate on the world’s population
the physical climate system. and environment is minimised.

Project partners

Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut SE

Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut NL

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecast UK

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie DE

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft DE

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DE

Finnish Meteorological Institute FI

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich CH

University of East Anglia UK

University of Exeter UK

Met Office UK

Université catholique de Louvain BE

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FR

Natural Environment Research Council UK

Wageningen Universiteit NL

Sveučilište u Splitu HR

Imperial College UK

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NL

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  An Intense Summer Monsoon in a Cool World, Climate and East
Asian monsoon during interglacials with a special emphasis on the
Interglacials 500 000 years ago and before
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  893 880 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/11/2008
Host institution:  Université Catholique de Louvain, BE
Principal investigator:  André Berger
Project website:
Key words:  interglacials, monsoon, astronomical theory, greenhouse
gases, paleoclimate modeling

The challenge Methodology

A recent discovery that loess and soil climate This has been done using first a model of
proxy records from China show an excep- intermediate complexity (LOVECLIM) to
tionally strong East Asian Summer Monsoon achieve a number of sensitivity experiments
(EASM) during the relatively cool interglacial to the astronomical forcing, the Eurasian and
MIS 13 (500 000 years ago), invited us to North American ice sheets, the Tibetan Pla-
revise our current understanding of the rela- teau and the Ocean. Ocean-atmosphere cou-
tionship between monsoon, ice sheets, inso- pled general circulation models have then be
lation and greenhouse gases concentration used to confirm the main processes under-
mainly during warm climates using climate lined by LOVECLIM, in particular those relat-
models of different complexities and proxy ed to the wave train topographically induced
records. by an Eurasian ice sheet, to the sea-surface
temperature, in particular over the North At-
Project objectives lantic and the tropical Pacific, and their role
in reinforcing the East Asian summer mon-
The objectives were therefore to investigate soon. The climate and monsoons of MIS-13
in depth the climate of MIS-13 for discov- have been compared with those of the inter-
ering what has created its exceptional East glacials of the upper Pleistocene and of the
Asian Summer Monsoon among all possible Holocene (about the last 800 000 years). All
causes and why it is the strongest over the model results have been compared with the
last one million years. Moreover we had also available proxy records, in particular-but not
to question the interpretation of the soils im- exclusively-those coming from the loess-soil
bedded into the Chinese loess sequences in sequences in China.
terms of this East Asian summer monsoon.
A by-product was not only to find possible
Emerging results
analogues of our present-day interglacial
climate and of its future over the next centu- At MIS-13, the strong insolation forcing im-
ries, but also to use the improvement gained posed a strong land-ocean thermal contrast,
in the understanding of the functioning of resulting in a particularly strong East Asian
the climate system during the past warm pe- summer monsoon (EASM) which ccould fur-
riods to improve the IPCC projections of cli- ther be reinforced by a possible Eurasian ice
mate and monsoons over the next centuries. sheet. A warmer warm tropical Pacific pool

enhanced the summer precipitation in South changes only, climatic feedbacks lead to the
China but reduced it in North China. The Mid-Brunhes Event appearing to have been a
temperature anomaly over the tropical Pa- series of individualistic interglacial respons-
cific also helped to reinforce EASM through es to various combinations of insolation
atmospheric teleconnection. conditions. MIS-5 and MIS-9 are ineffective
analogues of peak MIS-1 climate given their
Finally, the long duration of MIS-13 seems to
relatively large astronomical and green-
be critical for explaining its unusually strong
house forcing. Conversely, MIS-11 and MIS-
EASM recorded in the loess of China.
19 are in much closer agreement with MIS-1.
Over the interglacials of the last 800 000 All these results are expected to help better
years, the relative importance of CO2 and understanding the relationship between past
of insolation differs in regions and in cli- climates and proxy records and improving
matic variables. In response to insolation future climatic projections.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  European Project on Ocean Acidification
Instrument:  Large-scale integrating project
Total cost:  15 945 582 €
EC contribution:  6 548 995 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/05/2008
Consortium:  32 partners from 10 countries
Project coordinator:  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR
Project website:
Key words:  ocean acidification, biological response, biogeochemistry,

The challenge EPOCA also seeks to improve the description of the

carbon cycle in coupled ocean-climate models. The
Besides global warming, another conse- key element cycles investigated are carbon, nitro-
quence of man's use of fossil fuels is re- gen, sulfur and iron;
ceiving increased attention from the marine • synthesise information on tipping points.
scientific community. Ocean acidification has
been referred to as “the other CO2 problem”, Methodology
a much less known but potentially as dra- The overall strategy of EPOCA is to cover
matic result of the approximately 90 million the crucial areas of ocean acidification and
tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into its consequences. A variety of technical ap-
the atmosphere every day from human ac- proaches are used, including monitoring as
tivities. Over the past 250 years, the world's well as laboratory, mesocosms, field and
oceans have absorbed about one third of modeling studies. Scales from the organism
the CO2 released. Whereas the chemical to the ecosystem level and the Earth system
consequences of this CO2 uptake are well are investigated. Molecular to biochemical,
understood, the biological impacts of ocean physiological and ecological approaches
acidification are only poorly known.
are used to quantify biological responses to
ocean acidification, assess the potential for
Project objectives acclimation and adaptation, and determine
The overall goal of EPOCA is to fill the nu- the consequences for biogeochemical cycling
merous gaps in our understanding of the ef- and climate feedbacks. Laboratory experi-
fects and implications of ocean acidification. ments focus on key organisms selected on
More specifically, the project aims to: the basis of their ecological, biogeochemical
• improve the understanding of the past and present or socio-economic importance. Field studies
spatio-temporal changes of ocean acidification; are carried out in areas deemed most sen-
• determine the impacts of ocean acidification on sitive to ocean acidification. Two major EP-
marine biota, their physiology, ecosystems, the OCA experiments have been carried out in
potential for acclimation and adaptation, the im- the Arctic Ocean. Offshore mesocosms were
pacts on elemental cycling and production of cli-
successfully deployed for the first time in
mate-relevant gases;
• improve our understanding of future changes in Arctic waters in the summer of 2010, with
ocean chemistry and biogeochemical feedbacks in the goal to determine the effects of ocean
terms of hotspots, uncertainties, and thresholds; acidification on Arctic plankton.

Results and feedbacks on the climate system and the
ecosystems which are most vulnerable to ocean
EPOCA has already generated key data pub- acidification.
lished in time for consideration in the Fifth • EPOCA scientists have contributed to the publi-
cation of a book on ocean acidification published
Assessment Report of the IPCC. These re-
in 2011. Additionally, key dissemination products
sults cover new information on: were created and include:
• the rate at which ocean acidification proceeds • the EPOCA web site, ocean acidification blog and
and the hotspots where critical pH values will be database;
reached first; • the “Guide to best practices for ocean acidification
• the consequences of ocean acidification in terms research and data reporting”;
of biodiversity, ecological services provided by • guides for the general public and policymakers
marine ecosystems, biogeochemical processes produced by the EPOCA Reference User Group.

Project partners
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR Koninklijke Nederlandse Akade van Wetenschappen, NL
Universitetet i Bergen, NO Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science, UK
Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, DE Universität Bern, CH
Natural Environment Research Council, UK Université Libre de Bruxelles, BE
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material - und
Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar und Meeresfosrchung, DE
Küstenforschung GmbH, DE
The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of
Philippe Saugier International Educational Projects, FR
Cambridge of the Old Schools, UK
Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich, CH
Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies
Hafrannsóknastofnunin–Marine Research Institute, IS
alternatives, FR
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften Vereniging voor Christelijk Hoger Onderwijs Wetenschappelijk
E.V., DE Onderzoek en Patientenzorg, NL
Göteborgs Universitet, SE University of Southampton, UK
The Marine Biological Associationof the United Kingdom, UK University of Plymouth Higher Education Corporation, UK
Stitchting Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Zeeonderzoek, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO,
Universiteit Utrecht, NL University of Bristol, UK
Scottish Association for Marine Science, UK

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  European Reanalysis of Global Climate Observations
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 897 537 €
EC contribution:  3 499 607 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/01/2011
Consortium:  9 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
Forecasts, UK
Project website:
Key words:  Climate observations, reanalysis, climate services

The challenge properties of the global atmosphere, extend-

ing from the surface to the upper strato-
Integrating the instrumental record of the sphere, together with the underlying ocean-
twentieth century into global gridded data and land-surface conditions.
sets suitable for climate studies and climate
change services. Methodology
In-situ observations from around the world
Project objectives
made with various instruments at meteoro-
The ERA-CLIM project is preparing accurate logical land stations, on ships, buoys, or air-
and detailed estimates of the global evolu- craft, are combined with earth observations
tion of the climate system during the previ- from satellites using reanalysis techniques.
ous century, based primarily on observations. Reanalysis applies state-of-the-art model-
A large portion of the project is dedicated to ling and data assimilation tools to estimate
the recovery, digitisation, and quality control the past evolution of the climate system.
of early 20th-century meteorological data Reanalysis products are global gridded data
from remote and sparsely observed regions sets comprising a large number of physical
of the globe. ERA-CLIM also engages with and dynamical parameters, which together
satellite agencies and climate data centres provide a comprehensive view of the climate
to obtain recently reprocessed and recali- system at any point in space and time. The
brated earth observations from satellites, most advanced reanalysis systems and the
computational infrastructure required to im-
including many data sets that have not pre-
plement them have been developed during
viously been used for climate analysis.
the last few decades at major numerical
Together with other climate data from ex- weather prediction centres, such as the Eu-
isting archives, observations are combined ropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather
with global models into gridded data prod- Forecasts. From the early 1980’s ECMWF
ucts, by using modern data assimilation has had a leading role in the development
techniques originally developed for numeri- of successive generations of increasingly
cal weather prediction. Data products will in- accurate global reanalysis products, most
clude estimates for several essential climate recently ERA-40 (spanning the years 1957-
variables, providing a consistent description 2002) and ERA-Interim (from 1979 onward,
of the evolution of physical and dynamical and continuing in near-real time).

Emerging results tion for planners and decision makers in ar-
eas such as agriculture, energy, health, and
The ERA-CLIM project is generating approx- security. In addition, these products consti-
imately 1 petabyte of high-quality global tute a fundamental contribution to climate
data sets suitable for studying atmospheric, science by substantially improving the early
oceanic, and terrestrial processes, suitable 20th century instrumental record, and by
for assessing climate variability and change, providing open access to many newly un-
and for supporting the development of im- covered observations from remote regions
proved climate prediction models. of the globe.
ERA-CLIM data products are an essential re- All ERA-CLIM gridded data products, as well
source for newly emerging climate change as the observations used to produce them,
services in Europe, providing global informa- will be made available via the internet.

Project partners

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, UK

Met Office Hadley Centre, UK

Institut für Meteorologie und Geophysik, Universität Wien, AT

Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, Universität Bern, CH

Russian Research Institute for Hydrological Information, RU

Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, PT

European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, DE

Météo-France, FR

Universidade Pacífica, CL

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  The European Polar Research Icebreaker Consortium Aurora
Funding instrument:  Collaborative project and Coordination and
support action
Start date:  01/03/2008
Duration:  48 months
Total project cost:  5 283 880 €
EC contribution:  4 498 243 €
Coordinating organisation:  European Science Foundation, Polarboard
Strasbourg, FR
Coordinator:  Paul Egerton
EC office:  European Research Area: research programmes and capacity
Project website:

Abstract ronment for frameworks for joint ownership

and operation of a multi-country research
The ERICON-AB project will generate the facility. A dedicated legal implementation
strategic, legal, financial and organisational structure for managing and operating the
frameworks required from National Gov- AURORA BOREALIS will be proposed and its
ernments and the European Commission connection with other existing research as-
to commit financial resources to the con- sets such as Polar Stations, air support and
struction and running of the European Po- supporting satellite assets will be analysed.
lar Research Icebreaker AURORA BOREALIS. The final deliverables of this project will be
Scientific management frameworks will be concerned with reaching a decision point and
assessed including mechanisms to handle agreement with nations ready to move for-
dedicated large-scale multi-year or special ward with the construction phase. It is antici-
mission specific research programmes. The pated that a series of natural decision points
strategic integration of the facility into the for agencies/governments to pass on their
fabric of the European Research Area shall individual degree of integration into the proj-
be achieved by connecting the national re- ect will be programmed in to the ERICON–AB
search priorities and the demand of ship time Stakeholder councils meetings.
of the stakeholder countries with a European
level facility. The relevance of the facility in
promoting science and technology coopera-
tion with EU strategic partner countries such The European Polar Research Icebreaker
as the Russian Federation will be specifically Facility AURORA BOREALIS will be the most
analysed. Deliverables will focus on moving advanced Polar Research Vessel in the world
the project from the preparatory phase to with a multi-functional role of drilling in
the construction phase by addressing key deep ocean basins and supporting climate/
barriers especially in relation to engineering environmental research and decision support
initial financial models that allow the mixed for stakeholder governments for the next
participation of EU member states and Non- 35-40 years. The new technological features
EU partner countries. Consortium Beneficia- will include azimuth propulsion systems,
ries and legal experts will develop the envi- satellite navigation and ice-management

support and the deployment and operation it will meet the specifications of the highest
of Under-water autonomous vehicles from ice-class for polar icebreakers. A large fuel
the twin moon-pools* (opening in the ships capacity is required because of the excessive
hull for deployment of equipment). The most power requirements for drilling and main-
unique feature of the vessel is the perma- taining station in the central Arctic (or other
nent deep drilling rig, which will enable sam- severely ice infested waters) during what are
pling of the ocean floor and sub-sea up to envisaged to be long expeditions. This factor
4000 m water and 1000 m penetration at is decisive for the large size of the ship. The
the most inhospitable places on earth. The construction of AURORA BOREALIS requires
drilling capability will be deployed in both
several new technical solutions and will
Polar Regions and AURORA BOREALIS will be
provide an extended technical potential and
the only vessel worldwide that could under-
knowledge for marine technologies and the
take this type of scientific investigation. The
possibility to flexibly equip the ship with lab- ship building industry. The research vessel
oratory and supply containers, and the vari- would be an example for the qualification of
able arrangement of other modular infra- the European maritime industry and would
structure (in particular, winches, cranes, etc.), help to explore future markets in special
free deck-space and separate protected deck ships and marine technology. This is espe-
areas, will allow the planned research ves- cially relevant in the light of the recent move
sel to cover the needs of most disciplines in by the European Union to develop a maritime
marine research.The ship can be deployed as policy and the responsibilities that this incurs
a research icebreaker in polar seas because on member states.


N° Organisation Country

1. Fondation Européenne de la Science (Coordinator) FR

2. Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar und Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association DE
3. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche IT
4. Programme Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide IT
5. Centre National de la Recherché Scientifique-Institut National des sciences L’Univers FR
6. Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute RU
7. Institut Polaire Français Paul Emile Victor FR
8. Merentutkimuslaitos (Finnish Institute Marine Research) FI
9. Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NL
10. University of Bergen NO
11. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung DE
12. Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique BE
13. Bulgarian Antarctic Institute BG
14. Fundatia Antarctica Romana RO
15. Aker Arctic technology Inc FI

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Enhancing Robustness and Model Integration for The
Assessment of Global Environmental Change
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 355 868 €
EC contribution:  3 383 456 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/12/2010
Consortium:  8 partners from 4 countries
Project coordinator:  The Open University, UK
Project website:
Key words:  modelling framework, climate, sustainability, energy
economics, agriculture, water, uncertainty, policy

The challenge tional cooperation vs non-cooperation.

• Engage with policymakers and relevant stakehold-
Deriving environmental policies that account ers to ensure the relevance of results for global
for society’s conflicting demands on ener- and regional policy.
gy, agriculture, land and water resources in • Develop robust scenarios for the sustainable use
of land, energy and water, taking account of cli-
the face of global change requires the use
mate change impacts, mitigation actions, popu-
of modelling tools from a wide range of lation growth, bioenergy demand, and ecosystem
natural science and socio-economic disci- conservation.
plines. For the resulting analyses to account
for natural-societal feedbacks and regional Methodology
disparities, whilst consistently and robustly
• Flexible and modular coupling approaches involv-
taking account of high levels of uncertainty, ing the automatic generation of computer source
requires a new level of integration between code are used to isolate the processes in individual
models. ERMITAGE addresses this gap by models from the details of coupling and deploy-
building on existing modelling tools and plat- ment.
forms to develop a flexible and transparent • Statistical techniques are used to construct simpler
sustainability modelling framework. versions of complex models, based on the analysis
of large numbers of model simulations performed
with different values of input parameters.
Project objectives • Meta-modelling techniques are used to link to-
gether models based on disparate paradigms, in
• Build a transparent modular framework for the
particular Oracle-Based Optimisation, which treats
coupling and analysis of diverse models based on
individual models as ‘oracles’ that receive and
divergent paradigms and programming languages,
return queries corresponding to individual simu-
with an accessible, web-based interface.
• Develop simplified forms of complex models of
• Game theoretic approaches are used to analyse
both natural and socio-economic systems that
the robustness of international environmental
facilitate coupling between models as well as sta-
tistical analysis of model projections.
• A range of different scenarios are considered to
• Analyse and quantify feedbacks between the natu-
compare the effects of a variety of sustainable
ral and socio-economic systems, paying particular
policy options, and to analyse the sensitivity of the
attention to climate and heating and cooling, bio-
results to uncertain modelling choices.
energy, hydroelectricity and other energy sources.
• Analyse the options for burden-sharing in the con-
text of international environmental agreements Emerging results
and quantify the strategic implications of interna- • Framework coupling tools have been extended

to cope with new, high-level languages and me- affecting crop yields.
ta-models. • Game-theoretic modelling has demonstrated the
• Statistical emulation methods have been devel- benefits of cooperation and permit trading be-
oped that rapidly reproduce the results of complex tween countries with shared environmental and
climate, land-surface and economic models. economic interests.
• A climate model emulator has been coupled with
• Analysis of energy futures has revealed the vari-
an energy system model to determine regionally
able power of oil producing states to influence
varying impacts on heating and cooling demands.
• A hybrid energy-economy model has been coupled world markets in the presence of a global climate
with an agricultural land allocation model to quan- agreement.
tify feedbacks involving bioenergy and trade. • Web-based portals have been developed to dis-
• Integrated modelling has permitted the consistent play a wide range of future projections and policy
comparison of climate and economic uncertainties options.

Project partners
The Open University UK
ORDECSYS s.a.r.l. CH
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne CH
University of East Anglia UK
ENERIS Environment Energy Consultants S.L. ES
Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung DE
University of Manchester UK
STFC Daresbury Laboratory UK

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  European Facility for Airborne Research in environmental and
Instrument:  Collaborative project and coordination and support action
Total cost:  9 657 391 €
EC contribution:  8 000 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  1/10/2008
Consortium:  32 partners (14 operators of airborne facilities, and 18
experts in airborne research)
Project coordinator:  Jean-Louis Brenguier, Météo-France, FR
Project website:
Key words:  Airborne research, Measurement campaign, Environmental
and Geo-sciences, Instrumental research, Climate Change, Air Quality,
Land Use, Air Pollutant Emissions, Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions,
Model Parameterisations

The challenge standards and protocols, constitution of databas-

es, and joint instrumental research activities;
The integration of the European actors in- 4. promotes the use of research infrastructures, es-
volved in airborne research for environmen- pecially for young scientists from countries where
tal and Geo-sciences is crucial to ensure that such facilities are lacking.
European researchers have access to a di-
verse fleet of instrumented aircraft and can Methodology
select the facility the most suited to their The consortium contributes to 9 Networking
their research objectives in term of perfor- Activities, Trans-national Access to 26 instal-
mance and costs, irrespective of the location lations (20 instrumented aircraft and 6 spe-
of the infrastructure. A direct consequence cialised instruments) and 3 Joint Research
of this challenge is that the European re- Activities. A Scientific Advisory Committee,
search community benefits from a highly constituted of eminent scientists, contributes
efficient and cost effective technology base to a better integration of the users with the
that underpins solutions to a wide range of operators to tackle new user driven devel-
scientific and environmental problems. Such opments.
an integrated and collaborative infrastruc- Transnational Access coordination aims at
ture is unique and represents a world-class providing a wider and more efficient access
capability. to the infrastructures. The working group
for the Future of the Fleet fosters the joint
Project objectives development of airborne infrastructures in
terms of capacity and performance. The Ex-
To provide scientists with access to the most pert Working Groups facilitate a wider shar-
complete range of research infrastructures, ing of knowledge and technologies across
EUFAR: fields.
1. develops transnational access to national infra-
The activity for Education and Training pro-
2. reduces redundancy and fills the gaps; vides training courses to new users.
3. improves the service by strengthening expertise The working group on Standards and Proto-
through exchange of knowledge, development of cols contributes to better structure the way

research infrastructures operate. The devel- 1. Improved access to – and use of – the pool of
opment of a distributed data base for air- research infrastructures through (i) the unique
borne activities improves the access to the portal to all airborne research activities in en-
data collected by the aircraft. All these activ- vironmental and geosciences in Europe; (ii) the
ities rely on a unique web portal to airborne coordinated implementation of access activities
research in Europe. The working group on amongst the operators; (iii) the exchange of
the Sustainable Structure aims at promoting knowledge via the expert working groups; (iv) the
solutions for the long term sustainability of education and training activities; (v) the improve-
EUFAR. Among the JRA, one is developing ment and harmonization of standards and proto-
and characterising airborne hygrometers, cols; (vi) the archive of data generated and easy
the second is developing and implementing access to users.
quality layers in the processing chains of 2. Optimum development of research infrastruc-
hyperspectral imagery and the third one is tures through (i) the independent overview of
developing an airborne drop spectrometer EUFAR progress by experienced and eminent re-
based on a new principle. searchers; (ii) the collect of scientific demand and
the exploration of solutions; (iii) the three joint
research activities.
Emerging results
3. Collaborative arrangements and perspectives for
EUFAR will provide: the long-term sustainability of EUFAR.

Project partners

The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the

Météo-France (FR)
University of Cambridge (UK)

Met Office (UK) University of Warsaw (PL)

Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH (DE) Cosine Research B.V.(NL)

Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire

Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek (BE)

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt (DE) COMAT (FR)

Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) The University of Manchester (UK)

Stichting Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium (NL) Von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics (BE)

enviscope GmbH, Messtechnik für Umweltforschung (DE) Universität Zürich (CH)

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR) Wageningen Universiteit (NL)

Institute of Systems Biology and Ecology AS CR,

Natural Environment Research Council (UK)
v.v.i. (CZ)

Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial “Esteban Terradas” (ES) Tel Aviv Univesity (IL)

Freie Universität Berlin (UK) Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum (DE)

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE) Plymouth Marine Laboratory (UK)

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (DE) Universität Leipzig (DE)

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT) Physikalische Technische Bundesanstalt (DE)

Office National d’Etudes et Recherches

University of Szeged (HU)
Aérospatiales (FR)

Earth observation

At a glance
Title:  Improving coordination, visibility and impact of European GEOSS
contributions by establishing a EUropean GEoss NEtwork (EUGENE)
Instrument:  Support action
Total cost:  925 409 €
EC contribution:  735 038 €
Duration:  24 months
Start date:  01/10/2009
Consortium:  3 Partners
Project coordinator:  Helmut Staudenrausch DEUTSCHES ZENTRUM
Project website:
Key words:  GEO, GEOSS, Earth Observations, Climate Monitoring,
Disasters, Water, European Coordination, GMES, INSPIRE

The challenge sustained European EO system component

as part of GEOSS.
International cooperation is not an end in
itself; it requires additional efforts and re- Methodology
sources. In the domain of Earth Observation
(EO), requirements, systems and applications The current status and challenges of Euro-
are often global by nature, and sharing the pean EO for three areas of European political
burden is reasonable. This is why Europe – priority (Climate, Disasters, and Water) have
its member states and the EC – has made been thoroughly analysed. In general, Europe
a commitment to the objectives of the in- is well advanced in many areas and even a
ternational Group on Earth Observations world leader in various respects. However,
(GEO). By using its strengths, capabilities sustained operation of the necessary EO
and investments to substantially contribute infrastructure and improved access to and
to the build-up and successful operation of exchange of data and information is of par-
the Global Earth Observation System of Sys- amount importance for the societal benefit
tems (GEOSS) for the benefit of humankind, from EO.
Europe is one of the cornerstones of this Based on the analyses conducted for Cli-
global endeavour. mate, Disasters, and Water, respectively, and
on numerous discussions held with European
Project objectives experts and EO stakeholders, proposals for
a European approach to GEO were derived.
To foster collaboration between pan-Euro-
Concrete recommendations are provided,
pean organisations in the field of EO and to
either related to topic-specific issues or
strengthen the coordination of national and
cross-cutting aspects, such as appropriate
regional programmes and organisations in
user engagement, European coordination
their work towards the Group on Earth Ob-
servations (GEO).
To start a process in three selected domains Results
(Climate, Water, Disasters) that should even-
tually lead to GEO oriented collaboration From a European perspective, there is a
fora or mechanisms. The ultimate target of need to contribute to the solution of both
this process is to build a coordinated and the domain-specific (Climate, Water, Disas-

ters) challenges and the challenges posed The Copernicus programme (also known as
by cross-cutting issues, as defined by GEO, GMES) is expected to be a critical frame-
in order to achieve a strong and sustained work for achieving a strong European con-
European GEOSS component. A number of tribution to GEOSS. This is valid not only for
recommendations could be derived to better satellite-based observations, where ESA and
respond to those challenges, based on Eu- EUMETSAT provide suitable mechanisms, but
rope’s substantial capabilities and strengths, also for ground-based networks through the
to contribute effective earth observation GMES in-situ component coordinated by EEA.
systems to a global system of systems,
The full and timely implementation of Co-
and to support the establishment of GEOSS
pernicus will contribute considerably to the
with sophisticated infrastructures, scientific
knowledge, and experience with user-driven successful realisation of GEOSS. Additional-
approaches and capacity building. ly, the best use of GEOSS for Europe can be
made within Copernicus. Thus, it is important
Additionally, there is a general need to in- to carefully define their relationship.
tensify coordination and outreach measures
within Europe to effectively foster the ful- The European Meteorological Infrastructure
filment of the GEO strategic targets and to (EMI) also contributes considerably to GEO-
achieve a strong and sustained European SS, by its own programmes, and by bringing
role and visibility within GEO. Enhanced co- its vast experience and infrastructure into
ordination structures and intensified com- Copernicus. For achieving sustained in-situ
munication activities are needed, and the observations, the European Strategy Forum
political profile of GEO should better be on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) is an-
leveraged to strengthen European political other important framework, and the INSPIRE
support for GEO and thus raise the efficien- directive sets associated geodata interoper-
cy and effectiveness of the European GEOSS ability specifications and data access condi-
contribution. tions highly relevant to GEOSS.

Project partners

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt e.V. DE


Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde DE

University Bonn DE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Global Ocean Observing Infrastructure
Funding instrument:  Collaborative project and coordination and
support action
Start date:  01/01/2008
Duration:  30 months
Total project cost:  4 210 105 €
EC contribution:  2 995 859 €
Coordinating organisation:  Institut Français de Recherche pour
l’Exploitation de la MER (IFREMER) Brest, FR
Coordinator:  Pierre-Yves LE TRAON
EC Office:  European Research Area:  research programmes and
capacity Directorate
Project website:

Abstract The preparatory phase proposal workpack-

ages will inter alia focus on:
The main objective of the Euro-Argo prepa-
ratory phase is to undertake the work need- • The consolidation and strengthening of existing
ed to ensure that by 2010 Europe will be national contributions to the infrastructure.
able to: • The development of a direct EC-wide contribution
through GMES.
• Deploy, maintain and operate an array of 800
floats. This will require Europe to deploy 250 floats • The development of legal and governance ar-
perannum worldwide. rangements for the Euro-Argo infrastructure.
• Provide a world-class service to the research (cli- • Evaluation and improvement of the European con-
mate) and environment monitoring (e.g. GMES) tribution to the Argo data management and de-
communities. livery system.
• Enhancing European float technological capabili-
The main expected outcome of the pre-
ties (performances, sensors, communication sys-
paratory phase proposal is an agreement tems) and working towards using Argo to study
between member states and other funding aspects of ocean biogeochemistry
agencies for long term (> 10 years) oper- • The development of a vigorous European Argo
ation of Euro-Argo (financial, governance, user community.
organisation, technical). To reach such an • Exploiting the open access to Argo data as an ed-
agreement, it will be necessary to work on ucational “window” on the oceans and their role in
several key technical (float technology, data climate.
management and delivery system) and or- • Developing new partnerships between European
ganizational (logistics for deployment, coor- Argo nations, new European countries and nations
dination of national contributions) issues, to outside Europe.
consolidate and broaden the user commu- • Integrating the European observing array into the
nity and to demonstrate further the impact international system.
and utility of the infrastructure for Europe. • Developing a ten year implementation plan.

N° Organisation Country
1. Ifremer/Institut Français de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer FR
2. BSH/Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency DE
3. KDM/ Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung DE
4. NERC/Natural Environment Research Council UK
5. UKMO/Met Office UK
6. KNMI/Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute NL
7. IEO/Instituto Español de Oceanografia ES
8. OGS/Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale IT
9. MI/Marine Institute IE
10. IMR/Institute of Marine Research NO
11. SHOM/Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine FR
12. FFCUL/Fundacao da Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa FR
13. HCMR/Hellenic Centre for Marine Research EL
14. IOPAS/Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences PL
15. USOF/University of Sofia BG

Marine Environment

At a glance
Title:  European Union Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  9 652 000 €
EC contribution:  6 996 407 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  31/12/2010
Consortium:  24 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Danish Technical University, Institute for Aquatic
Resources, DK
Project website:
Key words:  Climate and anthropogenic forcing, ecosystem, key
species, biological carbon pump, ecosystem based manage-ment,
marine, international co-operation

The challenge Project objectives

The North Atlantic Ocean and its contigu- The overarching objectives of the EURO-BA-
ous shelf seas are crucial for the ecologi- SIN initiative are to understand and predict
cal, economic, and societal health of both the population structure and dynamics of
Europe and North America. North Atlantic broadly distributed, biogeochemically and
eco-systems support major fisheries as well trophically important plankton and fish spe-
as being important for the sequestration of cies of the North Atlantic and shelf seas, and
greenhouse gases. The dynamics of these assess the impacts of climate variability on
ecosystems are driven by the interplay of North Atlantic marine ecosystems and their
climatically determined bottom up forcing goods and services including feedbacks to
driving the flux of nutrients to lower trophic the earth system. The project will develop
levels and anthropo-genically driven top understanding and strategies that will ulti-
down controls as influenced by the exploita- mately contribute to improve and advance
tion of marine fish stocks. management of North Atlantic marine eco-
systems following the ecosystem approach.
At present there is a significant lack of knowl-
edge regarding how these modes of forcing
impact North Atlantic marine populations Methodology
and how impending climate changes may EURO-BASIN will use a range of approach-
alter the ecology and biogeochemical cycling es. The project will use existing data, but
of the basin. Consequently the challenge for will also fill data gaps through targeted
EURO-BASIN is, in collaboration with US and laboratory and field studies as well as the
Canadian partners, to better understand the application of integrative modelling tech-
basin scale processes impacting upon these niques. The modelling approaches will range
ecosystems, to be able to predict likely future from simple to complex coupled ecosystem
ecosystem states due to climate change, and models (e.g. N,P,Z,D type), mass balance (e.g.
to be able to integrate from the basin scale ECOPATH & ECOSIM), dynamic higher trophic
to the local scales the economically import- levels models (e.g. GADGET), fully coupled
ant dynamics of basin and shelf ecosystems lower and higher trophic level models includ-
for the advancement of ecosystem based ing fisheries and size spectrum models, as
management strategies. well as integrated assessment approaches.

These models will be used to create an en- predictive capacities necessary to develop
semble approach to assess ecosystem re- understanding and strategies that will im-
sponses that, through an extension of the prove and advance ocean management.
Integrated Ecosystem Assessment approach, EURO-BASIN is expected to contribute to the
will be used to further our understanding of realization of an ecosystem-based approach
the impacts of climate variability on marine to the management of the North Atlantic ba-
ecosystems and the feedbacks to the earth sin, a major objective outlined in the revision
system. of the European Common Fisheries Policy
(CFP, COM(2009)163). It will also contribute
Expected results to advance the ecosystem approach for ma-
rine management, by contributing to the im-
EURO-BASIN activities will enable us to as- plementation of the Marine Strategy Frame-
sess the ramifications of climate and fish- work Directive (MSFD, Directive 2008/56)
eries activities on the population structure and the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY)
and dynamics of broadly distributed, biogeo- concept (Green Paper; COM (2006) 360) as
chemically and trophically important plank- agreed upon by the World Summit on Sus-
ton and fish species, producing the enhanced tainable Development (2002).

Project partners
Technical University of Denmark, National Institute of Institut pour Recherche du Développement, FR
Aquatic Resources, DK

University of Bremen, DE Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR

University of Hamburg, Institute for Hydrobiology and Université Pierre & Marie Curie – Paris VI, FR
Fisheries Science, DE
The Secretary of State for the Environment, Food and Rural
Fundacion AZTI, ES
Affaires, UK

Natural Environment Research Council, UK Uni Research AS, NO

Hafronnsoknastofnunin, IS University of Nordland: NO

Morski Instytut Rybacki w Gdyni, PL University of Strathclyde, UK

Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science, UK

University of East Anglia, UK Instituto Español de Oceanografia, ES

Aarhus Universitet, DK Collecte Localisation Satellites SA, FR

Havforskningsinstituttet, NO Swansea University, UK

Institut Français de Recherche pour l`Exploitation de la Middle East Technical University, TK
Mer, FR

Earth observation

At a glance
Title:  GEO Network for Capacity Building
Instrument:  Coordination action
Total cost:  1 206 483 €
EC contribution:  999 988 €
Duration:  43 months
Start date:  01/11/2009
Consortium:  9 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  Faculty ITC, University of Twente, NL
Project website:
Key words:  Earth Observation, capacity building, marketing,
environment, climate change

The challenge successful brokerage with (potential) clients

for earth observation products and services
Some parts of space technology are not very will be facilitated.
well understood and therefore it not used to
its full potential. This especially applies to Methodology
earth observation, which deals with imag-
es captured by satellites. The application of The project uses four models as theoreti-
earth observation can provide considerable cal background: a business process model,
added value, but at the moment this is not a database on earth observations capacity
realized. Partly, this has to do with technical building, products and services, the expert
issues, such as access to and reliability of system development life cycle and the GEO
data, and compatibility and user-friendliness societal benefit areas (including the tasks of
of systems. But for a part also the lack of the different GEO committees). By process-
familiarity with solutions and knowledge of ing existing information, the bottlenecks and
products and services of the potential users opportunities are identified that are crucial
of earth observations plays a role. In addi- for a better use of earth observation. This
tion to this, the earth observation commu- analysis is then connected to look into what
nity (the providers) needs to learn how to kind of capacity building is most needed to
improve outreach to potential clients. address the situation. And of course, there
are already existing success stories. These
Project objectives stories are put together and rephrased in
terms that are understandable to non-tech-
The purpose of the GEO Network for Capac-
nical users. Together they will serve to con-
ity Building (GEONetCab) project is to create
vince potential clients of the added value
the conditions for the improvement and in-
of earth observation and to enable them to
crease of the GEO (Group on Earth Observa-
make a selection or seek advice on what kind
tions) capacity building activities and frame-
work, with special emphasis on developing of product of service works best for them.
countries, new EU member states (and EU The project then facilitates a dialogue be-
neighbouring states). This applies particular- tween the providers and the potential clients
ly to climate monitoring and increasing the of earth observations products and services.
effectiveness and efficiency of GEO capacity To make all this more concrete, four regions
building for application in the GEO societal are selected worldwide to provide practical
benefit areas. Coinciding with this purpose, examples and showcases that underline the

difference that earth observation already The experience and feedback gained from
makes in the business processes of public the interaction with clients and decision-
and private organizations. The regions are: makers is used to improve promotion and
Southern Africa, French-speaking countries capacity building methods, and to advise the
in Africa, Poland and the Czech Republic. GEO community on earth observation prod-
In these regions, pilots are implemented to ucts and services that have most potential
connect providers and clients and to facili- and on the best way to approach clients.
tate capacity building for earth observation.
A GEO capacity building web portal, linked to Expected results
the GEOSS (Global Earth Observations Sys-
The project produces a number of reports on
tem of Systems) clearing house, provides
marketing and connecting with clients, both
insight of the different practical cases and
from a general point of view, and with re-
outreach to the public worldwide. The portal
spect to the selected regions. Although valu-
also functions as a guide to help people find
able themselves, the reports are meant as
the tools for capacity building.
a starting point or accelerator to establish
Decision makers are an important target the dialogue between providers and clients
group of the project. To arrive at balanced on earth observation solutions and to facili-
and justified decisions and to compare alter- tate the capacity building that is needed for
natives, decision makers need to know how a better understanding and application. The
earth observation can benefit them. For this web portal, marketing toolkits dedicated to
purpose the project develops dissemination societal benefit areas, workshops and other
packages (toolkits) and organizes a num- types of promotional activities support this
ber of workshops for decision-makers and process. After the end of the project, results
potential clients. The perspective of the end are maintained by, and embedded in the
user is a key element for the design and im- regular marketing operations of the project
plementation of project interventions. partners and the GEO community.

Project partners

Faculty ITC, University of Twente NL

Centre National d’Études Spatiales FR

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement FR

Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences PL

Charles University CZ

Centre Régional Africain des Sciences et Technologies de l'Espace en Langue Française MA

South African National Space Agency ZA

Umvoto ZA

HCP international NL

Marine Environment

At a glance
Title:  Development of global plankton data base and model system
for eco-climate early warning
Instrument:  Collaborative project.
Total cost:  4 483 906 €
EC contribution:  3 476 469 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/01/2011
Consortium:  9 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing
Center, NO
Project website:
Key words:  Environment

The challenge which describe changes in ecosystem func-

tion; to improve the technology for accessing
The GreenSeas project aims to advance the historical plankton and associated environ-
knowledge and predictive capacities of how mental data sets, along with earth observa-
marine ecosystems will respond to global tion data and simulation outputs; to enhance
change. This is needed in order to under- international cooperative links with other
stand the consequences of changes in cli- plankton monitoring and analysis surveys
mate, biogeochemical cycles and human around the globe.
resource use, and mitigate their impacts on
the marine ecosystem. GreenSeas combines
of observation data, numerical model sim-
ulations and a cross-disciplinary analysis at GreenSeas acquires historical plankton data
ocean basin scales to develop a global, high from the Arctic, Atlantic and Southern Ocean,
quality, harmonized and standardized plank- preparing them for rigorous statistical analy-
ton and plankton ecology data inventory and sis. This will provide a benchmark of the cur-
information service. GreenSeas will deliver rent status of the planktonic ecosystem and
contemporary and historical plankton data relationships for use in the development of
and information products, focusing on the indicators and the testing and validation of
Atlantic and Southern oceans. models. From existing surveys in the Atlan-
tic and Southern Ocean new measurements
Project objectives better characterize the spatial and temporal
structure and functioning of pelagic oceanic
To assess the current state of the marine microbial ecosystems. From this, a plankton-
planktonic ecosystem by providing bench- ic ecosystem database is being developed,
marks of its present state for the future including a data delivery system which will
assessment of climate change; to improve allow free and open access to all data types.
the knowledge base and understanding of
the impacts of climatic and anthropogenic Global models are validated against the new
change on planktonic ecosystem structure data base. A regional model is used to as-
and function; to improve the ability to model similate GreenSeas data to improve model
and project future marine ecosystem states; state variables and parameters.
to apply the ecosystem approach to Green- A suite of ecosystem indicators developed
Seas data to derive a suite of indicators of from remotely sensed data is built, and will

be mapped where possible onto model out- of the range of marine environmental indi-
puts and the predictive skill for key indicators cators; contributions to the global plankton
will be assessed. monitoring and modelling and user commu-
Expected results A Summer School was held in Capetown, ZA,
The expected results of GreenSeas include: Jan-Feb 2013 to educate the next genera-
a benchmark of the current status of the tion of plankton scientists.
planktonic ecosystem and relationships; con- These results will provide the European Com-
sistent and harmonized historical and con- mission with an increased understanding of
temporary plankton data sets; a planktonic the impacts of climate change on planktonic
ecosystem database and data delivery sys- ecosystems in the context of services and
tem which will allow free and open access policy-relevant information. They will con-
to plankton data products; validated and er- tribute to the establishment of the Europe-
ror-quantified global model simulations and an Marine Observation and Data Network
projections; recommendations on the future (EMODNET) and to the Global Climate Ob-
development of plankton models; expansion serving System (GCOS).

Project partners
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center NO
Plymouth Marine Laboratory UK
Uni Research NO
National Oceanography Center, Southampton, National Environment Research Council UK
Murmansk Marine Biological Institute RU
University of Capetown ZA
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research ZA
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici IT
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande BR

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation and Management
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 938 338 €
EC contribution:  3 500 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/10/2011
Consortium:  19 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Laurent Mortier, UNIVERSITE PIERRE-ET- MARIE
Project website:
Key words:  Underwater gliders, Marine Research Infrastructure, Ocean
Observing System

The challenge erate individual as well as fleets of gliders

continuously for operational monitoring to
Underwater gliders offer new ways to mon- the benefit of the regional and global ocean
itor with high resolution most of the Essen- observing systems and for a wide range of
tial Ocean Variables (EOV) as well as other marine research fields. As an overall objec-
parameters thanks to an increasing number tive, the GROOM project will propose a road-
of smart sensors. Their potential for ocean map for a ten year implementation plan of a
research can help scientists to develop com- global glider program.
pletely new ocean research areas. Gliders can
also improve the cost-effectiveness of ocean Methodology
observations for the regional ocean observing
systems, for applications related to climate GROOM work programme provides an as-
change, marine ecosystems, and resources. sessment and proposes solutions on the
The challenge now is to insert the gliders as a issues raised by the gliders and on the meth-
new component in the existing ocean observ- ods and tools to operate them. This includes:
ing systems, and to facilitate their use for the • New sensor capabilities for gliders in particular for
marine research communities.
• The definition of strategic locations for a full net-
work perspective and coordination with existing
Project objectives observation activities,
• The integration of gliders into the existing global
The objective of the GROOM project is to and regional ocean observing systems,
design a new European Research Infrastruc- • Integration of the proposed RI in an international
ture (RI) that uses underwater gliders for network of similar capacities,
collecting oceanographic data for research • Adaptation and strengthening of the existing data
management e-infrastructure framework to gath-
applications and oceanic monitoring. This er and make available consistent and quality con-
infrastructure will be based on a distribut- trolled data sets,
ed architecture of gliderports around the • The Law of the Sea and maritime traffic issues that
European seas and overseas, working in such platforms raises,
close coordination. This architecture is the • Framework for joint funding and management of
the proposed RI in relation to similar ones, such
required and cost-effective way to operate
as EuroArgo,
fleets gliders in combination with other ex- • Exploiting the open access to glider data as an ed-
isting observing systems. This infrastructure ucational “window” on the oceans and their role in
must be suitable to deploy, maintain and op- climate, resources, etc.

Expected results uating the existing legal and financial models
against the requirements of a glider infrastructure,
The expected results of GROOM will comprise: • Communication to European stakeholders and
• Consolidation of the fragmented infrastructure international bodies active with marine research
into one coherent system, but keeping the individ- infrastructure and observing systems via publica-
ual Member States identity and responsibility, tions in respective journals and via international
• Increase of the scientific benefit for users of the oversight committees.
infrastructure by, for example, defining protocols • Tests and operations at sea of tools and meth-
and standards, ensuring interoperability, opening ods, as well of new research strategies (new
the infrastructure for outside users, establishing sensors, fleet deployments). The existing nation-
an adequate data distribution system, al RIs will manage these tests in European seas
• Provision of the basis for establishing the detailed and overseas, resulting in an early stage of a
plans for a new glider legal infrastructure by eval- future European RI.

Project partners
University Of Cyprus (CY) Nato Undersea Research Centre (IT)
Istituto Nazionale Di Oceanografia E Di Geofisica
Helmholtz Zentrum Fur Ozeanforschung Kiel (DE)
Sperimentale – Ogs (IT)
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum Fur Material- Und
Universitetet I Bergen (NO)
Kustenforschung Gmbh (DE)
Alfred-Wegener-Institut Fuer Polar- Und Meeresforschung
Stiftelsen Nansen Senter For Fjernmaaling (NO)
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones
Universitaet Trier (DE)
Cientificas (ES)
Consorcio Para El Diseno, Construccion, Equipamiento Y
Ilmatieteen Laitos (FI)
Explotacion De La Plataforma Oceanica De Canarias (ES)
Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (FR) The Scottish Association For Marine Science (UK)
Universite Pierre-Et- Marie Curie (FR) University Of East Anglia (UK)
Institut Francais De Recherche Pour L'exploitation De La
Natural Environment Research Council (UK)
Mer (FR)
Hellenic Centre For Marine Research (EL)

Earth observation

At a glance
Title:  In situ monitoring of oxygen de-pletion in hypoxic ecosystems of
coastal and open seas, and land-locked water bodies
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 665 281 €
EC contribution:  3 499 711 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/04/2009
Consortium:  16 partners plus 4 affiliated partners from 13 countries
Project coordinator:  Antje Boetius, Felix Janssen, Christoph Waldmann
Project website:
Key words:  Oxygen depletion, climate change, in situ water cycle
monitoring, GEOSS, aquatic ecosystems, marine, freshwater, global
ocean observation, eutrophication, biodiversity

The challenge ecosystem sensitivity and recovery. With-

in HYPOX, oxygen depletion and associated
All higher aquatic life depends on oxygen. It processes were monitored in a broad range
is, thus, an alarming finding that hypoxic (low of aquatic systems that differ in oxygen
oxygen) conditions in aquatic ecosystems in- status and sensitivity towards change: oxy-
crease in number, duration and extent due to gen-rich open ocean with high sensitivity to
global warming and eutrophication. Warm- global warming (Arctic), semi-enclosed ba-
ing leads to degassing of oxygen, increased sins with permanent anoxia (Black Sea, Baltic
stratification, reduced deep-water circula- Sea) and land-locked systems with seasonal
tion and changes in wind patterns affecting or local oxygen depletion (fjords, lagoons,
transport and mixing. Ob-served and pro- lakes). The results were combined with infor-
jected increases in hypoxia (e.g., exponential mation on past hypoxia and state-of-the-art
growth of “dead zones”) are accompanied numerical modelling to predict future hypox-
by enhanced emission of greenhouse gases ia and its effect on aquatic ecosystems and
and losses in biodiversity, ecosystem func- to decide on appropriate oxygen monitoring
tions and services such as fisheries, aquacul- efforts in the future.
ture and tourism. These drastic threats call
for strong efforts to investigate and monitor Methodology
present and past hypoxia in order to under-
stand causes and consequences, and to be In-situ observatories were set up by the in-
able to predict future hypoxia and its impact stallation of new systems and by implement-
on ecosystem functions and services. ing reliable sensors to existing platforms.
These observatories monitored oxygen and
Project objectives associated parameters (e.g., hydrodynamics,
temperature, Salinity, other gases) at high
A better understanding of global changes in frequency. In addition, state-of-the art au-
oxygen depletion requires a global observa- tonomous and towed equipment was used
tion system. Oxygen and associated parame- during repeated surveys for in situ studies
ters need to be monitored at high resolution, and sampling of sediments and the water
including the assessment of physical mixing column. Biological processes in the water
and of the role of the seafloor in controlling column and the sediment were studied in

order to understand their role in hypoxia of oxygen depletion that are inadequately
development and the changes in biodiversi- addressed by previous oxygen observation
ty and function when aquatic systems shift approaches. Ecosystem responses with a
towards oxygen depletion. HYPOX further special focus on biogeochemical processes
included the compilation and analysis of ex- and element cycling were included as well as
isting monitoring data and investigations of
the investigation of past hypoxic conditions
past hypoxia in the sedimentary record using
fossils, biomarkers, and geochemical proxies. based on faunal patterns and organic as well
Modelling tools that couple physical and bio- as inorganic proxies from the sediment re-
geochemical processes were developed and cord. Based on generalized findings achieved
used to predict oxygen availability in aquatic by careful analysis of the data from obser-
systems that are subject to global warming vatories and field campaigns as well as ap-
and eutrophication. All project data were plication of data assimilation and modelling
kept in compliance to the standards of the techniques, hypoxia ecosystems were classi-
Global Earth Observation System of Systems fied and recommendations for future oxygen
(GEOSS) and made available through a web monitoring defined.
portal run by the state-of-the-art world data
centre WDC MARE ( The results obtained in HYPOX are highly
relevant to GEOSS objectives from ecosys-
The results tem, water management, and climate points
of view. Four HYPOX services compliant with
HYPOX carried out pioneering work to build
GEOSS accepted standards have been regis-
capacities for state-of-the-art oxygen moni-
tered at the GEOSS registry. A standardized
toring. An increased demand for oxygen ob-
servations is foreseen in the context of the and GEOSS compliant data flow from the
Marine Strategy Framework Directive and in observatories to the end users was estab-
response to the expected increase in the use lished. Through these activities, HYPOX sub-
of marine resources. HYPOX knowledge con- stantially improved the interoperability of
tributes to a conclusive oxygen observation observation systems for oxygen depletion
strategy to monitor global change effects in different systems. All observations and
and to ensure sustainability of the envis- measurements obtained by observatories
aged maritime activities. This represents a and during targeted field campaigns are dis-
major impact generated by the project that
seminated through the HYPOX data portal.
will extend into the future. HYPOX deployed
The project web site ( pro-
stand-alone or cabled observatories that
are able to perform long-term continuous vides access to the data portal as well as
measurements of oxygen and associated to reports, presentations and public outreach
parameters. The adopted monitoring strate- material including brochures, policy briefs,
gies account for temporal and spatial scales posters, images, and video footage.

Project partners
Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology (DE) Istanbul Technical University (TR)
Alfred Wegener Inst. f. Polar & Marine Research (DE) MARUM at Bremen University (DE)
Swiss Fed. Inst. of Aquatic Science & Technology (CH) Scottish Association for Marine Science (UK)
Kovalevsky Inst. of Biology of the South. Seas (UA) University of Gothenburg (SE)
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research (DE) University of Patras (GR)
French Research Inst. for Exploitation of the Sea (FR) Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht (DE)
National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (IT) Nat. Inst. of Marine Geology and Geoecology (RO)
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research (DE) Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NL)
Affiliated Partners
Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NO) Museum of Natural History Berlin (DE)
Climate and Environment Sciences Laboratory (FR) Center f. Marine Research Liège University (BE)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Rock Hyrax Middens and Climate Change in Southern Africa
during the last 50 000 years
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 484 046 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/11/2010
Host institution:  Centre Nationale de Recherche Scientifique, FR
Principal investigator:  Brian M. Chase
Project website:
Key words:  palaeoclimate, palaeoenvironment, southern Africa, rock
hyrax, climate change, environmental change

The challenge of major unsolved questions regarding past,

present and future climate change research
In stark contrast to the abundance of high that are critical not only for southern Africa,
quality palaeoenvironmental records ob- but for our understanding of global climate
tained from other parts of the world, the change as well.
little data we have from Southern Africa's
drylands comes largely from discontinuous, Objectives
poorly dated records of ambiguous palae-
oclimatic significance. Confronted with the In order to reach its goal, HYRAX will:
possibility of future environmental and so- • Use stable isotopes and fossil pollen to determine
cial disruption as a result of climate change, the environmental history and dynamics at a se-
the need for reliable records from southern ries of sites across Southern Africa.
Africa has never been so acute. This proj- • Calibrate δ15N records to instrumental climate
ect seeks to develop rock hyrax middens as records and use statistical analyses and vegeta-
tion models to produce quantitative estimates of
a means to investigate long-term climate climate parameters from fossil pollen data at each
change, and understand how changes in the site.
earth’s climate system impact local environ- • Assess the spatial and temporal variability of en-
ments in this sensitive region. vironmental change across Southern Africa during
the last 50 000 years as evidenced in the records
Project aims • Use high resolution palaeoenvironmental data
The goal of HYRAX is to revolutionise our from hyrax middens to integrate data from less
well resolved records to achieve a more complete
understanding of environmental change in
understanding of environmental change in the re-
southern Africa, developing sites, proxies gion.
and methods that will lead to the procure- • Compare findings with the GCM simulations to
ment, analysis and integration of palaeo- both evaluate model performance, and conduct
environmental datasets spanning the last sensitivity experiments to explore the climate sys-
50 000 years. Additionally, corollary projects tem dynamics that are most likely to account for
will: 1) use the aggregate African hyrax mid- the variations observed in the palaeoenvironmen-
tal record.
den dataset to carry out detailed data-mod-
el comparisons to evaluate, modify and im- Emerging results
prove GCM performance, and 2) use GCMs to
study the drivers and dynamics of long-term Preliminary data from sites across Southern
climate change as observed in the hyrax Africa show coherent patterns of change that
midden data. HYRAX will address a series can be linked with local, regional and global

climatic events and forcing mechanisms. predominantly summer rainfall and drier
These data indicate significant, rapid chang- conditions in regions experiencing predomi-
es in water availability and vegetation as nantly winter rainfall. Ongoing work is help-
responses to, amongst other factor, trends ing us to determine the precise nature and
in regional and global temperatures. Ten- mechanisms underlying these observations.
tative conclusions that can be drawn from This will not only allow for a substantially
the available data include an apparent an- refined understanding of earth system dy-
ti-phase relationship between summer and namics, but it will also provide a more robust
winter rainfall regimes in southwestern basis upon which appropriate land-use and
Africa, with warmer conditions inducing in- environmental management strategies can
creased precipitation in regions experiencing be based.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Laboratory and modelling studies of ice nucleation and
crystallisation in the Earth’s atmosphere
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 690 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  11/2009
Host institution:  University of Leeds, UK
Principal investigator:  Ben Murray
Project website:
Key words:  Ice nucleation, ice nuclei, clouds, aerosol-cloud
interactions, aerosol properties, glassy aerosol, structure of ice,
stacking disordered ice.

The challenge of desert dust is most important for this im-

portant ice nucleating aerosol.
The formation of ice particles in the Earth’s
Atkinson, Murray et al. The importance
atmosphere strongly affects the properties
of feldspar for ice nucleation by mineral
of clouds and their impact on climate. How-
dust in mixed-phase clouds, Nature, DOI
ever, our basic understanding of ice nucle-
ation and crystallisation is still in its infancy.
When water droplets freeze we have shown
that the ice does not have a standard crystal
Project objectives
Establish a laboratory dedicated to improv- Malkin, Murray, et al. Structure of ice
ing our fundamental understanding of ice crystallized from supercooled water,
nucleation and crystallisation and use this Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. (2012).
information to better represent physical pro-
In collaboration with the AIDA cloud chamber
cesses in models. team we have shown that aqueous glassy
organic aerosol are important ice nuclei in
Methodology the atmosphere:
1. rate at which various mineral dusts nucleate ice Murray et al. Heterogeneous nucleation
when immersed in supercooled water droplets of ice particles on glassy aerosols under
will be quantified. cirrus conditions, Nature Geosci. (2010).
2. role of glassy solids and ultra-viscous liquids in
cloud formation will be investigated. We have made a major reassessment of the
3. structure of ice that forms under atmospheric literature data for heterogeneous ice nucle-
conditions will be examined with cryo-X-ray dif- ation:
fraction. Murray et al. Ice nucleation by particles
4. laboratory data will be used to constrain ice nu-
immersed in supercooled cloud droplets,
cleation in numerical clouds.
Chem. Soc. Rev., (2012)
Emerging results In addition, our collaboration with Asymptote
Ltd has resulted in a Patent application for
Key high impact papers the control of ice nucleation in cryopreser-
We have shown that the feldspar component vation.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Global Glacier Mass Continuity
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grants
ERC funding:  2 395 320 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/03/2013
Host institution:  University of Oslo, NO
Principal investigator:  Andreas Kääb
Project website:
Key words:  global, glacier mass change, glacier flow dynamics

The Challenge measure displacements due to glacier flow

and their annual to decadal-scale changes.
For the first time in history satellite data and
their archives are now sufficient in terms of
spatial and temporal resolution, and their
Emerging results
accuracy, to measure volume changes, ve- The analysis of these data will enable sev-
locities and changes in these velocities over eral major steps forward in glacier and
time for glaciers and ice caps other than ice Earth science, in particular: constrain current
sheets on a global scale. sea-level contribution from glaciers; com-
plete climate change patterns as reflected in
Project objectives glacier mass changes; quantify the contribu-
tion of glacier imbalance to river run-off; al-
The ICEMASS project derives and analyses
low the separation of glacier mass loss from
glacier thickness changes globally and con-
other components of gravity changes as de-
verts these to a global glacier mass budget.
These results are combined with global-scale tected through satellite gravimetry; progress
glacier dynamics. the understanding of glacier response to cli-
mate and its changes; provide new insights
in processes underlying spatio-temporal
Methodology variability and instability of glacier flow on
The ICEMASS project combines a variety decadal scales; improve understanding of
of different satellite data. Glacier thickness dynamic thickness change effects; allow the
changes are derived using satellite laser and estimation of global calving fluxes; progress
radar altimetry, and satellite-derived and understanding of transport in glaciers and
other digital elevation models. For quantify- their role in landscape development; and
ing glacier flow a global set of repeat optical help to better assess potentially hazardous
and radar satellite images is processed to glacier lakes.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Novel Lipid Biomarkers from Polar Ice: Climatic and Ecological
Funding instrument:  Support for Frontier Research
Starting date:  01/10/2008
Total cost:  1 888 593 €
Duration:  60 months
EC Contribution:  1 888 593 €
Coordinating organisation:  Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique, FR
Coordinator:  Liliane Flabbée
EC Office:  Implementation of the “Ideas” Programme Directorate

Abstract One component of this project will consist of

performing regional calibrations of the prox-
It is widely acknowledged that polar sea ice ies. Concentrations of selected biomarkers in
plays a critical role in global climate change. recent Arctic and Antarctic sediments will be
As such, sea ice reconstructions are of par- correlated with the sea ice abundances de-
amount importance in establishing climatic termined using satellite technology over the
evolution of the geological past. In the cur- last 30 years. The successful calibration of
rent project, some well characterised organ-
the proxies will then enable reconstructions
ic chemicals (biomarkers) from microalgae
of past sea ice extents to be performed at un-
will be used as proxy indicators of current
precedented high resolution. Sediment cores
and past sea ice in the Arctic and Antarctic
will be obtained from key locations across
regions. These biomarkers, so-called highly
both of the Arctic and Antarctic regions and
branched isoprenoids (HBIs), possess a num-
the data derived from these studies will be
ber of characteristics that make them at-
used for climate modelling studies.
tractive as sea ice proxies. Firstly, some HBIs
are unique to sea ice diatoms, so their pres- As a complement to these physico-chemical
ence in polar sediments can be directly cor- studies on sea ice, a second component of
related with the previous occurrence of sea the project will investigate the use of these
ice. Secondly, they are relatively resistant to biomarkers for studying sea ice-biota inter-
degradation, which extends their usefulness actions and, by examining the transfer of
in the geological record. Thirdly, their rela- these chemicals through food chains, new
tive abundance makes them straightforward tools for determining the consequences of
to measure with a high degree of geological future climate change on polar ecosystems
resolution. will be established.

N° Organisation Country

1. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) FR

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Indo-european Research Facilities for Studies on Marine
ecosystem and climate in India
Instrument:  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  2 500 000 €
Ec contribution:  1 900 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/02/2012
Consortium:  6 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  Nerci, IN
Project website:
Key words:  monsoon, climate change, marine ecosystem, coastal zone

The challenge at NERCI to include research organizations from

additional Member States and Associated Coun-
INDO-MARECLIM aims at analyzing and un- tries.
derstanding some of the challenges (e.g.
changes in the monsoon, sea level rise, Methodology
coastal erosion, changes in primary produc-
tion, fisheries and biodiversity) of the Indi- INDO-MARECLIM comprises three related,
an Ocean and the Indian sub-continent un- but complementary, scientific fields of re-
der past, current and future global change search of interest to India and Europe;
processes. The project and cooperation will a Monsoon and ocean variability, climate change
contribute to building strategic R&D part- and sea level variations: Data records, sat-
nerships between institutions in Europe and ellite Earth observation data, global oceanic
India. Infrastructure and expertise at NERCI reanalysis and coupled numerical ocean and
will provide a platform for interaction with atmosphere models will be used to study the
European partners, initially from the UK, variability of the monsoon system and the In-
dian Ocean.
France, Italy, the Netherlands and Norway
b Marine ecosystem studies, including algae
and expanding the European partnership of
blooms: Cataloguing the data available on
NERCI. the algal blooms based on the sea truth data
would be very meaningful for comparative
Project objectives studies employing ocean colour data available.
c Coastal zone management and impact on so-
1. To establish scientific cooperation focusing on: ciety. Assessment of impacts of human activ-
a Monsoon and ocean variability, climate ities on the marine ecosystem and the devel-
b change and sea level variations, Marine eco- opment of integrated management measures.
system studies, including algae blooms and A detailed digitised inventory based on sec-
c Coastal zone management and impact on so- ondary data would be a suitable step to anal-
ciety. yse changes that are likely to occur in the plant
2. expanding Indo-European cooperation through and animal communities of the Indian coast.
workshops and summer school for the project
partners. Expected results
3. To define, prepare and submit competitive new
joint scientific research projects in cooperation • Scientific network involving European and Indian
between Indian and European research institu- institutions and forming of new Practical solutions
tions to national and international funding agen- to enhance scientific research monitoring and
cies, including EU. training relevant to marine environmental events.
4. To prepare the way for institutional arrangements • A numerical ocean circulation-ecosystem model

• Guidelines to policy makers in the fishery sector Completed Milestones
• Inventory of marine bio-resources
• Forewarning and adaptation actions for sea level • Project Review meeting during 29oct-31oct-2012.
rise • INDOMARECLIM network building, Two technical
• Introduction of new academic programmes sessions chaired by INDOMARECLIM during POR-
• Improved commitment to conserve the sea. SEC -2012-NOV.05-09 2012 KOCHI
• Providing excellence in higher education Improve- • Signing of MoU with KUFOS in March 2013.
ment in the scientific knowledge on the Indian ma- • Participation at the EU-INDIA STI Cooperation 8-9
rine ecosystem November, 2012 at National Geophysical Research
• Scientific co-operation
Institute, Hyderabad.
• Validation of the EU technologies
• India-EU Workshop on Marine Primary Production
• The project will exchange knowledge between
scientists and students through summer schools, March 12 – 15, 2013.
workshops, seminars and conferences. The project • Exchange of scientists between PML, NERSC, AL-
will thereby strengthen and widen the scientific TERRA & NERCI were part of the project. Ten such
transfer activities within the EU, India and other exchange programs are completed.
countries. • New tie-up with Indian Navy.

Project partners
Nansen Environmental Research Centre (India) Ltd (Nerci) IN
Stiftelsen Nansen Senter For Fjernmaaling (Nersc) NO
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (Pml) UK
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo Per I Cambiamenti Climatici Scarl (Cmcc) IT
Institut Francais De Recherche Pour L'exploitation De Lamer (Ifremer) FR
Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (Alterra) NL

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in
the Arctic
Instrument:  Research Infrastructures for Polar research
Total cost:  9 362 620 €
EC contribution:  7 300 000 €
Duration:  48 Months
Start date:  01/01/2011
Consortium:  32 partners from 12 countries and 20 Observer Stations
Project coordinator:  Terry Callaghan
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, changes in the cryosphere, biosphere,
feedback mechanisms, trans-national access to the whole Arctic,
research station’s managers forum, improving monitoring technology,
improving data access and outreach

The challenge current observing capacity of existing in-

frastructures and their networking activi-
World attention is focused on the Arctic be- ties throughout the Arctic, expanding this
cause of its rapidly changing climate, cryo- observing capacity by responding to new
sphere and concurrent changes in land use, needs from the research, assessment and
socio-economics and globalisation of econo- wider stakeholder communities, improving
mies and cultures. The environmental chang- the efficiency of observing by developing
es in the Arctic affect not only the Arctic, but and deploying new observing technologies
also the rest of the world. implemented with standard protocols, and
Environmental observing and predictive ca- making archived and new observations more
pacities are limited in the Arctic compared accessible to a wide range of users. Further-
to those in most other latitudes. The major more, INTERACT aims to generate increased
environmental observing systems in the Arc- research activity by increasing access to the
tic are research stations. Together they host Arctic for researchers and to provide legacy
thousands of scientists each year, they sup- by engaging the next generation of research-
port long-term environmental monitoring, ers in collaborative educational activities. IN-
research, outreach to stakeholders and data TERACT aims to provide outreach to relevant
for environmental assessments that feed local, regional and global stakeholders.
into policy decisions.
Project objectives
INTERACT has developed 8 major Work Pack-
INTERACT has a main objective to build ca- ages. WP1 coordinates the overall project,
pacity for identifying, understanding, predict- WP2 operates a Station Managers’ Forum,
ing and responding to diverse environmental WP3 networks INTERACT with other regional
changes throughout the wide environmental and global inititives, WP4 operates Trans-
and land-use envelopes of the Arctic. Implicit national Access, WP5 is enhancing wireless
is the aim to build capacity for monitoring, networking of environmental monitoring
research, education and outreach. sensors, WP6 is improving monitoring and
Detailed objectives include sustaining the facilitating research into climate feedbacks,

WP7 is improving data storage and access tures in the North will be collaborating within
and WP8 is informing and interacting with INTERACT. The INTERACT Stations are stra-
the public, local and other stakeholders in- tegically sampling the environmental space
cluding students. INTERACT brings together of the Arctic. The one-stop-shop provides
managers of over 50 research stations, re- immediate and simple access to terrestrial
searchers, stakeholders, technology develop- facilities, activities and information from the
ers and major arctic organisations. whole environmental envelope, as well as
a rapid response system to record extreme
events with potentially large impacts. Within
Expected results
the first two years 360 researchers have re-
INTERACT has already increased the capacity ceived access to 20 research stations.
for monitoring, research, education and out- INTERACT has become a major initiative rec-
reach in the Arctic. INTERACT has grown from ognised at local, regional and global levels.
33 to over 50 research infrastructures (and It is a task within SAON and is contributing
is still growing) in all arctic countries. Almost to GEO. It has been endorsed by all major
all the major northern terrestrial infrastruc- Arctic initiatives.

Project partners
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (SE) Natural Environmental Research Council (UK)
Agricultural University of Iceland (IS) Norwegian Inst. for Agricultural and Environ (NO)
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (DE) Norwegian Polar Institute (NO)
Arctic Institute of North America (CN) Lomonosov Moscow State University (RU)
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme Secretariat Stockholm University (SE)
ATHENA (GR) Swedish Polar Research Secretariat (SE)
Barrow Arctic Science Consortium (US) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SE)
Centre for Northern Studies (CN) University of Alaska Fairbanks (US)
CLU srl IT) University of Copenhagen (DK)
Faroe Islands Nature Investigation (FO) University of Helsinki (FI)
Finnish Forest Research Institute (FI) University of Oslo (NO)
Greenland Institute of Natural Resources (GL) University of Oulu (FI)
IT University of Copenhagen (DK) University of Turku (FI)
The Inst. for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone SB RAS (RU) Uppsala University (SE)
Lund University(SE) World Wide Fund for Nature
National Environmental Research Institute (DK) Yugra State University (RU)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System
Modelling – Phase 2
Instrument:  Collaborative project and coordination and support action
Total cost:  11 175 385 €
EC Contribution:  7 999 941 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/04/2013
Consortium:  23 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  Sylvie Joussaume
Project website:
Key words:  Earth system modelling, climate change, model data
archives, high-performance computing

The challenge ports the data and metadata infrastructure

as well as international standards for the
IS-ENES is the Infrastructure for the Euro- WCRP CMIP5 and CORDEX experiments. It
pean Network for Earth System Modelling, further supports developments to ease the
ENES. It gathers the European community use of climate model data by the climate im-
developing and applying climate models of pact research community. It strengthens the
the Earth system. This community aims to ENES community capacity to provide more
better understand present and past observed reliable decadal predictions at regional scale
climates and predict future changes under for society.
given boundary conditions of anthropogenic
and natural forcing. It is strongly involved in Methodology
the assessments of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change and provides the IS-ENES2 implements the recommenda-
predictions on which EU mitigation and ad- tions of the ENES infrastructure strategy
aptation policies are based. for 2012-2022. It encompasses networking,
service and joint research activities serving
the 4 project objectives.
Project objectives
Integration of the community is mainly
IS-ENES2 has four main objectives: achieved through activities on governance,
• To foster the integration of the European Climate strategy and community building. Service
and Earth system modelling community, provides access to modeller expertise, mod-
• To enhance the development of Earth System els and tools.
• To support high-end simulations enabling to bet- The development of Earth system models
ter understand and predict climate variations and is enhanced through networks to progress
change, options for code convergence and to inves-
• To facilitate the application of Earth system model tigate sharing of best practices in software
simulations to better predict and understand cli- development.
mate change impacts on society by enhancing the
dissemination of model results from both global Support for high-end simulations includes
and regional model experiments. strategy for future exascale architectures,
IS-ENES2, builds on the outputs of IS-ENES the preparation of future high-end experi-
and the FP7 METAFOR project. It encompass- ments and improved workflow solutions.
es both global and regional models and sup- Dissemination of model data is facilitated

through service on data and metadata for development of international databases and
CMIP5 and CORDEX (Europe and Africa) and standards.
generation of requirements and tools. Finally, IS-ENES2 will provide services on
models and model data and metadata both
Expected results to climate modelling groups and to the us-
Networking activities will increase the cohe- ers of model results, including the impacts
sion of the European ESM community and community.
advance a coordinated European Network IS-ENES2 will mainly benefit to the climate
for Earth System modelling. modeling and climate impact communities.
Joint research activities will improve the ef- It will also enhance innovation through col-
ficient use of ESMs, high-performance com- laboration with ICT technologies and through
puters, access to model results in terms of use of model results for emerging European
data and metadata and will contribute to the Climate Services and corporations.

Project partners
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
With Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives FR
& Université Pierre et Marie Curie as third parties
Deutsches Klimarechenzentrum GmbH DE
Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique FR
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici IT
The University of Reading UK
The Met Office UK
Science and Technology Facilities Council UK
Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Instituut SE
Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut NL
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften DE
University of Cape Town ZA
University of Manchester UK
Institutul National de Hidroligie si Gospodarire a Apelor RO
Wageningen Universiteit NL
Linköpings Universitet SE
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre ES
Universidad de Cantabria ES
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft – und Raumfahrt in der Helmholtz Gemeinshaft DE
Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut DK
Fundacio Institut Catala de Ciencies del Clima
With Institut Català de Recerca i Estudis Avançats as third party
Météo France–Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques FR
Universitetet I Bergen With Uni Research AS as third party NO
Meteorologisk Institutt NO

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Integrating Theory and Observations over the Pleistocene
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grants
ERC funding:  1 047 600 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/08/2009
Host institution:  Université Catholique de Louvain, BE
Principal investigator:  Michel Crucifix
Project website:
Key words:  climate, palaeoclimates, dynamics, statistics

The challenge regimes documented in palaeoclimate data, such

as the Mid-Pleistocene transition that occurred
One of the most dramatic manifestations about 800 000 years ago ?
of past climate changes is the succession
of glacial interglacial cycles, which have Methodology
paced climate over the last 3 million years. The project is organised around the concept
Glacial-interglacial cycles involve all the of causal dynamical networks. The import-
components of the climate system, including ant components of climate (essentially the
ice sheets, ocean dynamics, the hydrologi- atmosphere, continental ice, CO2 and ocean
cal cycle and the biosphere. It is recognised circulation) are represented by small-dimen-
that the timing of glacial-interglacial cycles sional variables connected by non-linear re-
is controlled by changes in Earth’s orbit and lationships. The structure and underlying pa-
obliquity, but important questions remain rameters of these connections are informed
about the mechanisms of this control, and by a combination of three approaches:
how it interacts with the internal climate dy-
1. state-of-the-art statistical techniques are being
namics to produce the variations document- applied to calibrate low-dimensional, stochastic
ed in natural climate archives. dynamical systems on paleoclimate data. The
techniques are adapted to account for dating
Project objectives uncertainties inherent to the sedimentation pro-
cess ;
The objective of ITOP is to bring state-of- 2. plans of experiments are carried out with general
the-art statistical and modelling methodol- circulation models, and post-processed with the
ogies into palaeoclimate research, and act aid of Gaussian process statistics to measure and
as a pilot-project to establish how palaeocli- visualise the global sensitivity of different climat-
mate data and models may be combined to ic components to the astronomical forcing;
3. system identification techniques are applied to
address the following problems :
physical models of the slow components of cli-
1. Do glacial-interglacial cycles emerge from an in- mate
ternal limit cycle in the climate system or do they 4. The methodology draws particular emphasis on
emerge as a phenomenon dominantly driven by the quantification of uncertainties of both models
the astronomical forcing? and observations, the robustness of methods, and
2. How stable are glacial-interglacial oscillations? the analysis of system stability.
Can rapid and unpredictable climate fluctuations
substantially alter the length of a glacial cycle? Emerging Results
3. What are the individual and combined controls of
the forcing, ice sheets and CO2 concentration on 1. Calibration methodology. Given the context of
regional climate phenomena, such as monsoon high structural and dating uncertainties, the cali-
systems and multi-annual variability modes? bration of dynamical paleoclimate models on
4. Which factors may explain changes in oscillations paleoclimate data is best carried out by splitting

the state-estimation and parameter estimation 3. Forcing-response phase relationships to astro-
steps. A software package for general use for cali- nomical forcing. Global sensitivity analysis of
bration of palaeoclimate data is being developed. general circulation model output has allowed us
2. Stability of ice ages. Analysis of current ice age to estimate the response phase of different cli-
models consistently show a ‘strange non-chaot- mate variables (monsoon precipitation, ocean cir-
ic attractor’ structure. The implication is that ice culation, boreal vegetation…) to precession, obliq-
ages dynamics, if correctly described by these uity, CO2 and ice volume, providing for the first
models, almost certainly present episodes of in- time a general-circulation-model-based informa-
stability. Therefore, even small stochastic dynam- tion to interpret phase leads-and-lag relation-
ics may significantly alter the duration of ice ages. ships identified in long palaeoclimatic data series.

Climate Change


At a glance
Title:  Joint Programming Initiative Connecting Climate Knowledge for
Instrument:  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  2 400 000 €
EC contribution:  2 000 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/01/2013
Consortium:  18 partners from 12 countries
Project coordinator:  German Aerospace Center (DLR), DE
Project website:
Key words:  Climate knowledge, alignment of National Research
Programmes, decadal prediction; climate services, societal
transformation under climate change, development of decision-
making Tools

The challenge decision support services for societal inno-

Climate change generates new challenges
• Identify, coordinate and integrate national climate
and the need to protect European citizens, research funding programme
business and nature from climate risks. • Put forward and provide input to climate research
Research, knowledge dissemination and in- programmes and policies of the EU
novation are crucial in helping to confront • Establish a strategic collaboration with global pro-
these challenges and generate new oppor- grammes, neighbouring countries, climate policy
tunities for sustainable development. Under- actors at the international level (JPI Climate as
standing and responding to climate change fireplace)
requires coordinated and large-scale Eu- • Identify, coordinate and integrate national climate
ropean efforts, in research, innovation and research funding programme
• Put forward and provide input to climate research
programmes and policies of the EU
The JPI Climate provides the platform where • Establish a strategic collaboration with global pro-
these objectives can be met, aligning nation- grammes, neighbouring countries, climate policy
al research priorities according to a jointly actors at the international level
agreed Strategic Research Agenda with the
aim of complementing and supporting initia-
tives at the European level. JPI Climate facil- Methodology
itates the coordination, collaboration and ex-
ploitation of synergies while working against The JPI Climate is built upon four modules:
fragmentation and duplication of efforts. 1) improving climate projections, 2) climate
Coordination of the research base secured services, 3) societal transformation, and 4)
through national resources will help underpin decision-support tools. It is innovative in its
European efforts to confront climate change. interdisciplinary approach in connecting nat-
JPI Climate aims to respond to the needs of ural- with socio-economic sciences and it is
policy and decision makers. guided, coordinated and managed through
a flexible collaborative governance mecha-
Project objectives nism.
The main objective of this programme is to Within the CSA project there are 5 work
provide integrated climate knowledge and packages (WP). The first one is for coordinat-

ing and managing the project in the whole. • Develop an effective communication and dissem-
The second WP includes the four modules ination strategy
and further a task with the aim to integrate • Develop a detailed implementation plan which in-
cludes time plan and action plan
the activities of the four different modules
• Elaborate an update of the Strategic Research
to provide integrated climate knowledge
and implement JPI Climate activities. WP 3 • Elaborate and apply concepts and mechanisms on
creates a platform where research policies how to best integrate activities of the four different
and programmes between the JPI Climate modules to provide integrated climate knowledge.
member countries and European institutions JPI Climate aims to support policy and de-
(notable the EC) are streamlined and the li- cision-making processes by governments,
aison with other initiatives on European and businesses, citizens and non-governmental
international level will pushed ahead. organisations at different levels. JPI Climate
is a joint programming initiative that inte-
Expected results grates European climate change science and
• Extend the partnership of the JPI Climate to other connects it to efforts in Europe to be both
EU member states, with special focus on eastern climate-friendly (through mitigation) and cli-
European countries. mate-proof (through adaptation).

Project partners
German Aerospace Centre DE
National Centre for Scientific Research, French National Research Agency FR
Finnish Meteorological Institute, University of Helsinki FI
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences AT
Research Institute Alterra, Free University of Amsterdam NL
University of Oxford, Univeristy of Reading UK
Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change IT
Belgian Science Policy Office BE
The Research Council of Norway NO
Aarhus University DK
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Swedish Research Council SE
Environmental Protection Agency of Ireland IE
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute NL

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Modern Approaches to Temperature Reconstructions in polar
Ice Core
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  2 100 100 €
Duration:  72 months
Start date:  01/01/2009
Host institution:  University of Bern, CH
Principal investigator:  Hubertus Fischer
Project website:
Key words:  paleoclimate, ice cores, temperature, isotopes, diffusion,
methane cycle, noble gases

The challenge polar ice cores, this allows us to gain a com-

prehensive picture of global climate and en-
Past climate reconstructions using natural vironmental changes and - by using data all
climate archives rely in most cases on proxy derived from the same ice core - avoiding
data (for example environmental or ecolog- critical cross-dating issues. Ultimately, this
ical parameters correlated to temperature) will provide robust quantitative information
and often provide only very local tempera- of past global changes and a substantially
ture information. Moreover, the synthesis of improved understanding of the forcings and
climate information from different archives
responses of climate change in the past and
is hampered by the incompatibility of the
in the future.
age scales of individual records and by the
site-specific nature of the proxy temperature
reconstructions. The challenge of MATRICs Methodology
was, therefore, to develop new quantitative Three novel analytical techniques have been
ice core recorders of climate change repre- developed in MATRICs and are being applied
sentative of major components in the cli- to existing polar ice core samples:
mate system to provide an integrative view
1. A physical thermometer for mean ocean tem-
of climate change in the past. perature based on the temperature-dependent
solubility of noble gases in the ocean. To this end,
Project objectives a new gas extraction for air bubbles enclosed in
ice cores and a mass spectrometric technique for
MATRICs’ goal is to provide novel quantita- high-precision noble gas ratios and their isotopic
tive information on climate changes over the signatures have been developed.
last 800 000 years using polar ice cores. To 2. A physical ice-sheet thermometer using the tem-
this end, new physical paleo-thermometers perature-dependent diffusion of stable water
have been developed, which allow us (i) to isotopes in the snow and ice. To this end, a contin-
derive mean ocean temperature using only uous high-resolution laser spectroscopic analysis
one ice core measurement and (ii) to quan- of stable water isotopes on polar ice cores has
been developed.
titatively reconstruct temperatures in both
3. Novel mass spectrometric analysis of carbon and
polar regions. Moreover, the impact of global
hydrogen isotopes in methane extracted from air
climate on terrestrial ecosystems is being bubbles in ice cores to quantify the response of
investigated by isotopic ice core studies of methane sources (such as tropical and boreal
the global methane cycles. Together with wetlands, biomass burning etc.) on past climate
previously derived proxy information from change.

Emerging results Moreover, our data indicate a strong effect of
atmospheric carbon dioxide levels on meth-
Methane isotopes have been extensively
ane emitting ecosystems. Using our isotope
used in MATRICs to quantify the contribu-
diffusion thermometer, we were able to quan-
tions of individual sources on rapid and slow
methane changes in the past. This allowed tify glacial temperatures on the Antarctic ice
us to exclude an influence of marine clath- sheet, supporting previous proxy information.
rates on rapid CH4 increases in the past. In Usage of the novel noble gas thermometer
contrast, seasonal tropical wetland sources has just started, but first results indicate an
appear to be the main driver of past meth- approximately 2.5-3 °C colder mean global
ane changes. ocean during the last glacial age.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Mediterranean Sea Acidification in a Changing Climate (MedSeA)
Instrument:  Specific Targeted Research Project
Total cost:  4 820 000 €
EC contribution:  3 490 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  02/2011
Consortium:  16 partners from 10 countries (with 13 institutes from
the Mediterranean countries)
Project coordinator:  Patrizia Ziveri
Project website:
Key words:  Ocean acidification, Mediterranean Sea, ocean warming,
CO2 emissions, climate change

The challenge cation and warming, focusing on ocean chemistry

and marine life – how will ocean acidification im-
As carbon emissions increase and carbon di- pact marine life and, in turn, affect the way we live
oxide levels (CO2) in the atmosphere rise, so and work?
does the concentration of CO2 in the ocean. • Projecting the potential changes in the chemistry
of the Mediterranean Sea and provide assess-
At present, we know that the ocean is re- ments of risks and sustainability of ecological and
sponsible for the uptake of around 25% of economically important species – how can we en-
the CO2 added to the atmosphere from hu- sure that livelihoods are sustained?
man activities each year. This has decreased • Collecting key data around this enclosed sea to feed
the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the ecosystem models to help project future changes –
atmosphere and thus reduced the potential what can Europe do to adapt to changes?
warming effect on our climate. However, the
ocean uptake of atmospheric CO2 is chang-
ing the seawater chemistry resulting in a Laboratory experiments, to study the impacts
decrease of pH (ocean acidification). This of acidification and temperature increase on
poses a threat to the fundamental chemical selected pelagic and benthic organisms, in-
balance of ocean and coastal waters, marine cluding the study of biodiversity and biogeo-
ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles. chemistry of endemic and keystone species
• The semi-enclosed Mediterranean Sea is already Mediterranean coastal ecosystems.
under environmental pressure by increased tem- Mesocosm experiments, to determine the
perature, overfishing, invasion of alien species,
biogeochemical and community responses
pollution and eutrophication.
• A healthy Mediterranean is societally and econom- to elevated CO2 conditions.
ically important. Field studies of target planktic and benthic
• 22 countries surround its coasts with total popula- organisms at selected time-series stations
tion of >400 million people and 150 million living and in oceanographic cruises to characterize
in coastal regions.
present conditions.
• The Mediterranean Sea is considered a small-scale
ocean with high environmental variability. It is both Field studies and transplantations of benthic
too complex and too small to be adequately sim- endemic and keystone Mediterranean spe-
ulated in global-scale climate and biogeochemical cies in areas of naturally acidified seawater
models. (CO2 vents) to determine the short and long-
term effects of acidification across multiple
Project objectives generations (ex. natural CO2 vents in Vulca-
• Identifying areas of high impact of ocean acidifi- no island, Italy).

Expected results • Examination of marine habitat loss due to ocean
• Diagnosis of the current state of Mediterranean
Sea acidification. • Projections of combined effects of acidification and
• Assessment of the changes in habitat suitability warming.
of relevant ecological and economically-important • Assessments of socioeconomic impacts of ocean
• Science-based projections of Mediterranean acid-
ification under the influence of climate change as • Recommendations on adaptation tools and policy
well as associated economic impacts. responses.
• Provision of new data on chemical conditions as Scientific findings will be communicated to
well as observational and experimental data on
the responses of key organisms and ecosystems a wide audience, including key stakeholders,
to ocean acidification and warming. such as marine managers, conservation or-
• Providing the best advice to policymakers who
must develop regional strategies for adaptation
ganisations, industry, policy makers and the
and mitigation. public.

Project partners

1. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ES

2. Université de Perpignan FR

3. Bar Ilan University IL

4. Hellenic Centre for Marine Research EL

5. Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici IT

6. Université Pierre et Marie Curie FR

7. Plymouth Marine Laboratory UK

8. Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas ES

9. University of Plymouth UK

10. Alfred Wegener Institut für Polar und Meeresforschung DE

11. Conzorcio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare IT

12. Insitut National de Recherche Halieutique MA

13. National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries EG

14. Sfax University TN

15. Instituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale IT

16. Commisariat a l'Energie atomique et aux Energies alternatives FR

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Network of leading MESOcosm facilities to advance the studies
of future AQUAtic ecosystems from the Arctic to the Mediterranean
Instrument:  Collaborative project and coordination and support action
Total cost:  4 559 470 €
EC contribution:  3 500 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/01/2009
Consortium:  5 partners from 5 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Bergen, NO
Project website: and
Key words:  Marine ecosystems, Pelagic food web

The challenge nologies that allow access to off-shore en-

vironments; improve the services of the fa-
Mesocosms are confined volumes of water cilities through the exchange of technology
where real-life ecosystems are enclosed to and experience; facilitate cross-disciplinary
allow manipulation of environmental factors. fertilisation, transnational network building
These research tools offer significant poten- and a better coordination of mesocosm re-
tial in the study of aquatic ecosystems. ME- search; train young scientists in the use of
SOAQUA has established a network of Euro- experimental ecosystem research.
pean marine mesocosm facilities to advance
the studies of future aquatic ecosystems. Methodology
The network extends from the Arctic to the
Mediterranean, meeting the urgent need for The overall strategy of MESOAQUA was to
a better understanding of the lower echelons offer top quality Transnational Access, to
of the marine food web and its response to build the first Transnational Network and to
global problems such as climate change, pol- integrate it with closely coordinated Trans-
lution and the introduction of alien species. national Joint Research. To organize and in-
tegrate science, training, development, use
Project objectives and management of the leading European
pelagic mesocosm research infrastructures.
Mesocosm science requires a relatively The various activities were closely integrated
costly and complex infrastructure that has with one another.
only been developed in a limited number
of almost exclusively land-based and in- Expected results
shore locations around the world. Transfer
of know-how, data and training between During four years, MESOAQUA offered to
these facilities has been limited and main- more than 150 European and not-Euro-
ly dependent on personal contacts. To meet pean marine scientists, access to its me-
this shortfall, MESOAQUA worked in syner- socosm facilities where they were leading
gy to strengthen experimental ecology as a or contributing to 23 different mesocosm
discipline within European and international experiments. MESOAQUA advanced the
marine science. The overall objectives of ME- state-of-the-art of mesocosm technology
SOAQUA are to: offer researchers access to a and expanded the range of environments in
range of leading mesocosm facilities in con- which they can be used, collaborating to the
trasting environments from the Arctic to the development and test of two state-of-the
Mediterranean; develop and test new tech- art mesocosm platforms that can be used

for open ocean research. MESAQUA has tre- and dissemination of knowledge about me-
mendously increased the research standard socosm research, by creating a mailing list
of the European mesocosm facilities through (≈ 500 contacts) and a web portal (http://
an inter-facility transfer of technology and that function as an interna-
dissemination of knowledge. MESOAQUA tional information hub for establishing new
has successfully optimized the effectiveness contacts and for coordination of research
and enhanced the exchange of information activities.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Modal analysis of atmospheric balance, predictability and
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  500 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/12/2011
Host institution:  University of Ljubljana, SI
Principal investigator:  Nedjeljka Zagar
Project website:  www.fmf.uni-lj/~zagarn
Key words:  unbalanced circulation, reanalyses, climate models,
normal modes

The challenge provide a picture of general circulation and

its predictability in terms of balanced and
Despite large progress in modelling of at- inertio-gravity motions and to verify the un-
mospheric processes and computing capa- balanced circulation in the state-of-the-art
bilities, and concentrated efforts to increase climate models. The project is also producing
complexity of the atmospheric models, the a user-friendly software tool for the modal
assessment of accuracy of natural atmo- decomposition of atmospheric circulation.
spheric climate variability and its predictabil-
ity is far from well understood. In particular, Methodology
the unbalanced component of atmospheric
circulation is not well understood and re- Methodology applied in the project is the
mains un-quantified. At the same time, ob- normal-mode function representation. It al-
servational coverage and assimilation meth- lows to study the atmospheric unbalanced
ods have reach a stage that the large-scale circulation and predictability in terms of the
unbalanced circulation is well analyzed and variance percentage which is associated
can be used for the verification of the cli- with various types of motions.
mate models.
Emerging results
Project objectives
A software tool for the modal analysis is de-
The overall objectives of this project are to veloped and applied to reanalysis datasets.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  North Atlantic Climate: Predictability of the climate in the North
Atlantic/European sector related to North Atlantic/Arctic sea surface
temperature and sea ice variability and change
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  11 046 614 €
EC contribution:  8 598 407 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/11/2012
Consortium:  18 partners from 10 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Hamburg
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, environment and health, marine

The challenge Europe. We will analyze the multi-model

decadal prediction experiments current-
The North Atlantic Ocean is one of the most ly performed as part of the CMIP5 Project
important drivers for the global ocean circu- and assess the quality of predictions of the
lation and its variability on time scales be- near-future state of key oceanic and atmo-
yond inter-annual. Global climate variability spheric quantities relevant to the SST and
is to a large extent triggered by changes in sea-ice distribution and the related climate.
the North Atlantic sea surface state. The Long-term observations of relevant ocean
quality and skill of climate predictions de- parameters will be carried out, for assessing
pends crucially on a good knowledge of the the forecast skill of the model-based pre-
northern sea surface temperatures (SST) diction results. We will identify observations
and sea ice distributions. On a regional that are key to the quality of the prediction
scale, these parameters strongly impact on and optimize the present observing system.
weather and climate in Europe, determining We will quantify the impact of North Atlantic/
precipitation patterns and strengths, as well European climate change on oceanic ecosys-
as changes in temperature and wind pat- tems and urban societies.
terns. Knowledge of these factors, and of
their development in the years to come, is Methodology
of paramount importance for society and key
economic sectors, which have to base their The project is organized in four closely in-
planning and decisions on robust climate in- terconnected core themes (CTs). CT1 and
formation. CT4 will build on the multi-model decadal
prediction ensemble experiments currently
Project objectives performed as part of the CMIP5 project. CT1
and CT3 will enhance the CMIP5 database
We aim at investigating and quantifying the with dedicated process-oriented modelling
predictability of the climate in the North studies. CT2 will derive reference time series
Atlantic/European sector related to North of integrated key North Atlantic Ocean quan-
Atlantic/Arctic sea surface temperature and tities using observational data for assessing
sea ice variability on seasonal to decadal to what extent climate models are capable
time scales. SST and sea-ice forcing have of simulating observed variations within the
a crucial impact on weather and climate in North Atlantic Ocean system. CT4 will eval-

uate the impact of predicted North Atlantic/ mate forecasts by evaluating the ability to model
Arctic Ocean variability on oceanic ecosys- the most important oceanic and atmospheric pro-
tems and urban societies, and assess the cesses in the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, and
hindcast predictive skill and the reliability of by comparing key quantities with observations,
• optimize the present North Atlantic observation
such forecasts. The resulting urban climate
system by evaluating the impact of its compo-
forecasts will be coupled to socio-econom-
nents on the quality and quality control of model
ic data focusing on human health. CT5 will forecasts, and their value in determining the pres-
assess the suitability of climate forecast pa- ent ocean state and its past variability,
rameters for use by end-users. • quantify the impact on oceanic ecosystems and on
European urban societies of predicted North Atlan-
Expected results tic/Arctic Ocean variability,
• critically assess the use of climate forecast pa-
We expect to be able to: rameters for use by stakeholders in society, politics
• quantify the uncertainty of state-of-the-art cli- and industry.

