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3.2.1 Open circuit test on single phase
(r" Unit objective
On completion of this unit you will understand significance of
._) "Open circuit Test " performed on single-phase transfonners and
the standard procedure adopted to perform the same. You will
~ perform the test on a 230V / 200V. 300V A transfonner.

~ Discussions on fundan1en tals
~ During this test, tl1e transfonncr is opernr~d on no load condition.
The leakage flux under rl1is condjrion is said to contribute in the
~ form of leakage inductance and reactance while the e_ddy current
and hysterisis losses contribu1e in the fonn of equrvaJent core
~ resistancZ-The copper Joss in t.hc primary winding at no load is
negligible as in a ,,/dl-<iesigntd tran.sfonner; the no load current is
hardly l - 2% of full load current.
~ The total input no load currenl is k.nov.n as 'Excitation Current"
and is thus comprises components. -
~ 1) The 'in phase' component supplying 'Real power' required for
hysterisis and eddy current losses. This is referred to as 'core
~ loss component' of excitation current.
2) The '90° ' lagging component supplying 'apparent or reactive
J power' responsible for above discussed leakage reactance. 'Ibe
J hannonic contents of this component are generaJly neglected
for engineering analysis, as the actuaJ magnitude is very small
:) compared to total current. Thus the equivalent RMS current
which lags applied voltage by '90°' is considered and is known
:> as 'magnetizing component' of excitation current.


. uivalent circuit used for this test is as follows -
The approxtmate·1 eq·er equn
. . ·-•
..en t ca·rcuit suitable for open circuit tes
F" ..35 Ca.ob e, , - X 1+ X2,
ig Rc;q = Rl+R2 X~q - -
_.. It

Ire + •

ll1e ~No .. ~ 1'cst' di!>(.;US5Cd in this unit a,tuall y n1t:ill>urcs

, l"'vau
1) No loud input Po,,cr P0t.
2) ~ o load mpul ,urn-n1 · l 1 , , _
3) No load tnplll P,mc:r . V' "- Ii( OS <l> - Voc2 / ~-
From the-sic rdlding..,, folio\, u,g panuncters can be calculated .

~ : . 1,.,
b-1 1 la. lun -. Ii 1;
X ffi::;; V°"

Knowing Xm. I..,. lllso can be calculated Thus entire magnetizing

branch parami:tcrs of the transformer equivalent circuit may be
determined using this IC)'t. The results are with in acceptable
t'llginet.-ring accuracy limits. The results arc also useful in deciding
magnitude of 'core loss' in watts to be used while calculating
transformer efficiency. This test is also performed as routine tesl
on all transformers
designed data. manufactured to test the performance agains1

3- 14
2 nos 300V A - 230V / 200V, S0HZ transformers are supplied with
the trainer. This test is perfonned with rated maximum voltage
applied to respective \\inding so that rated magnetizing current
will flow. If the transfonner is intended to be used at any other
voltage than the rated voltage. it is advised that the test should be
carried out at that voltage;.
Fig. 3.6 Open circuit t~ t
, 230 Volts / SO Ht,.

, l I

.. • ••
' ~
, t ••
-. ,;
Open Circuit Test

...... 3-15

)¥irin •. Schedule ~r i ,~
EMT I6A (9)
Dimmer R
E~fl' l6A
Dimmer N
'I ,
(l P} (1 0) (flf1_
-,_,.- N E~fI':;OF (8) I;
3. 1 Dimm~r R F~fTIOF (7) 4 , Dimmer.
0 P) ( 0 I' )
5. E~tTIOt (9) ~1 f 4A (I) 6. ~ I· \t j ·~oF ( I 0) 1f:MT4 A (2) I;
7. EMT-IA {..a ) EM I l~f {I) 8 . F\1l4A (5) EMT15F {))
r::r Procedure I;
I) ~ otc thar the' t.rn1bt~.Jm1cr rc~c1, t"1> , ariahk AC voltage at
it's primary thn.)ug.h prutccuon panel E~1 I'l 6A - dinun~r - ~
digit1l n1etcr inJi,atu\~ \ ·, I, Pf, Frequency. .-\ J)'t,t
voltages & put on l 6A \1<. 'B ~
2) }.fake th~ c.unn~tion.s a_" per ubo, c J iagrarn. Put on uux
input to EJ\f J 20f C
3) Adj u..\ t the input voltage tu tht trdllSfunnc-r pritnary to it's
rated voltage (2 3UV AC m this case) using dinunt:r. (The IC
digital n1ttcr will nut ,, ork till tht: voltage is not n1t)rt: lhan
l O volts)
Note do\a.'n input voltage) l:urrcru and Pf a..\ per following "
5) Note the current suppJied is n1oslly magntti1jng current I
and as such is drawn at very low lagging poYltr factor fron1
supply. :J
6) If the digital meter is found to be less sensitive or is t
introducing error. it is ad visible to use appropriate
sensitive wanmcter from labstock. ( The required ratings \
arc 0.5A, 300volts, 0.2 lag pf, 50wans)

Table No. 3.4 No Load test on transformer
Sr Voe NL NL a._,. Ire.;;; hm Xm
~ ••
.., P.f I Powtr
VOt l
/ VO(~/
As per

:-, I • ' - ~
-- -
. I-
:, 2 . 210
- ◄

3 230 I "'
:, - l
= 2n F I.. using t!1is rd11jun and L.110 \t. ing Xm , inductance L of
:, X111
magnetizing branch rna~ .!lso b.: c.JJ,ulah:d.
1, :,
~::, er Conclusion
The rrarufonncr of all) rating , an be ~ubjcctcd lo this simple tt.'"Sl
~~ to determine nugncun ng co,nponcnb uf il's cquivaJenl circuit.
The rated maxinn1m , oltage of tmnsformcr should be: available to
carry out this test . ( 111is facl may become poinr of concern in case
of high voltage transfonnm.)
- -~


