Questionnaires - Stress Testing

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No Inquiry Item Customer Response

1 System name ………………….
2 Application interface & protocols. Web/Oracle Form/Client Server/API
Please list available protocols if your
system is video streaming services.
3 Is your system accessible from the Yes/No/Partial
4 Number of existing base users of your ………..
system. For a publicly available service,
what is the minimum number of users
the system can handle concurrently.
5 Number of your base users in the next 3 ………………….
years? Target or expectation
6 Typical usage of your system users (24/7) / Working hours only
7 How long do you expect the slowest 1/3/5/10/15 seconds? (leave it blank for video streaming)
response time
8 Environment to be tested? DEV/UAT/PRD/DRC (chose which one applicable)
9 Deployed infrastructures a. Reverse Proxy/Load Balancer Server: ………………….
b. Application Server: ………………….
c. DB Server: ………………….
d. File Server: ………………….
e. Authentication Server/Directory Sever: ………………….
f. Other Legacy System: ………………….

(Please fill or add wherever applicable)

9 Do you expect some performance Yes/No
related feedback items?
10 Do you expect to be tested from the
internet cloud? If your response is YES,
we assume that we are going to test
your production servers, then,
a. please describe your
infrastructure bandwidth
b. Do you expect the testing to be
performed while system is in low
load such as midnight till dawn ?
11 List up to seven use-cases of your 1. Login/Logout
system functionalities that probably will 2. <example: browsing list of videos>
be used the most 3. ………………….
4. ………………….
5. ………………….
6. ………………….
7. ………………….
8. ………………….

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