Project partners

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Thermodynamics of the Climate System
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 393 440 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/09/2010
Host institution:  University of Hamburg
Principal investigator:  Valerio Lucarini
Project website:
Key words:  Thermodynamics, climate response, statistical mechanics,
parametrizations, extreme events, climate models, tipping points

The challenge on the statistical properties of the forced and free

fluctuations of simplified climate models;
The investigation of the global structural • Study of the climatic tipping points and feedbacks
properties of the climate system is crucial for by analysis of the resonances and divergence of
providing a unifying picture of climate vari- the climatic response, and by investigation of the
fluctuations of the large-scale thermodynamical
ability and climate change on a large variety
of scales. The overarching challenge NA- • Statistical Mechanical analysis of geophysical ex-
MASTE tackles is to develop new theoretical treme events.
approaches for climate science, based upon
the phenomenological theory of non-equi- Methodology
librium thermodynamics and upon recent
NAMASTE combines theoretical methods of
developments of non-equilibrium statistical
nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and
mechanics. NAMASTE aims at shedding light
thermodynamics, dynamical systems theory,
on complex problems like those related to
theory of stochastic processes, geophysical
climate tipping points, climate response to
fluid dynamics, with an extensive usage of
forcing, extreme events in geophysical flows,
numerical simulations for systems ranging
and at defining methods for auditing climate
from few to several million degrees of free-
models and for developing parametrizations
dom, covering the range extending from the
of unresolved processes.
celebrated Henon map and Lorenz system,
to simplified geophysical fluid models, up to
Project objectives fully comprehensive climate models.
• Advances in the thermodynamic description of the Thermodynamics is providing new ways for
climate system and planetary bodies, re-analysis characterising large-scale properties of the
of the hydrological cycle and of the atmosphere-
climate system and for analysing its tipping
ocean interaction;
• Thermodynamic re-examination of mechanisms points. Statistical mechanics and dynamical
involved in past, present and future climate vari- systems theory are instrumental for devel-
ability and change with climate models of various oping a unifying approach for investigating
degrees of complexity; the climate response to forcings, and, to-
• Definition and implementation of a new generation gether with the theory of stochastic process-
of diagnostic tools for auditing climate models; es, are leading to advances on the theory
• Application of the response theory and Kram-
ers-Kronig relations to climate models for analys-
of extremes for and for the development of
ing generalized climate sensitivities and climate parametrizations of unresolved processes in
response to periodic forcings; geophysical systems. The numerical simula-
• Analysis of the impact of stochastic perturbations tions are crucial for testing the theories and

veryfing their relevance in systems of vari- • Development of a new thermodynamical point of
ous degrees of complexity. view on a fundamental tipping point of the Earth
system, i.e. the snowball-snowfree instability; this
is relevant for paleoclimatological studies and for
Emerging results investigations of exoplanets;
• Thorough assessment of the energy budget of the • Introduction of new methods for deriving in a
current generation of climate models and individu- rigorous way parametrizations for unresolved
ation of inaccuracies that may create large uncer- processes for general multi-level systems; these
tanties when simulating of climate change; this is results are relevant for complex system science
of direct interest for climate modelling; and climate science;
• Introduction of new methods for studying and • Derivation of new general laws for extreme events
computing the climate response to external forc- in chaotic dynamical systems; these findings are
ings; this outcome is of general relevance for the also relevant in complex systems science and cli-
climate community; mate science.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Past Continental Climate Change: Temperatures from Marine and
Lacustrine Archives
Funding instrument:  ERC Advanced Grant
Starting date:  01/01/2009
Duration:  60 months
Total cost:  2 498 040 €
EC contribution:  2 498 040 €
Coordinating organisation:  Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut
voor Zeeonderzoek (NIOZ) AB Den Burg (Texel), NL
Coordinator:  Maarten A. van Arkel
Project website:
EC office:  Implementation of the “Ideas” Programme Directorate

Abstract cores from river fans can, thus, potentially be

used to reconstruct continental, river basin-in-
Global climate change is a topic of major inter- tegrated, temperatures from a marine record in
est as it has a large impact on human societies. front of large river outflows.
Computer models used to predict directions of
future climate change are validated by means We will study the mechanisms of transport of
of retrospective analysis of past climate chang- the soil bacterial membrane lipids to the ocean
es. Detailed reconstruction of past climates, in many river systems and compare the down-
especially temperature, is, therefore, of con- core changes in their composition with con-
siderable importance. Several tools (proxies) ventional MAT proxies. We will also investigate
are available to reconstruct absolute sea sur- the potential of lake sediments as archives of
face temperatures. Continental temperature continental climate change using our new MBT
reconstructions, however, are hampered by a palaeothermometer and apply this thermom-
lack of quantitative temperature proxies and, eter in the assessment of continental climate
consequently, are often qualitative rather than change during the transition from a hothouse to
quantitative. an icehouse Earth in the last 100 million years.
Recently, the research group discovered a new This project that combines aspects of microbi-
quantitative continental temperature proxy, ology, molecular ecology, lipid biogeochemistry
the MBT index, which is based on the distribu- and paleoclimatology will bring this novel con-
tion of membrane lipids of soil bacteria. Their tinental palaeothermometer to maturity. If we
composition is a function of annual mean air can ground-truth the use of the MBT-proxy, it
temperature (MAT). These lipids are transported will open up new windows in palaeoclimatolog-
by rivers to the ocean and deposited in marine ical research and thus contribute to improve-
sediments. Determination of the MBT index in ment of current climate models.

Partners Country
Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Zeeonderzoek (NIOZ) NL
Universiteit Utrecht NL

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Changing Permafrost in the Arctic and its Global Effects in the
21st Century
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  9 269 927 €
EC contribution:  6 951 895 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/11/2011
Consortium:  18 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and
Marine Research, DE
Project website:
Key words:  permafrost, arctic, climate change, carbon

The challenge change, thereby providing the means to assess the

feasibility of stabilization scenarios, and
The northern permafrost region contains • Ensure widespread dissemination of our results in
approximately 50% of the estimated global order to provide direct input into the ongoing de-
belowground organic carbon pool and more bate on climate-change mitigation.
than twice as much as is contained in the
current atmospheric carbon pool. The sheer Methodology
size of this carbon pool, together with the The PAGE21 directly addresses research
large amplitude of predicted arctic climate
questions through a close interaction be-
change implies that there is a high potential
tween monitoring activities, process studies
for global-scale feedbacks from arctic cli-
and modeling on the pertinent temporal and
mate change if these carbon reservoirs are
spatial scales. Field sites have been select-
ed to cover a wide range of environmental
Nonetheless, significant gaps exist in our conditions for the validation of large scale
current state of knowledge that prevent us
models, the development of permafrost
from producing accurate assessments of the
monitoring capabilities, the study of perma-
vulnerability of the arctic permafrost to cli-
frost processes, and for overlap with existing
mate change.
monitoring programs.
Project objectives PAGE21 breaks down the traditional barriers
in permafrost sciences between observa-
The key objectives of PAGE21 are to: tional and model-supported site studies and
• Improve our understanding of the processes af- large-scale climate modeling. Our concept
fecting the size of the arctic permafrost carbon
for the interaction between site-scale stud-
and nitrogen pools through detailed field studies
and monitoring, in order to quantify their size and ies and large-scale modelling is to establish
their vulnerability to climate change, and maintain a direct link between these
• Produce, assemble and assess high-quality data- two areas for developing and evaluating, on
sets in order to develop and evaluate representa- all spatial scales, the land-surface modules
tions of permafrost and related processes in global
of leading European global climate models
• Improve these models accordingly, taking part in the Coupled Model Intercom-
• Use these models to reduce the uncertainties parison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), designed to
in feedbacks from arctic permafrost to global inform the IPCC process.

Expected results • An improved understanding of the key processes
and parameters that determine the vulnerability of
The timing of this project is such that the arctic permafrost to climate change,
main scientific results from PAGE21, and • The production of a suite of major European cou-
in particular the model based assessments pled climate models including detailed and validat-
will build entirely on new outputs and results ed representations of permafrost-related process-
from the CMIP5 Climate Model Intercompar- es, that will reduce uncertainties in future climate
ison Project designed to inform the IPCC Fifth projections produced well beyond the lifetime of
PAGE21, and
Assessment Report.
• The training of a new generation of permafrost
However, PAGE21 is designed to leave a leg- scientists who will bridge the long-standing gap
acy that will endure beyond the lifetime of between permafrost field science and global cli-
the projections that it produces. This legacy mate modeling, for the long-term benefit of sci-
will comprise: ence and society.

Project partners

Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, DE University of Copenhagen, DK

The University Centre in Svalbard, NO University of Hamburg, DE

Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et aux Energies

Stockholms Universitet, SE
Alternatives, FR

Met Office, for and on behalf of the Secretary of State

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL for the Defence of the United Kingdom, Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, UK

Technische Universität Wien, AT Finnish Meteorological Institute, FI

Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, FR University of Eastern Finland, FI

University of Exeter, UK Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone, RU

Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften,

Arctic Portal, IS
e.V., DE

Lund University, SE Moscow State University, RU

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Climate change – Learning from the past climate
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  9 233 877 €
EC contribution:  6 647 909 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Consortium:  22 partners from 12 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Copenhagen, DK
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, abrupt change, interglacial, sea level, sea
ice, ocean circulation, thresholds, greenhouse gases, solar insolation,
volcanic forcing, ice sheets.

The challenge the interglacial periods?

• What can the past tell us about risks for climate
Paleo-climatic records contain a wealth of changes/threats in the future?
information on the stability and variability
of climate and its ability to perform abrupt Methodology
changes. The challenges for the multi-disci- The majority of program resources is target-
plinary Past4Future team are to better un-
ed towards science areas that will result in
derstand the climate system, to improve the
the greatest possible strengthening of the
prediction of future climate changes and to
understanding and quantification of Earth
advance the knowledge on abrupt climate
system dynamics and feedback processes
changes in interglacial periods.
of potential relevance for climate change
The Past4Future program will address the and possible abrupt changes in the coming
following challenging key questions: centuries. Past4Future is designed to build
What is the risk of abrupt changes in inter- on previous and nationally funded work in a
glacials? synergistic fashion.
Can we understand the greenhouse gas re-
cords of the interglacial periods? New investigations of already obtained pa-
• What is the risk of rapid collapse of ice sheets? leo-material, use of existing paleo-archives,
• Were there significant changes in ocean circulation strong collaboration between European and
during previous interglacial periods? international research programs with new
paleo-records, and the inclusion of key ex-
Project objectives perts to operate and develop climate and
The key objective for Past4Future is to pro- Earth system models, will result in a strong
vide the answers to the following key ques- and integrating program.
• What are the dynamics of the climate over inter- Expected results
glacial periods?
The project results will strengthen our under-
• What causes climate changes and abrupt changes
over the course of interglacial periods?
standing the responses of the Earth system
• What causes climate changes and abrupt changes in warmer climate, and will improve predic-
over the course of interglacial periods? tions of climate change risks and possible
• Can we understand the greenhouse gas records of abrupt changes in the coming centuries.

Past4Future will deliver knowledge that is of bility and the dissemination of results will be
particular relevance from a European per- targeted to both citizens and governmental
spective. The need to predict future climate and non-governmental stakeholders. Past-
change strongly influences the prospects of 4Future will leave a legacy of improved un-
both citizens and policy makers of the Eu- derstanding of past drivers of sea level and
ropean Union. The program will inform the sea ice changes as well as of greenhouse
international debate on climate system sta- gas concentrations.

Project partners

Max Planck Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften

Københavns Universitet, DK
E.V., DE

Vereniging voor Christelijk Hoger Onderwijs Wetenschappelijk

Unifob AS, NO
Onderzoek en Patiëntenzorg, NL

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique, FR

Aarhus Universitet, DK University College London, UK

Universität Bern, CH Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche, IT

Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones

Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, DE
Cientifica, ES

The Chancellor, Master and Scholars of the University of

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ES
Cambridge, UK

Natural Environment Research Council, UK PAGES Association, CH

University of Bristol, UK Université du Québec à Montréal, CA

Université Catholique de Louvain, BE East China Normal University ECNU, CN

Universität Bremen, DE University of Ottawa, CA

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Towards the Prototype Probabilistic Earth-System Model
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  2 137 014 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/04/2012
Host institution:  Oxford University, UK
Principal investigator:  T. N. Palmer
Project website:
Key words:  Probabilistic climate prediction, Earth-System model,
stochastic modelling, approximate computing

The challenge a model which will be capable of producing

estimates of uncertainty in its own predic-
From a scientific point of view, Earth’s cli- tions, and a model which can make use of
mate is an exceptionally complex multi- emerging energy-efficient probabilistic com-
scale, multi-phase chaotic system. As such, puter processing hardware, key to practi-
the prediction of future states of climate is cal success as we approach the age of the
inevitably uncertain. One of the key uncer- exascale supercomputer. In addition to this,
tainties in predicting future states of climate development of the prototype Probabilistic
lies in the inevitable approximations that Earth-System Model will initiate a new era
must be made to solve the mathematical of international scientific collaboration on
equations which describe the physics of climate model development, and has the
climate. However, if we are to make predic- potential to influence climate policy, on mit-
tions of climate which are useful for decision igation, adaptation and geoengineering, at
making, it is essential that we are able to the highest governmental and intergovern-
quantify the impact of these approximations. mental levels.

Project objectives Methodology

The key objective of the project is to revo- The project objectives will be achieved
lutionise the mathematical formulation of through two separate methodological ap-
comprehensive Earth System models, po- proaches. Firstly we move away from the
tentially leading to a step-change improve- traditional deterministic approach to the
ment in the reliability of our predictions of closure problem (sometimes known as the
climate change, both globally and regionally. parameterisation problem) in computational
This programme of research is intended to fluid mechanics, and towards a more novel
make climate simulations more consistent description of physical processes below the
both with the multi-scale nature of climate, truncation scale of climate models, using
and with related scaling symmetries of the contemporary nonlinear stochastic-dynamic
partial differential equations which govern mathematics. Secondly, we explore the use
climate. The aim of the project is to produce of approximate computing methods to de-
the world’s first Probabilistic Earth-System velop highly efficient ultra-high resolution
Model. The consequences are potentially dynamical cores where small scale compo-
enormous: a comprehensive climate model nents and small-scale evolution are not rep-
with reduced biases against observations, resented with unjustifiable precision

Emerging results This raises the question as to whether the cur-
rent generation of dynamical cores, which use
Emerging results are four-fold: double precision arithmetic and bit-reproducible
1. We have developed a stochastic parametrisation computing, are overengineered and unnecessari-
scheme for the atmosphere which treats individu- ly inefficient. We have developed an atmospheric
al unresolved processes by separate independent model dynamical core with variable precision real
stochastic pattern generators. We have shown number representations, and integrated it on an
that such a scheme leads to improved weather emulation of a superefficient stochastic proces-
forecast skill and reliability. sor, without significant degradation of results. We
2. We have incorporated stochastic representations see this result as providing some support to the
of unresolved processes in an ocean general cir- notion that it may be possible to develop a com-
culation model. This includes not only unresolved putational and energy efficient ultra-high resolu-
effects in the equations of motion, but also in the
tion probabilistic earth-system model.
equations of state. Seasonal forecast studies are
4. A new metric has been developed to assess the
underway to assess the impact of these repre-
skill of probabilistic forecasts. This metric mea-
sentations in short-range climate forecast mode.
3. The realisation that the closure schemes in sures the extent to which the spread from an
weather and climate models must necessarily be ensemble forecast is well calibrated against the
considered stochastically, implies that the evo- skill of the forecast, over a range of different
lution of small-scale features in the dynamical spread categories. The metric has been shown to
cores of weather and climate models are also be proper and can be decomposed into reliability
substantially influenced by inherent stochasticity. and resolution components in the usual way.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Phosphorus dynamics in low-oxygen marine systems:
quantifying the nutrient-climate connection in Earth’s past, present and
Funding schemes:  ERC Starting Grant
Duration:  60 months
Total cost:  EUR 1 498 000 €
EU contribution:  1 498 000 €
Start date:  01/01/2012
Principal investigator:  Caroline P. Slomp
Host institution:  Utrecht University, the Netherlands
Project website:
Key words:  phosphorus, climate, low-oxygen, ocean

The challenge formed in modern low-oxygen settings using

novel geochemical analysis techniques. We
Phosphorus (P) is a key nutrient for phy- also are studying sediment records from 4
toplankton in the ocean. A strong positive key greenhouse periods in Earth’s past to
feedback exists between marine P availabil- elucidate the role of P in the ancient ocean.
ity, primary production and ocean anoxia:
increased production leads to ocean anoxia,
which, in turn, decreases the burial efficien-
cy of P in sediments and therefore increases New methods are being developed to deter-
the availability of P and production in the mine the burial forms of mineral-P within its
ocean. This feedback likely plays an import- spatial context in modern sediments, such as
ant role in the present-day expansion of those of the Baltic and Black Seas. The new
low-oxygen waters (“dead zones”) in coastal analysis techniques include nano-scale sec-
waters worldwide. Moreover, it contributed ondary ion mass spectrometry (nanoSIMS),
to global scale anoxia in ancient oceans. synchotron-based scanning transmission
Critically, however, the mechanisms for the X-ray microscopy (STXM) and laser abla-
changes in P burial in anoxic sediments are tion-inductively coupled plasma-mass spec-
poorly understood. trometry (LA-ICP-MS). This knowledge from
modern sediments is being used to interpret
Project objectives sediment records of P for periods of rapid
and extreme climate change in Earth’s his-
The proposed research combines new meth- tory. Using various biogeochemical models
ods to measure P in sediments with state- the role of variations in the marine P cycle
of-the art modeling studies for the past in the development of low-oxygen conditions
and present ocean to unravel and quantify and climate change is being elucidated and
the link between the marine P cycle, ocean quantified.
oxygenation and climate change. The key
objective is to advance our understanding
Emerging results
of ocean P dynamics, and contribute to im-
proving the next generation of earth system Our emerging results are showing that the
models used to predict future ocean bio- controls on P burial in anoxic sediments are
geochemistry and climate. Specific attention very different from what was previously
is being paid to elucidating how P is trans- thought.

For example, with our novel techniques, we in the Baltic Sea during the Holocene and the
can show that reduced Fe-P minerals play a development of anoxia in the North-Atlantic
key role in the burial of P in highly reducing in the Cretaceous, 94 million years ago.
sediments such those of the deep basins of This information is crucial for our ability to
the Baltic Sea and Black Sea. Our results also predict the consequences of anthropogen-
highlight the key role of enhanced P recy- ically-enhanced inputs of nutrients to the
cling under anoxic conditions for the occur- oceans combined with global warming and
rence of centennial scale periods of anoxia thus is of major relevance to society.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  New Approaches to Assess the Responses of Phytoplankton to
Global Change
Funding instrument:  ERC Starting Grant
Contract starting date:  01/06/2008
Total project cost:  1 399 984 €
Duration:  60 months
EC contribution:  1 399 984 €
Coordinating organisation:  Alfred-Wegener-Institut fuer Polar- und
Meeresforschung Bremerhaven, DE
Coordinator:  Catherine Audebert

Abstract ic biogeochemical issues will be addressed

since diatoms are the main drivers of ver-
Phytoplankton are responsible for a major tical organic C fluxes, coccolithophores reg-
part of global primary production due to ulate ocean alkalinity through calcification,
the immensity of the marine realm and are
and N2-fixing cyanobacteria control avail-
heavily implicated in global biosphere equi-
ability of reactive N. These are relevant in
libriums by driving elemental chemistry in
different marine zones, from Southern Ocean
surface oceans, exporting massive amounts
to equatorial oligotrophic waters. Data will
of C to sediments and influencing ocean-at-
significantly improve understanding of key
mosphere gas exchange. Climate change will
processes in phytoplankton and will be ex-
alter the marine environment within the next
ploited in multidisciplinary contexts ranging
100 years. Increasing atmospheric CO2 has
already caused higher aquatic pCO2 levels from molecular to ecological processes and,
and lower pH (ocean acidification) and rising through cellular and ecosystem models, to
temperature will impact ocean stratification, predictions of marine biosphere responses to
and hence light and nutrient conditions. Phy- future global change.
toplankton will be affected by these Earth
system transformations in many ways, alter- Objectives
ing the complex balance of biogeochemical The overall aim of our research group is to
cycles and climate feedback mechanisms. quantify as well as to understand marine
Prediction of how phytoplankton may re- phytoplankton responses to the projected
spond at the cellular and ecosystem levels changes. Working on different phytoplankton
is a key challenge in global change research. groups and specific oceanic regions comple-
The proposed project will investigate physio- mentary issues are addressed. To develop a
logical reactions of 3 important phytoplank- process-based understanding of observed
ton groups (diatoms, coccolithophores, cya- responses, a combination of mass-spectro-
nobacteria) to environmental factors which metric and fluorimetric techniques is applied.
will be affected by global change (pCO2/pH, Our research topics will include:
light, nutrients). Using an innovative combi-
• Community shifts and productivity changes in the
nation of cutting-edge mass-spectrometric
Southern Ocean
and fluorometric techniques, a suite of in • The future of pelagic calcification
vivo assays will be applied in lab and field • The future of oceanic nitrogen fixation
experiments to develop a process-based • Competitive interactions of dinoflagellates under
understanding of cellular responses. Specif- ocean acidification

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Pliocene Constraints on Earth System Senstivity (Plio-ESS)
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 420 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/12/2011
Host institution:  University of Leeds, UK
Principal investigator:  Alan M. Haywood
Project website:
Key words:  Pliocene, climate sensitivity, CO2

The challenge sheet ensembles

Objective 3 – Quantify how model predic-
The magnitude of long-term global tempera-
tions of climate vary from one model to
ture rise due to an increasing concentration another
of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is
a question of relevance to policy makers and Objective 4 – Understand the impact of po-
tential tipping elements in the climate sys-
society. Previous studies addressed this is-
tem on ESS
sue on the basis of the equilibrium response
of the climate system due to fast feed- Objective 5 – Determine the model skill and
backs, often referred to as Climate Sensitiv- produce robust estimates of ESS with uncer-
ity. Plio-ESS uses the new concept of Earth tainties)
System Sensitivity that additionally includes
slow feedbacks such as those derived from Methodology
changes in ice sheets and vegetation. This Plio-ESS is utilising climate models that com-
has the potential to revolutionise the scien- pose the UK and international contributions
tific debate on anthropogenic emissions of to the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5),
greenhouse gases and climate stabilisation as well as a world leading ice sheet models,
targets. to deliver a discrete set of work packages:
1. Production of simulations using state-of-the-art
Project objectives high-resolution climate and Earth System models
and robust estimates of uncertainties in climate
Plio-ESS is calculating Earth System Sen- simulations.
sitivity (ESS), including a full quantification 2. Multi-model ensemble tests of uncertainties in
of uncertainty in ESS estimates, through the mid-Pliocene climate.
merger of numerical models of climate with 3. Pliocene tipping elements and climate variability.
past environmental data. To do this success- Five relevant tipping elements are being explored
fully using the mid-Pliocene (an interval in in this work package (ice sheets, sea-ice, ENSO
Earth’s geological history) as a natural lab- behaviour, monsoons and thermohaline circula-
oratory a number of objectives are being
4. Earth System Sensitivity. The estimation of ESS
achieved: which will be achieved using the simulations from
Objective 1 – Integrate new mid-Pliocene WP1, 2 and 3. Each calculation of ESS involves
boundary conditions into the latest climate a climate model simulation of the mid-Pliocene
models so each estimate of ESS will have an associated
mid-Pliocene climatology. These simulations of
Objective 2 – Assess the plausible range mid-Pliocene climate are being assessed relative
of climate through greenhouse gas and ice to reconstructions of Pliocene climate.

Emerging results with models predicting sizable temperature
variations over thousands of years.
An ensemble of model results indicates that
Models predict a diversity of responses for
Earth System Sensitivity is greater than Cli-
the behaviour of the thermohaline circu-
mate Sensitivity by a factor of 1.1 to 2 with
lation during the Pliocene but the majority
a best estimate of 1.5
indicate that its strength weakened relative
In the context of Pliocene climate the Ama- to present-day.
zon rainforest appears to be particularly sen- The Asian monsoon was apparently en-
sitive and grows and decays rapidly. hanced during the mid-Pliocene – a result
In the context of Pliocene climate the North supported by geological data as well as cli-
Atlantic appears to be particularly sensitive mate model outputs.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System - Preparatory Phase
Instrument:  Construction of New Research Infrastructures -
Preparatory Phase
Total cost:  6 675 481 €
EC contribution:  3 999 965 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/10/2010
Consortium:  26 partners from 14 countries, plus 23 associated
partners from additional 5 countries
Project coordinator:  Jon Børre Ørbæk
Project website:
Key words:  Arctic, Research Infrastructure, Earth System Science,
Climate Change, Environmental Change, ESFRI Roadmap

The challenge tem Science (ESS) perspective in and around

Svalbard. SIOS aims to be the world’s lead-
Global environmental change, and in par- ing large-scale research infrastructure in
ticular climate change, is one of the most the Arctic, and will provide state-of-the-art
important challenges facing humankind and research services and observations to the in-
nature today. The Arctic region may experi- ternational polar research community.
ence the most severe climate change in the
entire world, and the region must be pre- SIOS will:
pared for a warming of four to eight degrees • Improve collaboration and formalise scientific and
(annual average) and a significant increase observational integration between the extensive
in precipitation during the twenty-first centu- existing research infrastructures already in place
ry. Arctic processes significantly influence the in Svalbard.
• Provide a regional, world class, integrated observ-
global earth system as well, through import-
ing system for long-term acquisition of fundamen-
ant feedback mechanisms. tal data about global environmental change in an
Svalbard is a region within the Arctic that Earth System Science perspective.
provides physical barriers for at least some • Provide better coordinated services for the interna-
of the entities and processes that are par- tional research community with respect to access
ticularly relevant for a system understand- to infrastructure, data and knowledge, sharing of
data, logistics, training and education.
ing. This makes it possible to formulate
• Establish close coordination with other ESFRI proj-
studies where one utilizes the boundaries ects with Arctic nodes, regional research networks
to separate internal transformations within in the European Arctic and contribute to the reali-
the region and external factors. Svalbard is sation of a pan-Arctic Observing Network (SAON),
consequently an important arena for the in- as endorsed by the Arctic Council.
vestigation and observation of environmen-
tal and climate change in the Arctic. Methodology
SIOS will establish a joint operational cen-
Project objectives tre (Knowledge Centre) in Svalbard for the
SIOS shall be a regional observational sys- management, coordination and provision of
tem for long term acquisition and prolifer- world class research infrastructure. The SIOS
ation of fundamental knowledge on global Knowledge Centre will establish and manage
environmental change within an Earth Sys- shared resources and joint activities.

Research services: mental arctic change. The integration and
The SIOS Knowledge Centre will set up new structuring of coordinated observations with
core services for the international polar re- clear scientific goals, is the means of SIOS to
search community. The centre’s activities will achieve an understanding of the coupled and
lead to: underlying processes in global change. SIOS
• coordinated open access to research facilities and thus supply added value to all the investors
observations beyond what their own investments would
• better sharing of data provide in solitude, and the enhancements of
• efficient logistics based on shared resources the research infrastructure shall be made to
• scientific and observational integration achieve this.
• knowledge management involving training pro-
grammes, education and meeting places SIOS will set an example for how to system-
atically construct observational networks in
Observing system:
the Arctic. The joint services offered by SIOS
SIOS will enhance the development of the will generate added value for all partners
research infrastructure in an Earth System and benefit the international polar research
Science perspective. The centre’s activities community as a whole. SIOS will establish
will lead to: an experimental environment where it will be
• elaboration and management of a joint research attractive to perform shorter term basic and
infrastructure development plan applied research against the combined back-
• development of new methods for how observa-
tional networks are to be designed and imple-
drop of both the core measurement program
mented. and the services provided by the Knowledge
• enhanced use of remote and small foot-print Center. The nature of such basic and applied
methods of Earth observations. research will not be restricted by SIOS but
can potentially inform subsequent evolution
Expected results of SIOS monitoring activities.
The fact that Svalbard is hosting a unique SIOS thus contributes to further develop the
set of international research stations in all research infrastructure in and around Sval-
fields of natural science, contributes to bet- bard into the leading polar research infra-
ter understand the multitude of environ- structure in the Arctic.

Project partners
Research Council of Norway, NO French Polar Research Institute, FR
Norwegian Polar Institute, NO Korea Polar Research Institute, KR
University Centre in Svalbard, NO Polar Geophys. Inst.–Russian Acad. of Sc., RU
Alfred Wegener Institute, DE Institute of Oceanology–Polish Acad. of Sciences, PL
Institute of Geophysics–Polish Academy of Sciences, PL Stockholm University, SE
National Research Council of Italy, IT University of Bergen, NO
Natural Environment Research Council, UK University of Tromsoe, NO
Arctic and Antarctic Res. Inst. of Roshydromet, RU Norwegian Meteorological Institute, NO
Norwegian Space Centre, NO Nansen Env. and Remote Sens. Center, NO
Aarhus University–National Environm. Res. Institute, DK Institute of Marine Research, NO
Finnish Meteorological Institute, FI Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NO
University of Groningen, NL Andoya Rocket Range, NO
Polar Research Institute of China, CN National Institute for Polar Research, JP

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Thermohaline overturning - at risk?
Instrument:  Large-scale integrating project
Total cost:  12 948 295 €
EC contribution:  9 274 427 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/12/2008
Project coordinator:  Universitaet Hamburg, DE
Project website: 
Key words:  ThermoHaline Circulationn ocean, atmosphere, cryosphere

The challenge ice sheet will be thoroughly assessed in a

coupled climate model. Through these stud-
Europe’s climate is strongly influenced by ies and the assimilation of systematic obser-
the North Atlantic thermohaline ocean cir- vations at key locations into ocean models,
culation (THC). Its variations in strength po- THOR will be able to forecast the develop-
tentially drive non-linear and abrupt climate ment of the Atlantic THC with emphasis on
changes. Observational and model underpin- the European/North Atlantic region and its
ning of these hypotheses is sketchy, making variability until 2025.
it difficult to draw firm conclusions. A major
challenge in climate research therefore is a Methodology
reliable quantification of the variability and
stability of the THC and its atmospheric con- THOR will implement a unique coupling be-
sequences for todays and a possibly warmer tween observations and models by:
climate. Significant need for medium term • Assessing the climate implications induced by
regional climate forecasts arises to assess changes in the THC and the probability of extreme
likelihood and detection of rapid climate events
change to be able to assist planning in public • Defining and operating an optimal ocean observing
system for the Atlantic component of the THC
and private sectors.
• Forecasting the Atlantic THC and its variability until
Project objectives The basic tools for achieving these goals are
THOR will establish an operational system moored, ship- and space-born instrumenta-
that monitors and forecasts development tion to collect the necessary field data, spe-
of the North Atlantic THC on decadal time cific targeted palaeoclimate data and a suite
scales and assess its stability and risk of a of numerical simulation models: ocean only
breakdown in a changing climate. Together models with and without data assimilation
with pre-existing data sets, ongoing obser- and coupled atmosphere-ocean general cir-
vations within the project will -for the first culation models. All tools, instruments and
time–allow precise quantitative monitoring models, are state-of-the-art and will during
of the THC and its sources. the course of the project undergo further
development. The work in THOR is organized
By identifying key processes manifested in under 5 Core Themes, that each includes
paleo observations, THOR’ models will be modelling and observational approaches. All
able to provide early identification of any core themes are intimately linked to each
systematic changes occurring. other and build a tightly woven network, re-
The combined effect of various global warm- ceiving and providing information from and
ing scenarios and melting of the Greenland to each of its elements.

Expected results • Forecasting the THC variability on decadal time
• Quantifying THC variability on time scales up to • Near real time data transfer from deep sea moor-
centennial and identification of the key processes ings
and feed-back mechanisms responsible for this • Assimilation techniques for coupled ocean-atmo-
sphere general circulation models
• Quantifying ocean state uncertainties derived
from combined model and data analysis Parties outside the consortium that will ben-
• Quantifying Atlantic THC flux variability on time efit from the dissemination of the results of
scales up to decadal, providing benchmarks for THOR, and that will be able to exploit them,
model tests fall into a number of categories: other sci-
• Quantifying the strength of the Nordic sources to
the deep limb of the THC
entists, instrument manufacturers, meteo-
• Quantifying the skill of coupled forecast models on rological organizations, policy makers, end
decadal time scales users in general, and the general public.

Project Partners
University of Hamburg DE
Max-Planck Gesellschaft DE
British Meteorological Office UK
Université Pierre et Marie Curie FR
University of Bergen NO
The University of Reading UK
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts UK
Leibniz-Institute of Marine Science at the University of Kiel DE
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute NL
Danish Meteorological Institute DK
Fiskirannsóknarstovan FO
Finnish Marine Institute FI
Marine Research Institute IS
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NL
The Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science UK
Scottish Association for Marine Science UK
Natural Environment Research Council UK
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre NO
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FR
Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique FR

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Transition Into the Anthropocene
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  2 445 546 €
Duration:  5 years
Start date:  02/2013
Host institution:  University of Edinburgh, UK
Principal investigator:  Gabriele Hegerl
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, climate variability, observed records

The challenge warming prior to 1950, and the precipitation sen-

sitivity to temperature.
Understanding of climate change largely
draws on records of the past 60 years. How- Methodology
ever, now available longer records can pro-
We use analysis of observed record across
vide better understanding of decadal climate
variability, causes of climate extremes, and climate variables in conjunction with climate
the transient sensitivity of climate modelling, both with high resolution models
and with a large ensemble of courser resolu-
tion models selected to match the observed
Project objectives
• We hope to estimate the transient climate sen-
sitivity and the interdecadal climate variability
based on the long-term record.
Emerging results
• We want to determine what caused the warm We are just starting, and are setting up sim-
anomalies, particularly, the temperature extremes
ulations with high resolution models of the
observed over the early 20th century warm period,
and if early greenhouse gas increases or black car- climate of the early 20th century. Analysis
bon contributed to them. of observed records suggest that composite
• We want to determine the sensitivity of sea ice to analysis of warm events is appropriate.

The carbon and nitrogen cycles
and greenhouse gas emissions

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  The role of African tropical forests on the Greenhouse Gases
balance of the atmosphere
Funding scheme:   ERC Advanced Grants
ERC funding:   2 406 950 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/04/2010
Host institution:  CMCC
Principal investigtor:  Riccardo Valentini
Project website:
Key words:  Tropical rainforests, Carbon Cycle, Nitrous Oxide, Methane,
Net primary productivity

The challenge Methodology

The role of the African continent in the glob- Carbon, water, energy, methane and N2O
al carbon cycle, and therefore in climate emissions are continuously monitored in
change, is increasingly recognized. Despite the first flux tower of this kind in Africa in
the increasingly acknowledged importance order to understand the overall greenhouse
of Africa in the global carbon cycle and its gas budget of a tropical rainforest in Gha-
high vulnerability to climate change there is na. A new soil organic carbon fractionation
still a lack of studies on the carbon cycle in methodology, the “High Gradient Magnetic
representative African ecosystems (in par- Separation” implemented and validated for
ticular tropical forests), and on the effects tropical soils is used across a transect from
of climate on ecosystem-atmosphere ex- sierra Leone to Congo DRC to evaluate by ra-
change. The project main focus is to under- diocarbon measurements the importance of
stand and quantify the role of African trop- soil carbon in determining the carbon sink/
ical rainforest and its coupling with human source strengths of tropical forests. A data-
activities on the carbon cycle and green- base of allometric equations for estimating
house gases balance of atmosphere. African tropical tree biomass with a web
based interface for open access and use has
Project objectives been used in conjunction with LIDAR airborne
campaigns to improve biomass estimation.
Understand the role of of African tropical
rainforest on the GHG balance of the atmo-
Emerging results
sphere and revise their role on the global
methane and N2O emissions. Determine the (Explain) Our project established for the first
carbon source/sink strength of African tropi- time a tropical rainforest flux tower in Africa
cal rainforest in the pre-industrial versus the (Ghana Ankasa National Park). We are es-
20th century by temporal reconstruction of timating an annual carbon sink from -5 to
biomass growth with biogeochemical mark- -8 tC ha y-1 with inter and intra-annual vari-
ers. Understand and quantify carbon and ations due to climate. The annual N2O flux
GHG fluxes variability across African tropical estimated from ongoing measurement at
forests (west –east equatorial belt). Analyse Ankasa National park (2.33 ± 0.20 Kg N-N2O
the impact of forest degradation and defor- ha-1 yr-1) show the importance of such eco-
estation on carbon and other GHG emissions systems on the global natural background

of N2O budget. As novel results we explored to the level of undisturbed sites. Methane
the potential of enhanced N2O emissions show slight positive emission at ecosystem
from deforestation, usually not considered in level, which is mostly due to below canopy
the discussion of the role of tropical land use processes, as confirmed by eddy covariance
changes in climate policy. We found that in fluxes and soil chambers and the relative
deforested areas, the N released from min- contribution of upland (methane sinks) and
eralization of dead material, uncoupled with lowland (methane sources) areas. These
N uptake by forest vegetation, dramatically results show the importance of integrat-
increases N2O emissions in the first years ing ecosystem/basin level fluxes in contrast
following forest clearing. A reanalysis of 38 to single point soil measurements, as they
case studies of chronosequences of land use are generally used to classify tropical forest
change in tropics as provided an empirical as methane sinks. LIDAR campaigns have
relationship between N2O fluxes vs. years been carried out in Sierra Leone, Ghana and
since land conversion. Congo. Our study suggests that there is a
persistent effect of selective logging on bio-
Data indicate that during the first years after
diversity and carbon stock losses in the long
deforestation the average incremental emis-
term (up to 30 years since logging) and after
sions are in the order of more than twice the repeated logging. These effects, in terms of
flux measured in the control sites, although species richness and biomass, are greater
values for specific studies indicate an incre- than the expected losses from commercial
mental increase up to 15 times the control harvesting, implying that selective logging
flux during the first year after conversion. in West and Central Africa is impairing long
On average about 17 years are necessary term (at least until 30 years) ecosystem
to bring back the annual N2O emissions structure and services.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:   African river basins: catchment-scale carbon fluxes and
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 745 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/09/2009
Host institution:  KU Leuven, BE
Principal investigator:  Steven Bouillon (KUL), Alberto V. Borges (ULG)
Project website:
Key words:  Tropical rivers, carbon, nutrients, biogeochemistry,
greenhouse gas emissions, land-ocean fluxes.

The challenge trial biome towards the coastal zone ?

The vast majority of freshwater systems ap- (iii) How much of the lateral (terrestrial) C
pear to be a net source of CO2 to the atmo- inputs in river networks is mineralized and
sphere, which globally could be equivalent outgassed as CO2 before it reaches the
to approximately half the magnitude of the coastal zone? What is the metabolic balance
oceanic CO2 sink. Recognition of terrestri- and CO2 source/sink strength of tropical riv-
al-aquatic linkages is fundamental in under- ers, and its relationship to lateral inputs from
standing ecosystem carbon budgets and bal- the terrestrial biome? Which particular sites
ancing approaches, and to better constrain (headwaters, reservoirs, lowland rivers) are
the impact of land use related changes in the primary hotspots for CO2 evasion?
the carbon cycle. Data on the biogeochem-
ical fluxes and functioning of tropical aquatic Methodology
ecosystems remain scarce, despite the fact
that they are thought to be disproportionate- Acquisition of new data is a key first step, for
ly important in terms of, for example, riverine which extensive fieldwork is carried out in dif-
carbon transport. ferent African river basins. A key strategy is
to study element concentrations and cycling
along the river continuum from headwater
Project objectives
streams, reservoirs and lower river courses
AFRIVAL wishes to improve our fundamen- down to the river outlet. To quantify fluxes
tal understanding of how river catchments and cover seasonality, a range of sites are
function from a biogeochemical point of being sampled at high temporal frequency,
view and how important they are in regional in collaboration with local scientists. We em-
and global C budgets. Questions addressed ploy a combination of field measurements
include: and state-of-the art analyses on samples
collected, including a quantification of differ-
(i) What is the impact of catchment land-use
ent C pools as well as their stable isotope
and vegetation patterns on the inputs, origin
and radiocarbon composition, nutrient con-
and biogeochemical processing of organic
centrations, concentrations and water-at-
matter in aquatic systems?
mosphere fluxes of dissolved greenhouse
(ii) To which extent are the pool sizes, origin gases (CO2, CH4, N2O), and measurements
and age modified by biogeochemical pro- of aquatic metabolism (respiration, primary
cessing during their transit from the terres- production). Work is conducted on a range

of contrasting river basins (Congo, Zambezi, highly eutrophied systems such as the Sa-
Tana, Sabaki, Niger, Ogooué, Betsiboka, Ri- baki, where local inputs of sewage-derived
anila, ...). nutrients lead to high N2O production. Our
data confirm the important role of river
Emerging results networks in terms of processing of carbon
and regulating the delivery of materials to
While AFRIVAL builds on longer-term and the ocean, rather than being mere transport
on-going data collection, preliminary data conduits. Reservoirs and floodplains, for ex-
highlight some novel insights on the biogeo-
ample, can retain large quantities of sed-
chemical functioning of tropical rivers.
iment, C and nutrients. Since tropical river
For example, our data across different sys- systems are under increasing anthropogenic
tems suggest that CO2 emissions from trop- stress through climate change, nutrient in-
ical rivers have been largely overestimated puts, land-use change and flow regulation,
in the literature, mainly dealing with South our data will form an important basis to
American rivers. evaluate the effects of such disturbances to
Most rivers are only modest sources of N2O river functioning and nutrient delivery to the
to the atmosphere, with the exception of coastal zone.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Quantifying Aerobic Methane Oxidation in the Ocean: Calibration
and palaeo application of a novel proxy
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 498 992 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/11/2010
Host institution:  Newcastle University, UK
Principal investigator:  Helen Talbot
Project website:
Key words:  Aerobic methane oxidation, methanotrophs, biomarkers,
hopanoids, aminopentol, palaeoclimate

The challenge investigate these wider objectives we pro-

posed to calibrate novel proxies based on
Methane is a key atmospheric greenhouse characteristic chemical compounds produced
gas with a wide range of natural and anthro- by the relevant organisms and preserved in
pogenic sources. With climate change, any sediments, which will allow us to identify
mechanism which can potentially amelio- the target process in the sedimentary record
rate the effects of greenhouse gas-produced and crucially, for the first time attempt to
radiative forcing is of significant interest. In quantify the extent of palaeo AMO activity.
marine systems, methane generated in sed- Specific objectives include: (a) Develop and
iments can be prevented from escaping to ground truth proposed novel AMO proxies via
the atmosphere via two natural biological laboratory studies of their biological sourc-
processes, anaerobic and aerobic methane es and environmental drivers; (b) Calibration
oxidation (AMO). Research on the marine of proxy with measured methane concen-
methane cycle has focused on anaerobic
trations and fluxes in modern systems; (c)
processes but recent biomarker data has
Application to palaeo record - test the limits
provided compelling evidence that aerobic
(age and depth) within which the proxy may
methane oxidation (AMO) may play a much
be applied.
more significant role in reducing the amount
of methane emitted from sediments than
previously considered. AMO in these settings Methodology
is poorly understood and a more complete We are targeting complex lipids called am-
understanding of present and past methane inobacteriohopanepolyols (aminoBHPs) bio-
fluxes requires novel proxies that can be ap- synthesised specifically by aerobic meth-
plied to present day samples and linked to ane oxidising bacteria and subsequently
the sedimentary record. preserved in the geological record. Controls
on the regulation and expression of BHPs
Project objectives are under investigation using combined
The key questions at the centre of this re- geochemical and microbiological methods.
search proposal are: (1) How quantitatively A sediment microcosms approach allows
significant is marine AMO as a marine meth- microbial community information and BHP
ane sink (both past and present)? (2) How signatures to be calibrated against con-
will AMO be affected by and/or influence trolled variables including temperature, pH,
global climate change? In order to begin to salinity, methane concentrations and also

methane oxidation rate. DNA is extracted oxidation rates do increase significantly.
from sediment slurries and analysed for the Striking changes in dominant species com-
particulate methane monoxygenase gene, a position were observed at different tempera-
functional gene which produces the enzyme tures, pH and salinity levels demonstrating
responsible for the oxidation of methane remarkable adaptability of the indigenous
specific to methanotrophs. BHP composi- methanotroph population in response to
tions are elucidated in all samples using lipid environmental change. Analytical method
extraction techniques and developing liquid development is ongoing but first indications
chromatography-mass spectrometry meth- show significant increases in AMO biomark-
odology with state-of-the-art equipment ers at low pH supporting the premise that
purchased for the project. Calibrated signa- BHP signatures in Ancient sediments can
tures will then be tested in modern environ- provide a window on past methane cycling.
mental settings known to have highly active Clear increases in AMO biomarker signatures
methane cycles and finally applied to the in- are observed in sediments spanning inter-
vestigation of the geological record. glacial (warm) periods relative to intervening
glacial (cold) periods in sediments from the
Emerging results Congo deep-sea fan. This strongly suggests
intensification of the methane cycle under
Methanotrophic populations in estuary sed- warmer climate conditions, however, the
iment microcosm studies show no changes source of the biomarkers in this setting (ma-
in species composition at a wide range of rine or continental), and hence the methane,
methane concentrations, however, methane is still under investigation.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Creating the technology for safe, long-term carbon storage in
the subsurface
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  2 257 008 €
EC contribution:  1 570 831 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/10/2011
Consortium:  6 partners from 5 countries
Project coordinator:  Edda S.P. Aradottir
Project website:
Key words:  Carbon capture and sequestration, carbon mineral
sequestration in basalts, long-term carbon storage, carbon solubility

The challenge subsurface by dissolving CO2 into forma-

tions fluids and well water during injection.
The safe, long-term storage of anthropo-
genic carbon in subsurface formations has The goals of CarbFix are:
been widely advocated to reduce atmo- 1. To increase measurably our understanding of the
spheric CO2 levels. Once injected into sub- long-term fate of CO2 injected into the subsur-
surface formations, carbon storage proceeds face.
2. To develop new technology to facilitate safe and
through a sequence of four trapping mech- permanent geologic carbon storage and seques-
anisms: structural/stratigraphic trapping, tration.
residual trapping, solubility trapping, and 3. To publicise the results of the research carried
mineral trapping. out within CarbFix allowing them to be applied
The dissolution of CO2 into water during 4. To generate the human capital and expertise to
its injection into the subsurface increases apply the advances made in CarbFix in the future.
greatly the security of geologic carbon stor-
age by avoiding the need to rely on struc- Methodology
tural/sedimentary trapping mechanisms. A combined research program consisting of
Long-term storage security can furthermore a field scale injection of CO₂ charged waters
be enhanced by injecting dissolved CO2 into into basaltic rocks, laboratory based experi-
formations rich in divalent metal cations to ments, study of natural analogues, and state
facilitate carbonate mineral precipitation. of the art geochemical modelling is being
carried out within CarbFix.
Project objectives
Unique to CarbFix is its connection to Hell-
CarbFix is a combined industrial/academic isheidi geothermal power plant, allowing
research project which aims at developing for capture of otherwise emitted CO2 in a
and optimizing industrial methods for se- pilot gas separation station. Captured CO2
questering CO₂ in basaltic rocks through in is transported in pipelines towards the Carb-
situ mineral carbonation. The CarbFix con- Fix injection site where the CO2 is dissolved
sortium is furthermore developing and opti- in groundwater from the target reservoir
mizing practical and cost-effective technolo- during injection. The injection is monitored
gy for alleviating the risk of leakage from the intensively in nearby wells, as well as with

surface and atmospheric measurements, in as water used for co-injection is sourced
order to assess to how efficiently injected from the reservoir itself. The method under
CO2 mineralizes. development has the following potential
main benefits which will be studied further
Monitoring results and results from labora-
through the duration of the project:
tory experiments provide input for extensive
geochemical modelling, allowing for critical 1. Solubility trapping is achieved within few minutes
of injection hence minimizing the risk of buoyant
validation of widely used geochemical and
CO2 floating to the surface.
hydrological modelling tools. Model valida- 2. During injection of supercritical CO2, brines are
tion will furthermore be greatly aided by di- often pumped from reservoirs to prevent pressure
rect observation of reservoir rocks via drilling build-up. The disposal of these brines elsewhere
following CO2 injection. may be of environmental concern whereas the
CarbFix method re-injects these brines to the
Expected results subsurface.
3. Mineral trapping may be achieved within few
The results of this project are anticipated months to years of injection.
to contribute towards the understanding of Due to increased storage security, the meth-
the long term fate of CO2 when co-injected od may be used as a demonstration to pro-
with water into the subsurface. The injection mote carbon storage as a safe method of
method developed and tested by this proj- reducing CO2 concentrations in the atmo-
ect minimizes pressure build-up in reservoirs sphere.

Project partners
Reykjavik Energy, IS
CNRS, Université Paul Sabatier, FR
University of Iceland, IS
University of Copenhagen, DK
Amphos 21, ES
Columbia University, US

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Changes in carbon uptake and emissions by oceans in a
changing climate
Instrument:  Large-scale integrating project
Total cost:  9 556 960 €
EC contribution:  6 989 906 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/03/2011
Consortium:  28 partners from 15 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Bergen, NO
Project website:
Key words:  Climate, Environment

The challenge ing ocean carbon sink are systematically

integrated with the newest ocean carbon
Excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
models, a coupled land-ocean model, an
from human activities such as fossil fuel
Earth system model of intermediate com-
burning, land use change, and cement manu-
facturing is the main driver of anthropogenic plexity, and fully fledged Earth system mod-
climate change. CARBOCHANGE is devoted els through a spectrum of data assimilation
to the oceanic uptake of human produced methods as well as advanced performance
carbon dioxide which amounts currently to assessment tools. The project contributes to
about 25% of annual emissions. The vary- international observational data syntheses
ing ocean carbon sink is a small net flux on on ocean carbon and puts these data collec-
a large marine carbon background and thus tions to use for systematic model evaluation
difficult to determine accurately. employing skill score metrics.

Project objectives Expected results

CARBOCHANGE provides the best possible Results will be optimal process descriptions
process-based quantification of net ocean
and most realistic error margins for future
carbon uptake under changing climate con-
ocean carbon uptake quantifications with
ditions using past and present ocean carbon
models under the presently available ob-
cycle changes for a better prediction of fu-
ture ocean carbon uptake. The consortium servational evidence. The project will deliv-
improves the quantitative understanding of er calibrated future evolutions of ocean pH
key biogeochemical and physical processes and carbonate saturation as required by the
through a combination of observations and research community on ocean acidification.
models. New process understanding is up- The time history of atmosphere-ocean car-
scaled to large-scale integrative feedbacks bon fluxes past, present and future are syn-
of the ocean carbon cycle to climate change thesised globally as well as regionally. Ob-
and rising carbon dioxide concentrations. The servations and model results will merge into
vulnerability of the ocean carbon sources and
GEOSS/GEO through links with the European
sinks are quantified in a probabilistic sense.
Research Infrastructure ICOS. The project is
a key contributor to annual worldwide car-
bon budget updates. The results will be com-
The most actual observations of the chang- municated to policy makers.

Project partners
University of Bergen (coordinator) NO
VitusLab Copenhagen, Denmark DK
Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris FR
Alfred Wegener Institute DE
Max-Planck-Society, Institute for Meteorology DE
University of Bremen DE
Hafrannsóknastofnunin - Marine Res. Inst. and Univ. IS
National University of Ireland, Galway IE
Institut National de Recherche Halieutique MA
Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NL
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center NO
Uni Klima, UniResearch AS NO
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, QUIMA group ES
University of Gothenburg SE
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, Zürich CH
University of Bern CH
The Met Office, Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research UK
National Oceanography Centre Southampton UK
Plymouth Marine Laboratory UK
University of Bristol UK
University of East Anglia UK
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research ZA
Princeton University US
Dalhousie University, Halifax CA

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  The terrestrial Carbon cycle under Climate Variability and
Extremes – a Pan-European Synthesis
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 677 523 €
EC contribution:  3 312 754 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/06/2009
Consortium:  25 partners from 12 countries
Project coordinator:  Markus Reichstein, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur
Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V., DE
Project website:
Key words:  climate change, extreme events, climate variability,
terrestrial carbon cycle, carbon sink, carbon pools and fluxes,
ecosystem manipulation experiments, long-term observations, process
studies, carbon cycle modelling, model-data integration, model
scenarios, carbon vulnerability analysis, policy interaction, drought,
heat wave, heavy precipitation, forest ecosystems, agriculture,
grasslands, soil process studies, tree-ring analysis, tree mortality,
primary production, respiration, climate model, eddy covariance
measurements, flux measurements, remote sensing, database, spatio-
temporal patterns, uncertainty analysis.

The challenge pools in Europe over the 21st century, includ-

ing uncertainties.
The future fate of European terrestrial bio-
By building a consistent harmonized multi-
sphere´s acting as a net carbon sink is highly
source database on the European carbon
uncertain (depending on climate and land-
cycle components for studying climate vari-
use); so far only gradual climate and land-
ability and extreme events and, performing a
use change (e.g. slow warming) has been se-
riously considered in predictive carbon cycle Bayesian model calibration and comparison,
studies; Climate variability and extremes will we aim to improve terrestrial carbon cycle
play an important role, but have not been predictions and their uncertainties in scenar-
sufficiently accounted for in modelling and io analyses, giving advice to the European
experimental studies leading to a critical Commission and other stakeholders.
knowledge gap.
Project objectives We use an integrative approach with a strong
The overall objective is to obtain a better model-data integration framework combin-
and more predictive understanding of Eu- ing an observation component (soil process
ropean terrestrial carbon cycle responses studies, network of ecosystem manipulation
to climate variability and extreme weather experiments, long-term observation data
events. In particular the aim is to identify the sets), a modelling component (model de-
most sensitive and vulnerable carbon pools velopment, model-data integration, model
and processes under different scenarios and experiments and scenario analysis) and an
to map the most likely trajectory of carbon assessment component (carbon vulnera-

bility analysis, dissemination and policy in- Multiple evidence indicates that water-cycle
teraction), synthesize and harmonise new extremes, in particular droughts, are a dom-
experimental data, compile and adapt latest inant threat to carbon cycle related ecosys-
regional climate scenarios. tem services. All land use types in Europe
A harmonized European multi-scale data are vulnerable to climate extremes to some
base of carbon cycle related observations is degree. Taken together, with both their large
carbon stocks and long generation time, for-
ests are expected to experience the largest,
Key results most diverse, and longest lasting conse-
Climate extremes strongly influence ter- quences for carbon cycling from climate ex-
restrial ecosystems and their carbon cycle. tremes compared to other land-cover types.

Project partners
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. DE
Commissariat Energie Atomique FR
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche IT
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich CH
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique FR
Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung e.V. DE
Universiteit Antwerpen BE
The University Court of the University of Aberdeen UK
Universitá degli Studi della Tuscia IT
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FR
Cranfield University UK
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet DK
Institutul de Cercetari si Amenajari Silvice RO
Internationales Institut für Angewandte Systemanalyse AT
Met Office UK
Natural Environment Research Council UK
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet SE
Universität Innsbruck AT
Vereniging voor christelijk hoger onderwijs wetenschappelijk onderzoek en patientenzorg NL
Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt WSL CH
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover DE
Lunds Universitet SE
Fundacion Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterraneo ES
Universite Paris-Sud XI FR
Universidad de Alcalá ES

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Life Beneath the Ocean Floor:  The subsurface Sink of carbon in
the Marine Environment
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 945 696 €
Duration:  60 Months
Start date:  01/12/2012
Host institution:  University of Cambridge
Principal investigator:  Alexandra Turchyn
Project website:
Key words:  Geomicrobiology, calcium, isotopes, carbon cycle

The challenge inorganic carbon, should we inject excess in-

organic carbon into the environment?
The primary objective of this proposal is
to resolve the fate of carbon deposited in Methodology
marine sediments. The removal of carbon
from the surface of the planet is a critical My approach will be five-fold: 1) determine
component of the long-term carbon cycle. calcium isotope fractionation during in situ
Beneath much of the ocean floor exists the carbonate precipitation through batch ex-
‘deep biosphere’; populations of bacteria and periments, 2) measure calcium isotopes in
archaea that consume organic carbon that a range of subsurface environments, 3) use
has fallen to the sea floor, producing an ex- a reactive-transport model to determine the
cess of dissolved inorganic carbon, the fate calcium, sulfate, and carbon fluxes into and
of which is largely unknown. I am working out of the sediment, which, in turn, will de-
to satisfactorily constrain what impact the termine their consequent impact on global
deep biosphere has on the surface carbon ocean chemistry, 4) use calcium isotopes to
budget. understand carbon storage in altered ocean
crust. Finally, I will apply this knowledge of
Project objectives the fate of carbon in the modern deep bio-
sphere to understand how these processes
I will address my primary objective using were likely different in the Cretaceous, and
a novel approach involving reconstruction ascertain how this played into the unique
of the subsurface calcium fluxes using cal- chemistry and climate at that time.
cium isotopes. Calcium is the cation used
to precipitate carbonate in the marine sub- Emerging results
surface (CaCO3). In organic-rich sediments,
calcium isotopes remain out of equilibrium Our first results are pending submission to
with carbonate minerals and instead track in Nature Geoscience. In this work we explore
situ carbonate precipitation. This simple but the importance of the subsurface carbon cy-
profound observation will allow us to resolve cle in the global long-term carbon cycle. We
the mass balance of carbon oxidized versus employed the entire Deep Sea Drilling Pro-
carbonate precipitated in the marine sub- gram, Ocean Drilling Program, and Integrat-
surface. This is a timely question because ed Ocean Drilling Program (DSDP, ODP, IODP)
manipulation of inorganic carbon in natural pore fluid database, in which we found 672
environments is being explored as a mecha- sites that have high quality aqueous calcium
nism for mitigating global climate change. If concentration profiles, and cover the world’s
we don’t know the natural fate of dissolved ocean floor.

These profiles are used to calculate the carbonates 10% of the modern global car-
flux of aqueous calcium across the sedi- bonate accumulation. These results indicate
ment-water interface using Fick’s first law. that the calcium flux across sediment-water
We calculate the global calcium flux into ma-
rine sediments at 1x1012 mol/yr, the vast interface is globally imbalanced and its re-
majority of which is attributed to authigenic gional heterogeneity is a non-negligible part
carbonate precipitation, making authigenic of the carbon cycle studies.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Biobased geological CO2 storage
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  2 960 797 €
EC contribution:  2 283 345 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/04/2009
Consortium:  6 partners from 5 countries
Project coordinator:  Bryne Ngwenya
Project website:
Key words:  Climate Change, bio-assistance, mitigation strategies,
atmosphere-biosphere interactions.

The challenge firmed proof-of-concept tests for bacterial me-

tabolism supporting CO2 sequestration.
Today’s pace of CO2 emissions resulting
from extraction and use of fossil fuel ex- Methodology
ceeds nature’s ability to return carbon back
The project built on the diverse expertise of
into the lithosphere by orders of magnitude.
the partners, Greenloop as the sustainability
Engineering solutions such as Carbon Cap-
entrepreneur; TU Delft Biotechnology, world
ture & Storage (CCS) to achieve an accel-
leaders in microbial wastewater treatment;
erated return require considerable invest-
the University of Edinburgh, expert in geo-
ment and possess significant technological
logical microbial habitat and CCS; Universi-
challenges. A variety of natural processes,
ties of Lausanne and Neuchâtel, advanced
including biomass accumulation; continental
in forestry soil processes; and University of
weathering, ocean dissolution and biominer-
Granada, expert in specific bacterial based
alisation potentially offer considerable long-
precipitation in natural saline media. Re-
term removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.
search was structured along six scientific
CO2SolStock explored whether calcium car-
work packages ranging from joint bibli-
bonate precipitation by microbes could be
ographical work (WPI), experimental and
developed into an efficient process for fixing
modelling investigations of different habitats
CO2 emissions economically.
(II,IV,V), and final demonstration of the best
systems (WPVI), while building and main-
Project objectives taining a common evaluation toolkit (WP III).
The project targeted bacterial metabolic These were supported by two transversal
pathways enabling significant carbonate work packages related to project manage-
precipitation. In particular, “CO2SolStock” ment and the implementation of the dissem-
specific objectives were: ination plan.
1. To explore emerging alternative sustainable CO2
sequestration solutions related to microbiological The results
pathways of carbonate precipitation;
2. To map out a scientific evaluation of the various
Four pathways underwent the closest scru-
routes spanning the surface to deep subsurface tiny.
habitats; 1. Subterranean pathways using salt-tolerant
3. To develop a tool-kit enabling scientific evaluation (halophilic) bacteria in deep saline aquifers were
and economic feasibility of each pathway; shown to be potentially complex and energy-in-
4. To validate the technology with at least 2 con- tensive but might still prove to be of interest for

sealing of saline aquifers used to sequester su- would sequester additional carbon, and also cor-
percritical CO2 in some CCS schemes. rect soil pH to make it more suitable for agricul-
2. Using the same groups of halophilic bacteria, ture. Already known in dry areas of West Africa,
another approach sought to combine two main the phenomenon was shown during the project to
sources of industrial by-products: desalination exist in other distant tropical countries (Bolivia
brines as calcium source & domestic wastewa- and India). It is already being exploited in miner-
ter as carbon source. The potential for precipita- al carbon fixing agro-forestry projects in Haiti,
tion of calcium carbonate in terms of bacterial adding specific benefits to the usual agro-forestry
strains was demonstrated in the lab, but the cor- advantages of sustainable agriculture, biodiversi-
rect wastewater recipe has yet to be worked out ty, soil maintenance, and water balance.
and needs further experimentation.
3. Mineral carbonation of CO2 in a two-stage an- Major benefits
aerobic wastewater treatment system involving
a bacterial acid attack on silicate minerals frees Paradigm shifting innovation opportuni-
up the necessary calcium needed to precipitate ties were identified. Compared to CCS,
CaCO3 in a second step with bacteria that pro- CO2SolStock pathways are radically differ-
duce the alkalinity. The process offers added val- ent:
ue in the form of enriched biogas but the cost • They could use all the industrial opportunities
of providing silicate minerals will determine the re-injecting organic carbon as a source of “fixable”
potential implementation sites with a positive CO2.
carbon balance for this method, which is protect- • They can fix CO2 as a stable solid that can be ei-
ed by a patent. ther stored or could potentially be used as a build-
4. An ecosystem management approach was de- ing material in various forms.
veloped based on a triple symbiosis between • They can fix past emissions, as the organic carbon
some special trees, fungi and bacteria, leading is from photosynthetic origin.
to the precipitation of limestone in acidic soils • In the case of ecosystem-management pathways,
around and below the tree roots. If implement- they generate multiple beneficial socio-economical
ed through reforestation projects, this approach side benefits.

Project partners
Organisation Country
The University of Edinburgh, coordinator UK
Biomim Greenloop SA BE
Technische Universiteit Delft NL
Universidad de Granada ES
Université de LaUSnne CH
Université de Neuchâtel CH

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Quantifying the global volcanic CO2 cycle
Funding scheme:  ERC Consolidator Grant
ERC funding:  1 720 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/01/2012
Host institution:  Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, IT
Principal investigator:  Mike Burton
Project website:
Key words:  Volcanoes, CO2, magmatic degassing, carbon cycle,

The challenge surements will be integrated into subduction

volatile recycling models.
Magmatic degassing through volcanic activ-
ity is the original source of CO2 in Earth’s
atmosphere, biosphere and oceans. Volcanic
CO2 emissions play a key role in the carbon In order to meet the project objectives a
cycle on Earth and therefore climate. Not- series of instrumental initiatives are under-
withstanding this, our knowledge of the ac- way, to develop the tools we will use when
tual amounts of CO2 released by volcanoes performing fieldwork on volcanoes. These
into the atmosphere each year is very poorly
include systems for both CO2 flux quantifica-
constrained, because CO2 fluxes having been
tion and isotopic analysis of volcanic gases,
measured on only a small fraction of the
using novel laser techniques. The new instru-
world’s active volcanoes.
ments are designed from scratch to be low
power and field-robust.
Project objectives
There are three broad objectives within this Emerging results
project. The primary goal is to increase our
knowledge of volcanic CO2 fluxes and the A full review of all recent measurements
carbon cycle by performing direct measure- of volcanic CO2 fluxes has been published,
ments of CO2 fluxes and isotopic composi- and construction of prototype instruments is
tions on volcanoes. Results from these mea- nearing completion.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Coordination action Carbon Observing System
Instrument:  Coordination action
Total cost:  1 876 367 €
EC contribution:  1 747 683 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/05/2008
Consortium:  11 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Project website:
Key words:  Carbon, observations, ocean, land, international
coordination, GEO, environment, climate change

The challenge Methodology

The big challenge is the understanding and The project was firmly rooted in the two
managing the global carbon cycle. This can large Integrated Projects, CarboEurope and
only be met through the development of a
GEMS funded under the 6-th Framework
coordinated set of international activities – program. These projects supported most
research, observations, and assessment. of the European efforts in carbon cycle ob-
servations. This proposal aims at linking
Project objectives land ocean and atmosphere by stepping up
from the regional programs to the global
1. Assess the status, and update where required, the level through collaboration activities with
essential carbon cycle variables of the IGCO list international projects (GTOS, GCOS, IOC-
of core variables, CP, IGOS, GCP) and with similar projects in
2. Improve the interoperability of a priori data sets other continents/countries (US Carbon Cycle
that are used in global scale inversion studies Plan, Japan). We organized small to medi-
through through joint activities between ecosys- um-scale workshops, and through initiation
tem and ocean bottom-up observation commu- of joint research to develop and harmonize
nities, new global data sets of crucial carbon vari-
3. Perform integrated regional-scale multiple con- ables (e.g. such as fire emission, soil carbon,
straint assessments of the land and ocean carbon CO2 surface ocean partial pressures, ocean
balance through the use of harmonized data sets, carbon inventories). Throughout the project
4. Identify, narrow down uncertainties and decrease we worked with international partners of the
differences in emerging global data sets that are large continental and basin scale carbon pro-
aimed at providing constraints on the vulnerabili- grams.
ty of the global carbon cycle,
5. Contribute to the implementation and improve- Main results
ment of the global observing systems by orga- Scientists have been brought together to
nizing a large international conference in light of pool their expertise, and design and imple-
monitoring requirements for GEO, ment common procedures for data collec-
6. Through executing these objectives, demonstrate tion, quality control and storage. To achieve
and strengthen European leadership in designing this objective COCOS organised the series of
and operating systematic long-term carbon ob- workshops shown in the table. COCOS also
servations in critical regions of the globe. organised a major international conference:

“Carbon in a Changing World”. 150 scientists from all over the world are
working on RECCAP.
The COCOS Data Portal provides access to
the Carbon Cycle data. On the interpretation, COCOS identified a number of emerging
particularly using so called inverse models, gaps in our knowledge of the carbon cycle,
COCOS made significant progress. It has and provided new access for instance to
also evaluated the usefulness of a series ocean carbon data.
of observations, including total column CO2 Through collaborating with international sci-
retrievals from space and from the surface. entist we produced the GEO Carbon strategy
COCOS has collaborated with the Global report that is widely regarded as providing
Carbon Project in a project to create region- the blueprint for a Global Carbon Observing
system, both in situ and from space.
al-scale resolution maps of the world’s car-
bon budget over both land and ocean. The COCOS has put the European Carbon Cycle
project is known as RECCAP (REgional Carbon Community at the forefront of global carbon
Cycle Assessment and Processes). More than monitoring science.

Project partners
VU University Amsterdam NL
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry DE
University of Bergen NO
University of Tuscia IT
University of Kiel DE
University of Liege BE
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l’Environment FR
Alfred Wegener Institute DE
University of East Anglia UK

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Quantifying CO2 emissions from tropical deforestation to ‘close’
the global carbon budget
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 500 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/11/2011
Host institution:  VU University, NL
Principal investigator:  Guido van der Werf
Key words:  Deforestation, Global Carbon Cycle, CO2

The challenge Methodology

The land and oceans take about half of our We use satellite data to monitor fires and
CO2 emissions out of the atmosphere. The deforestation and novel so-called proxy data
key question is whether they will continue to to estimate emissions from fires and defor-
do so. An indirect approach to assess their estation before the satellite era
CO2 uptake is based on an atmospheric
mass balance approach which requires ac-
curate CO2 emission estimates from de-
Emerging results
forestation. The DE-CO2 project will deliver Over the past decade, deforestation has
those estimates in a consistent manner on declined mostly due to lower deforestation
a global scale rates in Brazil. The total emission strength
of deforestation from virgin rain forests is
Project objectives probably lower than often assumed, but ne-
Assess the emissions and trends over the glected sources such as tropical peat deg-
past 50 years in emissions estimates to bet- radation and fires in woodlands may add
ter understand the global carbon cycle substantially to total emissions.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Sub-seabed CO2 Storage: Impact on Marine Ecosystems
Instrument:  Large-scale integrating project
Total cost:  18 062 600 €
EC contribution:  10 500 000 €
Duration:  48 month
Start date:  01/05/2011
Consortium:  27 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research
Kiel, DE
Project website:
Key words:  CCS, Carbon Dioxide, Marine Ecosystems, Leakage,
Monitoring, Environmental Risk Assessment, Best Practice Guide

The challenge Methodology

At the European and international level ECO2 studied the sedimentary cover at ac-
Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) tive and potential CO2 storage sites to better
is regarded as a key technology for the understand the mechanisms of CO2 migra-
abatement of CO2 emissions from industrial tion using novel geophysical baseline stud-
sources for mitigating the impact of climate ies, monitoring and modelling techniques. It
change caused by the increase of anthro- investigated the effect of CO2 through the
pogenic carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. sediment at storage sites and natural ana-
Despite CO2 having been stored below the logues by means of sophisticated monitoring
seabed in the North Sea and Barents Sea techniques; quantified the fluxes across the
since several years, little is known about the seabed and into the water column; and in-
potential short and long-term impacts of vestigated the impact on benthic organisms,
CO2 storage on marine ecosystems. In con- through experiments. All ECO2 field data is
sequence of this lack of knowledge, ECO2 stored in the project database.
is assessing the likelihood of CO2 leakage
from current and potential storage sites and The environmental risks connected with CCS
the impact of CO2 leakage on marine eco- and how these risks may impact on the fi-
systems. nancial, legal, and political considerations
have been elaborated. Trust and context
were investigated as two influencing factors
Project objectives
regarding public perception. Stakeholders
The ECO2 consortium defined the following and interested individuals continue to be in-
five key objectives: (1) To investigate the formed about ECO2, its new findings and the
likelihood of leakage from sub-seabed stor- progress of the project via the project web-
age sites; (2) To study the potential effects page, press releases, articles and e.g. lunch
of leakage on benthic organisms and ma- briefings at the European Parliament.
rine ecosystems; (3) To assess the risks of
sub-seabed carbon dioxide storage; (4) To Expected results
develop a comprehensive monitoring strategy
using cutting-edge monitoring techniques; (5) EU funding through “The Ocean of Tomor-
To define guidelines for the best environmen- row” facilitated bringing together leading
tal practices in implementation and manage- European experts from three key disciplines:
ment of sub-seabed storage sites. (i) ocean acidification, (ii) natural seepage,

and (iii) CCS, form research and industry to for monitoring and potential leakage and
jointly investigate, in a multidisciplinary way, mitigation programmes. The final product of
the impact of sub-seabed CO2 storage on the project, the best environmental practice
marine ecosystems. guide of sub-seabed CO2 storage sites, will
Investigations by the consortium will result provide the EC, national policy makers as
in the first comprehensive assessment of en- well as stakeholders on CCS and scientist
vironmental risks associated with sub-sea- with the relevant information needed to de-
bed CO2 storage; a novel and comprehensive velop legislative actions, reliable estimates
monitoring strategy for sub-seabed storage regarding the permanency, costs, safety, and
sites able to detect episodic events and pro- acceptance of potential sub-seabed CO2
longed low-flux leakage; and cost estimation storage sites.

Project partners

GEOMAR Helmholtz Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel DE

Plymouth Marine Laboratory UK

Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning NO

Natural Environment Research Council UK

Universitetet i Bergen NO

Max Planck Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V. DE

Universität Trier DE

Universitetet i Tromsø NO

Konsortium Deutsche Meeresforschung e.V. DE

Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung DE

Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde an der Universität Rostock DE

Universita Degli Studi di Roma la Sapienza IT

Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale OGS IT

Universität Stuttgart DE

Statoil Petroleum AS NO

Det Norske Veritas AS NO

University of Southampton UK

Institut für Weltwirtschaft DE

The University of Edinburgh UK

Universiteit Gent BE

Heriot-Watt University UK

Goeteborgs Universitet SE

Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek - TNO NL

Stichting Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland NL

Institut Francais de Recherche pour l’Exploitation de la Mer FR

Uniwersytet Gdanski PL

GRUPA LOTOS Spolka Akcyjna PL

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Biochar for Carbon sequestration and large-scale removal of
greenhouse gases (GHG) from the atmosphere
Instrument:  Collaborative projects
Total cost:  3 600 000 €
EC contribution:  2 500 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/01/2012
Consortium:  8 partners from 4 countries
Project coordinator:  Franco Miglietta
Project website:
Key words:  Carbon sequestration, biochar, emission mitigation

The challenge out according to the International Reference

Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Handbook on
In the context of climate change mitigation, LCA, for both TC and HTC production systems
technologies for removing the CO2 from the to evaluate the net Carbon sequestration
atmosphere are key challenges. The transfer capacity associated to Biochar production.
of carbon from the atmosphere into useful Physico-chemical properties of Biochar are
carbon deposits is currently one promising op- analysed in a series of laboratory studies
tion. Transferring biomass to carbon-rich ma- using standardized analytical protocols and
terials with potential mega-scale application a specific phyto-toxicity test is made using
is an option to sequester carbon from plant molecular approaches involving a model
material, taking it out of the short-term car- plant. The short versus the long-term stabil-
bon cycle and therefore binding CO2 efficient-
ity of Biochar is investigated using recently
ly and even in a useful, productive, way into
produced and aged charcoal samples coming
longer term non-atmospheric carbon pools.
from archaeological sites. Specific investiga-
tions are made to assess Biochar decompo-
Project objectives sition using CO2-efflux measurements from
EuroChar investigates carbon sequestration C labelled Biochar. Three large-scale field ex-
potentials that can be achieved by trans- periments are underway in Italy, France and
forming plant biomass into charcoal (or UK to analyse “realistic scale” application of
Biochar) and add that to agricultural soils. Biochar. Upscaling is considered by scenar-
Biochar production is demonstrated using io analyses to consider both the potential
thermo-chemical (TC) or hydrothermal car- C-sequestration actually achievable at the
bonization processes (HTC) that can produce european scale and the climate warming
energy and store 15 to 20% of the Carbon balance associated to carbon sequestration
originally contained in the biomass. Detailed and potential changes in the mean surface
ISO-accredited whole Life Cycle Assessment albedo.
is carried out according to the Internation-
al Reference Life Cycle Data System (ILCD) Expected results
Handbook on LCA.
The production of Biochar was demonstrat-
ed with the two different technologies (HTC,
Hydrothermal Carbonization (Participant CS)
Detailed ISO-accredited whole Life Cycle and TC-Thermochemical Carbonization en-
Assessment of biochar production is carried abling the treatment of wet and dry crop

residues and agricultural wastes, respective- icology impacts including genotoxicity have
ly. Industrial processes, including the poten- been assessed. Biochar degradation in soil
tial risks associated to environmental pollu- during laboratory incubation experiments at
tion have been highlighted. The Life Cycle optimum conditions for the microbial bio-
Assessment (LCA) of biochar/energy produc- mass has been studied. 13C labelled biochar
tion was made and published on a refereed was produced and used in field experiments.
journal (see publication list). The Long Term Stability of biochar was in-
The functional unit, the goal and scope, sys- vestigated using charcoal from archaeolog-
tem boundaries, data collection for the LCI, ical forest and grassland sites where char-
preliminary GHG calculations (LCIA) was made. coal production was accurately dated. A field
A Biochar data repository on chemical (struc- site network was created in the UK, France
tural), physical and biological properties of and Italy, using non-food, second generation
biochar from different feedstock and from lignocellulosic energy crops and grassland;
different carbonization technologies has the stability of Biochar in a field-scale ex-
been created. Correlations between produc- periment was assessed using novel stable
tion technology and Biochar properties, tox- isotope labeling techniques.

Project partners

Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche IT

Université Pierre et Marie Curie- Paris FR

Martin Luther universitaet halle- Wittenberg DE

University of Southampton UK

Carbon Solutions Deutschland DE

Libera Universita di Bolzano IT

Advanced gasification Technology IT

Imperial College of Sciencen Technology and Medicine GB

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Predicting carbon release from forest soils through priming
effects: a new approach to reconcile results across scales.
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 690 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/12/2012
Host institution:  The Open University, UK
Principal investigator:  Emma J. Sayer
Project website:
Key words:  tropical forest, temperate woodland, carbon cycling, soil
processes, plant-soil interactions, priming effects, scaling

The challenge approach to determine how the measured

processes change with experimental scale.
Forest ecosystems play a crucial role in the
global carbon balance and forest soils repre- Methodology
sent a significant and relatively stable store
of carbon. Global change is likely to alter Experiments are being established in differ-
the way plants and soil microorganisms in- ent temperate and tropical forest stands and
teract, which will affect belowground carbon at different scales: field plots, mesocosms,
sequestration and the stability of stored car- and laboratory microcosms. Common ex-
bon in the soil. We are currently unable to re- perimental treatments will simulate altered
liably predict these changes because we lack plant productivity. Measurements across all
a clear understanding of the mechanisms sites and scales will be used to determine
involved. This is partly due to the enormous patterns across different forest types, and to
disparities in the scales and methods used establish scaling relationships for the pro-
to study microbial processes vs. forest pro- cesses involved (i.e. how they change with
ductivity. In particular, scaling up laboratory the spatial and temporal scale of the ex-
experiments to predict the consequences of periments). A large suite of measurements,
altered plant-soil interactions for ecosystem including soil CO2 efflux, microbial activity
carbon cycling remains a major challenge. and soil carbon pools, will deliver a compre-
hensive, comparative dataset on soil carbon
Project objectives dynamics under global change in different
forest ecosystems.
FORESTPRIME aims to investigate how Consultation with modellers will ensure that
changes in forest growth will affect microbial the data can be used to test and parameter-
processes and carbon cycling in the soil. The ize predictive models of ecosystem carbon
project compares soil carbon dynamics in dif- cycling.
ferent forests and across multiple scales to:
i) identify patterns at different sites, ii) deter-
Emerging results
mine the mechanisms involved in plant-soil
interactions, and iii) predict the consequenc- The project is still in the initial phase of es-
es of global change for forest soil carbon tablishment. First results are expected early
dynamics. In addition, the project uses a new in the second year.

Earth observation

At a glance
Title:  Operational Global Carbon Observing System
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  8 672 736 €
EC contribution:  6 648 529 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/10/2011
Consortium:  25 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, IT
Project website:
Key words:  climate change; carbon cycle; GHG budget; carbon
observations; data assimilation; tropical forests; economic analysis.

The challenge reduced uncertainty; 4- Provide improved

regional carbon budgets, with a focus on
It is time that carbon observations move tropics (Amazon and Central Africa); 5- De-
from science to policy! Systematic, consis- fine the specifications for an operational
tent and traceable data, information and Global Carbon Observing System; 6- Provide
tools on carbon sources and sinks, and the an economic assessment of the value of an
related economic scenarios, are needed by enhanced global carbon observing system;
decision makers to timely address mitiga- 7- Strengthen the effectiveness of the global
tion and adaptation policies and to respect carbon contribution to the GEO system.
their commitments of emissions’ reduction.
In order to provide reliable carbon data, the Methodology
spatial and temporal resolution of the ob-
servations should be increased and their un- Observations from different monitoring net-
certainty reduced. Coordination for a global works (in situ, airborne and space based) and
integration of the current carbon monitoring modelling analysis are combined to derive
efforts and their datasets is needed to ad- the full picture.
dress this challenge. This is achieved through the following
8 complementary project’s components
Project objectives (CMPs): CMP1 - Collecting, harmonizing and
synthesizing global carbon observations;
GEOCARBON aims at designing a coordi- CMP2 - Integrating global carbon obser-
nated and integrated Global Carbon Obser- vations into improved carbon cycle data
vation and Analysis System, addressing the assimilation systems; CMP3 - Establishing
climate targets of the Group on Earth Obser- the requirements for an integrated global
vations (GEO) toward building a operational carbon observing system and assessing its
Global Earth Observation System of Systems performance; CMP4 - Developing a tropical
(GEOSS) for carbon. Specific objectives are: carbon cycle observatory for Amazon and
1- Provide an aggregated set of harmonized Africa; CMP5 - Delivering global and region-
global carbon (CO2 and CH4) data and in- al carbon budgets annually, including their
formation (integrating the land, ocean, at- uncertainty; CMP6 - Improving the analysis
mosphere and anthropogenic component); of methane sources and sinks over the last
2- Develop improved Carbon Cycle Data decade and preparing for future monitoring;
Assimilation Systems (CCDAS); 3- Provide CMP7 - Assessing the economic value of an
global annual budgets of CO2 and CH4 with enhanced global carbon observation system,

to estimate costs and emissions savings; carbon pools, sources and sinks, ranging
CMP8 - Disseminating the project results, from regional to the global scale and with
linking with GEO and producing policy rele- an increased resolution and accuracy, and
vant information. a reduced uncertainty. This will improve the
global understanding of carbon cycle, and
Expected results its role in the climate change system, both
GEOCARBON is conceived to support the im- from a scientific and policy perspective, and
plementation of the GEO 2012-2015 Work help scientists and policy makers better de-
Plan and the achievements of the GEOSS fine the future targets on greenhouse gases
2015 Strategic Targets on climate, and it reduction and the actions needed to mitigate
is already contributing to these results. The and adapt to climate change. Finally, a strat-
ultimate expected outcome of the project egy for a continued and sustained Global
is the provision of an aggregated and har- Carbon Observing and Analysis System will
monized set of data and information on be delivered.

Project partners
Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change – CMCC IT
University of East Anglia – UEA UK
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology – ETH Zurich CH
Wageningen University – WU NL
University of Oxford – UOXF.AC UK
VU University of Amsterdam – VUA NL
University of Leeds – UNIVLEEDS UK
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry – MPG DE
University of Versailles St Quentin-en-Yvelines – LSCE-UVSQ FR
Netherlands Institute for Space Research – SRON NL
Second University of Naples – SUN IT
University of Edinburgh – UEDIN UK
Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center – NERSC NO
University of Tuscia – UNITUS IT
University of Bergen – UiB NO
GAMMA Remote Sensing Research and Consulting AG – GAMMA CH
Cameroon Biodiversity Conservation Society – CBCS CM
FastOpt DE
University of Bristol – UNIVBRIS UK
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis – IIASA AT
Nuclear and Energy Research Institute – IPEN BR
Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations – FAO IT
Free University of Brussels – ULB BE
French National Center for Scientific Research – CNRS FR
University of Hamburg – UHAM DE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems
Instrument:  Large-scale Integrating Project
Total cost:  8 925 737 €
EC contribution:  6 648 703 €
Duration:  45 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Consortium:  41 partners from 15 countries
Project coordinator:  Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, DE
Project website:
Key words:  greenhouse gas, land use management, climate change,
carbon balance

The challenge Methodology

More than 50 % of the European land sur- Measurements from more than one hundred
face is used for agricultural and forestry pro- continental stations distributed across all
duction. Land management directly impacts European climatic regions and ecosystems
the terrestrial sources and sinks of green- are recorded in a database. Together with
house gases (GHGs). In the view of climate spatial data on climate, soil and land man-
change it is crucial to know the amount of agement they provide the basis for the inte-
GHGs released into the atmosphere by an- grated assessment.
thropogenic activities. But also natural driv-
ers such as climate variability influence the Scientists will synthesize existing long-term
GHG balance of European ecosystems. The data and initiate new measurements in re-
attribution of GHG emissions to anthropo- gions which have been investigated only lit-
genic and natural drivers is the ultimate tle so far - namely Eastern European forests
challenge tackled in the GHG-Europe project and Mediterranean shrub lands.
and is the precondition to assess the poten- The measurements from this network of
tial for GHG reduction from agriculture and stations will be used in complex models to
forestry in Europe. simulate past, and to project future, GHG
budgets under changing climate conditions.
Project objectives The models will also include socio-econom-
GHG-Europe aims to improve our under- ic effects to address interactions between
standing and capacity for predicting the economic development, land use and GHG
European terrestrial carbon and greenhouse emissions.
gas (GHG) budget by applying a systemat-
ic, comprehensive and integrative approach. Expected results
GHG-Europe quantifies the annual to decadal
variability of the carbon and GHG budgets of An important finding for forests was that
terrestrial ecosystems via data-model inte- the stimulatory effect of nitrogen deposi-
gration, diagnostic and predictive modelling. tion in most European forests does not stem
Ultimately, the scientific challenge is to de- from increased photosynthesis, but from
termine how, and to what degree, the carbon increased carbon allocation to wood. This
cycle and GHG emissions in terrestrial eco- could increase forest vulnerability to ex-
systems can be managed. treme events.

Although afforestation is thought to se- Croplands are the largest N2O source in
quester carbon it turned out that afforested Europe. Sensitivity analyses with models
grasslands accumulate labile soil organic showed that there is some scope for mitiga-
carbon but the stable fractions are depleted. tion by changes in the timing and forms of
This makes the soil carbon pool more vulner- fertilizer applications.
able to future disturbance and loss.

Project partners
Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institut, DE Finnish Meteorological Institute,FI
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, CH Universität Innsbruck, AT
Fundacion Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterraneo, ES Universität Heidelberg, DE
Federal Research and Training Centre for Forests, Natural Hazards,
Centre Tecnologic Forestal de Catalunya, ES
and Landscape, AT
Commissariat à l´Energie Atomique LSCE, FR Joanneum Research , AT
International for Applied System Analysis, AT Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen, IT
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, DE University Groningen, NL
University of Aberdeen, UK Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SE
Università degli Studi della Tuscia, IT Finnish Environment Institute, FI
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL University College Dublin, IE
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, UK University of Copenhagen, DK
Forest Research and Management Institute , RO Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, IT
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, FR Universidad de Granada , ES
Poznan University of Life Science , PL Wageningen University and Research Centre , NL
Universiteit Antwerpen, BE Università degli Studi di Udine, IT
Technical University of Denmark, DK Centre National de Recherche en Météorologie, FR
Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, NL Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, DE
European Forest Institute, FI Stichting DLO, NL
Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, DE Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, IT
University of Helsinki, FI Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, ES
Fondazione Edmund Mach , IT

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Genetic Record of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Funding instrument:  ERC Starting Grant
Starting date:  01/09/2008
Duration:  60 months
Total cost:  1 652 907 €
EC contribution:  1 652 907 €
Coordinating organisation:  the Chancellor, masters and scholars of
the University of Oxford, UK
Coordinator:  Gill Halstead
Project website:

Abstract harboured within, and can ultimately be de-

ciphered from, the genetic make up of extant
Two key variables, temperature and atmo- organisms. Specifically, I propose an innova-
spheric carbon dioxide (pCO2), define the tive approach to the constraint of the evolu-
sensitivity of the Earth’s climate system. The tion of atmospheric pCO2 during the Ceno-
geological record provides our only evidence
zoic. The approach is based on the statistical
of the past climate sensitivity of the Earth
signal of positive selection of adaptation
system, but there is no direct quantitative
within the genetic sequences of marine algal
measure of pCO2 or temperature beyond the
Rubisco, the notoriously inefficient enzyme
650 kyr extent of the Antarctic ice cores. The
responsible for photosynthetic carbon fixa-
reconstruction of past climate, on timescales
of millions of years, relies on the analysis tion, but supplemented by analysis of allied
of chemical or isotopic proxies in preserved carbon concentrating mechanisms. As a cal-
shells or organic matter. Such indirect ap- ibration, I will characterise the biochemical
proaches depend upon empirical calibration properties of Rubisco in terms of specificity
in modern species, without understanding for pCO2, isotopic fractionation and kinetics,
the biological mechanisms that under- from a range of marine phytoplankton. The
pin the incorporation of the climate signal. prime motivation is a history of pCO2, but
The intention of this ERC grant proposal is the project will yield additional insight into
to establish a research team to investigate the feedback between phytoplankton and cli-
the “living geological record” to address this mate, the carbon isotopic signatures of the
major gap in climate research. I hypothesise geological record and the mechanistic link
that direct climate signals of the past are between genetic encoding and specific

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Innovative Concepts for Extracting climate and atmospheric
composition records from polar ice cores using new LASER Sensors
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  2 986 718 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/03/2012
Principal investigator:  Jérôme Chappellaz
Host institution:  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR
Project website:
Key words:  ice core, laser spectrometer, Quaternary climate, carbon cycle

The challenge gases, down to bedrock. It will allow us to

rapidly qualify different “oldest ice” sites, and
The ERC Advanced Grant ICE&LASERS proj-
to immediately obtain the main climatic sig-
ect aims at developing new tools at the
nals of interest. We are also developing new
frontier between ice core science and laser
laboratory spectrometers combined with
physics, in order to address two major chal-
lenges in paleoclimate science : the causes new extraction techniques to measure with
of a large climate shift ~1 million years ago, unsurpassed accuracy and resolution the
and of natural greenhouse gas concentration concentrations of CH4, CO2 and CO (a tracer
changes. related to the CH4 cycle), and the isotopic
ratios of CO2 and CO in polar ice. With these
Project objectives new tools, we will provide more insight into
possible natural feedbacks under a warming
The first project objective is to contribute
to extend the Antarctic ice core records to
1.5 million years ago. This is critical to un-
derstand an unexplained climate shift from Emerging results
40,000-year periodicities to 100,000-year Our innovative probe will save precious time
ones, calling for a different climate sensi-
and money to quality potential Antarctic
tivity to orbital forcing. The second objective
sites for a future deep ice-core drilling op-
aims at better constraining why the atmo-
spheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations varied erations focusing on 1.5 million year-old ice.
by up to 40 and 100%, respectively, during It will provide the first signals of interest
glacial-interglacial cycles. (climate and greenhouse gas concentration).
The probe could also be used to characterize
Methodology ice flow by rapidly dating ice layers notably
in ice sheet “hotspots” (south Greenland,
ICE&LASERS tackles both scientific challeng-
fast marginal ice streams in Antarctica). We
es, thanks to Optical-Feedback Cavity-En-
may design an oceanographic version of the
hanced Absorption Spectroscopy (OFCEAS).
We are building an innovative probe em- probe, with considerable scientific and com-
bedding an OFCEAS spectrometer, which will mercial applications related with the study
make its own way into the ice sheet within of dissolved gases in the oceans. The proj-
a single field season, to measure in situ the ect results will be of major interest for the
depth profile of H2O isotopes in ice as well community working on climate / carbon cycle
as greenhouse gas concentration in trapped feedbacks.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Integrated Carbon Observing System
Instrument:  Collaborative project and coordination and support action
Total cost:  5 742 042 €
EC contribution:  4 299 996 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/04/2008
Consortium:  20 partners from 15 countries
Project coordinator:  Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy
Commission, FR
Project website:
Key words:  carbon, climate change, greenhouse gases

The challenge the mitigation efforts creates the need to

monitor CO2 with a substantially improved
Climate change is one the most challenging observing, analysis and forecast system.
problems that humanity is facing. The In-
tergovernmental Panel on Climate Change The first objective of ICOS is to monitor
(IPCC) attributes climate change to increas- greenhouse gases and provide effective
ing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, access to these data to enable multi-scale
driven by man-made emissions of carbon research on GHG emissions, sinks and their
dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous drivers.
oxide (N2O). Human activities including fossil The second objective is to provide informa-
fuel combustion and land use change have tion on regional budgets of greenhouse gas
caused the level of CO2 to increase by 40% sources and sinks, their human and natural
today relative to pre-industrial times. drivers, and the controlling mechanisms.
The natural carbon cycle absorbs half of ICOS will permit to detect changes in region-
the anthropogenic emissions. It is not clear, al greenhouse gas fluxes, early warning of
however, if these CO2 sinks will operate in negative developments and the response of
the future under a changing climate and natural fluxes to extreme climate events, to
increasing human impacts. Natural removal reduce uncertainties in Earth System models.
of CH4, the natural oxidizing power of the
atmosphere cleans up almost all the CH4 Methodology
injected by human and natural sources but
expected increases of emissions will further The ICOS distributed research infrastructure
raise CH4 mixing ratios. is developed as three coordinated, comple-
mentary, observation networks:
Project objectives • More than 50 atmospheric observatories of con-
centrations of CO2, CH4, N2O and other GHG’s,
ICOS is designed to provide the long-term • More than 50 terrestrial flux tower sites to mea-
observations required to understand the sure the local exchange of CO2, water vapour and
present state and predict future behavior of energy,
• Oceanographic observation platforms including
the carbon cycle and greenhouse gas emis-
volunteer ships monitoring air-sea fluxes.
sions over Europe.
Operational monitoring by these networks
The huge uncertainty associated with the will rely on several Central facilities:
behavior of future natural CO2 sources and • The Atmospheric thematic centre for data process-
sinks, future anthropogenic emissions and ing and R&D (based in France),

• The Ecosystem thematic centre for data process- and information in this respect.
ing and R&D (based in Italy),
• The Central analytical laboratory for the prepara- ICOS is part of the global carbon strategy
tion of calibration material and flask sample anal- of the Group on Earth Observation (GEO),
ysis (in Germany), where well-calibrated surface networks are
• The Ocean thematic centre, for marine data and strengthened by complementary observa-
• The Carbon portal will provide easy discovery of
tions of CO2 and CH4 from space.
and access to ICOS data and complementary prod- ICOS also strengthens the European leader-
ucts (Sweden).
ship for GHG research, and several FP7 pro-
ICOS will be supported by a legal entity
grams ensure a wide usage for ICOS data.
(ERIC) based in Finland.
Beyond scientists and international pro-
Expected results grammes (Global Carbon Project, WMO-GAW),
users of ICOS include:
Europe is the third largest emitter of fossil
• pre-operational service providers in GMES/Coperni-
CO2, after China and the USA. Europe has
cus (MACC-II, land services),
committed itself to reduce its emissions by
• Regional authorities and protocol verification bod-
20% in 2020. In this context establishing ies,
the current baseline of the carbon balance • The private sector
and monitoring its changes independently is • Educational organizations, the media and the gen-
crucial and timely. ICOS will provide key data eral public.

Project partners
Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (FR) SJ Berwin LLP (BE)
University of Helsinki (FI) Joint Research Centre of the EU Commission
Max Planck Institute (DE) University of Antwerp (BE)
University of Tuscia (IT) Institute for Agriculture and Food Research (FR)
University of Heidelberg (DE) Global Change Research Centre AS (CZ)
Vjije University Amsterdam (NL) Centre for the study of the Mediterranean (SP) Environment
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich (CH) National Center for Scientific Research (FR)
University of Lund (SE) RISOE National Laboratory (DK)
University of Edinburgh (GB) Weizmann Institute of Sciences, (IL)
Uni-Research AS, (NO) Posnan University (PL)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Integrated Non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observing System
Instrument:  Collaborative project and coordination and support action
Total cost:  10 000 000 €
EC contribution:  8 000 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/10/2011
Consortium:  34 partners from 14 countries
Project coordinator:  Alex Vermeulen
Project website:
Key words:  Climate Change, Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases, Monitoring,
Inverse Modelling, Emissions.