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~ ,

., '•

" 3.2.2 Short circuit test on single-phase

~ vr Unit objective
On completion of this unit you will understand significance of
"short circuit Test " performed on single-phase transformers and
'3 the standard procedure adopted to perform the same. You will
perform the test on a 230V / 200V, 300VA transformer.

r:,=a Discussions on fundamentals
The primary current for a transformer 'ON LOAD' actually
~ consists excitation current (usually 1 to 2% of rated current) plus
the current drawn from the supply to feed the load. The flux
--~ produced by this additional load current also has two components
namely, useful flux and leakage flux. Useful flux is used to
~ produce counter emf in primary while leakage flux gives rise to
-;) 'primary leakage reactance'. Same situation exists for secondary
winding. These inductances have to be considered at full load
~ current as at that current maximum ampere-turns are acting in
transformer and decide the magnetic saturation level.
~ The load current being large in magnitude, loss in primary and
--, secondary winding resistances also needs attention. This is known
as copper loss. As per theory, these primary and secondary
parameters can be referred to either of the side in proportion of
square of turns ratio of the transformer. Depending upon the side
~ under _consideration they should be referred to same side and
-- suitably the magneti~ing parameters also (Re and Xm) should ~
~ converted to that side. _ 01
The approximate equivalent circuit used for ~is test is as foll9ilY~irn
~ l

.j}~f fIJ1EW


Fig.3. 7 Cantilever equivalent . •t s,01·table for short circuit test
c1rcm r
Req ::::_'R.1+R2'
. . Xeq··...· =.......
.. Xl+XJ . . • .. •.·••·. r
The 'Short circuit Test' discussed in this unit actually measures
1) Short circuit input Power Psc
2) Short circuit input current= lsc

3) Voltage applied to pass rated full load current through
primary = Vsc
4) Short circuit input Power= VsclscCOS (I)= Isc2 X Req
From these readi~gj,following parameters can be-calculated.
1) Req= Vsc ~ Psc
2) Zsc= Vsc/Isc ~ -J

3) Xeq2 -Zsc2 - Req2

Knowing ·xeq , Leg also can be calculated. This test is also
performed as routine test on all transformers manufactured to test
the performance against design data. The test also gives magnitude
of equivalent series impedance. Secondary being short-circuited, ~-
small amount of primary input voltage is sufficient to pass rated
current through Primary and in turn through secondary. As a result
, power required to create this situation is also very less..The copper t;.,.___
loss being predominant in this case ¢e input power factor is near
to unity but the applied voltage is very less as such the digital ~ -,

meter can not be ~d 'for this application. A separate unity P.F.

Wattmeter of exact adequate rating is supplied optionally with the

trainer. In case you have not ordered the same you may use one
fron1 lab stock, the rating required is as follows.
25V / 1.5Amps / 50watts.
300V A - 230V / 200V, SOHZ transformer is supplied with the
trainer. This test is performed with rated maximum current drawr:i
by primary while secondary is shorted. Other required
instrumentation is included in the trainer.
Fig. 3.8 Short circuit test

~ 230 Volts / 50 Hz.

EMT 16

II I e e
~ 3 Phase Dimmer

~ -t ~ @
j --§ .c,.
• t


50 70 ' ;

:> \ Stcondury
6, 8 ,

J 7 .. I!

230V ., 200v
J '

:> ll
/ I
! /
l' rimary I

b "9 I


( (
~ lI ,, )

3-21 f. - (
I ., I I

'~ }'

~Viring Schedule ~ -
I) Primary side -
No. From To No. From To -
EMT16A (9) Dimmer R 2. EMT16A DimmerN
(I/P) (10) (IJP)
3. Dimmer R EMT20F (7) 4. DilnmerN EMT20F (8)
(O/P) (0/P)
5. EMT20F (9) EMT4 (]) ·b EMT20F (10) EMT4A (2)
7. EMT4A (4) EMT15F (1) <g EMT4A (5) EMT15F (3)
II) Secondary side
1 I EMT15F(5) l EMT15F(7) I
er Procedure .,
1) Note that the transfonner receives variable AC volt~ge at its
primary through protection p_anel EM_TI ~A - . dunmer -
EMT20F while it's secondary 1s short c1rcu1ted using a patch
2) Make the connections as per above diagram. Put 'ON' aux
supply to EMT 20F.
3) Ensure that dimmer o/p is kept at zero voltage point and then
put on input AC supply. ( 1.6A MCB)
4) Increase the input voltage using dimmer gradually while
continuously observing input current and adjust the input
voltage, so that rated transfonner primary current starts
flowing through primary. (The rated current is 1.3 Amps.).
Initially this current will have to be observed on EMT 3 as
EMT20F starts operating from 9.5 volts AC, which is just
above the voltage required to pass full load rated current
through primary.
5) Note down input voltage, current and wattage as per following
table. · . ,.

Table No • 3•5 Short circuit test on transformer .
lsc Vsc Psc ~= Z sc= Xeq.1= Xeri
Z SC 2 - Re11l
q 2
Sr Psc Ilse Vsc/ l sc

1 1.07 11.1 11
3 1.34 14.1 18

Note : In case resolution or accuracy of any meter is not sufficient

for intended experiment; students are advised to use appropriate
meters from lab stock.

Thus Req,Xeq may be determined. These are equivalent parameters

referred to primary.

r:r Conclusion
The transformer of any rating can be subjected to this simple tes(
to determine series impedance components of it's equivalent
circuit. The rated maximum primary current of transformer should
flow through primary to carry out this test.

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