Data Science Excel Hackathon

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Hack1: Excel

Team Members: ___Matthew Serf, Morgan Rutledge, Shane Smelser____________________

Statements & Recommendation

Hypothesis 1: The most crashes occurred during wet weather conditions (Rain, sleet or
hail and snow) with dark—not lighted conditions than any other weather or light

Was the hypothesis supported? What method used to determine this?

-In this process we utilized nested IF functions to create a key for weather conditions as well
as a key for the lighting conditions. Using these keys we created a pivot table that clearly
showed that most crashes occurred during daylight hours with clear weather conditions.
These results do not support our hypothesis of most crashes occurring during wet weather
conditions with dark-not lighted lighting.

Hypothesis 2: The most crashes occurred during the weekday (Mon-Fri) on the
interstate than during any other route during the week.

Was the hypothesis supported? What method used to determine this?

-Our hypothesis was not fully supported. While most of the crashes did happen during the
week, the location in which they occurred the most frequent was actually the State Highway
and not the interstate. We found this out by using a combination of IF AND functions to
discern weekdays from weekends and then categorized the routes by using a similar method
of nested IF functions. We then displayed the results in a Pivot Table
Policy Recommendation Statement:

We recommend that the nation implement a policy that requires stricter enforcement of speed
limits on State Highways throughout the week, especially during high volume traffic times
such as midday with clear weather conditions.

Optional: Identify something in your work that you are particularly proud of or worked on.
Provide a brief explanation of what you did here and instructions on how I may locate that in
your Excel file.

The charts that we used are intuitive and clearly show our findings. You have the ability to
expand or decrease the amount of detail by clicking the plus/minus buttons on the lower right-
hand corner of the chart for hypothesis #1.
Count of Key for
Row Labels W
dark-lighted 5919
dark-notlighted 9083
dark-unknownlighting 233
dawn 654
daylight 15308
dusk 795
other 12
unknown 162
Grand Total 32166

Count of Accidents based on Lighting and

Weather Conditions
Accidents occur more in the daylight by a wide margin

Count of Route Key Column Labels
Row Labels weekday weekend Total
County Road 3128 1545 4673
interstate 2480 1290 3770
Local St. F-r 143 77 220
Local St. M 3607 1893 5500
Local St. T 745 327 1072
US Highway 3447 1728 5175
State Highway 6262 3167 9429
Other 680 367 1047
unknown 837 443 1280
Grand Total 21329 10837 32166

Accidents by Route for Weekend and Weekdays

Most accidents occurred on state highways on weekdays
State Highway
US Highway
Local St. T weekend

Local St. M weekday

Local St. F-r

County Road

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000

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