The challenge measurement sites and over the ocean, by

developing common quality control and
Increase of human induced atmospheric quality assurance procedures. New mea-
greenhouse gases (GHGs) since the industri- surement techniques and instrumentation
al revolution is causing significant changes will be explored for preparing the integration
in the Earth’s radiation balance. Increasing of NCGHG measurements into ICOS, thus
global atmospheric mixing ratios of carbon giving these observations an operational,
dioxide and the most important non-CO2 long-term monitoring perspective.
Greenhouse Gases (NCGHGs) have been
fairly well monitored by various groups. A Sub objectives are:
significant limitation is, however, that com- • Harmonize and standardize the measurements of
parison of measurements from these differ- NCGHGs
ent groups is difficult, due to e.g. calibration • Provide capacity building in new member states
differences. and countries with inadequate existing infrastruc-
InGOS supports and integrates the observing • Support existing observation sites and transfer of
capacity of Europe for NCGHGs and aims to selected sites into supersites
improve the existing European observation • Integrate and further integrate marine observa-
tions of the NCGHGs with land-based observations
system. This will provide insight into the
• Improve measurement methods by testing new
concentration levels and through (inverse) innovative techniques and strategies
modelling to improved estimates of Euro- • Test advanced isotope techniques for application
pean and extra-European emissions of the in the network to enable attribution of the atmo-
NCGHGs. This way spatial and temporal spheric fractions to source categories
distribution of sources and changes in emis- • Integrate data for network evaluation by using
sions due to mitigation and feedbacks with inverse modelling and data-assimilation methods
and developments in bottom up inventories
climate change can be detected. Data from
• Link the network to remote sensing data of column
the network will enable to better constrain abundances from in-situ and satellite observations
emissions of NCGHGs within the EU and • Prepare for the integration of the NCGHG network
show whether emission reduction policies with the Integrated Carbon Observation System
are effective.
Project objectives The overall strategy to achieve the objec-
The objective of InGOS is to integrate ex- tives of improved data quality, coverage and
isting European facilities for monitoring of availability is based on strengthening (using
atmospheric NCGHGs, at ecosystem flux network activities, NA), out-reach/coopera-

tion (using trans-national access, TNA) and • Integrate European facilities for monitoring of NC-
innovation (using joint research activities, GHGs
JRA). These activities are executed by 34 • Improve the quality of historical, current and fu-
partners from all over Europe. ture NCGHG measurements
• Prepare expansion of the current network with new
The relatively large number of participants stations in under sampled regions
is needed to have proper coverage of the • Provide Near-Real Time access to atmospheric
European domain and to enable harmoni- NCGHG data
zation across different scientific fields of • Improve analysis methods using innovative tech-
marine, terrestrial and remote sensing re- niques and strategies
search. TNAs were designed to open up al- • Improve halocarbon measurements
most all available sites in Europe for visiting • Link remote sensing data to the in situ network
researchers, from boreal Finland down to • Attribute source categories by advanced isotope
Mediterranean Spain or Cyprus. techniques
• Inverse Modeling of European NCGHG measure-
Expected results • Link to European flux towers
• InGOS will lead to major advances in the following • Ocean observations
areas: • InGOS Data Centre

Project partners
Energy research Centre of the Netherlands (NL) Goethe University of Frankfurt (DE)
Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (DE) Norsk Institutt for Luftforskning (NO)
Eidgenoessische Materialpruefungs- und Forschungsanstalt
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE)
Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alterna-
Lunds Universitet (SW)
tives (FR)
University of Bristol (UK) Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (FR)
University of East Anglia (UK) UK MetOffice (UK)
University of Heidelberg (DE) AGH University of Science and Technology (PL)
Universiteit Utrecht (NL) University of Leicester (UK)
Royal Holloway, University of London (UK) Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (NL)
Universitaet Bremen (DE) Hungarian Meteorological Service (HU)
Helsingin yliopisto (FI) University of Groningen, Centre for Isotope Research (NL)
Risoe DTU (DK) Poznan University of Life Sciences (PL)
University of Edinburgh (UK) Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences (DE)
EU – Joint Research Centre (IT) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (ES)
National Environment Research Council (UK) University of Bergen (NO)
Finnish Meteorological Institute (FI) Wageningen University and Research Centre (NL)
University of Tuscia (IT) Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo (ES)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Predicting and monitoring the long-term behavior of CO2
injected in deep geological formations
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  5 209 495 €
EC contribution:  3 685 771 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/01/2012
Consortium:  12 partners from 7 countries
Project coordinator:  Jacob Bensabat
Project website:
Key words:  CO2 storage, stability, long term behavior, trapping,
dissolution, residual saturation, leakage, cement, well integrity, mixing,
natural analogues, modeling, CO2 stream, chemical reactions.

The challenge both at the near and far field.

5. Achieve an adequate degree of cooperation with
One of the key obstacles to the large scale de- projects and initiatives in order to allow the
ployment of CO2 geological storage is the con- collection of data necessary for validating the
fidence (particularly of the public) on our ability investigations and to allow the dissemination of
to predict and control the long-term behaviour findings.
of the stored CO2. CO2 injection projects are
relatively recent and the collected data from Methodology
them is can’t, on their own, be used for under- PANACEA relies on two new experimental CO2
standing, estimating and validating the long- injection sites: Heletz (Israel) and Hontomin
term behavior of the injected CO2. To overcome (Spain).
the paucity of long-term data, there is a need • Assembling the data and information required for
to combine extensive modeling and model de- validation and verification: from large scale CO2
velopment combined with intensive data and injection projects.
information gathering and analysis in a hierar- • Understanding and quantifying fundamental
chical manner. mechanisms governing the interactions between
the host formation (fluid and solid matrix) and the
Project objectives stored CO2: Dissolution, residual trapping, spread-
ing and mixing, fingering evaporation and miner-
1. Identify and quantify the factors responsible for alization.
the long-term stability of the stored CO2. • Investigating leakage occurrence and its mag-
2. Provide measures for the assessment of the in- nitude through cements, cap-rock and faults by
tegrity and vulnerability of the reservoir (stor- means of natural (existing geological structures)
age formation and cap-rock) and wells that pene- and artificial analogues), laboratory experiments
trate it, to the CO2 stream. of leakage of aimed at investigating cement integrity.
3. Quantify the impact of the stored CO2 on ad- • Quantifying the impact of spatial variability (het-
jacent subsurface reservoirs as changes in the erogeneity) and uncertainty.
reservoir (in pressure, pH, and chemical reactions) • Far field impacts: In order to assess the safety and
may lead to unwanted migration of brines and integrity of the CO2 storage as part of the certifi-
release on pollutants trapped in the rock in fresh- cation process, investigate and quantify the indi-
water reservoirs. rect impacts of the storage such as the creation of
4. Identify and develop reliable monitoring, meas- an area (of size potentially much larger than the
urement and verification (MMV) technologies size of the CO2 body) in which a pressure build-up
having the capacity to capture relevant informa- will occur and possible impacts on brine migration
tion on the long-term behavior of the stored CO2 and mineral mobilization.

• Prediction and validation: fast robust and reliable assessment of the long-term performance of
computational models capable of simulating the CO2 reservoirs.
behaviour of the stored CO2 during the injection • An improved understanding of failure and leak-
and containment phases as well as the mechani- age mechanisms: 1) through the well cements,
cal, thermal and geochemical interactions with the determination of thresholds conditions for seal
ambient fluid and the solid matrix represent a key failure and fault reactivation. Improved cost-ef-
integrating tool, that needs to be used at many fective monitoring technologies and strategies
phases of a CCS project such the design/planning to be tested and validated in field experiments.
phase and the monitoring phase. • The development of an extensive data and
• Safe and reliable monitoring: review a large num- information warehouse: 1) from natural an-
ber of monitoring technologies, which are imple-
alogues and 2) from contemporary injection
mented in the sites associated with PANACEA.
sites. These could be used for the validation of
• Communication, dissemination and public accep-
computational models.
tance: These are probably one of the most serious
• An improved understanding of the environmen-
obstacles to expected in the way to the large de-
ployment of CCS.
tal impacts induced by the injection of CO2,
including delineation of the pressure buildup
Expected results impact area, estimation of injection brine mi-
gration and release of hazardous compounds
PANACEA will contribute to: in freshwater reservoirs.
• The large scale deployment of CCS, including • Improved simulation technologies, particularly
selection of storage sites, exploration process, computationally efficient models.
the preparation of applications for storage per- • Contribution to improved public confidence on
mits. the safety/controllability of the CO2 storage
• An integrated methodological approach for the process.

Project partners Country

Environmental & Water Resources Engineering (EWRE) IL
Uppsala University (UU ) SE
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (IIT) IL
University of Goettingen (Goettingen University) GR
National Research Council (CSIC) SP
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) FR
University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh University) UK
University of Cambridge (Cambridge University) UK
Statoil Petroleum ASA (STATOIL) NO
University of Nottingham (Nottingham University) UK
BUREAU VERITAS (Bureau Veritas) FR

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  System analysis of a bio-energy plantation:  full greenhouse gas
balance and energy accounting
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grants
ERC funding:  2 500 000 €
Duration:  68 months
Start date:  01/03/2009
Host institution:  University of Antwerp, BE
Principal investigator:  Reinhart Ceulemans
Project website:
Key words:  bio-energy; life cycle assessment; environmental balance;
renewable energy; poplar plantation; short-rotation culture

The challenge culture, while the overall energy efficiency of

the system is being assessed.
One of the strategies for mitigation One of
the strategies for mitigation of anthropo-
genic greenhouse gas emissions is the use
of bio-energy as a replacement for fossil Eddy covariance techniques are being used
fuels. Among the different alternatives of to monitor net fluxes of all greenhouse gases
bio-energy production the use of biomass between the SRC plantation and the atmo-
crops – such as fast-growing woody crops sphere. These greenhouse gas flux measure-
under short-rotation coppice (SRC) regimes ments are combined with common assess-
– is probably the most suited, in particular ments of biomass pools (incl. the soil) and
in the EU. Two issues need to be addressed fluxes.For the energy accounting we use life
before the efficacy of bio-energy for carbon cycle analysis (LCA) and energy efficiency
mitigation can be conclusively assessed, i.e. assessments over the entire life cycle of the
(i) a full life cycle analysis (LCA) of the glob- SRC plantation until the production of elec-
al warming contribution of SRC, and (ii) an tricity and/or heat.
assessment of the energy efficiency of the
We compare two conversion technologies,
i.e. combustion and gasification. All energy
(and cost) inputs are quantified in detail and
Project objectives
related to the produced output as well as
The objectives of the POPFULL project are to the financial return of the produced en-
to make: (i) a full greenhouse balance; (ii) a ergy. A process based modeling component
complete energy and economic accounting; integrates the collected knowledge on the
and (iii) a full life cycle assessment (LCA) of greenhouse gas and energy balances toward
the bio-energy production chain. This is being predictions and simulations of the net re-
done on an operational, large-scale short-ro- duction of fossil greenhouse gas emissions
tation coppice plantation for the production (avoided emissions) of SRC over different
of bio-energy from the cradle (establish- rotation cycles.
ment of the plantation) to the production
plant (production of heat and/or electricity). Emerging results
For the greenhouse balance the most im-
portant greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, N2O, The results thusfar are based on the first
H2O and O3) are included. The LCA produces (two-year) rotation plus the first year after
the global warming contribution of biomass the harvest. Bioelectricity from short-rota-

tion coppice culture (SRC) was energy effi- greenhouse gas savings of bioelectricity rel-
cient and yielded 3 times more energy than ative to the EU non-renewable grid mix pow-
required to produce it over a two-year rota- er was 53%. SRC on agricultural lands with
tion. The associated land requirement was low soil organic carbon stock offer encourag-
0.9 m2 kW h-1 for the gasification and 1.1
ing prospects for the sustainable production
m2 kW h-1 for the combustion technology.
of renewable energy with significant climate
Converting agricultural land into SRC pro-
duction released 2.8 t CO2 ha-1 which rep- benefits. The economic balance, however,
resented 89% of the total greenhouse gas was not positive as the overall costs for the
emissions of bio-energy production. The production of the bio-energy were higher
greenhouse balance was highly favourable; than the financial return.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Quantifying and modeling pathways of soil organic matter
as affected by abiotic factors, microbial dynamics, and transport
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting grant
ERC funding:  946 800 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/09/2008
Host institution:  Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Jena, DE
Principal investigator:  Markus Reichstein
Project website:
Key words:  soil, carbon, biosphere-atmopshere interaction, climate

The challenge Methodology

Soils are a very complex sub-system of the We combine experimental and observation-
Earth system, containing gaseous, liquid and al work with numerical system modelling in a
solid as well as dead and living constituents an model-data fusion approach. We study the fate
of soil organic carbon both in the laboratory
intimate mixture. At the same time soils contain
and in the field with 13C and 14C isotope la-
more than three times the amount of carbon
belling. A simulation model is developed which
than the atmosphere and soil respiration is a accounts for carbon flows between the solid and
large flux of CO2 to the atmosphere. Thus it is liquid soil phase and microbial biomass and the
challenging and important to understand how vertical transport. The model is calibrated via
soils respond to climate variability and feed- Bayesian parameter estimation approaches.
back to climate.
Emerging results
Project objectives At ecosystem level the temperature sensitivity
The overall objective of the projects is to im- is lower than previously thought when we ac-
count for confounding biological factors.
prove the understanding of soil organic matter
dynamics in response to climatic and biotic driv- On the other hand to influence of the water
ers. In particular, the aim is to develop models cycle (e.g. droughts) is very important for the
carbon cycle, because it significantly influenc-
of soil organic matter turnover which take into
es both transport and biological processes. We
account both the soil biota as active agents and
also find that input of fresh carbon into the
transport processes and use these models glob- soil leads to a release of old soil carbon. This
ally to assess the sensitivity of the terrestrial mechanism could release soil carbon after an
carbon balance to climate and environmental increased carbon input caused by increasing
change. CO2 levels.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Research into Impacts and Safety in CO2 Storage
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  5 300 000 €
EC contribution:  4 000 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  02/01/2010
Consortium:  22 partners from 12 countries
Project coordinator:  British Geological Survey, UK
Project website:  www/
Key words:  CO2 Storage, Environmental impacts, Energy

The challenge programmes.

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is one RISCS will conduct experiments, make obser-
of a range of options for reducing green- vations in areas of natural CO2 leakage and
house gas emissions and mitigating climate extend these through modelling.
change. As the technology is developed, op- The research and its outcomes will be com-
erators and regulators need to be able to as- municated in an accessible way to stake-
sess the potential environmental impacts in holders and the public. A key output of the
the unlikely event of CO2 leakage. project (and other related research) will be
RISCS is developing the knowledge needed a ‘Guide for Impact Appraisal’, which will be
for this by investigating the potential im- developed in consultation with stakeholders
pacts of CO2 leaks on near surface ecosys-
tems–both in terrestrial and marine environ- Methodology
ments. Such information will also support
Field-scale experiments have simulated,
policy makers, politicians and the general
under well-constrained conditions, the po-
public in assessing the feasibility, long-term
tential impacts from elevated CO2 concen-
benefits and consequences of large-scale
trations in the near-surface and surface, in
CO2 capture and storage deployment.
both terrestrial and marine environments.
Experiments have been made onshore in
Project objectives the UK and Norway and for offshore ecosys-
Although significant leakage from CO2 tems in the Netherlands, UK, Italy and Nor-
storage sites is not expected, if it did occur way. Investigations of natural CO2 leakage
there could be adverse environmental con- have addressed key gaps. Observations were
sequences, which are not well constrained. made at onshore sites in Greece, Italy and
The objective of RISCS is to provide funda- France, to study groundwater and near-sur-
mental research on such environmental im- face impacts. Offshore observations have
pacts to underpin frameworks for the safe been made off Panarea, Italy. Enhancement
management of CO2 storage sites onshore of a range of modelling tools will allow the
and offshore. RISCS will help to meet the site-specific data obtained from the exper-
requirements of legislation, including the EC imental programme to be more widely ap-
Directive on Geological Storage of CO2, the plied in developing environmental impact
OSPAR Convention and the London Protocol, assessments for CO2 storage sites. There
both in ensuring environmental protection has been consultation and discussion with a
and the planning of near surface monitoring range of stakeholder groups, both within the

project and externally. The stakeholders in- Marine impacts are also limited in spatial
clude electricity generators, oil and gas com- scale. Responses are species specific and
panies, environmental NGOs, policymakers impacts can be compounded by variations
and environmental protection regulators, as in other environmental factors such as tem-
well as research groups. perature or the presence of other stressors.
The effects of natural baseline variability are
Expected results not well understood in the marine environ-
ment. Pelagic organisms are less sensitive to
Terrestrial studies have shown that impacts CO2 impacts. The stage of development of
are spatially restricted to areas that expe- the organism is also important.
rience very high CO2 concentrations in the
Outputs will provide information necessary
soil. These tend to be of limited size in natu- to:
ral leakage occurrences. Plant and microbial
• Enable a rigorous evaluation of the safety of stor-
responses are species or group specific, with
age sites;
some species/groups able to tolerate higher • Carry out Environmental Impact Assessments for
CO2 levels. They also depend on how devel- sites;
oped the plant is when exposed to CO2. • Design storage sites to minimise the probability of
hazardous scenarios;
At moderate levels of CO2 plant and micro-
• Help to design near surface monitoring strategies;
bial responses can be masked by seasonal or • Develop a framework to communicate impacts of
year on year variability in other factors such storage to key stakeholders (regulators and the
as rainfall or soil moisture levels. public).

Project partners
NERC British Geological Survey (UK) Vattenfall R & D AB (SE) RWE Power AG (DE)
CERTH (GR) E.ON New Build & Technology (UK) Stichting DLO (NL)
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (UK) CO2CRC Management Pty (AU)
SINTEF Petroleumsforskning AS (NO) University of Regina (CA)
University of Nottingham (UK) Montana State University (US)
Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’ (IT) Stanford University (US)
Quintessa Ltd (UK) CO2GeoNet (FR)
Enel Ingegneria e Ricerca S.p.A (IT) Bioforsk (NO)
Statoil Petroleum AS (NO) BGR (DE)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Tropical Forests in the Changing Earth System
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  2 500 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/06/2012
Principal investigator:  Oliver Phillips
Host institution:  University of Leeds, UK
Project website:  under construction. (
Key words:  climate, drought, carbon, balance, sink

The challenge tom-up Pan-Tropical Observatory of Forest

Function to probe the dynamics of forest
Tropical forests still cover the largest forest- behaviour in the changing earth system.
ed area globally, store the largest reservoir The project will: (1) deploy global- & con-
of above-ground organic carbon, ~300 bil- tinental-scale plot-based sampling across
lion tonnes in trees alone, and are unique- the tropics; (2) integrate the plot approach
ly diverse. Under pressure through logging with complementary disciplines; (3) make
and conversion, they also face a changing intensive measurements to examine the in-
climate and atmosphere. They annually pro- dividual sensitivities of forest carbon cycle
cess more than 40 billion tonnes of carbon components, and (4) assess the long-term
- five times global fossil fuel emissions - so sensitivity of forest carbon to temperature.
relatively small changes in the balance be-
The project will apply continental-scale sam-
tween growth and decay can significantly
pling in Amazonia and Africa, and install
modify the global greenhouse gas burden.
capacity in Asia, to investigate the transient
Some modelled scenarios suggest cata-
responses to change drivers, and use natural
strophic release of carbon from tropical
experiments to assess long-term sensitivi-
ecosystems due to heating and drying, which
ties to temperature. Both levels will be nest-
would accelerate climate change. While the
ed within a global framework.
role of tropical forests in the carbon cycle is
of global importance, their actual behaviour
remains extremely contentious. So far, the
Emerging results
vast scale, diversity, and remoteness of most The project is in the first stage of data collec-
tropical forests has prevented robust evalua- tion. T-FORCES will help improve scientific un-
tion of their global role. derstanding of the roles of tropical forests in
the global carbon cycle, by developing a new
Project objectives and integrated knowledge of tropical forests,
their likely responses to climate change and
The objectives of T-FORCES are to take a
the consequences of this for the Earth’s fu-
global approach to understand: (i) the cur-
ture climate. These advances will inform
rent carbon-balance and fluxes of the world’s
Earth System Models, which all urgently re-
tropical forests, (ii) what processes are driv-
quire access to authoritative, long-term data,
ing changes, and (iii) the carbon danger that
and the process-based land surface param-
future temperature increases may pose.
eterisation that only a project of this scope
and ambition can provide. The Pan-Tropical
Methodology Observatory of Forest Function is being built
This ambitious research effort is designed to to last. This European initiative is intended to
determine, from the ground up, the changing provide the global science community with
role of tropical forests in the earth system. the tools with which to investigate forest dy-
With his team, Phillips is building a bot- namics through this century.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Urban Reduction of GHG Emissions in China and Europe
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 540 000 €
EC contribution:  3 500 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/09/2011
Consortium:  17 partners from 7 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Exeter, UK
Project website:
Key words:  Climate Change, energy, Environment, GHG-Emissions, Urban

The challenge igation policy packages, with each meeting

nationally given or self-adopted GHG-reduc-
The implementation of GHG-policies that tion targets. An optimised policy package
would reduce the use of carbonaceous fuels will be developed in and for each participat-
in heat and power generation, heating and ing city – optimised for maximum net health
transport has some immediate health bene- and well-being benefits while meeting the
fits. However, the exposure to, and health ef- GHG targets – and in each city a local road-
fects of urban air pollution are not distribut- map will be created to realise this scenario.
ed equally across the socio-economic strata.
Burdens and benefits of different GHG poli-
cies may thus treat the different socio-eco-
nomic groups differently, and so such effects The methodological project objective is to
should be directly assessed and considered develop a robust modelling platform (easi-
in policy development, implementation and ly transportable to new cities) and a related
follow up. There is an urgent need to de- database for urban impact assessment.
velop practical urban level climate mitigation
The topics covered are: urban energy gener-
policies that can be justified by local health,
ation and use, and GHG and other pollution
well-being, or economic benefits.
release; urban spatial data including the
urban spatial plan, building stock, transpor-
Project objectives tation, and population; socio-economic, de-
Urban areas in China and Europe are the fo- mographic, exposure, health and well-being
cus of our study. For each urban area, the of the population. Each participating city
starting point for the assessment is the cur- will evaluate the current contributions of the
rent GHG-emissions from fuel use, heat and heat and power use in the urban building
power demand, traffic and urban develop- stock, urban traffic and transportation needs,
ment, and building construction. The future and the overall spatial plan of the city with
(up to 2020) urban population and develop- respect to GHG-emissions, other environ-
ment, energy supply and demand, housing, mental stressors, environment quality, pub-
traffic scenarios are based on the actual lic health and well-being of the population.
population, environmental, economic and po- They will also evaluate the future public
litical realities and urban development and health and well-being impacts of the local
GHG-mitigation plans for each participating implementation of alternative GHG-policies
city. The policy assessments aim to assess which would meet the locally applicable na-
the local, urban public health and well-being tional, EU and/or international GHG-reduc-
impacts of alternative urban-level GHG-mit- tion targets specifically in each city.

Expected results the evaluation of the risks and benefits of al-
ternative GHG-mitigation policies in different
Our project will provide city-level health eval-
climatic, cultural and economic conditions
uation of GHG scenarios. We will disseminate
assessment tools and databases, high level and for the different urban sizes and struc-
educational material and hands-on method- tures. We will disseminate general guidance
ological training for exchange of experience and assessment tools, as well as the overall
about the development and assessment of experience, for city planners and decision
urban level policy scenarios. makers as well as citizens organisations for
We will develop a network of cities and re- the development of WIN-WIN GHG-mitiga-
search institutions in Europe and China for tion policies in different urban areas.

Project partners
University of Exeter UK
City of Suzhou (Suzhou Municipal Government) CN
City of Xi’an (Beida Institute of Environmental Health Science & Technology) CN
City of Basel (Department Fuer Wirtschaft, Soziales Und Umwelt) CH
City of Kuopio (Kuopion Kaupunki) FI
City of Rotterdam (DCMR Milieudienst Rijnmond) NL
City of Stuttgart (Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart) DE
Peking University CN
Nanjing University CN
Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) UK
Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) UK
Suomen Ymparistokeskus (SYKE) FI
Terveyden Ja Hyvinvoinnin Laitos (THL) FI
Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Toegepast NL
Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek (TNO) NL
University of Stuttgart DE
Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute CH
World Health Organisation DE

Atmospheric pollution and
climate interactions

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Atmospheric Composition Change: the European Network -Policy
Support and Science
Instrument:  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  1 372 728 €
EC contribution:  998 352 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/11/2010
Consortium:  9 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto di
Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima, IT
Project website:
Key words:  science-policy, global change, climate, air quality

The challenge science and policy making by transferring to

the decision makers the important links be-
Fragmentation of research efforts, lack of a tween air quality and climate change and the
shared scientific vision and insufficient avail- prospects and benefits of co-control policies.
ability of research tools, shared databases, ACCENT-Plus also aims at preserving and
etc., is a major limitation for the understand- enhancing the excellence of European global
ing of atmospheric composition change over change and air quality research within the
Europe under a changing climate, and the European Research Area context.
consequent inadequate transfer of prospects
to the decision makers for future policies. Methodology
The ACCENT-Plus project builds on the suc-
cessful efforts of the NoE ACCENT, which has ACCENT-Plus will continue and further im-
brought together the atmospheric science prove the long-lasting co-operation and in-
community engaged in global change and tegration of European research institutions
air pollution studies. ACCENT-Plus aims at and will create links with the other interna-
extending the breath of the previous ACCENT tional research projects in the field of atmo-
phase to reach out to the policy community, spheric composition change and climate.
facilitating the transfer of research results The project also will foster the two-way
into policy/decision making. dialog with the policy community initiated
within ACCENT. The overall objective here
Project objectives is to provide a synthesis of scientific results
in a policy perspective on issues of primary
The overarching question that ACCENT-Plus importance for both air quality and climate:
aims answering is: “How can Europe control particulate matter, ozone, nitrogen cycle,
the composition of its atmosphere under a methane. These topics are, in fact, closely
changing climate?” A prerequisite to achieve related and efforts will be made to integrate
this goal is to maintain the coordination and the policy-related scientific findings, in a
integration of the European science commu- close dialogue with the relevant stakehold-
nity in the field of atmospheric composition ers. The integration of the science commu-
change and to strengthen the outreach from nity will take place in areas as: i) research
the science domain into the policy arena programming, ii) joint development and use
and, where possible, to wider global decision of data bases, iii) training and mobility of re-
making activities, by producing integrated searchers, iv) joint programming and use of
assessment and synthesis and connecting infrastructures.

Expected results air quality and climate.

As a result of a process involving the whole The process will involve also policy makers
science community along the duration of the and stakeholders, thus realising the prom-
project, ACCENT-Plus will prepare four key ised two-way interaction between science
synthesis papers presenting the latest un- and policy. Following this, ACCENT-Plus will
derstanding on four major topics of impor- deliver a synthesis document simple, author-
tance for policy: tropospheric ozone and its itative and well articulated, appropriate for
precursors at the regional and global scale; the readership, i.e. policy-makers involved
the global nitrogen cycle and its importance in the development of environmental policy
for society; the atmospheric methane budget at the level of the European Union, the UN-
now and through the current century; the ECE, national governments, environmental
particulate matter with emphasis on the for- agencies, learned societies, city and industry
mation and fate of particles and their role in managers, NGOs.

Project partners

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche IT

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FR

GKSS – Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GMBH DE

University of Bremen DE

Weizmann Institute of Science IL

Università degli Studi di Urbino “Carlo Bo” IT

Paul Scherrer Institut CH

Natural Environment Research Council UK

University of Leicester UK

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure
Instrument:  Collaborative project and coordination and support action
Total cost:  11 496 772 €
EC contribution:  7 800 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/04/2011
Consortium:  29 partners from 19 countries
Project coordinator:  Gelsomina Pappalardo
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, air quality, long-range transport of
pollutants, aerosols, clouds, trace gases

The challenge access to high-quality information and services

for the user communities;
Climate change is for a large part governed 2. To provide a coordinated framework to support
by atmospheric processes, in particular the transnational access to European advanced infra-
interaction between radiation and atmo- structures and enhance training of new scientists
in the field of atmospheric observation;
spheric components (e.g. aerosols, clouds,
3. To develop new technologies and the use of mul-
Greenhouse and trace gases). Some of tiple techniques at ground-based stations, partic-
these components are also those with ad- ularly for the calibration/ validation/ integration of
verse health effects influencing air quality. satellite sensors and improvement of parameter-
Strengthening the ground-based component isations used in global and regional scale climate
of the Earth Observing System for these key and air quality models.
atmospheric variables has unambiguously
been asserted in the IPCC Fourth Assess- Methodology
ment Report and Thematic Strategy on air ACTRIS is building the next generation of the
pollution of the EU. However, a coordinated ground-based component of the EU observ-
research infrastructure for these observa- ing system by integrating different research
tions is presently lacking. infrastructures for the key atmospheric vari-
ables into a single coordinated framework.
Project objectives The project is organized into:
1. Networking activities that deliver QC/QA products
ACTRIS aims at integrating European ground-
to the data centre and promote the integration
based stations equipped with advanced of information into a higher level of products re-
atmospheric probing instrumentation for quired by users in the modelling and satellite-val-
aerosols, clouds and short-lived gas-phase idation communities, outreach, and sustainability;
species. ACTRIS has the essential role to sup- 2. Transnational access and service activities to con-
port building of new knowledge as well as duct high-quality atmospheric research and cali-
policy issues on climate change, air quality brations at advanced infrastructures, train a new
generation of scientists, and enhance access for
and long-range transport of pollutants. The
end users to high-quality observations and ser-
main objectives are: vice products via a centralized data centre;
1. To provide long-term observational and 3. Joint research activities to develop new technol-
high-quality data relevant to climate and air ogies for monitoring activities to fully exploit and
quality research on the regional scale produced improve the parameterizations used in climate
with standardized or comparable procedures and and air quality models, define new data products,

and transfer the technological and scientific out- are of great benefit to the research infra-
comes to operational advanced instrumentation. structures through sharing of experience,
knowledge, and human capital, and will pro-
Expected results mote atmospheric research and develop fu-
The scientific community and many national, ture research activities using best practices
EU and international programmes and proj- and innovative investments in atmospheric
ects heavily rely on the high-quality atmo- instrumentation. For the future, the devel-
spheric data as currently provided by ACTRIS. opment of new synergetic algorithms for
The data products facilitate and enhance advanced higher-level products will further
scientific exchange with user communities improve the knowledge of atmospheric pro-
working on models, satellite retrievals, and cesses. It is expected that ACTRIS outcomes
forecast systems. The access opportunities will be used to support decisions in a wide
to the high quality infrastructures strength- range of policy areas, including air quality,
en and reinforce European collaboration, and but also health, international protocols, and
training of the young research community research requirements.

Project partners

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Integrated assessment for regional and local air quality policies
Instrument:  Coordination and support actions
Total cost:  999 990 €
EC contribution:  999 990 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/06/2012
Consortium:  15 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Brescia, IT
Project website:
Key words:  Integrated assessment modeling, policy support, health
impact, regional and local air quality plan

The challenge • To draw guidelines to support the implementation

of IA Modelling frameworks based on Member
Exceedances of air quality limit values in States (MS) best practice examples.
urban areas in Europe remain widespread, • To communicate to key stakeholders and poli-
particularly for PM, NOX and O3. This is not cy-makers state-of-the-art methodologies.
• To deepen scientific knowledge on emission abate-
simply a compliance issue but has significant ment assessment.
implications for the health and well being of
European citizens. In responding to such con- Methodology
cerns, many regions have designed air qual-
ity plans and developed integrated meth- The design of an Integrated Assessment
odologies to assess their impacts. With the Modeling framework addresses the chal-
revision of the EU air quality policy, it is vital lenge of answering to the requests of the
to consolidate and spread the results of work European Commission in terms of Air Qual-
undertaken in the field of Integrated Assess- ity “Plans and Programmes”, as first intro-
ment for Air Quality and Health Impacts, and duced in 96/62/EC Directive, then updated
make them accessible to policy makers. in 2008/50/EC Directive and in Commission
APPRAISAL focuses on answering the follow- Implementing Decision 2011/850.
ing questions: The project provides a methodological ap-
• What approaches are currently used to design and proach to this issue, considering a DPSIR
assess regional/local air quality plans? framework that allows for a detailed anal-
• What are their strengths and weaknesses? ysis of all the components to be used to de-
• What are the future research needs to improve sign a plan. In particular, two decision path-
these approaches? ways can be formalized:
• Open-loop / scenario analysis. This means select-
Project objectives ing emission reduction measures based on expert
judgment or source apportionment, and testing
their effect through simulation of foreseen emis-
To undertake an overall review of Integrat- sions. Though being the most commonly used at
ed Assessment (IA) methodologies current- the moment, this approach does not guarantee
ly used to assess regional and local scale that cost-effective measures are selected, and
impacts, from simple (scenario analysis) only allows for “ex-post analysis” of costs and oth-
er impacts (health effects, ecosystems exposure,
to more comprehensive ones (cost-benefit,
climate change).
cost-effectiveness analysis). • Closed loop / optimization. This approach allows
• To propose IA Modelling frameworks suited for dif- for the selection of cost-effective measures for
ferent model complexities and levels of data com- air quality improvement, through an optimization
pleteness, to fulfil policy-maker needs. approach. A “feedback” is provided on the “effec-

tiveness” of the measures, in terms of both costs The systematic review of the answers by
and effects. This allows for the selection of the set local environmental agencies and research
of measures that can provide the best results in
terms of health effects, ecosystems exposure, cli-
institutions provides the state-of the art and
mate change or other target impacts. identifies the limitations of the Integrated
The IAM framework design is based on the Assessment systems used in MS.
systematic review of the IA methodologies
used in MS. A database of actual research Expected results
and air quality plans has been organized
around 5 main themes and distributed as a The project will: provide insight on existing
questionnaire: Integrated Assessment Modelling at regional
• Synergies across spatial scales (from European to and local scale within the EU; define decision
local one) frameworks for Air Quality plan design; sup-
• Air quality assessment and Integrated Assessment port the implementation of local/regional In-
tegrated Assessment methodologies; assess
• Health impact assessment
• Source apportionment current research findings and future research
• Uncertainty and robustness needs; support the EU Air policy review.

Project partners

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Atmospheric dynamics Research Infrastructure in Europe
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  5 620 049 €
EC contribution:  4 400 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/01/2012
Consortium:  12 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Elisabeth Blanc
Project website:
Key words:  Dynamics of the atmosphere, coupling of atmospheric
layers, large scale atmospheric disturbances, extreme events

The challenge very different climatic regimes, extending

over Europe and outlying regions, including
For a long time, it was considered that there polar and equatorial regions.
are negligible interactions between the up-
per layers and the troposphere. However, Project objectives
recent studies have demonstrated the role
that dynamics in the middle and upper at- The ARISE infrastructure objectives are:
mosphere can play in both tropospheric 1. to improve the representation of gravity waves
weather and climate. Atmospheric waves, in stratosphere-resolving climate models, crucial
particularly gravity and planetary waves, to estimating the impact of stratospheric climate
drive this interaction and much of the large- forcing on the troposphere, to monitor climate-re-
lated phenomena such as severe weather, thun-
scale atmo¬spheric global circulation sys-
derstorms and sudden stratospheric warmings,
tems in the middle and upper atmosphere. over large time periods, in order to characterize
Observations above the stratopause, where their intensity and evolution over time in relation
measurements are rare, could then provide with climate change,
crucial information for better description 2. to provide a near-real time and continuous mon-
of the atmosphere and more accurate lon- itoring of natural hazards such as large volcanic
ger-term weather forecasts, on timescales eruptions, cyclones, avalanches, and meteorites.
up to several weeks ahead.
The challenge of the ARISE project is to
integrate complementary measurements The infrastructure will include the infrasound
to provide updated 3D images of the at- networks developed for verification of the
mosphere and unresolved disturbances Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, the
from the ground to the mesosphere with Network for the Detection of Atmospheric
unprecedented spatio-temporal resolution. Composition Change – using LIDAR (LIght
The main idea is to probe the atmosphere Detection And Ranging) – and the Network
using atmospheric disturbances produced for the Detection of Mesopause Change,
by well identified sources. The considered dedicated to airglow layer measurements in
time scales range from seconds for extreme the mesosphere.
events (volcanoes, thunderstorms, cyclones, The ARISE Design Study project aims to in-
avalanches, meteorites) to minutes or hours tegrate and coordinate scientific communi-
for gravity waves, days for planetary waves ties that have never previously worked to-
up to tens of years for long term mean trend gether, and to design a large infrastructure
studies. The observations cover areas with that adds significant value for understanding

the atmosphere. A large part of the project long-term mean trends and also the evolu-
is dedicated to defining the specifications of tion of extreme event characteristics with
advanced data products that can be derived climate change. Furthermore, the benefits
from the different measurement techniques. include civil applications related to mon-
In addition, there will be a focus on inte- itoring of natural hazards. It concerns for
grated studies, based on simulations using example remote monitoring of volcanoes for
data products obtained through the ARISE civil aviation in case of ash injections in the
network. Topics of specific interest include atmosphere.
numerical weather modelling and climate
The demonstrator of the ARISE data base
will use data from the 3 participating net-
Measurement campaigns integrating co-lo- works, the ARISE campaign measurements
calized instrumentation are organized at the and additional satellite observations. It will
Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP) and be used as a platform for advanced products
at Mt Etna in Italy. and simulations.
These campaigns that are helpful in the The success of ARISE is already visible
design of a prototype station, attract other
through the increasing number of associat-
teams providing additional complementary
ed members and cooperation with interna-
measurements. Similar stations could be in-
tional groups involved in climatological and
stalled at other sites in the future.
environmental studies. Another indication is
the large number of ARISE-funded presenta-
Expected results tions at the European Geosciences Union as
The expected benefits are a better descrip- well as the summer school organized at the
tion of the atmosphere and an improved ac- project midterm. ARISE already promotes co-
curacy in short- and medium-range weather operation with several African countries. As
forecasts. The data will be used for moni- the integrated networks are international, an
toring the middle atmosphere dynamics, its impact beyond Europe is also expected.

Project partners

Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (FR) Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (NL)

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DE) Stiftelsen Norwegian Seismic Array (NO)

Laboratoire Atmosphères-Milieux-Observations Spatiales (FR) Ustav Fyziky Atmosfery (CZ)

Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (DE) Institutet för RymdFysik (SE)

University of Reading (UK) Institut d’Aéronomie Spatiale de Belgique (BE)

Universita Degli Studi Di Firenze (IT) Laboratoire Mécanique Fluides et Acoustique (FR)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Atmospheric nucleation:  from molecular to global scale
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grants
ERC funding:  2 000 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/01/2009
Host institution:  University of Helsinki, FI
Principal investigator:  Markku Kulmala
Project website:
Key words:  Atmospheric aerosol particles, aerosol formation, trace
gases, climate change, air quality, numerical models

The challenge ciplinary research with a high level of tech-

nological and scientific innovation. To un-
Aerosol particles and their interaction with derstand the complex, non-linear system
the climate systems remain the dominant requires a diverse range of scientific and
uncertainty in predicting radiative forcing. technological expertise in the areas of chem-
The development of better aerosol param- istry, physics, biology, and meteorology, and
eterizations is perhaps the single most im- involves laboratory studies, ground, ship, and
portant challenge for the next generation of airborne field studies, satellite remote-sens-
climate models. An important phenomenon ing and numerical modelling studies rang-
associated with the atmospheric aerosol ing from the molecular ab initio level to the
system is the formation of new atmospher- global scale Earth system models.
ic aerosol particles. Atmospheric aerosol Our research approach covers all those ex-
formation consists of a complicated set of perimental and theoretical aspects.
processes. Once formed, aerosol particles
need to grow further to sizes >50-100 nm Emerging results
in diameter until they are able to influence
climate. While aerosol formation has been ATMNUCLE has measured the first time the
observed to take place almost everywhere charged and neutral particles (1.1 nm in
in the atmosphere, several gaps in our diameter) simultaneously. This has greatly
knowledge regarding this phenomenon still improved our understanding of the role of
exist including the basic process-level under- sulphuric acid in atmospheric nucleation and
standing of atmospheric aerosol formation cluster formation. Newly formed particles
and the detailed molecular-scale processes. have been shown to give a larger contri-
bution to the global aerosol load. Further-
more, effects on human health are related
Project objectives to particle size, as well as the toxicity of the
The main scientific objectives of this project material, as the size determines whether or
are 1) to quantify the mechanisms responsi- not the particles are able to penetrate the
ble for atmospheric new particle formation lungs and enter blood circulation. ATMNUCLE
and 2) to find out how important this process has shown that volatile organic compounds,
is for the behaviour of the global aerosol produced during photosynthesis, contrib-
system and, ultimately, for the whole climate ute greatly to the growth of newly formed
system. particles up to CCN size. The project break-
throughs are expected as understanding of
Methodology key areas such as the role of ions, particle
clusters and biogenic emissions. New find-
In order to be able to meet our objectives, ings resulting from ATMNUCLE are quickly
and to answer our research questions, we being integrated to climate and Earth Sys-
need to perform inter-, multi and cross-dis- tem models.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Atmospheric Gas-Aerosol Interactions – from Fundamental
Theory to Global Effects
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 500 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/09/2011
Host institution:  Stockholm University, SE
Principal investigator:  Ilona Riipinen
Project website:
Key words:  atmosphere, aerosols, climate, air quality

The challenge aerosol.

4. To parameterize ultrafine aerosol growth in
Atmospheric aerosol particles impact the chemical transport models, and quantify the im-
global climate and are among the main pol- pact of condensation and evaporation processes
lutants deteriorating air quality. According on global and regional aerosol budgets.
to the IPCC aerosols have been the most
important, while also most uncertain, atmo- Methodology
spheric cooling component in the industrial
period. To pin down the effects of aerosols Our core task is to understand the mass
on climate and air quality, the processes transport to/from atmospheric ultrafine
governing their concentrations need to be aerosol, and provide a computationally ef-
understood and represented accurately in ficient approach to model it in air quality
large-scale models. The fate and impacts
and climate models. We approach this task
of ultrafine (< 100 nm in diameter) aerosol
from multiple angles and with varying level
particles are governed by mass transport be-
tween the gas and particulate phases. Cor- of detail, using novel computational models
rect representation of the aerosol growth/ that combine the relevant physical (mass
shrinkage by condensation/evaporation of and heat transport, thermodynamics) and
atmospheric vapours is thus a prerequisite chemical (reactions in the gas and partic-
for capturing the evolution and impacts of ulate phase) processes in the aerosol sys-
aerosols. tem. The scales of these models range from
molecular dynamics simulations to coupled
Project objectives
Earth system models. These models are con-
The main goal of ATMOGAIN is to address stantly tested and, if needed, re-iterated us-
the major current unknowns in atmospher- ing state-of-the-science observational data
ic ultrafine particle growth and evaporation. from both field and laboratory. The project
The specific objectives are:
has elements that will improve the funda-
1. To develop a unified theoretical framework to
describe the mass accommodation processes at
mental understanding of mass transport to/
aerosol surfaces. from aerosol particles, but in parallel also
2. To determine thermodynamic properties of at- elements that provide working solutions with
mospheric low-volatility organic compounds and
the best available knowledge – even with in-
their mixtures with water and inorganics.
3. To resolve the gas and particulate phase process- complete mechanistic understanding of the
es governing the growth of realistic atmospheric processes.

Emerging results the atmospheric ultrafine particle evolution,
the applications of our results extend from
The main outcome of this project is a quan- droplet and ice crystal growth in clouds to
titative description of atmospheric nanopar- any industrial or scientific application that
ticle growth by organic vapour condensation, exploits generation and manipulation of
and its implications for climate and air qual- nanoparticles by vapour condensation/evap-
ity. Besides completing the understanding of oration.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Consistent computation of the chemistry-cloud continuum and
climate change in Cyprus
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  2 196 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/01/2009
Host institution:  Cyprus Institute of the Cyprus Research and
Educational Foundation (CREF), CY
Principal investigator:  Johannes Lelieveld
Project website:
Key words:  Mediterranean, Middle East, Earth System Model, air
quality, climate change

The challenge er extremes are projected with relatively

high spatial detail for the Mediterranean and
The C8 project contributes to the under- Middle East region. The potential impacts of
standing of aerosol and cloud processes and air quality degradation and heat extremes
their representation in regional and global on human health are also assessed.
climate models. We apply a new numerical
method that allows for a direct coupling in
climate models between aerosol chemical
composition, being influenced by pollution As a major innovation the aerosol hygro-
emissions, and the continuum between haz- scopic properties and formation of clouds
es and clouds. The project focuses on the will be computed explicitly as a function of
Mediterranean and the Middle East because chemical composition and ambient relative
it is a hot spot in climate change exposed humidity with the earth system model EMAC,
to drying and air pollution. Within the project whereas presently it is common practice to
we also study aspects of impacts of region- model cloud formation based on simple con-
al air quality and climate change on human densation thresholds. New parametrisations
health. are also developed and utilised, for exam-
ple in relation to dust emissions. The EMAC
Project objectives model resolves global phenomena in the
The project aims to reduce uncertainty in troposphere and stratosphere, and therefore
the scientific understanding of physical and is suitable for studying physical and chemi-
chemical properties of aerosols by applying a cal interactions on large scales. In addition,
quantitative numerical method to predict the regional climate models are used to down-
aerosol composition and interactions with scale the global climate model projections
clouds. Other project objectives include the over the Mediterranean and the Middle East
investigation of the regional and global as- to provide input for climate change impact
pects and links with air pollution, increasing studies. New climate datasets are generat-
greenhouse gases, atmospheric circulation ed for the region and statistical methods are
changes and perturbations of the water cy- applied to derive trends and assess air qual-
cle. Furthermore, climate change and weath- ity and climate change.

Emerging results is predominantly controlled by dynamical
rather than cloud microphysical processes.
A comprehensive aerosol microphysics and By analyzing long-term meteorological data,
gas aerosol thermodynamics module for we revealed that the summer northerly flow
applications has been developed. It is com-
and descent over the eastern Mediterranean
putationally efficient and suitable for medi-
are strikingly synchronous to the monsoon
um to long-term model simulations. A new
convection over North India. Analyses of me-
high-resolution global anthropogenic emis-
sion inventory of gas and aerosol pollutants teorological data also corroborate significant
and two versions of a parameterization upward temperature trends in the Mediter-
scheme to compute desert dust emissions ranean and Middle East in the past decades.
have been incorporated into the EMAC mod- In future, the annual number of heat wave
el. The model simulations indicate that the days is expected to increase drastically. Fur-
Persian Gulf region is a global hot spot of thermore, conditions in the region are con-
photochemical smog where air quality stan- ducive for photochemical air pollution, hence,
dards are strongly violated. our model projections suggest strongly in-
On a regional scale our results do not sup- creasing ozone formation. This adds to the
port the recent hypothesis suggesting that high concentrations of aerosol particles from
dust particles, though their ability to act as natural (desert dust) and anthropogenic
cloud condensation nuclei, can invigorate sources. The increasing heat extremes and
storms and alter precipitation amounts, and air pollution will significantly impact society
we conclude that storm-related precipitation and human health.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  megaCITY - Zoom for the ENvironment
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  3 959 272 €
EC contribution:  2 915 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/09/2008
Consortium:  16 partners from 10 countries
Project coordinator:  Norwegian Meteorological Institute, NO
Project website:

The challenge hotspots for detailed study: The Eastern

Mediterranean, the Po Valley (Italy), the
Since 2007 more than half of the world’s BeNeLux region, and the Pearl River Delta in
population have been living in cities, and the Southeastern China.
trend of urbanization is expected to contin-
ue. One important aspect is the rapid growth
of so-called megacities, usually defined as
agglomerations with 10 million inhabitants CityZen collected and analysed extensive
or more. Megacities are often characterized sets of observations from both satellites
by extremely large population densities, high and ground based instruments. Observa-
levels of social frag-mentation, and an in- tional studies were complemented by de-
frastructure which does not keep pace with tailed model calculations of the transport
rapid population growth and changing life and chemical and physical conversion of air
habits. Emissions from megacities are thus pollutants in the atmosphere. Emission data
very different from rural emissions. Given sets were generated for present and future
their size and emission output, megacities conditions, assuming different air pollution
not only affect their local environment but and climate policy scenarios.
can have regional to global effects on air pol-
Interactions between air pollution and cli-
lution, visibility, and climate.
mate were studied based on extensive data
sets from extreme episodes in the past, such
Project objectives as the hot European summers of 2003 and
The main aim of CityZen was to assess the 2007. In addition, climate models simulated
environmental impacts of megacities or the response of climate to emission chang-
emission hot spots, both locally and globally. es in the future, and chemical dispersion
In particular, the project aimed to: models were used to calculate changes in
air pollution as a response to future climate
• quantify and understand current air pollution in
and around selected megacities with focus on change.
ozone and particulate matter; As megacities can affect the environment on
• estimate how megacities influence air quality and both local and global scales, CityZen investi-
climate locally, regionally, and globally;
gated methods to bridge the different spatial
• estimate how megacities will respond to climate
change in the future; scales in state-of-the-art computer models
• calculate the impact of future emission change of the atmosphere in consistent ways.
and suggest mitigation options;
• provide technical underpinning of policy work Key results
through continuous contact with policy makers.
Rather than dealing with all megacities CityZen has generated large amounts of
worldwide, CityZen selected four emission useful observational data and model results

focussing on the environmental impact of to combine observational data from differ-
large cities and agglomerations. The envi- ent space-borne platforms into multi-year
ronmental footprint of megacities, including trends, to improve emission data based on
multi-year trends, has been detected from satellite observations, etc.
satellite for North American, European and Based on project results CityZen was able
Asian hotspots. Fluxes into and out of emis- to make suggestions to policy makers in
sion hotspots have been quantified by atmo- regard to mitigation options targeting both
spheric models in order to compare imported air quality and climate change, i.e. reducing
versus indigenous air pollution in densely short-lived climate forcers and air quality
populated areas. The response of air quality problems at the same time.
in and around megacities to climate change
CityZen has generated more than 50 publica-
was estimated in detailed model calcula-
tions in the peer-reviewed literature and also
tions for the future. For instance, ozone is as- made important contributions to major assess-
sumed to increase in large parts of Southern ment reports (e.g. the recent WMO/IGAC report
Europe in a warmer and dryer climate, partly on Impacts of Megacities on Air Pollution and
offsetting the benefits of planned reductions Climate). The contact to policy occurred mainly
in ozone precursor emissions. through concise leaflets that focussed on dif-
Novel techniques have been developed, ferent aspects, e.g. climate-chemistry inter-
inter alia to bridge the different spatial actions, observational data and trends, ozone
scales (from global to regional) in models, and particulate matter, etc.

Project partners
Meteorologisk institutt NO
Peking University CN
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FR
Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques FR
Universität Bremen DE
Rhenish Institute for Environmental Research at the University of Cologne DE
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH DE
University of Crete EL
Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche IT
Norsk Institutt for Luftforskning NO
Universitetet i Oslo NO
Institute of Marine Sciences-Middle East Technical University TR
University of Leicester UK
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis AT
National Observatory of Athens EL
Cairo University Center for Environmental Hazard Mitigation EG

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Quantitative picture of interactions between climate,
hydrological cycle and stratospheric inputs in Antarctica over the last
100 years via the combined use of all water isotopes
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grants
ERC funding:  1 869 950 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/01/2013
Host institution:  Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR
Principal investigator:  Amaelle Landais
Key words:  Ice cores, water isotopes, hydrological cycle, isotopic

The challenge 17O-excess of Antarctic snow.

2. For a quantification of the stratospheric input and
The mass balance budget of Antarctica tropospheric water cycle organization, we will
is particularly scrutinized with respect to implement all tracers (water isotopes, 10Be) in
temperature and tropospheric water cycle atmospheric general circulation models including
a detailed description of the stratosphere and
evolution. Antarctica is also a very sensi-
adaptation to Antarctica and combined analyses
tive region within the polar vortex and thus
of aforementionned parameters in different Ant-
affected by the ozone depletion through an arctic ice cores.
important role of polar stratospheric clouds.
Stratosphere has also a great role for under- Methodology
standing climate and atmospheric circulation
in Antarctica. We thus aim to provide a quan- Quantifying the water equilibrium fraction-
titative picture of the evolution of tempera- ation coefficients will be performed using a
ture, tropospheric water cycle and strato- controlled chamber inspired from existing
spheric input over Antarctica documenting experimental aerosols chamber with spe-
the recent trends and variability beyond the cial attention to possible water exchange at
instrumental period and beyond the pres- the surface. In order to measure the isoto-
ence of the ozone hole. pic composition of water vapor at very low
water concentration, we will develop a home
Project objectives made laser spectrometer to measure δ17O
with a precision less than 0.1‰ at water
The final objective of this project is a descrip- concentrations of 500 ppmv. For the mod-
tion of the links between climate, hydrolog- eling part, water isotopes (δD, δ18O) are
ical cycle and stratospheric inputs over the already incorporated in the coupled Labo-
last 100 years in Antarctica. For this chal- ratoire de Météorologie Dynamique (LMDZ)
lenge, our approach combines the 5 major General Circulation Model: LMDZ-iso. In order
water isotopes through several objectives: to improve the description of stratosphere,
1. For a correct use of water isotopes in Antarcti- we will use the version LMDZ-iso with 39
ca ice cores for temperature, hydrological cycle layers. Regarding tritium and 10Be, terms
and potential stratospheric input reconstructions, for stratospheric production and for radioac-
we will provide a correct determination of frac-
tionation coefficients at solid precipitation, an
tive decay will be added in the LMDZ-INCA
improved description of cloud microphysics in iso- model. Finally, we will measure the 5 major
topic models as well as evidences for a significant water isotopes and 10Be in two neighbor
or not influence of stratospheric water input on cores covering the last 100 years in remote

East Antarctica and in two different sites in through balloon experiments or airplane
coastal East Antarctica to decipher the re- campaigns.
gional and global signals. The correct determination of water fraction-
ation coefficients and an improved descrip-
Emerging results tion of the cloud microphysics influence at
very low temperature is essential for the
The work for developing the laser spectrom-
eter measuring δ17O with high accuracy quantitative interpretation of ice cores re-
in the water vapor will lead to important cords. On the modeling side, we will provide
instrumental development which will influ- the first AGCM fully equipped with all water
ence future efforts toward other applications isotopes and 10Be input, hence combining
of laser spectroscopy that are exponentially water cycle and aerosols expertises. Finally,
growing today. Moreover, if the instrument demonstrating a stratospheric water signa-
reveals to be robust enough, it opens new ture in the new tracer 17O-excess would be
perspective for measuring 17O-excess on a unique tool for reconstructing past strato-
field and directly also in the stratosphere spheric input on long timescales.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  COmmunity heavy-PAyload Long endurance Instrumented
Aircraft for Tropospheric Research in Environmental and Geo-Sciences
Instrument:  Collaborative project and coordination and support action
Total cost:  1 066 578 €
EC contribution:  1 000 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/11/2007
Consortium:  13 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Météo-France, FR
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, air quality, land use, air pollutant
emissions, atmosphere-biosphere interactions, model parameterizations.

The challenge velop expertise in airborne measurements

and participate to international multidisci-
Parallel with the development of Earth sim- plinary experiments.
ulators in numerical modeling, experimental
research in environmental and Geo-sciences
is evolving towards multidisciplinary studies
of the atmospheric and climate systems at To refine user requirements and translate
the global scale. Consequently, research air- into specifications for aircraft performance
craft instrumentation must now include in-si- and modifications for research. To precise-
tu measurements of turbulence, atmospher- ly quote the acquisition, modification, and
ic state parameters, and cloud microphysics, maintenance costs of the community air-
sampling inlets for gas and aerosol analysis, craft. To define procedures for the selection
and a combination of passive and active re- of the aircraft and data management oper-
mote sensing systems. The endurance must ators. To constitute a network of academic
be sufficient for long range studies over centres of excellence and SMEs will for the
remote area such as the oceans, the Polar development and airborne certification of
Regions and continental areas with limited innovative instruments for the community
ground infrastructures, such as the Sahara aircraft. To elaborate new scientific gover-
desert or the Amazon. nance schemes for evaluation of access
proposals and allocation of time slots, which
Project objectives reconcile the Pan-European use of the air-
COPAL has the objective of providing the craft, with national authority in term of sci-
European scientific community in the field entific programming. These activities will be
of environmental and Geo-sciences, with a coordinated with EUFAR, with the operators
unique research aircraft platform, capable of of community research aircraft in the USA,
reaching and operating in any remote area and with the other Preparatory Phase stud-
in the world, i.e. an endurance greater than ies, especially those with points of similarity
10 hours, and a heavy payload greater than with COPAL, such as the research vessels.
10 tons to integrate a comprehensive mul- They will supply with technical and logistic
tidisciplinary instrumentation. It will offer an solutions the research institutions which will
unprecedented opportunity to countries that develop a new organizational model for the
are not yet operating research aircraft to de- COPAL infrastructure.

Expected results aircraft, stakeholder countries will develop
knowledge and also gain access to the di-
Through a joint investment, COPAL will fill verse fleet of smaller instrumented aircraft
the main gap of the European fleet of re- already operated in Europe.
search aircraft, namely the lack of heavy With its heavy payload, the community air-
payload and long endurance plateforme and craft will open opportunities to explore the
mitigate the very unbalanced distribution complex Earth system by studying interac-
of expertise on airborne reesarch, main- tions and feedbacks between its physical
ly concentrated today in DE, UK and FR. In processes, and ultimately improve the phys-
joint research programs with the community ics of the climate models.

Project partners

Météo-France FR

Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial ES

Finish Meteorological Institute FI

Natural Environment Research Council UK

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia PT

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche IT

General Secretariat for Research and Technology EL

University of Warsaw, Institute of Geophysics PO

Enviscope GmbH DE

The Meteorological Office UK

Centre National de la Recherche FR

SJ Berwin LLP BE

Deutsches Zentrum Fuer Luft-und Raumfahrt E.V. DE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Transatlantic fluxes of Saharan dust: changing climate through
fertilising the ocean?
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 970 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/10/2012
Host institution:  NIOZ – Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, NL
Principal investigator:  Jan-Berend W. Stuut
Project website:
Key words:  Climate, Atlantic Ocean, fertilisation

The challenge Methodology

From the geological record we know that Five sediment trap moorings that will be de-
desert dust, atmospheric CO2 contents and ployed in a transatlantic array along 12°N
climate are strongly related; during glacial directly downwind of the major dust sources
times atmospheric CO2 contents were low in NW Africa to determine transient changes
and atmospheric dust levels were high and in Saharan dust flux, particle size and shape,
vice versa. Marine phytoplankton sequesters mineralogy, chemistry, plant waxes, and mi-
CO2 from the atmosphere, and it can benefit crobiology.
from the nutrients and metals that are car- In the central two moorings at 40°W, two at-
ried by mineral dust particles. The hypothe- mospheric dust collectors will be placed on
sis we want to test is if mineral dust can be surface buoys. These buoys filter dust-lad-
used to fertilise the ocean and thus to influ- en air at the same temporal resolution
ence global climate change. (two-weekly) as the sediment traps in the
ocean underneath.
Project objectives Satellite observations and back-trajectory
To record and quantify the downwind dust modelling will allow for exact provenancing
of the dust outbreaks as well as quantifi-
compositional changes in relation to hori-
cation of the dust dispersal pathways and
zontal (source-to-sink) and vertical transport
changes (e.g., Saharan Air Layer at high alti-
tude versus low-level Trades at given mete- The dust collected by the time-series moor-
orological conditions (wind direction, speed, ing will be compared (size, shape, chemistry,
humidity). mineralogy, plant waxes) with sediments
from the source regions.
To quantify compositional changes of aero-
sols after deposition in the ocean, the marine The proxies derived from the present-day
environmental effects of dust fertilisation in observations will be applied through geo-
relation to the carbon pump, and the export logic history using sediment cores retrieved
of organic material from photic zone to sea from several positions along the transatlan-
floor by dust ballasting. tic transect.

To reconstruct past changes in aerosol pro-

Emerging results
duction, transport, and deposition in the
Atlantic, as well as marine environmental It is expected that the proposed integration
effects of mineral aerosols in the geologic of land and marine studies and fully integrat-
past. ed source-to-sink approach will fill a number

of the gaps in our present-day knowledge by sink(s);
providing answers to the questions about: • the fertilising effect of aerosols on the marine en-
the seasonal variability of Saharan dust pro- • variability of aerosol production, dispersal and fer-
duction and transport; tilising effects through the geologic past.
• its physical, chemical, mineralogical, nutrient, and Especially the last point is of vital impor-
(micro)biological composit-ion influenced by vary- tance, as it offers the possibility to place on-
ing moisture condit-ions in the source areas; going global change into the context of dra-
• the compositional changes of the aerosols on their matic and well-documented global changes
way through the atmosphere from source(s) to throughout the geologic past.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  EU Cloud Intercomparison, Process Study & Ealuation Project
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 985 600 €
EC contribution:  3 500 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/02/2010
Consortium:  12 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut
Project website:
Key words:  clouds, climate change

The challenge • Improvement the parameterization of cloud relat-

ed processes in current Earth System Models
Cloud feedbacks in Earth System Models
(ESMs) remain the largest source of uncer- Methodology
tainty in projections of future climate. They
EUCLIPSE will achieve these objectives by
are also a major contributor to uncertain-
making use of revolutionary developments
ty in other feedbacks (e.g., surface albedo,
in both observational and numerical simula-
carbon cycle) in the Earth System. Through
tion techniques through
interactions with the large-scale circulation,
cloud processes also contribute to synoptic • Exploiting the full hierarchy of entirely new ob-
servations of clouds. These include active space-
circulations and regional climate. They are
borne remote sensing, the use of advanced atmo-
therefore critical to the prediction of future spheric profiling stations and the use of data from
changes in precipitation patterns, climate recent observational field experiments.
variability and extreme events.
The central objective of EUCLIPSE is to reduce • Exploiting the full hierarchy of Modelling Tools.
These include a set of proposed earth system
the uncertainty in the representation of cloud
model experiments along with targeted cloud-re-
processes and feedbacks in the new genera- solving simulations to answer specific questions
tion of Earth System Models (ESMs), in sup- identified in the analysis of the ESM experiments.
port of the IPCC’s fifth assessment report. • Designing idealized simulations to help to isolate
and diagnose the effect of key cloud-climate feed-
Project objectives back processes.

EUCLIPSE represents a focused multi-disci- Expected results

plinary effort to respond to this challenge by
• Improvement of the representation of cloud relat-
fostering coordinated research in the area of
ed processes.
cloud feedbacks on climate change. The spe- • A metrics to quantify the ability of Earth System
cific objectives of EUCLIPSE are: Models to represent clouds, radiation and precip-
• Evaluation of cloud processes in Earth System itation.
Models. • Reduction of the uncertainty of model-based es-
• Development of physical understanding of how timates of climate change due to cloud related
cloud processes respond and feedback to climate processes
change. • Dissemination of new tools, analysis methods,
• Development of a metric to measure the relative simulations and observations that will provide a
credibility of the cloud feedbacks by different Earth useful data base for the model development com-
System Models. munity at large.

Project partners
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute NL
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology DE
Met Office UK
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – Institute Pierre Simon Laplace FR
Academy of Athens EL
European Centre of Medium Range Weather Forecasts UK
Delft University of Technology NL
Météo-France – Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques FR
University of Stockholm SE
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich CH
University of Warsaw PL
German High Performance Computing Centre for Climate- and Earth System Research DE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Integration of European Simulation Chambers for Investigating
Atmospheric Processes – Part 2
Instrument:  Collaborative project and coordination and support action
Total cost:  6 490 614 €
EC contribution:  4 999 999 €
Duration:  56 months
Start date:  01/05/2009
Consortium:  14 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  Peter Wiesen
Project website:
Key words:  climate change, atmospheric simulation chambers,
atmospheric chemistry, air quality

The challenge research institutions;

• to improve the performance of the existing facili-
Understanding climate change is a priority ties, and create new ones if required
nowa-days for science, policy formulation • to provide the world wide research community
and industry. This can be achieved combining with a productive state-of-the-art tool for atmo-
spheric chemistry investigations;
real-world obser-vations and experimental
• to offer maximum support, training and funding for
investigations to provide input for mathe- a broad community of researchers from different
matical modelling. Controlled ex-periments disciplines;
on the behaviour of target substances under • to promote retention of Europe’s international
simulated atmospheric conditions – a box of position of excellence in the area of atmospheric
air – are essential for a correct assessment chemistry research.
and interpretation of the real-world observa-
tions and the validation of computer models. Methodology
Simulation chambers situated at more than The project’s work plan comprises three net-
20 locations in Europe represent such boxes. working activities:
The chambers are equipped with state-of-
the-art instrumentation operated by experts N1: Raw Data Analysis, Data Intercompari-
whose cumulative efforts are directed to- son And Quality Assurance,
ward understanding chemistry-related cli- N2: Central database of environmental
mate changes in the atmosphere. chamber studies and central spectroscopic
Project objectives N3: Meetings and infrastructure-related
The project continues the development of an
integrated, international infrastructure start- and two major joint research activities:
ed 2004 by EUROCHAMP-1. Through these JRA1: Experimental techniques,
projects the most important atmospheric
JRA2: Development of common techniques
simulation cham-bers in Europe have been
for use of chamber measurements in model
amalgamated to form a powerful and effec-
development and evaluation,
tive atmospheric chemistry research infra-
structure with the aims: and one Transnational Access activity.
• to make better use of these expensive facilities This structure proved effective in promot-
by breaking down boundaries between national ing the interdisciplinary collaboration within

the infra-structure, optimisation and further 1. an improved knowledge in atmospheric chemistry
development of the infrastructures’ perfor- and open access to this knowledge via the various
EUROCHAMP data bases,
mance and dissemination of the project out-
2. the development of updated and/or new models
comes. for the description of atmospheric chemical and
The project is linked via involvement of part- physical processes,
ners with other on-going activities in the 3. the development of innovative and improved an-
alytical instrumentation for atmospheric gaseous
field such as to the projects EUFAR, ACTRIS,
species and particles,
IAGOS, ICOS, PEGASOS and the ACCENT-Plus 4. the restructuring of research performed in Eu-
Network. This guarantees a continuous ex- ropean environmental chambers which resulted
change of information with the aim to more in a departure from individual to more effective,
effectively close the knowledge gaps in the productive and scientifically beneficial integrative
field of atmospheric chemistry and physics. research contributions,
5. high quality training for PhD students and early
stage researchers.
Expected results The outcomes of these activities are doc-
The projects have been a success story umented in more than 150 publications in
from the beginning of EUROCHAMP-1 in renowned, peer-reviewed scientific journals.
June 2004. The EUROCHAMP infrastructure The EUROCHAMP infrastructure offers now-
is nowadays well recognised by colleagues adays an excellent platform for the devel-
worldwide. opment, prototyping and testing of novel
environmental analytical techniques in
Since 2004, more than 100 groups of scien-
co-operation with SMEs. This complies with
tist from all over the world and from many
the innovation focus of the new HORIZON
different disciplines related to atmospheric
2020 programme of the European Com-
chemistry, such as indoor air quality, health mission and could help to foster the lead-
and cultural heritage have made use of the ing role of European SMEs in this sector and
infrastructure. to strengthen their competitiveness on the
The project led to: world market.

Project partners

Bergische Universität Wuppertal (DE) Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (DE)

Forschungszentrum Jülich, GmbH (DE) University of Leeds (UK)

El Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo (ES) SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut AB (SE)

Universität Bayreuth (DE) Université Paris 12 (FR)

University College Cork (IE) Leibniz-Institute for Tropospheric Research (DE)

The French National Center for Scientific Research (FR) University of Copenhagen (DK)

Paul Scherrer Institut (CH) University of Manchester (UK)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  In-situ experiments on the chemical composition of high altitude
aerosols and clouds in the tropical upper troposphere and lower
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  2 780 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/03/2013
Host institution:  Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, DE
Principal investigator:  Stephan Borrmann
Key words:  atmospheric chemistry, aerosols, high clouds, chemical
composition of particles, high altitude research aircraft, aerosol mass

The challenge craft, and (3.) to perform mission flights in

the tropical upper troposphere and lower
The chemical composition of atmospheric stratosphere as well as in the Tropical Transi-
aerosol and cloud particles is to be measured tion Layer (TTL). The aim is to probe the air in
in-situ in the tropical upper troposphere and the Asian monsoon region, if possible.
lower stratosphere. The corresponding alti-
tudes of 16 to 20 km can be reached only Methodology
by specialized high altitude research aircraft.
The technological challenge is to devise ful- New state-of-the-art instrumentation is be-
ly automated measurement instrumentation ing developed adopting aerosol mass spec-
which is capable of safely and reliably operat- trometry as main technique for in-situ, real
ing on a fast flying platform at ambient condi- time, direct-reading chemical analyses. This
tions with temperatures as low as –90 °C and fully autonomous instrumentation is to be
only one twentieth of the ground pressure. integrated on the Russian high-altitude re-
search aircraft “M-55 Geophysica” and to
Project objectives be deployed at altitudes up to 20 km in the
tropics and mid-latitudes. Additional instru-
The physical and chemical properties of cloud mentation collects in-situ samples of the at-
forming aerosol particles are key elements mospheric particles for a-posteriori analyses
for the mathematical representation of in the laboratory by means of EDX electron
clouds within numerical models for climate microscopy and NanoSIMS in order to obtain
and atmospheric chemistry. Of particular more detailed information on particle sizes,
importance is the chemical composition of morphological structure, and chemical com-
aerosol particles with sizes below 1 microm- position. This way, for example, aerosol par-
eter. Since clouds in the tropics can extend ticles of meteoric origin can be identified and
up to -almost unreachable- altitudes of 20 separated from anthropogenic, biogenic or
km such measurements need to be carried mineral particles.
out on suitable aircraft platforms. The main
project objectives thus are (1.) to design and
Emerging results
construct fully automated instrumentation
for in-situ chemical composition measure- From EXCATRO we hope to gain essential in-
ments and sampling, (2.) to implement these sight into the processes underlying origin and
instruments on a high-altitude research air- the formation of tropical clouds and precipi-

tation, as well as the formation of the global region already is affected by anthropogenic
stratospheric aerosol. This is of relevance influence with “tele-connections” to the polar
for climate and atmospheric chemistry e.g. stratosphere and the ozone there.
in the context of stratospheric ozone pro- The in-situ data will provide key input for
duction and destruction. Major emphasis is the numerical simulation of clouds, and sat-
placed on the organic content of the aerosols ellite product verification, which cannot be
and clouds, its sources and anthropogenic gained otherwise. EXCATRO will thus provide
fraction, in particular from ground releases ground-breaking knowledge which is crucial
in the Asian Monsoon region and Southeast to understand and mathematically describe
Asia. Due to the rapidly growing megacities of the role of tropical clouds and aerosols
and biomass-burning events we expect that and their influence on the planet’s atmo-
the seemingly pristine tropical high altitude spheric chemistry and climate.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System – European
Research Infrastructure
Instrument:  Collaborative project and coordination and support action
Total cost:  4 389 127 €
EC contribution:  3 300 000 €
Duration:  60 Months
Start date:  01/09/2008
Consortium:  15 Partners from 3 countries
Project coordinator:  Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, DE
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, air quality, aviation, weather prediction

The challenge stratosphere and vertical profiles of trace species

by a set of autonomous instruments deployed
Climate change represents arguably the aboard a fleet of passenger aircraft of internation-
most serious environmental issue mankind ally operating airlines.
is facing today, with implications for global • Provide long-term, frequent, regular, accurate,
and spatially resolved in-situ data on atmospheric
political stability and the global economy. chemical composition, aerosol particles and clouds
Reliable predictions of future climate using to the global scientific community.
climate models are a fundamental pre-req-
uisite for determining future mitigation Methodology
In IAGOS, two complementary approaches
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate are combined:
Change (IPCC) has emphasised the large un-
1. AGOS-CORE: Implementation and operation of
certainties in the contributions of non-CO2 autonomous instruments installed in up to 20
greenhouse gases, aerosol and clouds that long-range aircraft for continuous measurements
prevent an accurate prediction of climate of important reactive gases and greenhouse gas-
change and its causes. Particular uncertain- es (ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, car-
ties exist for the upper tropo-sphere and bon dioxide, methane, water vapour), as well as
lower stratosphere, a very sensitive region aerosol (dust) and cloud particles. The installation
consists of fully automated instruments that can
for climate change, which is not adequately
operate aboard the aircraft in unattended mode
probed by satellites and ground-based sys- for several weeks. The data are transmitted au-
tems. tomatically via the global mobile phone network
into the database and via SATCOM for real-time
Project objectives data users.
2. IAGOS-CARIBIC: Monthly deployment of a cargo
IAGOS aims at establishing a cost efficient, container equipped with instrumentation for a
world class Research Infrastructure for much larger suite of components, including those
high-quality observations of atmospheric above plus organic compounds, halocarbons,
mercury, aerosol elemental composition, iso-
composition on a global scale. This will be
topes. The installation combines instrumentation
achieved by merging scientific measurement for in-situ measurements and remote sensing,
technology with the global infrastructure of and the collection of samples for analysis in the
commercial aviation. The specific objectives laboratory.
are to: This dual setup of IAGOS aims at providing
• Collect global data sets of atmospheric chemical global coverage of key atmospheric observ-
composition in the upper troposphere and lower ables on a day-to-day basis with a more com-

plex set of observations made less frequently and budgets of atmospheric trace species as
and with reduced geographical coverage. well as for investigating atmospheric trans-
port processes
Expected results IAGOS will also provide vertical profile in-
formation at many locations over the globe
IAGOS will eliminate major deficiencies in
from thousands of take-offs and landings.
current atmospheric observation capabilities These profiles are essential for the valida-
by filling the gap between satellite observa- tion of numerical models and satellite data
tions and ground based data. products, including those used for IPCC and
IAGOS will provide long term, high-quality for the Copernicus Atmospheric Service.
in-situ data for the upper troposphere and Real-time transmission of IAGOS multi-com-
lower stratosphere where information is very ponent datasets will enable weather services
sparse compared to the surface, although and airlines to exploit the data for improving
this region is paramount for understanding air quality forecasts and numerical weather
the causes of climate change. These data prediction, and potentially for improved crisis
will serve as a basis for analyses of trends management during volcanic eruptions.

Project partners
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH DE
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FR
Meteo France FR
University of Cambridge UK
University of Manchester UK
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. DE
British Airways plc UK
Max Planck Gesellschaft e.V. DE
Deutsche Lufthansa AG DE
enviscope GmbH DE
Leibniz Institut für Troposphärenforschung e.V. DE
World Meteorological Organization
Natural Environmental Research Council UK
Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales FR
Airbus Operations SAS FR

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Megacities: Emissions, urban, regional and Global Atmospheric
POLlution and climate effects, and Integrated tools for assessment and
Instrument:  Small or medium-scale focused research project
Total cost:  5 094 507 €
EC contribution:  3 398 989 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/10/2008
Consortium:  23 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  A. Baklanov
Project website:
Key words:  Megacities, air pollution, climate change, atmospheric
composition, urban meteorology and climate, urban effects, integrated

The challenge accounting for differences in developed and

developing countries around the globe.
For the past few hundred years, human pop-
ulation has been clustering in increasingly
Project objectives
large settlements, and in 2007 the world’s
urban population exceeded the rural. Megac- The main MEGAPOLI objectives are:
ities are highly populated urban areas with 1. to assess impacts of megacities and large
more than 5 Million inhabitants. At present, air-pollution hot-spots on local, regional and
there are more than 30 megacities world- global air quality,
wide. In Europe there are several major 2. to quantify feedbacks among megacity air quali-
centers that clearly qualify as megacities: ty, local and regional climate, and global climate
London, Paris, the Rhine-Ruhr region, the Po change,
Valley, Moscow, and Istanbul. 3. to develop improved integrated tools for predic-
tion of air pollution in megacities.
MEGAPOLI brings together leading European
research groups, state-of-the-art scientific Methodology
tools plus key players from non-European
countries to investigate the atmospheric im- The project includes modelling at all scales
pacts of megacities. MEGAPOLI includes both from urban to global, plus two month-long
basic and applied research, including feed- field campaigns examining the pollution
backs and mitigation, and bridges spatial plume of the Paris megacity. It is organized
and temporal scales connecting local emis- around 8 scientific workpackages, spanning
sions, air quality and weather with global at- from emissions through urban, regional and
mospheric chemistry and climate. The proj- global impacts on air quality and climate. it
ect explores the hypothesis that megacities includes development of tools for integrat-
have an impact on air quality not only locally, ed air quality and climate assessment over
but also regionally and potentially globally. multiple scales, as well as their application
MEGAPOLI addresses all major megacities, to assessing mitigation approaches.

Expected Results backs and interlinkages between climate change
and regional air quality related to megacities;
The project is contributing to the strategic 5. Integration of knowledge and practical implemen-
goal of promoting sustainable management tation of improved tools according to the level of
of the environment and its resources. The complexity to investigate a range of megacities
expected main results of the project include: and hotspots;
6. Improved current and future emission estimates
1. Integration of the interactions and processes af- for natural and anthropogenic sources of air pol-
fecting air quality and climate change on differ- lutants;
ent scales coupled with the capability of estimat- 7. Development of an integrated assessment meth-
ing the human, ecosystem and economic impact odology for supporting EU and global policy
of air pollution resulting from megacities; frameworks;
2. Development of an integrated European method- 8. Examination of the key feedbacks among air
ology and tools to assess the impacts within and quality and climate change;
from megacities on city to global scales; 9. Development of a robust, global information
3. Integration of ground-based, aircraft and satel- dissemination gateway on air quality, climate
lite technologies with state-of-the-art modelling change and mitigation and policy options for Eu-
tools; ropean stakeholders strengthening the European
4. Integrated approaches for addressing the feed- Research Area.

Project partners

Danish Meteorological Institute, DK Paul Scherrer Institute, CH

Foundation for Research and Technology, Hellas, EL TNO-Built Environment and Geosciences, NL

Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, DE MetOffice, UK

ARIANET Consulting, IT University of Hamburg, DE

Aristotle University Thessaloniki, EL University of Helsinki, FI

Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, FR University of Hertfordshire, UK

Finnish Meteorological Institute, FI University of Stuttgart, DE

Joint Research Center, IT World Meteorological Organization, CH

International Centre for Theoretical Physics, IT Charles University Prague, CZ

King’s College London, UK Institute of Tropospheric Research, DE

Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, NO University of Cambridge, UK

Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NO

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Role of Molecular Cluster in Atmospheric Particle Formation
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grants
ERC funding:  1 476 418 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/02/2011
Principal investigator:  Hanna Vehkamäki
Host institution:  University of Helsinki, FI
Project website:
Key words:  Atmopsheric aerosols, molecular clusters, particle formation

The challenge computational effort to provide formation

rates and properties of atmospheric clusters
Climate change is currently one of the cen- and particles to aerosol dynamic and climate
tral scientific issues in the world, and the modellers. To capture the properties of the
ability to reliably forecast climate is crucial smallest clusters, we need to perform quan-
for making political decisions that affect the tum chemical calculations, combined with
lives of billions of people. Aerosol particles simulations on cluster formation kinetics.
remain the dominant uncertainty in pre- Unfortunately, these methods are computa-
dicting radiative forcing and future climate tionally far too demanding to describe the
change, and they also have adverse effects entire nucleation process. Thus, we will feed
on human health and visibility. One of the quantum chemical results to classical ther-
least-well understood aerosol-related pro-
modynamic models, the results of which in
cesses is the formation of new particles
turn must be parameterized for efficient use
from condensable vapours. While particle
in larger-scale models.
formation is related primarily to neutral clus-
ters, state-of-the-art experimental methods
measure only charged clusters. Emerging results
The project will identify the molecular-level
Project objectives processes leading to climatically relevant
atmospheric particle formation and param-
The main scientific objectives of this project
eterize these processes so that they can be
are 1) to understand the chemical compo-
effectively used in atmospheric and climate
sition of charged and especially neutral
models. We will balso develop transfer func-
atmospheric clusters from molecular to
tions, which allow data on neutral clusters
multi-nanometre scale, and explain the
to be extracted from experiments, which
mechanism by which they nucleate, and 2)
to direct current intense instrument develop- by necessity directly measure only charged
ment and provide theoretical tools to maxi- clusters. Our group produces information
mize the information on neutral clusters that on properties of nanoclusters both through
can be obtained from experimental results, purely computational studies, and by assist-
which inevitably only yield direct data on ing in the design and interpretation of novel
charged clusters. experiments. This information is of great in-
terest not only in atmospheric sciences, but
also in many other fields, from material sci-
ence to the design of new pharmaceuticals
Our scientific plan consists of a multilevel and electronic devices.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Pan-European Gas-Aerosol-Climate Interaction Study
Instrument:  Large Scale Integrating Project
Total cost:  9 809 259 €
EC contribution:  6 999 992 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/01/2011
Consortium:  26 partners from 15 countries
Project coordinator:  Spyros Pandis
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, air quality, mitigation strategies, air
pollutant emissions, atmosphere-biosphere interactions.

The challenge Methodology

A rapidly emerging challenge for society is to The project is organized into four scientific
tackle air pollution and climate change in a themes designed to optimize the integration
common policy framework. Many substanc- of methodologies, scales, and ultimately
es present in our atmosphere due to human our understanding of air quality and climate
activities play a dual role as climate change change interactions:
agents and as air pollutants. However, high-
1. Anthropogenic and biogenic emissions and their
ly non-linear interactions of anthropogenic
response to climate and socio-economy
emissions with chemical reaction pathways, 2. Atmospheric interactions of chemical and phys-
biosphere-atmosphere exchanges, climate, ical processes
and pollutant transport make predictions 3. Regional and global links between atmospheric
of how this complex system will respond to chemistry and climate change
changes in anthropogenic sources very dif- 4. Air quality in a changing climate: Integration
ficult. A change of a single component can with policy
lead to significant and non-linear changes in
others and the resulting feedbacks are criti- PEGASOS will bridge the spatial and tem-
cal to the behavior of the system as a whole. poral scales that connect local surface-air
pollutant exchanges, air quality and weather
Project objectives with global atmospheric chemistry and cli-
The Pan-European Gas-AeroSOls-climate mate. Our major focus for air quality will be
interaction Study (PEGASOS) European large Europe including effects of changes in pollut-
scale integrating project brings togeth- ant emissions elsewhere and the time hori-
er most of the leading European research zon for the study will be the next 50 years.
groups, with state-of the-art observational The project will combine development of
and modeling facilities to: anthropogenic and biogenic emission inven-
1. Quantify the magnitude of regional to global tories, laboratory studies in some of the pre-
feedbacks between atmospheric chemistry and a mier European smog chamber facilities, field
changing climate and to reduce the corresponding
measurements over Europe using a Zeppelin
uncertainty of the major ones.
2. Identify mitigation strategies and policies to im- combined with mobile and fixed ground plat-
prove air quality while limiting their impact on forms, air quality and climate models, and
climate change. policy analysis to achieve its objectives.

Expected results better design future policy options. Policy
making will be influenced by the PEGASOS
PEGASOS is providing: outcomes; directly by public outreach, and
1. Better estimates of air pollution in Europe and its providing relevant results to policy makers,
impact on climate.
and indirectly by delivering relevant scientif-
2. Support to the EC/Thematic Strategy on Air Pollu-
tion and Air Quality regulation. ic studies to international assessments and
3. Better quantification of regional and global organisations that in turn are important in
links between air pollution and climate change international and European policy making.
to underpin mitigation options and other policy
initiatives. Through the long-standing involvement of
The philosophy of PEGASOS is to enhance our most of its Partners in the IPCC process and
understanding of the interactions of climate other international assessments, PEGASOS
and atmospheric chemistry in the past, pres- ensures that results will have impact beyond
ent and future. This will allow us to assess Europe, which is important in the climate
the effectiveness of policies in-place and to policy arena.

Project partners

Foundation for Research and Technology, Hellas (EL) University of Copenhagen (DK)

Research Centre Jülich (DE) Weizmann Institute (IL)

University of Helsinki (FI) Joint Research Center of the EU Commission

University of Leicester (UK) Max Planck Institute (DE)

The French National Center for Scientific Research (FR) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (CH)

Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (IT) Finnish Meteorological Institute (FI)

University of Lund (SE) Paul Scherrer Institute (CH)

Wageningen University and Research Centre (NL) Stockholm University (SE)

National University of Ireland, Galway (IE) University of Leeds (UK)

Norwegian Meteorological Institute (NO) Institute for Tropospheric Research (DE)

Natural Environment Research Council (UK) Climate Service Center (DE)

AirEl (EE) University Joseph Fourier ELenoble (FR)

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (AT) Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (NL)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Quantifying Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Effects by Regime
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 448 160 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/10/2012
Principal investigator:  Johannes Quaas
Host institution:  Universität Leipzig, DE
Project website:
Key words:  climate, global climate change, aerosols, pollution, clouds,
radiative forcing

The challenge available for more than a decade for most

of the relevant quantities, and for more than
Climate change is one of the main concerns five years including also vertical profile infor-
of humankind, yet it is poorly understood in mation. Reference ground-based measure-
quantiative terms. The largest uncertainty ments and modelling at global and regional
in the forcing of climate change is the ef- scale will help to assess and improve the
fect of anthropogenic pollution (aerosols) satellite statistics. The large internal vari-
on clouds. Aerosols serve as condensation ability of cloud systems will be accounted
and ice-forming nuclei for clouds and thus for by decomposing the global climate into
change their brightness as well as other individual aerosol-cloud regimes. Aerosol
properties such as their longevity. So far, no information will be used not directly from
reliable, observations-based, global estimate satellite data, but from a data-assimilation
exist beyond one study we did previously on analysis which became available recently.
the most basic effect on liquid-water clouds.
Emerging Results
Project objectives
QUAERERE will provide a best estimate
The aim is to quantify the best estimate and uncertainty range for the total aerosol
and the uncertainty of the estimate for the cloud-climate effect. The uncertainty for sec-
so-called first indirect effect (the change in ond indirect effects and effects on ice clouds
cloud brightness due to enhanced particle are expected to remain large in this first es-
concentrations caused by the additional an- timate, pathways to reduce the uncertainty
thropogenic aerosols) and the second indirect will be proposed.
effect (the effect of aerosols on cloud extent
and water content) for both, liquid-water and However, any observations-based quantifi-
ice clouds. This quantification shall be based cation, even with a large error bar, will consi-
as far as possible on observational data. tute a breaktrough in climate research, since
it would allow also to interpret the observed
global warming over the historical period
and thus also allow to estimate climate sen-
The main method is to apply statistical anal- sitivity, or the warming expected for a given
ysis to satellite observations which are now rise in greenhouse gas concentrations.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Reconciliation of essential process parameters for an enhanced
predictability of arctic stratospheric ozone loss and its climate
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 656 564 €
EC contribution:  3 499 782 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/03/2009
Consortium:  16 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  Forschungszentrum Jülich, DE
Project website:
Key words:  Ozone layer, climate change, long term predictions

The challenge edge in both directions and how does it influence

estimates of ozone depletion?
The effects of the Montreal Protocol will very These and other important questions will
likely result in ozone recovery during the next be addressed in RECONCILE with the aim to
few decades. In the long run, climate change develop parameterisations that can be used
and possible geo-engineering ventures to in computer models simulating stratospheric
mitigate climate change may radically alter chemistry and transport.
the temperature, circulation patterns and
chemical composition in the stratosphere.
To realistically predict the response of the
ozone layer to these changes and the fu- In the first project phase, a comprehen-
ture evolution of Arctic ozone, a complete sive approach of laboratory experiments,
and correct representation of all relevant two field missions in the Arctic winter
processes is necessary. RECONCILE sets out 2009/10 employing the high altitude aircraft
to reach full quantitative understanding of M55-Geophysica and an extensive Match
Arctic stratospheric ozone loss. ozone sonde campaign, microphysical and
chemical transport modelling as well as data
Project objectives assimilation is used to address the open
The issues where the lack of understanding questions defined in the objectives and pro-
is most palpable are (a) the catalytic ClOx/ duce reliable parameterisations of the key
BrOx chemistry, (b) chlorine activation on processes in Arctic stratospheric ozone de-
cold stratospheric aerosol, (c) NAT nucleation pletion.
mechanisms, and (d) mixing and transport of In the second phase, theseh are bridged to
processed air to lower latitudes. A catalogue the large scale chemistry climate model
of open questions in all these areas has been (CCM) LMDZrepro. CCMs provide the prog-
defined including: nostic tools to simulate the coupling be-
• Are there unknown additional mechanisms for O3 tween climate change and atmospheric
destruction in polar winter? chemistry. To assess the success of the CCM
• Does the cold binary aerosol suffice to activate
in simulating observed time series of total
chlorine or are PSCs required?
• How does NAT nucleation leading to large denitri- ozone, RECONCILE will adopt an innovative
fying particles work? approach called detrended fluctuation anal-
• How intense is the transport through the vortex ysis (DFA).

Expected results between observations and models with respect to
transport and mixing (with ongoing work to refine
Key results from laboratory experiments the models)
and the field activities in the Arctic winter Sophisticated process parameters and pa-
2009/10 include: rameterisations have been implemented in
the CCM LMDZrepro. Improved CCM simula-
• Consistent quantification of the ClOOCl photolysis
tions better reproduce observed past Antarc-
• Unambiguous demonstration of heterogeneous
tic ozone losses, while in the Arctic, external
NAT nucleation in the absence of ice and detection processes determining the stability of the
of various possible „nuclei“, with implications for polar vortex drive the interannual variabili-
PSC formation and denitrification ty. In both hemispheres, the new and more
• Strong evidence for significant chlorine activation robust CCM simulations confirm our current
not only on PSCs but also on cold binary aerosol estimates of 21st century ozone depletion
• Identification and quantification of discrepancies and recovery date.

Project partners
Forschungszentrum Jülich DE
University of Cambridge UK
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DE
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH
Norwegian Institute for Air Research NO
CNRS, Service d’Aeronomie FR
University of Wuppertal DE
Max-Planck-Institute Max Planck Society DE
Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique CH
Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche IT
Central Aerological Obervatory RU
University of Heidelberg DE
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology DE
Eötvös University Budapest HU
United Kingdom Meteorological Office UK

Climate Change

Title:  Stratospheric ozone: Halogen Impacts in a Varying Atmosphere
Instrument:  Small or medium-scale focused research project
Total cost:  4 748 000 €
EC contribution:  3 500 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/07/2009
Consortium:  13 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Heidelberg, DE
Project website:
Key words:  Stratospheric ozone, climate-change, halogens, very short-
lived substances

The challenge ocean phytoplankton and aqueous photo-

chemical reactions. There is strong evidence
It is now well known that certain “ozone de- that the major VSL ODS emission regions are
pleting substances” (ODSs) are broken down in the warmer waters found in the tropics,
by the solar radiation in the stratosphere although very few measurements have been
releasing the “halogen” elements: chlorine, made to date. The Western Pacific region
bromine and iodine. The halogens are highly could be a highly significant location for two
efficient at destroying ozone in the strato- reasons: (i) it is an area where production
sphere, and rising concentrations from hu- rates of VSL ODS are likely to be high, and
man activities has lead to depletion of global (ii) it is the most important region globally
stratospheric ozone over the last three de- for efficient transport of low altitude (marine
cades, and formation of the Antarctic “ozone
boundary layer) air to the stratosphere.
hole”. It is also known that ODSs enter the
stratosphere principally in the topics, where By combining measurements from land,
ascending warm air carries them aloft. Cli- ship, aircraft, and space-based platforms,
mate feed-backs between the emissions with sophisticated numerical models, SHIVA
and transport of ODSs exist, particularly in aims to better predict the rate, timing and
the tropics where even very short-lived (VSL) climate-sensitivity of ozone-layer recovery,
ODSs of natural origin (e.g. emitted by the and identify potential risks to that recovery.
oceans, and by marine and terrestrial organ-
isms) can enter the stratosphere in powerful Methodology
thundercloud systems.
Long term measurements took place across
the tropics. In late 2011 a core field cam-
Project objectives paign was performed in the South China Sea,
SHIVA aims to reduce uncertainties in the and along the coastline of Peninsula Malay-
amount of halogen-containing ODSs reach- sia and Borneo using the Sonne Research
ing the stratosphere, and the resulting ozone Vessel, the DLR Falcon aircraft, satellites, and
depletion, in a climate that is changing now, land-based investigation teams.
and which will change in the future. During this intense observation campaign
Many short-lived ODSs are produced natural- the chemical transformation of ODSs during
ly in the world’s oceans, the primary sources transport from the surface to the tropical tro-
being coastal macro-algae (seaweeds), open popause layer (TTL), and in the stratosphere

was studied using a combination of field measurement-calibrated chemical transport
observations together with process-oriented model (CTM) simulations for present and
meso-scale modelling. These investigations future stratospheric ozone; to better predict
were corroborated by space-based remote the rate, timing and climate-sensitivity of
sensing of marine phytoplankton biomass as ozone-layer recovery.
a possible proxy for the ocean-atmosphere SHIVA brings together experts from differ-
flux of ODSs. From these investigations a ent fields, ranging from marine biologists
systematic emission inventory of VSL ODSs to atmospheric scientists. The improvement
could be established to allow construction of of the knowledge on how VSL ODSs are pro-
future-climate scenarios. The impact of cli- duced and emitted by the oceans and the
mate-sensitive feedbacks between transport factors influencing this (e.g. sea surface tem-
and the delivery of ODSs to the stratosphere, perature, nutrient content and phytoplankton
and their lifetime within it, has been studied specification) is imperative in predicting how
using tracer observations and modelling. biospheric emissions of VSL ODSs will react
to climate change and, further, which frac-
tion of the emitted VSL ODSs will eventually
Expected results
reach the stratosphere.
Global modelling is assessing the contribu- SHIVA contributes to the scientific underpin-
tion of all ODSs to past, present and future ning of the United Nations Montreal Protocol
ozone loss. The sensitivity of natural ODSs on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer,
emissions to climate change parameters to the United Nations Framework Convention
is used in combination with standard IPCC on Climate Change, and to global climate
climate model scenarios in order to drive change research.

