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Doo-Wool : Ohhhh … I have to get home quick and get on the internet. My mini - homepage,
messengers, e-mail, games …

Yes, class is over!

Let me see…who visited my Page today . Wow!!!! Lots of people came!

I guess I’ll play games now.

Doo-Wool says : Are you ready for today’s game ?

Bo-Ram says : Yeah, of course!

Mom : Doo-Wool – Dinner’s ready!

Doo-Wool : I’m not hungry!

Bo-Ram says : Ooh , ..I call quits….

Doo-Wool says : Why ? We’re so close to a level up!

Mom : Doo-Wool – I’m going to get some groceries. Don’t miss the class at the academy !

Doo-Wool : Yeah, yeah!

Bo-Ram says : Hey! We’re late for class!

Doo-Wool says : Ah , it’s only one day , what harm can it do ?

Bo-Ram says : Ooh …I’ll get into trouble for this .

Ah – whatever .

Let’s go and sleep …

Doo-Wool says : No – Play some more!

Hey! Don’t fall asleep !

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