Public Procurement Conference and Seminar Training Brochure - Purchasing Advantage - Omid Ghamami, MBA, CPSCM

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About Omid Ghamami, Select Major Public

Procurement Organizations
That Have Benefited from
MBA, University Of California System, Class Omid G’s Services:
Founder of the globally recognized CPSCM™
18 Years At Intel: Ran Global Corp Purchasing California Association of

Omid Ghamami, MBA, CPSCM™

Public Procurement Officials,Inc.

Operations - $16B Scope

Thousands of Hours
Consulting/Speaking/Training Experience In
25+ Countries Making Your Public
Adj. Professor of Procurement, American River
Procurement Conferences
Has Had THE Most Watched Procurement & Training Events a
Training Video in The World Since 2013 – Just
Type “Purchasing” in YouTube To See For HUGE Success
Multitude of Articles Published in Global
Journals, Including Fortune Magazine 33+ NIGP Chapters and
Author of 2 Best Selling Procurement Books: Counting Have Sought
Out Omid G’s Speaking
Is Your Organization
on That List?

To find out how to make your next public procurement

conference or training event a huge hit, contact us for a

Phone: 1-888-826-4889
or contact Omid directly at “Your attendees will tell you that my
presentation was the highlight of your
P.S. Ask About Raffle Prizes from public procurement event and will ask to
Purchasing Advantage for your have me back. I guarantee it.”
conference or training event! - Omid G
Omid G’s Most Sought Topic #6
After Topics by Public How to Influence and Negotiate With End
Procurement Associations: Learn how to engage end users completely different
than the current model, leveraging negotiation
Topic #1 techniques and creating motivation whereby end
users engage procurement early not because they
How To Buy PERFORMANCE RESULTS Topic #3 have to, but because they see value in doing so.
(and Stop Buying Goods & Services):
How to Write Performance Agreements:
Learn how to rearchitect the public procurement
Learn how to write contracts for Performance
lifecycle to focus on the singular objective of
Results (instead of for goods/services) with
tendering for performance results instead of
success metrics, payment tied to performance,
pre-defined remedies for failure to perform.

Topic #4
Leveraging Supplier Innovation to Improve
Costs, Performance, & Reduce Risk:
Learn how to have suppliers draw from their vast
knowledge and compete on ideas to help you
achieve what your end user wants to accomplish,
instead of what they want to buy, while achieving
breakthrough results.

Topic #5
Note: All of the Above Topics can be
How to Make Best Value Decisions: Delivered as 1 Hour Keynotes or 2 – 8
Learn about cost models (total/should/must cost Hour Conference or Seminar
models), cost analysis, and cost drivers and how to Presentations.
Topic #2 use these skills and strategies to ensure best value
outcomes for end users and to influence the
How to Increase Cost Savings by “We engaged Omid to speak and train
board. some of the best public
Removing Costs From the Purchase: purchasing/contract managers in the
nation. His information was stimulating,
Learn how to analyze inherent costs in a topical and very much on target and very
SOW/Spec and drive a value analysis process. On well presented. Our participants left with
average, there are 18% savings to be found here, new tools that they could immediately
deploy to improve current contracts and
in addition to what is achieved through prepare for future procurements. I
competitive bidding. recommend him as a speaker and trainer.
Douglas Richins, C.P.M. We look forward to other training events
CEO at NASPO ValuePoint with him.”

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