Project partners

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg DE

University of East Anglia UK

Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt DE

Alfred-Wegner-Institute for Polar and Marine Research Potsdam and Bremerhaven DE

Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy BE

University of Cambridge UK

Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften an der Universität Kiel DE

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FR

University of Leeds UK

The Norwegian Institute for Air Research NO

Universität Bremen DE

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DE

University of Malaya MY

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Strengthening International Dimension of Euro-Argo Research
Instrument:  Coordinating action
Total cost:  1 270 457 €
EC contribution:  900 000 €
Duration:  24 months
Start date:  01/12/2011
Consortium:  13 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  Emina Mamaca,
Project website:
Key words:  Argo, floats, climate change, ocean observatory, research
infrastructure, GMES

The challenge • a work on the evolution of the Argo data centers

(Delayed Mode Quality Control of the North Atlan-
The main challenge of this project is an in- tic ARC and Southern Ocean Argo Regional Center)
ternational extension of the Euro-Argo pre- and role of the European components is defined,
paratory phase project, which addressed the • we plan to refine the float deployment strategy in
legal and financial arrangements necessary Europe and international seas and links with inter-
national partners,
to establish firmly a European Research In-
• we make the interfaces with JCOMMOPS and Argo
frastructure consortium (ERIC). The project information center (AIC),
considered also strategic aspects of the • a work is planned on legal aspects and policy is-
infrastructure (its structure and operation, sues (law of the sea) to identify possible difficulties
an analysis of float technology, strategy for in the operating plan,
deployment) and performed technical work • and finally we organize scientific and thematic (re-
on the data system and on float technology. gional) workshops open to international partners
to bring together different stakeholders.
Project objectives
The objective of this project is to strengthen
the links and integration of the Euro-Argo Expected results
European research infrastructure (ERIC) into The expected result is to consolidate and
the Argo International strategy of global broaden the present European participation
ocean observations, and to seek participation in Argo and in ocean and climate research.
by, and to develop cooperation with, poten- By providing adequate networking and coop-
tial participants in the European neighbour- eration between member states, it will give
ing areas which have a maritime interest. an increased visibility to the large contribu-
tion made by Europe to Argo and will contrib-
Methodology ute to the development of Europe excellence
The project is organized into six themes in in Argo-related research. The project plans to
order to optimize the integration of Euro-Ar- pursue further this cooperation with its inter-
go into an international Argo context: national partners to reach agreement on the
role of the ERIC in the long term operation of
• first a work is planned on the evolution of the Argo
core mission together with international partners the Argo array, and on several key technical
(O2, bio-geochemical sensors, deep floats, exten- (float technology, data management and de-
sion to polar and marginal seas), livery system) and organizational (logistics

for deployment, coordination of international research, to different forms of collaboration
contributions) issues. in the implementation itself (e.g. the provi-
Based on our recent activities in Europe, the sion of ancillary data for completeness of
project expects to have a major impact on the data sets, or logistical support for field
the European contribution to the Argo array operations), to full membership or observer
and its data management and delivery sys- status in the Euro-Argo ERIC.
tem, on enhancing European technical ca- A very significant increase in the number of
pabilities (instrumental performances, sen- floats to be deployed, the diversity of sen-
sors, communication systems) and working sors to be added to the instruments, and
towards extending Argo to study aspects of the larger number of participants will have
ocean biogeochemistry. a positive impact on the research and de-
From the perspective of our European neigh- velopment and commercial activities of the
bourhood, beneficiaries expect to develop European companies manufacturing the in-
cooperative arrangements and to develop struments (in France and Germany). Our con-
new partnerships between European Argo tacts with international colleagues should
nations, new European countries and nations open up business opportunities and market
outside Europe. shares for those companies.
Such arrangements could range from in- This project is carried by the Euro-Argo pre-
creased awareness of the wealth of high paratory phase project partners that form
quality data, with easy access for scientific the future partners of the Euro-Argo ERIC.

Project partners











Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Stress-Induced Volatiles in Biosphere-Atmosphere System
Funding Schemes:  ERC Advanced Grants
ERC funding:  2 259 366 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/05/2013
Host institution:  Estonian University of Life Sciences, EE
Project website:
Key words:  plant volatiles, global change, stress, induced emissions,
biogenic emissions

The challenge feedback loops between plant stress resis-

tance, VOC emissions and Earth System re-
Although it is accepted that plant trace gas sponse. Plant VOC emission is expected to be
(VOC) emissions play major roles in the for- an important factor reducing the speed of
mation of ozone, secondary organic aero- global climate change, and enhanced stress
sols (SOA) and cloud condensation nuclei levels are expected to further dampen the
(CNN) with potentially profound impacts on rate of climate change. However, the effects
air quality and climate, the overall impact depend on plant stress resistance in a com-
of VOC emissions in large-scale Earth pro- plex manner, and quantitative assessments
cesses is poorly understood. Research has are needed to gain conclusive insight into the
focused only on constitutive emissions from significance of the investigated phenomena.
certain “emitting” species. However, differ-
ently from constitutive emissions, all species Methodology
can release induced VOCs under abiotic and
biotic stress. As global change is resulting in The study quantifies volatile production vs.
higher level of stress in Earth ecosystems, stress severity relationships across species
relevance of induced emissions is expected with differing stress tolerance under differ-
to gain in importance. ent atmospheric CO2 concentrations and
advances and parameterizes the qualitative
Project objectives induced VOC model developed by PI’s team.
The novel quantitative model is further ver-
So far, stress-induced high-reactivity ified by flux measurements and scaled up to
plant-generated volatile organic compounds regional and global scales to assess the con-
(VOCs) are not considered in global VOC tribution of induced emissions to overall VOC
budget, and thus, this proposal tests the key budget, to study quantitatively stress-gen-
assumption that VOC emissions worldwide erated volatile production and formation
have been vastly underestimated. The cur- of ozone, secondary organic aerosols and
rent project has the overall objective to eval- cloud condensation nuclei and to understand
uate the effect of biogenic volatile emissions resulting effects on Earth climate using an
on air composition and environment under hierarchy of models. The sensitivity of Earth
global change, with particular emphasis on climate to plant-generated volatile emis-
the role of VOCs induced in response to en- sions is ultimately assessed by including the
vironmental stress. In particular, the project novel plant-driven feedbacks in Earth Sys-
intends to quantitatively test the possible tem Models.

Emerging results economics spectrum”, a hotspot of current
plant ecology research. The second part pro-
This highly cross-disciplinary project is ex- vides quantitative information on large-scale
pected to result in key contributions in two importance of plant-generated volatiles in
research fields of major significance: plant globally changing climates with major rele-
stress tolerance from molecules to globe vance for understanding the role of plants in
and the role of vegetation component in the Earth System processes. The study par-
atmospheric reactivity and Earth climate. ticularly contributes to understanding of how
The first part of the study provides funda- vegetation adaptability and stress responses
mental insight into the stress responsive- feedback to climate change, and what is the
ness of plants with differing tolerance to vegetation capacity to alter the rate of cli-
environmental limitations, extending “leaf mate change.

Climate change impacts

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Arctic Climate Change, Economy and Society
Instrument:  Large-scale integrating project
Total cost:  14 861 574 €
EC contribution:  10 978 468 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/03/2011
Consortium:  27 partners from 10 countries
Project coordinator:  Université Pierre et Marie Curie, FR
Project website:
Key words:  Arctic climate change, sea ice, marine transportation,
fisheries, offshore oil and gas, air pollution, marine pollution,
governance, indigenous people

The challenge (WP3) Fisheries is evaluating climate chang-

es impact on Arctic fishers and aquaculture
The drastic retreat of Arctic sea-ice promis- and the livelihood of communities and rele-
es economic benefits but reminds us of the vant economic actors.
consequences of man-made climate change.
(WP4) Resource extraction is assessing risks
A large population in the Arctic and abroad
and opportunities related to the extraction of
is concerned with climate change and eco-
hydrocarbons from the Arctic Ocean in view
nomic development. Political decisions are in
of socio-economic impacts on European and
need of scientific information in all relevant
World markets.
fields of climate sciences. ACCESS aims at
a better understanding of environmental (WP5) Governance and Sustainable develop-
changes in the Arctic and at quantifying the ment is assessing shortfalls and lacunae in
impact of climate change on key economic current regulations and is evaluating strate-
sector in order to assess the related risks gic options for integrated governance policy
and opportunities and to provide a founda- and sustainable development in the Arctic
tion for sustainable development with a min- region.
imal impact on a sensitive environment.
Project objectives ACCESS aims at observing and modelling
ACCESS is composed of 5 working groups. the Arctic environment, documenting, under-
standing and forecasting the atmosphere,
Climate change and the Arctic environment ice and ocean as well as pollution. Regarding
(WP1) is doing research on changing sea-ice marine transportation and tourism, ACCESS
properties and Arctic climate projections for will quantify the impact of climate change
the next 3 decades considering anthropo- on routing, economy and environmental as-
genic and natural sources of pollution. pects. ACCESS will also evaluate and suggest
Marine transportation in the Arctic (WP2), is improvements regarding safety and infra-
evaluating the effects of climate change on structure needs. ACCESS will model and as-
increased Arctic shipping and tourism and sess climate change impacts on Arctic fisher-
considering rules and regulations, infrastruc- ies and aquaculture. Specific aspects concern
ture needs, pollution and socio-economic biological and regulatory constraints, so-
costs and benefits. cio-ecological feedbacks, input and output

markets, exposure and social vulnerability ditions relevant to Arctic shipping operations,
of the sector. ACCESS will analyse the so- marine ecosystems mapping, offshore struc-
cio-economic impacts of resource extraction ture design and oil spill prevention. ACCESS
activity on economies and assess the risks will also provide recommendations for im-
of resource extraction and transportation in proving forecasting capabilities and observ-
Arctic regions and provide recommendations. ing systems. ACCESS will define necessary
The development of Marine Spatial Planning actions for implementation of marine trans-
(MSP) and of integrated Ecosystem Based portation and tourism regarding economic
Management (EBM) tools, and the effective opportunities and environmental protection,
participation of indigenous people in future including noise effects on marine mam-
Arctic governance will contribute to cross mals. ACCESS will quantify climate change
sectoral syntheses of economic, policy and impacts on Arctic fisheries, aquaculture and
governance options for sustainable develop-
related communities. Regarding oil and gas
ment in the Arctic.
extraction modelling and assessing markets
and economies, existing technology, rescue
Expected results and evacuation crafts and vessels, risks re-
ACCESS will provide tailored information lated to oil spills and air pollution, sustain-
about the Arctic climate system, for future able development plans will be carefully
developments during the next 3 decades evaluated. Specific attention will be given to
with respect to key economic sectors. This governance, ecosystem conservation and so-
will include information on changing ice con- cio-economic issues.

Project partners

Université Pierre et Marie Curie (FR) Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (RU)

O.A.Sys-Ocean Atmosphere Systems GmbH (DE) IMPaC Offshore Engineering GmbH (DE)

Natural Environment Research Council NERC (UK) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (ES)

Institut für Weltwirtschaft (DE) Deutsches Zentrum für Luft & Raumfahrt (DE)

University of Cambridge UCAM/DAMTP (UK) Arctic Antarctic Research Institute (RU)

Alfred-Wegener-Inst. für Polar&Meeresforschung (DE) Economic & Social Research Institute ESRI (IE)

Schwarz Joachim Reinhold Franz (DE) Lapin yliopisto (FI)

Nofima Marin AS (NO) SINTEF Fiskeri og havbruk AS (NO)

Hamburgische Schiffbau-Versuchsanstalt GmbH (DE) CICERO Senter for Klimaforskningstiftelse (NO)

Norsk Polarinstitutt (NO) SINTEF Stiftelsen (NO)

Meteorologisk Institutt (NO) GFEI Universität zu Köln GmbH- EWI (DE)

Fastopt GmbH (DE) Association le Cercle Polaire (FR)

Scottish Association for Marine Sciences (UK) Nordic Bulk Carriers AS (DK)

Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien (SE)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Assessing climate impacts on the quantiy and quality of water
Instrument:  Large-scale integrating project
Total cost:  8 563 566 €
EC contribution:  6 493 573 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/10/2008
Consortium:  30 partners from 10 countries
Project coordinator:  Martin Beniston,
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, cryosphere, hydrology, socio-economic
impacts, extreme events, governance, adaptation strategies

The challenge Methodology

Future shifts in temperature and precipita- Current generations of state-of-the-art mod-
tion patterns, and changes in the behaviour els are being applied to various interacting
of snow and ice in many mountain regions elements of the climate system, that include
will change the quantity, seasonality, and regional atmospheric processes in complex
possibly also the quality of water originat- terrain, snow and ice, vegetation, and hydrol-
ing in mountains and uplands. As a result, ogy in order to project shifts in water regimes
in a warmer climate in diverse mountain
changing water availability will affect both
regions such as the Alps, the Central Andes
upland and populated lowland areas. Eco- of Chile, and the mountains of Central Asia
nomic sectors such as agriculture, tourism or (Kyrgyzstan). Observations, targeted models,
hydropower may enter into rivalries if water and methodologies from the social sciences
is no longer available in sufficient quantities are applied to the impacts analyses on sec-
or at the right time of the year. The challenge tors such as tourism, agriculture and hydro-
is thus to estimate as accurately as possible power which could be strongly impacted upon
future changes in order to prepare the way by changing water regimes. The results from
for appropriate adaptation strategies and these different approaches then serve to sug-
improved water governance. gest recommendations for adaptation and
updated water governance strategies.
Project objectives
Expected results
The project seeks to assess the vulnerability • An integrated modelling approach to enable accu-
of water resources in mountain regions such rate projections of changes in the seasonality and
as the European Alps or the Central Chilean quantity of runoff in the river basins under scrutiny
Andes where declining snow and ice are like- in the ACQWA project
ly to strongly affect hydrological regimes in a • The identification of key economic impacts on a
number of sectors, including the possible com-
warmer climate. Model results are then used pounded effect of changing frequencies and inten-
to quantify the environmental, economic and sities of extreme events
social impacts of changing water resources • An assessment of the possible rivalries between
in order to assess how robust current water economic actors that will be faced with changing
governance strategies are and what adapta- water resources
• A portfolio of possible water governance strategies
tions may be needed in order to alleviate the to alleviate future problems of water allocation
most negative impacts of climate change on and use, of relevance to future revisions of the EU
water resources and water use. Water Framework Directive

Project partners
University of Geneva, CH CNR-ISAC, Torino, IT,
Forschungsanstalt Reckenholz-Taenikon, CH Fondazione Montagna Sicura, Valle d’Aosta, IT
ARPA Piemonte, IT ICTP, Trieste, IT
ARPA Valle d’Aosta, IT National Academy of Science, Bishkek, KG
Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna, AT CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, FR
Universidad de la Serena, La Serena, CL Monterosastar SRL, IT
Centro de Estudios Cientificos, Valdivia, CL Max Planck Gesellschaft, Hamburg, DE
Instituto Torcuato di Tella, Buenos Aires, AR Ente Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso, IT,
Università degli Studi di l’Aquila, IT Politecnico di Milano, IT,
CNRS, FR (3 entities: Grenoble (2) + Paris-Bellevue) Universität Bern, CH
CSIC, Zaragoza, ES The University of Birmingham, UK
Compagnia Valdostana delle Acque SPA, IT Universität Graz, AT
ENEL Produzione SPA, Roma, IT University of Dundee, UK
ETH-Zürich (3 entities), CH Graduate Inst. Int’l Studies, Geneva, CH
Centre d’Etudes de la Neige, Grenoble, FR Ricerca sul Sisema Energetico (RSE), Milan, IT

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Infrastructure for Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems
Instrument:  Collaborative project and coordination and support action
Total cost:  4 787 692 €
EC contribution:  3 400 000 €
Duration:  42 months
Start date:  01/11/2012
Consortium:  13 partners from 10 countries
Project coordinator:  Abad Chabbi
Project website:
Key words:  Research infrastructure, ecosystem, experimental,
distributed infrastructure, in natura platform, in vitro platform, ecotron,
modelling platform, analytical platform, roadmap, governance, legal
framework, business plan, innovation

The challenge and will be rolled out in three phases:

• Preparatory Phase (2012 to 2016)
The effects of climate change and the in- • Construction Phase (2014 to 2018)
creasing world population are challenging the • Implementation Phase (2018 onwards).
capacity of ecosystems to provide goods and
services long term. It is thus vital to under- Methodology
stand how our ecosystems respond to these
global changes and how managed ecosys- In order to build the AnaEE infrastructure, the
tem stewardship and resilience can ensure AnaEE Preparatory Phase will:
their sustainability. While the current set of 1. Develop a strategic plan and associated road-
monitoring and experimental sites distributed map for AnaEE long-term sustainability, to ensure
throughout Europe can provide some insight maximum impact and stakeholders satisfaction;
into ecosystem functioning, a fully integrat- 2. Elaborate a technical development plan for the
construction and implementation phases in line
ed pan-European Research Infrastructure is
with national roadmaps and in close consulta-
needed to be able to fully understand the
tion with the national research communities and
complexity of both managed (agricultural and stakeholders;
forest) and natural ecosystems. 3. Agree on the set up of common central facilities
and define the modality of access to the AnaEE
Project objectives infrastructures and tools to facilitate access to a
large number of users;
AnaEE will provide Europe with a distributed 4. Define and agree on a governance structure and
and coordinated set of in natura and in vitro legal framework for the construction and imple-
experimental sites covering the full range mentation phases;
of Europe’s ecosystems and climate zones. 5. Define a business model and associated business
These highly-equipped sites will be linked to plan to ensure the sustainability of the financial,
centralised state-of-the-art analytical and human and physical resources to maintain and
modelling platforms that will analyse and upgrade the infrastructures in long term;
predict in a precise manner the response of 6. Establish links with private and public stakehold-
ers through a specific Innovation program;
the main continental ecosystems to environ-
7. Implement a strong outreach programme to the
mental and land use changes.
science, environmental and political communities
AnaEE is on the ESFRI (European Strategy as well as the general public to promote the ser-
Forum on Research Infrastructures) roadmap vices and European added value of AnaEE.

Expected results AnaEE will provide industry actors with op-
portunities to develop new technologies as
AnaEE will provide scientists with a unique part of this state-of-art experimental plat-
platform to conduct experimental research form enabling them to develop new prod-
into climate, land use and global chang- ucts, expand markets and consequently
es. The integrated experimental, modelling create jobs and socio-economic benefits for
and analytical facilities within AnaEE will society at wide.
allow scientists to manipulate drivers using AnaEE will provide policy makers with the ca-
state-of-the-art techniques in a highly inter- pacity to acclimate and mitigate the effects
disciplinary research environment and gen- of climate change by providing them with the
erate high quality data and projections on quality data, analyses and forecasts needed
continental ecosystems responses to global to make informed decisions on environmen-
changes. tal and land-use regulation and policies.

Project partners Country

French National Institute for Agricultural Research-INRA FR
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council UK
Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research BIOFORSK NO
French National Centre for Scientific Research CNRS FR
Technical University of Denmark DK
Istanbul Technical University TR
Fondazione Edmund Mach IT
CzechGlobe – Global Change Research Centre CZ
University of Antwerp BE
University of Helsinki FI
Umeå University SE
Rothamsted Research UK
INRA Transfert FR

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Arctic Health Risks:  Impacts on health in the Arctic and Europe
owing to climate-induced changes in contaminant cycling
Instrument:  Small or medium-scale focused research project
Total cost:  4 731 430 €
EC contribution:  3 499 052 €
Duration:  56 months
Start date:  01/06/2009
Consortium:  21 partners from 12 countries
Project coordinator:  Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme
Project website:
Key words:  climate change, persistent pollutants, mercury, long-range
transport of contaminants, contaminant transfer and bioavailability,
food web transfer of contaminants, human exposure, health effects,
Arctic populations

The challenge cesses; and 3) health outcomes related to

exposure to contaminants in selected Arctic
Global climate change has the potential to populations and exposed local populations
remobilize environmental contaminants and in the EU. To develop projections for effects
alter contaminant transport pathways, fate, of climate change on contaminant exposure
and routes of exposure in human populations. and health effects in the populations studied
The Arctic is particularly sensitive to climate and develop scenarios of future health risks.
change and already exhibits clear impacts. To prepare strategies for adaptation and pre-
Research into contaminant exposure and vention of adverse health outcomes related
its effects on human health in the Arctic, in to climate-mediated changes in contaminant
comparison with other exposed populations exposure.
in Europe, presents an opportunity to gain
insight into changes that may later impact Expected results
other areas. Projections of effects of climate
change on contaminant exposure and health A suite of abiotic modelling tools has been
outcomes can be used to prepare strategies applied, including multimedia models and
for adaptation and for prevention of adverse single media and coupled atmospheric and
health outcomes. oceanic transport models, to model pollutant
transport to the Arctic. Modelling simulations
Project objectives have been run under both current climate
and projected future climate scenarios. A
To describe and quantify to the extent pos- bioaccumulation model, which describes the
sible: 1) the transport routes of selected food-web transfer of organic contaminants
groups of contaminants to and within the in an Arctic marine food web, has been de-
Arctic and the potential influence of climate veloped and refined to determine the possi-
change; 2) uptake of these contaminants ble role of climate change on the food-web
into food chains and their transfer to organ- transfer of pollutants. Multi-media models
isms consumed by humans, and possible have compared the influence of climate
influence of climate change on these pro- change on contaminant cycling in European

regions as well as the Arctic and a modelling associated health outcomes has been cre-
assessment to investigate climate-change ated and reviews have been prepared con-
induced effects on the environmental fate cerning the association between exposure
and transport of persistent organic pollut- to PCBs and dioxins in relation to several
ants in the Baltic Sea region has been con- types of health outcomes. An overall report
ducted as a comparison region. has been prepared on the health effects of
Fieldwork to examine contaminant deposi- contaminants on people living in the Arctic
tion on the winter snowpack together with based on the results of several human cohort
meltwater runoff has been conducted and studies, particularly mother-child cohorts, as
laboratory simulations have been carried out well as a review of contemporary literature
to determine specific interactions of contam- and a similar report has been prepared for
inants with snow/ice surfaces and the role health effects in the Mediterranean area. Di-
of particles in contributing to the contami- etary sources of contaminants in the Arctic
nant burden in snow. An assessment has have been reviewed, particularly for those
been prepared of contemporary PCB loads to cohort studies that included food frequency
the coastal seas of the Arctic Ocean and the questionnaires, and some estimates will be
input of PCBs via the major Arctic-draining made of the potential influence of climate
rivers. The occurrence and behaviour of or- change on dietary sources of contaminants
ganochlorine pesticides in a fjord in western
for people in the Arctic.
Greenland has been examined. Contaminant
fluxes from sea ice to marine surface wa- Case studies reviewing PCBs and Hg from
ters have been assessed and samples have emissions through transport to the Arctic,
been taken around Svalbard to assess con- transfer through environmental media and
taminant concentrations in seawater, sea ice into food webs and ultimately to humans
and the sea-ice snowpack. Samples of ma- and health effects are being prepared. An
rine and terrestrial biota, including several overall synthesis report will also be pre-
species of fish, reindeer and ptarmigan, as pared, in addition to the many scientific pa-
well as ‘food-basket’ samples from Green- pers that have been or will be published. A
land have been collected and analysed for web-based legacy ‘database’ containing an
organic contaminants to determine dietary overview of the results of the project for pol-
sources and levels of contaminants affecting icy makers, the public and scientists is being
people in the Arctic. developed. The final conference will be held
A database on contaminant concentrations at Arctic Frontiers 2014 in Tromsø, Norway
in tissues from people living in the Arctic and in January 2014.

Project partners
Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme Secretariat,
Max Plank Institute for Chemistry (DE)
Department of Applied Environmental Science, Stockholm Department of Environmental Sciences, Jožef Stefan
University (SE) Institute (SI)
Department of Environmental Science, Aarhus University
O.A.Sys – Ocean Atmosphere Systems GmbH (DE)
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (DE) Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich CH
Environmental Science Department, Lancaster University
Res. Centre for Environ.Chem. & Ecotoxic., Masaryk Univ. (DE)
Dept. of Food Safety, Norwegian Institute of Public Health
University Centre in Svalbard NO
Inst. Env. Assessment & Water Res., Spanish Council for Sci.
Water Sci. & Tech. Directorate, Environment Canada, CA
Res. (ES)
Freshwater Institute, Department of Fisheries and Oceans
IVL, Swedish Environmental Research Institute (SE)
, CA
Thule Institute, University of Oulu (FI) Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NO

Safe Environments Programme, Health Canada CA Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø, NO

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Atopic diseases in changing climate, land use and air quality
Instrument:  Small or medium-scale focused research project
Total cost:  4 426 870 €
EC contribution:  3 497 160 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/10/2011
Consortium:  11 partners from 7 countries
Project coordinator:  Michelle Epstein
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, air quality, pollution scenarios, ambrosia
pollen, allergic diseases, land use, experimental animal models of
allergic disease

The challenge • communicate with relevant stakeholders and

provide recommendations for potential response
Climate change foreseen for the next sev- strategies to policy makers
eral decades of the 21st century over the
European region is expected to increase the Methodology
occurrence of extreme events, such as heat-
waves, droughts and floods, to worsen air Atopica is establishing quantitative models
pollution through higher temperatures and of allergic disease due to different environ-
more stagnant conditions, which may cause mental stressors with the aim of making
migration of new invasive plant species projections of future disease risk. The focus
and disease vectors. The complex interplay is on Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. (Asteraceae),
across these multiple stressors might exac- commonly called ragweed, which is a highly
erbate the overall effect of environmental invasive plant with pollen that causes allergic
change on human health in synergistic ways disease and has the potential to cause sig-
that are difficult to assess from a disciplinary nificant negative impacts on the European
perspective. It is therefore necessary to de- economy through its effect on health, agri-
velop integrated and cross-disciplinary ap- culture, biodiversity and tourism. The Atopica
proaches to assess health risks consequent conceptual framework shows allergic disease
to severe environmental change and to de- as a function of hazards, vulnerabilities and
sign suitable adaptation policies.
exposures. Climate conditions and land cover
are key drivers of the development of pollen.
Project objectives Thus, new-targeted climate and air quality
• explore the pan-European impact of changes in cli- simulations are being undertaken focusing on
mate, land use and air pollution on pollen-induced the Atopica case-study areas in Croatia and
allergic diseases through a novel chain of quanti- Southern Germany. Clinical studies focusing
tative models
• study vulnerable groups of allergic patients and
on children and the elderly are being under-
search for predictive biomarkers taken as part of these case studies. Children
• establish statistical models of disease response to in Croatia, for example, are completing daily
pollen concentrations for assessing future trends pollen diaries during pollen seasons. Synthe-
and risk sised outputs from these field studies will be
• examine the effects of environmental change,
including exposure of pollen to air pollution to combined with observed and simulated infor-
determine effect on allergenicity in laboratory mation on climate, air quality and pollen to
experiments build quantitative risk assessment models.

Expected results a clear understanding of the Atopica proj-
ect by all beneficiaries, partners and stake-
• improved understanding of allergic disease re-
holders. The conceptual framework presents
sponse to multiple environmental stressors
• scenarios of allergic disease risk for near- and allergic disease as a function of hazards,
long-term future time horizons vulnerabilities, and exposures. In the Atopica
• information useful for response options at national conceptual framework, the outcome is aller-
and European levels gic disease. In this framework, climate con-
• increased awareness of allergic diseases risk in re- ditions and land cover are shown to be key
sponse to multiple environmental change
drivers of the development of pollen, which
• improved communication strategies between sci-
ence and stakeholder communities presents the hazard to human health. Social
A better understanding and quantification of and behavioural vulnerabilities can influence
the effects of environmental changes on Am- the degree to which individuals are exposed
brosia pollen-induced allergic disease in Eu- (with behavior also being affected by climate
rope, with early detection and awareness of independently). Interventions such as pollen
invasive plants will support preventive man- warning systems can also have impact on
agement initiatives, along with sustainable the level of exposure to pollen. Individual bi-
strategies to control and reduce this invasive ological factors can alter the severity of the
plant at national, local and European lev- final outcome of allergic disease, and these
els. To date one of the major achievements can be influenced by both air quality (which
of Atopica is the creation of a conceptual itself can be influenced by climate) and inter-
framework. This is being used to facilitate ventions such as medication.

Project partners

Medizinische Universitaet Wien AT

Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics IT

Children's Hospital SREBRNJAK Croatia University HR

Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques FR

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FR

Moverim Consulting sprl BE

Promoscience srl IT

Rothamsted Research UK

Universitaet Ulm DE

University of East Anglia UK

Università San Raffaele IT

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Climate Impact Research & Response Coordination for a Larger
Instrument:  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  2 270 000 €
EC contribution:  2 000 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/05/2010
Consortium:  20 partners and 14 contributing partners from 23 countries
Project coordinator:  Foundation of the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon
University, PT
Project website:
Key words:  climate adaptation research, research coordination,
science-policy interface, research agenda, research funding, joint
initiatives, joint programming.

The challenge tify common policy-relevant CCIVA research

needs. Those needs will serve to DESIGN a
Climate Change is one of the most important joint research agenda and deepen the net-
challenges facing the world in this century working and cooperation activities of the
in all the four dimensions of sustainable de-
consortium. CIRCLE-2 will FUND transna-
velopment (ecological, economic, social and
tional joint research initiatives including joint
calls for projects on CCIVA. The outcomes
Europe takes a leading role in the necessary of these initiatives and projects will provide
response to these challenges. Severe impacts the consortium with an updated knowledge
are unavoidable and European adaptation base on European, National and Regional
strategies must be supported by a coherent
CCIVA research and CIRCLE-2 will SHARE
base of knowledge on its key vulnerabilities
this knowledge base with decision-makers at
and response options. Such a base can only
be generated by European, national and re- all relevant scales. CIRCLE-2 will thus con-
gional policy-relevant research. tribute to the development of both Europe-
an and national Climate Change response
Project Objectives frameworks (e.g. Adaptation Strategies) by
• Coordinate European transnational research fund- facilitating research outputs tailor-made to
ing on Climate Adaptation.
common needs. International cooperation
• Facilitate the transfer of research outcomes neces-
sary to design effective yet economically efficient with non-European countries (e.g. developing
Adaptation initiatives and strategies. countries) as well as the involvement of new
• Share experiences and knowledge on Climate Ad- EU Member States and candidate countries
aptation and on national/sub-national Adaptation will be particularly encouraged throughout
practices. CIRCLE-2 lifetime.
• Encourage international cooperation with non-Eu-
ropean countries and the involvement of countries
with less diverse research programme. Expected results
CIRCLE-2’s national and regional members
have to take strategic decisions on their Cli-
The methodology is based in a flexible work mate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Ad-
plan that will LEAD the consortium to iden- aptation (CCIVA) programmes and manage

them according to their knowledge of na- needs and available options. Coordinated re-
tional and international research needs. Im- search efforts are needed to provide policy
proving the transnational relevance of such developers with a clear overview of research
decisions is a key feature of the ERA-Net as knowledge, to enable an evaluation of their
it is providing sound support to on-going Eu- various available options and to help nation-
ropean and national frameworks on Climate al and regional programmes to align their
Change responses. This effort will result in activities within the European frameworks
an improvement of the common knowledge for Climate Change responses.
base which is needed for the coherent design By developing open, long lasting and sus-
of European climate Adaptation strategies. tainable collaboration within and outside the
Climate Adaptation will be a long and con- consortium, CIRCLE-2 will reinforce the coop-
tinuous process since it will operate at all eration between CCIVA research programmes
levels and require close coordination with in Europe. Such efforts will contribute to the
stakeholders. In order to succeed, European, optimization of research spending and help
national, regional and local authorities must maximize the research outcomes needed to
cooperate closely and identify common address European climate policy needs.

Project partners
Foundation of the Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon University PT
Environment Agency Austria AT
Foundation for Science and Technology PT
Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change IT
Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy FR
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness ES
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute SE
Knowledge for Climate Research Programme NL
The Academy of Finland FI
Irish Environmental Protection Agency IE
German Aerospace Center- Project Management Agency DE
Mariolopoulos-Kanaginis Foundation for the Environmental Sciences EL
The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning SE
Ministry of Rural Development HU
Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey TR
Estonian Research Council EE
Israel Ministry of Environmental Protection IL
Public Agency Flanders Hydraulics BE
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs UK

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Climate change and marine ecosystem research results
Instrument:  Coordination and Support Action
Total cost:  1 158 936 €
EC contribution:  991 357 €
Duration:  18 months
Start date:  01/04/2010
Consortium:  22 partners from 12 countries
Project coordinator:  Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, NL
Project website:
Key words:  climate change, marine ecosystems, public awareness, EU
research results, dissemination

The Challenge public, European policy makers, scientific commu-

nities and other stakeholders by various innovative
There is no certainty regarding the precise means.
nature and rate of future climate change, but
for the marine environment even the most Methodology
moderate scenarios predict on-going alter- The project was organised into 4 work pack-
ations. The knock-on ecological and social ages to cover: 1. Project coordination, 2. Sci-
impacts are potentially severe. entific information, 3. Public perception, 4.
In preparing to mitigate and adapt to these Informing the general public, policy makers
changes, stimulating society’s understanding and other stakeholders of the project’s main
of research findings, including the uncertain- findings.
ties, is key. Initial project outputs were in report format,
The first step towards realising this goal is relying on desk-based research (primary lit-
to summarise what is already known about erature and internet resources). Authors of
marine climate change and where the gaps the reports included the CLAMER Scientific
in knowledge exist, both at national and Expert Panel, comprised of some of Europe’s
global scales; translation and dissemination top scientists in the fields of marine climate
of this information to the various stakehold- change. Project outputs were reviewed both
ers should follow. internally and externally.
Other research methods included the use of
Project objectives an internet-based questionnaire, polling 10
• To summarize EU research results regarding the
European countries to assess the EU public’s
impacts of climate change on the marine environ- perception and knowledge of climate change
ment, including socio-economic aspects. and its impacts on the marine environment.
• To review the current gaps in EU research related Dissemination methods included various
to the impacts of climate change on the European events at marine institutes and aquaria, a
marine environment.
CLAMER film, a project book and a pan-Eu-
• To assess the achievements of earlier EU ‘out-
reach’ programmes and their methodologies. ropean conference.
• To assess what the European public know and care
about with regard to the effects of climate change Results
on European seas.
• To disseminate the results of relevant EU research • A state-of-the-art synthesis report to inform policy
and the CLAMER project findings to the general makers on the effects of climate change on Eu-

ropean marine ecosystems and socio-economic • An evaluation report assessing previous EU ‘out-
impacts. reach’ programmes and their methodologies to
• A peer-reviewed article for the scientific commu- provide the science and government sectors with
nity. ‘good practice’ guidelines in dissemination.
• A policy briefing identifying the gaps in themes and • A website, an illustrated book, a 52-minute doc-
regions of European marine climate change re- umentary DVD, and various events at marine
search, focused at policy makers and researchers. institutes and aquaria to stimulate broad public
• A public perception flyer summarising the CLAMER learning and interest in all CLAMER-related topics.
poll results on European public awareness of ma- • A pan-European conference in Brussels to convey
rine climate change issues, aimed at informing and the CLAMER results and stimulate ‘next step’ dis-
supporting the social-science and education sectors. cussions for policy-makers and the media.

Project partners
Directorate and Dept. of Marine Ecology, Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research NL
Marine Board-European Science Foundation BE
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science UK
Flanders Marine Institute BE
Centre for Ocean and Ice, Danish Meteorological Institute DK
Directorate, Plymouth Marine Laboratory UK
European Institute for Marine Studies, Univ. of Western Brittany FR
Dept. of Ocean Science, Marche Polytechnic Univ. IT
Institute of Oceanography, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research EL
Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sciences, National Univ. of Ireland, Galway IE
Dept. of Ecosystem Studies, The Netherlands Institute of Ecology NL
National Oceanography Centre, Univ. of Southampton and Natural Environment Research Council UK
School of Environmental Sciences and Tyndall Centre, Univ. of East Anglia UK
Océanopolis, SOPAB Brest FR
Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science UK
Dept. of Global Change Research, Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies ES
Norwegian College of Fishery Science, Univ. of Tromsø NO
Dept. of Atmospheric Composition and Surface Fluxes, Climate and Environment Sciences Laboratory FR
Graduate School of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical Univ. TR
Department of Ecology, Pontifical Catholic Univ. of Chile CL
School of Psychology, Cardiff Univ. UK
The Scottish Association for Marine Science UK

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  A Europe South-America Network for Climate Change
Assessment and Impact Studies in La Plata Basin
Instrument:  Collaborative project for specific cooperation actions
dedicated to international cooperation partner countries (SICA)
Total cost:  4 279 297 €
EC contribution:  3 358 995 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/10/2008
Consortium:  20 partners from 10 countries
Project coordinator:  Institute de Recherche pour le Development (IRD), FR
Project website:
Key words:  climate change, impacts, adaptation strategies, La Plata Basin

The challenge Methodology

The CLARIS LPB Project aims at projecting This multidisciplinary network is divided in
the regional climate change impacts in La four inter-related and fully complementary
Plata Basin (LPB) in South Eastern South Subprojects (which are also divided in differ-
America, and at designing adaptation strat- ent work packages):
egies for land-use, agriculture, rural devel- • Subproject 1: Management, dissemination and co-
opment, hydropower production, river trans- ordination activities.
portation, water resources and ecosystems • Subproject 2: Past and future hydroclimate. The
in wetlands. objective is to improve our description and under-
standing of past and future climate variability in
Project objectives order to better represent possible future climate
scenarios and quantify their possible uncertainties.
• Improve the description and understanding of • Subproject 3: Project interface. The aim is to
decadal climate variability for short-term regional bridge climate and socio-economic issues to im-
climate change projections (2010-2040). prove the multidisciplinary project activities and
• Improve the prediction capacity of climate change our communication.
and its impacts in the region, through an ensemble • Subproject 4: Socio-economic scenarios and ad-
of coordinated regional climate scenarios in order
aptation/prevention strategies. The objective is to
to quantify the amplitude and sources of uncer-
build adaptation strategies to climate change on
tainties in LPB future climate at two time horizons:
different issues associated to land-use, agriculture,
2010-2040 for adaptation strategies and 2070-
deforestation, hydropower production, floods and
2100 for assessment of long-range impacts.
• Design adaptation strategies to regional scenarios ecosystems in wetlands.
of climate change impacts through a multi-disci- CLARIS LPB uses methodology from natural
plinary research. and social sciences.
• Involve and integrate stakeholders in the design
of adaptation strategies through an interactive Expected results
and communicative process, ensuring their dis-
semination to public, private and governmental In terms of climate research, CLARIS LPB
policy-makers. gathered a unique daily meteorological da-
• Foster long-term collaborations between European
tabase, analysed climate variability, trends
and South American Partners (sustained beyond
the project lifetime). and extreme events (drought, floods) in LPB,
• Train young scientists in South American and Eu- and performed an unprecedented coordi-
ropean institutes. nated ensemble of seven regional model

simulations for present and future climate of fire occurrence, stakeholder involvement,
projections for 2010-2040 and 2070-2100 and cattle production in situations of climate
periods over the whole South American con- risk have been analyzed and discussed. The
tinent at 50km resolution. research was carried out in several study
The Government of Argentina will officially sites within LPB, and showed the importance
use these simulations in order to perform of the involvement of local decision makers
its Third National Communication on Climate as well as affected farmers in the process of
Change. developing adaptation strategies.
Issues such as social and economic impli- In order to assess water resources impacts
cations of land use changes due to differ- in La Plata Basin in the context of climate
ent climate change scenarios, the design of change, we analysed two distributed hydro-
adaptation strategies of land use based on logical models, and focused on sectors such
crop modelling, the identification of drivers as energy, navigation, ecology and floods.

Project partners
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement - IRD FR
University of East Anglia - UEA UK
Leibniz-Zentrums für Agrarlandschaftsforschung – ZALF DE
Max-Planck Gesellschaft Institut – MPG DE
Euro Mediterranean Center on Climate Change- CMCC IT
Universidad de Bologna - UNIBO IT
Universidad de Castilla La Mancha - UCLM ES
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute - SMHI SE
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espacias - INPE BR
Universidade de São Paulo - USP BR
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC BR
Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR BR
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Técnicas - CONICET AR
Universidad de Buenos Aires - UBA AR
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria - INTA AR
Instituto Nacional del Agua - INA AR
Universidad de la República - UR UY
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS FR
Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico - RSE SpA IT
University of Geneve - UNIGE CH

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Climate change, environmental contaminants and reproductive health
Instrument:  Small or medium-scale focused research project
Total cost:  3 181 079 €
EC contribution:  2 377 604 €
Duration:  54 months
Start date:  01/05/2009
Consortium:  8 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  Aarhus University Hospital, DK
Project website:
Key words:  climate change, chemical exposure, human health effects

The challenge (iv) integrate data on relative climate induced

changes in contaminant mobility and distribu-
This research project investigates the pos- tion and links between contaminant exposure
sible impact of global climate change on and reproductive health into a risk evaluation
reproductive health in Arctic and three local providing insight into possible future risk sce-
European populations. The key questions to narios related to global climate change.
be addressed are, first, how may climate
change impact on human exposure to wide- Methodology
spread environmental contaminants and,
1. Modelling climate change and contaminant mo-
second, how may contaminants impact on bility and distribution.
occurrence of reproductive disorders as sen- 2. Exposure assessment (analyses of up to 1500
sitive indicators of health. biobanked serum samples for the content of per-
flourinated comounds, hexachlorbenzen, phthal-
ate metabolites, heavy metals and polybrominat-
Project objectives ed diphenyl ethers).
3. Epidemiological evaluations of male and female
To provide affirmative answers to these fertility in relation to exposure to the measured
questions the project will contaminants.
(i) identify and describe mechanisms by 4. Collection of new data on childhood growth and
development from a cohort of approximately
which a changing climate may affect the 1500 mother child pairs.
exposure of arctic and other human pop- 5. Assessment of the impact of polymorphisms in
ulations to contaminants through change genes related to androgen, estrogen and aryl hy-
in chemical use and emissions, delivery to drocarbon pathway and measurement of global
the arctic ecosystem as well as processing methylation status in human semen samples.
6. Developing of models for evaluation of internal
within the arctic physical environment and exposure based on predicted changes in exposure
human food chain. levels and measured level of exposure to be used
(ii) expand the existing knowledge database for human risk assessment.
7. All results from the project will be used for risk
on human exposure to polybrominated di- assessment and risk evaluation providing insight
phenylethers, perfluorinated surfactants and into possible future risk scenarios related to glob-
phthalates by analyses of 1000 biobanked al climate change.
serum samples collected in the EU FP5 pro-
gramme INUENDO. Expected results
(iii) increase the limited knowledge on links We expect that the CLEAR project will provide
between human exposure to contaminants a quantitative evaluation of health risks in
and reproductive health. populations in the Arctic and selected areas

in Europe due to the spreading of contam- of possible reproductive effects. Secondly, it
inants resulting from climate change. We becomes possible cost-efficiently to add new
use the largest existing mother-father-child original data to the limited knowledge on
cohort that include Arctic as well as several health outcomes in humans. In short, this
local European populations with average or project relies not only on existing data but
high exposure levels. Hereby the project will, will feed needed new original data into the
firstly, provide comprehensive and entirely assessment of risk related to environmental
new data on exposure profiles for several contaminants and future scenarios related
compounds that are of high concern because to climate change.

Project partners

Aarhus University Hospital, Department of occupational medicine DK

Lund University, Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and Reproductive

Medicine Center

Ente per le Nuove tecnologie, l’Energia e l’Ambiente (ENEA) IT

National Institute of Public Health – National institute of Hygiene (PZH) PL

Kharkiv National Medical University UA

Greenland Institute of Natural Resources GL

Universitet Utrecht Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences NL

University of Toronto, Department of Physical and Environmental Sciences CA

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Climate Change. Hydro-conflicts and Human Security
Instrument:  Collaborative project for specific cooperation actions
dedicated to international cooperation partner countries (SICA)
Total cost:  3 766 269 €
EC contribution:  2 991 352 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Consortium:  14 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  Unversitat Autonoma de Barcelona, ES
Project website:
Key words:  water, droughts, floods, climate change, conflict, security,
vulnerability, adaptation, transboundary management, institutions,
Middle East, Sahel, socio-economic sciences and humanities.

The challenge 1. To understand relationships between hydro-cli-

matic hazards, climate change vulnerability,
Climate change will have an enormous im- human security and conflict, through theoretical-
pact on environmental, social and economic ly-informed, comparative, empirical, quantitative
and qualitative social science research.
conditions and may affect human security by 2. To map international and national policies for
exacerbating violent conflict. There are stud- security and adaptation in water resources and
ies claiming that water and climate-related hazard management, and develop policy priorities
conflict may result from scarcity of water re- as regards hydro-climatic hazards (“hydro-secu-
rity”) in the region, applicable to the UN, EU and
sources, a situation that may become more
national states.
frequent or severe through climate change.
However, climate change does not automat- Methodology
ically lead to a worse human security situ-
ation or to conflict. Rather, there are com- CLICO’s scientific approach has been struc-
plex relationships between political, social, tured around one theoretical-conceptual and
economic, environmental and other factors four empirical blocks of research, specifically:
that, in conjunction with climate change, can • A conceptual framework developed at the initial
either undermine security or trigger/exacer- stage of the project and updated at its end on the
basis of empirical findings.
bate conflicts.
• In-depth case studies on the links between climate
change and human security in 11 climate change
Project objectives hotspots.
• A statistical study of factors explaining domestic
CLICO explored the social dimensions of cli- water related conflict and cooperation in 35 coun-
mate change and in particular the conditions tries for the time period of 1997-2009, taking
under which hydro-climatic hazards, such as account more than 10 000 water-related events.
• An inventory of international and national policies
drought or floods, may infringe upon the se- dealing with water resource management, and re-
curity of human populations. The project fo- sponses to climate change, security, hydrological
cused on the geographical areas of the Med- hazards and disasters.
iterranean, Middle East and the Sahel, and • An appraisal of transboundary policies, including
on water-related stresses such as droughts, an evaluation of the adaptive capacity of institu-
tions in the 42 shared, international basins of the
floods and sea-level rise, expected to intensi- study area, and an assessment of ways in which
fy with climate change. More concretely, the climatic uncertainties are tackled in international
project pursued the following objectives: water treaties.

Expected results Recommendations for policy-makers:
• Address root causes of vulnerability, such as pov-
Key findings: erty, lack of knowledge and institutions plagued by
• Climate change is one among many factors affect- corruption
ing human security • Strengthening social security systems is an effec-
• Climate change is less influential than political, tive way for improving human security
economic and social factors in causing or exac- • Affected groups should be empowered to influence
erbating water-related conflicts (for majority of adaptation decisions
CLICO studies) • Integrate policies, e.g. link adaptation to policy
• States are important actors in adaptation, but not agendas such as human development and poverty
the only ones; civil society and self-adaptation are reduction
also relevant • Implementing some existing policies could improve
• Climate change adaptation can increase human in- human security
security and conflict, e.g. via divergent or mal-ad- • Avoid simplistic explanations on the impact of cli-
aptations mate change on conflict

Project partners Country

ICTA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ES
Tyndrall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia UK
ECOLOGIC GmbH Institut für Internationale und Europäische Umweltpolitik DE
Centre for the Study of Civil War (CSCW), International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) NO
Department of Geography, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem IL
Suez Canal University EG
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich CH
The Cyprus Institute CY
School of Global Studies, University of Sussex UK
United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security DE
Palestinian Hydrology Group For Water And Environmental Resources Development PS
Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals ES
Israeli – Palestinian Science Organization BE
Addis Ababa University ET

Cultural Heritage


At a glance
Title:  Damage risk assessment, economic impact and mitigation
strategies for sustainable preservation of cultural heritage in the times
of climate change
Instrument:  Large-scale integrating project
Total cost:  6 566 393 €
EC contribution:  4 964 865 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/11/2009
Consortium:  27 partners from 14 countries
Project coordinator:  Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, DE
Project website:
Key words:  climate change impacts, cultural heritage, damage risk
assessment, climate models, climate change modelling, hygrothermal
building simulation, socio-economic analysis, sustainability, preventive
conservation, IPCC report, UNESCO World Heritage sites

The Challenge ments and free water sensor measurements,

• Retrospective investigation of climate induced
The project investigates the impacts of cli- damage processes,
mate change on historic buildings and their • Development of adequate risk scenarios and new
damage risk assessment methodologies for pre-
collections in Europe and the Mediterranean.
ventive conservation,
It identifies the damage potential of cultural • Adaptation of software tools for hygrothermal
heritage most at risk and develops strategies building simulation of historic buildings,
to mitigate the effects of climate change by • Development of new and energy saving approach-
including policy makers and the IPCC reports. es to microclimate control for mitigating climate
The main innovation is to use a combination change impacts,
• Economic assessment of climate change impacts
of simulation and modelling tools to better
on cultural heritage for decision makers and the
predict the influence of the changing outdoor interested public,
climate on the microclimate in historic build- • Development of outdoor and indoor climate risk
ings until 2100 and to assess the damage maps for decision makers in different European
potential in various climate zones. Therefore, climate zones.
regional climate models with a high resolu-
tion of 10x10 km are developed and coupled
with newly developed whole building sim-
ulation tools. Furthermore, the project pro- Methodology
vides data on the socio-economic impact of To assess the effects of climate change and
climate change. to identify the most urgent risks high reso-
lution climate evolution scenarios (based on
Project objectives regional climate model simulations) are cou-
pled with whole building simulation models.
• Climate evolution for damage assessment of mov-
able and immovable cultural heritage objects in
Together with close up surface monitoring
the near and far future, this will build the basis for setting up new
• In situ non-destructive monitoring of cultural ob- damage functions. Besides, climate data in-
jects with digital holography speckle laser inter- terpretations existing throughout Europe will
ferometry, 3D, microscopy, glass sensor measure- be combined by integrating the latest expert

knowledge, taking also into account the dis- how the indoor climate will develop in histor-
cussions held in the working group CEN TC ic buildings up to the year 2100 in various
346. Collections in historic buildings from climate zones and to what extent damages
various European regions as well as UNES- to collections will occur. It will enable preven-
CO World Heritage Sites are included as case tive measures to be taken, thus reducing the
studies for in situ assessment of existing consumption of energy and resources. The
problems, retrospective investigations on the project offers scientific results to be effec-
state of preservation and for the projection tively transferred to both business and polit-
of future challenging issues. All results will ical communities. It integrates industrial and
be incorporated into the report on the as- SMS partners as stakeholders to ensure the
sessment of the economic costs and impacts transfer into practice and market. The report
on cultural heritage under two different IPCC on the macroeconomic impact on cultural
climate scenarios on regional scale. heritage will be a contribution to future IPCC
reports and suitable for integrating cultural
Expected results heritage into the EU sustainable develop-
ment strategy. Results will be a substantial
Results provide information on the possible prerequisite for persons involved in the wider
impact of climate change on the built cultur- range of decision making (e.g. members of
al heritage and its indoor environment. More the EU Parliament, national ministries and
reliable prediction models lead to insights on local authorities).

Project partners
Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten
National Trust for England, Wales and Northern Ireland (UK)
Forschung e.V. (DE)
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical Center for Documentation of Cultural & Natural Heritage
University in Prague (CZ) (EG)
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Italian Consultant for Conservation Risk Assessment, Jonathan
National Research Council (IT) Ashley-Smith (UK)
School of Built & Natural Environment, Glasgow Caledonian
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb (HR)
University (UK)
Holography Lab and Laser Applications Division, Institute Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the
Electronic Structure and Laser, Foundation for Research and Environment, London School of Economics & Political
Technology (EL) Science (UK)
Department of Conservation, Technical University Munich Environmental Research Center, Foundation Salvatore
(DE) Maugeri (IT)
Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (DE) The National Institute of Cultural Heritage (FR)
Eindhoven University of Technology, Unit Building Physics Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of
and Systems (NL) Ljubljana (SI)
Centre for Indoor Environment, Building Physics and Energy, Engineering Consulting & Software Development Jan Radon
Gradbeni Institute (SI) (PL)
Krah & Grote Measurement Solutions (DE) TB Käferhaus GmbH (AT)
Building Conservation, Gotland University (SE) Kybertec Ltd. (CZ)
Freelance conservator-restorer Andreas Weiß (DE) Haftcourt Ltd. (SE)
Restoration Centre, Bavarian Administration of State owned
Doerner Institut, Bavarian State Painting Collections (DE)
Palaces, Gardens and Lakes (DE)
ACCIONA Infrastructure (ES)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrology of Mediterranean
Basins:  Reducing Uncertainty and Quantifying Risk through an
Integrated Monitoring and Modeling System
Instrument:  Small/medium-scale focused research project for specific
cooperation actions dedicated to international cooperation partner
countries (SICA)
Total cost:  4 157 348 €
EC contribution:  3 148 945 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Consortium:  21 beneficiaries from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen,
Department of Geography, DE
Project website:
Key words:  Mediterranean, climate change impacts, uncertainty, envi-
ronmental monitoring, hydrological modelling, socio-economic factor
as-sessment, risk assessment

The challenge integrated hydrologic (and biophysical) mod-

eling and socioeconomic factor analyses
According to current climate projections for to reduce existing uncertainties in climate
the 21st century, Mediterranean countries change impact analysis and to create an in-
are at high risk for an even pronounced tegrated quantitative risk and vulnerability
susceptibility to changes in the hydrological assessment tool.
budget and extremes, increasing potential
for tensions and conflict among the polit- This tool will serve as a platform for the dis-
ical and economic actors in this vulnerable semination of scientific project results and
region. In order to advance the capability the communication with and planning for
to assess climate effects on water resourc- local and regional stakeholders.
es and uses, modelling capabilities must be The analysis of climate change impacts on
largely improved and appropriate advanced available water resources is targeted to
methods must be developed to better quan- selected mesoscale river or aquifer catch-
tify and deal with the inherent unce-tainties. ments, representing water management
Stakeholders and scientists must be provid- units for regional water authorities. Study
ed with new tools of decision making in cli- sites are located in Sardinia, Northern Italy,
mate change impact assessment. Southern France, Turkey, Tunisia, Egypt and
the Palestinian-administered area Gaza.
Project objectives
CLIMB improves modeling capabilities and
develops appropriate tools to advance the New field monitoring and measurement
capacity to assess climate effects on water strategies for hydrological processes are
resources and uses. The project consortium tested and adjusted to the specific require-
employs a combination of novel field moni- ments in the study sites. Synergistic radar
toring concepts, remote sensing techniques, and optical remote sensing techniques are

extensively employed to provide steady cific adaptive measures will be proposed
state parameters (e.g. land use, land cover, and recommendations for future water re-
soil hydraulic properties), to retrieve dy- sources management will be given, taking
namic model parameters (e.g. soil moisture into account a thorough diagnosis of climate
and roughness, vegetation structures), to change impacts on water uses and rivalries.
monitor process variables (e.g. infiltration, Further, it is expected that CLIMB results can
water stress) and to validate model results. be regionalized in general for water-stressed
Data assimilation procedures are crucial to areas, in which climate and socioeconomic
incorporate relevant data and process un- conditions render water-related problems
derstanding into existing modeling concepts, compelling and urgent. This can happen in
thereby significantly reduce uncertainty in various ways to:
predicted hydrological quantities. Model
• foster and intensify the dialogue between scien-
concepts are optimized to adequately repre- tists, managers, water experts and stakeholders in
sent the current state hydrology in the study addressing local impacts of climate changes and
sites, they will be tested over a range of se- identifying means for their assessments
lected climate change scenarios to project • awareness among stakeholders about climate
future hydrological budgets and extremes. change impacts on water resources and land uses,
Hydrological model results and socio-eco- which will lead to adequate approaches and adap-
nomic factor analysis are integrated for the tation strategies for water resources management
and for food security
development and implementation of a GIS-
• empower stakeholders and scientists by providing
based, modular Vulnerability and Risk As-
new tools of decisions making in assessing climate
sessment Tool. change impacts
These science-management-policy links are
Expected results indispensable to provide visibility of the re-
In its effort to grant easy access to data and search findings beyond the borders of the
results from the project, CLIMB will develop a scientific community and will allow for an
WebGIS-Server and Client architecture open uptake of research results into policy and
to the public. It will disseminate the impacts management practice. An important output
of climate change on selected hydrological of the research in the individual study sites
indicators, including a rigorous assessment will be the development of a set of recom-
of related uncertainties, as determined from mendations for an improved monitoring and
the multi-model ensembles employed in the modeling strategy for climate change impact
seven case studies. Further, it will comprise assessment, addressing in particular the
a risk modeling tool, assessing the risk of in- minimum requirements towards data col-
come loss and out-migration due to water lection and model complexity to achieve suf-
shortages in agriculture, forestry and the ficient predictive power for climate change
tourism sector, based on the identification impact assessment in the targeted regions
of key socio-economic indicators. Site-spe- and beyond.

Project partners
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen (DE) Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (CA)
AGRIS Sardegna–Agenzia per la Ricerca de la Agricoltura (IT) Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (AT)
Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Kiel (DE) Université d’Angers (FR) (until March 2011)
Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Fisica delle
pour l’environment at l’agriculture (FR) Atmosfere e delle Idrosfere (IT)
Centre de Recherche et des Technologies des Eaux (TN) Università degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Islamic University of Gaza PS - Palestinian-administered areas Università degli Studi di Trento (IT)
Centro di Ricerca, Sviluppo e Studi Superiori Sardegna (IT) Zagazig University (EG)
Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DE) VISTA Geowissenschaftliche Fernerkundung GmbH (DE)
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH (DE) Bayerische Forschungsallianz gemeinnuetzige GmbH (DE)
Université Francois-Rabelais du Tours (FR) (from February
Gebze Yuksek Teknoloji Enstitusu (TR)
Yildiz Technical University (TR) (from July 2012)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  DROught-tolerant yielding PlantS
Instrument:  Integrated project
Total Cost :  9 715 609 €
EC contribution:  5 999 866 €
Duration:  5 years
Start date:  06/2010
Consortium:  16 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  Francois Tardieu
Project website:
Key words:  Drought, tolerance, modelling, genetics, phenotyping,
maize, wheat

The challenge el incorporating novel understanding of the phys-

iology and genetics of target traits, (ii) simulating
European agriculture is facing declining yields of genotypes that differ by traits or alleles
water availability. Breeding, based on the at specific loci, over the variability of drought sce-
natural genetic diversity, has been efficient narios occurring across Europe
for increasing the yield of cereals under wa-
ter deficit, but the pace of genetic progress Methodology
must be accelerated by (i) developing meth- The project deals with maize, durum wheat
ods for characterizing hundreds of plant and bread wheat, and with four traits: leaf
types originating from different regions of growth /plant architecture, root growth, grain
the world, in diverse drought scenarios (ii) abortion and Water Use Efficiency.
disentangling the complexity of yield under
Panels of plants (150 to 250 accessions) are
drought via heritable traits (iii) identifying
new alleles in the natural diversity, which analysed in (i) 10-20 field experiments per
allow yield improvement in drought scenar- species, with or without irrigation in different
ios (iv) predicting the yield of plants with climatic regions of Europe, (ii) phenotyping
diverse alleles in the most frequent drought platforms that allow estimating novel traits
scenarios in Europe. (roots, growth, transpiration), (iii) omic plat-
forms for metabolites and expression of key
Project objectives genes for growth under drought.
A thorough environmental characterisation
1. Develop new methods for identifying drought-tol-
erant genotypes, and the alleles that determine
is performed in each field and platform. We
this behavior. This is based on novel phenotyping establish sensitivity indices for traits and for
platforms (including precision phenotyping and yield, for each studied genotype.
omics), and novel methods for data analysis in The panels are densely genotyped (50 000
platforms and in the field
2. Explore the natural variation of target traits by
to 500 000 markers), thereby allowing to
identifying genomic regions that control them in establish associations between gene alleles,
diverse drought scenarios. We aim at (i) linking studied traits in platform and sensitivity
these traits to physiological pathways, genes or traits in the field.
genomic regions, (ii) assessing the effects of allel-
The APSIM model, with improved modules
ic diversity on the target traits and on yield.
3. Estimate the comparative advantages of relevant for drought response of target traits, is used
alleles under contrasting drought scenarios. This to simulate yield over 50 years in 50 sites,
is performed by (i) developing a generic crop mod- with different allelic combinations.

Expected results DROPS will release tools that allow predict-
ing the comparative advantages of alleles
The identification of genes involved in toler- according to European regions.
ance to water deficit will result in the iden-
The presence of breeding companies in the
tification of markers and in the assessment
consortium will ensure “real life” tests of the
of the allelic variants. These markers will be
validity of results in a breeding strategy.
used in breeding.

Project partners
Institut national de la recherche agronomique FR
Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics AU
Biogemma FR
Inra Transfert FR
Lancaster University UK
Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences HU
Max-Planck-Institut für Molekulare Pflanzenphysiologie DE
Pioneer Hi-Bred International US
Sabanci Üniversitesi TR
Syngenta Seeds SAS FR
Università di Bologna IT
Université catholique de Louvain BE
University of Queensland AU
Wageningen Universiteit NL
RWTH Aachen University DE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Effects of climate change on the inland waterway
Instrument:  Coordination action
Total cost:  2 250 345 €
EC contribution:  1 633 087 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Project coordinator:  Transport and mobility Leuven, BE
Project website:
Key words:  transport, climate change, adaptation, inland waterways

The challenge NODUS transport network models.

A cost-effectiveness analysis was performed
ECCONET specifically addresses the topic of
on the basis of the model results, to comple-
adaptation to climate change, taking Inland
ment and review the assessment of adapta-
Waterway Transport (IWT) as a case-study.
tion measures.
The project addresses both the impact of cli-
mate change on inland waterways as well as
the study of adaptation measures. Results
The innovative character of ECCONET rests Performing a transport economic analysis
in its integrative approach, combining the we demonstrated that the possible climate
existing knowledge on the effects of cli- changes from 2005 to 2050 and their im-
mate change, transport infrastructure, ship pact on the inland waterway transport mar-
technology, economy and relevant policy to ket are not likely to be strong enough to
support the inland waterway transport mode. trigger any significant shift in modal shares
away from inland waterway transportation.
Project objectives In parallel, ECCONET aimed to identify a
To provide a coherent overview of the im- number of adaptation measures. These fell
pacts of climate change on the inland wa- broadly in 4 classes: technology and oper-
terway transport on the Rhine and Danube ational measures, infrastructure and main-
basin tenance, improved water level forecasting
and production and logistics processes.
To deal with the identification, analysis and These adaptation measures were verified
assessment of adaptation strategies for im- by a combination of literature review, trans-
proved operation of inland waterway vessels port economic modelling, cost-effectiveness
analysis and stakeholder consultation.
In the class of ship and operation related
ECCONET uses many different models to as- measures, the most promising measures
sess the current state of knowledge on cli- involve weight reducing technologies and
mate change, including its uncertainty band. the use of coupling convoys (especially on
This approach resulted in a balanced view on the Rhine river). Flexible 24 hour operation
the future navigability of the Rhine-Main- of ships that are currently operating only 12
Danube waterway area. hours was negative due to high labour costs.
The impact on the modal shift of inland wa- In terms of infrastructure measures we can
terway transport was assessed combining conclude that large infrastructural works are
the strong points of the TRANSTOOLS and currently not justified with respect to climate

change. There is however, even under current large investments in costly adaptation mea-
conditions, a strong need for improved main- sures under the present prevised navigability
tenance of the waterways, especially on the conditions, we do stress the importance of
Danube. good waterway maintenance for a smooth
Improved forecasting, for example in the continuation of waterway transport on the
form of a seasonal forecast of water lev- Rhine and Danube rivers. Also we place a
els are a responsibility of the governmental cautious question mark while observing the
agencies. While a reliable forecast of this trend towards increasingly large vessels on
type is very hard to make, any improvement the Rhine, as the benefit of increased car-
in this type of forecasting is considered very rying capacity may disappear under drier
valuable to the sector. conditions.
As for the change of production processes The results from ECCONET were presented
and stock keeping, we show that the for-
on numerous international conferences all
warder/shipper will usually wait or use al-
over the world, among others TRA in Athens
ready available storage capacity. Only when
problems continue, the shipper will consid- (April 2012), TRB in Washington (January
er using another transport mode, in gen- 2012), WTC in Berlin (2012), PIANC Smart
eral railway freight, which is a more costly Rivers conference (2011, 2012, 2013).
and inflexible solution. Investments in stock Moreover, ECCONET involved close coopera-
keeping and relocation are only taken as a tion with the related EWENT and the WEATH-
final option. ER projects, which both treat the effect of
While the expected climate change impact extreme weather conditions on the entire
until mid of the century does not justify transport network.

Project partners
Transport and Mobility Leuven (TML) BE
via donau–Österreichische Wasserstraßen GmbH AT
VU, Amsterdam (VU-FEWEB) NL
Transport Research and Training (NEA) NL
Facultés Universitaires Catholiques de Mons (FUCaM) BE
Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde (BfG) DE
VITUKI Environmental Protection and Water Management Research Institute Non-profit
Company (VITUKI)
Országos Meteorológiai Szolgálat (OMSZ) HU
Entwicklungszentrum für Schiffstechnik und Transportsysteme e.V (DST) DE
Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI) NL

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution Impacts and Response
Strategies for European Ecosystems
Instrument:  Large-scale integrating project
Total cost:  10 731 964 €
EC contribution:  6 997 001 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/10/2011
Consortium:  39 partners from 18 counries
Project coordinator:  Mark A. Sutton–Natural Environment Research
Council–Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH)
Project website:
Key words:  Air pollution, Climate change, Ozone, Nitrogen, NOx, impact
on ecosystems, agriculture, economic implications, EU Air quality policy

The challenge methodologies for these ecosystem impacts of air

pollution, including the economic implications, to
Air pollution has costly impacts on semi-nat- support EU policy.
ural and managed ecosystems, through ÉCLAIRE is targetting climate-ecosystem-at-
Ozone, Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Volatile Or- mosphere interactions and their implications
ganic Compounds (VOCs) and Ammonia for ecosystem effects at the European scale,
(NH3), also compromising our food security. combining observations and experiments
However, not only are these components of in the field and laboratory with modelling
air pollution also important climate forcing experiments from plot to European scales,
agents – their atmospheric burden is also while accounting for changes in global back-
strongly affected by climate change. The ground.
complex interactions of air pollution and cli-
mate differ in time and spatial scale and can Methodology
be both positive and negative influences on
climate change. In order to inform both air The project objectives are being met through
pollution and climate policy, these systems work in five science components:
need to be better understood. Component 1: Derives the process under-
standing to link biogenic/agricultural emis-
Project objectives sions and deposition to vegetation and soils,
to meteorological conditions and to pollutant
ÉCLAIRE seeks to quantify the effects of cli- inputs.
mate change on air pollution impacts and
Component 2: Develops improved more
use this to develop response strategies for
mechanistic, modelling frameworks that
European ecosystems. Focusing especially
simulate the effect of the interactions of
on the role of ozone and nitrogen, and where
the climate-atmosphere-biosphere system
relevant their interactions with volatile or-
on biogenic emission and bi-directional ex-
ganic compounds, aerosols and sulphur, the
Overall Objectives of ÉCLAIRE are therefore:
1. to provide robust understanding of air pollution
Component 3: Improves dose/response rela-
impacts on European land ecosystems including tionships under changing climate, develops
soils under changing climate conditions, and new thresholds and improved models to sim-
2. to provide reliable and innovative risk assessment ulate the effect of pollutants on above- and

below-ground carbon stocks. ta-analyses, updated parameterisations and
Component 4: Upscales ecological respons- modelling frameworks will contribute to core
es, thresholds and exceedances to the re- knowledge and its integration will inform
gional and European scale and its spatial stakeholders. More specifically the project
variability. will deliver:
• New empirical evidence quantifying the effects of
Component 5: Assesses the implications for climate change on air pollution ecosystem impacts
the economy and ecosystem services, and of empirical relationships
implications for mitigation and adaptation • New process-based descriptions of effects of cli-
strategies. mate on air pollution ecosystems impacts
• Quantification of potential feedback mechanisms
These are supported by a smaller number of of climate change on trace gas and pollutant emis-
strategic and management actions, including sions affecting climate
data management, measurement and mod- • Correction in European estimate and quantification
eling protocols, harmonization of scenarios of uncertainties, especially those of key policy sig-
and also training and dissemination. nificance;
• Cost-benefit analysis of air pollution control op-
tions in relation to future climate scenarios, of
Expected results direct use for EU policy analysis (e.g. in CLRTAP Go-
thenburg Protocol and NEC Directive revision, with
The results of the ÉCLAIRE project are rel- messages to IPCC).
evant to a wide range of stakeholders and • Next generation European air pollution mitigation
scientists. New flux measurements, me- and adaptation strategies under climate change

Project partners
Natural Environment Research Council, UK University of York, UK
Lunds Universitet, SE Goeteborgs Universitet, SE
Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DK Erdészeti Tudományos Intézet, HU
Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek, NL Ilmatieteen Laitos, FI
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Meteorology
Internationales Institut Fuer Angewandte Systemanalyse, AT
and Climate Research, DE
Meteorologisk Institutt, NO Helsigin Yliopisto, FI
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, DE Universita Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore, IT
Stichting Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland, NL Universitaet Fuer Bodenkultur Wien, AT
Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche, IT Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, ES
JRC–Joint Research Centre–European Commission, IT Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, FR
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, NL Eidgenoessisches Volkswirtschaftsdepartment, CH
Centro de Investigactiones Energeticas, Medioambientales y
Odessa National I.I. Mechnikov University, UA
Tecnologicas – CIEMAT, ES
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR The University of Edinburgh, UK
Svergies Meteorologiska Och Hydrologiska Institut, SE IVL Svenska Miljoeinstitutet AB, SE
Drzavni Hidrometeoroloski Zavod, HR Holland Michael, UK
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhems -Universitaet Bonn, DE Aarhus Universitet, DK
Max Planck Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaften
Eidgenoessische Forschungsanstalt WSL, CH
Institute of Physico-chemical and Biological Problems in Soil Institute of Plant Physiology and Genetics of Bulgarian
Science, RU Academy of Sciences, BG
Wageningen Universiteit, NL Universite Libre de Bruxelles, BE
Nederlandse Organisatie Voor Toegepast
Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek, NL

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Evaluating the Climate and Air Quality Impacts of Short-Lived
Instrument:  Small/medium-scale focused research project for specific
cooperation actions dedicated to international cooperation partner
countries (SICA)
Total cost:  3 810 033 €
EC contribution:  2 706 051 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/11/2011
Consortium:  11 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NO
Project website:
Key words:  Air pollution, Long-range transport, climate, air quality,
radiative forcing, climate model

The challenge In the project we will refine the calculation of

existing metrics and developing novel met-
Current climate policy does not consider a rics for policy making, to analyse the cost-ef-
range of short-lived gases and aerosols, and fectiveness of emission control strategies.
their precursors (including nitrogen oxides, We will clarify the win-win and trade-off sit-
volatile organic compounds, sulphate, and
uations between climate policy and air qual-
black carbon). These nevertheless make a
ity policy, explore the role of co-emissions of
significant contribution to climate change
other depended species and identifying a set
and directly influence air quality. There are
of concrete cost-effective abatement mea-
fundamental scientific uncertainties in char-
sures with large co-benefits.
acterizing both the climate and air quality
impacts of short-lived species and many
aspects (for example, the regional depen- Methodology
dence) are quite distinct to those for the lon- The specific strategy employed in ECLIPSE
ger-lived climate gases already included in consists of using existing modelling tools,
the Kyoto Protocol. applying them immediately to construct
a straw man SLCF mitigation scenario and
Project objectives allowing a knowledge loop within the proj-
We will be improving the knowledge about ect to improve those aspects and areas that
emissions of SLCFs and their precursors and are most relevant for the design of emission
validate the models used to determine the control strategies. This loop will allow the
climate and air quality impacts of SLCFs Fur- further scientific investigation of the roles of
ther perform case studies involving two ma- the various model uncertainties and climate
jor SLCF source regions as well as the Arctic responses on top of the initial underlying
as a receptor region and characterizing the model assumptions on emissions and SLCF
uncertainties associated with impacts of SL- atmospheric chemistry and radiative forcing,
CFs on air quality and climate and quantify and thereby provide fresh and relevant infor-
the climate impacts of SLCFs beyond glob- mation to policy making processes in Europe
al-mean radiative forcing. and China

Expected results (iii) perform case studies on key source and
receptor regions (iv) quantify the radiative
ECLIPSE aims to develop and assess ef- forcing and climate response due to short-
fective emission abatement strategies for
lived species, incorporating the dependence
short-lived climate agents in order to provide
on where the species are emitted; (v) refine
sound scientific advice on how to mitigate
the calculation of climate metrics, and de-
climate change while improving the quality
of air. It will (i) improve understanding of key velop novel metrics which, go beyond using
atmospheric processes (including the impact global-mean quantities; (vi) clarify possible
of short-lived species on cloud properties) win-win and trade-off situations between cli-
and characterize existing uncertainties; (ii) mate policy and air quality policy; (vii) iden-
evaluate model simulations of short-lived tify a set of concrete cost-effective abate-
species and their long-range transport us- ment measures of short-lived species with
ing ground-based and satellite observations; large co-benefits.

Project partners
Norwegian Institute for Air Research NO
Center for International Climate and Environmental Research NO
Norwegian Meteorological Institute NO
Meteorological Office, Hadley Center UK
Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie FR
Univ. Leipzig DE
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis AT
Univ. of Reading UK
Univ. Crete EL
Univ. Tsinghua CN
Univ Peking CN

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects
Instrument:  Integrated Project
Total cost:  8 218 266 €
EC contribution:  5 858 973 €
Duration:  54 months
Start date:  01/06/2008
Consortium:  26 partners from 17 countries
Project coordinator:  Utrecht University, NL
Project website:
Key words:  Health, Environment, Transport

The challenge as local databases. Land User Regression

models were generated for all regions to
Long-term effects of air pollution have not obtain quantitative equations for predicting
been studied widely in Europe. Yet, air pol- air pollution concentrations at the home
lution abatement policies, and cost benefit addresses of study participants. The rela-
analyses heavily depend on an objective tionships between air pollution and health
quantification of these long-term effects. effects were then analysed in four main cat-
egories of studies:
Project objectives 1. Studies on pregnancy outcomes and disease de-
1. to develop a flexible methodology for assessment velopment in children
of long-term population exposure to air pollution 2. Studies on respiratory disease in adults
focused primarily on fine particles, particle com- 3. Studies on cardiovascular disease in adults
position, and nitrogen oxides. 4. Studies on cancer and mortality in adults.
2. to apply the exposure assessment methodology
on existing cohort studies of mortality and chronic The results provide a basis for further quan-
disease in Europe that have been selected based tification and valuation of health effects of
on their potential to quantify relationships be- long-term exposure to air pollutants in Eu-
tween long-term exposure and health response. rope.
3. specifically, to investigate exposure-response
relationships and thresholds for (a) adverse peri-
natal health outcomes, and development of dis-
Expected results
eases such as asthma in children; (b) respiratory The expected result include quantification of
disease endpoints in adults; (c) cardiovascular
the relationships between long-term expo-
disease endpoints in adults; (d) all-cause and
cause-specific mortality, and cancer incidence.
sure to air pollution and a series of morbidity
4. to develop a database for quantitative estimates and mortality effects in European popula-
of the health impacts of long-term exposure to air tions.
pollution for all of these health endpoints for the This will provide the European commission
European population. with a more solid basis for quantification
and valuation of health effects of long-term
Methodology exposure to air pollutants in Europe.
A monitoring program was set up in multiple Benefits will also arise for stakeholders in-
European regions to establish the spatial dis- terested in the health effects of air pollution.
tribution of particulate matter and nitrogen These include industries potentially affected
oxides. Geographic variables that may ex- by air pollution control measures, patient or-
plain this spatial distribution were collected ganisations as well as environmental NGOs
from European (Eurostreets, CORINE) as well and national and local governments.

Project partners
Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, University of Utrecht NL
Department of Hygiene, University of Athens EL
Department of Social Medicine, University of Crete EL
Dipartimento di Epidemiologia, Azienda Sanitaria Locale Roma IT
Swiss Tropical Health Institute, University of Basel CH
Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL), Barcelona ES
Imperial ColleDE London UK
University of Manchester School of Medicine UK
Helmholtz Zentrum München–DErman Research Center for Environmental Health DE
IUF University of Duesseldorf DE
IMIBE, University of Duisburg-Essen DE
Institute of Epidemiology of the University of Ulm DE
Institute of Cancer Epidemiology CopenhaDEn DK
National Institute of Public Health Oslo NO
Institute for Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet Stockholm SE
Umeå University, Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine SE
Département santé environnement Institut de veille sanitaire St Maurice FR
INSERM, Villejuif FR
National Institute for Health and Welfare, Kuopio SU
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) Kaunas LT
National Institute for Environmental Health, Budapest HU
Institute of Occupational Medicine, Edinburgh UK
National Institute of Public Health and the Environment RIVM Bilthoven NL
Medical Research Council UK
OMIH at National Taiwan University TW
Hellenic Health Foundation EL

Climate Change

At a glance
Titel:  European Polar Consortium: Strategic Coordination and
Networking of European Polar RTD Programmes
Funding instrument:  Coordination Action
Contract starting date:  01/03/2005
Duration:  48 months
Total project cost:  2 484 992 €
EC contribution:  2 484 992 €
Coordinator:  Institut Polaire, FR
Project website:

Abstract level and will enable Europe to maximise and

direct its critical mass at the Global level.’
EUROPOLAR ERA-NET is a consortium of 25
Ministries, Funding Agencies and National Po- Objectives
lar RTD Authorities from 19 European countries
with a combined critical mass of Polar Pro- Research and technology in the Polar Regions is
grammes and Infrastructures of over 500 Mil- fundamental to our understanding of the func-
lion Euros per annum. It is the most significant tioning of the earth system especially in rela-
initiative to coordinate and network European tion to climate change, climate variability and
Polar RTD programmes ever attempted. its wide economic and societal impact on Euro-
EUROPOLAR ERA-NET will exert a massive and pean and global populations. European nations
positive impact on this domain and lead to long- have played a central role in scientific research
term durable partnerships within Europe and in the Polar Regions throughout the last centu-
Internationally. EUROPOLAR ERA-NET will en- ry. The Polar Regions are central to answering
courage and support the closer relationship of questions of global relevance and importance
National Polar RTD programme managers from in modern climate research and its effects. Eu-
Europe and the Russian Federation, fostering rope has a high capacity in both research and
cooperation and leading to joint programme infrastructure terms in the Polar Regions, the
activities. EUROPOLAR ERA-NET will also deep- combined critical mass of national polar pro-
en and strengthen the interactions between grammes and assets across Europe exceeds
countries with large Polar RTD Programmes 500 Million Euros per annum.
and nations with evolving Polar Programmes in There is a clearly identifiable need for Europe
central and south-eastern Europe, encouraging to optimize this high-investment and provide an
exchange of experiences and best practise on enhanced utilization of research infrastructures,
management and financing of programmes and harmonizing scientific, human and technology
infrastructures. The presence of key European capacity. Polar research from its very beginning
and international organizations within EUROPO- has been a cooperative activity in large part due
LAR ERA-NET will open up a vast network of hu- to the extreme nature of the environments it
man and material capital. requires agreements on a national and more of-
The structuring and coordination of Europe- ten-international scale to implement very large
an Trans-national elements will enable the projects with complex logistics.
construction of mechanisms to mobilise joint “….Europe is at the forefront of international
funding flows and the reciprocal access to Polar efforts in polar research,” said Research Com-
Research Infrastructures. The long-term goal of missioner Philippe Busquin at the launch, in
the European Polar Consortium is the develop- Bremerhaven (DE) last February, of several
ment of a ‘European Polar Entity’ which will be Polar research projects being supported by the
established following the EUROPOLAR ERA-NET European Union. “The poles are unique indica-
through dialogue and agreement at a political tors of climate change processes [making] polar

research a key element in our overall research ect Ice Coring in Antarctica) which has acted
effort on global climate change….” as a model for the way in which a group of 10
Former European Research Commissioner nations can implement with pooled funding a
Philippe Busquin 2004 major scientific research programme which
addresses global concerns. This model needs
“The Northern Dimension concept covers a to be applied in a wider context to Polar RTD
broad and diverse geographic area, stretching programmes on the new and exciting frontiers.
from the Arctic and sub-Arctic to the southern
shores of the Baltic, and from North-West Rus- The Consortium that forms EUROPOLAR ERA-
sia in the East to Iceland and Greenland in the NET comprises 25 funding agencies, national
west. The Northern Dimension also pays special ministries and Polar Authorities from 19 coun-
attention to regions with specific needs, such as tries in Europe including key new accession
Kaliningrad and the Arctic region.” states, candidate states to the EU and external
states such as Russia Federation. The compo-
Former External Relations Commissioner Chris sition of the consortium represents every sig-
Pattern 2004 nificant actor and European nation with Arctic
The management of national programmes in and Antarctic research programme activities.
the Polar Regions is subject to a great deal of EUROPOLAR therefore represents the most
variability across Europe, with a complex fund- significant initiative to network European Polar
ing and evaluation architecture, there is a need RTD Programmes ever attempted.
to simplify and harmonize these systems to General Objectives for the EUROPOLAR ERA-
produce a coherent set of interlinked and ful- NET comprise:
ly networked agencies. The common access
to a suite of world class Polar Infrastructures • Creating the conditions for a gradual deepening
that are dedicated to supporting at a nation- of the interaction between National Polar RTD
al level a wide range of Scientific programme Programmes in order to mobilize and coordi-
disciplines. To avoid duplication of research ef- nate the existing critical mass of infrastruc-
forts and to better understand the differences tures, human capital to maximize the impact of
in scale of operation for Arctic and Antarctic European Polar activities.
science campaigns, EUROPOLAR ERA-NET will • Contributing to the establishment of leading
analyze and compare the structural and man- edge collaborative Polar Research Centres and
agement approaches from its partner countries supporting the intellectual development of the
resulting in strategies to harmonize these sys- next generation of Polar Research specialists
tems on a trans-national basis. The Landscape especially in new and candidate nations of the
of Research in Europe has been dramatically Union.
changed during the 6th framework programme • Supporting the EC Northern Dimension Action
with emphasis placed on the Lisbon Agenda and Plan by creating research opportunities (RTD
the development of A ‘European Research Area’ programmes, researcher mobility and support
leading to the Europe’s aspirations as becoming mechanisms) relevant for the Arctic issues.
the most competitive knowledge based Econo- • Generating a prototype advisory and policy
my in the world by 2010. EUROPOLAR ERA-NET support mechanism for European Governments
will establish the unique conditions for a du- in the Polar Regions.
rable cooperation between European research • Enabling the integration of new accession and
programmes in the Polar Regions. EUROPOLAR candidate states to the European Union by
ERA-NET will strive to enhance and maintain the stepwise and agreed mutual opening of
Europe’s premier capacity for research in the Europe’s Polar RTD Programmes and strength-
Polar Regions by building a framework of suf- ening the relationship between Europe and the
ficient scale and critical mass to facilitate, pro- Russian Federation through cooperation be-
mote and sustain intellectual interchange in the tween consortium partners.
international research arena. Agreements be- • Optimizing the management and utilization of
tween National Polar RTD funding agencies and European Polar facilities and assets.
ministries have historically been at a bilateral • Providing the focus of European strategic ac-
level and the structures and mechanisms for tivities in the Polar Regions through the devel-
internal agreement amongst European nations opment of a common European planning and
on multinational agreements are still lacking or research implementation framework.
need testing. This requirement for an enhanced The principle benefits arising from EUROPOLAR
coordination and management at a Pan-Euro- ERA-NET will be:
pean scale in Polar Research, driven by success • Structuring the environment and landscape of
of programmes such as EPICA (European Proj- Europe’s Polar RTD programmes to allow ful-

ly trans-national research programmes and support of European Union Policies.
enhanced access to Polar Research infrastruc- • Consideration of Polar RTD issues, which are
tures. beyond the capacities of individual member
• Enabling National Polar RTD Agencies to build states and generate sufficient critical mass
strong multilateral partnerships within and out- Increased awareness of policy issues of rele-
side Europe. vance to the Polar Regions.
• Enabling the effective integration of new acces- • Contributing to the strengthening of the Euro-
sion and candidate countries of the European pean Research and innovation area.
Union through involvement in extensive Polar • The development of common management
RTD activities. best practice and European research strategies
• Delivering high quality science policy advice in in the Polar Regions.

N° Organisation Country
1. Institut Polaire Français Paul Emile Victor IPE FR
2. Foundation Européenne de la Science/European Polar Board EPB-ESF FR
3. Fonds –zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung FWF AT
4. Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique FNRS BE
5. Fonds Voor Wetenschappelijk onderzoek Vlannderen FWO BE
6. Belgian Federal Planning Service Science Policy BELSPO BE
7. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Bulgaria MFA BG
8. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports MSMT CZ
9. Dansk Polarcenter (Danish Polar Center) DPC DK
10. Forskningsstryrelsen (Danish Research Agency) FORSK DK
11. Eesti Teadusfond Sihtasutus (Estonian Science Foundation) EstSF EE
12. Liikenne-Ja Viestintaministerio (Ministry of Transport and Communication) MiTOC FI
13. Alfred Wegener Institut Fur Polar und Meeresforschung AWI DE
14. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung BMBF DE
Kultureqarmut, Ilinniartitaanermut, Ilisimatusarnermut, Ilageeqarnermullu Greenland
Pisortaqarfik (Department for Culture Research and Church) KIIP
16. Ministero dell’istruzione dell’ Università della Ricerca MIUR IT
Nederlandse Organisatitie Voor Wetenschappelijk onderzoek (Netherlands organisation for
17. NL
Scientific Research) N W O
18. The Research Council of Norway RCN NO
19. Norsk Polarinstitut (Norwegian Polar Institute) NPI NO
Ministerstwo Nauki I Informatyzacji (Ministry of Scientific Research and Information
20. PL
Technology) MSRIT
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute of Roshydromet, Russian Federation Service for
21. RU
Hydrometeorology & Environmental Monitoring AARI
22. Ministerul Educatiei Si Cercetarii (Ministry of Education and Research) MedC RO
23. Ministero de Educacion y Ciencia MEC ES
24. Ventenskapsradet (Swedish Research Council) VR SE
25. Natural Environment Research Council NERC UK

Marine Environment

At a glance
Title:  Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment (FORCE): an
ecosystem approach to managing Caribbean coral reefs in the face of
climate change
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  8 581 205 €
EC contribution:  6 474 632 €
Duration:  53 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Consortium:  18 partners from 10 countries including 6 International
Cooperation partners, 1 Associated country + 1 Third country
Project coordinator:  University of Exeter, United Kingdom (science &
Project website:
Key words:  Collaborative project, caribbean sustainable management,
coral reefs, climate change, livelihood, governance, fisheries, marine

The challenge governance structures needed for their im-

plementation. This will be achieved in four
Each year, coral reefs contribute billions steps. First, FORCE will determine the effects
of dollars to Caribbean countries in terms of climate change, overfishing, pollution and
of tourism, fisheries and the provision of poor governance on the health of Caribbe-
coastal defense from hurricanes. Millions of an reefs. The team will then assemble and
people depend on these reefs yet they are refine a toolbox of management measures
already being impacted by climate change, that can be used to improve the health and
overfishing and pollution. FORCE brings to- wise use of coral reefs. However, not all
gether researchers from the natural and management measures are equally effec-
social science disciplines to understand the tive so the project will use ecological models
causes of change in reef health and improve and novel social science methods to assess
the management of Caribbean reefs. FORCE the efficacy of each tool and the governance
Principal Investigators (PIs) represent 18 constraints to its implementation. Finally, the
Member Organisations, located in 10 coun- team will assure longevity of their conclu-
tries within Europe, the Caribbean and Aus- sions beyond 2014 through the production
tralia. By combining natural and social sci- of a region-wide management toolkit.
ences from the outset, the consortium has a
rare opportunity to identify the management Methodology
strategies and governance structures need-
ed to help ensure the delivery of ecosystem FORCE Programme of Activities comprises
services on which so many people depend. integrating activities on physical, ecologi-
cal and social science aspects of coral reef
Project objectives health and management. A series of ecolog-
ical surveys were conducted in eleven coun-
The overall scientific objective of FORCE is tries whilst a series of social science stud-
to identify the most appropriate manage- ies were conducted in four countries, three
ment interventions for coral reefs and the of which provided the opportunity for joint

studies. Detailed governance, livelihood and causes of reef degradation, and therefore
social studies have been conducted in three opportunities to mitigate such problems. A
to four priority areas in each case study with ‘Marine Reserves for Climate Change’ tool-
some adjacent to the coral reef ecological kit coupled with the ‘Managing Caribbean
survey sites. New field investigations have Coral Reefs for Climate Change’ handbook
quantified the effects of changing reef health and workshop is being developed for reef
on biodiversity, seek ways of improving fish- managers. FORCE is advancing the science
eries management, and allow the effects of of marine reserve design with the inclusion
ocean acidification and coral bleaching to be of coral bleaching. Caribbean-wide maps
modelled more accurately. These empirical of thermal regime and guidelines on using
studies will be integrated with global climate the maps with existing reserve design tools
models using ecosystem models. to stratify the location of marine reserves
have been developed. The project has de-
Expected results veloped coral friendly fisheries regulations
to help maintain the resilience of reefs to
The FORCE consortium is in the process of climate change by determining the appropri-
producing tools and advice for government, ate levels of herbivore extraction. Taken to-
managers and stakeholders to utilise in the gether, these products should help improve
sustainable management of coral reefs. It the management of Caribbean reefs with a
will not only provide management tools but view to improving the economic and social
also provide a clearer understanding of the well-being of coastal communities.

Project partners
Verein zur Foerderung der Wissenschaftlichen
University of Exeter, (UNEXE) UK forschung in der Freien Hansestadt Breman, (VFWF)
Integrated Marine Management, (IMM) UK Bar Ilan University, (BIU) IL
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, (UNEW) UK University of Costa Rica, (UCR) CR
University of Amsterdam, (UVA), NL University of the West Indies, (UWI) BB
Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee,
University of Mexico, (UNAM) MX
Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (DLO)), NL El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, (ECOSUR) MX
Wageningen University, (WU) NL Centro de Ecologia Marina de Utila, (UCME) HN
Stichting Koninklijke Rotterdamse Diergaarde, (RZOO), NL University of Queensland, (UQ) AU
Caribbean Research and Management of Biodiversity, (CARMABI), CW

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in
Europe, the Mediterranean and other fire affected areas of the world
Instrument:  Integrated Project
Total cost:  8 230 786 €
EC contribution:  6 178 152 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Consortium:  33 partners from 17 countries
Project coordinator:  Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)
Project website:
Key words:  forest fires, climate change, socioeconomic change,
climate change impact, climate change adaptation, climate change
vulnerability, fire risk, extreme events

The challenge • Producing/adjusting scenarios of drivers of fire, in-

cluded future climate, LULC and vegetation.
In the EU, 60,000 fires burn 0.5 Mha annual- • Evaluating the sensitivity of the vegetation, in-
ly. In the last decades, rural exodus, changes cluding restoration capacity, under future climate
in land-use/land cover (LULC) and socioeco- conditions
• Analyse options to cope with future changes in fire
nomics increased fire risk. Climate warming
risk, including costs of certain forest services, and
may have added to it. Extreme weather/cli- policy needs.
mate events are critical for fires, prompting • Increase knowledge transfer to end-users through
megafire episodes. Changes in socioeconom- specific training activities
ics, LULC and climate, including extremes, Research will focus on old and new fire ar-
are projected to continue. Assessing past eas, the wildland-urban interface, Europe
interactions between changing drivers and and the Mediterranean, including all Medi-
fire is important for managing risk. Addition- terranean-type areas of the world.
ally, evaluating future changes in drivers and
their impact on fires, the ecosystem, and the Methodology
capacity to adapt current protocols to them
is utmost important to deal with projected Reconstruct past changes in socioeconomics
increases in fire risk. and LULC, map fires, and determine factors
driving LULC change and fire risk (including
the WUI); calculate past relationships be-
Project objectives
tween weather/climate and fires, including
Fires result from interactions between cli- extremes; detect changes in fire trends and
mate, land-use and land-cover (LULC), and drivers and disentangle the relative influence
socioeconomic factors. These have been of these on fire; e) develop/update LULC, cli-
changing and are expected to change in the mate and vegetation scenarios for assessing
future. FUME assesses how their interplay future changes in fire; f) project impacts of
affected in the recent past, and will affect changes in drivers on fire danger and regime
during this century, forest fires, and their im- by modelling; g) test the impact of changes
pacts on some ecosystems and society by: in temperature and water on plant respons-
• Reconstructing past LULC changes, mapping fires, es, including experimental manipulations
and determining the relationships between fire, of drought in burned ecosystems; h) select
LULC, and climate, including extreme events plants and update protocols for restoring

under more stressful climate; i) appraise changes in fire. Maps of past fire perime-
fire protocols in EU countries to face more ters across the Mediterranean and Europe
extreme fire; j) calculate economic costs of have been produced, as well as maps and
some forest services and policy implications models of future LULC, vegetation and fire
of future fire changes; j) train and meet with danger and risk. The capacity of plants and
stake-holders to facilitate knowledge-trans- some ecosystems to cope with drought and
fer. the potential use of certain species in resto-
ration is being determined. An evaluation of
Expected results current protocols to deal with extreme fire
conditions, models to assess economic costs
FUME has produced knowledge and tools for of some forest services, and a list of poli-
quantifying the role of various drivers (socio- cies that may need to be revised in light of
economics, land-use/land cover, climate) on the new fire conditions is being made. Forest
fire across the Mediterranean. These, aided managers, planners and experts involved in
with scenarios of future change, are being fire and climate change policies are the main
used to produce models to assess future beneficiaries.

Project partners
Universidad de Castilla-La ManchaToledo, ES Universidad de Cantabria, ES
Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo, ES Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, FR
Università degli Studi della Tuscia, IT Ilmatieteen Laitos, IT
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR Tecnologías y Servicios Agrarios, S.A., ES
Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, DE Instituto Superior de Agronomia, PT
Fundaçao da Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Commission of the European Communities- Directorate
Lisboa, PT General Joint Research Centre-JRC
Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici, IT
pour l'environnement et l'agriculture (IRSTEA), FR
Università degli Studi di Sassari, IT Centre for European Policy Studies, BE
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, GR University of Ioannina, EL
University of Wollongong, AU Lunds Universitet, SW
Universidad Austral de Chile, CL The University of Arizona, US
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza/International Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, ES Científicas, ES
Université F. Abbas de Sétif–Laboratoire d’Optique Institute National de Recherches en Gènie rural, Eaux et
Appliquée, AL Forêts, TU
National Meteorological Service Morocco, MO
Southwest Anatolia Forestry Research Institute, TR South African National Biodiversity Institute, ZA
US Geological Service, Western Ecological Research Center,
US Forest Service- Pacific Southwets Research Station US
Northern Arizona University, US

Natural Resources Management

At a glance
Title:  Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems:  New Scientific and
Technological Basis for Assessing Climate Change and Land-use
Impacts on Groundwater (GENESIS)
Instrument:  Large-scale integrating project
Total cost:  9 170 600 €
EC contribution:  6 997 200 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/04/2009
Consortium:  25 partners from 17 countries
Project coordinator:  Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and
Environmental Research (Bioforsk), NO
Project website:
Key words:  Ground Water Directive, ground water systems, water
resources, land use, water management, agriculture, pollution, leaching,
nitrate, pesticides, groundwater dependent ecosystems, modelling,
climate change, management, socio-economy and legal aspects.

The challenge The research will: i) use tracers to character-

ize groundwater flowpaths, ii) improve the
Groundwater resources are facing increasing understanding of pollutant leaching from dif-
quantitative and qualitative pressure from ferent land-uses both in time and space con-
land-use. In some areas, groundwater lev- sidering also uncertainty, iii) develop a better
els have been reduced, resulting in negative understanding of how ecosystems depend on
impacts on water quantity and important groundwater, iv) increase the knowledge on
ecosystems relying on groundwater. In many how these systems should be modelled to
areas, groundwater has been contaminated better understand how changes in land-use
by diffuse loading resulting from land-use ac- and climate affect the groundwater and de-
tivities (e.g. agriculture) or point sources (e.g. pendent ecosystems, and v) develop better
industry, sewage). There is a strong need to cost-efficient management and monitoring
reduce input of pollutants to prevent ground- tools. The research results will be transferred
water pollution. Additional threats from cli- to research community, stakeholders and
mate change include direct changes in re- end-users for better management.
charge and groundwater renewal and indirect
changes that can affect water consumption. Methodology
Project objectives The project is multidisciplinary with focus in
hydrology, water resources, hydrogeology,
The objective of GENESIS is to integrate ecology, agronomy, soil science, modelling,
pre-existing and new scientific knowledge into economy, sociology and legal aspects. The
new methods, concepts and tools for the revi- work in GENESIS is organised in eight Work
sion of the Ground Water Directive and better Packages (WPs). The first WP1 harmonizes
management of groundwater resources. monitoring practices between partners.

The main scientific research work on ground- and responses. Numerical models will be de-
water and ecosystems processes will be car- veloped for several aquifers and experience
ried out in the WPs 2-6. This comprises studies gained from modelling of aquifer and con-
on water flow paths with isotopes, pollutant nected ecosystems. Models will simulate fu-
transport and leaching processes, groundwa- ture impacts of land use and climate change.
ter ecosystems, modelling, management and Critical process and models that govern
engineering. Case study aquifers and ecosys- leaching of agricultural derived nitrate and
tems will be carried out in different climatic pesticides will be evaluated. Models will be
regions with various land use pressures. benchmarked using data from well moni-
tored pilot sites.
Expected results The role of groundwater in ecosystems has
GENESIS will provide various tools to assess yet received little attention. Considerable
land-use and climate impacts on ground wa- results have been gained on understanding
ter and related ecosystems. A better scientif- I) individual ecosystems and II) providing a
ic basis will be developed for i) groundwa- multidisciplinary approach to protection and
ter flowpaths characterization, ii) pollutant management where hydrology and ecology
leaching and biogeochemical processes, iii) interactions are better included. Important
groundwater interaction with ecosystems, results have been gained on the characteri-
and iv) integrated modelling and manage- zation of hydraulic contacts between ecosys-
ment. tems and groundwater using environmental
GENESIS will provide a range of methods to tracers.
better identify, manage and protect future New information on socio-economic and le-
groundwater systems for pressures of land gal aspects will result. Several methods will
use and climate change. Better conceptual be tested at case studies. This will allow a
models will be developed for aquifers and better inclusion of cost efficiency and stake-
connected ecosystems. These models will in- holder participation as well as other princi-
clude hydrology, ecology and main pressures ples of integrated resources management.

Project partners
Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), CH
Research (Bioforsk), NO
Integrated Global Ecosystem Management Research and
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH (JR), AT
Consulting Co. (IGEM), TR
Luleå University of Technology (LTU), SE Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh), EL
GIS-Geoindustry s.r.o. (GIS), CZ University of Oulu (UOULU), FI
Wageningen University and Research Center (Alterra), NL Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SE
Eidgenössische Anstalt für Wasserversorgung, University of Zagreb- Faculty of Mining, Geology and
Abwasserreinigung und Gewässerschutz (EAWAG), CH Petroleum Engineering (UNIZG-RGNF), HR
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC), IT University of Neuchâtel (UNINE), CH
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (UPVLC), ES Universitatea din Bucuresti (UNIBUC), RO
University of Science and Technology (AGH), PL München Gesundheit Umwelt (HMGU), DE
Athens University of Economics and Business-Research
Institute National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), FR
Centre (AUEB-RC), EL
University of Kiel (UKiel), DE Cracow University of Technology (CUT), PL
University of Bologna (UNIBO), IT University of Dundee (UNIDUN), UK
Helmholtz Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmgH (UFZ), DE

Marine Environment

At a glance
Title:  Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man’s Impact on European Seas
Instrument:  Small or medium-scale focused research project
Total cost:  10 884 787 €
EC contribution:  7 998 955 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/04/2009
Consortium:  38 partners from 14 countries
Project coordinator:  National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, UK
Project website:
Key words:  Deep-sea ecosystems, marine biodiversity, ecosystem
functioning, sustainable management, ocean governance

The challenge stakeholders and policy-makers and provide

them with the scientific knowledge to sup-
The HERMIONE project sets out to inves- port deep-sea governance aimed at the sus-
tigate ecosystems at critical sites on Eu- tainable management of resources and the
rope’s deep-ocean margin. Even these conservation of ecosystems.
remote areas are being affected by man,
either through the indirect affects of climate
change or directly through exploitation of
deep-sea resources. Urgent questions need The HERMIONE project will study a range
to be addressed such as what will be the im- of hotspot ecosystems – open slopes, cold
pact of climate change on deep-sea ecosys- and hot seeps (where fluids and methane
tems? What changes are expected in deep- escape at the seabed), canyons, cold-water
sea ecosystem functioning? How do species corals and seamounts. Strong connections to
interconnect between isolated communities? policy makers will ensure that the science is
What are the direct effects of man’s impact focused on the most relevant issues and that
and how can we adapt or mitigate these so the results are used in plans for the sustain-
as to use the oceans in a sustainable man- able use of the oceans.
ner? Answering these questions will require
complex experiments combined with long- The HERMIONE workplan includes a signifi-
term monitoring of sensitive environments. cant field and sampling programme based
around more than 1000 days of shiptime
aboard Europe’s research vessel fleet and
Project objectives
with extensive use of remotely operated ve-
HERMIONE will investigate the distribution of hicles. Study sites (see map) encompass the
ecosystems of varying size on the deep-sea key ecosystem hotspots and include; the Arc-
floor and look at interconnections between tic because of its importance in monitoring
them. It will try to define the environmen- climate change; Nordic margin with abun-
tal tolerances that maintain ecosystems dant cold-water corals, extensive hydrocar-
e.g. temperature, and predict what will hap- bon exploration and the Håkon Mosby mud
pen as climate changes or as man impacts volcano natural laboratory; Celtic margin
them in other ways. HERMIONE will look at with a mid latitude canyon, cold water corals
the functioning of these ecosystems, which and the long term Porcupine Abyssal Plain
is dependent on biodiversity, and estimate monitoring site; Portuguese margin with the
the possible consequences of biodiversi- highly diverse Nazaré and Setúbal Canyons:
ty loss. Finally, the project will engage with seamounts in the Atlantic and W. Mediterra-

nean as important biodiversity hotspots po- the project evolves.
tentially under threat; mid Atlantic Ridge site
to link cold seep to hot seep chemosynthetic Expected results
studies; Mediterranean cold water cascading
The multidisciplinary research under HER-
sites in the Gulf of Lions and outflows of the
MIONE is designed to fill the knowledge gap
Adriatic and Aegean Seas.
about threatened deep-sea marine ecosys-
The HERMIONE sampling programme will tems and their environments. It will reveal
start in spring 2009, ensuring maximum the impact of man on these ecosystems,
time for data collection through the project, both directly e.g. via bottom trawling and in-
and will continue through to Year 3. The fo- directly via climate change. The results will
cus will shift mid-way through the project feed national, regional (EU) and global policy
towards more laboratory work, but the con- and decision makers with the information
tinuing field programme will allow additional needed to establish policies to ensure sus-
or complementary data to be collected as tainable use of the deep ocean.

Project partners

Natural Environment Research Council, UK Cardiff University, UK

Ifremer, FR Institute of Marine Research, NO

Royal NIOZ, NL University of Goteborg, SE

University of Barcelona, ES University of Southampton, UK

Hellenic Centre of Marine Research, GR Netherlands Institute for Ecology, NL

IFM-GEOMAR, DE University of Aberdeen, UK

University of Tromsø, NO University of Liverpool, UK

National University of Ireland, Galway, IE Scottish Association of Marine Science, UK

Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, DE University of Aveiro, PT

University of Gent, BE Université de Marie et Pierre Curie, FR

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Scientificas, ES P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RU

Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare, IT United Nations Environment Programme WCMC

Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, DE University of the Azores, PT

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR Median SCP, ES

Instituto Hidrografico, PT ArchimediX, DE

Jacobs University Bremen, DE University of Thessaly, GR

MARUM University of Bremen, DE University College Cork, IE

Consiglio Nazionale delle Richerche, IT National Marine Aquarium, UK

Alfred Wegener Institute, DE Acquario di Genova, IT

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Ice2sea – estimating the future contribution of continental ice to
sea-level rise
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  13 632 213 €
EC contribution:  9 994 842 €
Duration:  51 months
Start date:  01/03/2009
Consortium:  24 partners from 13 countries
Project coordinator:  British Antarctic Survey, Natural Environment
Research Council (United Kingdom)
Project website:
Key words:  sea-level rise, glaciers, IPCC, climate change

The challenge • WP1 – Programme management

• WP2 – Key glacial processes
Fifteen EU countries have substantial coast- • WP3 – Model foundation and validation
lines that will be affected by global sea-level • WP4 – Projection of climate forcing
rise. Within these coastal regions • WP5 – Projection of glacial change
• WP6 – Synthesis and dissemination
• economic assets within 500 metres of the sea
have an estimated value between €500 and
€1,000 billion; Expected results
• 47,500 km2 of sites within 500m of the coastline
are identified as having high ecological value; From its outset, ice2sea had twin goals
• population has more than doubled to 70 million of improving the science that underpins
people – currently 14% of the entire EU population. sea-level prediction, and of providing new
sea-level projections based on the most
Project Objectives up-to-date climate projections. These goals
Ice2sea is a collaborative research pro- have been realised through:
gramme involving 24 institutional partners. • targeted studies of key processes in mountain gla-
Ice2sea is specifically focussed on the con- ciers, ice caps, and in the polar ice sheets (Green-
tribution to sea-level rise that will arise from land and Antarctica);
loss of continental glaciers and ice sheets • improved satellite determinations of current
and which give rise to the largest part of the changes in continental ice mass;
uncertainty in the projections. • development of more reliable techniques for pre-
dicting the response of ice-sheets and glaciers to
The programme will run for four years, environmental change;
(2009-2013) with a schedule designed to • delivery of comprehensive projections of the con-
provide input to the next Intergovernmental tribution of continental ice to sea-level rise over
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) assessment the next 200 years.
of climate change and its impacts. The ice2sea projections based on simula-
tions of physical processes suggest lower
Methodology overall contributions from melting ice to
sea-level rise than many studies published
The various aspects of science research,
management and delivery are undertaken since IPCC AR4 (2007).
through five interrelated work packages, For the “business as usual” mid-range emis-
each led by an expert in the field. sions scenario (A1B), the ice2sea projections

based on simulations of physical process sea-level rise, other contributions, not ex-
suggest a range of contributions to sea-level plicitly addressed by ice2sea, must be added
rise slightly higher than the ‘incomplete’ pro- (e.g. thermal expansion of the oceans, and
jections presented in the IPCC AR4 (2007). changes in terrestrial water storage).
However, they are considerably lower than For the period after 2100, sea levels will con-
several high-end projections published since tinue to rise, initially at an accelerating rate,
AR4. To obtain a projection of total global for many centuries.

Project partners

Natural Environment Research Council–British Antarctic Alfred Wegener Institut Helmholtz Zentrum für Polar und
Survey, UK Meeresforschung, DE

CSC–IT Center for Science Ltd, FI Danmarks Meterologiske Institut, DK

Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, DK Haskoli Islands, University of Iceland, IS

The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, GL Universiteit Utrecht, NL

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR Met Office Hadley Centre, UK

Universitetet Oslo, NO Université Libré de Bruxelles, BE

Universita degli Studi di Urbino, IT University of Bristol, UK

University of Leeds, UK Vrije Universiteit Brussel, BE

Kebenhavns Universitet, DK Universite de Liege, BE

Universitaet Zuerich CH Uniwersytet Slaski/ University of Silesia, PL

Centro de Estudios Cientificos, CL Norsk Polarinstitutt, NO

Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo

Instytut Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, PL
Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile, IT

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Impact of Climatic and Environmental Factors on Personal
Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure and Human Health
Instrument:  Small and Medium Collaborative project, 7th Framework
Total cost:  4 589 795 €
EC contribution:  3 497 616 €
Duration:  48 Months
Start date:  01/02/2009
Consortium:  8 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  King’s College London, UK
Project website:
Key words:  UVR, exposure behaviour, UV, personal dosimetry, vitamin
D, DNA damage, immunosuppression, modelling, climate model

The challenge models that can be used in climate models to pre-

dict future UVR levels
To obtain field data for personal UVR expo- • Determine the beneficial and harmful biological
sure in work and leisure situations in Europe effects of UVR, and critical dose levels, in relation
and to correlate these with biological out- to personal UVR exposure including
• Vitamin D synthesis
comes that are indicative of the beneficial
• DNA damage
and adverse effects of solar UVR. • Immunosuppression
To use the UVR exposure data obtained from • Review the current health risks of UVR exposure
field studies in combination with ambient and assess the impact of using personal UVR data
UVR and relevant meteorological modifying on existing exposure relationships, and where pos-
sible, determine critical levels of exposure.
factors to develop models that can be incor-
porated into climate models to predict UVR
exposure in the future.
To assess the validity of measurements of Different approaches were used in different
UVR exposure in the epidemiological litera- parts of the project. A major aspect of the
ture and devise means of improving these. project was field studies of work and leisure
activities in Europe. Participants in these
Project Objectives studies wore SunSavers that recorded per-
sonal UVR exposure, and ground stations
Measure personal UVR exposure in different recorded ambient exposure. Blood and urine
work and leisure environments in Europe samples were taken to make assessments
• In relation to important leisure (skiing, beach) and of vitamin D and DNA damage status prior
working activities in Europe and post study. These data were supported
• To validate existing UVR estimates in epidemiolog- by diary and clinical data. In one study, we
ical studies assessed the effect of solar exposure on skin
• To correlate personal UVR exposure with satellite
and ground station data
• UVR Human laboratory studies were also done to
• Albedo study the relationship between erythema, vi-
• Aerosol tamin D synthesis and immunosuppression.
• Cloud cover
• Use combined personal, satellite and ground sta- The other aspects of the projects were based
tion UVR data to develop new radiative transfer on modelling using data generated from the

field studies that were incorporated into ra- have shown that a week in the sun is very
diative transfer/climate models to predict immunosuppressive and that such immuno-
UVR exposure in the future. Modelling was suppression can be predicted by erythema,
also done to validate UVR measures in epi- irrespective UVR spectrum.
demiology and deriving methods of improv- A combination of SunSaver and diary data
ing such measures. show that holidaymakers, especially Danes,
seek almost as much sun as possible and
Expected results obtain high levels of sunburn, which means
that public education of sun behaviour has a
The project has been completed and we long way to go.
much have a better understanding of the re- Our UVR exposure models correlated well
lationship between UVB exposure (including with observed exposure so we believe they
body surface area), increase in vitamin D and are valid as a basis to predict future UVR
DNA damage. It seems that one does not exposure. Furthermore, we have devised
occur without the other, and this has been means to make better assessments of UVR
demonstrated in children and adults. We exposure in epidemiology studies.

Project partners

King’s College London UK

Bispebjerg Hospital DK

Medical University of Lodz PL

Karolinska Institute SE

Centre for Research on Environmental Epidemiology ES

University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna AT

Health Protection Agency UK

Danish Meteorological Institute DK

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Quantifying projected impacts under 2°C warming
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  8 447 372 €
EC contribution:  6 499 999 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/10/2011
Consortium:  29 partners from 17 countries
Project coordinator:  Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für
Material- und Küstenforschung
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, 2°C warming, impacts, vulnerability, risks,
adaptation, decision making, floods, droughts, water availability, water
management, agriculture, forestry, health, air pollution

The challenge counting for the regional differences in adaptive

capacities, which are distinguished between those
A so called “2°C reduction target” is a trigger that can be accommodated autonomously and
for the research addressing climate sensi- those that require additional policy interventions.
tivity, e.g., the actual relationship between a
magnitude and timing of a “maximum allow- Methodology
able” atmospheric greenhouse gases con- IMPACT2C enhances knowledge, quantifies
centration, and the resulting (global) average climate change impacts, and adopts a clear
warming of a maximum of 2°C. However, and logical structure, with climate and im-
only very little work has been done on conse- pacts modelling, vulnerabilities, risks and
quences of such warming so far. Estimating economic costs, as well as potential respons-
the key impacts of a 2°C climate change sig- es, within a pan-European sector based
nal for different regions and sectors, both in
analysis. The project utilises a range of mod-
Europe and outside, is therefore the primary
els and assesses effects on water, energy,
objective of the IMPACT2C project.
infrastructure, tourism, forestry, agriculture,
ecosystem services, and health.
Project objectives
Harmonised socio-economic assumptions/
The project: scenarios have been used, to ensure that
• provides detailed information based on an ensem- both individual and cross-sector assess-
ble of climate change scenarios, plus statistics and
ments are aligned to the 2°C scenario for
derived indices, tailored to the needs of various
sectors, for the time slice in which the global tem-
both impacts and adaptation. IMPACT2C has
perature is simulated to be 2°C above pre indus- a core theme of uncertainty and develops a
trial levels; methodological framework integrating the
• provides a detailed assessment of risks, vulnera- uncertainties within and across the different
bilities, impacts and associated costs for a broad sectors in a consistent way. A cross-sectoral
range of sectors against the background of so- perspective is adopted to complement the
cio-economic scenarios consistent with the de-
sector analysis on the pan-European level.
velopment paths aimed at global warming being
limited to 2°C; The project assesses climate change im-
• develops an optimal mix of response strategies pacts in Bangladesh, Africa (Nile and Niger
(technological, governance, capacity building) ac- basins) and the Maldives.

Expected Results IMPACT2C draws this information together in
a synthesis report that highlights the risks,
• estimating the key impacts of a 2°C (1.5°C) climate
change signal for different regions and sectors, trade-offs, synergies and costs. This will be
both in Europe and outside, and suggesting appro- particularly useful for European authorities
priate response strategies; who participate in international negotiations
• tailoring the scenarios to the needs of the sectoral on climate change.
impact modellers by providing bias corrections,
downscaled products and derived statistics and The project also includes an ambitious
associated uncertainties; awareness-raising programme that will dis-
• developing integrated (climate – impact – cost) as- seminate the findings effectively and provide
sessments of uncertainty in support of the (cross)
sectoral climate change impact and adaptation
easily accessible climate-related informa-
projections; developing policy guidelines to deal tion to policy-makers, the media, and users
with these uncertainties. in general.

Project partners
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und
Wageningen Universiteit, NL
Küstenforschung GmbH, Climate Service Center, DE
Potsdam Institut fuer Klimafolgenforschung, DE Technical University of Crete, EL
UniResearch, Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Norway
Norway (NO)
Meteorologisk Institutt, Norway (NO) Norway (NO)
Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut, Rossby
Paul Watkiss Associates Ltd, UK
Centre, SE
JRC -Joint Research Centre- European Commission, BE Universite de Lausanne, Switzerland (CH)
Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie,L'energia e lo
University of Southampton, UK
Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile, IT
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Institut Pierre
Ministry of Housing and Environment, Maldives (MV)
Simon Laplace, FR
Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques, FR Bangladesh Center for Advanced Studies, Bangladesh (BD)
Universität Graz, Wegener Zentrum für Klima und Globalen
International Water Management Institute, Sri Lanka (LK)
Wandel, AT
Joanneum Research Forschungsgesellschaft MbH, AT Stichting Wetlands International, NL
World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe,
Internationales Institut fuer Angewandte Systemanalyse, AT
Kopenhagen-Rome, Switzerland (CH)
Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut, DK Institute of Water Modelling, Bangladesh (BD)
Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut, NL Global Climate Forum E.V., DE
African Centre of Meteorological Application for
Development, Niger (NE)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  An Integrated Network on Climate REsearch Activities on
Shrubland Ecosystems
Instrument:  Large scale integrated project
Total cost:  7 780 186 €
EC contribution:  5 999 764 €
Duration:  57 months
Start date:  01/03/2009
Consortium:  9 partners from 5 countries
Project coordinator:  Inger Kappel Schmidt
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, manipulation experiments, non-intrusive
sampling methodology, ecosystems, soil carbon dynamis, carbon
balance, predictive models

The challenge 4. To develop and disseminate an ecosystem model

for shrubland ecosystems
The climate is changing and ecosystems 5. To provide access to large-scale field-based cli-
will face changes in atmospheric CO2, tem- mate change experiments to a wider scientific
perature and precipitation. All are key fac- community.
tors in the regulation of biological processes
and will affect natural ecosystems. Climate
change poses a serious challenge for the sci- INCREASE is a network of six large-scale field
entific communities to develop new concepts experiments and one phytotron for studies
for research and modelling to provide better of climate effects on vulnerable shrubland
and more realistic answers and predictions ecosystems in Europe.
of what the impacts will be.
The field-based component of INCREASE is
unique in combining experimental manipu-
Project objectives lations of climate factors with natural gra-
INCREASE is an EU-funded network of large- dients of temperature and precipitation in
scale climate change experiments across Europe, thus allowing comparison of shrub-
Europe, which will meet the climate chal- lands and their response to climate change
lenges by further development of non-intru- using both the gradient and experimental
sive technologies for realistic climate manip- approach. In summary, we superimpose ma-
ulations and for non-destructive sampling nipulations with water and temperature on
methodologies and by synthesis of long data existing gradients with respect to the same
records obtained from the same infrastruc- factors. The experimental approach has been
tures. developed by the partners and provides a
significant improvement of past approaches
The objectives are:
due to the reduction in experimental arte-
1. To improve technologies for large-scale climate facts. It provides three levels of information:
change experiments with realistic manipulation
of climate • Between year data
2. To improve methodologies for studies of climate • Treatment data from climate manipulations
change effects on ecosystems • Across gradient data
3. To gather and disseminate a compre-hensive The temperature rise observed so far has
data base of experimental data been due to increased minimum night-time

temperatures. In the field-scale experiments, representing 12 EU and 2 non-EU countries and
the night-time warming is mimicked by 40 projects. In total, we have provided more than
covering the ecosystem during the night by 1200 user days
2. a comprehensive data base of experimental data
IR-reflective materials – i.e. passive night- covering the period 1998-2012. The data base
time warming. Further, extended drought will support cross site synthesis improving our
periods during the growing season mimic understanding of ecosystem feed-back to cli-
changes in precipitation patterns. Automated mate change and interaction with other drivers
transparent covers activated by rain sensors of change
are used to extend drought periods. 3. development and documentation of the climate
change manipulation technologies with special
The non-intrusive character of the exper- focus on warming and irrigation methodologies
imental design and non-destructive sam- 4. development of non-destructive methodology
pling methods within the infrastructures are and best practice for measurement of a range of
unique and contribute to the long term sus- key ecosystem processes including Net Ecosys-
tem Exchange (NEE), below ground biomass. Fur-
tainability of the infrastructures. ther, we have developed an automated chamber
system for NEE measurements and ecosystem
Expected results respiration
5. development of ecosystem model for assessment
INCREASE has provided a number of services of ecosystem carbon balance for future predic-
to the scientific community within the first tions and upscaling.
four years including: Partners in INCREASE are involved in other
1. access to a unique set of large scale climate climate change networks world-wide, which
change experiment for European scientists. In ensures that the results will have impact be-
total, we have had about 70 visiting scientists yond the network.

Project partners
University of Copenhagen DK
Technical University of Denmark DK
University of Amsterdam NL
Natural Environment Research Council UK
University of Tuscia IT
National Research Council of Italy IT
Università degli Studi di Sassari IT
Centre for Ecological Research Hungarian Academy of Sciences HU
Bangor University UK

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Increasing Sustainability of European Forests
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  3 995 536 €
EC contribution:  2 973 181 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/09/2010
Consortium:  16 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
Project website:
Key words:  Forest health; climate change; security; agriculture

The challenge Data on plant nursery trade in Europe will be

analysed as a pathway for the dispersal of
Rapid climate change, increased global trade alien pests. Plants traded and sentinel plants
in plants for planting and increased patho- in nurseries in China will be sampled to iden-
gen fitness threaten the vitality of European tify and assess emerging pest and pathogen
forests. risks from the plants-for-planting pathway.
Cellular automaton (CA) modelling soft-
Project objectives ware will be developed to accurately pre-
To identify the alien pests and pathogens dict spread and impacts of the alien pests
and quantify the plant trade pathways that and pathogens that have been identified as
most threaten European forests. To provide threats with climate change through the fun-
the plant health surveillance community damental research of ISEFOR.
with diagnostic and predictive tools that will
assist in mitigating threats from alien inva- Expected results
sive forest pathogens and pests.
Over 40 papers in peer-reviewed journals
have been published detailing research and
Methodology results from ISEFOR. This note gives only a
Current information on pests and pathogens sample of the vast amount of new knowl-
known as potentially invasive and the host edge generated.
taxa of these organisms will be collated and There has been an exponential increase in in-
analysed to define the types of threats and vasive forest pathogens (IFPs) over the last
update a database of invasive forest patho- 40-years. Countries with a higher human
gens (IFPs). impact, wider range of environments, or in-
State-of-the-art techniques, in particular ternational trade host more IFPs. The new
using next generation sequencing, will be European Database of 123 IFPs is available
developed and evaluated for the rapid de- on the ISEFOR website and lists species, host
tection and diagnosis of invasive alien pests range, disease, impact and other factors. The
and pathogens. Participating laboratories DAISIE inventory of alien invasive species for
will focus on pests in their area of exper- Europe was reviewed and updated for ar-
tise e.g. Phytophthora spp., Hymenoscyphus thropods.
pseudoalbidus, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera, Various sampling and DNA isolation meth-
Ceratocystis platani, and Fusarium circina- ods were developed and tested to address
tum. the technical challenges of identifying alien

invasive species that are in environments in Netherlands and Italy are the main importers
low abundance. This included characterisa- of live plants into Europe comprising 98% of
tion of Phytophthora communities in forest over four billion plants imported each year.
soils in Poland and Italy, airborne trapping Most of the imported live plants come from
in Swedish forests, Italian urban streets and Africa 81.3%, followed by Asia 11.5% and
detecting species associated with insects in North America 4.6%. Woody plants form
France and migratory birds in the UK. Isola- about a quarter of the live plants import-
tions from ten birds yielded 3 345 distinct ed. There is considerable trade of imported
eukaryotic species of which 135 were iden- plants between countries within Europe.
tified as plant pathogens, implicating migra- CA models are developed for nine species
tory birds as a pathway. causing serious damage with documented
environmental requirements that are sen-
Traditional morphological methods of spe-
sitive to climate change, these are: Bur-
cies diagnosis combined with DNA barcod-
saphelenchus xylophilus, Hymenoscyphus
ing indentified 31 potential pest invaders pseudoalbidus (Chalara fraxinea), Dendroc-
(mostly coleopterans, lepidopterans and a tonus ponderosae, Leptoglossus occidenta-
few heteropterans) from sampling sentinel lis, Agrilus planipennis, Dendrolimus sibiri-
European trees planted in China and surveys cus, Phytophthora alni, Fusarium circinatum
in Siberia and the Russian Far East. Sampling and Dothistroma septosporum. Initial runs
from Acer palmatum, Buxus microphylla predicted well for the spread of Ash Dieback
Fraxinus chinensis, Ilex cornuta and Zelko- and Pinewood nematode. Model parameters
va schneideriana trees commonly imported are refined through an iterative process with
from China into Europe continues. forest health experts.

Project partners
Institute of Biological & Environmental Science, University of Aberdeen UK
Dept of Forest Entomology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SE
Laboratory of Soil Biology, University of Neuchatel CH
Facolta di Agraria, Università degli Studi della Tuscia IT
Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante IT
Dept of Silviculture and Genetics, Forest Research Institute PL
Biological Control and Spatial Ecology Lab, Université Libre de Bruxelles BE
Forest Management and Planning, University of Eastern Finland FI
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique FR
Forestry Pest Research, Centre for Agricultural Bioscience International CH
St. Petersburg Forest Technical Academy RU
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna AT
European State Forest Association BE
Confederation of European Forest Owners BE
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes CH
Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences CN

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Quantitative dynamic macroeconomic analysis of global climate
change and inequality
Funding Scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  2 100 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/01/2009
Principal investigator:  Per Krusell
Host institution:  Stockholm University
Key words:  integrated assessment, optimal carbon tax, simulation
model, policy heterogeneity, impact heterogeneity

The challenge will be possible to communicate, in concrete

terms, the impact of different policies and,
There is a need for a framework allowing hopefully, thereby improve the chances for
analysis of how different kinds of policies agreement across nations on global policy to
aimed at dealing with climate change influ- combat climate change.
ence different regions of the world. One im-
portant challenge is to make the framework Methodology
fully “integrated“: projections for climate
change and its effects on economic activity The model builds on so-called dynamic, sto-
must be consistent with the same model’s chastic, general-equilibrium (DSGE) meth-
assumptions about fossil fuel use over time; ods: it explicitly describes how the climate
there are few integrated assessment models and the economies evolve over time (D), it
(IAMs) that are fully integrated. The chal- explicitly incorporates uncertainty and how
lenge here is to solve a DSGE model (see be- economies respond to it (S), and it is based
low) with many regions: it is technically very on economic theory with microeconomic
demanding, but recent advances in compu- foundations and explicit description of mar-
tational macroeconomics now allowed it. ket interactions between consumers and
firms and across countries (GE). Its one-re-
Project objectives gion version is closely related to Nordhaus’s
DICE model, but more solidly based on mi-
The goal is to deliver a set of models with croeconomic fundaments. Its multiregion
different regional resolution (from one re- model is comparable to Nordhaus’s RICE but
gion to 5000 regions) that can be used for much more disaggregated (5000 regions in
analysing and communicating the effects of the world, compared to around 10 in RICE).
different policies, both on climate outcomes
and economic outcomes. The high-resolution Emerging results
model is in focus but models with fewer re-
gions can be effective too in research and A first pilot project delivered a one-region
policy discussions. High-resolution models model with an optimal-tax formula for car-
can be used to discuss differential impacts bon that is surprisingly general.
of policy and climate change and to analyse This generality, in itself, implies an argument
policy heterogeneity across different regions for using taxes rather than quotas, since the
of the world. With clear, internally consis- robustness of optimal quota prescriptions
tent projections and a welfare evaluation are far more sensitive to model details.
based on solid economic underpinnings, it These results have been communicated in a

number of arenas, ranging from purely aca- over time. Users will be able to pull policy
demic ones to policy circles and the general levers themselves and follow the results on
public, and received very favourable feed- colourful screens depicting outcomes over
back. The multi-region model is under way time and across regions. A prototype of Sim-
and will be made available online. Globe will be available by the end of the year
It can be likened to a product (its working and a full model before the completion of
name is Sim-Globe), though playing out the ERC project.

Marine Environment

At a glance
Title:  Marine Environmental Evolution in a Changing Environment
Instrument:  Integrated project
Total cost:  9 750 000 €
EC contribution:  6 500 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/09/2008
Consortium:  21 partners from 12 countries
Project coordinator:  Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK
Project website:
Key words:  Marine ecosystems, models, climate change, fishing,
pollution, alien invasive species, decision support tools.

The challenge project followed a logical process starting

with targeted data synthesis, experimenta-
Marine ecosystems are increasingly under tion, model parameterisation and develop-
pressure from the activities of man and ment, followed by model exploration through
are consequently changing. Climate change a range of scenarios addressing the full set
may lead to large scale changes in climate of drivers. This innovative approach was de-
patterns, ocean circulation and climat- signed to help scientists and decision mak-
ic variables such as temperature and light ers to respond to the multiple driver impacts
and simultaneously, combinations of direct with appropriate, knowledge-based, man-
anthropogenic drivers such as fishing, eu- agement applications.
trophication and pollution impact on marine
Project objectives MEECE has improved the knowledge base
on marine ecosystems and how they are
The primary goal of MEECE was to improve impacted by drivers by undertaking me-
the knowledge base on marine ecosystems ta-analysis of existing data and targeted
and input to the development of innovative experimentation to investigate the response
tools for understanding and assessing Good of key species and ecosystem to climate and
Environmental Status (GES) in marine wa- direct anthropogenic drivers. By developing
ters in European regional seas to inform the a library of modelling tools and a generic
implementation of the MSFD. The implemen- model coupler (FABM), MEECE has made an
tation of the Marine Strategy Framework important step towards integrated end-to-
Directive (MSFD) requires member states end modelling tools which include a range of
to develop strategies to achieve a healthy feedbacks between drivers and ecosystems
marine environment and make ecosystems from both physiological and population scale
more resilient to climate change in all Euro- processes.
pean marine waters by 2020 at the latest.
These modelling tools have been used to in-
vestigate the response of European regional
seas ecosystems to climate change, direct
MEECE explored multiple driver impacts on anthropogenic perturbations and to combi-
complex environments through numerical nations. The response of marine ecosystems
simulation models which include dynamic to combinations of climate change and an-
feedbacks, unlike statistical approaches. The thropogenic drivers was made using regional

coupled hydrodynamic-ecosystem models. strategy evaluation procedures capable of
The results are complex and variable from integrating fisheries management in the con-
region to region. For example the ecosys- text of interactions between climate, fishing,
tems of enclosed basins such as the Adriatic, pollution, NIS and eutrophication. Tools have
Black and Baltic Sea are highly responsive been developed which can be used to eval-
to wind stress and eutrophication. In contrast uate management strategies including both
the ecosystems of shelf seas with connec- data demanding quantitative models and a
tion to open ocean (e.g. NE Atlantic, Biscay, semi-quantitative indicator-based frame-
Benguela) are responsive to changes in the work. In addition a Working Group called
nutrient supply from the open ocean. In con- indiSeas has worked jointly to evaluate the
trast the impacts of fishing are generally a
status of world marine ecosystems by pro-
function of the local fish stock and which
viding a generic set of synthetic ecological
species are targeted.
indicators to accurately reflect the effects of
To contribute to the development of inno- fisheries on marine ecosystems, to facilitate
vative tools and strategies for rebuilding effective dissemination of these effects to
degraded marine ecosystems MEECE has the general public, stakeholders at large and
undertaken an integrated assessment of fisheries managers, and to promote sound
marine resources which linked human activ-
fisheries management practices.
ities to the MSFD descriptors. Outputs from
the experiments and model simulations MEECE Model Atlas cov-
were used to devise decision support tools ers the main European regional seas and
and develop management strategies which provides simulations and projections for how
address combinations of climate, pollution, ecosystems will respond to different scenari-
eutrophication, invasive species and fishing. os for environmental change, in a form that’s
Furthermore MEECE developed concepts and readily accessible to policy-makers, fisheries
strategies for implementing management officials and other users of marine science.

Project partners
Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (Coordinator), UK
University, , TR
Universitetet i Bergen, NO Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, EL
University Hamburg, DE Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR
Fundación AZTI–AZTI Fundazioa, ES Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science, UK
Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna, IT Università del Piemonte orientale "Amedeo Avogado", IT
Klaipeda University, Coastal Research and Planning Institute,
Wageningen IMARES B.V., NL
Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science, UK Bolding & Burchard ApS, DK
Natural Environment Research Council, UK Instituto Español de Oceanografía, ES
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, FR Commissariat à l'énergie atomique, FR
Technical University of Denmark, Danish Institute for
Syddansk Universitet, DK
Fisheries Research, DK
Institute of Marine Research, NO

Marine Environment

At a glance
Title:  Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  8 517 749 €
EC contribution:  6 568 842 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/11/2009
Consortium:  18 partners from 12 countries
Project coordinator:  IMARES, NL
Project website:
Key words:  Marine Spatial Management, Spatially Managed Areas,
SMA, ecosystem-based approach, planning strategies, sustainable

The challenge impacts of human activity and the variability

in time and space of ecological, natural and
The seas around Europe are home to an ex- historical values.
ceptionally wide range of marine habitats
The major challenge is to combine an opti-
which must also support a variety of marine
mized economic use of the European seas
industries. ‘Multiple use’ can cause problems
and coastal areas, with a sustained marine
between various user groups, between eco-
ecosystem of high quality.
nomic interests and conservation require-
ments, and there is also a greater potential
for degradation of the marine ecosystems
Project objectives
themselves. This all increases future chal- The MESMA project focuses on marine spa-
lenges for marine environmental managers tial planning and aims to produce integrated
The increasing pressures upon the Europe- management tools (concepts, models and
an seas and coastal areas call for a well guidelines) for monitoring, evaluation and
planned approach for their continued spa- implementation of Spatially Managed Areas
tial development. The challenge for marine (SMAs). The project results will support in-
spatial management is to find an optimal tegrated management plans for designated
balance between the competing demands of or proposed sites with assessment methods
economic use, ecological development, and based on European collaboration.
nature conservation while at the same time
maintaining a sensitivity towards traditional Methodology
practices. The main tasks in the project are informa-
Marine spatial management is place- or tion analysis, the development of a generic
area-based and can provide a practical ap- framework, the testing and evaluation of
proach to long-term ecosystem-based man- this framework through case-studies and
agement. The planning efforts should be the development of a toolbox. A significant
comprehensive, adaptive, and participatory, proportion of the effort will be centred on
and resolve conflicts among the relevant the case studies within five geographical re-
multiple users and the ecosystem. This can gions: the North Sea, Baltic, Mediterranean,
only be done via a sound scientific knowl- Atlantic, and Black Sea. This approach makes
edge base pertaining to the ecology and re- it possible to compare pressures on an in-
silience of species and marine habitats, the ter-regional level (e.g. Offshore wind farms

in the North Sea, Black Sea and Baltic), or a ues, and human uses, in order to support di-
multi-pressure level for a specific region (e.g. alogue between politicians, stakeholders and
SMA in Fishing, Wind-energy, Geo-hazards the public in general.
and Tourism in the Black Sea). The project contributes to the design and
implementation of the Common Fisheries
Expected results Policy, the Thematic Strategy for Marine
MESMA will supply innovative methods and Protection and the recently endorsed Marine
integrated strategies for governments, local Strategy Framework Directive. The Directive
authorities, stakeholders, and other man- aims to achieve good environmental status
agerial bodies for planning and decision of the EU’s marine waters by 2021 and to
making at different local, national, and Eu- protect the resource base upon which ma-
ropean scales, for sustainable development rine-related economic and social activities
of European seas and coastal areas. This will depend.
comprise an easy accessible data system, MESMA will provide a firm basis for the im-
containing information on the distribution of plementation of the Marine Strategy Direc-
marine habitats and species, economic val- tive and related policies.

Project partners

IMARES (Institute for Marine Resources & Ecosystem

Fundacion AZTI/AZTI Fundazioa (Tecnalia AZTI), ES
Studies), NL

Ministry for Resources and Rural affairs–Malta Centre for

University College London (ULC), UK
Fisheries Sciences (MRRA-MCFS), MT

Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft Danmarks Tekniske Universitet–National Institute of Aquatic

(Senckenberg) , DE Resources (DTU AQUA), DK

Universiteit Gent (UGent), BE Heriot-Watt University (HWU), UK

Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), GR Stichting Deltares (Deltares), NL

The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural

Institute of Oceanology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Affairs–Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture
Science (CEFAS), UK

Havforskninginstituttet (IMR), NO Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning (NIVA), NO

Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast
University College Cork, National University of Ireland (UCC
Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek–Building and
Cork), IE
Construction (TNO-BenO), NL
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CRN-IAMC), IT Vlaams Gewest (VlaGew), BE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  On the reduction of health effects from combined exposure to
indoor air pollutants in modern offices
Instrument:  Small or medium-scale focused research project
Total cost:  4 068 399 €
EC contribution:  2 867 121 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/11/2010
Consortium:  14 partners from 10 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Western Macedonia, EL
Project website:
Key words:  indoor air quality, modern office buildings, air pollutants,
health effects, environment, health

The challenge indoor pollutants to their concentrations and to the

assessment of the exposure of office workers;
Modern offices have several sorts of elec- • Evaluate the health effects of indoor air pollution
tronic equipment and other dominant heat under different conditions in modern office build-
sources indoors, making them almost unaf- ings in Europe;
fected by local climatic conditions. Air condi- • Make recommendations for IAQ policies in modern
tioning and mechanical ventilation, coupled office buildings across Europe, propose adjust-
ments to current practices and techniques.
with the often excessive levels of artificial
lighting, require high levels of energy. An im-
portant issue to consider regards Indoor Air
Quality (IAQ). It is anticipated that develop- Field and health campaigns have been un-
ments in the field of energy use in offices will dertaken and provide input to the IAQ and
lead to its reduction through various strate- exposure modelling studies and to policies,
gies, including comfort/health standards and risk assessment and new policies/recom-
ventilation levels. In such a context and given mendations. Data obtained from the cam-
the technological evolution of the functions paigns will lead to the development of a new
and services accomplished in offices, the is- database for office buildings, which derives
sue of IAQ in offices is addressed. from pre-existing databases.
Laboratory studies on chemical reaction
Project objectives mechanisms are performed where some re-
• Develop a European database with relevant infor- sults may influence the methods used in the
mation on indoor air pollution and its impact, in field campaigns and the IAQ chemistry mod-
terms of concentrations, sources, emissions, expo-
eling and exposure assessment. The same
sures, health effects;
• Identify new, health relevant pollutants originating
applies to the toxicological studies. Regard-
from indoor sources present in typical modern of- ing the dissemination, the consortium has
fice environments; devised a number of strategies which allow
• Inventory and identify associations identified as it to act as a network for capturing, formal-
possible sources of IAQ problems in European ising, sharing and promoting knowledge ac-
modern offices, via field investigation;
cumulated during the project, with emphasis
• Assess possible synergies of ozone-initiated pol-
lutants in office air emitted from office equipment; on the scientific community, stakeholders
• Set up an integrated modelling system to link and policy makers, end users and the public
emissions of key pollutants and major secondary at large.

Expected results The OFFICAIR outputs, in association with
other European initiatives, will have a great
i. Improve knowledge about the current situation
in modern office buildings (improving databases, impact on:
tools that estimate indoor air pollution, total expo- • The assessment of the IAQ actual conditions with
sure, related health impacts); a reliable, economically acceptable and meaning-
ii. Provide improved risk assessment data usable in ful way, in terms of health effects and correlated
regulation via the studies of validated biomarkers, guarantees;
the survey of the indoor office environments and
• The setting of good practices and target indica-
toxicological studies;
iii. Support policies such as the Thematic Strategy on tors for the design, construction, maintenance and
Air Pollution and the European Environment and management of office buildings, bearing in mind
Health Action Plan, after a close co-operation with the overall “sustainability” assessment, the IAQ
all relevant stakeholders (e.g. building industry, conditions for comfort and health and the energy
health professionals, policy makers). use conditions.

Project partners

Environment and Health

At a glance
Title:  Quantifying Weather and Climate Impacts on Health in
Developing Countries
Instrument:  Small or medium-scale focused research project for
specific cooperation actions dedicated to international cooperation
partner countries (SICA)
Total cost:  4.598.073 €
EC contribution:  3.499.401 €
Duration:  42 months
Start date:  1/02/2010
Consortium:  13 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Liverpool, GB
Project website:
Key words:  environment, health, climate, weather, forecasting,
disease, seamless, ensemble, seasonal, Africa, impacts

The challenge • Diagnose climate-disease relationships for each

targeted disease-location, assessing the potential
One of the most dramatic and immediate im- drivers of selected diseases and enhancing the ex-
pacts of climate variation is that on disease, isting vector-pathogen-host database for climate
especially the vector-borne diseases that related diseases impacting on human and animal
disproportionally affect the poorest people in health in Africa
• Assess the potential of long-range WiFi technology
Africa. We remain poor at understanding why
to monitor disease incidence and epidemic out-
particular areas are vulnerable and how this breaks, for both epidemic response and forecast
will change in coming decades, with climate verification purposes
change likely to cause entirely new global • Define and/or refine climate-driven disease models
disease distributions for most vector borne of increasing complexity, assessing skill through
disease. At the same time we do not know the hindcast validation
limit of predictability of the specific climate • Develop seamless approaches that give transpar-
drivers for vector-borne disease using state- ently produced climate information and disease
of-the-art seasonal forecast models, and how risk maps for health impacts communities.
best to use these to produce skilful infec-
tion-rate predictions on seasonal timescales. Methodology
The QWeCI project is aimed to understand at
Project objectives a more fundamental level the climate driv-
ers of the vector-borne diseases of malar-
Key objectives of the project included:
ia, Rift Valley Fever, and certain tick-borne
• Evaluate predictions and projections of atmo-
diseases, which all have major human and
spheric variability at time scales of weeks/months/
seasons/decades livestock health and economic implications
• Develop methods to utilise weather and climate in Africa, in order to assist with their short-
ensemble forecasts and scenario driven future term management and make projections of
climate projections from regional and global their likely future impacts.
climate models
• Evaluate and implement user driven post-process-
With a focus on vector-borne diseases, and
ing, e.g. downscaling of ensemble prediction and implementing a “bottom up” approach, QWeCI
climate ensembles projection systems output to assessed and improved our present under-
improve skill standing of climate-driver disease inter-re-

lationships in three target regions of Africa. decadal climate forecasting were made.
QWeCI developed and tested the methods Climate models run in decadal prediction
and technology required for an integrated mode have been proven useful for tem-
decision support framework to allow health perature predictions but do not yet have
stakeholders and planners to react in a time- sufficient skill to drive health impact models
ly and cost-effective manner to reduce the (which also require rainfall estimates) over
severity of epidemic outbreaks and make decadal timescales.
long-term decisions regarding health infra-
Significant progress has also been achieved
structure investment.
in modelling vector-borne diseases and
producing disease forecasts. New disease
Expected results
models have been developed within QWeCI,
QWeCl brought together world-leading inte- such as VECTRI–a dynamical malaria model
grated weather/climate forecasting systems that accounts for population density, climate
with health impacts modelling and climate and surface hydrology. VECTRI and the Liver-
change research groups, building an end- pool Malaria Model have been implemented
to-end seamless integration of climate and at the European Centre for Medium-Range
weather information for the quantification and Weather Forecasts, producing Europe’s first
prediction of climate health impacts in Africa. operational prototype seasonal malaria fore-
Significant advances in our understanding of casts for Africa.

Project partners

University of Liverpool UK

Centre de Suivi Ecologique SN

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas ES

European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts UK

Fundació Privada Institut Català de Ciències del Clima ES

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics IT

International Livestock Research Institute KE

Institut Pasteur de Dakar SN

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology GH

University Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar SN

University of Malawi (Polytechnic & College of Medicine) MW

Universitaet zu Koeln DE

University of Pretoria ZA

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Connecting the animal genome, gastrointestinal microbiomes
and nutrition to improve digestion efficiency and the environmental
impacts of ruminant livestock production
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  7 710 829 €
EC contribution:  5 974 674, €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/01/2012
Consortium:  11 partners from 7 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Aberdeen, UK
Project website:
Key words:  Genetics, genomics, metagenomics, methane, nutrition,

The challenge netically diverse animals will determine who

controls the microbiome. Changes in the nu-
Methane emissions and low N retention are trient supply of the cow with the composition
environmental problems long associated and function of the ruminal microbiome will
with ruminant livestock production. Recent relate emissions, the microbiome, nutrition
developments in –omics technologies and and health. Tools and bioinformatic systems
bioinformatics mean this can now be inves- will to developed to enable rapid analysis of
tigated in greater detail than before. Using phenotypes and microbiomes and a public
these new technologies RuminOmics will in- metagenomic database will be produced to
vestigate whether the animal genome con- store all the metagenomics data produced
trols the microbiome or if the gut microbiota both by RuminOmics and the scientific com-
is regulated independently. Diet is known munity. Finally the results and technologies
to affect greenhouse gas emissions and generated within the project will be dissemi-
nutrient efficiency but how this affects the nated to the wider community.
composition and function of the rumen mi-
crobiome remains unclear. This will be inves- Methodology
tigated by varying the three most abundant
macronutrients in the diet (carbohydrate, Methane emissions will be measured on-
protein and lipid) and assessing methane farm, and samples of blood, milk, ruminal
and N emissions. digesta, and faeces will be collected from
up to 1000 dairy cows. Animal genome and
Project objectives metagenome analysis will enable the asso-
ciation of marker genotypes to be compared
The project aims to relate the animal ge- with production efficiency, methane emis-
nome to the microbiome, feed efficiency sions and the microbiome. Digesta exchange
and methane emissions in order to improve will take place between identical twins and
digestion efficiency and the environmental non-identical twin cows on the same diets
impacts of ruminant livestock production. It to determine if the microbiome reverts to
will do so by investigating the relationship its original composition. Cows and reindeer
between the host genome and methane pro- will be sampled and their digesta analysed
duction via the microbiome. Host-microbe by metagenomic sequencing and methane
interactions in genetically identical and ge- and digestibility measurements. Different

carbohydrate, protein and lipid diets will be low methane emitters, and on methodology
used to investigate lowering methanogen- for efficient microbiome analysis. Tools will
esis, altering milk fatty acids and on the be generated for researchers that will facil-
rumen microbiome. New models and tools itate the estimation of methane emissions
will be developed to translate the genetics/ without costly respiration chambers or relat-
metagenomics/emissions observations into ed techniques. Nutritional consultants and
a simpler form that is useful to scientists company nutritionists will be able to predict
and livestock breeders. low- and high-methane diets, and breeders
will be able to select for animals with her-
Expected results itable low-emission status. Most of all, the
A series of public databases will be gener- results will address the long-standing co-
ated on the genetics of dairy cows and their nundrum about whether the animal controls
corresponding microbiomes and emissions, its emissions via the rumen microbiota, or
on metagenomic sequences from high and vice-versa.

Project partners Country

Rowett Institute of Nutrition & Health, Univ. ABDN UK

Parco Tecnologico Padano (PTP) IT

Agrifood Research Finland (MTT) FI

Dept. Agriculture, Swedish Univ. of Agricultural Sciences SE

Faculty of Science, Univ. Nottingham UK

Lab of Anaerobic Microbiology, Inst. of Animal Physiology and Genetics CZ

Nutrigenomics Research Centre, Univ. Cattolica IT

Lab d’Ecologie Alpine, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique FR

European Association of Animal Science (EAAP) IT

The European Forum of Farm Animal Breeders (EFFAB) NL

Quality Meat Scotland (QMS) UK

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Transport related Air Pollution and Health impacts- Integrated
Methodologies for Assessing Particulate Matter
Instrument:  Integrating project
Total cost:  9 200 000 €
EC contribution:  6 900 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Consortium:  21 partners from 14 countries
Project coordinator:  Ranjeet Sokhi
Project website:
Key words:  Air pollution, climate change, transport, particulate matter,
PM10, PM2.5, health impacts

The challenge 3. To derive improved concentration response func-

tions for different health end points;
Although, the importance of climate change 4. To develop more robust integrated approaches
and air quality interactions has been widely (e.g. full chain assessment) for quantifying PM
recognised, large uncertainties exist, for ex- related exposure and health impacts based on
urban, regional and global scale air quality mod-
ample, in our understanding of the role of
els; and
aerosols on radiative forcing. As a result of 5. To examine the influence of changes in climate
such interactions, air quality is affected on and emissions on spatial and temporal variations
multiple scales. In the last decade, advances of future air quality across Europe and to quanti-
in high resolution modelling have led to im- fy the resulting health impacts.
provements in air quality-climate predictions
especially on regional scales. TRANSPHORM Methodology
addresses the key challenge of improving
TRANSPHORM has developed improved Eu-
the quantification of regional variations in
ropean emission inventories for base year
air quality and related health impacts as-
2005 and future years 2020 and 2030. For
sociated with changes in emissions and
regional scale analysis, five models have
climate on higher resolution than has been
been employed (EMEP, Enviro-HIRLAM, LO-
achieved previously with global models.
ing inter-model variabilities to be examined
Project objectives along with the model ensembles. Glob-
Transport emissions, in particular from road al boundary conditions are derived from
transport, can have significant impacts on EMAC/MATCH model. For climate-air quality
both air quality and climate. TRANSPHORM modelling, high resolution models such as
brings together international air quality and WRF-CMAQ are interfaced with the global
health researchers and users to improve our climate model HadGEM2-ES (based on RCP
knowledge of transport related airborne par- 8.5 scenario). Analysis is being conducted for
ticulate matter (PM) and its impact on hu- periods representing 2000 and future year
man health on city to European scales. Key 2030 over Europe at 54km horizontal res-
objectives of TRANSPHORM include: olution. The influence of separate and com-
1. To provide new and improved data on PM emis- bined changes in emissions and climate on
sion factors and inventories; concentrations of ozone, PM10 and PM2.5
2. To undertake new measurements for source ap- has been calculated for Europe including
portionment of PM; at a country level to provide policy relevant

information. Through the use of concentra- and southern Europe regions. For the 2030
tion response functions and other population emission scenario considered within TRANS-
datasets, health impacts are being estimat- PHORM, mean concentrations of PM2.5 and
ed for cities and Europe. PM10 are expected to reduce by up to 30%
over Europe. While the climate change ef-
Expected results fects on PM are weaker compared with
Initial model simulations have been complet- emission change effects, substantial spatial
ed for the WRF-CMAQ-HadGEM2-ES system. heterogeneity is predicted by the models,
Results indicate that climate change effects implying different variations in health im-
on ozone are significant relative to those pacts for different parts of Europe. Multiple
due to changes in emissions and will lead decadal studies are underway to further
to an increase in mean ozone concentra- examine the initial results and to arrive at
tions by about 3ppbv by 2030 over Europe. more robust signals of climate change im-
Spatial variations are observed for different pacts on air quality and on the resulting
parts of Europe, especially between northern health impacts.

Project partners Country

University of Hertfordshire (UH-CAIR) UK
The Netherlands Applied Research Org (TNO) NL
Utrecht University (UU) NL
Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) NO
Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) FI
German Aerospace Center (DLR) DE
Transport & Mobility Leuven (TML) BE
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) EL
European Commission – Joint Research Centre (JRC) International
Institute Of Occupational Medicine (IOM) UK
Swedish Environmental Institute (IVL) SE
National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) FI
The Norwegian Meteorological Institute ( NO
German Research Center for Env. Health (HMGU) DE
Institute of Environmental Medicine (KI) SE
The Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) DK
Imperial College London (IC) UK
Swiss Tropical Institute (STI) CH
Center for Physical Sciences and Tech. (CPST) LT
University of Stuttgart (USTUTT) DE
City Development Authority of Prague (URM) CZ

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Impact of Climate Change on The Transport, Fate, and Risk
Management of Viral Pathogens in Water
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  2 881 593 €
EC contribution:  2 491 513 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/12/2009
Consortium:  8 partners from 5 countries
Project coordinator:  David Kay
Project website:
Key words:  Pathogens, virus, climate change, modelling, catchment
microbial dynamics, water framework directive, bathing water, shellfish
water, management of extreme weather events, health impact
assessment, quantitative microbial risk assessment

The challenge Methodology

Climate change will cause modifications to the The project involved: guidance development for
aquatic environment which will affect exposure extreme events management; integrated labo-
to all pathogenic micro-organisms transmitted ratory methods development; long terms sur-
by the water route. The VIROCLIME proposal veillance data acquisition; modelling catchment
was initiated because: hydrology and microbial dynamics; and finally
1. in any climate change scenario viruses will climate change projection.
retain the pre-eminent role in water-related
disease because of the almost ubiquitous Results
presence of human-derived viruses in sewage This project has delivered: (i) the largest current
and waste water and because of their environ- surveillance data set (world-wide) describing vi-
mental robustness; rus pathogen concentration in sentinel waters;
2. there are currently few tools for routine and (ii) it has provided an EU-wide analysis of in-
quantitative virological monitoring of the envi- ter-laboratory comparability to determine the
ronment to provide credible health risk quan- reproducibility of virus measurements in envi-
tification; and ronmental waters; (iii) it has assessed the sea-
3. before Viroclime, no models have been devel- sonal and flow impacts on virus presence and
oped to describe and predict catchment virus conducted targeted mesocosm experiments to
dynamics. provide the first catchment-scale insight into
viral dynamics in surface waters; (iv) at the
Project objectives
sentinel sites chosen, climate change scenarios
This project aimed to deploy new molecular have been used to predict changes in river flow
tools for measurement of pathogenic viruses in regimes during the present century; and finally
EU waters, thence using the results to calibrate (v) the climate change impacts on virus patho-
catchment models of viral delivery and then to gen presence have been modelled to produce
use climate change projections to suggest how a quantitative microbial risk assessment of the
the risk from pathogenic viruses would change projected effects on climate change on health
under climate change scenarios. risk to users of EU surface waters.

Key findings the infection and, disease, patterns in the up-
stream human populations.
Viruses, measured using molecular analysis of
Challenges remain in delivering inter-laboratory
genetic material, do not correlate well with the
reproducibility of viral pathogen enumeration
traditional microbial parameters used to regu-
from environmental waters which would be ac-
late health risk in EU waters which are faecal
ceptable for regulatory purposes.
indicator bacteria commonly measured by cul-
ture methods. This is of regulatory significance As part of this investigation, new viral source
because the viruses provide the most direct risk tracking tools have been investigated to quan-
index; whilst the faecal indicator bacteria pro- tify the faecal loading contribution from differ-
vide proof of ‘connectivity’ between the surface ent animal species: e.g. animal or human. This
water and some source of faecal contamina- has produced some very promising data which
tion. suggest a considerable advance is possible over
existing systems in operational use by EU reg-
A key findings are that, riverine viral dynamics
are markedly different to those commonly ob-
served for the better characterised faecal indi- VIROCLIME has resulted in new guidance on
cator bacteria (principally Escherichia coli and the management of extreme weather events
intestinal enterococci). The bacterial dynamics designed to mitigate potential adverse health
are characterised by several log10 orders in- outcomes.
crease in concentration in response to normal Present climate change scenarios, affecting the
elevations in flow following rainfall. This pro- chosen European rivers and near-shore waters,
duces short term flushes of high bacterial con- offer a wide range of outcomes but relatively
centration which dominate the delivery pattern. small changes in the major drivers such as river
Understanding this episodic flush process vital flow over the next century. Some of the project-
to characterise the pollutant loading pattern ed effects of these on viral pathogen flux are
into (and hence regulatory compliance of) WFD relatively small. We do not consider, therefore
(2000) Annex 4 ‘protected areas’ such as bath- that viral enteric pathogen risk will significant-
ing and shellfish harvesting areas. ly increase as a response to climate change
Importantly, many EU waters exhibit long peri- effects on catchment hydrology and microbial
ods of ‘zero’ values for the viral pathogens. This dynamics in the next century. This is in broad
is pleasing and probably indicates the highly agreement with recent work reported by Kay et
intermittent ‘supply’ of virus which depends on al. (2011).

Project partners
University of Aberystwyth UK
University of Barcelon ES
National Public Health Service of Wales UK
University of Patras EL
University of Umeå SE
Oswaldo Cruz Institute BR
National Institute for Environmental Health HU
Laboratori de Reserca del Clima ES

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Water Availability and Security in Southern EuRope and the
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  3 669 943 €
EC contribution:  2 933 973 €
Duration:  39 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Consortium:  12 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Roberto Roson (CMCC, IT)
Project website:
Key words:  water scarcity, water security, climate change,
Mediterranean region

The challenge Africa and the Middle East under the frame
of threats to national and human security.
The conditions of increasing water stress This includes the assessment of changes in
faced in the Mediterranean regions of South- mean flows, frequency and magnitude of ex-
ern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East treme precipitation (intensity and duration),
already have adverse effects on two signifi- surface run-off, stream flows ground water
cant strategic sectors of the area, agriculture balance, as well as social and economic fac-
and tourism, as well as wider environmental tors.
and social implications at both the local and
Five case studies have been considered: (1)
national scale. Such issues are expected to
Syros Island (Cyclades Complex, Greece),
exacerbate as a result of climate change:
a region which is characterised by multiple
the anticipated rise in temperatures, the po-
water uses and experiences significant tour-
tential decrease in rainfall and the increase
ism development in recent years, (2) Sardinia
in the frequency and magnitude of extreme
Island (Italy), with huge water demand and
events are bound to significantly affect hu-
conflicting water uses between agricultural
man livelihoods and local economies. How-
and tourism sectors, (3) Merguellil watershed
ever, and despite concerns over climate (Tunisia), a river basin which concentrates
change impacts, policy development is often multiple and conflicting water uses, (4) Jor-
hampered by the ambiguity and uncertainty dan river basin, where the Case Study will
of future projections at local scale, and the focus mainly on trans-boundary water man-
(often) high costs of adaptation measures. agement and conflicting water demands, and
(5) the Nile River system, focusing mainly on
Project objectives Egypt and issues related to inter-regional
WASSERMed is an interdisciplinary project, water supply-demand balances and alloca-
which overall aims at the integration of cli- tion.
mate change scenarios, holistic water sys-
tem modelling and interdisciplinary impact Methodology
assessment. Research starts from the assessment of
The WASSERMed project analyses, in a changes in mean flows, frequency and mag-
multi-disciplinary way, ongoing and future nitude of extreme events, stream-flows and
climate induced changes in hydrological bud- groundwater balance, to provide a coher-
gets and extremes in southern Europe, North ent assessment of future to water security

and the economy. Technological solutions prevalently: (i) positive for the Northern Med-
and integrated management practices are iterranean countries and areas characterized
assessed in terms of risk reduction and by relatively cold and humid climate, and
trade-offs, and formulated into coherent (ii) negative for the Southern Mediterranean
strategies to address climate variability and countries and the areas already character-
change. Research works on two distinct and ized by arid and semi-arid conditions.
interrelated geographical scales. A Mediter- The extension of the areas suitable for cul-
ranean-wide analysis focuses on strategic
tivation toward the Northern latitudes and
sectors (agriculture and tourism) to better
higher altitudes and the overall expansion
understand climate change impacts on the
of the cultivation season could bring bene-
specific characteristics of water demand
fits especially to the Northern Mediterranean
and explore the applicable range of techni-
cal solutions. Furthermore, the impacts of
water availability changes on national econ- Results of the macroeconomic analysis of
omies, trade flows and implicit water trade the consequences of climate change on
(virtual water) are assessed through the de- agricultural productivity and tourism attrac-
velopment of a Global Computable General tiveness indicate that several Mediterranean
Equilibrium Model. This global assessment countries will likely face water shortages
is used to identify the main mechanisms with significant implications in terms of ag-
of propagation of water-related shocks ricultural productivity, income and welfare.
throughout the economic system and po- The analysis of climate change impacts on
tential changes in economic structure, as tourism indicates that conditions will remain
response to climate change.Case Study level favorable for outdoor activities in the Med-
analyses are employed to explore potential iterranean basin; however a change in sea-
security threats, infrastructure requirements sonality is foreseen. Particularly, negative
and integrated adaptation strategies in 5 ar- impacts for summer tourism are foreseen in
eas of the Mediterranean, also considering Southern Mediterranean countries, whereas
exogenous drivers of change and potential the situation is different for northern coun-
environmental and socio-economic implica- tries.
Different policy and adaptation options have
emerged in the five case studies. However,
similarities and recurrent issues have also
The impact of climate change on the Med- been noticed: solutions for increased water
iterranean agricultural sector will likely be productivity, recycling, desalination, water
affected by water availability and could be harvesting.

Project partners
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici, IT University of Jordan, JO
Centro Internazionale di Alti Studi Agronomici Mediterranei, IT CLU srl, IT
National Technical University of Athens, EL University of Exeter, UK
Istitut National Agronomique de Tunisie, (Tunisia) TN Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, ES
Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, FR
Environment and Climate Change Research Institute, EG
National Center for Agricultural Research and Extension, JO
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, DE

Cultural Heritage

At a glance
Title:  Strategies for the protection of shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea
against forthcoming attack by wood degrading marine borers. A
synthesis and information project based on the effects of climatic
Instrument:  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  1.104.362 €
EC contribution:  754.812 €
Duration:  24 months
Start date:  01-05-2009
Consortium:  6 partners from 3 countries
Project coordinator:  SP Technical Research institute of Sweden, SE
Project website:
Key words:  cultural heritage, wood, shipwreck, Baltic Sea, spread
of shipworm, microbial, degradation, in situ protection, environment
including climatic change, GIS-modelling

The challenge valis which can rapidly attack underwater wooden

objects and constructions.
The Baltic Sea is a brackish marine envi- • To evaluate and recommend practical methods for
ronment, enclosing a unique well preserved protection of the wreck and historical settlements
historical collection of shipwrecks and settle- in situ, in order to prevent decay.
• To develop two user-friendly practical guidelines
ments due to the absence of marine borers. for the prediction and protection of cultural her-
There are however strong indications that itage.
the shipworm are spreading into the Baltic • To organise work shops and training courses for
Sea, possibly an effect of climatic changes. the dissemination of guidelines.
A strategy to handling this alarming scenar- • To produce monograph and scientific publications
io is to provide museum and conservators
responsible for long term preservation with Methodology
tools for prediction of risk areas and meth- The overall working plan is divided into 5
ods for physical protection of the wrecks. It is work packages:
essential that the protection is given in time. • Coordination of present biological and environ-
mental data. With help of a comprehensive liter-
Project objectives ature study on biodegradation of wood in marine
environments with special emphasis on the ag-
The main aim of WreckProtect is to secure gressive marine borer Teredo navalis, the environ-
the preservation of two important objects mental condition for their activity and spread will
of cultural heritage in marine environments: be clarified and generated into a GIS model, where
Shipwreck and submerged archaeological marine environmental parameters for the Baltic
settlements. Sea are mapped. All data will be synthesised into a
tool for assessing the potential spread and decay
The objectives are: of underwater cultural heritage.
• To provide cultural resource managers, archaeol- • Review of methods for protection of historical
ogists, and conservators responsible for the long wreck and settlements in marine environments
term preservation of cultural heritage with tools • Strategy and tools for protection of cultural heri-
for assessing and predicting the future spread of tage, where two user-friendly guidelines aimed at
wood degrading organisms especially Teredo na- stakeholders will be developed

• Dissemination of knowledge to stakeholder, man- knowledge. The main outcomes will be:
agers and conservators with help of workshop, • Guidelines for physical protection of shipwreck that
practical training course, monograph and scientific can be used for managing underwater cultural her-
papers. itage world-wide
• Methods for identification of sites under imminent
Expected results threat from shipworm
• A recommendation of methods which support the
The Baltic region as well as other parts of UNESCO Convention on the protection of the un-
Europe will benefit from this increased derwater cultural heritage

Project partners

SP technical research Institute of Sweden, Coordinator SE

Cultural Heritage Agency NL

University of Gothenburg SE

National Museum of Denmark DK

The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland DK

The Viking Ship Museum, Roskilde DK

Climate relevant projects on
natural hazards and extreme events

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Efficient ENergy for EU Cultural Heritage
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  6 643 959 €
EC contribuion:  4 990 475 €
Duration:  42 months
Start date:  01/10/2010
Consortium:  21 partners from 10 countries
Project coordinator:  EURAC, IT
Project website:
Key words:  historic building, energy efficiency, urban development,
factor 10, active & passive heating and cooling, RES, lighting,
integrated monitoring and control, IEQ, simulation, EPBD, energy,

The challenge would result in more than 180 Mt CO2 saved

and improve living conditions and quality
Historic buildings are the trademark of nu- management in historic urban areas.
merous European cities, towns and villages:
historic quarters give uniqueness to our cit- Methodology
ies, they are a living symbol of Europe’s rich
cultural heritage and reflect society’s identity. The joint task of conservation and energy
However, it is clear that these buildings are efficient retrofit is highly interdisciplinary.
not energy efficient and are substantial con- The 3ENCULT partnership thus includes con-
tributors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions servation, technical & urban development
and rising energy bills. At a time when cli- experts, industry partners, implementation
mate change poses a real and urgent threat experts and stakeholders.
to humanity and its infrastructure, it is vital Starting in with an analysis of the challenge
to initiate an improved approach to the re- and the needs for comprehensive diagnosis,
furbishment of historic buildings, which in we will investigate technical solutions for the
many cases are in danger themselves. energy enhancement as well as smart mon-
itoring and control. Part of the project will be
Project objectives dedicated to the demonstration of the de-
veloped solutions, while case studies in WP6
The project 3ENCULT bridges the gap between give (i) stimulus for solution development
conservation of historic buildings and climate and (ii) successively feedback. Tools of design
protection, which is not an antagonism at all: and quality assurance will also be developed.
historic buildings will only survive if main-
tained as living space. Energy efficient retro- Expected results
fit is useful for structural protection as well
as for comfort reasons – comfort for users To date the following – newly developed or
and “comfort” for heritage collections. speci-fically adapted – solutions have been
implemented at case studies:
3ENCULT demonstrates the feasibility of
“Factor 4” to “Factor 10” reduction in ener- • a highly energy-efficient conservation-com-pat-
gy demand, depending on the case and the ible window prototype has been installed at the
Public Weigh House in Bolzano (IT);
heritage value.
• capillary active internal insulation is under in-
Such reduction of energy demand of the vestigation at the four case study buildings around
26% of EU building stock dating before 1945 Dresden (DE);

• a low impact ventilation system based on active “Roombook” an ICT tool integrating also energy
overflow principle is being tested at the Höttinger related aspects has been developed;
School (AT); • technical solutions are going to be disseminated
• wireless sensor networks are demonstrated at via a virtual library;
the Palazzina della Viola in Bologna (IT) and the • a handbook with design guidelines for planners is
first version of a dedicated BMS system is tested in realization;
at the Engineering School in Bejar (ES); • study tours and workshops for local governments
• Comprehensive diagnosis has been documented for
and other target groups are organised (www.3en-
Palazzo d’Accursio in Bologna (IT) for which also LED
based wall washer for conservation compatible,
high quality and low impact lighting was developed. • to support policy, the relation between historic
buildings, EPBD & CEN is analysed, and CEN TC
Furthermore 346 on Cultural Heritage is supported in the devel-
• starting from the in conservation established opment of a relative standard.

Project partners
Accademia Europea Bolzano EURAC IT
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation–KA DK
Institut für Diagnostik und Konservierung an Denkmalen–IDK DE
Universität Innsbruck–UIBK AT
Ove Arup & Partners International Limited–ARUP UK
Bartenbach LichtLabor–BLL AT
Technische Universität Dresden–TUD DE
Comune di Bologna–COBO IT
Passivhaus Institut–PHI DE
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek–TNO NL
Università di Bologna–UNIBO IT
Artemis Diagnostica Edilizia–ARTEMIS IT
Soliker – G1S ES
Menuiserie Andre–ANDRE FR
Remmers Baustofftechnik AG–REMMERS DE
Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning Associations–REHVA BE
Universität Stuttgart–USTUTT DE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Improving the resistance of legume crops to combined abiotic
and biotic stress
Instrument:  Integrated Project
Total cost:  4 017 212 €
EC contribution:  2 999 074 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/01/2012
Consortium:  13 partners from 7 countries
Project coordinator:  The Food and Environment Research Agency, UK
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, food, crops, water, disease, systems
biology, plant breeding, legumes.

The challenge niques within the European Union and in associa-

tion with partners across the world.
ABSTRESS will improve the breeding of sus- • To further understand the role of the soil microbi-
tainable crop varieties that are better able ome in relation to plant health and how this can
to tolerate the diverse effects of climate be considered more thoroughly in breeding pro-
change. Modern phenotyping tools and more
• To generate novel plant material to be fed into the
diverse genetic resources are required to breeding programmes of our SME partners for fu-
ensure efficient crop breeding. Crops with ture commercialisation.
direct resistance to combined environmental
and biological stress are required, also con- Methodology
sidering symbiotic relationships with the soil
microbiome. ABSTRESS applies combined, integrated
systems biology and comparative genom-
Legumes will be used as an exemplar of how ics approaches to conduct a comprehensive
state-of-the-art technologies can be used to study of the gene networks implicated in the
significantly reduce the time taken to intro- interaction between drought stress and Fu-
duce novel breeding materials into commer- sarium infection in legumes and symbiotic
cial breeding programmes. organisms. It uses Medicago truncatula as a
Legumes don’t require nitrogen fertilisers, a model to rapidly identify characteristics for
major source of greenhouse gases and farm development in pea.
energy consumption. Plant material subjected to combined stress
is generated using a high throughput phe-
Project objectives notyping platform equipped with molecular
• To develop crops that have increased resistance imaging technologies. Bayesian models are
to drought (abiotic) and Fusarium oxysporum (bi- applied to metabolomics and transcriptom-
otic) stress and still produce a good yield. This is ics data derived from M. truncatula to iden-
important in ensuring future food security, whilst tify genes implicated in combined drought
mitigating the effects of climate change. and disease response. Gene expression and
• Significantly reduce the time taken to breed new
molecular phenotype are determined in pea
crop varieties that are more able to withstand
the challenges commonly associated with climate
under similar experimental conditions. Pea
change, such as extreme weather and changing mutants are produced and promising pheno-
incidence of pests and diseases. types are selected from this material during
• Improve the accessibility of modern breeding tech- field trials. Orthologous genes in other crops

such as tomato are identified. to drought and disease in a range of crops.
• The use of SME expertise to address commercial
requirements for the development of new crop
Expected results varieties, tested in a range of growing conditions.
ABSTRESS will achieve a step change in • The demonstration of the benefits of integrating
cutting edge technologies within active commer-
“sustainability in agriculture” by undertak-
cial breeding programmes.
ing breeding research that seeks to develop • The development of high throughput molecular
varieties having improved resistance to a phenotyping, to gain a step change in the speed of
combination of biotic and abiotic stress. The the breeding cycle.
outputs of the project are expected to be: These will help to ameliorate climate change
• The generation of diverse genetic materials and an and develop the tools to mitigate its effects
associated knowledge base to improve resistance on a sustainable food/feed supply chain.

Project partners Country

The Food And Environment Research Agency (Fera) UK
University Of Essex UK
Aberystwyth University UK
Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique (Cnrs) FR
Institut National De La Recherche Agronomique (Inra) FR
Mezogazdasagi Biotechnologiai Kutatokozpont HU
Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas ES
Genxpro Gmbh DE
Arterra Bioscience Srl IT
Processors & Growers Research Organisation Lbg UK
Agrovegetal S.A ES
Agritec CZ
Biotecgen Srl IT

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Social Capacity Building for Natural Hazards:  Towards more
resilient Societies
Instrument:  Coordination Action
Total cost:  1 131 189 €
EC contribution:  910 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/06/2009
Consortium:  8 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung UFZ,
Leipzig, DE
Project website:
Key words:  risk perception, social vulnerability, risk communication,
education preparedness, risk governance

The challenge communities for natural hazards, we dis-

tinguish in three overarching objectives:
Despite long-lasting attempts to mitigate CapHaz-Net examines and evaluates the
and reduce the damages due to natural haz- current situation and asks with regard to
ards and a constant accumulation of knowl- social vulnerability and risk perception “Who
edge, the losses caused by disasters are is possibly affected by natural hazards and
not decreasing. On the contrary, they have how are they perceived?” It furthermore, ex-
increased significantly in Europe. Why is this amines and evaluates the processes of risk
occurring – and what can research and so- communication and education involved in
cieties do about it? To find explanations for changing this situation by asking “Does the
this paradoxical development CapHaz-Net is current situation need improvement and, if
concerned with people’s, organisations’ and yes, what can be done?” Finally, it examines
communities’ capacities. By using the term and evaluates the outcomes of this process:
social capacity building we want to empha- “What should the outcome of social capacity
sise that capacity building is a social process building processes look like?”
which involves different actors, includes dif-
ferent stages and is concerned with differ- Methodology
ent forms of capacities.
CapHaz-Net does not conduct ‘first hand’
Project objectives empirical research. As a Coordination Action
it rather builds upon existing knowledge. We
The central question CapHaz-Net is dealing review and synthesise previous and ongoing
with is: research from across Europe as well as re-
How can we enhance the capacities of Eu- lated practices. We permanently reflect upon
ropean societies to prepare for, cope with transparent criteria for these evaluations.
and recover from the impacts of a natural CapHaz-Net’s methodology focuses on the
hazard? Obviously one should not expect a interaction of different stakeholders. We give
simple answer to this question (otherwise researchers, practitioners and policy-mak-
it would have been provided in the past). ers the opportunity to contribute with their
To understand and evaluate the necessi- expertise and therefore organise interactive
ty as well as the success of enhancing the and thematic oriented workshops. The aim of
capacities of individuals, organisations and these workshops is to document the state-

of-the art of social scientific research on the impact of a natural hazard. One major
natural hazards. We furthermore organise outcome will be a state-of-the-art overview
workshops that take place in selected re- of natural hazards research in the social
gions across Europe by focusing on specific sciences as well as recommendations for
hazards (i.e. heat-related hazards in South- and prioritisation of future research needs
ern Europe, Alpine hazards in the Alpine by identifying gaps of knowledge and open
region and flooding in Central Europe). The questions. This outcome may be particularly
aim of these workshops is to contextualise relevant for scholars. Recommendations and
the theoretical knowledge by confronting practice examples on how to enhance social
it more thoroughly with actual experiences capacities for natural hazards and increase
and regional practices related social capacity social resilience from across Europe aim at
building efforts. providing information for policy-makers and
practitioners working in the field of natural
Expected results hazards and/or climate adaptation. Through-
out the project we provide interested people
The overall goal is to develop deeper insights and institutions with information via policy
and recommendations on how to enhance briefs. We make our results accessible on the
the social capacities of European societies public parts of our website and are open for
to prepare for, cope with and recover from feedback and further inputs.

Project partners

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research DE

Institute for International Sociology FR

Middlesex University Higher Education Corporation UK

Autonomous University Barcelona ES

Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts SI

Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research CH

DIALOGIK Non-Profit Institute for Communication and Cooperative Research Stuttgart DE

University Lancaster UK

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Capacity Development for Natural Hazards Risk Reduction and
Instrument:  Coordinating Action
Total cost:  992 800 €
EC contribution:  843 931 €
Duration:  24 months
Start date:  01/10/2011
Consortium:  7 partners from 4 countries
Project coordinator:  seeconsult GmbH, DE
Project website:
Key words:  natural hazards, disaster risk reduction, climate change
adaptation, capacity development, knowledge exchange

The Challange they belong) to identify and share knowledge

about best practices related to natural haz-
Each year, disasters wreak havoc across the ard and disaster risk reduction. The ultimate
globe, upending the lives of people in rich goal is to bring risk management knowledge
and poor countries. In 2010, floods, droughts, to bear on economic development issues and
tornados, tsunamis and earthquakes caused to make NH/DRR a critical component of the
an estimated 295,000 deaths and over sustainability agenda.
USD100 billion in damages.
Disasters are on the rise, in part, due to Methodolgy
growing global populations and increasing
urbanization, and, in part, as a result of such Strengthening of capacity will be achieved by:
fundamental environmental challenges as • facilitating knowledge exchange and improving the
climate change. science-application interface;
• adding value to the body of integrated knowledge
Thanks to dedicated research and enlight- on NH/DRR;
ened policies, a growing number of countries • identifying key gaps in current NH/DRR knowledge
and localities have strengthened their ca- and research;
pacities for natural hazard and disaster risk • reinforcing existing European and international
reduction (NH/DRR). Yet, only limited steps networking capacity;
have been taken to integrate such knowl- • strengthening the capacity of nongovernmental or-
ganizations (NGOs) and small-and medium-sized
edge into overall development, planning and enterprises (SMEs) to mainstream NH/DRR into
environmental policies. their activities;
A critical challenge is to narrow the gap be- • disseminating project findings in an effective way,
tween the research community’s increased including developing a NH/DRR reference website
understanding of how, when and where disas- and online discussion forum.
ters take place and the long-standing forces A core activity of CATALYST is to convene
that have driven economic development, which stakeholders, including researchers, prac-
have generally made NH/DRR a low priority. titioners and policy makers, in a web-based
“think-tank” to facilitate ‘virtual’ face-to-face
exchanges on best practices and, more gener-
Project objectives
ally, discussions on such issues as information
The CATALYST project is designed to create and data gaps, methodological limitations
a wide range of opportunities for research- and the disconnect that often exists between
ers, stakeholders (and the networks to which the research and policy communities.

Expected results practices for integrating DRR and CCA in a
sustainable urban development; ecosystem
The think-tank has been designed as an in- services for disaster risk reduction; and gov-
teractive interface between the scientific, ernance of risk and climate change adapta-
practitioner and policy communities, offering
tion, mainstreaming uncertainty in capacity
a means to share information and experi-
development in DRR and CCA were discussed.
ences. A best practise Policy Notebook and
different Best Practices Papers are going to A web archive helps ensure that data and in-
be released at the end of the project. formation assembled and produced during the
CATALYST project has also organized four Re- project is available to as large an audience as
gional Workshops, in the four world regions possible. The archive includes a broad range
that the project examines, held in Bari (Italy), of material related to NH/DRR resources and
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Montego Bay (Jamai- research. Upon the conclusion of the project,
ca) and Bangkok (Thailand) between Sep- the web-site and archive will be transferred to
tember 2012 and January 2013. An average either a public sector organization or a small/
of 25 participants attended each workshop, medium-sized enterprise involved in natural
where regional issues, such as capacity de- hazard and disaster risk reduction to ensure
velopment in the assessment of the biophys- that it is maintained and enhanced beyond
ical and social vulnerability aspects; good the project’s two-year duration.

Project partners

Seeconsult GmbH DE

Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei IT

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research DE

Academy of Sciences for the Developing World IT

Alterra – Wageningen University NL

National Geologic Survey of Denmark and Greenland DK

United Nations University–Institute for Environment and Human Security DE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Climate Local Information in the Mediterranean region
Responding to User Needs
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 680 340 €
EC contribution:  3 489 333 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/03/2011
Consortium:  16 partners from 10 countries
Project coordinator:  ENEA, IT
Project website:
Key words:  Climate Services, Stakeholders, energy, tourism, wild fires,
integrated case studies, Mediterranean region, global warming

The challenge proved modeling and downscaling tools will

then be used to optimally respond to these
Lack of methodologies, modelling and down-
specific needs. The protocol is assessed by
scaling tools for the provision of adequate
application to relevant case studies involv-
climate information at regional scale
ing interdependent sectors, primarily tourism
and energy, and natural hazards (wild fires)
Project objectives
for representative target areas (mountain-
CLIM-RUN aims at developing a protocol for ous regions, coastal areas and islands
applying new methodologies and improved
modeling and downscaling tools for the pro- Expected results
vision of adequate climate information at
regional to local scale that is relevant to and CLIM-RUN is also intended to provide the
usable by different sectors of society (policy- seed for the formation of a Mediterranean
makers, industry, cities, etc.). basin-side climate service network which
would eventually converge into a pan-Euro-
Methodology pean network. The general time horizon of
Differently from current approaches, CLIM- interest for the project is the future period
RUN will develop a bottom-up protocol di- 2010-2050, a time horizon that encompass-
rectly involving stakeholders early in the pro- es the contributions of both inter-decadal
cess with the aim of identifying well defined variability and greenhouse-forced climate
needs at the regional to local scale. The im- change.

Project partners
ENEA, Technical Unit on Energy and Environmental Modelling IT
EEWRC, Energy, Environment and Water Research Center CY
CNRM, Division des Affaires Générales FR
UNESCO-ICTP, Earth System Physics IT
IC3, R&d ES
NOA–Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development EL
CMCC–Numerical Applications and Scenarios IT
PLAN BLEU, Strategic Unit FR
PIK, Transdisciplinary Concept and Methods DE
UEA, Research, Enterprise & Engagement Office UK
GREVACHOT, Université de Tunis, FSHS TN
JRC, Management Support Unit, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies ES
USMD, University of Maryland, Earth System Science Interdisciplinary Center US
UC–Matemática Aplicada y Ciencias de la Computación ES

Natural Resources Management

At a glance
Title:  CLimate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 397 825 €
EC contribution:  3 494 580 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/12/2010
Consortium:  13 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  AMRA S.c.a.r.l.–ANALISI E MONITORAGGIO DEL
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, multi-hazard, urban areas, Africa,

The challenge Ethiopia, Dar Es Salaam–Tanzania, Douala–

Cameroun, Ouagadougou – Burkina Faso, St.
The drought and the famine risk that are af- Louis–Senegal), to manage climate risks, to
fecting the Horn of Africa represent only the reduce vulnerabilities and to improve cop-
last of the increasing humanitarian emer- ing capacity and resilience towards climate
gencies in Africa. changes. CLUVA will assess the environ-
Although it is not clearly understood to what mental, social and economic impacts and
extent the current situation is due to climate the risks related to climate change induced
changes, it is clear that Africa is a conti- hazards (floods, sea-level rise, droughts,
nent particularly vulnerable to them. Indeed, heat waves, desertification), at various time
many African countries have fragile econo- frames.
mies unable to absorb the shocks caused by
natural disasters enhanced by the increasing Methodology
vulnerability of rapidly expanding urban ar- Starting from an ensemble of six global
eas and climate change is likely to rapidly projections of climate changes produced by
exacerbate this situation. CMCC and CSIR considering the new IPCC
The main challenge of CLUVA is to join and scenarios, climate change related hazards
harmonize different approaches to vulnera- will be defined for each test city. In addition,
bility (physical, systemic, outcome, contextu- for each case study, vulnerability of urban
al) and to develop methods to account for structures and lifelines will be assessed, as
the different facets of risk converging them well as vulnerability of in-town ecosystems
in an effective and applicable multi risk mod- and urban-rural interfaces and social vul-
el. Innovative climate change risk adaptation nerability. The estimation of vulnerability of
strategies for African urban areas affected urban settlement will be particularly focused
by climate change induced hazards will be on very common African buildings, i.e. adobe
houses and other poorly built houses, which
developed on the base of these models.
represent a social criticality in Africa.
Project objectives Hazard and vulnerability analysis will be
integrated in a multi-risk framework, tak-
The overall objective of CLUVA is to devel- ing into account mutual interactions among
op methods and knowledge to be applied to hazards and considering critical scenarios
selected African test cities (Addis Ababa– induced by cascade effects.

CLUVA will also develop and propose inno- as sewer and road networks, the urban and
vative land use and governance strategies, urban-rural ecosystems, the exposed popu-
based on multi-risk analysis, in order to re- lation according their socio-economic char-
duce vulnerability to climate change. acteristics); the development of multi-risk
models to define risk indexes accounting for
Expected results different types of vulnerability.
In addition, innovative strategies will be de-
The principal outputs of CLUVA project are: veloped for urban development to reduce the
the definition of probabilistic scenarios of vulnerability of the African test cities to cli-
natural hazards based on climate change mate change. Improvement of African R&D
projections produced for the five test cities; capacity in the projects fields and dissemina-
the assessment of multiple vulnerabilities tion of results to practice are also expected
to dominant climate change enhanced haz- results for improving the capacity of scientif-
ards of the five test cities (including infor- ic institutions, local councils and civil society
mal settlements, critical infrastructure such to cope with climate change.

Project partners
Analisi E Monitoraggio Del Rischio Ambientale IT
Kobenhavns Universitet DK
The University Of Manchester UK
Technische Universitaet Muenchen DE
Council For Scientific And Industrial Research ZA
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo Per I Cambiamenti Climatici Scarl IT
Helmholtz-Zentrum Fuer Umweltforschung Gmbh DE

Norsk Institutt For ByOg Regionforskning NO

Universite Gaston Berger De Saint Louis SN

Universite De Yaounde I CM
Universite De Ouagadougou BF
Ardhi University TZ
Addis Ababa University ET

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Costs of Natural Hazards
Instrument:  Coordination Action Project
Total cost:  382 192 €
EC contribution:  245 560 €
Duration:  24 months
Start date:  01/02/2010
Consortium:  8 partners from 7 countries
Project coordinator:  Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental
ResearchUFZ, DE
Project website:
Key words:  natural hazards, climate change, damage cost
assessments, mitigation, adaptation, risk management

The challenge art methods for cost assessment as used in

European case studies. Second, the project
Cost assessments of damages, prevention aimed at analysing and assessing these
and responses to natural hazards provide compiled methods in terms of methods’ as-
crucial information to decision support and pects, as well as terminology, data quality
policy development in the fields of natural and availability, and research gaps. The third
hazard management and climate change objective was to synthesise resulting knowl-
adaptation planning. Efficiently reducing edge gaps and provide recommendations for
natural hazard risks therefore requires a practice and research.
thorough understanding of the costs of nat-
ural hazards. However, the current methods Methodology
assessing the costs of different natural haz-
ards employ a diversity of approaches for CONHAZ was structured in ten different work
different hazards and impacted sectors. packages (WPs). WPs 1-4 provided in-depth
knowledge on methodological issues con-
Project objectives cerning direct, indirect, intangible and risk
mitigation costs to WPs 5-8, which integrat-
In order to strengthen the role of cost as- ed these inputs into their respective hazard
sessments in the development of integrated contexts (droughts, floods, coastal and Alpine
natural hazard management and to identify hazards). Within these four different hazard
cross-hazard opportunities for learning, a re- communities, workshops with stakeholders
view of existing cost assessment approaches from academia and policy were held in order
was undertaken. CONHAZ aimed at compiling to ensure the incorporation of their knowl-
and synthesising current knowledge on cost edge and the end-user needs.
assessment methods considering natural The combination of hazard related work
hazards ranging from droughts, floods and packages and cost type related work packag-
coastal hazards to Alpine hazards, as well es in a matrix structure successfully contrib-
as different impacted sectors and cost types uted to an extensive exchange of knowledge
(i.e. direct tangible damages, losses due to and to harmonize results across the work
business interruption, indirect damages, in- packages. WP9, concerned with the synthe-
tangible effects, and costs of risk mitigation). sis of the results, summarized all cost and
The project objectives in specific compre- hazard types findings and identified overall
hend, first, a compilation of the state-of-the- knowledge gaps.

These were subsequently discussed and The findings show that the application of cost
prioritized by researchers and practitioners assessments in practice is often incomplete
at a synthesis conference bringing together and biased, as direct costs receive a relative-
around 60 experts and practitioners from all ly large amount of attention while intangible
four hazard communities. and indirect effects are rarely considered.
Furthermore, all parts of cost assessment
Results entail considerable uncertainties due to in-
sufficient or highly aggregated data sourc-
CONHAZ provides support to practitioners es along with a lack of knowledge about
and policy makers, as well as other relevant the processes leading to damage and thus
decision makers regarding cost assessments the appropriate models required. Recom-
of natural hazards in order to support an in- mendations are provided on how to reduce
tegrated natural hazard management and or handle these uncertainties by improving
adaptation planning. data sources and cost assessment methods.
CONHAZ presents an overview of the state- Further recommendations address how risk
of-the-art of cost assessment approaches, dynamics due to climate and socio-economic
discusses knowledge gaps and outlines re- change can be better considered, how costs
spective recommendations in eight reports are distributed and risks transferred, and in
and summarizes these findings in a synthesis what ways cost assessment can function as
report and a review article (Meyer et al., 2013). part of decision support.

Project partners

Dept. of Economics, HelmholtzCentre for Environmental Research (UFZ) DE

Institute of Geography, University of Innsbruck (UIBK) AT

Société de Mathématique Appliquée aux Sciences Sociales (SMASH-CIRED) FR

Middlesex University, Flood Hazard Research Centre (MU) UK

Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) DE

Dept. of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Ferrara (UniFe) IT

Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) ES

Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University, Amsterdam (IVM) NL

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Collaborative research on flood resilience in urban areas
Instrument:  Collaborative project for specific cooperation actions
dedicated to international cooperation partner countries (SICA)
Total cost:  4 711 598 €
EC contribution:  3 490 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/04/2010
Consortium:  17 partners from 10 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Exeter, UK
Project website:
Key words:  Flood resilience, urban flooding, rainfall patterns, climate
change, hazard assessment, risk management, resilience measures

The challenge structure; real time urban flood forecast

systems development; assessment of health
In Europe alone, hundreds of severe floods in impacts of flooding by combining hydraulic
the first decade of 21st century led to more modelling with QMRA; enhancement of ex-
than one thousand deaths, displacement of isting flood risk management strategies, all
half a million people and damage and eco- through a series of case studies.
nomic losses amounting to tens of billions
The overall aim of CORFU is to enable Eu-
of Euros. Projections of climate change and
ropean and Asian institutions to learn from
urban growth indicate that flood risk will be
each other through joint investigation, devel-
exacerbated in many regions.
opment, implementation and dissemination
Consequently, governments, policy makers of strategies that will enable more scientifi-
and communities worldwide are forced to cally sound management of the consequenc-
review flood management strategies and es of urban flooding in the future.
invest more in portfolios of measures. The
EU Floods Directive and the wider EU Flood Methodology
Action Programme call for improved flood
forecasting and early warning systems as First, drivers that impact on urban flooding
well as for flood risk mapping. will be looked at and the DPSIR (drivers-pres-
sures-state-impact-response) framework
Project objectives will be developed. The analysis will be based
on IPCC projections of climate change, eco-
Collaborative research on flood resilience in nomic, health and social development, aim-
urban areas (CORFU) is an interdisciplinary ing at identifying the future policy areas
international project that looks at advanced where the responses to the drivers and pres-
strategies and measures for improved flood sures can be most effective.
management in cities. Through a four-year Methodologies and tools for off-line and
collaborative research programme, the lat- real-time flood hazard assessment based
est technological advances will be cross-fer- on urban flood modelling will be enhanced.
tilised with traditional and emerging ap- Missing elements in existing models for sys-
proaches to living with floods. tem analysis will be developed in order to
Project objectives include determination of identify procedures for calibration of urban
the interactions between economic and ur- flood models at different scales, having in
ban growth, societal trends and the urban mind technological advances such as wider

availability of weather radars and on-line of resilience measures and integrative and
rain gauges, increase in computer speed and adaptable flood management plans for
possibilities for coupling of hydraulic models. these scenarios will be quantified.
Modern methods for flood impact assess- Project results will include better under-
ment will be improved, extended and inte- standing and representing the key factors
grated within a comprehensive and flexible leading to increased flood risk; updated city
framework that will merge different method- flood models; developed means to better
ologies for evaluation of all types of damage. quantify potential flood impacts; improved
Interrelationships between risk perception, national standards for design of drainage
level of preparedness and actual responses systems; inculcated flood resilience mentali-
will be studied, distinguishing between im- ty in key stakeholders.
pacts on individuals and on communities. Project outputs will be collated in about for-
New flood risk assessment strategies will be ty deliverables of different nature: reports,
developed. Flood resilience will be defined papers, guidelines, analysed questionnaires,
and implemented according to the situa- web sites, simulation models, GIS tools and
tion of any city. Research, application and real-time systems. Three years into the proj-
dissemination at local, national and inter- ect, most of the envisaged outputs have
national levels will engage policy makers. been produced.
They will be encouraged to engender a ‘flood The results will be disseminated on work-
resilience’ culture through awareness rising shops in case study cities and by var-
of proposed strategies and comprehensive ious other means. The main CORFU
adoption of CORFU tools. dissemination event will be the Interna-
tional Conference on Flood Resilience:
Expected results Experiences in Asia and Europe, which will
Flood impacts in urban areas – potential be held in Exeter in September 2013, www.
deaths, damage to infrastructure and health
problems and consequent effects on indi- A number of young people will be trained in
viduals and on communities – and possible various areas of urban flood modelling and
responses will be assessed by envisag- analysis. Knowledge exchange and future
ing different scenarios of relevant drivers: collaboration between European and Asian
urban development, socio-economic trends experts in the domain of flood management
and climate changes.The cost-effectiveness will be raised to a new level.

Project partners
University of Exeter, UK Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning and Design, CN
Hamburg University of Technology, DE China Academy of Urban Planning and Design, CN
DHI Water & Environment, DK Centro Technológico del Agua, ES
University of Nice–Sophia Antipolis, FR Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions, ES
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, IN Cranfield University, UK
AREP Ville, FR Dura Vermeer Groep NV, NL
Institute of Water Modelling, BD Hamburg Institute of International Economics, DE
Beijing University of Technology, CN National Taiwan University, TW
International Center for Urban Water Hydrodynamics, KR

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Improved Drought Early Warning and FORecasting to strengthen
preparedness and adaptation to droughts in Africa.
Instrument:  Collaborative Research Project
Total cost:  4 403 104 €
EC contribution:  3 490 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/01/2011
Consortium:  19 partners from 12 countries and 2 from EU
Project coordinator:  Deltares, NL
Project website:
Key words:  Drought, forecasting, Early warning, indicators, mitigation,
adaptation, hazard, climate change, Africa, preparedness, water

The challenge • Assessing existing capacities in Africa in terms

of drought monitoring, forecasting and warning,
Drought is one of the major natural hazards enhancing drought monitoring methods through
in many parts of the world, including Africa improved indicators, and understanding the rela-
and some regions in Europe, and drought tionship between drought hazard and vulnerability
events have resulted in extensive damage in the current climate and how this will change as
a result of climate change.
to livelihoods, environment and economy.
• Improving performance of methods used for fore-
Recent predictions on climate change sug-
casting droughts in Africa by implementing sta-
gest this situation may worsen, projecting an teof-the-art in (seasonal) meteorological, hydro-
increased frequency and severity of drought logical and agricultural forecasting.
in many areas. Effective drought risk man- • Improving early warning of droughts through ap-
agement, including the provision of advance propriate thresholds for initiation of mitigation
warning and the implementation of effective activities, and establishing strategies to increase
mitigation in response to drought, however, resilience to drought at seasonal and longer time
offers the potential to reduce the adverse scales.
• Transferring knowledge to practitioners and build-
impacts. Preparedness and education can
ing capacity in Africa to ensure that knowledge
increase resilience of affected societies, al- developed continues to be exploited beyond the
lowing them to cope better with drought and project
its impacts, and help break the disaster-re-
sponse cycle. Methodology
The DEWFORA project is structured in eight
Project objectives
work packages. WP1 includes all activities
The principal aim is to develop a framework related to the management of the consor-
for the provision of early warning and re- tium and communication with the European
sponse through drought impact mitigation Commission. WP2 reviews existing capaci-
for Africa. This framework will cover the ties in Africa for monitoring, forecasting and
whole chain from monitoring and vulnera- early warning of drought on local, regional
bility assessment, to forecasting, warning, and continental scales, as well as mitigation
response and knowledge dissemination. practices and adaptation strategies. A gap
The project has been designed to achieve analysis is included to help identify con-
four key targets: straints and opportunities for improvement.

WP3 assesses and maps vulnerability to cient contribution to early warning and re-
drought through newly developed indicators. sponse. In addition, a prototype pan-African
It assesses the expected impacts of climate drought monitoring and forecasting system
change on the frequency of occurrence and is developed, and a comparative review of
persistence of droughts in Africa and the European and African initiatives performed.
impact on drought vulnerability. WP4 con- WP7 focuses on disseminating the knowl-
centrates on drought forecasting from the edge gained, and ensures sustainable em-
meteorological, hydrological and agricultural bedding of that knowledge with stakeholders
perspectives. Appropriate methods for fore- and water resources capacity building pro-
casting drought at medium to seasonal time grammes. WP8 is dedicated at establishing
scales are developed and made operational scientific synergies and exchange with re-
within a pilot drought forecasting system. lated research projects in Europe and Africa,
WP5 addresses early warning of drought and and outreach to policy networks in Africa and
the response to such warnings. Response is Europe.
assessed at the community, national and
trans-boundary scales. Advances made in Expected results
the previous work packages, as well as ex-
perience gained in the case studies will be DEWFORA expects to contribute to an in-
consolidated to establish a framework and crease in the effectiveness with which
guidelines for effective drought early warn- drought forecasting, warning and response
ing and response in Africa. WP6 integrates can be provided. It will provide guidance on
the advances made in drought monitoring, how and where drought preparedness and
forecasting and warning by applying them in adaptation should be targeted to contribute
the case studies. The methods developed are to an increase in resilience and improve ef-
tested and refined in order to ensure an effi- fectiveness of drought mitigation measures.

Project partners
Deltares (NL) Wetlands International – Sahelian Sub Regional Office (ML)
UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education (NL) Dinder Center for Environmental Research (SD)
European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (EU) IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (KE)
Joint Research Centre (EU) Faculty of Engineering, University Eduardo Mondlane (MZ)
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (DE) Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (ZA)
German Research Centre for Geosciences (DE) WR Nyabeze & Associates (ZA)
Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (ES) Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II (MA)
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (ES) WaterNet Trust (BW)
Hydraulic Research Institute – Nile Basin Capacity Building
Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (PO)
Network for River Engineering (EG)
Nile Forecast Center (EG)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Do forests cool the Earth? Reconciling sustained productivity
and minimum climate response with ensembles of contrasting forest
management strategies
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grants
ERC funding:  1 300 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/02/2010
Host institution:  Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique et des Energies
Alternatives (CEA), FR
Principal investigator:  Sebastiaan Luyssaert
Key words:  Forest management, climate impact

The challenge The anticipated new quantitative results will

be used to lay the foundations for a port-fo-
Forests play a particularly important role
lio of management strategies which will
in the global carbon cycle. Globally, 70% of
sustain wood production while minimizing
the forest is managed and the importance
climate change impacts.
of management is still increasing both in
relative and absolute terms. Recently, forest
management has become a top priority on Methodology
the agenda of the political negotiations to Earth system models are the most advanced
mitigate climate change because it has great tools to predict future climate. These mod-
potential for mitigating climate change,
els represent the interactions between the
which was recognized in the United Nations
atmosphere and the surface beneath. The
Framework Convention on Climate Change
most advanced land-surface models account
and the Kyoto Protocol. However, this po-
for changes in vegetation cover but consider
litical imperative is at present running well
ahead of the science required to deliver it. forests to be mature and ageless. At pres-
ent, none of the predictions of future climate
Project objectives thus account for the essential interactions
between forest management and climate.
The overall goal of DOFOCO is to quantify DOFOCO will further develop the IPSL Earth
and understand the role of forest manage- system model to overcome this gap in mod-
ment in mitigating climate change. Specifi- elling capability. The enhanced Earth system
cally, I want to challenge the current focus on
model will be used to quantify and under-
the carbon cycle and replace it with a total
stand radiative forcing, non-radiative forcing
climate impact approach. Hence, the whole
and feedback mechanisms of contrasting
forest management spectrum ranging from
short rotation coppice to old-growth forests forest management strategies integrated
will be analysed for its effects on the water, over their life cycle and to create a spatially
energy and carbon cycles. Climate response optimized regional portfolio of management
of forest will be quantified by means of al- strategies that minimizes climate response
bedo, evapotranspiration, greenhouse gas while meeting the demand for biomass and
sources and sinks and their resulting climate wood, as well as the socio-economic func-
feedback mechanisms. tions of forests.

Emerging results plication. In order for our science to better
address the concerns of mitigation stake-
At the time of writing (May 2013), three out holders, we are moving away from the PFT
of the four key developments have been im- approach (which simulates groups of spe-
plemented and are numerically stable (i.e.
cies) towards a parametrization at the tree
the forest management module, the verti-
species level.
cal and horizontal representation of canopy
structure and the two way canopy radiative Given that the developments have not been
transfer scheme). A fourth development (i.e. fully integrated yet, it is too early to assess
multi-layer energy budget scheme for the their use and impact. Nevertheless, if suc-
canopy) is near completion and the team cessful, these developments have the poten-
is now shifting its attention from develop- tial to address the next generation of scien-
ment to parametrization, validation and ap- tific questions in support of decision making.

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Fostering European Drought Research and Science-Policy Interfacing
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 191 890 €
EC contribution:  3 439 950 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/10/2011
Consortium:  12 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Henny van Lanen
Project website:
Key words:  Vulnerability, risk, natural hazard, impact, drought
research, drought management plans, drought-sensitive regions,
Science-Policy interfacing

The challenge Methodology

Drought is natural hazard that has hit Eu- DROUGHT-R&SPI uses a transdisciplinary
rope hard over the last decades. Likely it approach that includes innovative in-depth
will become more frequent and severe and studies that combine drought analyses for
the scale will increase due to the increased selected case studies in water-stressed re-
likelihood of warmer Northern winters and gions across Europe with drought analyses
hotter Mediterranean summers. There is an at the pan-European scale both for past and
urgent need to improve drought prepared- future climate.
ness through increased knowledge on the DROUGHT-R&SPI is organized into three sci-
past and future hazard, impacts, and possi- entific themes:
ble management and policy options. Drought 1. drought as a natural hazard;
management plans and an improved sci- 2. drought (socio-economic and environmental);
ence-policy interfacing. This will reduce 3. drought vulnerability risk reduction and policy
vulnerability to future drought and the risks responses
they pose for Europe. The case studies represent different scales
(local, river basin and national) and cover
different geo-climatic regions (Greece, Italy,
Project objectives Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and Switzer-
DROUGHT-R&SPI will enhance the under- land) that are vulnerable to different drought
standing of: impacts. Drought research will be well in-
tegrated into the policy-making process
1. drought as a natural hazard, incl. climate drivers,
drought processes and occurrences; across scales by the establishment of Case
2. environmental and socio-economic impacts, and Study Dialogue Fora at a detailed scale and
3. vulnerabilities, risks and policy responses, incl. a pan-Europe Dialogue Forum at the large
the further development of drought management scale from the start of the project onwards.
plans in support of EU and other international pol-
icies, e.g. UN/ISDR-HFA. Expected results
The project will address the past and future
climate, link science and science policy dia- DROUGHT-R&SPI will deliver the following:
logue across scales and across a range of 1. enhanced knowledge of past droughts (underlying
affected sectors. processes, frequencies, severities), driving atmos-

pheric factors and characteristics of the most ex- scales and water sectors;
treme historic events at the pan-European scale; 5. innovative methodology for early warning (mon-
2. in-depth understanding of environmental and itoring and forecasting) at the pan-European
socio-economic impacts at a small scale in wa- scale;
ter-stressed regions (case studies) and consider- 6. Dialogue Fora at different scales for Science-Pol-
ing the large-scale drivers; icy Interfacing;
3. past responses to drought events at the case 7. drought hazard and potential vulnerabilities at
study scale, and identify best practice exam- the case study and pan-European scale in the
ples and lessons learnt for the development of 21st Century to identify drought sensitive sectors
drought management planning; and regions;
4. drought indicators that integrate physical, impact 8. web-based information and knowledge sharing
and vulnerability indices, addressing different facilitated by the European Drought Centre (EDC).

Project partners

Wageningen Universiteit (NL) Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (CH)

National Technical University of Athens (EL) Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ES)

Universitetet I Oslo (NO) Universita Commerciale ‘Luigi Bocconi’ (IT)

Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE) Universite de Caen Basse Normandie (FR)

Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (ES) Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (NL)

Instituto Superior de Agronomia (PT) Eidgenössische Forschungsanstalt, (CH)

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Enhancing risk management partnerships for catastrophic
natural disasters in Europe
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  7 687 123 €
EC contribution:  5 992 084 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/12/2012
Consortium:  24 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  Prof. Jeroen. Aerts, VU University Amsterdam, NL
Project website:
Key words:  partnership, resilience, economic instrument, insurance,
drought, flood, forest fire, storm surge, volcanic eruption, heat wave

The challenge Methodology

Risk from natural disasters are increasing The promotion of participatory processes for
through climate change and socio-econom- designing new MSPs is at the heart of the
ic developments. However, these trends are ENHANCE methodology. Hence, the project
highly dynamic, with varying impacts at dif- is designed around a work package of 10
ferent times and places. Especially extreme selected participatory case studies on risk
–low probabilityevents are difficult to predict. reduction of catastrophic events taking place
The ENHANCE project will develop new risk at different geographical and spatial scales
scenarios with a focus on extremes. These in Europe. The potential for new MSPs will be
will be evaluated in close collaboration explored and resilience measures and poli-
with partners in the public and private sec- cies will be tested and disseminated
tors, and will contribute to the development
of new multi-sector partnerships (MSPs)
Expected results
throughout Europe to reduce or redistribute • Harmonised dynamic scenarios of vulnerability,
risk. The role of the financial sector is critical exposure, and hazard at the pan-European scale,
in this process. using existing information and new probabilistic
approaches for multi-hazards, heat-waves, forest
fires, floods, droughts, storm surges, and volcanic
Project objectives eruptions;
• Describe indicators for successful (and unsuccess- • Guidelines and key features for enhancing MSP in-
teraction in successful resilience enhancement and
ful) partnerships in improving resilience, and iden-
risk reduction. These will be pre-tested via partici-
tify processes for fostering novel MSPs;
patory workshops on risk-based scenarios;
• Provide methods and guidelines for a harmonised
• Methods for linking MSPs to novel scientific risk
scheme for risk assessment and scenarios through scenarios and assessments;
an inventory of existing risk information, and by • A toolbox of economic instruments and non-struc-
developing new methods and scenarios for (low) tural mitigation measures for assessing risk and
probability risk assessment in collaboration with increasing societal resilience. Developed in a par-
MSPs; ticipatory manner, these will be applicable at na-
• Describe and test through case studies, which tional, regional, and local levels; and
concepts of economic instruments, including insur- • Policy recommendations to the EU and the Hyogo
ance and risk management policies, work for MSPs; Framework for Action (HFA) signatories delivered
• Provide guidelines and policy recommendations for through a dissemination platform for enhancing
the horizontal integration of risk management and resilience that encompasses all levels from gov-
climate-proofing in policies. ernments to local communities.

Project partners Country

Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam NL

Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei IT

HelmholtzZentrum Geesthacht, Zentrum fur Material-und Kustenforschung DE

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis AT

London School of Economics and Political Science UK

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction CH

Université Catholique de Louvain BE

European Business and Innovation Centre Network / ARCTIK BE

Instituto de Ingeniería del Agua y Medio Ambiente, Universitat Politècnica de València ES

Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford UK

HKV Consultants NL

Joint Research Centre, European Commission BE

Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa PT

Academia de Studii Economice din Bucaresti RO

University of Iceland IS

Institute for Earth and Environmental Science, Universitaet Potsdam DE

ClimateWise UK

Willis Research Network UK

Empresa Mixta Valenciana de Aguas S.A. ES

OpenTrack Railway Technology Gmbh AT

Perspectives GmbH DE

Agenzia Regionale Prevenzione e Ambiente dell' Emilia-Romagna IT

Wadden Sea Forum e.V. DE

Metacortex S.A. PT

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Enhancing resilience of communities and territories facing
natural and na-tech hazards
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  1 805 738 €
EC contribution:  1 388 634 €
Duration:  32 months
Start date:  01/06/2008
Consortium:  10 partners from 7 countries
Project coordinator:  Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières–
Project website:
Key words:  physical vulnerability, systemic vulnerability, social
vulnerability, economic vulnerability, natural hazards, resilience, coping
capacity, climate change

The challenge • to propose new, and improve existing vulnerability

assessment models and parameters;
Vulnerability has long been a key concept in to develop an on-line course for students,
disaster literature. However, the majority of young researchers and public administration
studies have focused on research related to staff in the field of vulnerability assessment
the hazard, therefore neglecting the influ-
ence of the vulnerability of exposed systems Methodology
to the consequences of such hazards, such
The project is developed as follow:
as the death toll and losses from natural or
man made disasters. There is also a need to • State of the art on vulnerability types,
• Analysis of the interactions and connections of dif-
better identify and measure the ability of ‘at
ferent vulnerabilities,
risk’ and affected communities and territorial • Analysis of different vulnerabilities through time
systems to respond to such disasters. This and space dimensions
is the starting point of the ENSURE project. • Development of a new methodological framework
for an Integrated multi-scale Vulnerability assess-
Project objectives ment,
• Application of an Integrated conceptual model to
More precisely, ENSURE aims at achieving three case studies (Western Peloponese, Greece;
the following objectives: Northern Negev, Israel; Vulcano Island, Italy)
• to improve the understanding of the articulated
nature of the concept of vulnerability at different
The framework is based on a comprehensive,
spatial scales; integrated and inter-disciplinary understand-
• to analyze the relationship between the concept ing of how mitigation strategies can be im-
of vulnerability and other concepts such as “risk”, proved in the future. Such a framework will
“damage”, “exposure”, “resilience” and “adapta- contribute to the reduction of human losses,
tion”; economic damage and social disruption due
• to develop the integration and connection of differ-
to extreme events striking communities ex-
ent types of vulnerability;
• to investigate the temporal and spatial variability posed to a variety of natural hazards, as well
of the relations between different types of vulner- as to the potential consequences of Climate
ability and different types of damage; Change.

Expected results logical disasters;
• improve our understanding of environmental vul-
ENSURE contributed to an improved analysis nerability to some natural disasters.
of vulnerability for increasing the resilience Results of relevance for users, practitioners
of communities. Specific expected impacts and managers are:
are to: • Scientific Colloquium on the Integrated Vulner-
ability Approach, organized with relevant policy
• provide support for policy decisions with key
makers, end-users and stakeholders on the issue
stakeholders at various scales, relating to preven-
of vulnerability types vs. natural hazards, coping
tion measures and plans; capacity and resilience of communities;
• present, through the Integrated Multi-Scale Vul- • E-learning on-line course (in English, French, Ger-
nerability Assessment, a feasible tool to improve man, Greek, Italian, Spanish), which will provide
communication with local communities in the students, young researchers and professionals
process of raising risk awareness; with the opportunity to learn on new approaches
• understand adaptation and resilience factors, for vulnerability assessment;
and system responses, which help to minimize • Multimedia CD to present project results in a us-
risks from natural and human-triggered techno- er-friendly and interactive way.

Project partners

BRGM–Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières FR

POLIMI–Politecnico di Milano IT

UNINA–Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II IT

HUA–Harokopio University of Athens EL

UT – Universiteit Twente NL

PIK–Postdam Institut fuer Klimafolgenforschung DE

UNIGE–Universite de Genève CH

TAU–Tel Aviv University IL

MDX–Middlesex University Higher Education Corporation UK

T6 Ecosystems srl IT

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  European Provision Of Regional Impacts Assessment on a
Seasonal to decadal timescale
Instrument:  Colaborative Project
Total cost:  13 049 000 Euro
EC contribution:  8 977 000 Euro
Duration:  51 months
Start date:  01/11/2012
Consortium:  24 partners from 11 countries, including two UN bodies
Project coordinator:  Met Office (Dr Chris Hewitt)
Project website:
Key words:  climate, services, risk management, variability change,
tools, seasonal to decadal, user-focussed, environment

The Challenge tor-specific impacts on seasonal to decadal times-

There is a growing need to make Europe- • To develop techniques to map the meteorological
an society more resilient to climate-related variables from seasonal to decadal prediction sys-
hazards and better manage the risks and tems into variables that are directly relevant to the
opportunities arising from climate variability needs of specific stakeholders;
• To develop a knowledge-sharing protocol neces-
and climate change. Skilful predictions are
sary to promote the use of these technologies;
beginning to be made routinely on seasonal • To assess and document the current marketability
to decadal timescales. However, the chal- of climate services in Europe.
lenge is ensuring that these forecasts are
of use to a wide range of decision making Methodology
where outcomes are strongly influenced by
variations in the climate. EUPORIAS aims to EUPORIAS will maximise the usefulness of
address this challenge, by engaging close- seasonal to decadal forecasts by focussing
ly with potential users of such predictions right from the start on the needs of the users
and developing tools to provide useful and and project stakeholders. Firstly an assess-
useable information tailored to their specific ment of sector-specific vulnerability and an
needs. assessment of users’ needs will be carried
out. Then research will be conducted to make
Project objectives seasonal to decadal information relevant to
decision makers, including downscaling and
EUPORIAS has the following key objectives: calibrating the forecasts to spatial scales of
• To develop and deliver a reliable and trusted cli- use, producing impact-relevant climate in-
mate impact prediction system for a number of formation (such as agricultural productivity,
carefully selected semi-operational prototypes. river runoff and hydropower for the coming
These will provide working examples of ‘end-
seasons), and using models to predict the
to-end’ climate-to-impacts-to-decision-making
services operating on the seasonal to decadal impacts of climate variability.
timescale; In parallel, research will be undertaken to
• To assess and document key knowledge gaps, vul- quantify uncertainty in the impact models,
nerabilities and needs of key sectors (to include
develop a framework for managing the in-
water, energy, health, transport, agriculture and
food security, infrastructure, forestry and tourism); herent uncertainty in the predictions, and
• To develop a set of standard tools and techniques explore ways of communicating levels of
for calibrating, downscaling and modelling sec- confidence.

Finally, building on all the above, the project waves, droughts).This will lead to enhanced
will develop some prototype climate services business continuity through appropriate ac-
and conduct research into the use of climate tion being taken, thus making society more
information in decision-making processes, prepared and resilient to the impacts of
possible delivery tools, and an assessment climate variability and change; for example
of the viability of climate services as busi- through modifying investment plans and re-
ness opportunities. viewing contingency plans. In turn, this will
hopefully help reduce the associated costs
Expected results of emergency interventions. Users will ulti-
mately be able to use climate information in
The main outcome of EUPORIAS will be the
development and the delivery of robust and their decision making more easily and more
useable probabilistic predictions of the im- effectively.
pact of high-risk events. The tools devel- If used effectively these tools will encourage
oped will allow users to better understand realistic expectations to be set about the lev-
high-risk climate patterns relevant to their el of confidence available through seasonal
sector (such as flooding, winter storms, heat to decadal climate services.

Project partners

Met Office, UK Universidade de Lisboa, PT

Tourisme Transports Territoires Environnement Conseil, FR University of Leeds, UK

Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, L’energia e lo

Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut, SE
sviluppo economico sostenibile, IT

Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology MeteoSwiss

Lunds Universitet, SE
, CH

Universidad de Cantabria, ES Météo-France, FR

Predictia Intelligent Data Solutions SL, ES Cetaqua Centro Tecnológico del Agua Fundación Privada, ES

Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, ES Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, I.P., PT

DHI, DK World Food Programme, IT

Wageningen Universiteit, NL World Health Organisation, Regional Office for Europe, CH

Deutscher Wetterdienst, DE FutureEverything CIC, UK

Institut Català de Ciències del Clima, ES# Electricité De France, FR

Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut, NL Administratia Nationala de Meteorologie R.A., RO

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Enhancing resource Uptake from Roots under stress in cereal crops
Instrument:  Integrated project
Total cost:  4 803 070 €
EC contribution:  2 999 996 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/01/2012
Consortium:20 partners from 12 countries
Project coordinator:  CIRAD, FR
Project website:
Key words:  protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency,
promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management,
strengthening research, technological development and innovation

The challenge eotype in terms of architecture, uptake and

signalling processes (including beneficial
European agriculture is facing climate insta- interactions with micro-organisms) that al-
bility and has to respond to the economical lows soil exploration and resource acquisi-
and social demands for reducing both irri- tion under limited soil water and nutrients.
gation water and chemical fertilizers. 314 EURoot knowledge, tools and methodologies
million tons of grain cereals are produced will contribute to the further development of
yearly in the EU27 over more than 60 mil- novel cereal cultivars with higher resilience,
lion ha -i.e. 60% of the total arable landand tolerating erratic rainfalls and reduced fer-
consumes half of the EU fertilizer use. Water tilizer application, while achieving their yield
and nutrients ensuring plant growth mainte- potential
nance are heterogeneously distributed in the
soil both spatially and temporally over the Methodology
crop cycle and a drying topsoil further reduc-
es access to these resources, notably phos- EURoot will conduct a suite of experiments
phorus. Plants have therefore to adjust the integrated into 3 work packages (WPs) de-
placement of their new roots to capture the signed to better understand and model:
resources in response to variable soil water i. The genetic and functional bases of root
and soil strength constraints This soil explo- traits involved in soil exploration and re-
ration is largely determined by root system source uptake (WP1), ii.The bio-geochemical
architecture, root intrinsic uptake efficiency properties of the soil, including beneficial
and root:soil biogeochemical interactions. association with mycorhizal fungi, influenc-
ing extraction of nutrient and water by the
Project objectives root system (WP2) and iii.The plant signalling
processes involved in soil environment sens-
The EURoot consortium which gathers 20 ing and responsible for adaptive root system
partners including SMEs with complemen- response enhancing soil exploration and
tary expertises has the objective to enhance resource acquisition (WP3). In addition, two
the cereal plant capability to acquire water platform WPs allow the sharing of innovative
and nutrients through its roots and main- phenotyping methods relevant to field condi-
tain growth and performance under stress tions and linked to crop performance (WP4)
conditions. More precisely, EURoot research and integration of root architecture, resource
aims at delineating a cereal root system id- dynamics in the soil and root uptake, and in-

ner plant signalling processes through multi and imaging methods allowing a screen of
scale modelling, to design root ideotypes al- materials for response behaviour under het-
lowing enhanced resource acquisition under erogeneous and reduced water, N and P and
stress (WP5) with relevance to field conditions,
Predictive models of root architecture inte-
Expected results grating soil resource dynamics to construct
The 4 year research program of the EURoot virtual root ideotypes with appropriate re-
consortium will produce: sponse to nutrient and water distribution and
availability, that can be used as a blueprint
Genes and alleles that can be used in mark-
for genetic and physiological analyses and
er-assisted breeding to manipulate root
architecture and soil resource uptake, Root-
sourced biochemical and molecular signa- Results will be readily translated into screen-
tures that can be used as diagnostic tools ing methods, models and tools to guide the
of intensity of perception of resource scar- challenging breeding for improved root traits
city and success of translation into adaptive allowing enhanced water and nutrient cap-
morphological and functional changes aiding ture in cereals. Plant breeding companies
in resource capture in relation to whole plant and specialized SMEs will harness them into
performance. A bridge between root QTL and innovations with more stable yield under
functional information across sequenced ce- stress that will benefit to cereal farmers and
reals, through integrative and comparative through a reduction of costs and of water
bioinformatics Innovative root phenotyping and fertilizer use to the European consumer.

Project partners
Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement, Montpellier FR
Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica Barcelona ES
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich,Zürich CH
Forschungszentrum Jülich , Jülich DE
Institut national de la recherche agronomique, Montpellier and Avignon FR
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Nijmegen NL
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn , Bonn DE
James Hutton Institute, Dundee UK
Università di Bologna, Bologna IT
Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve BE
University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen UK
University of Lancaster, Lancaster UK
University of Nottingham, Nottingham UK
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach , Katowice PL
Società Produttori Sementi – Bologna IT
Delley Samen und Pflanzen AG, Delley CH
PreSens, Regensburg DE
Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics, Adelaide AU
Japanese International Research Centre for Agricultural Sciences, Tsukuba JP
Pennsylvania State University, US

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Assessing disruptive effects of extreme weather events on
operation and performance of EU transport system
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  1 915 793 €
EC contribution:  1 478 981 €
Duration:  30 months
Start date:  01/09/2009
Consortium:  9 partners from 7 countries
Project coordinator:  VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, FI
Project website:
Key words:  European transport system, extreme weather, natural
disasters, cost estimates

The challenge Methodology

EWENT will start by identifying the hazard- The methodological approach is based on
ous phenomena, their probability and con- generic risk management framework that
sequences and proceed to assessing the ex- follows a standardised process from identi-
pected economic losses caused by extreme fication of hazardous phenomena (extreme
weather when it impacts the European weather), followed by impact assessment
and closed by mitigation and risk control
transport system, taking also into account
the present and expected future quality of
weather forecasting and warning services
within Europe. Results
EWENT produced a quantified cost estimate
Project objectives of extreme weather at European level. This
alone is a significant piece of decision-mak-
The goal of EWENT project is to assess the ing information. Furthermore, EWENT took a
impacts of extreme weather events on EU holistic view to transport system, including
transport system. These impacts are mone- infrastructure and operations and further
tised. EWENT will also evaluate the efficiency, still, the customers of transport services.
applicability and finance needs for adoption The results are useful in argumentation of
and mitigation measures which will dampen investment and maintenance funding in re-
and reduce the costs of weather impacts. gions affected by extreme weather.

Project partners
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland FI
Deutsches Zentrum für Luftund Raumfahrt DE
Institute of Transport Economics (TÖI) NO
Foreca Consulting Ltd. FI
Finnish Meteorological Institute FI
Cyprus Meteorological Institute CY
Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH AT
European Severe Storms Laboratory DE
Wold Meteorological Organization UN

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Joint Programming Initiative for Agriculture, Food Security and
Climate Change
Instrument:  Coordination action in support of the implementation by
participating States of a Joint Programming Initiative
Total Cost (of the CSA):  2 315 850 €
EC contribution:  1 998 873 €
Duration:  JPI: long term  CSA: 36 months
Start date:  JPI: January 2010  CSA: April 2011
Consortium (of the JPI) :  AT, DE, DK, ES, FR, IE, NL, RO, UK; BE, CH, CY,
Project Coordinator (of the CSA):  INRA (FRANCE) & BBSRC (UK)
Project website:
Key words:  Agriculture, Food Security, Climate Change, Joint
Programming, Societal Challenges, Alignment, European Research Area,
Research, ERA-NET, Bioeconomy, international calls

The challenge es of agriculture, food security and climate

change. The JPI will provide research to
Agriculture, food security and climate change support sustainable growth in agricultural
pose key challenges for the world. production to meet increasing world food
• The 2007-2008 world food crisis was a stark re- demand and to contribute to a European
minder of the need to build more resilient food bio-based economy while maintaining and
systems in the light of changes ahead. restoring ecosystem services under current
• Agriculture (including forestry and aquaculture) is and future climate change.
highly exposed to climate change (crop yield vari-
ability, etc.). However these sectors also offer the To do so, a strong transdisciplinary research
potential for mitigation, while reducing greenhouse base, encompassing economic and social as-
gas emissions. pects in addition to scientific ones, is required.
• Agriculture has to meet a demand for food which This implies the need for a creative approach
is estimated to double by 2050 due to population towards aligning national programmes. The
growth, urbanisation and increased affluence in interrelated challenges addressed are Eu-
societies. ropean and global and require the effort of
European Research needs to enhance sus- multiple actors and stakeholders.
tainable growth in the agriculture sector to: FACCE-JPI commits to climate change is-
• Meet growing world food demand sues by organising large events, for instance
• Enhance rural livelihoods the last interactive wide audience debate:
• Address competing demands on land use for bio- “The Great Debate between Food Security
mass production
and Climate Change”, with speakers iinclud-
• Stimulate sustainable economic growth
ing IPCC Chair Nobel R. Pachauri, in Dublin
• Maintain and restore ecosystem function / services
• Make the transition to a bio-based economy. (July 2012).

Project objectives Methodology

The FACCE-JPI brings together 21 countries To respond to the interconnected challenges
committed to building an integrated Europe- of sustainable agriculture, food security and
an Research Area addressing the challeng- impacts of climate change, an integrated

Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) has been Expected results
designed, including five evidence-base inter-
disciplinary core research themes: This JPI aims to align national research to
deliver key outputs through its Strategic Re-
1. Sustainable food security under climate change,
search Agenda (SRA):
based on an integrated food systems perspective:
1. to raise the biological efficiency of European
modeling, benchmarking and policy research per-
spective 2. to respond to a globally increased food demand,
2. Environmentally sustainable growth and inten- 3. to operate agriculture within greenhouse gas,
sification of agricultural systems under current energy, biodiversity and contaminant limits and
and future climate and resource availability 4. to build resilience in agricultural and food systems.
3. Assessing and reducing trade-offs between These outputs are designed to provide bene-
food production, biodiversity and ecosystem fits for end users (farmers), consumers, and
services the policy making and scientific community.
4. Adaptation to climate change throughout the
whole food chain, including market repercussions So far, 3 actions have been launched:
5. Greenhouse gas mitigation: nitrous oxide and 1. Knowledge Hub instrument on the modelling of
methane mitigation in the agriculture and forest- the impacts of climate change on European agri-
culture (FACCE-MACSUR)
ry sector, carbon sequestration, fossil fuel substi-
2. A multi-partner call on agricultural greenhouse
tution and mitigating GHG emissions induced by
gas research
indirect land use change 3. An ERA-NET + on “Climate-Smart Agriculture:
6. Short-, medium and long-term priority actions Adaptation of European Agricultural Systems”
have been defined within each of these core that will launch a call in September 2013
themes. Another one is in preparation:
An Implementation is addressing short-term 4. Collaborative Research Action on “Food Security
priority actions for the years 2014 to 2015. and Land Use Change”

CSA Project partners Country

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management AT
Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation DK
Jülich DE
Teagasc IE
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Agriculture and Innovation NL
National Authority for Scientific Research RO

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Deciphering River Flood Change
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  2 260 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/04/2012
Host institution:  Vienna University of Technololgy, AT
Principal investigator:  Günter Blöschl
Project website:
Key words:  Floods, Climate Change, Land use change, Historic floods

The Challenge changes in floods?

Many major and devastating floods have oc- Methodology

curred around the world recently. Their num-
We use the concept of process types, such as
ber and magnitude seems to have increased
flash floods, rain-on-snow floods and large
but such changes are not clear. More surpris-
scale synoptic floods, as a common currency
ingly, the exact causes of changes remain
to systematise floods. We then decipher the
a mystery. Are these related to changed
relationship between changes in floods and
weather patterns, larger number of convec-
their drivers, such as climate and land use,
tive storms, change in antecedent soil mois-
based on this classification. We proceed in
ture or changes in land use and manage-
four steps:
ment? Although drivers such as climate and
land use change are known to play a critical 1. We develop new indicators of flood processes to
detect changes in long, high-quality flood data se-
role, their complex interactions in flood gen-
ries along transects across Europe.
eration have not been disentangled. 2. We separately analyse floods in catchments
where climate variability is large and land use
Project objectives changes are small and where the opposite is the
case, and will build a probabilistic flood-change
The key objectives of this project are to un- model that explicitly accounts for the dominant
derstand how changes in land use and cli- mechanisms of change.
mate translate into changes in river floods, 3. We quantify the sensitivity of floods to climate
what factors are controlling this relationship and land use change by three independent meth-
and what uncertainties are involved. The ods based on temporal data variability, spatial
data variability and the flood-change model.
purpose is not to predict future river flood
4. We assess the predictability of river flood changes
changes in a particular catchment but to un- by combining the three methods.
derstand the more fundamental processes
relating floods to their drivers. The research Emerging results
in this project is hence complementary to
the traditional scenario approach and will Understanding the causes of flood chang-
provide a significant step towards a unified es, their sensitivities to the drivers, and the
treatment of river flood changes. Specifically, uncertainties in a unified way will provide a
the following key questions are addressed: vital step towards predicting how floods will
change in the future. The main advantage
• When, where, how have floods changed?
• Why do floods change?
of the proposed approach is that it gives
• How sensitive are floods to changes in land use an understanding of the differences in the
and climate? uncertainty ranges for the different mech-
• How confident can we be about predicting future anisms of flood change. With the results it

will be possible, for the first time, to quantify el on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007), for pos-
the magnitudes and sources of uncertainty sible future EU directives related to climate
of estimated flood changes in a systematic change adaptation end extreme events and,
way. The results are particularly relevant for more generally, for better understanding ex-
the reports from the Intergovernmental Pan- tremes in the Earth System.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Forest management strategies to enhance the MITigation
potential of European forests (FORMIT)
Instrument:  Integrated project
Total cost:  3 852 034 €
EC contribution:  2 978 197 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  10/10/2012
Consortium:  12 partners from 12 countries
Project coordinator:  Wageningen University, NL
Project website:
Key words:  forestry, forest management, carbon storage, climate
change, mitigation, adaptative management strategies

The challenge agement, (ii) the production of forest products, in-

cluding wood and bio-energy production, and (iii)
Forests store large amounts of carbon, and the production of other goods and services, such
forest management influences carbon stor- as berries or cork, biodiversity conservation, soil
age capacity. Identification of forest man- protection, water quality, flood prevention, and
agement strategies to enhance the mitiga-
- Developing scenarios and pathways for carbon
tion potential of European forests will allow sequestration in forests in Europe, including mea-
informed decision making about future for- sures and management strategies for climate
est management strategies that are adapted change mitigation, taking into account regional
to climate change, provide ecosystem goods differences in Europe, potential climate change im-
and services to society, and contribute to pacts, and changes in species composition.
climate change mitigation by optimizing car-
bon storage, while maintaining other forest Expected results
functions. The FORMIT project will develop criteria,
know-how and methodologies for assessing
Project objectives forest management strategies for enhancing
the mitigation potential of European forests,
To develop realistic adaptive forest manage-
taking into account regional differences and
ment strategies for climate change mitiga-
other forest functions. Impacts on carbon
tion in forests in Europe to assess the miti-
storage of past, present, and possible future
gation potential of European forests.
forest management practices will be as-
sessed with respect to all forest functions,
Methodology including ecosystem carbon storage and
- Assessing the potential for carbon sequestration mitigation. Carbon storage in forest products
in different regions of Europe, taking into account and the mitigating effect of substituting fos-
historical development in forest use and forest sil fuels with forest biomass (wood) in ener-
management; gy production, and the secondary effect of
- Assessing the mitigation potential of forest man-
replacing CO2-intensive building materials,
agement strategies, including carbon storage in
forest products and forest soils, substitution of such as cement and steel with the renew-
fossil fuels, and substitution of high-emission able forest resources will be quantified. The
building material in these regions; potentially conflicting effects from carbon
- Assessing the trade-offs between (i) forest carbon mitigation for other forest goods and eco-
sequestration and mitigation through forest man- system services (e.g. biodiversity, wildlife

management, recreation and tourism) will criteria and indicators of forest functions, to
be analysed, to quantify management strat- assess the mitigation potential of European
egies in terms of carbon storage and other forests in different bio-geographical regions.

Project partners

Wageningen University NL

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien AT

Hamburg University DE

University of Molise IT

University of Helsinki FI

Catholic University of Leuven BE

Czech University of Life Science CZ

Norwegian University of Life Sciences NO

Institut technologique FCBA FR

University Stefan cel Mare Suceava RO

Tartu Observatory ES

Warsaw University of Life Sciences PL

Environment and Health

At a glance
Title:  Health, environmental change and adaptive capacity:  mapping,
examining and anticipating future risks of water-related vector-borne
diseases in eastern Africa
Instrument:  Small/medium-scale focused research project for specific
cooperation actions dedicated to international cooperation partner
countries (SICA)
Total cost:  4 194 963 €
EC contribution:  3 377 998 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/2011
Consortium:  16 partners of which 8 based in Africa, 7 in Europe, 1 in
South-east Asia
Project coordinator:  Trinity College Dublin, IR
Project website:
Key words:  Decision Support tools; eastern Africa; hydrology; malaria;
Rift Valley fever; regional climate and vector borne disease modelling;
risk mapping; schistosomiasis; vulnera-bility

The challenge (comprising the countries of Burundi, Kenya,

Rwanda, Uganda and United Republic of Tan-
Environmental change, such as climate zania). It takes into account environmental/
change, will impact human health. The health climatic trends and changes in socio-eco-
effects of climate change will not be shared nomic conditions to predict future disease
equally, however. Instead the effects will be risk. HEALTHY FUTURES aims to;
felt most acutely among the poorest mem- 1. Build partnerships between African and Europe-
bers of society, raising inter alia an import- an researchers and organisations in the fields
ant issue of justice for the global community of environmental change, and animal and public
to confront. Much concern has focused on health;
the future distribution and spread of infec- 2. Gain a comprehensive overview and knowledge of
the historical, socio-economic and environmental
tious diseases, and in particular the negative
factors of the tree target VBD’s;
health impacts of changes in transmission 3. Devise and construct a future disease and risk
and outbreaks of vector-borne diseases (or vulnerability mapping system, and accompanying
VBDs) as a result of climate change. The im- Decision Support tools to anticipate and respond
pacts may be direct, in terms of outbreaks to risks, and;
of disease among human populations, or in- 4. Connect and transfer knowledge to key stakehold-
ers, and the wider scientific and policy-related
direct, in the form of outbreaks of diseases
that affect domesticated animals or plants,
and therefore jeopardise food security, agri- Methodology
culture-based economic activities and trade.
Concentrating on eastern Africa as a study
Project objectives area, HEALTHY FUTURES comprises a com-
prehensive, inter-disciplinary consortium of
The project focuses on three water-related, health, environment, socio-economic, dis-
high-impact VBDs (malaria, Rift Valley fe- ease modelling and climate experts in ad-
ver and schistosomiasis) in eastern Africa dition to governmental health departments.

To achieve its aims, HEALTHY FUTURES • An evaluation of and development of statistical &
deploys a bottom-up, end user/stakehold- dynamical disease models.
er-focused approach combining field-, lab- • High resolution regional climate projections for the
eastern African study region and future disease
oratory- (including computer modelling) and
risk and vulnerability maps.
library-based research. HEALTHY FUTURES • Publically accessible, online information and data
is also contributing to the training of young resources,
African scientists in the trans-disciplinary • Workshops, international conferences and sym-
fields of environmental change and animal posia.
and human health by funding PhD and MSc • Peer-reviewed publications in high impact journals.
(research) scholarships, and by helping to • Two-way dialogue between researchers and key
develop the research networks of the fund- stakeholders within the consortium.
ed graduate research students. An External These will ensure that the findings of the
Review Panel provides scientific oversight, research are widely disseminated among
review project methodology and comment stakeholders, policy-makers and the global
on draft outputs. scientific community and that the results,
including the Decision Support tools, are
made available to interested parties in areas
Expected results
of disease outbreaks in other parts of Afri-
HEALTHY FUTURES has the expected results ca (i.e. beyond the boundaries of the study
of: area) and, if relevant, Europe.

Project partners

Trinity College, University of Dublin, IE Stockholm Environment Institute, TZ

The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, IT Ministry of Health, UG

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, AT Kenya Medical Research Institute, KE

Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, SE Ministry of Health, RW

University of Nairobi, KE University of Cape Town, ZA

AquaTT, IE University of Durham, UK

International Livestock Research Institute, KE University of Liverpool, UK

National University of Rwanda, RW National University of Singapore, SG

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Past hurricane activity reconstructed using cave deposits:  Have
humans increased storm risk?
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 387 813 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Host institution:  University of Durham, UK
Principal investigator:  James Baldini
Project website:
Key words:  tropical cyclones, stalagmites, caves, climate,
palaeoclimate, hurricanes, ITCZ, archaeology

The challenge cision U-series dating, is producing climate

proxy records from a transect across the
The principal objective is to overcome the main Atlantic tropical storm corridor. Field
limitations imposed by the brevity of exist- sites include Belize, Turks and Caicos Islands,
ing tropical cyclone datasets to permit sta- and Bermuda. The environment at all the
tistically robust comparisons of hurricane field locations is being monitored to improve
activity between the pre- and post-anthro- the accuracy of our interpretations.
pogenic greenhouse climate states. The
project endeavours to address the question: Emerging results
Is anthropogenic climate change leading to
increased hurricane activity? We have constructed one of the highest res-
olution climate proxy records for the Ameri-
ca’s, which will be used to create the tropical
Project objectives cyclone record. Two more records are in the
1. To reconstruct Atlantic hurricane activity through process of development, and taken togeth-
at least the last 500 years using stalagmite geo- er the three tropical cyclone records will be
chemical proxy records able to help determine if storm frequency
2. To evaluate future hurricane risk changed basin-wide or if storm trajectory
3. To reconstruct rainfall in Central America as far shifted. Another record we contributed to has
back as possible, thereby potentially linking cli- provided the most definitive link yet between
mate and past cultural change
the collapse of the Classic Maya Civilisation
4. To determine the link between ENSO variability
and stalagmite chemistry
and drought, giving tangible evidence that
the populations of this region have suffered
Methodology from the consequences of climate change in
the past. All these results will help the Carib-
Very high resolution stable isotope and trace bean countries mitigate future risks arising
element sampling, combined with high-pre- from climate change.

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Improving Preparedness and Risk Management for Flash Floods
and Debris Flow Events
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 460 191 €
EC contribution:  3 280 000 €
Duration:  46 months
Start date:  15/01/2009
Consortium:  19 partners from 8 countries (18 legal entities and an
associated partner)
Project coordinator:  Daniel Sempere-Torres, Centre de Recerca
Aplicada en Hidrometeorologia. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya,
Barcelona, ES
Project website:
Key words:  Flash Floods, Flood Forecasting, Debris Flows, Rainfall
Forecasting, Hydrological Forecasting, Probabilistic Forecasting, Early
Warning System, Operational Tools, Flash Flood Risk, Climate Change
Impacts, Flood Directive.

The challenge from the phenomenological point of view,

but the application of the results had not
Floods are the major natural hazard in Eu- conveniently reached the operational world.
rope. In six years from 1998, Europe suffered
more than 100 floods, causing 700 deaths, Project objectives
displacing nearly 500,000 people, and re-
sulted in damages of €25 billion. And this IMPRINTS represents an integrated effort to
is seen again regularly. Flash Floods are establish a coherent, common methodology
floods with short response times, between in Europe oriented to develop and test ad-
15 minutes and 3 hours. They can occur in vanced forecasting operational tools specifi-
any point of a basin and usually they are re- cally designed to be used for the practition-
lated to heavy rainfalls that can accumulate ers responsible for flood risk management
over 25% of the annual rainfall in few hours. and associated effects and damages.
Due to their torrential characteristics, Flash
Floods are the most devastating floods at Methodology
global scale, and the number of casualties
IMPRINTS has been organized in 9 sub-proj-
and damages increase worldwide at a higher ects aiming at achieving 5 main objectives:
speed than riverine floods.
1. The improvement of short-term rainfall fore-
The implementation of active risk manage- casts as the best way to increase anticipation in
ment strategies and Flash Flood and Debris front of these FF/DF events
Flow forecasting and early warning systems 2. The development of three methodologies of dif-
are the most effective way to increase pre- ferent complexities to provide FF/DF forecast-
ing and early warnings.
paredness and mitigate its associated risks.
3. The study of risk management and mitigation
Many previous projects have gone deep into strategies by assessing the impact of potential
the understanding of the nature and dynam- plausible future changes (climate, land use and
ics of Flash Flood and Debris Flow (FF/DF) forest fires) in the test-bed areas and their effects

on the hydrological response and their vulnera- management. The IMPRINTS platform is a
bility in front of FF/DF generating events. major development to support the EU Flood
4. The development of a prototype of the oper- Directive implementation, and specifically an
ational platform including the IMPRINTS tools advanced tool to support the development of
and methodologies developed under the project.
the flood risk management plans required by
the Directive.
Emerging Results
It has been designed to be easily adapted
The Project has been able to integrate in an to any basin in Europe over the coverage of
Early Warning operational platform the de- meteorological models and radar networks,
velopments produced by the 19 partners, in- and it has been tested on 6 river basins in
cluding hydrological warnings based on the Europe under the close collaboration be-
rainfall forecasted by meteorological models tween researchers and decision-makers.
(few days in advance) and by weather radar
networks (few hours in advance). The plat- Finally, the IMPRINTS Project have made a
form is able to transform the anticipation huge effort to disseminate the results and
provided by the rainfall forecasts into hydro- produce audio-visual support for policy mak-
logical forecasts, and also to combine these ers, risk managers, water enterprises and for
hydrometeorological forecasts with the the local authorities confronted to the risk of
available information about vulnerability and floods. This material is accessible in the dis-
flooding risks, providing a full Early Warning semination webpage of the Project at http://
System for Flash Flood and Debris Flow risk

Project partners
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Centre de Recerca
Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya (ES)
Aplicada en Hidrometeorologia (ES)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Grupo de Investigación Service Central d’Hydrométéorologie et d’Appui à la Prévision
en Transporte de Sedimentos (ES) des Inondations (FR)
Bundesamt für Meteorologie und Klimatologie MeteoSchweiz
Hydrometeorological Innovative Solutions, S.L. (ES)
Commission of the European Communities, Directorate
Agència Catalana de l’Aigua (ES)
General Joint Research Centre (IT)
Lancaster University (UK) Departement Bau und Umwelt, Kanton Glarus (CH)
Eidgenoessische Forschungsanstalt WSL (CH) Verzasca SA (CH)
Wageningen Universiteit (NL) Azienda Elettrica Ticinese (CH)
Centro Tecnológico del Agua, Fundación Privada (ES) Autorità di Bacino destra Sele (IT)
Consorzio inter-universitario per la previsione e prevenzione Agencia de Medio Ambiente y Agua de Andalucía, formerly
dei Grandi Rischi (IT) EGMASA (ES)
University of Kwazulu-Natal (ZA) Associated partner (no EC funding): McGill University (CA)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Support in Preparation of the IPCC 5th Assesment Report
Instrument:  Coordination and Support Action
Total cost:  3 373 000 €
EC contribution:  600 000 €
Duration:  42 months
Start date:  15/08/2011
Project coordinator:  Organisation Météorologique Mondiale (WMO), CH
Project website:
Key words:  AR5, Fifth Assessment Report

The challenge Some experts from developing countries will

serve as Review Editors thus contributing to
To contribute to the production of more a transparent review process and balanced
accurate and comprehensive scientific in- interpretation of scientific results on climate
formation to support global climate change change from their regions. Some of the IPCC
policies. AR5 preparation meetings will be organized
in Europe to encourage local experts’ partic-
Project objectives ipation to promote the regional focus of the
AR5 and to assist in awareness-raising and
To ensure increased involvement of ex- capacity building in those countries, in rela-
perts from developing countries and econ- tion to the chapter dedicated to the Europe-
omies-in-transition to provide appropriate an geographical region.
funding, consistent with IPCC practices, in
the preparation of the IPCC 5th Assessment
Expected results
Report by ensuring adequate participation of
experts from the above-mentioned countries The IPCC 5th Assessment Report will provide
in Working Groups meetings, Task Group an updated assessment of scientific, techni-
meetings, expert meetings, seminars and cal and socio-economic information relevant
conferences. to understanding the scientific basis of risk
of human-induced climate change, its poten-
Methodology tial impacts and options for adaptation and
mitigation. It will address, amongst, others,
The grant will be used for the preparation of some specific cross-cutting issues such as
the Working Groups contributions to the IPCC scientific and technical aspects of Article 2
5th Assessment Report by ensuring appro- of the UNFCCC, regional aspects, costing and
priate reflection of expertise and knowledge economic analysis, consistent evaluation of
from the experts being funded. Experts from uncertainties and risks. The beneficiaries of
developing countries and economies-in-tran- the AR5 report include policymakers, United
sition will attend IPCC meetings preparing Nations Programmes, Funds and Specialised
the AR5 thereby enhancing the credibility of Agencies, scientific community, tertiary insti-
the outcome through balanced representa- tutions, NGOs, students, business groups, re-
tion and interpretation of the scientific re- search organizations/researchers and SMEs/
sults on climate change. SMIs.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Enabling Knowledge for disaster risk reduction in integration to
climate change adaptation
Instrument:  Coordination and Support actions
Total cost:  1 144 215 €
EC contribution:  992 951 €
Duration:  24 months
Start date:  03/06/2013
Consortium:  11 partners from 7 countries
Project coordinator:  Politecnico di Milano, IT
Key words:  Disaster Risk Reduction Knowledge, Knowledge
Management System, Knowledge in Risk Mitigation and Management

The challenge further on to transform the decisions into

practice. Secondly, the project aims at fram-
Despite significant improvement in haz- ing a knowledge management framework, to
ard analysis, monitoring technologies, be considered as the structure of a coherent
and construction science, gaps between set of tools to facilitate the co-production of
what is known and what is done in disas- knowledge, its sharing as well as its mainte-
ter risk reduction (DRR) are still very large.
nance overtime. Such a framework will not
In addition to the challenges inherited
just list possible tools to use, but will also
from the past, new ones have emerged:
provide some guidance with respect to their
apart from the already visible effects of cli-
appropriateness given contextual conditions.
mate change, recent large disasters have
clearly shown that a more interconnected
world is both more vulnerable and with more Methodology
potential of resilience to natural extremes. Having as a methodological reference the
Stakeholders interpret risk situations differ- objective and the on-going development
ently, as they weight differently the blend of of a knowledge management framework,
“facts” and “values” inherent to any decision KNOW-4-DRR will organise a coherent set
where uncertainties and stakes are both of activities that will constitute on the one
high. Enabling knowledge for DRR requires a hand exemplification of effective and/or
strong joint effort of scientists, practitioners, innovative tools and on the other will pro-
decisions makers, educational actors, to de- vide feedbacks on how enhanced knowledge
velop appropriate skill sets and solutions
management should take place, considering
whilst keeping lessons learnt from the past.
in particular the development of EU pol-
icies in the DRR and climate change adap-
Project objectives tation. The following activities are foreseen:
The project aims to explore and coordinate living labs, seminars on key issues, work-
the complex interaction of knowledge, deci- shops among stakeholders from different
sion making and implementation. It is aimed sectors, monitoring of EU relevant policies,
at understanding what has hampered the networking activities among existing net-
use of knowledge that has been developed works in the field of DRR. Dissemination ac-
so far by various stakeholders, in conjunc- tivities will be carried out to reach a wider
tion or disjunction from each other, to make audience. Among them a number of radio
appropriate decisions for risk mitigation and and web-tv casts will be performed.

Expected results Po Riverbasin Authority in Italy, the Lorca
Municipality in Spain and the presence of
Setting the base of a knowledge manage- an NGO with a long tradition of field work in
ment system is actually the ultimate goal of Vietnam as a partner in the project.
KNOW-4-DRR. The definition of criteria and a
guideline for such a system to be developed A knowledge management system in this
in the future are considered as an important field must be a blend of approaches and
expected result of the project. To achieve this tools to be carefully combined adopting a
result, an ensemble of coordinated activities systemic perspective. KNOW-4-DRR will pro-
has been carefully designed. The living labs vide decision makers and policy makers with
are the most evident example, in which in- a sound methodological approach to achieve
novative ways of sharing knowledge among not only better decision making processes,
stakeholders will be tested, thanks to the but also decisions, strategies and policies
implication of relevant actors, such as the that are implementable.

Project partners Country

Politecnico di Milano IT

Horokopio University EL

Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas ES

Development Workshop France FR

Universit of Salzburg – Department of Geoinformartics – Z_GIS AT

United Nations University–Institute for Environment and Human Security DE

Universitè de Savoie FR



Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropologia Social MX

TiConUno Srl. IT

Natural Hazards

At A Glance
Title:  Knowledge-Based Approach To Develop
A Culture Of Risk Prevention
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 451 097 €
EC contribution:  3 225 616 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/01/2011
Consortium:  11 Partners From 6 Countries
Project coordinator:  Giuliano Di Baldassarre, Unesco-Ihe
Project website:  www.Kulturisk.Eu
Key words:  Risk Prevention, Early Warning, Mapping, Land-Use
Planning, Risk Communication

The challenge communication; b) shape risk perception of in-

habitants in an appropriate and responsible way;
The extreme consequences of recent wa- and c) train professionals to better evaluate the
ter-related disasters have highlighted that socio-economic benefit of risk prevention tech-
risk prevention still needs to be improved niques for water-related risks.
to reduce human losses and economic
damages. The KULTURisk project aims at
developing a culture of risk prevention by KULTURisk is organised into 8 inter-depen-
means of a comprehensive demonstration dent work packages (WPs). WP1 develops
of the benefits of prevention measures. a risk-based methodology for evaluating
The development of a culture of risk pre- costs and benefits of different risk pre-
vention requires the improvement of our: vention options. The methodology is then
a) memory and knowledge of past disasters; tested and applied to a variety of case
b) communication and understanding capaci- studies. Three work packages deal with
ty of current and future hazards; c) awareness different types of prevention measures:
of risk and d) preparedness for future events. WP2 (early warning systems and risk pre-
paredness), WP3 (non-structural options) and
WP4 (structural measures). Besides, WP5
Project objectives evaluates and revises risk communication
KULTURisk aims to: techniques, in the form of a stakeholder fo-
rum, by promoting stakeholder participation.
1. Review static and dynamic measures to prevent
water-related hazards with focus on risk commu-
WP6 aims to validate the methodology and
nication techniques. generalise it for other types of hazards, such
2. Develop a risk-based methodology for evaluating as forest fires and earthquakes. WP7 dissem-
diverse risk prevention measures in different case inates and exploits the results of the KULTUR-
studies. isk project, educates the public and train pro-
3. Demonstrate that prevention measures are more fessionals in risk awareness and prevention.
effective from a social and economic point of view
than post-disaster recovery for different types of Expected results
water-related risks (e.g. floods, landslides).
4. Promote a culture of risk prevention by using the The KULTURisk project has developed a
KULTURisk outcomes as examples to: a) increase methodology to demonstrate the benefits of
the risk awareness of the public via improved risk prevention techniques, which are being

applied to a variety of case studies char- vestigation of cross border aspects. The case
acterised by different socio-economic con- studies (6 in total), are used to demonstrate
texts and types of water-related hazards. not only the benefits of risk prevention, but
The method can evaluate to which extent also the need for a European approach to
prevention actions are more efficient than disaster risk reduction. The KULTURisk re-
post-event recovery and help stakeholders search is based on up-to-date techniques
to better consider the benefits of risk pre- and the methodology includes driving fac-
vention. Two transboundary catchments (the tors such as land-use changes, spatial plan-
Soca-Isonzo and the Danube) enable the in- ning and climate change impacts.

Project partners
Unesco-IHE Institute For Water Education NL
Universita Degli Studi Di Brescia IT
European Centre For Medium-Range Weather Forecasts UK
Univerza V Ljubljani SI
Eidgenoessische Forschungsanstalt CH
Corila IT
King's College London UK
Joint Research Centre- European Commission BE
Autorita Di Bacino Dei Fiumi Isonzo Tagliamento Livenza Piave Brenta Bacchiglione IT
University Of Bristol UK
Willis Limited UK

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Morphological Impacts and Coastal Risks by extreme storm events
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 597 071 €
EC contribution:  3 499 954 €
Duration:  40 months
Start date:  01/06/2008
Consortium:  16 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Paolo Ciavola, Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra
Università degli Studi di Ferrara, IT
Project website:
Key words:  Coastal storms, coastal erosion, coastal flooding, storm
surges, numerical models, warning systems

The challenge This analysis included the study of trends in

meteorological data (e.g. changes in storm-
Recent extreme hydrometeorological events iness proxies) and intended to provide guid-
in coastal areas have highlighted the devas- ance for the understanding of the response
tating effects that can occur from hazards of of coastlines to potential changes in the
marine origin. The experiences of Hurricane forcing agents.
Katrina that struck the City of New Orleans
as well as the two massive tsunamis in the Methodology
Indian Ocean and Japan tragically demon-
strate what can go wrong when engineering The project focused on nine case-study sites
design is subjected to forcing beyond its de- (corresponding to the nine European coun-
sign limits and civil evacuation and manage- tries involved). At all sites a number of in-
ment plans fail. dividual work phases were conducted in
order to reach the end goal of setting up a
In this context, the ability to predict the im- prototype EWS for coastal storm risk. These
minent arrival of coastal threats is a valu- phases included: a review of historical coast-
able tool for civil protection agencies in or- al storm events; field monitoring of storm
der to prepare themselves and, if need be, impacts that occurred throughout the proj-
to execute the appropriate hazard-reduction ect; validating and testing a new as well as
measures. existing coastal storm models using the field
data results; the development of a proto-
Project objectives type EWS; and linking early warnings to civil
protection protocols. The use of these nine
The overall aims of the project were to set- unique and morphologically diverse sites
up and demonstrate an on-line Early Warn- made the approach developed as generic as
ing System (EWS) for the reliable prediction possible and demonstrated the robustness
of morphological impacts due to marine of the methodology.
storm events in support of civil protection
Given that coastal storm predictions are
mitigation strategies.
typically provided up to a three-day predic-
Another important objective was to under- tion window, the MICORE project specifically
take an analysis of changes in storm occur- related to short-term emergency response
rence and to consider possible future vari- rather than on longer-term strategic objec-
ability in the context of climate change. tive.

Expected results past coastal storminess was evident.
A generic structure for an Early Warning
To gain an understanding of past coastal
System of coastal risk was developed and
storm trends across Europe, a total of 58
found to be adaptable to each of the nine
long-term (i.e. the past 30+ years) time-se-
prototype systems. Each prototype EWS was
ries of various storminess indicators were
operated in on-line mode. Running the EWS
assembled and analysed. These indicators
in daily mode, instead of only during extreme
included elevated water levels, large waves
offshore conditions, was found to be crucial
and strong wind speeds, with their selection in testing the system’s robustness and gain-
depending on data availability as well as the ing additional confidence by end-users in its
specific exposure conditions of each site. overall performance. It also expanded the
Significantly, while some localised trends applicability of the EWS to more day-to-day
were observed, no European-wide trend of functions such as beach safety.

Project partners

Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di Ferrara IT

Hydro-Meteorological and Climatological Service of the Emilia Romagna Region (ARPA-SIM) IT

Geological, Seismic and Soil Survey of the Emilia-Romagna Region IT

University of the Algarve, CIACOMAR-CIMA PT

University of Lisbon–Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa PT

University of Cadiz, Department of Earth Sciences ES

BRGM-French Geological Survey–Regional Geological Survey of Languedoc-Roussillon Montpellier FR

International Marine Dredging Consultants BE

University of Plymouth, School of Geography UK

University of Szczecin INoM Laboratory of Remote Sensing and Marine Cartography PL

Institute of Oceanology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences BG

Stichting Deltares NL

Technical University of Delft Civil Engineering NL

Natural Environment Research Council Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory UK

University Pablo de Olavide Department of Physical, Chemical and Natural Systems ES

Consorzio Ferrara Ricerche IT

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Methods for the Improvement Vulnerability Assessment in
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  2 650 841 €
EC contribution:  2 078 067 €
Duration:  38 months
Start date:  01/10/2008
Consortium:  13 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Florence, IT
Project website:
Key words:  Natural hazards, Climate change, Vulnerability, Resilience,
Stakeholder involvement

The challenge ent levels of government. Stakeholder feed-

back and validation of the results of MOVE is
Vulnerability to natural hazards and climate vital to the process of creating usable theory
change is a complex and increasing prob- and methodology.
lem in Europe. Whereas hazards have been
studied in detail, there is less expertise and Methodology
information on how to study human, cul-
tural, institutional and socio-economic vul- MOVE analyses vulnerability at different
nerabilities, and their interaction. Profound scales from the national to the local and in
challenges will occur in Europe as a result a wide variety of European environments
of climate change and its effect on meteo- (coasts, floodplains, mountains, metropoli-
rological hazards. It is vital that vulnerability tan areas, urban areas and rural zones). The
be understood in its fully interdisciplinary, project summarises current knowledge of
multi-dimensional form. This will enable im- vulnerability to hazards and offers a glossa-
provements to be made in resilience to nat- ry of agreed definitions of key terms. MOVE
ural disasters. studies susceptibility to hazards and the
resilience of human systems, communities
and institutions. It uses indicators and other
Project objectives
quantitative and qualitative data to produce
MOVE considers the vulnerability of social, measures of vulnerability in physical, social,
economic, institutional, cultural and physical economic, cultural and institutional con-
systems to climate change and eight types texts, and across the boundaries between
of natural hazards: earthquakes, floods, these categories. Stakeholders are invited
wildfires, landslides, avalanches, heat waves, to validate the results and contribute to the
cold snaps and storms. It will produce a process of implementing them in improved
manual of different methodologies, validat- hazard and disaster management policy.
Geographic information systems, social sur-
ed with case studies, for the integrated as-
vey, remote sensing, mapping and risk as-
sessment of vulnerability to these hazards.
sessment are among the methods involved.
MOVE aims to involve key stakeholders in
the process of deciding how to assess vul-
nerability. These include representatives of
Emerging results
communities, industries and appropriate pro- One of the MOVE highlights has been a new
fessions and public administrators at differ- integrative and holistic framework to sys-

tematize and assess vulnerability, risk and Assessment in Europe’, which can be used
adaptation. As a thinking tool it represents by stakeholders for developing their own
an important step forward in providing clari- vulnerability assessment. It outlines existing
ty on concepts and terminologies. methodologies for estimating, studying and
This framework outlines key factors and dif- analysing multi-faceted vulnerabilities to
ferent dimensions that need to be addressed natural hazards. It also provides an evalu-
when assessing vulnerability in the context ation of their utility under particular circum-
of natural hazards and climate change. It stances. The findings of the project can serve
has been applied and tested in several case as clear guidelines for policy development
studies across Europe in a variety of haz- within different contexts, complemented by
ard settings. Based on this experience and the manual, which provides a comprehen-
as an additional major outcome, the MOVE sive, user-friendly sourcebook for the practi-
project developed a ‘Manual of Vulnerability tioner acting at a variety of scales.

Project partners

CESPRO, University of Florence (UNIFI) IT

French Geological Survey (BRGM) FR

Centre for Geoinformatics, University of Salzburg (Z_GIS) AT

European Academy, Institute for Applied Remote Sensing (EURAC) IT

Atlas Innoglobe Tervezö és Szolgáltató (ATLAS) HU

King’s College, University of London (KCL-AC) UK

Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI) NO

Rupprecht Consult Forschung und Beratung GmbH (RC) DE

International Centre for Numerical Mathods in Engineering, Technical Univ. of Catalonia (CIMNE) ES

United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) UN

Faculty of Spatial Planning, University of Dortmund (UNIDO) DE

Faculty of Arts, University of Oporto (FLUP) PT

Department of Geography and Regional Planning, University of Vienna (UNIVIE) AT

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Management of weather events in transport system
Instrument:  Support action
Total cost:  2 085 622 €
EC contribution:  1 641 564 €
Duration:  24 months
Start date:  01/10/2012
Project coordinator:  VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, FI
Project website:
Key words:  European transport system, cross-modality, policy
guidance, decision support, extreme weather, natural disasters

The challenge Methodology

Different weather phenomena and natural The project collects best practices from dif-
disasters impact transport system in differ- ferent EU Member States and elsewhere
ent ways. There is no holistic view as to how and produces mode-specific guidebooks that
European transport system should respond assist the different stakeholder groups in
to different sources of interruption. Previous building resilience against the disruptions to
research has given several tools how to ad- transport of goods and people. Experiences
dress the challenges but no conclusive pre- will be drawn from recent EU FP7 projects
sentation has been made prior to this project “EWENT” and “WEATHER” which have also
addressed the topic.
Project objectives
Expected results
The goal of the MOWE-IT project is to iden-
tify existing best practices and to develop The project will provide tools to plan trans-
methodologies to assist transport operators, port system operations, investments and
authorities and transport system users to maintenance in a more efficient way now
mitigate the impact of natural disasters and and in future conditions. This will cover all
extreme weather phenomena on transport transport modes and all regions in Europe
system performance. against the main challenges encountered.

Project partners
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland FI
Istituto di Studi per l'Integrazione dei Sistemi IT
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DE
Finnish Meteorological Institute FI
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology DE
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – Hellenic Institute of Transport CERTH – HIT EL
Fraunhofer-Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI DE
Cyprus Meteorological Institute CY
Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH AT
Vaisala FI
University of Birmingham UK
Odessa National Maritime Academy UA

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Empowering root-targeted strategies to minimize abiotic stress
impacts on horticultural crops
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  3 890 540 €
EC contribution:  2 997 449 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/01/2012
Consortium:  13 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de
Investigaciones Científicas, ES
Project website:
Key words:  combined abiotic stresses; Food, Agriculture and Fisheries,
Biotechnology; genetic markers; vegetable grafting; hormonal
signalling; mycorrhiza; recombinant imbred lines; resource use
efficiency; rhizobacteria; rootstock; yield stability

The challenge combined stress conditions. Central to our

approach is the use of tomato as a model
After more than fifty years of crop improve- species, since it can be very easily grafted.
ment principally selecting for above ground
traits, scientists now perceive root system This project will analyze and exploit the nat-
engineering as an opportunity to maintain ural genetic variability existing in wild-rel-
sustainable crop production under changing ative tomato species (used as rootstocks)
environmental conditions while minimizing and their beneficial interactions with natural
the demand for new resources. Root-specific soil microorganisms (mycorrhiza and rhizo-
traits such as root system architecture, sens- bacteria). Genetic information and physio-
ing of edaphic stress and root-to-shoot com- logical understanding of mechanisms vital
munication can be exploited to improve re- for high-performing root systems will be
source capture and plant development under obtained. Therefore, the main objectives are:
adverse conditions. In this regard, Rootopow- identifying stress-resistant root systems
er seeks to improve crop stress resistance and rhizosphere microorganisms (and their
and develop more resource efficient crops, synergisms) for enhanced resistance to in-
allowing more efficient use of dwindling wa- dividual and combined abiotic stresses and
ter and phosphorus resources, and to reduce understanding the underlying genetic and
excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers. physiological mechanisms, which are poten-
tially fundamental to all crops and readily
Project objectives exploited in dicotyledonous crops.

Under the premise of understanding the

power of root traits, Rootopower aims to de-
velop a multidisciplinary suite of new tools Rootopower will analyse the relationships
targeted to the root system to enhance between root genotype and shoot perfor-
agronomical stability and sustainability of mance. QTL and candidate genes (fine map-
dicotyledonous crops under multiple and ping, transcriptomics and RT-PCR) for root-

stock-mediated abiotic stress resistances Expected results
and interactions with beneficial rhizosphere
fungi and bacteria will be identified. The expected tangible results will include
the delivery of tomato lines, physiological
High throughput comprehensive hormon- processes, genetic markers and integrative
al and ionome analyses will be performed modelling for rootstock-mediated abiotic
in root and leaf xylem sap to identify and stress resistances and interactions with ben-
quantify the signals involved in root percep- eficial rhizosphere microorganisms that will
tion and response to individual and multiple be directly suitable for the scientific commu-
stresses and selected biological interactions. nity and breeding programs.
Regulatory effects of root genotype and
The results obtained in Rootopower will help
rhizosphere microbiology on shoot photo- the scientific community, crop producers,
synthesis, organ growth and development, breeders and society at large to deal with
carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium the predicted impacts of climate change and
accumulation and water fluxes will be iden- to overcome the consequences of unsustain-
tified. Data from analyses of the genome, able agricultural practices that are causing
transcriptome, hormonome, ionome and soil degradation and depleting natural re-
phenome will be processed through ad- sources. Thus, the project will have a major
vanced statistical and modelling approach- quantitative impact in terms of intermediate
es to define the mechanistic links between inputs use and consequently, a qualitative
genes and trait responses to stress. Such impact on food safety and environment
understanding will enable delivery of specific preservation, increasing the sustainability of
combinations of root and biota-traits for use agriculture in Europe, a highly SME-intensive
in root-targeted breeding strategies. sector.

Project partners

Organisation Country

Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas ES

Université Catholique de Louvain BE

The University of Warwick UK

Lancaster University UK

Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias ES

Çucurova University Wageni TR

Wageningen University NL

Agrícola Perichán ES

Unigenia Bioscience ES

Agrocare AC NL


Universidad Miguel Hernández ES

Cranfield University UK

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Living with Landslide Risks in Europe
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  9 529 867 €
EC contribution:  6 610 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/05/2009
Consortium:  27 partners from 12 countries
Project coordinator:  Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, NO
Project website:
Key words:  Landslide, triggers, run-out, monitoring, climate change,
risk management

The challenge and environmental dimensions will play a

significant role in the detection, prediction
Landslides represent a major threat to hu- and forecasting of landslides and landslide
man life, property and constructed facilities, risk posed to individuals, society and the en-
infrastructure and natural environment in vironment. SafeLand improved and adapted
most mountainous and hilly regions of the existing knowledge on landslide hazard and
world. As a consequence of climate change risk to link the slope-scale results to meth-
and increase in exposure in many parts of odologies required for the assessment of
the world, the risk associated with landslides landslide hazard and risk at regional and
is growing. The growing hazard and risk, the European scales.
need to protect people and property, the ex-
pected climate change and the reality for Methodology
society in Europe to live with hazard and risk
and the need to manage risk are the reasons In order to fulfil the project objectives,
for the SafeLand project. SafeLand was divided into five different re-
search areas. The scientific content in these
Project objectives research areas varied from strictly geologi-
cal/engineering type of analyses such as the
(1) Provide policy-makers, public administra- ones in Area 1 which focused on improving
tors, researchers, scientists, educators and the knowledge on triggering mechanisms,
other stakeholders with improved harmon- processes and thresholds, through evalua-
ised framework and methodology for the as- tion of climate- and demographic changes
sessment and quantification of landslide risk addressed in Area 3 to risk management
in Europe’s regions; (2) evaluate the changes issues including socio-economic variables
in risk pattern caused by climate change, as studied in Area 5. SafeLand therefore
human activity and policy changes; and (3) not only required an integrated approach in-
provide guidelines for choosing the most volving different specialists in geo-sciences
appropriate risk management strategies, in- (engineers, geologists, geophysicists, mete-
cluding risk mitigation and prevention mea- orologists) to assess and quantify the risk,
sures. SafeLand developed and implemented but also a close collaboration between the
an integrated and comprehensive approach geo-scientists and social scientists to iden-
to help guide decision-making. The harmon- tify the most appropriate risk mitigation
ised methodologies and technical develop- measures. Even though the methodological
ments, combined with the social, economic framework may differ between these disci-

plines, a basic methodological concept for all perts was made more natural, early warning
research areas is to test and document the systems guidelines were prepared and pro-
analyses with help of case studies. A com- cedures for stakeholder involvement were
mon database for case studies and results is established. The project deliverables will pro-
therefore established. vide the basis for future European directives
in relation to natural hazards.
Expected results Examples of specific impacts are (1) the in-
ventory (synthesis) of landslide “hotspots” in
SafeLand will have impact on the protection Europe, (2) the guidelines for landslide sus-
and safety of population and material prop- ceptibility, hazard and risk assessment, and
erty at several levels: technology was im- (3) a methodology for landslide risk assess-
proved, new more reliable maps were made ment due to global change at the European
available and public awareness was put on level that will help policy-setters and deci-
the agenda in a systematic manner, dialogue sion-makers to optimise the urban develop-
and understanding among scientists and ex- ment and infrastructure planning.

Project partners

Norges Geotekniske Institutt, NO Studio Geotecnico Italiano SRL, IT

Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, ES Universiteit Twente, NL

Amra SCARL, IT, FR Universite de Lausanne, CH

BRGM, FR C.S.G. Centro Servizi di Geoingegneria, IT

Universita Degli Studi di Firenze, IT King's College London, UK

Universita Degli Studi di Salerno Via Ponte Don Melillo

International Institut for Applied System Analysis, AT
1 Fisciano (sa), IT

Commission of the European Communities – Directorate General

Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, CH
Joint Research Centre – JRC, IT

Fundacion Agustin de Betancourt, ES Geologische Bundesanstalt, AT

Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis, EL TRL Limited, UK

Universita' degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, IT Institutul Geologic al Romaniei, RO

Max Planck Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaften, DE Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), FR

Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici SCARL, IT Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, CH

Geoloski Zavod Slovenije, ZS Risques et développement, FR

Centrale Recherche SA, FR

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Socio Economic implications For Individual Responses to Air
pollution policies in EU+27
Instrument:  Coordination Action
Total cost:  1 178 600 €
EC contribution:  998 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/06/2013
Consortium:  8 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Urbino Carlo Bo, IT
Project website:
Key words:  Environment, Air Quality, Noise, Climate Change, Socio-
Economic Sciences

The challenge to obtain a better understanding of the fea-

sibility and acceptability of the implementa-
The European Commission DG Environment tion of the policies; iii) To develop a specific
began in 2011 a review of EU air quality analytical method based on discrete choice
legislation. To assist in this review, the Com- models and ecosystem services that inte-
mission has funded a wide range of projects, grate quantitative and qualitative data on
mainly based on physical, chemical and European population attitudes and actions
medical sciences, and economic analysis. toward air quality regulations; iv) To provide
In practice to date, the preferred method of specific reports in support to the on-going re-
assessing the acceptability of policies has vision and implementation of the EU air poli-
been through cost-benefit analysis. Although cy; v) To produce integrated transdisciplinary
this is a valuable tool, it is of limited value syntheses and peer-reviewed papers.
in assessing the wider acceptability of pol-
icies, particularly in relation to the impact Methodology
on individual behaviour. A wider and deeper
comprehension of the socio-economic impli- SEFIRA will work through four main disci-
cations of air policies is needed. Such a chal- plinary areas: atmospheric sciences, political,
lenge needs an innovative and cooperative social and economic sciences.
approach between disciplines, which in the SEFIRA will start with a transdisciplinary
past have had a low degree of integration. review of air and noise pollution policies, in
order to form a basis for the assessment of
Project objectives the socio-economic implications of those
The main objectives of SEFIRA are: i) To in-
tegrate the scientific and technical knowl- SEFIRA will then carry out an explorative
edge on air quality with the socio-economic study to identify the relevant dimensions to
aspects of national, regional and EU wide be investigated through a computer-assisted
implications of air and noise pollution poli- telephone interviewing (CATI) survey in five
cies; ii) To explore ways to better integrate European countries. The data provided by the
the socio-economic dimension in those pol- pilot survey and the CATI will be processed
icies, especially with respect to preferences, applying Discrete Choice Models (DCM).
behaviours and responses of individuals, Outcomes aim at providing advice on policy
stakeholder groups and civil society, in order implementation tools and testing, consider-

ing alternative socio-economic implications air quality policy-making at the EU level.
of air quality and noise policy. DCM will enter This emerged as a much needed approach
in a dialog with GAINS (Greenhouse Gas and by several stakeholders, including the EU.
Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies) sce- In particular the need was not only to com-
narios aiming at integrating important be- plement current knowledge with a different
havioural information in order to select and approach, but to integrate it in view of more
test – in its forecast scenarios – the most adequate policy assessments based on nat-
appropriate air quality policies. ural and economic sciences to date.
The consortium will organize both themat- These results of the SEFIRA project are ex-
ic seminars in the disciplinary fields of the pected to have a very significant impact.
project and cross-disciplinary integration Indeed, through its complex methodological
seminars and documents. All the outputs and design, the project will enhance the interdis-
outcomes will contribute to build spaces and ciplinary dialogue and knowledge production
communication tools in order to establish a processes supporting policy making through
direct feedback with European, national and
new approaches in policy analysis in the field
local stakeholders.
of air quality and noise.

Expected results The novel coordination between various sci-

entific and socio-economic disciplines will
SEFIRA will for the first time bring socio-eco- enrich each approach and ultimately result
nomic methods and thinking into the area of in more effective and robust policy making.

Project partners

Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo (coordinator) IT

Internationales Institut für Angewandte System Analyse AT

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven BE

Consiglio Nationale delle Ricerche IT


Szkola Glowna Handlowa W Warszawie PL

Lunds Universitet SE

King’s College London UK

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  Strengthening And Redesigning European FLOOD risk
practices:  Towards appropriate and resilient flood risk governance
Instrument:  Integrated Project
Total cost:  6 769 661 €
EC contribution:  5 284 529€
Duration:  42 months
Start date:  01/10/2012
Consortium:  9 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  Peter Driessen, Utrecht University, NL
Project website:
Key words:  Flood-Risk Management Strategies, Governance
Arrangements, Resilience, Appropriateness, Legal and Policy Issues,
Vulnerable Urban Agglomerations, Design-oriented framework,
Practitioners’ guide.

The challenge plications for policies and law at the level of the
EU, its member states, regional authorities, and
Flood risks are increasing due to climate public-private partnerships;
change, soil subsidence and increasing ur- 4. Disseminate these design principles to high-lev-
banization of river areas. To deal with these el policy makers at the national, EU and region-
risks, many European countries focus on al level through workshops, conferences, policy
briefs and a practitioners’ guide.
building, reinforcing and maintaining flood
defense works. STAR-FLOOD takes as its
starting point that such a focus is necessary, Methodology
but not sufficient in order to ensure sustained
Design principles for Flood Risk Governance
flood protection. From a resilience point of
will be derived after analysing, explaining
view, the strategy should be broadened with and evaluating current arrangements in six
pro-active spatial planning, building pre- European countries (The Netherlands, United
scriptions, warning systems, evacuation- and Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden, Poland, France).
recovery plans. To study how this broadening The countries vary in their attempts to
of strategies can be brought about, the proj- broaden Flood Risk Management Strategies;
ect will combine and integrate public admin- the significance of flooding as well as their
istration and legal expertise. administrative structure and culture. Three
vulnerable urban agglomerations in each
Project objectives of the six consortium countries have been
selected as case study areas. In each case
1. Uncover the opportunities and barriers of broad-
study area, public administration and legal
ening the Flood Risk Management Strategies
(FRSs) in different countries; scholars will analyse, evaluate and explain
2. Support authorities and other stakeholders in Flood Risk Governance Arrangements.
vulnerable urban agglomerations in Europe by
designing appropriate and resilient Flood Risk Expected results
Governance Arrangements (FRGAs);
3. Develop policy design principles for Flood Risk The project will result in design principles for
Governance Arrangements (FRGAs) and their im- improving flood risk governance. Examples

include, but are not limited to recommenda- Management Strategies.
tions for: 7. Competence development of practitioners.
8. Ways of minimizing distributional effects of Flood
1. New public-private partnerships & the improve- Risk Governance Arrangements (FRGAs).
ment of existing ones.
The programme’s results will be of relevance
2. Policy programmes.
3. Measures for policy implementation. for high-level policymakers at national and
4. Methods for dealing with uncertainties. EU level, but also for stakeholders at the re-
5. Legal instruments. gional level (inside the eighteen case study
6. Public and private modes of financing Flood Risk areas and beyond).

Project partners

1 Utrecht University – NL Environmental Governance

Centre for Environmental Law and Policy

2 Radboud University Nijmegen – NL Group Political Sciences of the Environment

3 Grontmij Nederland BV – NL Including affiliated identities in other countries

4 Middlesex University – UK Flood Hazard Research Centre

5 University of Antwerp – BE Research Group Society and the Environment

6 KU Leuven – BE Institute for Environmental and Energy Law

7 Lulea University of Technology – SE Division of Social Sciences

8 IAFE Polish Academy of Sciences – PL

9 Université François Rabelais de Tours – FR

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Tephra Constraints on Rapid Climate Events (TRACE)
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 470 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/09/2011
Host institution:  Swansea University, Wales, UK
Principal investigator:  Siwan Davies
Project website:
Key words:  rapid climate change, volcanic events, ice-cores, marine

The challenge allow precise linkages or tie-lines to be drawn

between the North Atlantic marine records
Why does climate change abruptly? Rapid and Greenland ice-cores. Recent work has
climatic jumps occurred within decades uncovered the fact that these invisible layers
between 110 000 and 25 000 years ago.
of volcanic ash have a wide geographical
These sudden climate shifts are thought to
have involved a strong interplay between reach, just as we saw with the 2010 Icelandic
the ocean circulation and atmospheric ash cloud distribution. Each tephra has a
dynamics, yet the mechanisms that drove distinct geochemical fingerprint, allowing us
these processes are poorly understood. to trace the layers between records. These
Understanding the cause and effect of these tie-lines act as isochrons permitting an
abrupt climate jumps is critical for predicting assessment of the comparative behaviour of
the likelihood of future events. the oceanic and atmospheric systems during
a rapid climatic event.
Project objectives
TRACE uses microscopic volcanic ash layers
Emerging results
to determine why climate has changed Over 80 previously unknown volcanic
abruptly in the past. A detailed record of deposits have been identified in the
past volcanic events will be constructed and Greenland ice-cores, providing an exceptional
these ash layers will be used to assess the insight into the frequency and history of
atmospheric versus oceanic response during
Icelandic volcanic events in the past. So far,
rapid climatic events. This insight permits an
at least 5 of these can be traced into North
assessment of the cause and effect and, as
such, the mechanisms driving these climatic Atlantic marine records under investigation
instabilities. allowing an unprecedented insight into the
oceanic and atmospheric dynamics during
rapid climatic events. This work will help
climate scientists to understand the trigger
Microscopic traces of tephra or volcanic ash of abrupt climate shifts.

Natural Hazards

At a glance
Title:  An Exercise to Assess Research Needs and Policy Choices in
Areas of Drought
Instrument:  Support action
Total cost:  1 831 002 €
EC contribution:  1 500 889 €
Duration:  24 monts
Start date:  01/05/2008
Consortium:  12 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei – FEEM, IT
Project website:
Key words:  Drought, impacts, water resources, climate change, policy,
drought network, european drought centre

The challenge Methodology

As a part of natural variability, the precipitation The consortium conducted review and com-
and availability of water resources through- piled state-of-the-art reports on natural and
out time and space vary within bounds deter- human-made causes of drought, social-eco-
mined by given climate conditions. Droughts nomic and environmental impacts; and man-
are extreme events at the lower bound of agement and policy options, to mitigate the
climate variability. They are natural and re- negative impacts of droughts and increase
curring phenomena of prolonged absence or community and ecosystem resilience.
marked deficiency of precipitation. Climate The first review report analysed 1) climat-
change induced alteration of rainfall pattern ic aspects of drought and hydrological re-
will have significant effects on frequency of sponses and the land-atmosphere feedbacks
extreme events such as droughts. The knock- through soil moisture, shallow groundwater,
on effects of these changes will affect almost snow/glaciers, irrigation and dams; 2) inte-
all communities throughout Europe. The Eu- grated drought assessment framework (at-
ropean Water Framework Directive (WFD) mosphere and land), and 3) drought moni-
recognised droughts as potential threats toring and seasonal forecasting.
which may undo the efforts to achieve good
The second review report synthesized knowl-
ecological status.
edge on economic, social and environmental
impacts of droughts. In doing so it reviewed a
Project objectives number of recent drought cases, methodolo-
The Xerochore project set to: gies used for the impact estimation; practical
issues making the assessment difficult; and
• review and synthesize knowledge on past, current
and future drought events; research gaps to which future research should
• develop guidance that provides a short to long be directed. A wide range of water demandand
term vision on research needs and steps forward supply management (WDM and WSD) instru-
towards supporting the implementation of drought ments have been reviewed and experiences
management plans within the context of River Ba- from their application synthesised.
sin District management Plans compelled by the
WFD; The third review report provides an over-
• sets up a network of experts with various back- view about the European and international
grounds and extends the European Drought Centre policies and management efforts addressing
(EDC,; droughts.

Expected results managers and authorities responsible for
drought management and relief/reconstruc-
Besides the review reports and guidance tion planning.
documents, the project organised expert
The project has set up a network of experts
workshops (Venice October 5-7th, 2009) and
with various backgrounds (e.g. scientists, wa-
science-policy conference (23-24 February,
ter resources engineers, stakeholders, plan-
2010, Brussels), providing opportunity for ners, policy analysts, decision makers) and
extensive discussion and exchange among invited them to join the European Drought
the drought research and policy communi- Centre (EDC,, es-
ties. In addition, a Science-Policy event (22 tablished in 2004.
February 2010) was organised to brief some
Finally, a set of five multilingual science
key experts and policy makers about the re-
policy briefs (PB) was developed to inform
sults of the project.
the implementation of the Water Framework
As a final result and integrating the above re- Directive (WFD, Directive 2000/60). The PBs
views, the XEROCHORE project has produced were circulated among the intended reader-
a comprehensive guidance document with a ship and presented during the Conference on
concise overview of the existing knowledge, Integrated River Basin Management under
research gaps, policy recommendations and the Water Framework Directive (26-28 April
where possible, practical advices for water 2010, Lille/France).

Project partners Country

Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei – FEEM IT

Wageningen Universiteit (WU) NL

Ministero dell’Ambiente, della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare IT

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente ES

Natural Environment Research Council UK

National Technical University of Athens EL

DG Joint Research Centre, European Commission EU

Centre National du Machinisme Agricole, du Genie Rural, des eauxet des Forets FR

The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources NGO

Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek – ALTERRA NL

Climate change adaptation,
mitigation and policies

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Action on Climate Change through Engagement, Networks and
Instrument:  Coordination and Support Action
Total cost:  1 348 964 €
EC contribution:  1 017 881 €
Duration:  24 months
Start date:  01/04/2009
Consortium:  12 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Fondazione IDIS – Città della Scienza
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, Mitigation strategies

The challenge of research and its contribution to the advance-

ment of climate change comprehension.
Climate change issues are clearly a growing • The fourth one was the engagement of citizens
concern for the public today. People have in debates, and the collection of data concerning
received a great deal of information from their perception in Europe on climate change is-
sues, its risks and impact, both for the general pub-
the media on causes and consequences of
lic and for policymakers and other stakeholders.
climate change. On the Internet, citizens and
These objectives were achieved through a
young people have free access to a wide
coordinated work plan of activities during
variety of in-depth information concerning
the two years of the project.
many aspects of climate change, while they
are not often prepared to evaluate such in-
formation and to elaborate their own opin-
ions. Fifteen relevant organizations, among ACCENT’s proposal contributes to a global
science centres and aquaria, were engaged effort, in order to move the campaign for cli-
by the ACCENT project in a coordinated ac- mate change from the “informative” to the
tion aimed at rationalizing their two-way “active” phase, through the exchange and
communication practices and at strength- dissemination of the best practices, with
ening their collaborations with the scientific specific actions aimed at encouraging the
community on climate change issues. involvement of citizens in actions and in di-
alogues. Through ACCENT, the science cen-
Project objectives tre’s community itself has strengthened the
efforts together with the local institutions in
The ACCENT consortium contributed to gen- a one-year European Communication Action
erate interests and to increase public aware- on climate change issues, the “I Do Cam-
ness on global and local aspects of climate paign”, for the dissemination of research re-
change. In this context, four main objectives sults, and has established a dialogue among
were identified for the ACCENT project: scientists, stakeholders and the public
• The first one was exchanging practices and inte- through participatory practices. They capital-
grating synergies among the science centres, mu- ized on their skills in a European sustainable
seums and aquaria engaged in the communication
web platform that has worked as a “collec-
of climate change.
• The second one was to implement a global com- tor”, as well as a “disseminator”, for any or-
munication action based on the two-way science ganization dealing with public engagement
communication of climate change issues in Europe. in science. ACCENT delivered reliable data on
• The third one was to disseminate the latest results European citizens’ opinions and perceptions

on climate change issues through Local Cit- ect, ACCENT certainly had a significant im-
izens Debates. pact on the high number of the implemented
informal educational practices. Thanks to
Results the involvement of ECSITE, the European
The main results achieved during the Local Network, many science centres and science
Citizens Debate were: museums will benefit from the best prac-
• People need a clarification on the effects of climate tices disseminated through ACCENT for the
change, as they expressly ask for. They would need development of public programs in their in-
to know how much part of the global warming is stitutions.
caused by human activities and how much is a nat-
ural phenomenon. From the number of the participants in-
• The panellists, and the citizens in general, ask for volved, it is possible to deduce that there is
more (scientific) information very often; citizens
a big interest in the topics of climate change
seem to believe that the more they know, the more
they are likely to act. and of global warming, concentrating both
Considering the number of science centres, on the information to reducing climate prob-
museums and aquaria involved in the proj- lems than on scientific topics.

Project partners

Fondazione IDIS-Città della Scienza, Naples, IT Teknikens Hus, Lulea, SE

Ecsite, BE Experimentarium, Copenhagen, DK

Observa, Vicenza IT AHHAA, Tartu, EE

University of Lapland – Arctic Centre, FI The Israel National Museum of Science, Technology & Space, Haifa, IL

Aquarium of Genoa, IT Bloomfield Science Museum, Jerusalem, IL

Nausicaa, Boulogne, FR

Heureka, Vantaa, FI

Techniquest, Cardiff, UK

Technopolis, Mechelen, BE

Universeum, Gothenburg, SE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Genetics and physiology of wheat development to flowering:
tools to breed for improved adaptation and yield potential
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 620 282 €
EC contribution:  3 000 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/01/2012
Consortium:  20 partners from 13 countries
Project coordinator:  Simon Griffiths (John Innes Centre, UK)
Project website:
Key words:  Adaptation, yield, wheat, physiology, genetics, breeding

The challenge for photoperiod response, vernalization,

and earliness per se genes. New genes are
Bread wheat is the major cereal crop for discovered in segregating populations. The
Europe but our understanding of how to use agronomic impact and physiological mech-
genetics and breeding to fine tune adapta- anism of gene action is dissected. At the
tion, and maximise grain yield, in breeding molecular level the action of flowering time
this for new environments is still limited to network genes is better understood. Deploy-
just two or three genes.
ment of genetic markers, physiological trait
selection, and exploitation of novel germ-
Project objectives plasm is channelled into application by three
This project is quantifying the potential im- SMEs and five larger breeding companies.
pact of known genetic variation (photoperiod
and vernalization response) on adaptation Expected results
and yield and discovering new variation to
New knowledge of genes that can be de-
benefit future breeding programmes.
ployed for breeding. Trait and marker pack-
ages for breeders to deploy this knowledge.
Methodology Better understanding of the flowering time
Gene action and environmental interaction pathways that underlie these phenotypes.
is quantified using precise genetic stocks, Knowledge of trade offs between adadpta-
most importantly, Near Isogenic Lines (NILs) tion and performance traits.

Project partners
John Innes Centre UK
University of Lleida ES
Institut National de Recherche Agronomique FR
Leibniz-Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research DE
Agricultural Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences HU
University of Copenhagen DK
Crop Research Institute CZ
The Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology KZ
National Council of Scientific Research of Argentina AR
International Wheat and Maize Improvement Center MX
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation AU
Semillas Batlle ES
Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops RS
Trait Genetics DE
Limagrain UK
Arvalis FR
Selgen CZ
Rothamsted UK

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Advance Model Development and Validation for Improved
Analysis of Costs and Impacts of Mitigation Policies
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  7 425 559 €
EC contribution:  6 699 168 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/01/2013
Consortium:  14 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  PIK, DE
Project website:
Key words:  environment (including climate change), climate policy,
model development, mitigation pathways, validation, mitigation costs,
integrated assessment, energy demand, energy-economy model,
model transparency, uncertainty, technological change

The challenge tools for the analysis of the costs and impacts of
climate change mitigation policies
Climate policy needs to be informed by as- • Validation and diagnostics of models with the aim
sessments of climate mitigation targets and of evaluating their strengths and limitations
• Considerably improving the representation of en-
their long-term implications for the coupled
ergy demand in IAMs through better modeling of
global energy-economy-landuse-climate energy services, technologies, and consumer be-
system. So-called Integrated Assessment havior
Models (IAMs) are central tools for these as- • Enhanced understanding and representation of
sessments. technological innovation, uncertainty, system inte-
gration and resource constraints
With the increasing use of such models, • Evaluation of impacts of mitigation policies on
the demand for improved representation of economic sectors in the EU and beyond
relevant meso- and macro-scale dynamics, • Creation of a platform for the coordinated devel-
for a broadened sustainability perspective, opment and sharing of methodologies and input
for better linkages to complementary ener- data sets for the general modeling community
gy-economic frameworks, and for a better
understanding of model input and structure
as well as differences across model results To achieve the overall objective of the proj-
has grown significantly. A new generation ect, the work plan is designed in a highly in-
of IAMs is needed for improved climate and tegrated way. For all research tasks related
energy policy assessments in the decade to to methodological improvements, ADVANCE
come. has a first phase in which a core group of
1-3 “pioneer” modeling teams develops, im-
Project objectives plements and tests innovative modelling ap-
proaches. Based on the results of the pioneer
• Building trust and confidence of politicians in the
group, suitable reduced-form representa-
results of energy-economy and integrated assess-
ment models (IAM) by increasing transparency of
tions for use in other models are developed.
models, underlying structures, and model-specific In a second phase, the other teams partic-
input data assumptions ipating in the task adopt and implement
• Developing a new generation of advanced ener- the modelling approaches in their models.
gy-economy and integrated assessment modeling Eventually, the resulting model algorithms

and relevant raw input data sets are made and improvements were hindered by the
available to the entire modelling community unavailability of suitable input data. The
as an open access resource. ADVANCE project makes a large and coordi-
The IAM modeling work draws upon empir- nated effort to generate relevant datasets.
ical work and/or detailed sector modeling These datasets, along with newly developed
of experts in the relevant areas. In addition, methodologies, will be made available to the
ADVANCE holds three expert and stakeholder broader scientific community as open-access
workshops to involve outside expertise in the resources at the end of the project.
project. ADVANCE also puts a focus on improved
model transparency, model validation, and
Expected results data handling. A central objective of AD-
VANCE is to evaluate and to improve the
ADVANCE aims at developing a new genera- suitability of models for climate policy im-
tion of integrated assessment models. This pact assessments. The improved models will
is achieved by substantial research and de- be applied to an assessment of long-term
velopment work in the key areas mentioned EU climate policy in a global context, and
above. the results disseminated to the wider com-
In the past, methodological innovations munity.

Project partners
PIK – Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research DE
IIASA – International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis AU
PBL – Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency NL
FEEM – Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei IT
IPTS – Joint Research Centre European Commission BE
UCL – University College London UK
SMASH – Societe de Mathematiques Appliquees et de Sciences Humaines FR
UEA, Univ. of East Anglia UK
ICCS – Institute of Communication and Computer Systems EL
UPMF-EDDEN, Univ. Pierre Mendes FR
NTNU – Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology NO
DLR – German Aerospace Center DE
UU – Univ. Utrecht NL
Enerdata SA FR

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  The Web Platform for Uptake of Climate Related Research
Results for Africa
Instrument:  Coordination and Support Action
Total cost:  1 270 903 €
EC contribution:  999 884 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/10/2011
Consortium:  10 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  WIP Renewable Energies
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, adaptation, mitigation, policy, impact,
Africa, uptake of research results knowledge sharing, interactive web
platform, good practice dissemination, networking, good practice

The challenge project facilitates the widespread sharing of

indigenous knowledge and examples of good
Extreme weather events and increasingly practice.
unpredictable climate patterns are having a
AfriCAN Climate engages stakeholders –
dramatic effect across Africa, especially for
mainly politicians and project developers –
the people who rely on its land, lakes and
from the initial planning of climate change
seas to feed themselves and earn a living.
Africa’s response to climate change has so initiatives to the subsequent sharing of re-
far been hampered by a fundamental lack of sults and experiences.
knowledge transfer. The anticipated effect is an increased uptake
The European Union has been funding re- of research results and their translation into
search into climate change and related tech- practical projects that will have a direct im-
nologies since the 1980s. This has been of pact on people’s lives.
great value in formulating realistic policy
objectives – now it is time to translate these Methodology
results into action. To achieve its aims, the AfriCAN Climate
project addresses nine specific objectives:
Project objectives 1. Elaborate an editorial policy and editorial team
There is a clear need for research findings structure to facilitate the integration of knowl-
edge/content and web design.
to be widely communicated, especially to
2. Develop the necessary technical infrastructure to
stakeholders who can put them into practice create an attractive web presence and support
on the ground. Public awareness campaigns effective editorial work flows for the online knowl-
are rare, particularly outside Africa’s major edge sharing platform.
urban centres. 3. Disseminate the results of climate change re-
The AfriCAN Climate project aims to help Af- search through identifying and processing knowl-
edge on mitigation, adaptation, climate policy and
rica adapt to climate change by bridging the
gap between research and action. A dynamic 4. Identify and assess the impact on the ground of
web platform brings together an active net- projects aimed at mitigating or adapting to cli-
work of European and African researchers. mate change in Africa.
In addition to disseminating information 5. Operate and maintain the web platform and im-
on climate change research and policy, the plement internal quality control mechanisms.

6. Perform technical maintenance and web hosting tions, with wide thematic and geographic coverage.
tasks to ensure the accessibility and flawless • Fact sheets detailing the current and projected
functioning of the platform. impact of climate change on each of Africa’s 54
7. Engage networks and other information multi- countries.
pliers in promotional activities, both online and • More than 25 good practice cases that highlight
offline. eight principles of good practice.
8. Promote good practice amongst the targeted • Regularly updated web content featuring news,
stakeholders, including researchers, local author- events, links, and practical tools.
ities, NGOs, SMEs, artists and educational part- • A section of the website dedicated to projects sup-
ners. ported by the European Commission.
9. Increase the visibility and recognition of the Af- • A multimedia gallery with video and images show-
riCAN Climate portal among the target audience. ing the faces behind good practice in climate
change adaptation and mitigation in Africa.
Results • A bi-monthly newsletter.
• More than 200 registered members and five online
The most relevant results of the AfriCAN Cli- communities.
mate project are: • Three rounds of promotional events comprising
• A multilingual, dynamic and interactive web plat- workshops and technical tours to good practice
form with Web 2.0 functionalities for knowledge sites.
sharing. • AfriCAN Climate Awards in three categories:
• A knowledge base structured in five main portal sec- Awareness Raising, Good Practice, and Science.

Project partners

WIP – Renewable Energies DE

Imperial College UK

P.A.U. Education ES

UNEP Risø Centre, Technical University Denmark DK

Practical Action UK


The Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network of Southern Africa ZA

The University of the Witwatersrand ZA

International Centre for Research in Agroforestry KE

IGAD Climate Prediction and Application Centre KE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  AMAZALERT – Raising the alert about critical feedbacks between
climate and long-tern land use change in the Amazon
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 757 920 €
EC contribution:  3 494 420 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/09/2011
Consortium:  14 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek –
Project website:  www.
Key words:  Amazonia, deforestation, climate change, REDD, tipping
points, early warning system, climate feedbacks, CO2, policy earth
model, DGVM

The challenge among these components.

• Assess the potential role of regional and global
AMAZALERT responds to predictions of cli- policies and societal responses in the Amazon re-
mate-induced changes in the Amazon Ba- gion for altering the trajectory of land-use change
sin’s vegetation. The extent and distribution in the face of climate change and other anthropo-
genic factors.
of changes in these changes will, however,
• Propose an Early Warning System (EWS) for de-
be determined by interactions between glob- tecting any imminent irreversible loss of Amazon
al temperature and precipitation, Amazon ecosystem services.
land-cover and use patterns - including those • Propose policy response strategies to avoid such
resulting from fire - and socio-economic loss.
forces, including impacts of policies and pro-
grams. AMAZALERT is designed to provide Methodology
better understanding of these multiple, In- AMAZALERT is structured in 7 work packag-
ter-linked processes, to reduce uncertainties es. WP1 aims to identify the priority if the
in predictions and lay the groundwork for an Amazon ecosystem functions and services
early warning system. The need for an early and their drivers of change. WP2 determines
warning system to assist society in taking the response of land use change, vegeta-
action before critical ecosystem services are tion and water to anthropogenic drivers and
lost has been identified by both Amazonian climate change. In WP3 the role of vegeta-
and international stakeholders. tion-climate non-linear feedbacks in the im-
pacts of land-use and climate change will be
Project objectives identified and quantified. WP4 evaluates the
implications of climate and land-use scenar-
ios for national and international policies. In
• Identify the most important ecosystem services WP5 the understanding from previous work
represented by Amazonia.
packages will be integrated in an Early Warn-
• Analyse and improve coupled models of glob-
al climate and Amazon land use, vegetation and ing System. WP6 disseminates the results of
socio-economic drivers to quantify anthropogen- the project and offers training sessions on
ic and climate induced land-use and land cover project methods. WP7 deals with the man-
change and non-linear, irreversible feedbacks agement and coordination of the project.

First Results tem have been defined.
• Policy research identified both national and inter-
Halfway the project, first important results national policies and initiatives affecting land use
have been achieved: in the Amazon – directly and indirectly.
• We identified the most important ecosystem ser-
vices of the Amazon: maintaining water cycling
Expected results
and climate, carbon storage, regional production In 3 years’ time, the project should provide
and biodiversity. a set of greatly improved tools to evaluate,
• Multi-model projections for the Amazon basin from
and assist in political decisions on, the fu-
the state-of-the-art in climate and earth system
modelling were presented. The simulations were
ture management of the Amazon region, in-
carried out according to different IPCC scenarios of cluding ways to monitor the functioning of
greenhouse gas concentrations including land use the Amazon to avoid immanent, irreversible
change consistent with development pathway and changes to its environment. This means:
policy decisions. • Sets of scenarios that include both the response
• First simulations with vegetation and climate of the natural system to climate and land-use
models show a challenge to correctly represent change, as well as the likely effects of policies and
biomass, temperature and CO2 sensitivity of for- the possible response of the agriculture and soci-
est growth. ety to Amazon degradation. These scenarios will
• Field work has addressed temperature and drought aid in evaluating possible courses of action.
sensitivities. • A blueprint for an early warning system of irre-
• A set of detailed land use change scenarios have versible change, based upon a monitoring network,
been simulated. including land surface cover, climate, rivers, and
• The boundary conditions for an early warning sys- socio-economic indicators.

Project partners

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation Pathways and
Evaluation of the Robustness of Mitigation Cost Estimates
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 259 720 EUR
EC contribution:  3 149 489 EUR
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/02/2011
Consortium:  21 partners from 13 countries
Project coordinator:  Potsdam Institute for Climte Impact Research, DE
Project website:
Key words:  climate policy, mitigation costs, integrated assessment,
model intercomparison, validation, climate system representation,
decarbonisation for EU27

The challenge term policy targets for long-term mitigation,

the implications of fragmented policy cov-
Climate stabilisation requires ambitious pol- erage and the potential impacts of an early
icies for initiating and managing a transition mover status for the European Union.
to low-carbon economies within this century.
AMPERE aims to strengthen the robustness
It is indispensable for policy makers to have
of climate change mitigation assessments
insightful information on viable pathways
and mitigation cost estimates. This task
for such a transition and on the associat- requires inter-comparisons among a vari-
ed mitigation costs. Yet the complexity of ety of integrated assessment models with
technological developments and economic different strengths and representations of
interactions relevant to climate policy pose the energy-economy-climate system. A key
a challenge for even the most advanced en- objective of AMPERE is to generate a bet-
ergy-economy models. This challenge is par- ter understanding of the differences across
ticularly great when taking into account that models and the relation to historical trends.
international climate policy has largely been This also includes pointing out the uncertain-
fragmented and focussed on the short term, ties associated with relevant political and
whereas climate stabilisation ultimately re- technical developments and climate system
quires dedicated long-term efforts. In light responses.
of these complexities, more robust assess-
ments of mitigation pathways and cost esti- Methodology
mates are needed.
AMPERE analyses mitigation pathways and
associated mitigation costs through a series
Project objectives
of multi-model intercomparisons. To en-
The AMPERE project analyses possible long- sure robust insights, AMPERE combines an
term mitigation pathways and associated ensemble of 19 internationally recognised
mitigation costs at the global and European energy economy and integrated assessment
level. For improved policy relevance, these models – all with their own unique strengths
analyses account for real-world limitations and limitations. While model results may
such as imperfect international cooperation diverge due to different representations
and technology lock-ins. The goal is to gen- of economic and technological dynamics,
erate insights into the relevance of short- model intercomparisons help to explain the

underlying causes of model differences and path toward climate stabilisation.
their implications for policy assessments. To put these findings on a solid basis, the
The AMPERE study frameworks are designed project aims to provide improved explana-
to systematically explore these implications. tions of model differences and robust in-
To enhance the robustness of the analyses, sights taking into account:
the AMPERE teams are developing and test- 1. the impact of the climate response to anthropo-
ing methodologies for model diagnostics genic forcing on the remaining carbon budget;
and validation. These approaches discover 2. the role of technology availability, innovation and
myopia in the energy sector;
new ground for the integrated assessment 3. the role of regional fragmentation in international
community and are inspired by best practic- climate policy efforts;
es from other modelling communities. 4. the implications of decarbonisation scenarios and
The AMPERE work is based on close collabo- policies for Europe.
ration between teams from Europe, Asia and This information is intended for use by policy
makers and stakeholders as well as by oth-
North America and is guided by a scientific
er scientific efforts evaluating climate policy
advisory board of outside experts.
scenarios through model intercomparisons.
Expected results A first round of AMPERE studies was com-
pleted in January 2013 and submitted for
The AMPERE project findings are expected to publication. Further studies will follow and
be useful for the preparation of post-2015 the insights will be disseminated through
climate policy roadmaps with a long-term publications and workshops.

Project partners

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, DE University of Stuttgart, DE

Int. Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, AT Vienna University of Technology, AT

Utrecht University, NL CPB Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis, NL

Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, IT Université Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne, FR

Institute of Communication & Computer Systems, EL MetOffice Hadley Centre, UK

Centre for European Policy Studies, BE Climate Analytics, DE

SMASH-CIRED, FR Nat. Inst. for Environmental Studies, JP

Paul Scherrer Institute, CH RITE, JP

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, FR NDRC Energy Research Institute, CN

Enerdata, FR Indian Institute of Management, IN

EU-JRC-IPTS, ES External Partner: PNNL, US

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Advanced multifunctional forest management in European
mountain ranges
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  3 818 788 €
EC contribution:  2 991 077 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/02/2012
Consortium:  16 partners from 12 countries
Project coordinator:  Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Wien, AT
Project website:
Key words:  mountain forests, climate change, adaptation, mitigation,
ecosystem services

The challenge ARANGE addresses four main ecosystem

services: (1) timber production, (2) protection
The sustainable provision of ecosystem ser- against gravitational natural hazards, (3)
vices in and from mountain regions is of cru- the role of forests in climate change miti-
cial importance to an array of stakeholders gation via carbon sequestration as well as
and society in general, going much beyond bioenergy production, and (4) nature conser-
the interests of particular landowners in the vation and the maintenance of biodiversity.
mountain regions themselves. Non-timber forest products, landscape aes-
Increasing pressure from biomass utilization thetics for recreation and the use of forested
as well as decreasing interest of new land- landscapes by game and livestock species
owners jeopardize the provisioning of such will be addressed by the project in subsidiary.
ecosystem services. Mountain ecosystems
can only continue to provide all these ser- Methodology
vices in a rapidly changing world if a wide
array of ecosystem services is considered in ARANGE research is carried out in seven
forest management from local to regional mountain regions across Europe covering the
scales. most important mountain forest types within
the main biomes and representing distinct
biophysical and governance settings. Generic
Project objectives
themes across all case study regions are (a)
The overall aims of ARANGE are (1) to in- the identification of the relationships among
vestigate the potentials and limitations of ecosystem services along environmental
current and alternative approaches to moun- gradients; (b) the analysis of policy and gov-
tain forest management for providing port- ernance frameworks, (c) the identification of
folios of ecosystem services under changing economically efficient management strate-
climatic and socio-economic conditions; (2) gies for generic ecosystem service portfolios
to identify related risks and uncertainties; from landowner and public perspectives; and
and (3) to translate the scientific knowledge (c) the exploration of the sensitivity of cur-
about the efficient provision of multiple eco- rent management concepts to climatic and
system services from mountain forests into socio-economic uncertainties. Major parts
information supporting policy makers and of the analysis will rely on state-of-the-art
forest practitioners. models and planning techniques. In each

case study, specific multifunctional planning eling and planning techniques as well as by
problems will be analyzed in close cooper- specific applications of ARANGE methodolo-
ation with regional stakeholders. To support gy to case study specific problems;
interested stakeholders beyond the lifetime (2) raising awareness in the case study re-
of ARANGE, a web-based decision support gions via the stakeholder interaction process
toolbox for multifunctional mountain forest
and via the demo applications;(3) specifically
management will also be developed by the
targeting forest resource managers, as they
are key user group of ARANGE project results.
In the case study areas guidelines synthe-
Expected results sized from ARANGE analyses will be dissemi-
ARANGE will achieve impact in several ways: nated in forest management workshops with
(1) extending the scientific state of knowl- practitioners. Guidelines and related training
edge in the field of multi-functional moun- materials will be disseminated via the Inter-
tain forest management under changing net together with a set of software planning
climatic and socio-economic conditions. This tools for mountain forest management in
will include methodological progress in mod- the ARANGE Decision Support Tool Box.

Project partners
Universitaet fuer Bodenkultur Wien AT
Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich CH
Institute National de Recherche en Sc. et Techn. p. l’Environnement et l‘Agriculture FR
Technische Universitaet Muenchen DE
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet SE
Univerza v Ljubljani SI
Narodne Lesnicke Centrum SK
Institut za Gorata - BAN BG
Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria ES
European Forest Institute FI
Universitaet Graz AT
IFER - Ustav pro vyzkum lesnich ekosystemu, s.r.o. CZ
Geoexpert Research and Planning GmbH AT
Stichting Birdlife Europe NL
Aranzada Gestion Forestal SLP ES
Dr. Stephen Matthew Webb AT

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  7 555 674 €
EC contribution:  5 899 442 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/10/2012
Consortium:  14 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Aarhus University, DK
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, adaptation, cost-benefit, participation,
case studies, health, water, cities, rural, ecosystem services, coastal

The challenge Project objectives

The impacts of a changing climate are like- The Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strate-
ly to disrupt ecological, social and economic gies towards a Sustainable Europe project
systems, with some regions and sectors in brings together some of the leading Euro-
Europe and globally likely to suffer greater pean research groups, with state-of-the-art
adverse effects. New opportunities will also climate change adaptation knowledge – to-
emerge. The EU is already impacted with an gether they will in BASE:
average increase in temperature of 1.3°C • Compile and analyse data and information on ad-
aptation measures and their effectiveness. This
above the preindustrial level. With the recent
includes analysis of social and economic benefits,
measurement of a global atmospheric CO2 the costs of adaptation for sectors. This knowledge
concentration greater than 400 ppm em- and data will be made publicly available through
phasizes the importance of adaptation as dissemination tools such as Climate-ADAPT
the challenge to stay within the 2°C scenario • Improve current, develop new, and integrate meth-
increases. A growing number of EU member ods and tools to assess climate impacts, vulnera-
states have developed National Adaptation bility, risks and adaptation.
Strategies and have completed vulnerability • Identify conflicts and synergies of adaptation poli-
cies at different levels of policy making with other
assessments, and in the spring of 2013 the
policies (e.g. mitigation)
EU launched its adaptation strategy amongst • Assess the effectiveness and full costs and bene-
other to further stimulate this development. fits of adaptation strategies to be undertaken at
An important resource in implementing the local, regional, and national
strategy is the European one-stop-shop for • Bridge the gap between specific assessments of
climate change adaptation information, the adaptation measures and top-down implementa-
Climate-ADAPT portal, to which BASE will tion of comprehensive and integrated strategies.
provide research results and a series of rep- • Use and develop novel participatory and deliber-
ative tools to enhance the effective use of local
licate case studies of key sectors adaptation
contextualised knowledge and the co-design by
across Europe. BASE will thus support strate- stakeholders
gy development and to reduce the uncertain- • Disseminate findings by sharing the results of the
ty in the cost-benefit analyses of adaptation project with policy-makers, practitioners and other
by bridging the gap between top-down mod- stakeholders
els and policies and bottom-up empirical BASE is a truly interdisciplinary project, with
data and implementation efficiency of the representation from natural and social sci-
strategies and cost-benefit results. ences. There is an emphasis on quantitative

and more qualitative results and on how adaptation. BASE will also analyse the condi-
these can be translated to more quantita- tions for facilitating the adoption of compre-
tive models. By combining diverse expertise hensive top-down strategies by citizens and
BASE will provide sustainable research and stakeholders. These findings can guide the
policy support in the area of adaptation to design of strategies and actions that have
climate change. The structure enables BASE a greater chance of being effectively imple-
to both focus on the more top-down driven mented.
policy and economic analyses, but also on
the ground-truthing of these in the case Expected results
studies and thus provide valuable real world
feed-back to the modelers and policy pro- BASE will improve the knowledge base re-
cess. BASE is keenly aware of the urgent and garding the cost-benefit of adaptation, as
more practical nature of the climate change well as provide replicated adaptation case-
adaptation. study insights. The comparative nature of
the case studies will allow for a series of in-
Methodology vestigations determining adaptation success
– e.g. contextual differences. This will allow
BASE will use replicate case studies which
for hypothesis testing e.g. regarding adapta-
will be clustered and made comparable
tion differences North/South, and East/West
across countries in order to provide new
empirical cost-benefit (e.g. via the PRIMATE of EU. The replicated cases will also allow
model), policy integration, and participation for better generalization of the cost-benefit
data. The directly quantitative data will be assessments and outcomes, which can be
used in modeling larger scale modeling (e.g. used to refine larger scale integrated mod-
AD-WITCH), whereas more qualitative data els. Many of the researchers in BASE are
will be analysed and presented e.g. by us- also members of the European Environment
ing adaptation pathways and storylines in Agency (EEA) topic centre on adaptation. This
integrated assessment modeling. The aim group supports the EEA in implementing the
is to test and analyse ways of bridging the portal Climate-ADAPT, and BASE will hence
gap between top-down and bottom-up ap- be in a beneficial position to support Cli-
proaches in evaluating adaptation policies mate-ADAPT and policy development. Lastly,
and measures. Promoting bottom-up pro- the many case studies will be of direct bene-
cesses is essential to ensure sustainable fit of the participants and stakeholders.

Project partners
Aarhus University (DK) CzechGlobe (CZ)
Ecologic Institute (DE) University of Leeds (UK)
Lisbon University (PT) Polytechnic University of Madrid (ES)
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici (IT) Danish Board of Technology (DK)
Helmholtz Zentrum fur Umweltforshung (DE)
University of Exeter (UK)
Stichting Deltares (NL)
Basque Centre for Climate Change (ES)
Finnish Environment Institute (FI)
Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (IT)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Climate Change – Terrestrial Adaptation and Mitigation in Europe
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 487 340 €
EC contribution:  3 226 793 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/06/2008
Consortium:  14 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  International Institute for Applied System
Analysis, AT
Project website:
Key words:  European Climate Change Programme, CAP, Rural
Development Strategy, EU Forestry Strategy and Forest Action Plan,
Land use efficiency, adaptation, mitigation, climate change, carbon
sink, biomass/-fuel production, cross-benefit analysis, policy impact,
biophysical and economic land-use modelling

The challenge use sector and its associated industries. A

regional climate model was coupled with
The CC-TAME project assessed the impacts biophysical ecosystem models, which gener-
of agricultural, climate, energy, forestry and ated a vast variety of production possibility
other associated land-use policies, consider- sets for each geographic unit. State of the
ing the resulting feed-backs on the climate art economic models, which are embedded
system in the European Union. Geographical- in the theory of modern welfare economics,
ly explicit biophysical models together with used the rich sets of geographic explicit bio-
an integrated cluster of economic land-use physical production possibilities to generate
models were coupled with a regional climate globally consistent local mitigation and ad-
model to assess and identify mitigation and aptation land use strategies.
adaptation strategies for European land use
systems. Methodology
Project objectives CC-TAME has built an operational cluster of
models to carry out policy impact studies in
CC-TAME’s aim was to build a strong Sci- the land-use sector under climate change.
ence-Policy interface by delivering timely, All biophysical CC-TAME models covering the
relevant and understandable information forest and agricultural domain have been
from state-of-the-art policy impact assess- made consistent at global, European, and
ments to the policy community. The scien- regional levels generating detailed model
tific-technical objective was to carry out an representation of a wide variety of manage-
assessment of the efficiency of current and ment practices. Consistency has been estab-
future land use adaptation and mitigation lished by building a large-scale model input
processes. data infrastructure and harmonized scenario
The concept of CC-TAME was to model generation protocols.
explicit land use on farm/forest manage- Cross-scale validation of GHG responses to
ment practice level taking into account the management change for biophysical models
emerging technological changes in the land- has been performed. Model linkages have

been tested and implemented to calculate ronmental, agricultural, forest, and energy
reference scenarios, which are consistent policy scenarios. We found that policies that
across geographic scales, time and multiple aimed at enhancing or preserving carbon
sectors. An operational and consistent meth- stocks as well as policies aimed at reducing
odology to carry out policy assessments non-CO2
for the LULUCF sector has been prepared. GHG emissions from agriculture also scored
Analysis of the economics of mitigation in high with respect to ecosystem adaptation to
the LULUCF sector has been tested the tools climate change.
have been provided to interested parties in
EU member states. CC-TAME has contributed tools, data and
analysis to European policy making in the
land use and land use change and forest-
Emerging results
ry (LULUCF) sector. These tools were used
CC-TAME has implemented regional climate to provide reference level information for
scenarios and has carried out a fully fledged reporting under the UNFCCC. Furthermore,
mitigation and adaptation analysis with the CC-TAME tools were used to generate infor-
focus on the co-benefits of mitigation and mation entering the policy process on burden
adaptation. The CC-TAME model cluster was sharing for post-Kyoto climate policies in Eu-
employed to assess a wide range of envi- rope and elsewhere.

Project partners

















Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Choosing Efficient Combinations of Policy Instruments for Low-
carbon development and Innovation to Achieve Europe’s 2050 climate
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  3 470 770 €
EC contribution:  2 797 381 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/09/2012
Consortium:  10 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  Ecologic institute, DE
Project website:
Key words:  Policy evaluation, effi-ciency, effectiveness, low-carbon
economy, economic instruments, poli-cy mix

The challenge The CECILIA2050 project investigates the

perfor-mance and implementation of exist-
Europe has embarked on a major endeavour: ing climate policy instruments and their in-
to transform itself into a low-carbon econo- teraction, and maps the development of fur-
my by mid-century. However, the mix of cli-
ther coordination among these instruments
mate policy instruments already in existence
in Europe.
will need to be scaled up drastically in order
to initiate the neces-sary changes and meet
the collective economic goals. Project objectives
The existing EU climate policy framework, 1. Connecting academic methods with real-life con-
with the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ditions: The team members work regu-larly on the
ETS) as its cornerstone and a range of oth- border between policy and sci-ence, and under-
stand both worlds.
er EU-level and Member State-level policies,
2. Working across disciplines for relevant re-sults:
places the EU on track for achieving its “20-
By combining the fields of economics, law, politi-
20-20” targets. However, there is as yet no cal science and others, the project identifies solu-
policy framework to place the EU on the tions, as well as ways to im-plement them.
Commission’s own suggested emissions tra- 3. Radical realism: The project focuses on the radi-
jectory for the longer term – that is, reaching cal change needed to meet the EU’s long-term cli-
40% and 60% below 1990 levels by 2030 mate goals, but also maps pathways that depart
and 2040 respectively (EC 2011, “Roadmap from the current poli-cy mix.
for moving to a low-carbon economy in 4. Analysing combinations of policy instruments and
2050”, Roadmap for moving to a low-carbon their interaction: The project employs different
economy in 2050, COM/2011/0112 final). disciplines to understand the constraints that lim-
There is an urgent need for an understanding it the performance of policies, and derive options
to tackle these.
of how the existing policy mix can be further
5. Policy-relevant research results produced in a
developed and improved so as to ensure that readable format: In addition to scientific publica-
these milestones can be met in the most ef- tions, a series of CECILIA2050 Policy Briefs sum-
ficient and feasible manner, on the way to marises key results for a wider audience.
the 2050 target of establishing a low-car- 6. Involvement of stakeholders in research: Political
bon economy with emission reductions of stakeholders, industry players, and civil society
80-95%. are involved through different channels.

Methodology Expected results
The project combines state of the art mod- CECILIA2050 is expected to develop policy
sce-narios for meeting the 2050 emission
elling tools with qualitative and participatory
reduction objectives of the European Union.
methods. To complement the EU-level anal-
These should suggest ways to improve the
ysis, the effects of EU climate policies are
eco-nomic efficiency and environmental ef-
quantified at the global level. fectiveness of the instrument mix. The re-
The CECILIA2050 project combines back- sults will address constraints that limit the
performance or feasibility of economic in-
ward-looking (ex-post) and forward-looking
struments. These include public acceptance,
(ex-ante) analysis. The backward-looking availability of finance, the physical infra-
part of the project takes stock of the exist- structure, and also the administrative and
ing instrument mix in the EU and its Member legal framework.
States, and assesses their coherence and The outcome should be realistic, feasible
past performance. The forward-looking part and yet ambitious policy pathways for the
evolution of the current instrument mix to-
maps pathways toward a more ambi-tious
wards an “optimal” policy instrument mix.
policy mix for 2030 and 2050. CECILIA2050 These should inform the political debate at
describes and models how the instrumenta- the EU and the Member State level regard-
tion could evolve and how constraints and ing the post-2020 EU climate policy frame-
bottlenecks – such as infrastructure, access work, for targets and policies for the time
horizon 2030. A formal consultation process
to finance, or dis-tributional impacts – can
on the issue was started by the European
be addressed. To ensure policy relevance and Commission in March 2013, with a view to
mobilise practitioners’ knowledge, the proj- tabling a proposal for discus-sion on the fu-
ect engages with stakeholders in different ture framework to Heads of State and Gov-
ways: with workshops, online surveys, and ernment in 2014, and possible legislation to
be discussed in 2014/5. The CECILIA 2050
through the guidance of a Science and Pol- out-puts should thus provide relevant and
icy Advisory Board composed of specifically timely in-sights for use by decision-makers
selected experts involved in this process.

Project partners Country

Ecologic Institute DE
Energy Institute, University College London UK
LU-CML, Leiden University NL
Charles University Environment Centre (CUNI) CZ
Institute for Economic Structures Research (GWS) DE
Institute for Environmental Studies, VU University Amsterdam NL
Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement FR
Warsaw Ecological Economics Centre, University of Warsaw PL
Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3) ES
Università di ferrara IT

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Climate change predictions in Sub-Saharan Africa: impacts and
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 662 502 €
EC contribution:  3 496 231 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/10/10
Consortium:  18 partners from 17 countries
Project coordinator:  Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change
Project website:  www.
Key words:  Sub-Saharan Africa, Climate Predictions, Climate Impacts,
Adaptation, Agriculture and Water Resources, Socio-economic Analysis

The challenge context. Specific objectives are: 1- Develop

improved climate predictions for SSA on
Africa is probably the most vulnerable con- seasonal to decadal scale; 2- Assess climate
tinent to climate change and variability, be- impacts in key sectors of SSA livelihood and
cause of the combination of its low adaptive economy, like water resources and agricul-
capacity with particular eco-climatic and ture; 3- Evaluate the vulnerability of eco-
socio-economic conditions. Nevertheless it systems and civil population to inter-annual
remains one of the regions less covered by variations and decadal trends in climate; 4-
climate change studies. Suggest and analyse new adaptation strate-
African population mostly depends on the gies suited to SSA; 5- Develop a new concept
of medium term monitoring and forecasting
rural sector, which relies in turn on rainfall
warning system for food security, risk man-
patterns: any negative effect of climate on
agement and civil protection; 6- Analyse the
the water cycle and agriculture production
economic impacts of climate change on ag-
significantly threatens its livelihood and
riculture and water resources in SSA and the
cost-effectiveness of potential adaptation
The challenge is to deliver improved pre- measures.
dictions of climate change and impacts in
Sub-Saharan Africa on a temporal scale and Methodology
spatial resolution effective for timely adap-
The activities are carried out through an in-
tation actions.
tegrated approach organized in eight com-
plementary work-packages:
Project objectives
WP1: Effects of past climate variability on
ClimAfrica aims at producing the most ap- ecosystem productivity and water cycle
propriate and up-to-date tools to better
WP2: Modelling seasonal to decadal climate
understand and predict climate change in
Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) for the next 10-
20 years, analysing the expected impacts WP3: Analysing the climate impacts on water
on water and agriculture and proposing ad- resources and agriculture production
aptation strategies tailored to the African WP4: Medium-term warning system, vulner-

ability, adaptation ClimAfrica is already delivering improved cli-
WP5: Socio-economic implications of climate mate predictions, ranging from 50 to 25km
change impacts and adaptation measures in resolution, from the dynamical downscal-
SSA ing, and to point resolution, from statistical
downscaling, for the specific field studies
WP6: Field case studies in Africa carried out in Burkina Faso, Congo, Ethiopia,
WP7 & WP8: Project Management & Dissem- Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, Tanzania, and
ination. Togo. The resolution will be even higher for
the impact models on water balance and
Expected results main crop types, i.e. Sorghum, Maize, Millet,
Rice, and Cassava. Other expected results
State of the art data streams of remotely are: new adaptation strategies suited to local
sensed land surface properties, harmonized needs; the assessment of economic implica-
meteorological reanalysis, and synergis- tions of climate change impacts and adapta-
tic land use products are already available; tion options; a prototype of a medium term
among them a 30+ year (1979-2010) record monitoring and forecasting warning system
of global daily soil moisture database, with for food security, risk management and civil
0.25 degree spatial resolution. protection.

Project partners
1 Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change, CMCC IT
2 Lunds Universitet SE
3 Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique, CEA FR
4 Max Planck Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaften, MPG DE
5 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, VUA NL
6 Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya, CTFC ES
7 Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung, PIK DE
8 Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement, CIRAD FR
9 Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, FAO IT
10 Stichting Onderzoek Wereldvoedselvoorziening van de Vrije Universiteit, SOW NL
11 Centre de recherches sur la durabilité et la productivité des plantations industrielles, CRDPI CG
12 University of Cape Town, UCT ZA
13 University of Malawi MW
14 Université de Lomé TG
15 Agricultural Research Corporation, ARC SD
16 IGAD Centre for Climate Prediction and Application, ICPAC KE
17 Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Crops Research Institute, CSIR-CRI GH
18 Centre d’Étude de Recherche et de Production en Information pour l’Environnement et le
Développement Durable, CERPINEDD

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  ClimateCost The Full Costs of Climate Change
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 607 408 €
EC contribution:  3 499 994 €
Duration:  32 months
Start date:  01/12/2008
Consortium:  22 partners from 14 countries
Project coordinator:  Stockholm Environment Institute Oxford, UK
Project website:
Key words:  climate change economics, cost of inaction, mitigation
costs, social cost of carbon

The challenge • developing a number of existing global level eco-

nomic Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs).
There is increasing interest in the economics • providing policy relevant output, including analysis
of climate change to: of policy scenarios.
• provide important information on the costs of in- The project advanced multi-disciplinary re-
action (the economic effects of climate change); search, developing integrated bottom-up
• assess the costs and benefits of adaptation; and top-down analysis, and directly engag-
• inform the policy debate on long-term targets and ing policy makers to provide policy relevant
mitigation policies. outputs.
Although relatively detailed and comprehen-
sive research has been carried out in these Methodology
areas, there are many gaps in the assess-
ment of the full costs of climate change. The ClimateCost study used a consistent and
harmonised set of climate and socio-eco-
Using detailed disaggregated, bottom-up
nomic scenarios and climate model outputs
approaches, and top-down aggregated anal-
for Europe, and employed these in sectoral
ysis, this project advanced the knowledge
impact assessment models, to assess the
across all of the three areas above.
impacts and economic costs of climate
change and the costs and benefits of adap-
Project objectives tation, at a sector level across the EU and at
The objectives were to advance knowledge Member State level.
across the areas outlined above, by: The study has also reviewed major climate
• identifying and developing consistent climate and discontinuities (tipping elements) and under-
socio-economic scenarios, including for mitigation. taken analysis of the impact and economic
• quantifying the effects of climate change in Eu- costs of major sea level rise.
rope, in physical terms and economic costs (for
coastal zones, health, energy, agriculture and in- It has updated and run a suite of mitigation
frastructure), and identifying the costs and bene- models (POLES, GEM-E3, PACE), and quanti-
fits of adaptation. fied the ancillary air quality benefits (includ-
• assessing the impacts and economic costs of ma- ing monetary benefits) of mitigation in Eu-
jor catastrophic and socially contingent events. rope. It has also updated and run a number
• updating the costs of mitigation, including (in-
of models that assess the costs and benefits
duced) technological change, non-CO2 GHG and
sinks, and recent abatement technologies.
of climate change policy, including comput-
• quantifying and monetising the ancillary air-qual- erised general equilibrium models and inte-
ity co-benefits of mitigation in Europe, China and grated assessment models (including PAGE,
India. FUND, WITCH).

Finished results provided final results and available models
that are of high relevance for the Commis-
The project provided a more complete, up- sion and others, in relation to the short and
dated assessment of cost of mitigation, im- long-term GHG emission reduction targets
pacts and economic costs of climate change, and stabilisation. This includes information
and the costs and benefits of adaptation. on the cost of inaction for Europe under fu-
The potential impact of the project has been ture scenarios – and the economic co-ben-
primarily through the outputs and results efits of mitigation for Europe – which were
(including a set of policy briefs), which are both included in the EC impact assessment
highly relevant for European Commission cli- for the Roadmap for moving to a competitive
mate policy, as well as for Member States. low carbon economy in 2050.
Indeed, the results have already been includ- An updated suite of models that are used in
ed in policy discussion and deliberations. European Commission mitigation cost and
The project has provided results on the fu- economic analyses (POLES, GEM-E3) has
ture potential economic costs of climate been produced, with new runs with these
change that are of high relevance to Com- models. An updated suite of CGM and IAM
mission Services and have been cited in the models has been produced, for potential use
2013 EU Strategy on adaptation to climate in policy analysis, including the new PAGE09
change (COM(2013) 216 final). This informa- model.
tion, and analysis of the costs and benefits The results of the project also has provid-
of adaptation, has been included in the Eu- ed valuable research inputs, as measured
ropean Climate Adaptation Platform (CLI- through the publication of many academic
MATE-ADAPT). papers.
In addition, in relation to long-term targets The project has produced a set of policy brief-
and justification for mitigation, the study has ing notes that summarise sector results.

Project partners
Stockholm Environment Institute, Oxford, UK Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, ES
European Commission – JRC, ES Paul Watkiss Associates, UK
Danish Meteorological Institute, DK Economic and Social Research Institute, EI
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research DE London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK
University of Southampton, UK Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung, DE
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, IT University of the Aegean, EL
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, AT University of East Anglia, UK
Metroeconomica, UK Charles University Environment Center, CZ
Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, EL Université de Grenoble-2, FR
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven- Center of Economic Studies, BE The Energy and Resources Institute, IN
AEA Technology plc, UK Energy Research Institute (ERI), CN

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Bridging the gap between adaptation strategies of climate
change impacts and European water policies
Instrument:  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  1 171 003 €
EC contribution:  956 932 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/11/2008
Consortium:  11 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  VITUKI, HU
Project website:
Key words:  impacts on water resources, adaptation strategies, EU
water policies

The challenge and aquatic ecosystems, including all other

water-related issues of Society and Nature.
Scarcity and abundance of water are two Research needs in the field of climate impact
of the major problems of Mankind. New on the water cycle and water users were
scientific approaches are needed to handle identified. The most important output of the
the water-related climate change impacts project was the identification of gaps that
and adaptation strategies. ClimateWater would hinder the implementation of the EU
reviewed these new fields of the water-re- water policy in combating climate impacts
lated sciences and attempted to bridge the on water.
existing gaps, the ‘missing links’ between
scientific approaches and the tools offered Methodology
by policy makers. The Project aimed at the
development of new scenarios for adapta- The Project has reviewed the water-relat-
tion measures to climate change, identifying ed climate change impacts as they were
their potential to alleviate climate change identifiable by other relevant projects and
impacts and to build them into implementa- international literature, both net-based and
tion of water policies. traditional. The Project also reviewed the
needs of adaptation and damage mitiga-
Project objectives tion strategies and measures over the entire
range of water-related human activities. The
ClimateWater’s main objectives were to strategies identified also consider how these
analyse and synthesise data and informa- demands can be satisfied by the water-re-
tion on the likely (known, assumed, expected, lated policies. International conventions, reg-
modelled, forecasted, predicted, estimated) ulations and policies were also considered.
water-related impacts of changes in cli- Strong emphasis was laid on the research
mate with special regard to their risk and needs to identify science-policy gaps and
to the urgency of preparation to combat also on that of water-sciences in general.
these changes and their impacts. The Proj- The Project reviewed all European water-re-
ect identified adaptation strategies that are, lated policies, breaking down to tasks and
and could be, developed in Europe (and also topics according to main policy fields, with
globally) for handling (preventing, eliminat- strong emphasis on identifying their abil-
ing, combating, mitigating) the impacts of ity and capacity of adaptation to climate
global climate changes on water resources change impacts and how these can be taken

into account in the (re)formulation of current measurements is given along with that for
and future policies, thereby proposing rec- the improvement of legal tools to enable
ommendations and solutions to identified enforcement of strategies and measures in
shortcomings. international river basins. The small letter
amendments of existing conventions and
Finished results agreements that allow escaping from obli-
gations must be rectified. The upgrading of
Climate change impacts on the hydrological
accidental pollution warning and forecasting
cycle, water resources and the ecosystems
systems with field measurements is also
are much larger than they were assumed
suggested as the hazard for accidents is
when starting the project. Floods, drought
and flash-flood induced non-point source dramatically increased. For bridging policy
pollution were the most dangerous impact gaps in fighting climate-change induced wa-
categories. It was found that identified ad- ter problems, the major general advice is to
aptation strategies and measures need to include actual measures and strategies and
be upgraded and their implementation ac- to give strict deadlines. To do so, appropriate
celerated. A major gap identified is that wa- financial resources should be allocated, na-
ter policies recommend only generalities to tionally and Europe-wide. Available resourc-
fight climate change and are much lagging es should be spent on urgent and known
behind the real water problems. The urgency measures immediately. It is recommended
of action is not realised. Among the identi- to include the ecohydrological approach in
fied research needs, 11 very important new the WFD to upgrade resilience and resistance
or novel fields were considered and an Index of ecosystems and to control floods, drought
of Impact Magnitude and Action Urgency and non-point source pollution. Most of the
(IMAU) was developed in two versions. other policies could also benefit from this
Ecohydrology was identified among research approach, especially those related to for-
targets of high importance, as a general ad- estry, agriculture through the enhancement
aptation strategy. The final output is a list of land-use planning. There are policies, like
of recommendations to upgrade water-im- the Drinking Water Directive, where certain
pact related EU policies; it includes a nov- basic modifications were recommended. It is
el approach to WFD/RBMP, new strategies also suggested to alter some concepts of the
for flood control and for eliminating urban planning tools and models for River Basin
sewer outflow onto streets. Advice to im- Management Planning and Integrated Water
prove model and planning tool oriented field Resources Management.

Project partners
VITUKI Environmental and Water Research Institute HU
University of Debrecen, Faculty of Engineering HU
Water Research Institute of the National Research Council IT
Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabrück DE
National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology RO
Geonardo Environmental Technologies Ltd. HU
University of Vienna, Faculty of Life Sciences AT
University of Leicester, Department of Biology UK
Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute SK
SOGREAH Consultants FR
Malta Resources Authority MT

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Climate change integrated assessment methodology for cross-
sectoral adaptation and vulnerability in Europe
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 157 841 €
EC contribution:  3 149 644 €
Duration:  46 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Consortium:  18 partners from 13 countries
Project coordinator:  Chancellor, Master and Scholars of the University
of Oxford, UK
Project website:
Key words:  climate change, impacts, adaptation, vulnerability, cross-

The challenge • to apply the Integrated Assessment Platform to

assess climate change impacts on, and adaptation
There is widespread acceptance that the options for, ecosystem services;
climate is changing due to human emis- • to integrate stakeholder input into climate change
sions of greenhouse gases. Such changes impacts and adaptation research through the de-
velopment of participatory scenarios;
in climate will affect all sectors of society
• to identify vulnerability hotspots through metrics
and the environment at all scales, ranging of impacts and adaptive capacity; and
from the continental to the national and • to analyse the cost-effectiveness of adaptation
local. Decision-makers and other interested strategies and investigate sources of uncertainty
citizens need to be able to access reliable to inform appropriate policy options.
science-based information to help them re-
spond to the risks of climate change impacts Methodology
and assess opportunities for adaptation. CLIMSAVE is developing a user-friendly, in-
teractive web-based tool that allows stake-
Project objectives holders to assess climate change impacts
The overall aim of the CLIMSAVE project is and vulnerabilities for a range of sectors,
to deliver an integrated methodology to as- including agriculture, forests, biodiversity,
sess cross-sectoral climate change impacts, coasts, water resources and urban devel-
adaptation and vulnerability. It will put sci- opment. The linking of models for the dif-
ence in the service of stakeholders and poli- ferent sectors enables stakeholders to see
cy-makers by providing a common platform how their interactions could affect European
for an improved integrated assessment of landscape change. Outputs from the linked
climate change impacts, vulnerability and models are translated into ecosystem ser-
related cost-effective adaptation measures vices (the benefits that people obtain from
covering key sectors in Europe. There are six ecosystems) in order to link climate change
specific objectives: impacts directly to human well-being. The
tool also enables stakeholders to explore
• to analyse the policy and governance context for
adaptation strategies for reducing climate
• to develop an Integrated Assessment Platform change vulnerability, discovering where,
which includes linkages and feedbacks between when and under what circumstances such
key landscape sectors; actions may help. It highlights the cost-ef-

fectiveness and cross-sectoral benefits and tion options.
conflicts of different adaptation options and A number of CLIMSAVE outputs are already
enables uncertainties to be investigated to available from the project website (www.
better inform the development of robust pol- These include reports on the
icy responses. stakeholder workshops, scenario develop-
ment, adaptive capacity, vulnerability, ad-
Expected results aptation policy and governance, and the
specification of the Integrated Assessment
CLIMSAVE’s integrated assessment approach
Platform and the sectoral meta-models
will enable stakeholders to explore and un-
within it. The final output from CLIMSAVE
derstand the interactions between different
will be the Integrated Assessment Platform
sectors, rather than viewing their own area which will allow stakeholders or interested
in isolation. citizens to analyse climate change impacts,
This contributes to the development of a well vulnerability and adaptation options them-
adapted Europe by building the capacity of selves. The Platform will be available from
decision-makers to understand cross-sec- October 2013 from the CLIMSAVE website
toral vulnerability to climate change and ( and the Climate-Adapt
how it might be reduced by various adapta- website (

Project partners
Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford UK
TIAMASG Foundation RO
Prospex bvba BE
Department of Natural Resources , Cranfield University UK
Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications ES
Center for Environmental Systems Research , University of Kassel DE
Institute of Agrosystems and Bioclimatology, Mendel University in Brno CZ
Department of Environmental Studies, University of the Aegean EL
Rob Tinch (Independent researcher) BE
Sustainable Environment Research Institute AT
School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh UK
Department of Earth & Ecosystem Sciences, University of Lund SE
Land Dynamics Group, Wageningen University NL
School of Civil Engineering and the Environment, University of Southampton UK
Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of
Agricultural Sciences
Faculty of Science, Health & Education, University of the Sunshine Coast AU
Centre for Strategic Economic Studies, Victoria University AU

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Knowledge Based Climate Mitigation Systems for a Low Carbon
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  6 982 677 €
EC contribution:  5 428 606 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/10/2012
Consortium:  17 partners from 11countries
Project coordinator:  International Centre for Cultural and Historical
Studies, Newcastle University, UK
Project website:
Key words:  Energy, agriculture, forestry, environment

The challenge task will be to fine-tune problem specifica-

tions to facilitate system flips and innovation
The transition to a low carbon economy by cascades consistent with the shift to a low
2050 will involve irreversible step-changes carbon economy.
in the cultural, economic and natural do-
mains, with qualitatively different socio-eco- Our vision is to create an interlinked mod-
nomic configurations before and after. By the elling system, which operates at different
time the low carbon economy has emerged, geographical scales (supra-national, nation-
many vested interests and culture-clashes al and regional) and allows us to take full
will have been resolved and socio-natural account of regional and national specificities
systems will have changed irreversibly. It related to technology, behaviour and ecosys-
is imperative that these transformations be tem.
managed in a way that maintains social co-
hesion, prosperity and good governance. Methodology
Our approach is to mount two parallel types
Project objectives of research; one will be focussed on the re-
COMPLEX will develop new modeling tech- alities of regional life, the impacts of mitiga-
niques for exploring non-linear, i.e. step- tion policies and issues of receptivity and will
change dynamics of socio-natural systems. pay particular attention to climate related
This work will require an integration of the technologies and carbon emission. The other
‘soft’ (human) and the ‘hard’ (natural) ap- will be focussed on economic and systems
proaches. modelling. The level of integration between
A suite of modelling tools and decision-sup- these two themes will develop as the project
port systems will be developed to inform na- proceeds and each set of studies works to
tional and supra-national policy and support meet the other.
communities across Europe working to make We will design a flexible system of inte-
the transition to a low-carbon economy. grated models and components that can be
We will deal with real-world complexity, with further modified and expanded to facilitate
stakeholder engagement and upscaling and case studies. Each regional case-study will
downscaling problems. These differences in undertake an initial stakeholder engagement
perspective become manifest as links with exercise and produce a case-study scoping
different stakeholder communities. Their statement. These scoping statements will

feed into a process of ‘model-stakeholder will allow policy measures to be prioritized
fusion.’ according to the probability of critical climat-
ic events and the likelihood of their accep-
The integration platform will help stake-
tance to be evaluated.
holders communicate their knowledge,
conceptual and mental models towards a Reduction of the costs that could result from
synchronized and shared vision of a climate the penetration of various low carbon tech-
nologies as well as from behavioural change
mitigation policy.
in energy markets.
Expected results Development of knowledge-based mitiga-
tion policy options designed to de-couple
Improved accessibility and better integration economic growth from resource consump-
of existing databases and approaches to tion and environmental degradation.
produce important cost savings. Besides the Build confidence in mitigation strategies by
representation of Economic, Energy, Climate a better representation of economic, energy,
and Ecological systems the modelling suite climate and biota in modelling systems.

Project partners
BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change ES
CNRS National Centre for Scientific Research FR
EDF Energy FR
IRSTEA National Research Institute of Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture FR
IIASA International Institute for Applied Systems AT
MPG Max Planck Institute for Meteorology DE
TNO Dutch Organisation for Applied Scientific Research NL
OCT Observatory for a Culture of the Territory ES
NIERSC Scientific Foundation Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre RU
SIGTUNA Foundation SE
SINTEF Energy Research NO
Stockholm University SE
SLU Swedish Agricultural University SE
University of Padova IT
University of Newcastle UK
University of Sussex UK
University of TWENTE NL

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Enabling Climate Information Services for Europe
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 477 194 €
EC contribution:  3 408 670 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/02/2011
Consortium:  13 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  KNMI, NL
Project website:
Key words:  European climate services, climate change, climate
impact, energy, climate adaptation, coasts, users, cities, water,
data, rain, wind, drought, solar power, hydropower, climate models,
environment, flooding

The challenge To further develop local climate services in

four areas, Coasts, Cities, Water and Energy,
Climate and climate change has high im- and to make concrete demonstrations of the
pact on society. Better understanding and utility of these services in support of local
improved prediction skills of future weather climate adaptation policies.
and climate is vital to protect lives, goods
To provide an outline and proof of concept
and infrastructures. Different sectors of so-
for future European-wide Climate Services.
ciety and infrastructure are more or less de-
signed to accommodate the current level of
climate variability. The prospect of a chang- Methodology
ing climate necessitates adapting these To meet the objectives of ECLISE at the lo-
designs. To prevent high costs, it is of para- cal and European scale, the project is divided
mount importance that the most reliable and into four thematic work packages (coasts,
accurate climate information is used to un- cities, water and energy) including various
derpin the development of new adaptation local user cases, and three cross-cutting
strategies. work packages covering project-wide and
European-wide tasks.
Project objectives The many (26) use cases defined in ECLISE
To provide a European perspective to the serve the ‘learning-by-doing’ approach of
functionality of climate services and the en- the project. The project aims to learn from
trainment of national services into a broader the different use cases in the project wheth-
European approach. er there are similarities in the needs of local
users for climate services within Europe and
To take a first step towards the realisation whether generic solutions can be found that
of a European Climate Service, addressing address these needs. This is done by involv-
climate information needs of the EU and its ing the users, study their needs and develop
Member States. the services. Policy makers and stakeholders
To capitalize on previous research projects will be engaged with the findings of ECLISE
and bring together European climate re- by collaboration with the project team and
search expertise and the needs of public the users during a synthesis workshop, which
and private organizations on future climate is aimed at communication and discussing of
information. the findings of ECLISE to stakeholders and

policy makers on climate adaptation. abilities to climate change for the regions,
cities and sectors involved.
Expected results The climate service will support decisions
ECLISE will result in a wide overview of the on flood defence, on water management,
development of a range of climate services on urban and coastal planning, on energy
across sectors and regions in Europe. The generation and energy usage. These climate
use cases will reveal a variety of usage of adaptation measures generally involve large
climate model runs, of multi-model ensem- costs, thus weighting the economic impor-
bles, of different statistical downscaling tance of high-quality climate services. On
techniques, of model calibration, and pro- the other hand, no or erroneous climate in-
cessing of model results to usable informa- formation may lead to inadequate planning
tion for the users. The use cases will show and avoidable damages that are often very
the results of various ways to interact with costly in terms of property or human lives
local users and with advanced and experi- lost.
enced users. The final result of ECLISE is the outline of
The use cases will have generated valuable a pan-European climate service. This would
data sets such as maps of sea-state and alleviate current problems in cross-border
sea-level, precipitation and temperature jumps in data due to different approached
for Italy, Crete, Romania, the Baltic sea, the or base data used by different countries.
cities of Rotterdam, Oslo, Bergen and Stock- Also, countries with less-developed climate
holm. services may profit from more advanced
The socio-economic impact of these results services, thus increasing the overall ability of
will be an increased ability to reduce vulner- the European services.

Project partners
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute NL
Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute SE
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht – Centre for Materials and Coastal research DE
Wageningen University & Research Centre NL
Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate – Italian National Research Council IT
Uni Research AS NO
Norwegian Meteorological Institute NO
Institute of Geography – Romanian Academy RO
Technical University of Crete EL
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne UK
National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management RO

Natural Resources Management

At a glance
Title:  Ecosystem-based strategies and innovations in water
governance networks for adaptation to climate change in Latin
American Landscapes
Total cost:  2 411 021 €
EC contribution:  1 899 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  15/01/2015
Consortium:  4 CSOs and 1 RTD in Latin America and 1 CSO and 3
RTDs in Europe.
Project coordinator:  CIRAD, FR
Project website:
Key words:  ecosystem-based adaptation; climate change; network
governance; watershed and landscape planning for water resources.

The challenge sustainable adaptation and develop solu-

tions that address the main challenges that
International debates on climate change communities face in developing their adap-
have been arguing the need to foster adap- tation strategy, i.e. the capacity of stakehold-
tation planning in Latin America where im- ers to network and “scale” their practice, and
pacts are expected to be significant given the the capacity to collectively define adaptation
vulnerable socio-economic context. However, strategies; 2) develop socially relevant “dis-
evidence shows that little progress has been cussion-support” participatory processes,
made so far both at national and at com- models and tools for developing adaptation
munity level due to the complexity of ad- strategies. The operational objective will be
aptation planning in these countries. These to improve the capacity of CSOs and scien-
difficulties are due to factors such as poor in- tists to unfold participatory scenario-analy-
tegration of local knowledge, the complexity sis processes with communities. A specific
of multi-actors contexts, little experience in objective is thus to produce locally-owned
interdisciplinary approaches, little experience innovations and strategies that will be im-
in managing environmental dynamics char- plemented in participating communities and
acterized by deep uncertainties, potential will eventually spread to other communities
tensions in cross-scale interactions among with similar issues.
scientists, policy makers and local commu-
nities among others. Methodology
Project objectives The main of hypothesis of EcoAdapt is that
adaptation to climate change goes way be-
The main goal of EcoAdapt is to improve, yond coping and is not something that can
through action-research, adaptive capacity be done in isolation by any player at any
to climate change of at least 3 territorial organization level (i.e. focus on collective
platforms (“model forests”) that are depen- action). In addition we consider that ecosys-
dent on ecosystems’ hydrological services. tem-based management provides a robust
The science and technology objectives are basis for successful adaptation to climate
twofold: 1) to understand the key factors for change especially in Latin America which is

strongly-dependent on its natural resourc- Moreover, the project’s RTDs, CSOs and their
es. Knowledge-sharing forms the backbone partners, local universities and RIOCC have a
of the project by the valorization and inte- shared understanding of the context of the
gration of different sources of knowledge to intervention in each project site. They have
promote a common understanding of the the necessary data and information to sup-
problem context as well as its solutions. We port this understanding. Along with a shared
rely on a hybrid form of participatory scenar- understanding of problems there will also
io analysis that combines Story and Simula- be a co-creation of jointly-produced and so-
tion, structured decision making and social cially and technically robust exploratory sce-
validation via socio-technical forums. This narios where also RTDs learn how to adapt
deliberative approach helps us in supporting their methods and tools to local issues and
contexts and test their hypotheses.
the elaboration of socially and technically
robust adaptation strategies and socio-tech- CSOs and their partners improve their capac-
nical innovations that will help improve en- ity to adapt to the impacts of climate change
vironmental governance and prevent wa- to ecosystem’s hydrological services by de-
ter-related conflicts. veloping strategies and innovations involving
actors of different governance levels working
at different geographical scales.
Expected results
Finally, stakeholders and policymakers in the
Project partners and allies are engaged in countries of intervention are aware of the
a knowledge sharing culture based on criti- main project results, CSOs and RTDs fully
cal thinking and self-evaluation. This allows understand key project lessons, national and
them to address the research and devel- regional policy-makers have a much better
opment questions in a way that puts equal grasp of local issues and solutions and in-
weight in local and scientific knowledge. tegrate this knowledge in renewed policies.

Project partners
French Agricultural Research Centre for International Fundación Internacional para la Promoción del Desarrollo
Development, FR Sustentable Futuro Latinoamericano, EC
Tropical Agriculture Higher Education and research
Asociación Civil Bosque Modelo Jujuy, AR
Centre, CR

Stockholm Environment Institute, Oxford-UK Fundación para la Conservación del Bosque Seco Chiquitano, BO

International Union of Forestry Research Organization,

Servicio Evangélico para el Desarrollo, CL
Wien, AT

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  European Network engaging Civil society in Low Carbon scenarios
Instrument:  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  790 819 €
EC contribution:  717 979 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/04/2009
Consortium:  5 partners from 3 countries
Project coordinator:  Meike Fink – Climate&Energy Campaigner-
Réseau Action Climat, FR
Project website:
Key words:  European network, Low carbon scenarios, Civil society,
Research, reports, Policies and measures, social acceptability, seminars

The challenge This network was set up to encourage a live-

ly exchange of opinions and views on exist-
Due to the upcoming impacts of climate ing energy scenarios, and to raise awareness
change there is a great need for energy tran- about the importance of collaborative sce-
sition. In recent years an increasing number nario creation processes. Another objective
of energy scenarios have been published. of ENCI LowCARB was the development and
These scenarios are influential tools in po- the fine tuning of hybrid modelling-tools that
litical decision-making processes particu- can represent technical sector details and si-
larly because they focus on the long-term multaneously the interplay with an economic
impacts of today’s investment decisions, system. The final objective of ENCI LowCARB
especially regarding infrastructures. Many was the elaboration of reliable mitigation
of them are based on public or stakeholders’ scenarios for France and Germany.
consultations. However, most of them don’t
emphasize the importance of the scenario
design process, nor are they carried out in a
transparent way showing how contributions
are integrated into modelling tools. Methodology
The core idea of this project was to develop a
Project objectives methodology for the transparent integration
ENCI LowCARB addressed this lack of trans- of stakeholders contributions in the scenar-
parency by developing and applying a meth- io creation process in order to enhance the
odology that can be easily reproduced for a stakeholder acceptance of the resulting low
more transparent integration of stakehold- carbon pathways. By adding this element
ers’ contributions into the collaborative sce- an important step was made from showing
nario creation process. Engaging stakehold- what is technically and economically possi-
ers in the process encourages the transition ble to what is socially accepted.
of today’s highly carbonised society to a Many energy scenarios are based on public
climate friendly one. The aim of the proj- or stakeholders consultations. However, few
ect was to engage civil society in research attribute importance to the scenario design
on low carbon scenarios in order to create a process and explain in a transparent way
European network composed of Civil Society how contributions are taken into account
Organisations (CSOs) and research institutes. and integrated in a modelling tool. The proj-

ect ENCI-LowCarb aimed at exploring this • Collaboratively creating energy mitigation scenar-
scientific gap. ios for Germany and France and ensuring a sense
of ownership for these scenarios among the partic-
The innovation of the project resides in
ipating stakeholders.
the scenario creation process itself. The
In addition, the project established a coop-
stakeholder’s involvement in the modelling
process was essential in elaborating the erative relationship between CSOs and re-
ENCI-LowCARB scenarios. This approach al- searchers by creating the “Low Carbon So-
lowed the integration in scenario modelling cieties Network”, a European network on low
of social acceptance of mitigation options carbon scenarios which continues also after
as an additional element for effective policy the Project’s end.
making The methodology for collaborative The ENCI-LowCARB greenhouse gas emis-
scenario creation processes that was devel- sion reduction scenarios for Germany and
oped and applied during this project is repli-
France allowed evaluating different panels
cable and could serve as a possible blueprint
of policies and their economic impacts on
for the development of scenarios that are
open to stakeholder participation (such as sectoral activity, on employment and on
official multi-stakeholder scenario creation prices of goods. The assumptions (technical
processes coordinated by the government, and economic) of the scenarios were defined
regional scenario development processes exclusively by national stakeholders (trade
led by local authorities, or even EU-wide unions, consumer associations, private com-
scenario developments like the EU energy panies etc.) who were invited to thematic
roadmap). workshops (residential, transport, electricity).
The results of these models provide interest-
Finished results ing insights for policy making. For instance,
The main outcomes of ENCI-LowCARB are the French model reveals that if only those
the following: measures that are judged acceptable by the
• Developing and refining innovative hybrid model- consulted stakeholders are implemented a
ing tools Remind-D and Imaclim-R that represent 68% CO2 emission reduction compared to
explicitly monetary values and physical quantities 1990 can be achieved, which is less than
so as to capture the specific role of the different
the French climate objective (75% of green-
energy sectors and their interaction with the rest
of the economy. house gas emissions in 2050).
• Establishing a cooperative relationship between The results of ENCI-LowCARB provide a new
CSOs and researchers to build energy scenarios
together despite diverging cultural approaches. A
vision for supporting the transition to a cli-
reproducible methodology for collaborative sce- mate friendly economy by putting the soci-
nario creation processes was developed. ety at the centre of the analysis.

Project partners

Réseau Action Climat (RAC) FR

Germanwatch DE


Centre International de Recherche sur l'Environnement et le Développement (CIRED) FR

Postdam Institute for Climate Impact Research DE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Assessment and further development of the European climate
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  3 742 706 €
EC contribution:  2 935 276 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/09/2012
Consortium:  9 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)
Project website:
Key words:  Environment, Energy, Economics, climate Policy, Policy

The challenge four goals:

• to coherently assess the most important climate
Climate policy-making in today’s world is policy instruments with the full range of economic
complex. Transaction and enforcement costs research methods.
affect the effectiveness and efficiency of pol- • to gain a deeper understanding of the interactions
icy instruments. Related policy fields, such between multiple climate policy instruments.
as energy policy, may influence the perfor- • to provide an analysis that takes into account the
barriers to the implementation of climate policy
mance of climate policy instruments, while
path dependency could lead to a lock-in on • to identify mixes of climate policy instruments that
carbon intensive technological paths and provide an effective, efficient, and feasible overall
hinder the penetration of low carbon tech- climate policy.
All these considerations highlight the need
for carefully considered policy design that ENTRACTE integrates empirical findings from
has to take into account existing market fail- ex-post assessments using broad sets of
ures, suboptimal outcomes of international empirical data as well as ex-ante analyses
agreements, the necessity to secure compet- with simulation models and experimental
itiveness and reduce carbon leakage as well approaches with theoretical findings in order
as its interaction with other political goals. to optimize the policy mix. ENTRACTE draws
on large set of economic methods and ex-
Project objectives ploits their respective strengths.
The strength of econometrics lies in the
The overarching objective of the ENTRACTE
analysis of impacts of current policies in
research project is to assess, understand,
real world markets and their imperfections.
and model the EUs current, as well as future,
Conversely, experimental analysis is partic-
climate policy portfolios in light of the key in-
ularly helpful to establish the comparability
terdependencies between policy instruments of policy choices. Moreover, economic theory
and thereby identify the optimal mix of pol- highlights the incentives that policy instru-
icies needed to achieve legislated (i.e. 2020) ments create, and numerical simulations
and aspirational (i.e. 2050) targets of GHG allow assessing in a comprehensive manner
emission reductions. the economic impacts of policy instruments
More specifically, the ENTRACTE project has not yet implemented.

By adopting a project-wide harmonization of as well as their interactions and takes ex-
assumptions and scenarios about the current isting barriers to implementation of policies
and future policy environment, ENTRACTE al- into account. The analysis is based on an
lows to pursue an integrated approach and integrative approach and targeted towards
to arrive at a synthesis of research results policy recommendations on an effective, effi-
which identifies strengths and weaknesses cient and feasible climate policy mix.
of different instrument mixes.
ENTRACTE makes a major step in providing
practically applicable recommendations for
Expected results policy makers on how to design the environ-
ENTRACTE analyses the EU ETS and other mentally effective, economically efficient and
policy instruments such as energy efficiency politically and legally feasible climate policy
standards, renewable policies, carbon taxes, mix needed to achieve medium-term and
innovation policies, and trade measures and long-term GHG reduction targets in Europe.

Project partners Country Code

Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) DE

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) DE

Fondazione eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) IT

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) UK

Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (Imperial) UK

Tilburg University (TSC) NL

CREE, Frisch Centre (FCO) NO

AP EnvEcon Limited IR

European Research and Project Office GmbH DE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  EuTRACE – A European Transdisciplinary Assessment of Climate
Instrument:  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  1 360 000 €
EC contribution:  999 960 €
Duration:  28 months
Start date:  01/06/2012
Consortium:  14 partners from 5 countries
Project coordinator:  IASS – Institute for Advanced Sustainability
Studies e.V., Potsdam, DE
Project website:
Key words:  Climate Engineering, Risk & Uncertainties, Governance and
Regulation of Climate Engineering

The challenge ers and other civil society stakeholders to ade-

quately address concerns and perspectives and to
Climate Engineering (CE) is rapidly gaining incorporate them in the assessment;
scientific, political, commercial, and public • to outline policy options and pathways for the EU
attention as a possible counterpart in cli- and the challenges CE poses;
• to identify the most important gaps in current un-
mate change mitigation. A distinct Europe- derstanding of climate engineering.
an perspective, particularly with regard to
the EU and how CE relates to its ambitious Methodology
climate targets, is still missing. The project
“European Trans-disciplinary Assessment of Literature review, argument maps, public de-
Climate Engineering” (EuTRACE) has been bates, case studies, workshops
formed to fill this gap.
Expected Results:
Project objectives A final assessment with an Executive Sum-
• A transdisciplinary assessment of CE mary and Policy Recommendations in 22
• to engage in dialogue with the public, policy mak- European languages.

Project partners Country

IASS–Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V., Potsdam DE
Adelphi DE
Center for International Climate and Environmental Research (CICERO), NO
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie DE
Kiel Earth Institute DE
Klima Campus Hamburg DE
Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, IPSL / CNRS (CNRS-LMD) FR
Norwegian Meteorological Institute (MetNo) NO
Univ. Bristol UK
Univ. East Anglia UK
Univ. Edinburgh UK
Univ. Exeter UK
Univ. Graz AT
Univ. Oslo NO

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Forecasting Societies’Adaptive Capacities to Climate Change
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  2 438 405 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/03/2009
Host institution:  International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
Principal investigator:  Wolfgang Lutz
Project website:
Key words:  Future population, human capital, multi-dimensional
demographic methods, differential vulnerability to climate change,
investments in education

The challenge of educational attainment for all countries in the

world up to 2100 in the form of alternative scenar-
When trying to understand how dangerous ios. Assuming a strong link between human capital
climate change will be to human well-being and adaptive capacity, these scenarios could help
in the future then frequently the mistake is to get an analytical handle for matching future cli-
made to relate the forecasted climate con- mate conditions and future societal capabilities for
countries at comparable points in time.
ditions for e.g. 2060 to the societal condi-
tions and adaptive capabilities of today. This
makes little sense since we know that so-
cieties will be different in the future. When For assessing the relative importance of
looking back in most societies such capa- education in reducing vulnerability as com-
bilities were very different in the 1960s as pared to income/wealth and other possible
compared to today and we have reason to factors, multi-variate statistical analyses
assume that they will be also very differ- are being carried out at the level of glob-
ent in 2060. The challenge thus is to find a al time series data as well as national level
meaningful scientific model that can help data sets on disaster victims. This is being
build scenarios of long term changes in so- complemented by in-depth case studies in
cietal capabilities to deal with changing cli- different parts of the world.
matic conditions.
For forecasting future human capital trends
for all countries multi-dimensional demo-
Project objectives graphic projection methods offer a powerful
The project has essentially two key objec- analytical tool for producing forecasts for
tives: several decades into the future due to the
• To empirically study to what extent educational great inertia of population changes which is
attainment of individuals as well as the average a consequence of human life expectancy be-
education in a society are protecting factors in ing 65-85 years in most countries. In short:
vulnerability to natural disasters and other cli- if we know how many uneducated 15-year
mate change related risk. It focuses primarily on
olds there are today, we have a basis for pro-
the risks of premature death and serious health
impairments. jecting how many uneducated 65-year olds
• To produce the first comprehensive science-based there will be in 2060, adjusting for differen-
global population projections by age, sex and level tial mortality and migration. Assumptions on

future fertility, mortality and migration are the key determinant because education had
being defined on the basis of a global expert not yet been included in the models. This
inquiry with over 500 participants. finding has important policy implications in
giving priority to programs of universal basic
Expected results education for women as a strategy to en-
hance adaptive capacity in the least devel-
From all the empirical studies at local, na-
oped countries.
tional and global level we found convincing
empirical evidence that indeed the level of The new population scenarios by age, sex
educational attainment of women (even and level of education have recently been
more than men) is a key factor in reducing chosen as the “human core” of the new set
vulnerability to natural disasters even after of SSPs (Shared Socioeconomic Pathways)
controlling for many other factors. Actual- that will be a common point of reference for
ly, in most cases education turns out to be modeling groups in the field of Integrated
clearly more important than income/wealth, Assessment (IA) as well as Vulnerability, Risk
which conventionally has been considered and Adaptation (VRA) around the world.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Reducing greenhouse-gas emissions of transport beyond
2020:  linking R&D, transport policies and reduction targets
Instrument::  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  1 416 464 €
EC contribution:  940 675 €
Duration:  27 months
Start date:  01/10/2009
Consortium:  5 partners from 5 countries
Project coordinator:  Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation
Research (ISI), DE
Project website:
Key words:  Greenhouse gas mitigation, transport, GHG reduction
targets, R&D strategy, policy strategy, all modes, time horizons 2020
and 2050

The challenge tor. The achieved reductions should be in line

with the overall greenhouse gas reduction
Transport currently contributes about 27% targets of the EU. As part of this strategy,
of the total EU greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
the project proposed GHG reduction targets
sions. In a trend scenario this share is ex-
for transport as a whole as well as for each
pected to grow due to continued strong
growth of transport demand, in particular of transport mode for 2020 and 2050.
freight transport and air passenger trans-
port, and slower efficiency improvements Methodology
than for other GHG emitting sectors.
GHG-TransPoRD has undertaken six steps to
Given the overall EU GHG reduction targets of develop the R&D strategy and the reduction
20% until 2020 compared with the emission targets:
levels of 1990 and of -80% until 2050 (even
• analysis of R&D efforts of all transport modes.
-95% is debated), it is obvious that in the • analysis of innovation system and diffusion of in-
future (1) the transport sector will have to novations in transport sector.
contribute to GHG emission reductions such • scoping of measures for GHG reductions generat-
that (2) reduction targets for the different ing a long list of measures.
transport modes have to be anticipated and • estimating potentials of GHG reductions of mea-
(3) aligned research strategies and transport sures and creating a short list of promising mea-
policies have to be developed to efficiently sures.
and effectively meet these reduction targets • assessing the cost development of each single
for the medium to long-term. GHG reduction measure by a stand-alone ap-
• integrating measures into policy packages for
Project objectives which an integrated assessment of R&D strategies
The GHG-TransPoRD project aimed at de- and policy strategies was performed by the four
veloping an integrated European transport models: ASTRA, POLES, TREMOVE, MARS.
sector strategy that links R&D efforts with The results were quantified scenarios that
other transport policies and technological integrate transport-energy-economy vari-
measures to achieve substantial greenhouse ables enabling to estimate GHG reductions
gas emission reductions in the transport sec- of transport.

Finished results bining, fast development of efficiency tech-
nology, alternative engine technologies able
Our innovation system analysis found that to build their energy supply on renewable
EU-based transport-related companies are
electricity, ambitious policy-making to coun-
the largest R&D investors of the Europe-
terbalance rebound effects and maintain
an society. In 2008 their research effort
financial stability of government transport
amounted to 40 bn €. Significant parts of
their R&D investments are already dedicated revenues, ambitious regulation phasing out
to the reduction of GHG emissions through- fossil fuel cars around 2035 together with
out all modes. a moderate modal-shift from road towards
more energy efficient modes and adaptation
The most important conclusion to draw from
of the electricity system to become largely
the model-based analysis is that the trans-
port sector target of at least 60% GHG emis- renewable based will enable to achieve the
sion reduction by 2050 compared with 1990 GHG targets.
can be achieved. The following table shows the reductions
Of course, this target is ambitious such that that can be achieved until 2020, 2030 and
most of the scenarios and policy packages 2050. The upper part displays the reductions
tested by GHG-TransPoRD failed to deliver against 2010 for each mode. The lower part
the required reductions.However, the scenar- puts these reductions in relation to 1990, the
io analysis concluded that scenarios com- base year of climate policy-making.

2020 2030 2050

Road Passenger -20% to -30% -40% to -55% -70% to -85%
Freight -10% to -20% -30% to -45% -40% to -60%
Air 0% to -5% -10% to -20% -40% to -55%
Ship (+15% to 0%) (+30% to 0%) (+50% to -20%)
Rail +10% to -10% 0% to -20% -10% to -35%
Transport (excl. ship) -10% to -20% -40% to -50% -70% to -90%
EU27 target against 1990
Transport vs. 1990 +10% to +5% -20% to -30% -60% to -70%
Source: GHG-TransPoRD

Project partners Country

Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Karlsruhe Research (ISI), DE

Trasporti e Territorio SRL (TRT), Milan IT

Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, European Commission – DG-JRC, Seville European
Commission – DG-JRC, Seville,

Transport & Mobility Leuven (TML) BE

Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), University of Leeds UK

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  COMBATING CLIMATE CHANGE:  Political economy of Green
Funding scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  3 000 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/05/2011
Host institution:  VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Principal investigator:  Cees Withagen
Project website:
Key words:  green paradox, backstops, fossil fuel, climate change

The challenge a tax, a second-best policy can be devel-

oped. In the next stage we consider models
Reducing the use of fossil fuels in order to of trading economies and see how the be-
reduce greenhouse gas emissions is one im- havior of individual countries/regions affect
portant option to mitigate climate change. to design of climate policy. In a third stage
Imposing a global carbon tax reflecting the we allow the countries to interact in a strate-
marginal damage of emissions is difficult gic way. For example, oil exporting countries
to implement in practice. The question is might act as monopolists, and oil importing
whether other policy measures directed at countries might tax oil use, for strategic rea-
the demand side of energy, such as subsi- sons. We are also interested in the effect of
dies on renewables, might present a viable political economy motives that might play a
role in decision making. Last but not least,
we try to calibrate the models used, in order
Project objectives to come up with policy recommendations.
The danger of concentrating on demand side
oriented policies is that the supply side of Expected results
fossil fuels is neglected. Theory of non-re-
Results obtained so far indicate that a cru-
newable resource use tells us that such
cial element in the debate on Green Paradox-
resources should be considered as capital
es is whether extraction costs of fossil fuel
goods, earning a rate of return. An implica-
are stock dependent. We have also found
tion of this insight is that backstop subsidies
that backstop subsidies might be effective in
might lead to faster instead of slower ex-
reducing the use of abundant resources such
traction of these resources. This phenome-
as coal. Moreover, the stage of development
non is coined Green Paradox. The project’s
of economies determines to a large degree
objective is to gain insight in the conditions
whether Green Paradoxes are detrimental
under which this phenomenon occurs and
to welfare or not. In the general equilibrium
how it can be tackled.
models of open economies, the rate of re-
turn on capital, a crucial variable in resource
Methodology economics, is endogenous. This has a miti-
We use dynamic economic models a differ- gating effect on the Green Paradoxes. Simu-
ent levels of aggregation. In first instance, lations based on real world data have led to
we study models of the global economy in insights into the optimal world-wide carbon
order to determine the optimal global carbon tax, depending on the modelling of climate
tax, and to see how, in the absence of such change damages.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Adaptation to Changing Water Resources Availability in Northern
India with respect to Himalayan Glacier Retreat and Changing Monsoon
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  € 4 292 841
EC contribution:  € 3 311 751
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/05/2009
Consortium:  9 partners from 6 countries
Project coordinator:  Dr. Eddy Moors, Alterra, Wageningen UR, NL
Project website:
Key words:  Himalaya, glaciers retreat, India, summer monsoon,
Ganges, rainfall distribution, water resources, extreme events,
adaptation strategies, agricultural economy, socio-economic
development, science-policy interface

The challenge • Developing scenarios for snow melt and monsoon

patterns based on improved regional climate pro-
Millions of people in Northern-India depend jections;
on water resources derived both from melt- • Developing realistic regional socio-economic sce-
narios and assess the changing water resources
ing snow and ice in Himalayan headwaters
using regional models;
and from monsoon rainfall over most of the • Providing new methods for the prioritization of ad-
basin area. Retreating glaciers, changing aptation measures to be used for the selection of
monsoon patterns, and declining groundwa- adaptation options;
ter levels coupled with increasing population, • Participative development of specific multi-sector
enhanced demand for irrigation water, devel- adaptation measures in consultation with stake-
oping industrialization, and demand for hy-
dropower are likely to place water resources Methodology
under considerable stress as the 21st centu-
ry unfolds. The urgency of these threats was HighNoon applies a trans-disciplinary re-
recognized in 2007, when impact of climate search approach to climate change adapta-
change on water resources was identified as tion. Knowledge on climate change and cli-
one of the important areas for EU–India re- mate variability of stakeholders at different
levels is integrated with scientific knowledge
search collaboration.
derived from improved regional climate
modelling and socio-economic scenario de-
Project objectives velopment.
The HighNoon project aims to assess the The HighNoon approach integrates biophys-
impact of Himalayan glaciers retreat and ical and socio-economic data to develop
possible changes of the Indian summer knowledge on water availability and demand
monsoon on the spatial and temporal distri- and iteratively involves stakeholders to de-
bution of water resources in Northern India. velop acceptable and robust adaptation op-
The project further aims to provide recom- tions.
mendations for appropriate and efficient ad- Besides data and tools developed within the
aptation strategies, by: HighNoon project, it makes use of available

existing data and a suite of modelling tools unlikely to be significant.
at different spatial scales; from Global Cli- • The expected continuation of glacier shrinkage in
most parts of the Himalayan mountain ranges is
mate Models (GCMs) to basin scale hydro-
confirmed, but with some increase in the western
logical models to dam-burst models. Himalaya and Karakoram.
• It is unlikely that the next decades will see dra-
Finished results matic changes in total runoff, but continued gla-
cier recession will lead to changes in the seasonal
• Gradual wide-spread warming over northern India pattern of runoff in upstream basins, with changes
is projected by Regional Climate Models (RCM). in both timing and amount of snow melt likely to
Temperatures in the Ganges basin are expected affect flow in spring months, at times when other
to increase by an average of about 2 °C by 2050 sources of runoff are scarce.
and 4 °C by 2100, being more pronounced over • In upstream regions of the Ganges basin adapta-
mountainous areas. tion measures to prevent flood damage are highly
• Annual total precipitation changes across North- prioritized by stakeholders. In mid and downstream
ern India are less certain. Against a backdrop of regions, measures to maintain groundwater levels,
considerable decadal variability, the slight increase and to develop water harvesting and increase wa-
in precipitation to 2050 indicated by the RCMs is ter use efficiency are favoured.

Project partners
Alterra–Wageningen University and Research Centre (NL) – Eddy Moors University of Geneva (CH) – Markus Stoffel
Max Plank Institute for Meteorology (DE) – Daniela
The Energy and Resources Institute (IN) – Suruchi Bhadwal
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (IN) –
UK Met Office (UK) – Andy Wiltshire
Ashok Mishra
University of Salford (UK)–David Collins Nagoya University (JP) – Tetsuzo Yasunari
Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IN) – Ashvin Gosain

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Advancing Knowledge Systems to Inform Climate Adaptation
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grant
ERC funding:  1 045 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/04/12
Host institution:  University of Leeds, UK
Principal investigator:  Suraje Dessai
Project website:
Key words:  climate change adaptation, decision-making, knowledge
systems, techno-scientific, co-production

The challenge decision-making

• understand the importance of non-climatic infor-
Adaptation to climate variability and change mation for decision-making
represents an important challenge for the • understand what level of uncertainty users are
sustainable development of society. Inform- able to tolerate for different kinds of scientific
knowledge used in decision-making
ing climate-related decisions will require
• understand what users expect science to deliver
new kinds of information and new ways of • gain an understanding of how techno-scientific
thinking and learning to function effectively knowledge is constructed in the domain of adapta-
in a changing climate. Adaptation research tion to climate change.
requires integration across disciplines and • analyse experts’ perception of users’ needs
across research methodologies. • assess experts’ views of the use of the knowledge
they produce by others
Currently, we lack the critical understanding • evaluate the degree of co-production of knowledge
of which kinds of knowledge systems can • assess how climate knowledge travels across dif-
most effectively harness science and tech- ferent social worlds
nology for long-term sustainable adaptation.
This interdisciplinary research programme Methodology
aims to significantly advance knowledge sys-
Using the UK’s Climate Change Act ‘Adapta-
tems to enable society to adapt effectively to
tion Reporting Power’ to map the key actors
an uncertain climate.
involved in long-term adaptation to climate
change we will conduct a users’ survey and
Project objectives carry out face-to-face interviews in order
ICAD will examine climate knowledge sys- to assess current knowledge systems, and
tems (based on climate projections and assess whether users find existing climate
(and climate impacts) information credible,
impacts models for example) and its util-
legitimate, actionable and salient. We will
ity for long term adaptation planning (i.e.,
also establish the importance of climate in-
timescales beyond 30years) to understand
formation versus non-climatic information.
climate information needs across society.
Ultimately we will construct a theory of cli-
Split into two research domains we have
mate-related decision-making using ground-
identified the following objectives:
ed theory and elements of information/deci-
• understand different adaptation contexts and ca- sion sciences literature.
• understand how observed or projected climate At the same time we will use the UK’s recent
information has been used in organisations and Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA)

and the UK’s Climate Change Projections naire surveys for example). Breadth is ac-
(UKCP09) as a starting point to focus on the complished by conducting a comprehensive
key role played by climate scientists, mod- survey that captures UK ‘society’.
ellers, statisticians and specialist consultan-
The scale (a whole nation) and the focus
cies in the construction, evaluation and inter-
(knowledge systems for adaptation to cli-
pretation of climate information. Combining
mate change) of this research programme
in-depth interviews with ethnographic-based
are unparalleled and don’t current exist in
observations we will understand what effect,
the state of the art literature. By advancing
if any, these actors have on the kind of cli-
mate knowledge that is produced, and by knowledge systems to inform climate adap-
extension, its later use. tation decisions, this research programme
is expected to 1) increase the usefulness
Expected results of climate information; 2) improve the rela-
tionship between knowledge producers and
This ambitious research programme will in- users; and 3) lead to better, more informed,
form the development of robust knowledge robust (adaptation) decisions.
systems for climate decision support under
In 2014 we will hold an international work-
an uncertain and changing climate. Using
shop on “Reconciling the supply and demand
the UK as a context of application, the re-
of climate knowledge for adaptation deci-
search programme will provide both depth
and breadth. Depth is achieved through the sion-making” to present our initial findings
ethnographic research methods applied to and bring together other international schol-
both users and producers of climate knowl- ars working in this field.
edge (which is richer in detail than question-

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Innovation for Climate chAnge mitigation:  a study of energy
R&d, its Uncertain effectiveness and Spillovers
Funding scheme:  ERC Starting Grants
ERC funding:v:  920 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Host institution:  FEEM, IT
Principal investigator:  Valentina Bosetti
Project website:
Key words:  Climate Change, Innovation

The challenge in selected technologies, such as: batteries, solar,

biofuels, nuclear, and carbon capture and storage;
In order to stabilize atmospheric concentra- • projecting into the future using the empirical anal-
tions of greenhouse gases to a safe level, yses and the expert elicitations’ results as building
blocks to improve WITCH, an Integrated Assess-
net anthropogenic emissions must fall to
ment Model with detailed information of R&D
zero within a few decades. dynamics.
To achieve this goal in a manner acceptable
to the larger part of the world’s population, Methodology
there is the need of some kind of technolog-
To increase the understanding of the linkag-
ical revolution.
es between R&D investments, policy, patent-
As witnessed in the past, this calls for ad- ing and innovation, the research team built
equate levels of R&D investments, particu- a comprehensive database on public and
larly in the energy sector. As the demand is private energy R&D and compliance expendi-
bound to increase, alongside with the grow- tures, carrying out novel empirical analyses
ing concern for environmental issues and on a set of core issues such as technological
global warming, the energy sector is indeed innovation, diffusion and transfer.
essential for the development and the de- In order to better characterise the uncertain-
ployment of more efficient generation tech- ty concerning the innovation process and in
nologies. particular the role of R&D in selected tech-
nologies, the research team systematically
Project objectives collected and elaborated qualitative and
quantitative estimates from more than a
ICARUS aimed to a better understanding of
hundred experts.
the dynamics of innovation in the energy
sector, including the technological break- Using both the empirical analyses and the
throughs and technological transfers to de- expert elicitations’ results as building blocks,
veloping countries. In order to investigate the research team was able to shed light on
how R&D stimulates innovation in the ener- a number of areas relevant for the model-
gy sector, the ICARUS project had three main ling community. On the one hand, the team
objectives: provided a better description of the mech-
anisms that lead to the construction of an
• understanding the past to clarify the linkages
between R&D investments, policy, patenting and energy knowledge stock, while on the other,
innovation; the results of the expert elicitation process
• learning from the experts to better characterize were integrated into WITCH to represent un-
the uncertainty concerning the innovation process certainty.

Expected results rather than decrease.
In addition to their crucial impact on domes-
The extensive elicitations of European ex-
tic innovation, environmental policies–such
perts indicate that none of the carbon-free
energy technologies considered will ever be as carbon taxes and limits on emissions–
competitive with their fossil fuel alternatives, stand out as a key driver also for interna-
unless a carbon price is set in place. Even un- tional technology transfers as a complement
der scenarios where public R&D expenditures of innovation policies.
increase substantially with respect to today’s These and the other upcoming insights from
levels, the cost decrease will not be sufficient the ICARUS project will have crucial impor-
to bridge the competitive gap with fossil fu- tance for policy makers, private investors as
els. In particular, in the next twenty years, the well as citizens who are concerned with the
cost of nuclear power will very likely increase sustainability of the energy sector.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Implications and risks of engineering solar radiation to limit
climate change
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  1 320 537 €
EC contribution:  999 152 €
Duration:  39 months
Start date:  01/06/2009
Consortium:  4 partners from 3 countries
Project coordinator:  Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der
Wissenschaften e.V., Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie
Project website:
Key words:  climate change, geoengineering, solar radiation

The challenge So far it is unclear, if the methods have the

desired cooling potential and which side ef-
Anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse fects would have to be expected. The overall
gases (GHG) are widely considered to have goal of this project is to significantly increase
a significant impact on Earth’s climate. The the level of knowledge about the feasibility
projected temperature increase until 2100 and implications of these suggested geoen-
lies in the range of 1.8 to 4.0 K. In order to gineering options. This concerns in particular
prepare for possible failure of emission re- the climatic consequences – even if a global
duction attempts, recently, the public and temperature reduction could be reached, lo-
scientific communities have intensified the cal climate may change significantly under
discussion of “geoengineering”, meaning geoengineering -, but also economical impli-
the deliberate, large scale manipulation of cations.
climate. “Solar radiation management”, i.e.
methods to limit the solar radiation that Methodology
reaches the surface may allow a counterbal-
ancing of the effects of GHG emissions on Three complex climate models are used to
global temperature, but may also result in quantify the effectiveness and side effects
undesirable side effects for crucial parts of of such geoengineering concepts aiming at
the Earth system. a reduction of the incoming solar radiation.
Simulations of a climate modified through
Project objectives geoengineering have been performed based
on IPCC type future emission scenarios. The
Among the so-called solar radiation man- performance of the same type of numerical
agement methods, two have received partic- experiments with several different complex
ular attention, so far: a) the injection of large climate models is necessary to assess un-
amounts of sulphur dioxide in the Earth’s certainties of the simulated geoengineered
stratosphere that would build sulphate aero- climate. Besides these transient simulations
sols that are expected to reflect solar radi- of the 21st century, sensitivity studies have
ation analogous to effects observed after been performed to study effects of differ-
large volcanic eruptions, and b) the bright- ent implementation strategies of geoengi-
ening of low level marine clouds via the neering on specific, vulnerable parts of the
injection of additional condensation nuclei. Earth system like the ozone layer. Economic

modelling has been used to link benefits and concentrations would be overcompensated.
side effects of the studied geoengineering A geoengineered climate would have less
concepts. precipitation than a natural climate of the
same global mean temperature. The model
Finished results intercomparison showed that precipitation
decreases – under the chosen scenarios–
An eventual application of any geoengineer- would affect in particular large land masses
ing technique will have to be decided by in the mid-latitudes of the Northern hemi-
some political body. But a decision to apply sphere, i.e. Canada and the US, central and
or not to apply geoengineering should not be northern Europe and Asia.
taken before considering as carefully as pos- IMPLICC has also provided progress con-
sible its potential benefits and side effects. cerning microphysical processes involved in
Our project is a part of the international sci- the aerosol-based radiation management
entific efforts to provide to policy makers in methods and hence concerning their effec-
general and to the European Commission in tiveness. It has become clear that the effec-
particular the necessary information for fu- tiveness of the methods depends strongly on
ture decisions. Because of the project’s lim- the implementation, e.g. on the size of emit-
ited scope we obviously can’t provide final ted sea salt particles. However, uncertainties
conclusion on the issue of geoengineering. concerning the amount of aerosol necessary
However, one of the main deliverables of IM- to reach a certain climate effect remain.
PLICC is a summary for policymakers of the
The estimation of economic implications of
results obtained from the numerical model-
climate change and climate engineering on
ling performed in the project.
long time-scales has obvious limitations.
One important result was obtained assuming However, our simulations suggest that ad-
to balance a large greenhouse gas forcing ditional climate engineering under a mod-
fully by the reduction of solar irradiance. In erate mitigation scenario may not be ad-
this case it would be possible to compensate vantageous. This could be different under
the increase of global mean temperature, high-emission scenarios but in such a case
but at the same time, the increase of pre- also the economic importance of side-effects
cipitation under enhanced greenhouse gas may become significant.

Project partners
Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften e.V., Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie DE
Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique, Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement FR
Universitetet I Oslo NO
Center for International and Environmental Research–Oslo NO

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Impacts of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation and Enhancing Carbon Stocks (I-REDD+)
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 287 085 €
EC contribution:  3 149 968 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/01/2011
Consortium:  14 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  University of Copenhagen, DK
Project website:
Key words:  Carbon, Climate change, Environment, Governance, Land
use change, Monitoring, REDD, Southeast Asia

The challenge ent governance settings; and

• can be monitored efficiently by both remote sens-
The negotiations under the United Nations ing and community based approaches.
Framework Convention on Climate Change
have since 2005 included considerations Methodology
of a mechanism that could ensure reduced I-REDD+ is an interdisciplinary project using
greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by avoiding both natural and social science methodolo-
deforestation and forest degradation and by gies. Methods include destructive sampling
enhancing forest carbon stocks (REDD+) in and carbon stock measurement of above-
developing countries. So far, no international and belowground biomass; remote sens-
agreement has been reached both because
ing based approaches combining multiple
of political difficulties but also because there
satellite products such as LandSat, MODIS
is an insufficient research base to fully op-
and Radar; comparing community based
erationalize REDD+. Research on REDD+ has
and scientist based carbon stock measure-
therefore increased rapidly in the past few
ment through in situ measurement of plots;
years, and the EU-FP7 funded I-REDD+ proj-
assessing potential livelihood impacts of
ect is contributing with an interdisciplinary
REDD+ through questionnaires and par-
approach to resolving a number of issues
ticipatory land use planning workshops;
that are necessary for REDD+ to move for-
interview based assessments of benefit
ward and be successful.
distribution mechanisms and governance
systems; and interviews at local, provincial
Project objectives and national level as well as integration of
With a specific focus on forest degradation results to guide development of monitoring
and mosaic landscapes, the objectives of programs. Field sites are in Indonesia (East
I-REDD+ are to enhance the understand- Kalimantan), Vietnam (Nghe An), Laos (Hua-
ing of how the implementation of a REDD+ phan and Luang Prabang) and Yunnan, China
mechanisms: (Xishuangbanna).
• may reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and
maintain or enhance existing stocks of carbon in Expected results
vegetation and soil of various land cover types;
• will impact livelihoods, welfare and equity in local Results are so far are limited to analysis of
communities with forest-based economies; governance systems, livelihoods and com-
• can ensure equitable benefit distribution in differ- munity based monitoring. Important conclu-

sions relating to monitoring systems are: Other expected results still in progress are:
• drivers of forest degradation lead to local and • improved allometric equations of secondary forest
fine-grained changes in forest quality and carbon vegetation (degraded forests) to more accurately
density rather than large scale changes in forest account for emission reductions
cover and these local changes require local mea- • remote sensing based approaches to monitor
surement approaches;
carbon stocks in degraded forests that balance
• participatory forest carbon measurement provides
measurements that are just as accurate and less costs and benefits in terms of accuracy in carbon
costly compared to those performed by profes- accounting;
sional foresters; • guidance for monitoring systems to establish cred-
• a participatory approach to monitoring would con- ible reference emission scenarios and ensure long
tribute to effective and just REDD+ governance; term emission reductions.

Project partners

University of Copenhagen DK

Leibniz Institut für Agrarentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa DE

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin DE

University of East Anglia UK

The University of Edinburgh UK

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement FR

Universität Bern CH

Kunming Institute of Botany of Chinese Academy of Sciences CN

Center for Agricultural Research and Ecological Studies VN

National University of Laos LA

Yayasan WWF Indonesia ID

Center for International Forestry Research International

International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (World Agroforestry Centre) International

Nordisk Fond for Miljø og Udvikling (Nordic Agency for Development and Ecology) DK

Marine Environment

At a glance
Title:  Integrated water resources and coastal zone management in
European lagoons in the context of climate change
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  3 338 591 €
EC contribution:  2 545 659 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  -01/10/2011
Consortium:  9 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  Ana Isabel Lillebø (Univ. of Aveiro) & Per
Stålnacke (Bioforsk)
Project website:
Key words:  Lagoons, Climate change, Modelling, Ecosystem Services,
WFD, Science-policy-Stakeholders interface, River basins

The challenge ence-policy-stakeholder interface. To this

end, the project will seek to contribute to
In the context of climate change, there is interface between the EU Water Framework
growing evidence that many ecosystems Directive, the Habitat Directive, the EU’s in-
could reach the “tipping point”, at which sud- tegrated coastal zone management (ICZM)
den and irreversible changes have important Recommendation, and the EU Marine Strat-
implications for human well-being (www. egy Directive. In this context, the environmen-
tal issue of concern of the LAGOONS project Methodology
is the anthropogenic deterioration and cli-
mate change impacts – especially the effects Four case study lagoons have selected to
of extreme weather events – on surface wa- represent a set of “hotspot” coastal lagoons
ter and on the ecological services provided with a wide and balanced geographical dis-
by lagoons ecosystems. Knowledge produced tribution and different characteristics. The
by different scientific disciplines will be com- lagoons included are: Vistula Lagoon in the
bined and integrated with local knowledge Baltic Sea (Poland/Russia); Tylygulskyi La-
and the views of stakeholders in order to goon in the Black Sea (Ukraine); Ria de Aveiro
produce integrated, participatory scenarios Lagoon in the Atlantic Ocean (Portugal), and
(by means of a qualitative-quantitative-qual- Mar Menor in the Mediterranean Sea (Spain).
itative scenario approach supplemented with These case studies will be the support for
the science modelling inputs) of future possi- Pan-European integration through a bot-
ble trends and conditions in coastal lagoons tom-up approach, showing that I is possible
in the context of climate change. to enhance connectivity between research
and policy-making in a lagoons context us-
Project objectives ing a proactive approach to water issues,
which assures more efficient use of existing
The main and overall objective of the LA- research results.
GOONS project is to develop science-based
strategies and decision support frameworks
Expected results
for the integrated management of lagoons,
based on an increased understanding of The integrated and participatory scenarios
land-sea linkages processes and the sci- will be formulated to develop strategies and

methodologies for integrated decision sup- odologies for a coordinated approach to the
port for stakeholders, as well as with special Water Framework Directive and the Marine
focus on recommendations of suitable use Strategy Directive. In addition, LAGOONS will
of ecosystems services, foreseen eco-effi-
propose actions to tackle bottlenecks in the
ciency of the services and eco-innovation
context of climate change, i.e., LAGOONS will
in solutions to overcome or mitigate the
services losses due to the changing envi- propose actions foreseen in the goals of the
ronment. In management terms, LAGOONS Europe 2020 strategy – A strategy for smart,
will contribute to the decision-support meth- sustainable and inclusive growth.

Project partners

University of Aveiro PT

Bioforsk – Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research NO

Institute of Hydro-Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences PL

Atlantic Branch of P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences RU

Sea Fisheries Institute if Gdynia,(National Marine Fisheries Research Institute since 24 June, 2011) PL

University of Dundee UK

Odessa State Environmental University UA

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research DE

Universidad de Murcia ES

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Low climate IMpact scenarios and the Implications of required
Tight emission control Strategies
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 462 878 €
EC contribution:  3 462 863 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/11/2011
Consortium:  10 partners from 9 countries and collaborators from the
US and Japan
Project coordinator:  Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei – FEEM, IT
Project website:
Key words:  Climate mitigation and adaptation policy, Integrated
assessment models, Energy infrastructure, Energy Security, Land Use,
Air pollution, Climate finance, Sustainable Development

The challenge • Assessing the investment requirements to im-

plement these transformation pathways and the
LIMITS’ challenge is to highlight questions financing mechanisms such that these resources
especially relevant for climate policy making: can be best raised and allocated. Evaluating the
national and international policies needed to en-
• What is the economic, technical and political feasi-
sure that the transition to a low carbon energy
bility of attaining stringent climate policies?
infrastructure is attained efficiently
• How can we jump start investments and innovation
• Quantifying the changes in the energy infrastruc-
into clean energy technologies?
ture and land use which major economies would
• What is the role of policies in promoting mitiga-
tion and adaptation, recognizing the diversity of need to implement to attain stringent climate poli-
regional and national interests? cies, and assessing the feasibility and risks of such
• What is the role of technologies and their ad- changes
vancements to meet the change in energy infra- • Evaluating the linkages of climate policies with
structure? other pressing social and environmental issues
(i.e. energy security, air pollution, economic devel-
By using state-of-the-art methodological
instruments, LIMITS aims at carrying out a
rigorous assessment of what a stringent cli- Methodology
mate policy entails and what is needed to
overcome major impediments LIMITS takes advantage of the best method-
ological instruments to assess climate poli-
Project objectives cies, whose analysis will interact with policy
LIMITS intends to provide an assessment
Key global integrated assessment models
of the emissions reductions strategies at
will run climate mitigation and adaptation
the level of the world and the major global
economies, assessing their implementation scenarios under new conditions and con-
in terms of: straints, and the policy implications will be
thoroughly evaluated. 13 models will be
• Defining the feasibility of low carbon scenarios and
used throughout the project covering a wide
the associated emission reduction pathways ac-
cording to different assumptions about technology range of different aspects. Using these mod-
availability, policy regimes, implementation obsta- els, LIMITS will explore the implications and
cles, and regional level of commitment uncertainties in reaching a 2°C target under

different assumptions regarding the remain- can be really made implementable:
ing leeway for greenhouse gas emissions, • the technological challenge of achieving a low car-
technology availability, the participation of bon world. The outcome of the scenario work and
different regions in international climate pol- the regional infrastructural change will provide a
icy, and implementation obstacles. novel view of the physical challenge of transition-
ing to a low carbon world
The input on local knowledge on the major • climate finance. The project is meant to advance
economies is provided by local partners in the status of knowledge on the issue of how to
China and India, but also in the USA (PNNL) finance the low carbon transition
and Japan (NIES) through external collabora- • local versus global policy instruments: the project
tions, and thanks to the interaction with key will advance our understanding of the interplay of
local experts and stakeholders. climate and energy policies at different geograph-
ical scales
In addition, a strong dissemination and com-
• multidimensional analysis of climate change with
munication component aims to disseminate specific assessments on the relation between cli-
the policy implications of the project results. mate and other (health, security, development)
Expected results • will provide original research on the potential role
of negative emissions technologies (such as bio-
The LIMITS project aims at generating orig- mass burning with CCS) on the timing and actions
inal insight into how 2°C compatible targets involved in meeting stringent climate policies

Project partners

Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) IT

Internationales Institut für Angewandte Systemanalyse (IIASA) AT

Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK) DE

Universiteit Utrecht (UU) NL

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) UK

Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN) NL

Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, EC (JRC-IES) IT

Central European University (CEU) HU

Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC-ERI) RC

Indian Institute of Management (IIM) IN

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Evaluation and Management of Collective long-term risks
Funding Scheme:  ERC Advanced Grant
ERC funding:  1 400 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/01/2009
Principal investigator:  Christian Gollier
Host institution:  Toulouse School of Economics
Project website:
Key words:  Social cost of carbon, discounting, risk evaluation,
responsibilities towards future generations

The challenge uncertainty that are so large than they could

put humankind on the verge of collaps-
In order to determine the optimal strategy ing. The evaluation of green investments is
to fight climate change, one needs to com- based on the measure of their (environmen-
pare immediate costs of mitigation and the tal, social, sanitary, financial,…) contributions
benefits of these green investments. These to the intergenerational social welfare, which
benefits which take the form of reduced cli- is the sum of each generation’s wellbeing.
mate damages, are usually very distant in The typical outcome of this set of research
the future, and very uncertain. This raises a efforts is a “discount rate”, which is the so-
particularly challenging evaluation problem cially desirable minimum rate of return of
for these investments. Because financial these green investments.
markets are inefficient and potentially short-
termist, one needs to establish new valua-
tion rules.
Expected results
The standard argument for considering that
Project objectives one gallon of milk and honey in 100 years
has a smaller social value than one gallon
Today, the judge, the citizen, the politician,
of milk and honey today (positive discount
the entrepreneur and markets are concerned
rate) is that one usually believe that future
by the sustainability of our development, but
generations will live “in a ocean of milk and
they don’t have a strong scientific basis for
honey”. Therefore investing is equivalent to
the evaluation of their actions and their de-
reduce the consumption of the poor cur-
cision-making. The objective of this project
rent generation for the benefit of the very
is to provide a simple framework to orga-
wealthy future generations. We show that
nize the debate on what should we do for
the accumulation of uncertainties affect-
the future? We want to address the difficult
ing the distant future reduces the strength
question of whether the allocation and the
intensity of these sacrifices in favour of the of this argument. For very safe projects, a
distant future are socially efficient or not. A discount rate going down to 1% for matur-
central aspect of this problem is the deep ities larger than 50 years may be socially
uncertainties affecting our long-term destiny. desirable. However, for a project whose flow
of social benefits is strongly correlated (as
measured by the “beta” of the project) to the
growth of the economy, a much larger dis-
We re-examine the modern theory of asset count rate of 6-7% may be desirable. This
pricing by extending its domain of validity to raises the unsolved question of the beta of
asset durations expressed in centuries (rath- investment projects aimed at reducing emis-
er than months or years), and to degrees of sions of greenhouse gases.

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Methodology for Effective Decision-making on Impacts and
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 050 579 €
EC contribution:  3 142 744 €
Duration:  42 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Consortium:  11 partners from 8 countries
Project coordinator:  Alterra, NL
Project website:
Key words:  climate change, adaptation strategies, methods and tools,

The challenge sociated with the ongoing impact assess-

ment and adaptation policy developments
The EU and its member states, cities and in Europe had to be mapped for various de-
local communities acknowledge the im- cision domains, in consultation with the ap-
portance of climate change for safety and propriate decision- makers and stakeholders.
wellbeing and started to develop strategies Secondly, existing methods, tools and met-
to increase their resilience or protect their rics had to be reviewed, linked and–where
territory. Development of useable knowledge needed and feasible–improved or developed.
on how to adapt, however, has been lag- A final objective was to make the framework
ging. The emphasis of scientific inquiry has and associated toolbox available and dis-
been on deriving potential regional impacts seminate the project results.
from downscaled global climate projections,
not on providing practical tools for design- Methodology
ing response actions. The knowledge base
supporting adaptation is still fragmented To do justice to the diverse and dynamic
and incomplete. Easily accessible and poli- nature of adaptation challenges in Europe,
cy-relevant information, including methods the MEDIATION framework was developed
and tools, to support the dynamic adaptation mainly on the basis of a varied set of case
policy development, is largely missing. studies reflecting different regions, climatic
risks, and institutional contexts. The case
Project objectives studies were complemented by input from
other projects such as CLIMSAVE, and the lit-
MEDIATION aims to provide a coherent erature. “Method teams” analysed the policy
framework for systematically identifying context and methods used in the case stud-
available methods and tools that can be ies at a meta level and in a number of con-
meaningfully applied to address specific secutive steps with the “case study teams”,
adaptation and vulnerability questions and developed the targeted overarching method-
support adaptation action. This is required to ology in an iterative manner. Stakeholder in-
address the currently fragmented knowledge teractions played an important though vari-
base supporting climate change adaptation able role in all case studies, attempting to
decision-making in Europe, in particular in align the scientific work as much as possible
the area of methods and tools. To achieve with real-world policy processes. The result-
this, firstly the knowledge requirements as- ing interlinked framework encompasses ge-

neric methodologies, natural-science based was used for UNEP PROVIA’s Guidance for
models, socio-economic evaluation methods, the Assessment of Impacts, Vulnerability
and social and institutional analytical frame- and Adaptation and is made available via an
works. The framework was tested both with- interactive platform, which includes: (a) the
in the project team and with external users. Adaptation Pathfinder that enables users to
find the most appropriate methods and tools
Finished results for their adaptation questions; (b) the MEDI-
Rather than suggesting a one-size-fits-all ATION Toolbox that provides detailed infor-
solution, MEDIATION acknowledges that mation about some 40 methods and tools
adaptation questions are diverse as they with conditions for their applicability; and (c)
are determined by their regional and sec- the Case study search tool. The platform is
toral context. A diagnostic framework for intended to be used by experts with basic
problem-oriented adaptation research was technical or scientific knowledge and skills,
developed that organizes adaptation ques- who engage in policy advice, policy analy-
tions into a logical structure, linking them to sis, or other research aiming at supporting
suitable methods and tools. The framework climate change adaptation decision making.

Project partners



Global Climate Forum DE

EC-Joint Research Centre EU/IT

Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung DE

Regional Environment Center HU

Stockholm Environment Institute, Oxford UK

Suomen Ymparistokeskus SYKE FI

Universita degli Studi Firenze IT

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ES

Wageningen Universiteit NL

Natural Resources Management

At a glance
Title:  MOdels for AdapTIVE forest Management (MOTIVE)
Instrument:  Large -scale integrating project
Total cost:  9 000 000 €
EC contribution:  7 000 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/05/2009
Consortium:  20 partners from 14 countries
Project coordinator:  Prof. Dr. Marc Hanewinkel
Project website:
Key words:  Adaptive forest management, decision support, climate

The challenge of present forest management strategies. An

integrated assessment of these strategies is
Climate change is posing a major challenge needed simultaneously considering multiple
to forestry across Europe. In the Boreal zone, ecosystem goods and services.
forest productivity is generally expected to
increase, but less severe winters with short- Methodology
er intervals of frost-hardened ground could
make forests more vulnerable to wind dam- MOTIVE developed and evaluated strategies
age. In the Atlantic (Temperate Oceanic) that can adapt forest management practices
region, an increase in frequency or severity to balance multiple objectives under chang-
of Atlantic storms would cause augmented ing environmental conditions. The evaluation
forest losses. In the Temperate Continental of different adaptive management systems
bioclimatic zone, the health of spruce forests took place within a scenario analysis and
may be negatively affected by an increase a regional landscape framework. The most
in aridity and become more vulnerable to important bioclimatic regions were covered
damage from bark beetles, with other forest within ten regional cases-studies. This al-
species becoming more prevalent as a result. lowed the project to capture major differenc-
In the Mediterranean zone, an increase in es in forest conditions. Forests across Europe
aridity and in the variability of precipitation are not only growing under different climatic
could stress even the most drought-toler- conditions; management history as well as
ant tree species and increase the risk from past and present socio-economic circum-
forest fires. The development of forest man- stances are also diverse and lead to variable
agement strategies under climate change objectives in forest management.
is a key challenge for sustainable resource
management in Europe, and also worldwide. Key Results
The MOTIVE consortium developed a com-
Project objectives
mon understanding of the behaviour of
The ultimate objective was to provide in- standard decision makers and formalized
sights, data and tools to improve policy- the decision-making process using a Bayes-
making and adaptive forest resource man- ian update approach. Such an approach is
agement. Past experiences about the local crucial to depict how decision makers may
and site-specific suitability of species are no deal with the increasing uncertainty when
longer valid and this calls for an adaptation managing forests under changing climatic

conditions. Furthermore it is important to northwards and lose large fractions of their
show the consequences of not adapting to growing space. These productive species that
climate change by simply continuing a “busi- nowadays are the backbone of the timber in-
ness-as-usual” strategy compared to an dustry in many European countries may be
adaptive management approach. Based on replaced by more drought-adapted but far
the Bayesian update approach we were able less productive species like Mediterranean
to show that, while forest managers may be oaks that – under an extreme climate sce-
inclined to rely on observed forest variables nario – may take up to 60% of the total for-
to infer climate change and impacts; obser- est area in Europe. Such a drastic change in
vation of climate state, e.g. temperature or species distribution may lead to a decrease
precipitation is superior for updating beliefs of the value of forest land in the range of a
and supporting decision-making. couple of hundred billions of Euros.
Models were improved, for example regard- The results of a questionnaire showed that
ing the simulation of disturbances under a there is a clear decrease in the belief of
changing climate, and further developed forest owners in adverse effects of Climate
to model adaptive forest management re- Change to forests from Portugal over Ger-
gimes. Within a European knowledge trans- many to Sweden. So far it has not been much
fer, models were adapted to the regional recognized that there are distinct differenc-
conditions in the case studies in countries es in the perception of Climate Change and
where no model-base was available so far. that the application of adaptation measures
Besides the regional studies the MOTIVE con- essentially depends on having personally ob-
sortium also worked on the European level. It served Climate Change. This is an important
developed insights into major trends for im- insight, because it underlines how important
portant climate parameters, growth, produc- knowledge and information is in determining
tivity and political developments. Based on a the adaptive capacity of the forest sector to
European species distribution model, a group respond to climate change.
of MOTIVE researchers was able to show The scientific work in MOTIVE was firmly based
that Climate Change may have severe eco- on participatory involvement of local and re-
nomic impacts. Increasing temperatures and gional stakeholders and decision makers. The
a change of the precipitation regime may project also invested a lot of efforts into out-
lead to a decrease of the area of species like reach to decision makers and politicians. Fur-
Norway spruce that are assumed to move ther information:

Project partners
Alterra Wagening UR, NL French National Institute for Agriculture Research, FR
Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg, DE Technical University of Lisboa, PT
University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, AT Pensoft Publishers Ltd., BG
Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Application, ES Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, DE
European Forest Institute incl. EFIMED (Med. Regional office) Swedish University of Agricultural Research, SE
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, CH University of Copenhagen, DK
FORECO Technologies, ES University of Forestry, Sofia, BG
Forest Research, UK University of Eastern Finland, FI
Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg, DE University Stefan Cel Mare, Suceava, RO
Institute of Forest Ecosystem Research, CZ Swiss Federal Research Institute, CH

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Probabilistic Long-Term Assessment of New Technology
Funding instrument:  Collaborative project
Contract starting date:  01/01/2008
Duration:  30 Months
Project Total cost:  1 927 050 €
EC contribution:  1 541 674 €
Project coordinator:  Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (F.E.E.M.) Milano,
Massimo TAVONI, IT
EC Office:  Energy Directorate
Project website:

The challenge spectives of energy technology futures and

forecasts, in particular in terms of issues like
The goal of PLANETS is to devise robust sce-
economic competitiveness and the capacity
narios for the evolution of energy technolo-
gies in the next 50 years. This is achieved by to export clean technology adoption. Finally,
means of an ensemble of quantitative and PLANETS will aim to broadly disseminate EU
analytical tools that are designed to foresee energy technology futures, by setting up an
the best technological hedging policy in re- informative scenarios website and acquaint-
sponse to future environmental and energy ing a large number of stakeholders – from
policies. Focused technological assessments science, industry, government and so forth –
will provide the necessary guidance for tech- with peer-reviewed publications and a final
nology availability and competitiveness. general-audience conference.
Given the long term nature of the analysis,
not to mention the many uncertainties sur- Project objectives
rounding the natural, technological and so- The objective of PLANETS is to contribute
cio-economic determinants, the scenarios to the energy FP7 goal to adapt the current
development will be accompanied by prob- energy system into a more sustainable, com-
abilistic and stochastic modelling analysis to petitive and secure one. To this purpose, the
quantify the most determinant sensitivities. project will focus on how a series of currently
To this purpose, a suite of state-of-the-art foreseen and future energy and environmen-
energy-economy-climate models will be tal policies will shape the outlook for energy
brought together. The model portfolio spans technology development.
varieties of regional coverage, technological
This research objective is particularly rele-
detail and economic interrelations. Dedicat-
vant for the European Union for a success-
ed integrated assessments will explore the
ful compliance to its policies. Among such
technological options that are most likely to
play a role over the time horizon under in- policies there are the EU commitment under
vestigation, and the critical issues that are the Kyoto Protocol and the future agreement
needed for their competitive deployment. that will emerge from post-Kyoto negotia-
PLANETS will research the future of energy tions, and –equally importantly- the recent
systems by examining environmental and proposal by the European Council to adopt
energy policies at the European and global binding targets for carbon emission reduc-
level in their capacity to influence the de- tions and clean technology development.
ployment of new technologies with respect These regulations require a substantial de-
to a mutually agreed Business-As-Usual viation from what would happen in a Busi-
scenario. This project will also analyse the ness as Usual scenario; besides demand
linkage between European and world per- side management and energy efficiency

measures, large scale deployment of inno- technological deployment in response to dif-
vative technologies that are clean but cur- ferent energy and environmental policies, at
rently not enough competitive will be key to various levels of geographical, technological
achieving these sustainable targets. As such, and economic detail.
a comprehensive indication of the energy A pool of various numerical models and
technology penetration potential will provide targeted technology assessments is used
valuable support to specific policies, by for to build results on a solid quantitative and
example indicating the implications in terms qualitative methodology. The key features of
of energy investments, R&D budget and test the proposed research activity are:
• Definition of Business as Usual scenarios, as pro-
In addition to this, the project will focus on duced by the various models once a set of driving
the bearing of a sustainable energy devel- assumptions is agreed upon. This is a crucial step
opment on the competitiveness of EU econ- in that it ultimately entails the effort of achieving
omy and the ability to become an energy given energy and environmental targets, and its
achievement is envisioned in the second milestone
technology leader. The EU is currently well
of the project.
positioned with respect to other developed • Specific assessments of the main technologies
countries, with a large renewables share, the needed for a sustainable energy development,
first ongoing CCS projects and a proven ex- such as Renewables, Carbon Capture and Storage,
perience with nuclear energy. Nonetheless, it New Nuclear, Syn-Biofuels. The assessments will
will need to move ahead to ensure a posi- both evaluate technical aspects as well as the im-
tion as an energy technological forerunner. pact on sustainability and competitiveness.
For example, Europe land constraints and • Policy scenarios: for a specified set of energy and
environmental policies at the EU and global level,
restrained coal availability pose an upper the resulting energy technologies development are
bound to the development of new technol- derived, accounting for both capacity and research
ogies such as renewables, bio-energy and and development investments needs. The eco-
CCS. The capacity to export such technolo- nomic policy implications, in terms of costs, carbon
gies in other parts of the world, especially prices, sectoral readjustments of the economy, are
to the fast growing developing countries, evaluated.
would ensure adequate economic returns to • Probabilistic analysis, to assess the impact of the
many uncertain dimensions at stake and the criti-
the significant up-front investments needed
cal input assumptions of models. This will be done
to make advanced technologies competitive. accounting for technical and economic uncertain-
This will provide the EU with highly qualified ties, with state of the art techniques such as Mon-
jobs and a competitive economy, as original- te Carlo simulations and stochastic programming.
ly envisaged by the Lisbon Summit in 2000. Policy recommendations and EU competitiveness:
given the relevance of the issues analysed in this
PLANETS research objective is to design the
project outside the EU borders, the project will
evolution of energy technologies in Europe analyse the potential outcome of EU policies on
and at the world level for the next 50/60 the European industry capability to spread clean
years. It envisages the construction of a technology adoption and thus reinforce EU eco-
number of scenarios to assess the potential nomic competitiveness.

N° Organisation Country
1. Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei IT
2. Energy Research Center of the Netherlands NL
3. Universitaet Stuttgart DE
4. SARL KANLO Consultants FR
5. Operations Research Decisions and Systems Consultants CH
6. Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola SE
7. Lithuanian Energy Institute LT
8. University of Manchester UK

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Policy Options to engage Emerging Asian economies in a post-
Kyoto regime
Instrument:  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  1 089 576 €
EC contribution:  971 518 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/10/2009
Consortium:  7 partners from 5 countries
Project coordinator:  Chalmers University of Technology, SE
Project website:
Key words:  integrated energy-climate-development modelling, burden
sharing regimes, India, China, national development policy perspective

The challenge grated modeling framework, the project will ex-

plore possible multiple pathways which may exist
In order to restrict global warming to 2 oC, for India and China to contribute into international
major greenhouse gas (GHG) emission re- climate initiatives while not compromising national
ductions are needed by 2050. While most of development priorities.
the accumulated anthropogenic atmospheric
carbon dioxide can be attributed to industri-
alized countries, the greater share of future The project applies a modelling framework
emissions will come from the developing soft-linking seven national and global mod-
world, and India and China will contribute to els being either economy wide (CGE models)
a substantial part of this. Thus, participation or energy system models.
by India and China in climate change abate- A harmonized baseline development is used
ment is essential. However, the countries are for the modelling analysis.
reluctant to enter into any binding commit-
The analysis is based on a global green-
ment due to development objectives. Are
house gas emission pathway that aims at a
there policy options being able to combine
radiative forcing of 2.9 W/m2 in 2100 and
both the development and climate perspec-
with a policy regime based on the so-called
common-but-differentiated convergence
(CDC) effort-sharing approach, a simple allo-
Project objectives cation scheme that takes into account com-
Any climate policy has spill-over effects mon but differentiated responsibilities and
across several social sectors and, thus, care- convergence of per capita CO2 emissions
fully chosen national policies coupled with with emissions trading.
international cooperation may offset some A sensitivity analysis is carried out with re-
of the possibly negative effects. The primary spect to economic growth, timing in global
objective of the study is to develop a portfo- emission reductions and the effort-sharing
lio of policy options including both approach.
• international and national policies as well as insti-
tutional frameworks for international Finished results
• cooperation for India and China in order to fa-
cilitate their engagement in post-2012 climate The multi-model analysis concludes that
change abatement regime. By applying an inte- significant reductions are required in both

China and India, implying huge changes in intensity are more important for the energy
their energy systems. Today, there are large system models. With respect to the carbon
differences in the size of the energy system intensity improvements, renewable energy
and the related CO2 emissions between Chi- (including biomass) together with nuclear
na and India. The current situation and the power are important in both countries while
assumed future developments imply that the role of CCS is larger in China.
there are differences as well as similarities The economic impacts of international cli-
in how India and China may be affected by mate policy – measured as direct mitiga-
climate policies. tion costs in the energy system models or
In the climate policy case, Indian emissions as welfare losses relative to baseline GDP in
are allowed to grow more than the Chinese the CGE models–are generally larger in Chi-
emissions and still stay below their assigned na than in India, while India can even gain
amount, due to the per capita convergence primarily due to benefits from international
rule and the higher population growth in In- emissions trading. In general, China is a sell-
dia. Clear differences and similarities with re- er on the short term, but becomes a buyer on
spect to the actual consequences for the en- the long-term, while India is a seller over the
ergy system due to the climate policy can be whole 2010-2050 period. Dependent on the
observed, not only among the two countries, model, costs are also affected by decreasing
but also among the two model types–CGE global fossil fuel prices, currency deprecia-
vs. energy system model. Energy efficien- tion resulting from a net capital inflow from
cy improvements are important in the CGE international carbon trading and timing of
models, while improvements in the carbon emission reductions.

Project partners

Chalmers University of Technology SE

Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency NL

Indian Institute of Management – Ahmedabad IN

Tsinghua University CN

Kiel Institute for the World Economy DE

Institute of Economic Growth IN

Beijing Institute of Technology CN

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Mobilizing and transferring knowledge on post-2012 climate
policy implications
Instrument:  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  1 233 885 €
EC contribution:  998 147 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/05/2013
Consortium:  7 partners from 7 countries
Project coordinator:  Stichting Joint Implementation Network
Project website:
Key words:  climate change, negotiations, low emission economy,
implications for business, knowledge gaps

The Challenge provide stakeholders with better insights on

implications of possible international climate
It is acknowledged that much information is policy directions; so that they can take more
already available for climate policy stake- informed decisions with reduced uncertain-
holders but the way the information is pre- ties and mitigated risks. Through that, PO-
sented is often difficult to access, not in the LIMP can enhance the implementation of the
right format or otherwise of limited use for EU climate targets, strengthen the EU cli-
stakeholders. POLIMP aims at identifying, mate policy information and its effects and
where knowledge gaps exist, of what future increase stakeholders’ understanding of the
international climate policy directions may consequences of current and future interna-
look like and what these imply for policy and tional climate regimes.
decision makers internationally and within
the EU. The overarching motivation of PO- Methodology
LIMP is to facilitate exchange and transfer
of information about climate policy and its POLIMP approach is based on an extensive
implications among the policymakers, mar- two-way stakeholder consultation process.
ket actors and general society within the EU. POLIMP will collect and process information
This will be done by identifying where knowl- on future climate policy trends and impacts
edge gaps exist and how these gaps can be in an integrated manner for exchange with
filled. decision makers at different levels. Instead
of exchanging information about climate
Project objectives change mitigation, adaptation, technology
transfer, etc., through separate channels,
POLIMP objective is to facilitate a process POLIMP will integrate these information
to identify, for different policy and decision flows into balanced information packag-
making levels, knowledge gaps about im- es to support decision makers. POLIMP will
plications of possible directions of interna- first identify what information about climate
tional climate policies. Subsequently, it will policy making and its implications is needed,
cover these gaps with knowledge packages then collect this information from various
derived from a broad range of existing re- different sources and offer it to stakehold-
ports, research and climate policy decisions ers in desired packages, in intuitively easy
at, e.g., EU and UNFCCC levels. The aim is to formats and clear language. With these

information packages, which will be com- courses of international climate policy mak-
municated through series of workshops, cli- ing, which reduces the uncertainty of policy
mate policy associated stakeholders will be makers and sector and company level deci-
better able to extract key policy conclusions. sion makers and helps these stakeholders to
These activities will be facilitated by an on- better understand the consequences of dif-
line platform for information exchange of a ferent policies and climate regimes on eco-
wider list of contemporary and future policy nomic sectors and the European society as
incentives. a whole. This will help to build trust among
them so that they can strengthen their ef-
Expected results forts for implementation of the ‘Climate and
POLIMP will create a thematic knowledge Energy package (20/20/20 targets)’. These
base on, among other topics, climate change insights will increase stakeholders’ under-
mitigation, adaptation, technology transfer, standing of the consequences and oppor-
finance and market mechanisms. The knowl- tunities of international climate regime and
edge collection and processing network thus EU climate policies for European citizens, as
under POLIMP will enhance the insights of well as enhance awareness and public ac-
policy and decision makers on possible ceptance.

Project partners

Stichting Joint Implementation Network NL

Centre For European Policy Studies BE

University Of Piraeus Research Center GR

Universitaet Graz AT

Ecologic Institut Gemeinnützige Gmbh DE

Climate Strategies Lbg UK

Fundacja Naukowa Instytut Badan Strukturalnych PL

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/
adaptation policy portfolios
Instrument:  Coordination and support action
Total cost:  1 057 208 €
EC contribution:  961 455 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/01/2011
Consortium:  16 partners from 14 countries
Project coordinator:  NKUA – KEPA (HELLAS), Prof. Dimitrios Mavrakis
Project website: Promitheas4
Key words:  climate change, mitigation, adaptation, research needs
and gaps, policy portfolios

The challenge for the twelve beneficiary countries.

4. Evaluation of policy portfolios: Evaluation of the
The EU and the international community are developed M/A policy portfolios against a set of
striving to set under the UNFCCC a global criteria incorporating social, economical and en-
post-2012 agreement whose implementa- vironmental requirements by using a specially
developed multi-criteria method (AMS).
tion should be ensured on a sound scientif-
5. Prioritization of research needs and gaps: Identi-
ic knowledge base with the participation of fication of existing research needs and gaps pre-
emerging economies. PROMITHEAS-4 aims venting the development of effective M/A policy
to develop and transfer the necessary knowl- scenarios in beneficiary countries with parallel
edge to academic institutions in countries presentation of existing EU and other internation-
with emerging economies (Albania, Armenia, al funding mechanisms.
Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Estonia, Kazakhstan, 6. Training: A two-stage seminar (long distance
learning and one week case study in Athens) for
Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Ser- post graduates and decision makers was devel-
bia, Turkey and Ukraine) in order to develop, oped. Those that passed successfully the training
assess and disseminate effective Mitigation/ stages were invited in their national workshops
Adaptation (M/A) policy portfolios, in close – conferences. Further to that an intensive contin-
cooperation with their governments at both gency plan was developed to meet unscheduled
national and regional level. knowledge gaps.
7. Dissemination: Conventional dissemination pro-
cedures (see below) are foreseen. In addition all
Project Objectives reports were submitted to the 12 governments of
1. Evaluation of available data and information: BSEC countries for comments before their final-
Overview of international procedures and stan- ization. Participation to ministerial and working
dards in collecting and reporting data and infor- groups is foreseen. Final outcomes are present-
ed to UN, international Conferences and twelve
mation. Data collection and development of na-
national workshops – conferences, while scientific
tional databases for the beneficiaries.
editions are also foreseen.
2. Choice and implementation of appropriate mod-
el(s) for emerging economies: Selection of the
most appropriate model for the development of Methodology
the necessary scenarios based on the existing
The project is implemented through succes-
conditions and the reliability of input data.
3. Development of scenarios – M/A policy portfoli- sive steps that aim to develop, transfer and
os: Implementation of scenarios (BAU, Optimistic, implement the necessary high quality knowl-
Pessimistic) for the development effective M/A edge for the development and assessment
policy portfolios under a post Kyoto agreement of Mitigation / Adaptation policy portfolios

for each beneficiary country and identi- emerging economies, there will be a scientif-
fy existing gaps and needs. In parallel it is ic potential ready to contribute in developing
encouraged the interaction and cooperation policy portfolios for effective M/A measures
between academic, governmental and mar- and this potential will be in contact with gov-
ket communities at national and internation- ernmental authorities. Finally an additional
al – regional level. impact will be produced by the knowledge
transfer to intergovernmental bodies of the
region (BSEC).
Expected results
Additional secondary results are:
There are three primary results in support of • strengthening of the EU role in climate change
the implementation of a post-2012 climate policy research;
change agreement in emerging economies: • integration of global climate policy needs into the
• identification and assessment of policy portfolios EU’s external relations;
• building of a new alliance with partners around
for effective M/A actions;
the world;
• prioritization of research needs and gaps;
• development of means through which climate
• knowledge transfer to local societies and govern-
change can be confronted;
ments. • cooperation among scientists from different coun-
It is expected that at the end of the project tries;
in twelve (12) countries, characterized as • promotion of the green economy perspective.

Project partners
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens GR
National Observatory of Athens GR
Institut fuer Hoehere Studien und Wissenschaftliche Forschung AT
TUBITAK Marmara Research Center TR
Scientific Research Institute of Energy AM
Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade RS
Institutul de Energetica al Academiei de Stiinte a Moldovei MD
Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis EL
Finansoviy Universitet pri Pravitelstve Rossiykoy Federacii RU
Institutul de Studii si Protectari Energetice SA RO
Universiteti Politeknik I Tiranes AL
Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic AZ
Black Sea Regional Energy Centre BG
Nacionalniy Tehnichniy Universitet Ukranini Kiivskiy Politehnichniy Institut UA
Research and Production Firm Kazchiminvest LLC* Kazhiminvest KZ
Tallinna Tehnikau likool EE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development
for Cities
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  6 524 259 €
EC contribution:  5 200 000 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/10/2012
Consortium:  13 partners from 7 countries or international organisations
Project coordinator:  Potdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, DE
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, Adaptation, Systematic cost assessment,
Impact function, City, Response function, Systematic stakeholder

The challenge in cities;

• methods to quantify the full economic costs and
Research on adaptation to climate change is benefits of climate change adaptation (integrated
crucial to better inform and support the de- top-down/bottom-up approach);
velopment and implementation of adapta- • assessment of the environmental, social and eco-
nomic effects, at sector level with particular at-
tion policies and related action programmes tention to cities which are concentrations of high
at international, European and Member State economic and social importance;
level. It is well known that the local effects of • consideration of human responses to adaptation
climate change and the costs and benefits and other drivers of change such as mitigation, de-
of adaptation vary greatly. Cities are both mographic change and sustainable development is-
drivers of climate change and foci of climate sues–including the investigation of conflicts and syn-
impacts – yet this provides the opportunity ergies between mitigation and adaptation actions;
• integration of this knowledge base into decision
to reduce climate risks and emissions as making, in adaptation policy as well as in all other
well as to address sustainability challenges policy and business areas potentially affected by
in general. The majority of people in Europe, climate change; and,
and now globally, live and work in urban ar- • provision of outputs that enlarge databases of so-
eas. Therefore for a transition towards a risk cio-economic data related to climate change im-
resilient and sustainable future, cities must pacts, vulnerability and adaptation, e.g. European
be at the forefront of this endeavour. Climate Adaptation Platform (CLIMATE-ADAPT).

Project objectives
The RAMSES project develops an advanced
The main aim of RAMSES is to deliver much methodology for presenting urban impacts
needed quantified evidence of the impacts and estimates of adaptation costs and ben-
of climate change and the costs and bene- efits using a ‘common currency’. In this way,
fits of a wide range of adaptation measures. stakeholders will be able to make direct
The project will focus on climate impacts comparisons across cities and sectors with
and adaptation strategies pertinent to urban a specific focus on the financial costs of ad-
areas due to their high social and economic aptation. RAMSES will follow complementary
importance. lines: a generalized approach will identify
Specific objectives are: key urban infrastructure and characteristics
• development and application of methods and tools and their relation to efficiency regarding ad-
to assess climate impacts, vulnerability and risks aptation and mitigation in agglomerations

which will be complemented by a detailed, quantitative evidence of the impacts of cli-
high resolution, approach to simulating the mate change and the costs and benefits of
effects of climate change for selected case adaptation in cities.
studies. Both will form the basis of a new By combining analyses at an intermediate
analysis of the institutional and political level of complexity with detailed case stud-
context to promote changes and finally the ies, RAMSES will provide transferable and
development of city specific transition strat- applicable knowledge on climate impacts
egies. This process will be closely connect- and adequate responses, detailing the costs
ed to stakeholders within the selected case and benefits of adaptation options for spe-
studies (Antwerp, Bilbao, Bogotá, Hyderabad, cific settings.
London, New York, Rio de Janeiro and Skopje)
throughout the project duration. Comprehen- Research and methodologies will be based
sive and innovative dissemination and com- on an appropriate assessment of needs of
munication tools and formats ensure a broad policy makers and stakeholders. This will
diffusion of the project results. be achieved by stakeholder dialogues and
training exercises for selected cities. Further,
using innovative climate media and educa-
Expected Results
tional concepts, we seek for a broader distri-
RAMSES will improve our understanding of bution of our results to stimulate adaptation
urban systems and deliver much needed actions beyond the case studies.

Project partners
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research , DE World Health Organisation, Regional Office for Europe
ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, European
London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Secretariat, DE
University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK T6 Ecosystems, IT
Flemish Institute for Technological Research, BE The Climate Centre, BE
Institut du développement durable et des relations internationals, FR Climate Media Factory, DE
Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation, ES Institut Veolia Environnement, FR
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation through
Alternative Landuses in Rainforests of the Tropics (REDD-ALERT)
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 520 466 €
EC contribution:  3 488 760 €
Duration:  42 months
Start date:  01/05/2009
Consortium:  12 partners from 11 countries
Project coordinator:  Robin Matthews
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, REDD+, land use change, deforestation, carbon

The challenge reductions, land use and livelihoods.

6. Developing new negotiation support tools for
Discussions in global fora are underway on stakeholders at international, national and local
how Kyoto Protocol non-Annex 1 countries scales to explore options for incorporating REDD+
can use reductions in deforestation to gain into post-2012 climate agreements.
carbon credits which could be sold on inter-
national carbon trading markets or to other
governments, thus earning income for the The project focused on four study areas in
country. Known as REDD (Reducing Emis- different stages of deforestation, namely
sions from Deforestation and Degradation), Indonesia, Cameroon, Peru and Vietnam.
much of the debate has been on the glob- Field data was collected and collated on
al architecture of such schemes, but there deforestation rates, deforestation drivers,
is an urgent need to understand how emis- socio-economic variables, soil and biomass
sion reduction targets agreed at the national carbon contents, and GHG emission rates
scale are to be translated into changes of from selected land use transitions. A partic-
behaviour relating to land use at the local ular focus for the latter were peatlands in
scale, while not affecting the rights of mi- Indonesia. An analysis of forestry-related
nority and vulnerable social groups, or the policies at the international level was made
provision of ecosystem services in general. to investigate conflicts and synergies, and
potential REDD mechanisms were identified
Project objectives for influencing deforestation behaviour at
1. Documenting the diversity in social, cultural, eco- the local level. Modelling of the key social¸
nomic and ecological drivers of forest transition economic and biophysical processes eval-
and conservation in selected case study areas in uated these mechanisms in terms of their
Indonesia, Vietnam, Cameroon, and Peru. effectiveness, efficiency and fairness. Finally,
2. Quantifying rates of forest conversion and change the results of the project were used to devel-
in forest carbon stocks using improved methods. op tools that could be used by negotiators at
3. Improving accounting of the consequences of
various levels in the REDD process.
land use change for GHG emissions in tropical
forest margins including peatlands.
4. Identifying and assessing viable policy options Results
addressing the drivers of deforestation and their
consistency with other policy approaches. Results showed that some developing trop-
5. Analysing scenarios of the local impacts of poten- ical countries have recently been through a
tial international REDD+ policies on GHG emission forest transition, thus shifting from declin-

ing to expanding forests at a national scale. For mineral soils, it was found that there was
However, in many of these (e.g. Vietnam), a strong geographic bias in the published
a significant part of the recent increase in literature, with most studies being skewed
national forest cover is associated with an toward regions with higher precipitation and
increase in importation of food and tim- allophanic clay mineralogy, while areas with
ber products from aboard, representing low precipitation and high activity clays were
leakage of carbon stocks across interna- clearly underrepresented. It was also found
tional borders. Avoiding deforestation and that measurement of soil carbon stocks
restoring forests will require a mixture of down to one metre was sufficient to capture
state-level command-and-control (regula- changes following land use change.
tory) approaches, emerging market-based
Policy analysis and modelling work showed
instruments (e.g. eco-certification of prod-
the high degree of complexity at local levels
ucts, corporate environmental responsibil-
and highlighted the need to take this hetero-
ity, stewardship agreements, and other de-
geneity into account – it is unlikely that there
mand-driven interventions), suasive options,
will be a ‘one size fits all’ approach to make
and management measures. Most of the
available policy instruments tend to focus REDD+ work. It is important to see REDD+
on local and proximate drivers with very few as part of larger systems which also include
instruments that address global underlying arable agriculture, grasslands, wetlands, and
(e.g. world demand) and national underlying human settlements, as these can often be a
drivers (e.g. population growth, the perceived driver of deforestation (e.g. agriculture) or
need for economic growth). may represent leakage (alternative income
opportunities. Dealing with any one land use
Significant progress was made in the quan-
component (such as forests) in isolation is
tification of carbon and GHG fluxes following
likely to result in partial solutions at best as
land use change in the tropics, contributing
the Law of Unintended Consequences starts
to narrower confidence intervals on peat-
to operate.
based emissions and their reporting stan-
dards. Specifically, it was found that net CO2 There are indications that there is only a
emissions and removals contributed more short and relatively small window of oppor-
than 90% to the soil net balance of all GHGs tunity of making REDD+ work – these includ-
across all land-use categories on peat soils, ed the fact that forest-related emissions as
that the overall decrease in CH4 emissions a fraction of total global greenhouse gas
from conversion of peat swamp forests does emissions have been decreasing over time
not offset the simultaneous increase in soil due to the increase in fossil fuel emissions,
CO2 emissions due to accelerated peat de- and that the cost efficiency of REDD+ may
composition, and that forest conversion to be much less than originally thought due to
agriculture and agroforestry significantly and the need to factor in safeguard costs, trans-
highly increased soil N2O emissions. action costs and monitoring costs.

Project partners
The James Hutton Institute (JHI), UK International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, IITA), NG
Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), BE Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), CO
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VUE), NL Indonesian Soils Research Institute (ISRI), ID
Research Centre for Forest Ecology and Environment
Georg August University of Göttingen (UGOE), DE
Institut de Recherche Agricole pour le Développement
World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), KE
Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Extension Agraria
Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), ID

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  European responses to climate change:  deep emissions
reductions and mainstreaming of mitigation and adaptation
Instrument:  Small or medium-scale focused research project
Total cost:  4 117 787 €
EC contribution:  3 149 659 €
Duration:  40 months
Start date:  01/01/2010
Consortium:  10 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Institute for Environmental Studies, VU
University, Amsterdam, NL
Project website:
Key words:  climate change, adaptation, EU sectoral policy,
mainstreaming, low emissions scenarios

The challenge and energy. Specifically, the project:

• developed a new set of low emission scenarios;
EU action on climate change is focused on • developed and assessed strategies for integrating
accelerating emission reductions, while mitigation and adaptation to climate impacts into
seeking to put adaptation at the heart of existing EU policies; and
all sectoral policies. As policy attention to • identified synergies, trade-offs and conflicts be-
climate change intensifies, mitigation and tween mitigation and adaptation, and identify
adaptation need increasingly to be pursued opportunities for future EU strategies and policy
in parallel, and where feasible integrated. measures.
Climate change risks need to be taken into
account, or mainstreamed, throughout the Methodology
private and public sectors. European action The RESPONSES project had three analytical
also needs to take into account the broad- elements:
er international context, in order to ensure
1. scenario modelling;
that EU mitigation and adaptation efforts are 2. sector case studies; and
effective, efficient, proportionate and afford- 3. integrative activities.
able, and coordinated with action in other These elements were integrated by an initial
countries and regions. Scoping activity, which set out a common re-
search protocol for the five EU policy sector
Project objectives case studies. Each case study carried out a
The RESPONSES project addressed these baseline assessment, vulnerability and mit-
policy challenges. Its overall objective was igation potential assessments, and generat-
to assess integrated EU climate-change pol- ed and assessed mitigation and adaptation
icy responses to achieve ambitious mitiga- policy options by sector. The low emissions
tion and environmental targets while at the scenarios were developed using the TIMER
same time reducing the Union’s vulnerability Energy Model of the IMAGE Integrated As-
to inevitable climate-change impacts. The sessment Modelling framework, coupled with
empirical focus of the project was on five EU the European Power Model ACE. A Synthesis
policy sectors: water and agriculture, biodi- work package brought together the results
versity, regional and cohesion policy, health, of the scenarios and case study research.

Interaction and communication with Europe- 5. EU nature and biodiversity policy is implement-
an Commission and other stakeholders was ed by providing protected areas for valuable and
continuous throughout the project, in the endangered species and ecosystem types. With
changing climates, the suitability of localities for
initial framing of the research, in conducting
species and ecosystems will shift over time. The
research, and in debating and communicat- current policy of protecting particular species and
ing results at the ECCA2013 conference. habitats at particular places is untenable given
climate change. Key adaptive responses, such
Key Results as habitat restoration and ensuring coherence of
reserve networks, are left to the discretion of EU
1. Synergies can be achieved between greenhouse Member States.
gas emissions reductions (mitigation) and in- 6. The distribution of climate vulnerabilities across
creasing climate resilience (adaptation) in some the EU varies greatly by impact category (RE-
areas of EU policy, such as land use management SPONSES looked at fire, heat stress and river
in agriculture. But for much EU policy mitigation
flooding). A new analysis, combining climate im-
and adaptation are likely to remain separate.
pacts with adaptive capacity, shows that climate
2. The electricity sector is critical to achieving deep
risks, which currently exist mainly in southern
emissions reductions in the EU. Under a new
Europe, will grow significantly in many parts of
RESPONSES low emissions scenario for the EU,
continental Europe by the 2040s. In contrast, for
we find that a reduction of 34-43% in total EU
Ireland, Scandinavia, much of Poland, the Baltic
emissions by 2050 could be achieved in the pow-
countries, and most UK regions, overall impacts
er generation sector alone, with wind generation
playing a major role. will remain relatively lower.
3. A key governance dilemma for climate adaptation 7. Many new and emerging vector-borne diseas-
mainstreaming exists between the need for cen- es could potentially become endemic in Europe
tral direction and the benefits of local discretion. over the coming decades under climate change.
The European Commission can play an impor- However, based on modelling dengue fever risk
tant role in providing guidance, information and in Europe, the scale of disease burden appears
supporting capabilities on the ground. Especially to be modest, even when looking at projections
for long-term investments, there will be growing to the end of the century. Effective public health
benefits in opting for robust solutions that are re- interventions exist for some diseases, as well as
silient under different scenarios. for reducing heat stress risk among vulnerable
4. Mainstreaming adaptation often involves linkages groups.
between different sectoral policies (for instance, 8. Appraising the eventual effect of policy interven-
between water and agriculture, or between cohe- tions made today on mitigation and adaptation
sion and health policies). The RESPONSES project goals is fraught with problems. For adaptation,
developed a way of mapping these interactions it often makes sense to focus efforts on correct-
and linking them to climate vulnerabilities and ing existing mal-adaptations, rather than trying
adaptation strategies. There are many opportu- to prepare for highly uncertain conditions in the
nities for cross-sectoral support for adaptation. far-future.

Project partners
VU University Amsterdam (NL) IIASA (AT)
Fraunhofer ISI (DE) University of East Anglia (UK)
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission CSIC, Biochange Lab, Madrid (ES)
Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (NL) University of Helsinki (FI)
The Energy and Resources Institute (IN) Chinese Academy of Sciences (CH)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  The Role of Biodiversity in Climate Change Mitigation in Latin
America (ROBIN)
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  9 000 000 €
EC contribution:  7 000 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/11/2011
Consortium:  12 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  NERC, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, GB
Project website:
Key words:  Environment (including climate change), indicators,
mitigation, carbon stores, land-use change, tropical rainforests,
biodiversity, ecosystems, ecosystem services, multifunctional
landscapes, remote sensing, participatory approaches, REDD+.

The Challenge Project objectives

Tropical forest ecosystems are hotspots ROBIN’s research covers the tropical rainfor-
for biodiversity and play a key role in car- est areas of Mesoamerica and South Ameri-
bon storage and climate change mitigation ca. Its main objectives are to: (i) evaluate the
programmes such as “Reducing Emissions socio-ecological consequences of changes
from Deforestation and Forest Degradation” in biodiversity and ecosystem services un-
(REDD+) and similar “Payment for Ecosystem der climate change; (ii) quantify the role of
biodiversity in tropical forest ecosystems in
Service” (PES) schemes. REDD+ aims to en-
mitigating climate change; (iii) analyse the
hance the role of forests as carbon pools by
impacts of alternative land-use scenarios
supporting the conservation and sustainable
(and other mitigation options) on carbon
management of forests and the restoration stores and
of degraded forest areas. It also contains so-
other ecosystem services; and (iv) provide
cial and environmental safeguards for peo-
guidance on land-use planning and other
ple, communities and biodiversity.
climate change mitigation options with the
Currently we do not know what biodiversity is aim of increasing carbon stores and avoiding
needed to sustain the ecosystem processes undesirable ecological and socio-economic
and ecosystem services needed for climate effects.
change mitigation or the delivery of social
and environmental co-benefits. ROBIN’s re- Methodology
search will help fill this knowledge gap and
An inter-disciplinary team from Europe and
provide policy makers and natural resource Latin America will use field data and remote
managers with simple decision support tools sensing to understand the relationships be-
for assessing the likely outcomes of land tween carbon stocks, biodiversity and eco-
management and policy options on carbon system services. Linked models will be used
storage, biodiversity and ecosystem services to examine how different climate, socio-eco-
such as water supply, disease regulation and nomic and land-use scenarios could affect
non-timber forest products. carbon storage, biodiversity and ecosystem

services in the longer term. The models will ated with these options; and
be used in a socio-ecological assessment • improved methods for monitoring carbon and bio-
framework using key indicators to evaluate diversity indicators for REDD+ reporting.
synergies and trade-offs. The main outcomes of the work should be
increased storage of carbon in forest land-
Local case studies will be done in sites cov-
scapes and the delivery of social and envi-
ering multi-functional landscapes across
ronmental co-benefits through REDD+ and
a climatic gradient of tropical forest areas.
similar PES schemes. The work will inform
These sites will provide data for investigat-
national and local stakeholders in forestry,
ing the complex trade-offs between biodi-
agriculture and nature conservation sec-
versity, climate change mitigation options
tors. Advice will be provided on how to in-
and other ecosystem services. Some sites
crease carbon stocks and biodiversity while
will be used for stakeholder participatory
approaches to gain a better understanding simultaneously delivering a range of other
of the main drivers of land-use change and ecosystem services to communities, partic-
biodiversity loss and to test the model out- ularly those operating in multi-functional
puts, maps and decision support tools that landscapes.
are being developed. The work will also inform the implementa-
tion of UN Convention on Biological Diversity
Expected Results (CBD) in relation to some of the CBD (Aichi)
2020 targets.
ROBIN will provide:
Progress has already been made towards
• decision support tools for local and national imple-
developing a REDD+ monitoring system for
mentation of REDD+ to help decision makers com-
pare options for using biodiversity and ecosystems Mesoamerica using satellite data and a bio-
for climate change mitigation; diversity/degradation gradient system based
• assessments of the risks and uncertainties associ- on work done in ROBIN.

Project partners
NERC Centre for Ecology & Hydrology,, CEH UK
Alterra, NL
Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, CONABIO MX
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria, EMBRAPA BR
Instituto Boliviano de Investigación Forestal Asociacion, IBIF BO
Universitaet Klagenfurt, UNI-KLU AU
Instituto de Ecología, INECOL MX
Potsdam Institut fuer Klimafolgenforschun, PIK DE
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, UNAM MX
Wageningen Universiteit, WU NL
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM ES
Guyana Forestry Commission, GFC GY

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Multi-scale data assimilation, advanced wind modelling and
forecasting with an emphasis on extreme weather situations for safe
large-scale wind power integration.
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  5 617 761 €
EC contribution:  3 992 400 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/09/2008
Consortium:  22 partners from 9 countries
Project coordinator:  ARMINES – MINES ParisTech
Project website:
Key words:  Energy, Environment, ICT

The challenge Obtaining improvements of wind predict-

ability is not trivial. It necessitates bringing
The integration of wind generation into pow- together excellence from different disciplines
er systems is challenging because of the de- including meteorology, statistics, power en-
pendence on weather conditions. Forecasting gineering, ICT technologies. SafeWind devel-
the power output of wind farms, and the re- oped this synergy, through research objec-
lated uncertainties, facilitates large-scale in- tives inspired by the needs of the industry for
tegration of wind generation, in line with the solutions of an operational nature to address
EU goals for 20% of renewables by 2020. the problem of extremes. Finally, the project
Prior to SafeWind, the focus was on fore- studied the challenges of predictability at dif-
casting “usual” operating conditions. How- ferent climates (i.e. India).
ever, challenging or extreme situations can
result in severe forecasting errors that can Methodology
be costly for both infrastructures (i.e. dam-
age of wind turbines) and the electricity grid The methodology addressed scientific &
(i.e. black-out). technical objectives including:
• Definition and identification of extreme events re-
flecting the perception of the different communi-
Project objectives ties (forecasters, end-users, meteorologists…).
SafeWind was successful in satisfying the • Development of an information system integrating
data from a large number of wind farms and more
end-user’s need for specific approaches that
than 2000 meteo stations over Europe.
substantially improve wind power predict- • Strong synergy with research in meteorology
ability by reducing large errors, or by predict- which favoured the emergence of new products
ing extremes: dedicated to wind energy as well as an optimized
• at various temporal scales ranging from very ensemble forecast system.
short-term (few minutes) to medium term (few • Development of new forecasting approaches to
days ahead); adequately monitor and assess the weather situ-
• at various spatial scales: local, regional, European. ation over Europe in order to detect severe devia-
tions in the wind power forecast due to extreme
In addition, wind predictability was consid-
events and issue alerts to end-users.
ered as a system design parameter linked to • Development of dedicated novel probabilistic
spatial planning and the investment phase, methods for wind power forecasting with focus on
where the aim is to take optimal decisions extremes.
when installing new wind farms. • Evaluation of the role of wind predictability in spa-

tial planning and in the investment phase of wind large-scale integration of wind energy into elec-
farms. tricity networks. The innovative solutions improve
• Assessment of benefits from new measuring tech- forecast skill up to 20%.
nologies for better estimation of external condi- • Integrating solutions within the business processes
tions, resource assessment and forecasting. of the European power systems industry.
• Demonstration of operational benefits through • Developing academic excellence and European
validation at the end-users. leadership in the field with more than 145 scientif-
ic publications (40+ journal papers).
Results • Creating worldwide business opportunities for
high-end European technology. SMEs in the project
SafeWind has developed leading-edge re- already use the new knowledge acquired to pro-
vide forecasting services.
search in short-term forecasting of wind
• A successful public workshop presented the proj-
power by: ect results to a broad public from academia and
• Delivering state-of-the-art solutions to facilitate industry.

Project partners
ARMINES – Association pour la Recherche et le
Développement des Méthodes et Processus Industriels– FR Universidad Compultense de Madrid ES
MINES ParisTech
CENER–Centro Nacional de Energías Renovables ES Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ES
DTU Technical University of Denmark DE PPC- Public Power Corporation SA GR
University of Oldenburg–ForWind DE METEO FRANCE FR
Energy & Meteo Systems GmbH DE TERI–The Energy and Resources Institute IN
OVERSPEED GmbH & Co. KG DE SONI–System Operator of Northern Ireland UK
RTE–Gestionnaire du Réseau de Transport de DK FR
ECMWF–European Centre for Medium-Range Weather ICCS/NTUA – Institute of Communication &
Forecasts Computer Systems
EDF–Electricité de France FR ACCIONA ENERGIA S.A. ES
EirGrid p.l.c. IE ENFOR A/S DK
The Chancellor, Masters & Scholars of the University of

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Seasonal-to-decadal climate Prediction for the improvement of
European Climate Services
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  11 785 694 € €
EC contribution:  8 224 862 €
Duration:  51 months
Start date:  01/11/2012
Consortium:  20 partners, 9 countries
Project coordinator:  Fundació Institut Català de Ciències del Clima
(IC3), ES
Project website:
Key words:  climate prediction, climate services, climate modelling,
forecast reliability, forecast quality, initialisation, calibration,
downscaling, impact assessment, operational prediction.

The challenge: Methodology

Deliver a new generation of European cli- Six European dynamical climate forecast
mate forecast systems with improved fore- systems will be used to advance climate pre-
cast quality and efficient regionalisation diction on s2d time scales. A climate forecast
tools to produce reliable, local climate in- system takes existing models used in either
formation over land at seasonal-to-decadal weather forecasting or climate modelling
(s2d) time scales, while providing an en- and adapts them to the climate forecasting
hanced communication to address the needs problem. This requires adding an initializa-
of a wide range of both public and private tion module to give initial conditions to the
stakeholders. forecasts. A forecast system also includes
a) an adequate system to generate an en-
Project objectives: semble of forecasts, b) a statistical model
• Evaluation of the forecast quality of current cli- to create reliable probabilistic predictions by
mate forecast systems. combining the data from different forecast
• Test specific hypotheses for the improvement of systems and other sources like statistical
s2d predictions.
predictions, and c) a downscaling solution
• Integrate the best observational data of the cli-
mate system as initial conditions. that can deal with the multi-forecast sys-
• Improve forecast quality by better initialization and tem ensemble source of forecasts to offer
by increasing the spatial resolution of the forecast climate information at a local scale. All the
systems. steps used in current operational systems,
• Achieve a best assessment of the uncertainties in
when they exist, need updating and merg-
climate prediction.
• Perform reliable and accurate local-to-regional ing in with the knowledge generated in the
predictions via the combination and calibration of weather forecasting and climate-change
the information from different sources and a range projection communities. In addition, these
of state-of-the-art regionalisation tools. updates will be motivated by an increased
• Illustrate the usefulness of the improvements for knowledge about the sources of climate
climate services and better communicate action-
able climate information. predictability in a climate-change context.
• Support the European contributions to WMO re- As a project like SPECS aims at contributing
search initiatives on s2d climate prediction. to the development of climate services, the

new forecast systems require appropriate periments that aim to assess the role of the
documentation at all knowledge levels and appropriate initialization of different compo-
a data dissemination strategy that offers nents of the climate system (sea ice, con-
a seamless access to climate information. tinental surfaces, atmospheric composition)
SPECS brings together, for the first time, sev- and of the necessary model improvement
eral of these elements in a systematic way (increased resolution, atmospheric chemis-
and with the aim of applying the results in an try, vegetation, ocean-atmosphere coupling).
operational context where climate informa- A set of functions in the R language with
tion based on climate predictions is produced standardized input-output will be creat-
and released at regular time intervals. ed to perform statistical downscaling in
a climate-prediction context. They will be
Expected results merged with existing and new forecast ver-
SPECS will be the origin of a new generation ification functions to be publicly released as
of European climate forecast systems, with the first tool of its kind. This will provide a
improved forecast quality including better long-lasting response to the demand of local
reliability, higher resolution, a simpler access climate predictions for specific services.
to their data and an exhaustive documenta- SPECS will also provide a coordinated Eu-
tion. This will result in more actionable oper- ropean response to and leadership in the
ational seasonal forecasts and the advance- different international initiatives in climate
ment towards a better understanding of the prediction, as well as a set of case studies
usefulness of decadal predictions. illustrating the socio-economic benefits of
The processes responsible for s2d climate climate prediction.
predictability will be better understood, in- At the end of the SPECS project, climate pre-
cluding those linked to the changes in both dictions and climate-change projections will
natural and anthropogenic forcings. This be brought closer together for the benefit of
knowledge will be used to interpret an am- both climate services and the advancement
bitious set of coordinated global forecast ex- of climate adaptation.

Project partners
Fundació Institut Català de Ciències del Clima (ES) University of Leeds (UK)
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (BR) University of Exeter (UK)
Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie (DE) Meteorologisk Institutt (NO)
Het Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (NL) Vortex Factoria de Calculs S.L. (ES)
Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics, University of
Met Office (UK)
Oxford (UK)
Météo-France (FR) Sveriges Meteorologiska Och Hydrologiska Institut (SE)
Centre Européen de Recherche et Formation Avancée en Institut Pierre et Simon Laplace, Centre National de la
Calcul Scientifique (FR) Recherche Scientifique (FR)
Norsk Institutt for Luftforskning (NO) University of Reading (UK)
Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l'Energia e lo Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones
Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (IT) Científicas (ES)
Universität Hamburg (DE) European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (DE)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  ToPDAd Tool-Supported Policy-Development for Regional Adaptation
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  5 900 000 €
EC contribution:  4 500 000 €
Duration:  36 months
Start date:  01/10/2012
Consortium:  Ten partners from nine countries
Project coordinator:  Tony Rosquist
Project website:
Key words:  Climate change, adaptation, policy-making, decision-
making, cost-benefit assessment, impact assessment

The challenge icies more comprehensively than before. The

focus of the project is on tourism and the in-
Climate change impacts are already being frastructure sectors energy and transport. Im-
felt across Europe. Floods in central and portant outputs are full cost estimates of in-
northern Europe are extreme events that action versus selected adaptation measures.
in particular will affect road transport. In-
frastructures for transport and energy will
be affected with specific threats to densely
populated urban areas. While the drop in ToPDAd methodology can be divided into
revenues from shorter skiing seasons in the four phases:
Alps has been offset by increased summer 1. Scenarios
tourism, the tourism industry in the Medi- ToPDAd works with the scenarios RCP2.6,
terranean is likely to suffer from increasing RCP4.5 (optionally RCP8.5) and sector related
temperatures. A more strategic approach is EU roadmaps for Energy and Transport. Risk
needed to ensure that effective adaptation themes will be selected as representative to
will take place across different sectors and the scenarios chosen.
2. System/sector impacts
levels of governance.
Sector level impacts are modelled by dedicat-
ed models and tools for the Energy, Transport
Project objectives and Tourism sectors. These tools are tuned by
ToPDAd partners to fit selected case studies on
ToPDAD’s objective is to develop methods sector strategies for adaptation.
and tools for businesses and governments to
3. Macro-level/integrated assessment
address technical and socioeconomic devel- Tools developed for macro-level and integrated
opments within the fields of energy, trans- assessment are tuned and used to aggregate
port and tourism in order to assess the ag- bottom-up information to a broader societal
gregated impacts of climate change hazards level, supporting national and EU policy devel-
on health, environment and the economy. opment. Impact assessment will focus on eco-
nomics, but also study implications to health
The fundamental driver for regional adapta- and environment.
tion, are regional climate scenarios. ToPDAd
4. Value judgements and decisions
will deliver state-of-the-art socioeconomic
Adaptation decisions at regional and sector
methods and tools for an integrated assess- levels entail valuing of trade-offs within sector
ment, helping adaptation decision-makers in and between various stakeholders at the re-
evaluate regional, national and EU-level cli- gional level. Participatory methods to express
mate change adaptation strategies and pol- preferences will be utilized.

Expected results • the overall socioeconomic net benefits of timely
ToPDAd will provide updated methods and • feedback to current adaptation policies at sector
tools for adaptation assessment in the ToP- and EU levels.
DAd application areas: The messages from ToPDAd will be con-
• well founded estimates of direct cost of climate
veyed outside the project community
change effects; through the stakeholder network and the
• the macro-economic implications of these direct CLIMATE-ADAPT portal where the demon-
costs and possible benefits; stration cases will be run.

Project partners
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland FI
Center for International Climate and Environmental Research NO
Cambridge Centre for Climate Change Mitigation Research UK
Joanneum Research AT
Transport & Mobility Leuven BE
University of East Anglia UK
Institute for Transport Planning and Systems CH
Finnish Meteorological institute FI
Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek NL
Institute of Economic Structures Research DE

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Designing Trees for the Future
Instrument:  Research Infra-structures Integrating Activity
Total cost:  9 059 348 €
EC contribution:  7 000 000 €
Duration:  48 months
Start date:  01/11/2011
Consortium:  28 partners from 13 countries
Project coordinator:  Dr. Luc E. Pâques, INRA, FR
Project website:
Key words:  Forest, Infrastructure, Breeding, Wood Quality, Climate
Change, Adaptation, Innovation, Genetics, Biological Resources, Wood
Technology, GIS, Modelling, Databases, Economy, Environment

The challenge Project Objectives

Forestry research is a continuum of disci- The project partners of Trees4Future rep-
resent a wide range of expertise from the
plines ranging from biological and ecological
tree/population scale to the forestry land-
sciences to wood technology and social-eco-
scape scale. Trees4Future will develop new
nomics operating on a wide range of objects: integrated facilities and research tools, in
from cells (even genes) and tissues up to addition to providing trans-national access
ecosystems and wood resource basins. Ex- (TNA) to their research infrastructures. The
changes and flow of information between results of their joint research effort will help
scientific communities have been made the European forestry sector respond in a
complicated because on one side each disci- sustainable manner to increasing demands
pline has evolved on its own and has devel- for wood products and services (including
oped its own language and scientific environ- the preservation of forest biodiversity) in the
ment and on the other side, because forestry context of changing climatic conditions.
research communities are fragmented and
dispersed all over Europe. However, none of Methodology
these disciplines (or scales) alone is able to Trees4Future will integrate for the first time
tackle current challenges facing European major, yet rarely interacting forestry com-
forest and forestry (adaptation, multi-use, munities (and their resources) from geneti-
bio-economics, etc). Cross-fertilisation be- cists to environmentalists and from commu-
tween disciplines and integration of scientific nities working at the tree/population scale to
outputs are urgently needed and will only those working at forestry landscape/wood
be possible if researchers are well-aware basin levels as well as industry concerns.
These scientific communities will combine
of resources existing in other communities,
their complementary infrastructures, tools
share a regulatory framework for exchange
and knowledge and thus fill in the current
of biological material, share a language
gaps between:
comprehensive to all and rely on common
1. Physical environment vs. genetic studies
experimental and laboratory standards, get 2. Basic wood properties vs. end-products quality
educated and trained and debate in key-the- 3. Scales of study: from individual trees to forests
matic networks. This collaboration will result in a holistic

approach to integrating abiotic and biotic collaborative tree improvement programmes.
environmental aspects through biological re- • A clearinghouse with GIS functionality. The re-
sponses (eco-physiological and pest/disease search data from national and EU environmental
risk studies), biomass production (breeding and genetic databases, plots and resources will
and silviculture) and industrial technology help improve existing data sources and provide
a common reference point to access the data via
(wood quality and technology).
geo-enabled web services.
• Integrated compatible modelling tools for predic-
Expected results tion of forest wood resources and services. These
tools will be interconnected and enriched by inte-
Trees4Future will develop:
grating genetic information as well as wood qual-
• A user-friendly analytical platform for statistical ity models in order to better assess forest goods
and genetic data analysis. This will be a novel and and services and their sustainability in relation to
unique platform in Europe that will enable forest
management practices and changes in environ-
researchers to have free access to a wider, better
ment. They will help with evaluating adaptation
performing and integrated way of analysing their
and mitigation strategies for European forests.
datasets, coupled with a data-mining tool.
• A platform for molecular analysis. The platform • High-throughput phenotyping metho-dologies. For
will collect and provide a set of genetic markers some key-traits linked to tree adaptation and wood
and standardised laboratory protocols for genetic properties, improved or innovative assessment
identification and fingerprinting of forest resources methods or tools will be developed to increase
from several species. It will support the develop- phenotyping capacity, compatible with new needs
ment of a pan-European traceability system for in genetic studies and genomic selection for ex-
example for forest reproductive material. ample.
• A GIS-based decision making tool for better Several of these outcomes together with
matching forest tree species and varieties to en- TNA infrastructures should further support
vironmental conditions across Europe, in particular
in the context of climate change. This tool will also the creation of a European Tree Breeding
enable breeders to delineate pan-European breed- Centre envisioned in the preceding project
ing zones and deployment zones in the frame of TREEBREEDEX.

Project partners
INRA National Institute for Agricultural Research (FR) Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa (PL)
Austrian Institute of Technology (AT) Institutul de Cercetări şi Amenajări Silvice (RO)
Alterra (NL) Instytut Dendrologii PAN (PL)
Bavarian Office for Forest Seeding and Planting (DE) IICT (PT)
BFW (AT) Vlaams Gewest (BE)
BOKU – Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (AT) INIA (ES)
CEA – LSCE (FR) Innventia AB (SE)
CIDTG – CIS-Madera (ES) INRA Transfert (FR)
CNR – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IT) Metla – Metsäntutkimuslaitos (FI)
CRA – Forestry Research Centre (IT) University of Ghent (BE)
EFI – European Forest Institute (FI) vTI – Thünen-Institut (DE)
FCBA Technological Institute (FR) Joint Research Centre of the EU Commission
Fondazione Edmund Mach (IT) Statsbetrieb Sachsenforst (DE)
Forestry Commission Research Agency (UK) InnovaWood (BE)

Climate Change

At a glance
Title:  Understanding and combating desertification to mitigate its
impact on ecosystem services
Instrument:  Collaborative project
Total cost:  4 922 397 €
EC contribution:  3 499 378 €
Duration:  60 months
Start date:  01/06/2010
Consortium:  9 partners from 7 countries
Project coordinator:  Aarhus University, DK
Project website:
Key words:  biodiversity, CO2 sequestration, decision support,
desertification prevention, local knowledge, restoration, participatory

The challenge through tree planting, which will be certified

for CO2 marketing as the first restoration
The West African region is central for un- site in West Africa and 2) ecosystem man-
derstanding desertification and degradation agement based on scientific data and best
processes, which are already severe and practices developed in close collaboration
widespread as a consequence of climate between scientists and local communities.
change and human impact. An improved un- UNDESERT activities will be imple-mented by
derstanding of the effects of desertification employing 17 young PhD students, who will
and degradation processes on a local to re- receive training to enhance future capacities
gional scale is important in order to combat to manage risks and uncertainties in the
desertification and degradation directly and frame of future demographic and climatic
in order to contribute to the implementation changes. The scientific results will be used
of relevant international strategies, initia- to combat desertification and degradation
tives and commitments of the EU and Afri- directly and will be transferred to interna-
can countries. tional pro-grams in order to contribute to
the implementation of relevant international
Project objectives strategies.
UNDESERT aims at combating desertification
and land degradation in order to mitigate Methodology
their impacts on ecosystem services and, Even the most advanced and modern remote
consequently, on human livelihoods. By inte- sensing and analytical techniques cannot
grating regional information with sound field provide solutions to the realities of desert-
data on biodiversity and soil as well as socio- ification and degradation problems unless
economic and climate data, we aim to create the realities on the ground are understood.
improved understanding of the effects of A key stone in UNDESERT, is to relate the
desertification and degradation processes in newest techniques of modelling with hard
West Africa on a local and regional scale. On core data on soil and biodiversity as well as
this basis, decision support models and tools socioeconomic and climate data in order to
will be developed and introduced to natural understand how desertification and degra-
resource managers. UNDESERT also includes dation processes affect ecosystem services.
two very practical aspects, 1) restoration Practical measures to combat desertification

and land degradation will be based on re- tions and nature management plans in close
search results. collaboration with local communities.
The geographic focus is Africa, the continent
which is most severely menaced by desert- Expected results
ification, and, more specifically, West Africa Expected results include a better scientific
with a very regular ecological zonation from under-standing of degradation and desert-
north to south, which makes deserti-fication ification processes, online databases with
and degradation processes easier to inves- available biodiversity and socioeconomic
tigate by means of satellite data. The focus data and decision support systems that can
will be on the Sahelian and Sudanian zones be used as a tool by natural resource man-
where desertification affects many people’s agers.
lives. Practical measures will include management
Practical measures to combat desertification plans and establishment of tree planting
and degradation include development of projects, where CO2 sequestration will be
computer-based models aimed at decision monitored and certified for carbon trade as
support and establishment of tree planta- the first project in West Africa.

Project partners
Aarhus University DK
University Abdou Moumouni NE
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar SN
Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main DE
Senckenberg Gesellschaft für Naturforschung DE
University of Ouagadougou BF
University of Bobo Dioulasso BF
University of Abomey-Calavi BJ
BioClimate Research & Development UK

In alphabetical order

Improving the resistance of legume crops to combined abiotic and biotic stress
Action on Climate Change through Engagement, Networks and Tools
Atmospheric Composition Change: the European Network -Policy Support and Science
Arctic Climate Change, Economy and Society
Assessing climate impacts on the quantiy and quality of water
Aerosols, Clouds, and Trace gases Research InfraStructure Network
Genetics and physiology of wheat development to flowering: tools to breed for
improved adaptation and yield potential
Advance Model Development and Validation for Improved Analysis of Costs and
Impacts of Mitigation Policies
The role of African tropical forests on the Greenhouse Gases balance of the
The Web Platform for Uptake of Climate Related Research Results for Africa
African river basins: catchment-scale carbon fluxes and transformations
Air-Sea Exchanges driven by Light
AMAZALERT – Raising the alert about critical feedbacks between climate and long-tern
land use change in the Amazon
Quantifying Aerobic Methane Oxidation in the Ocean: Calibration and palaeo application
of a novel proxy
Assessment of Climate Change Mitigation Pathways and Evaluation of the Robustness
of Mitigation Cost Estimates
Infrastructure for Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems
Integrated assessment for regional and local air quality policies
Instrument:  Coordination and support actions
Advanced multifunctional forest management in European mountain ranges
Arctic Health Risks:  Impacts on health in the Arctic and Europe owing to climate-
induced changes in contaminant cycling
Atmospheric dynamics Research Infrastructure in Europe
Atmospheric nucleation:  from molecular to global scale
Atmospheric Gas-Aerosol Interactions – from Fundamental Theory to Global Effects
Atopic diseases in changing climate, land use and air quality
Air-Sea Exchanges driven by Light

BASE 338
Bottom-up Climate Adaptation Strategies towards a Sustainable Europe

C8 151
Consistent computation of the chemistry-cloud continuum and climate change in
Reconstructing abrupt Changes in Chemistry and Circulation
Social Capacity Building for Natural Hazards:  Towards more resilient Societies
Clouds and Precipitation Response to Anthropogenic Changes in the Natural
Creating the technology for safe, long-term carbon storage in the subsurface
Changes in carbon uptake and emissions by oceans in a changing climate
The terrestrial Carbon cycle under Climate Variability and Extremes – a Pan-European
Life Beneath the Ocean Floor:  The subsurface Sink of carbon in the Marine
Capacity Development for Natural
Climate Change – Terrestrial Adaptation and Mitigation
CECILIA2050 342
Choosing Efficient Combinations of Policy Instruments for Low-carbon development and
Innovation to Achieve Europe’s 2050 climate targets
CIRCLE-2 194
Climate Impact Research & Response Coordination for a Larger Europe
megaCITY - Zoom for the ENvironment
Climate change and marine ecosystem research results
A Europe South-America Network for Climate Change Assessment and Impact Studies
in La Plata Basin
Climate change, environmental contaminants and reproductive health
Climate Change. Hydro-conflicts and Human Security
Climate change predictions in Sub-Saharan Africa: impacts and adaptations
ClimateCost The Full Costs of Climate Change
Damage risk assessment, economic impact and mitigation strategies for sustainable
preservation of cultural heritage in the times of climate change
Bridging the gap between adaptation strategies of climate change impacts and
European water policies
Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrology of Mediterranean Basins:  Reducing
Uncertainty and Quantifying Risk through an Integrated Monitoring and Modeling
Climate Local Information in the Mediterranean region Responding to User Needs
Climate change integrated assessment methodology for cross-sectoral adaptation and
vulnerability in Europe
CLimate Change and Urban Vulnerability in Africa
Instrument:  FP 7 – Collaborative project
Biobased geological CO2 storage
Quantifying the global volcanic CO2 cycle
Coordination action Carbon Observing System
Comprehensive Modelling of the Earth System for Better Climate Prediction and
Quantitative picture of interactions between climate, hydrological cycle and
stratospheric inputs in Antarctica over the last 100 years via the combined use of all
water isotopes
Knowledge Based Climate Mitigation Systems for a Low Carbon Economy
Costs of Natural Hazards
COmmunity heavy-PAyload Long endurance Instrumented Aircraft for Tropospheric
Research in Environmental and Geo-Sciences
Collaborative research on flood resilience in urban areas

Data repositories and computational infrastructure for environmental and climate
studies in the eastern mediterranean
DE-CO2 113
Quantifying CO2 emissions from tropical deforestation to ‘close’ the global carbon
Desert Storms – Towards an Improved Representation of Meteorological Processes in
Models of Mineral Dust Emission
Improved Drought Early Warning and FORecasting to strengthen preparedness and
adaptation to droughts in Africa
From Protist to Proxy:  Dinoflagellates as signal carriers for climate and carbon cycling
during past and present extreme climate transitions
Do forests cool the Earth? Reconciling sustained productivity and minimum climate
response with ensembles of contrasting forest management strategies
Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology
Distributed Research Infrastructure for Hydro-Meteorology to United States of America
DROught-tolerant yielding PlantS
Fostering European Drought Research and Science-Policy Interfacing
Transatlantic fluxes of Saharan dust: changing climate through fertilising the ocean?

How long have human activities been affecting the climate system
Effects of climate change on the inland waterway network
Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution Impacts and Response Strategies for
European Ecosystems
Evaluating the Climate and Air Quality Impacts of Short-Lived Pollutants
Enabling Climate Information Services for Europe
ECO2 114
Sub-seabed CO2 Storage:  Impact on Marine Ecosystems
Ecosystem-based strategies and innovations in water governance networks for
adaptation to climate change in Latin American Landscapes
Earth system Model Bias Reduction and assessing Abrupt Climate change
An Intense Summer Monsoon in a Cool World, Climate and East Asian monsoon during
interglacials with a special emphasis on the Interglacials 500 000 years ago and
European Network engaging Civil society in Low Carbon scenarios
Enhancing risk management partnerships for catastrophic natural disasters in Europe
Enhancing resilience of communities and territories facing natural and na-tech hazards
Assessment and further development of the European climate policy
European Project on Ocean Acidification
European Reanalysis of Global Climate Observations
The European Polar Research Icebreaker Consortium Aurora Borealis
Enhancing Robustness and Model Integration for The Assessment of Global
Environmental Change
European Study of Cohorts for Air Pollution Effects
EU Cloud Intercomparison, Process Study & Ealuation Project
European Facility for Airborne Research in environmental and geoscience
Improving coordination, visibility and impact of European GEOSS contributions by
establishing a EUropean GEoss NEtwork (EUGENE)
European Provision Of Regional Impacts Assessment on a Seasonal to decadal
Global Ocean Observing Infrastructure
European Union Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration
Integration of European Simulation Chambers for Investigating Atmospheric Processes
– Part 2
Biochar for Carbon sequestration and large-scale removal of greenhouse gases (GHG)
from the atmosphere
Enhancing resource Uptake from Roots under stress in cereal crops
Instrument:  Integrated project
European Polar Consortium: Strategic Coordination and Networking of European Polar
RTD Programmes
EuTRACE – A European Transdisciplinary Assessment of Climate Engineering
Assessing disruptive effects of extreme weather events on operation and performance
of EU transport system
In-situ experiments on the chemical composition of high altitude aerosols and clouds in
the tropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere

Joint Programming Initiative for Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change
Deciphering River Flood Change
Future of Reefs in a Changing Environment (FORCE): an ecosystem approach to
managing Caribbean coral reefs in the face of climate change
Predicting carbon release from forest soils through priming effects: a new approach to
reconcile results across scales
Forest management strategies to enhance the MITigation potential of European forests
FUME 223
Forest fires under climate, social and economic changes in Europe, the Mediterranean
and other fire affected areas of the world
Forecasting Societies’Adaptive Capacities to Climate Change

Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems:  New Scientific and Technological Basis for
Assessing Climate Change and Land-use Impacts on Groundwater (GENESIS)
Operational Global Carbon Observing System
GEO Network for Capacity Building
Greenhouse gas management in European land use systems
Reducing greenhouse-gas emissions of transport beyond 2020:  linking R&D, transport
policies and reduction targets
GP 367
COMBATING CLIMATE CHANGE:  Political economy of Green Paradoxes
Genetic Record of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Development of global plankton data base and model system for eco-climate early warning
Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation and Management

Health, environmental change and adaptive capacity:  mapping, examining and
anticipating future risks of water-related vector-borne diseases in eastern Africa
Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man’s Impact on European Seas
Adaptation to Changing Water Resources Availability in Northern India with respect to
Himalayan Glacier Retreat and Changing Monsoon Pattern
Past hurricane activity reconstructed using cave deposits:  Have humans increased
storm risk?
In situ monitoring of oxygen de-pletion in hypoxic ecosystems of coastal and open
seas, and land-locked water bodies
Rock Hyrax Middens and Climate Change in Southern Africa during the last 50,000

In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System – European Research Infrastructure
ICAD 370
Advancing Knowledge Systems to Inform Climate Adaptation Decisions
Innovation for Climate chAnge mitigation:  a study of energy R&d, its Uncertain
effectiveness and Spillovers
ICE 51
Laboratory and modelling studies of ice nucleation and crystallisation in the Earth’s
Ice2sea – estimating the future contribution of continental ice to sea-level rise
Innovative Concepts for Extracting climate and atmospheric composition records from
polar ice cores using new LASER Sensors
Global Glacier Mass Continuity
Novel Lipid Biomarkers from Polar Ice: Climatic and Ecological Applications
Impact of Climatic and Environmental Factors on Personal Ultraviolet Radiation
Exposure and Human Health
ICOS 125
Integrated Carbon Observing System
Quantifying projected impacts under 2°C warming
Implications and risks of engineering solar radiation to limit climate change
Improving Preparedness and Risk Management for Flash Floods and Debris Flow Events
An Integrated Network on Climate REsearch Activities on Shrubland Ecosystems
Indo-european Research Facilities for Studies on Marine ecosystem and climate in India
Integrated Non-CO2 Greenhouse gas Observing System
International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic
Support in Preparation of the IPCC 5th Assesment Report
I-REDD+ 376
Impacts of Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and
Enhancing Carbon Stocks (I-REDD+)
Increasing Sustainability of European Forests
Infrastructure for the European Network for Earth System Modelling – Phase 2
Integrating Theory and Observations over the Pleistocene

Joint Programming Initiative Connecting Climate Knowledge for Europe – Coordination
and Support Action

KNOW-4-DRR 303
Enabling Knowledge for disaster risk reduction in integration to climate change
Knowledge-Based Approach To Develop A Culture Of Risk Prevention
Integrated water resources and coastal zone management in European lagoons in the
context of climate change
Low climate IMpact scenarios and the Implications of required Tight emission control
Evaluation and Management of Collective long-term risks

Quantitative dynamic macroeconomic analysis of global climate change and inequality
Modern Approaches to Temperature Reconstructions in polar Ice Core
Methodology for Effective Decision-making on Impacts and AdaptaTION
Mediterranean Sea Acidification in a Changing Climate (MedSeA)
Marine Environmental Evolution in a Changing Environment
Megacities: Emissions, urban, regional and Global Atmospheric POLlution and climate
effects, and Integrated tools for assessment and mitigation
Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas
Network of leading MESOcosm facilities to advance the studies of future AQUAtic
ecosystems from the Arctic to the Mediterranean
Morphological Impacts and Coastal Risks by extreme storm events
Role of Molecular Cluster in Atmospheric Particle Formation
Modal analysis of atmospheric balance, predictability and climate
MOdels for AdapTIVE forest Management (MOTIVE)
MOVE 309
Methods for the Improvement Vulnerability Assessment in Europe
Management of weather events in transport system
North Atlantic Climate: Predictability of the climate in the North Atlantic/European
sector related to North Atlantic/Arctic sea surface temperature and sea ice variability
and change
Thermodynamics of the Climate System

On the reduction of health effects from combined exposure to indoor air pollutants in
modern offices

Past Continental Climate Change:
Temperatures from Marine and Lacustrine Archives
PAGE21 76
Changing Permafrost in the Arctic and its Global Effects in the 21st Century
Predicting and monitoring the long-term behavior of CO2 injected in deep geological
Climate change – Learning from the past climate
Pan-European Gas-Aerosol-Climate Interaction Study
Towards the Prototype Probabilistic Earth-System Model
Phosphorus dynamics in low-oxygen marine
New Approaches to Assess the Responses of Phytoplankton to Global Change
Probabilistic Long-Term Assessment of New Technology Scenarios
Pliocene Constraints on Earth System Senstivity (Plio-ESS)
POEM 389
Policy Options to engage Emerging Asian economies in a post-Kyoto regime
Mobilizing and transferring knowledge on post-2012 climate policy implications
System analysis of a bio-energy plantation:  full greenhouse gas balance and energy
Knowledge transfer and research needs for preparing mitigation/adaptation policy

Quantifying Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Effects by Regime
Quantifying and modeling pathways of soil organic matter as affected by abiotic
factors, microbial dynamics, and transport processes
Quantifying Weather and Climate Impacts on Health in Developing Countries

Reconciling Adaptation, Mitigation and Sustainable Development for Cities
Reconciliation of essential process parameters for an enhanced predictability of arctic
stratospheric ozone loss and its climate interactions
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation through Alternative Landuses
in Rainforests of the Tropics (REDD-ALERT)
European responses to climate change:  deep emissions reductions and mainstreaming
of mitigation and adaptation (RESPONSES)
Research into Impacts and Safety in CO2 Storage
The Role of Biodiversity in Climate Change Mitigation in Latin America (ROBIN)
Empowering root-targeted strategies to minimize abiotic stress impacts on horticultural
Connecting the animal genome, gastrointestinal microbiomes and nutrition to improve
digestion efficiency and the environmental impacts of ruminant livestock production

Living with Landslide Risks in Europe
Multi-scale data assimilation, advanced wind modelling and forecasting with an
emphasis on extreme weather situations for safe large-scale wind power integration
Socio Economic implications For Individual Responses to Air pollution policies in EU+27
Stratospheric ozone: Halogen Impacts in a Varying Atmosphere
Instrument:  FP7, Collaborative-Project: Small or medium-scale focused research
Strengthening International Dimension of Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure
Svalbard Integrated Earth Observing System- Preparatory Phase
Instrument:  Construction of New Research Infrastructures - Preparatory Phase
SIP-VOL+ 181
Stress-Induced Volatiles in Biosphere-Atmosphere System
Seasonal-to-decadal climate Prediction for the improvement of European Climate
Strengthening And Redesigning European FLOOD risk practices:  Towards appropriate
and resilient flood risk governance arrangements

Efficient ENergy for EU Cultural Heritage
T - FORCES 136
Tropical Forests in the Changing Earth System
Thermohaline overturning - at risk?
Transition Into the Anthropocene
ToPDAd Tool-Supported Policy-Development for Regional Adaptation
Tephra Constraints on Rapid Climate Events (TRACE)
Transport related Air Pollution and Health impacts- Integrated Methodologies for
Assessing Particulate Matter
Designing Trees for the Future
Understanding and combating desertification to mitigate its impact on ecosystem
Urban Reduction of GHG Emissions in China and Europe

Impact of Climate Change on The Transport, Fate, and Risk Management of Viral
Pathogens in Water

Water Availability and Security in Southern EuRope and the Mediterranean
Strategies for the protection of shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea against forthcoming attack
by wood degrading marine borers. A synthesis and information project based on the
effects of climatic changes

An Exercise to Assess Research Needs and Policy Choices in Areas of Drought

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European Research on Climate Change
Funded by the Seventh Framework Programme

Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union

2013 — 448 pp. — 14,8 x 21 cm

ISBN 978-92-79-31251-9
doi: 10.2777/30474

Special thanks are due to Daphné Lê Phan.
Over two-hundred fifty multidisciplinary

pan-European research projects dealing with

climate change have been funded by the

Seventh Framework Programme of the European

Union for Research, Technological Development

and Demonstration Activities (2007-2013).

The projects presented address a multitude of

scientific issues ranging from climate processes,

observation and projections to climate change

adaptation, mitigation and policies. This overview

should be useful to many stakeholders including

the scientific community and regulatory


Project information


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