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​ Performance Analysis of OFDM for Different Modulation Techniques

Mohammed Imtiaz Ali Ahsan​1​,Mohd. Nayeem Ahmed Shareef​2

Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE, Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology Hyd., India​1
Student(M.E), Dept. of ECE, Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology Hyd., India​2

Abstract: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a modulation scheme that is

used in wired and wireless communication systems. In this paper, OFDM system is used as
medium for transfer of binary Data i.e. image. This paper presents a high level implementation
of a Image Using DCT for OFDM and is modulated using the below specified modulation
techniques BPSK, QPSK, QAM, where the word size of data is converted into symbol size for
each symbol and guard interval is added and performance Analysis is done through the
transmitter in OFDM System.
Keywords: O​ FDM, DCT, BPSK, QPSK, QAM

ORTHOGONAL Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), also referred to as Discrete Multi-Tone
(DMT), is a modulation scheme widely used in wired systems (including Digital Subscriber Lines
(DSL) Power line Communications (PLC) ) and wireless standards. While OFDM is ideally suited to
handle ISI by frequency domain transmission and equalization using the Inverse Discrete Fourier
Transform (IDFT)/Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and cyclic prefix approach. The idea behind the
analogy implementation of OFDM can be extended to the digital domain by using the discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) and its counterpart, the inverse discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT). These
mathematical operations are widely used for transforming data between the time-domain and
frequency-domain. These transforms are interesting from the OFDM perspective because they can be
viewed as mapping data onto orthogonal subcarriers. For example, the IDFT is used to take in
frequency-domain data and convert it to time-domain data. In order to perform that operation, the
IDFT correlates the frequency-domain input data with its orthogonal basis functions, which are
sinusoids at certain frequencies. This correlation is equivalent to mapping the input data onto the
sinusoidal basis functions. In practice, OFDM systems are implemented using a combination of fast
Fourier Transform (FFT) and inverse fast Fourier Transform (IFFT) blocks that are mathematically
equivalent versions of the DFT and IDFT, respectively, but more efficient to implement. An OFDM
system treats the source symbols (e.g., the QPSK or QAM symbols that would be present in a single
carrier system) at the transmitter as though they are in the frequency-domain. These symbols are used
as the inputs to an IFFT block that brings the signal into the time domain. The IFFT takes in N
symbols at a time where N is the number of subcarriers in the system. Each of these N input symbols
has a symbol period of T seconds. Recall that the basic functions for an IFFT are N orthogonal
sinusoids. These sinusoids each have a different frequency and the lowest frequency is DC. Each input
symbol acts like a complex weight for the corresponding sinusoidal basis function.
​ ig.1 Block diagram
Since the input symbols are complex, the value of the symbol determines both the amplitude and
phase of the sinusoid for that subcarrier. The IFFT output is the summation of all N sinusoids. Thus,
the IFFT block provides a simple way to modulate data onto N orthogonal subcarriers. The block of N
output samples from the IFFT make up a single OFDM symbol. The length of the OFDM symbol is
NT where T is the IFFT input symbol period. After some additional processing, the time-domain
signal that results from the IFFT is transmitted across the channel. At the receiver, an FFT block is
used to process the received signal and bring it into the frequency domain. Ideally, the FFT output will
be the original symbols that were sent to the IFFT at the transmitter.

Types of Images, conversion of RGB Image to Grayscale Image

Images used in MATLAB are broadly divided into three types, Binary image where each pixel is just
black or white. Since there are only two possible values for each pixel (0, 1), we only need one bit per
​ ray scale Each pixel is a shade of gray, normally from 0(black) to 255 (white). This range
pixel​. G
means that each pixel can be represented by eight bits, or exactly one byte. Other greyscale ranges are
used, but generally they are a power of 2. ​RGB: Each pixel has a particular colour; that colour is
described by the amount of red, green and blue in it. If each of these components has a range 0–255,
this gives a total of 256^3 different possible colours. Such an image is a “stack” of three matrices;
representing the red, green and blue values for each pixel. This means that for every pixel there
correspond 3 values. An RGB image can be converted to Greyscale image using below formulae
Gray scale=0.299R+0.587G+0.114B (1)


DCT converts the blocks of pixels into same-sized blocks of frequency coefficients. It also compacts
most of the energy from the original pixels into just a few coefficients, arranged such that reduced
precision in the frequency domain is far less noticeable than reduced precision in the spatial domain.

Fig.1 Message signal

BPSK: ​The BPSK modulation is technique is simplest and most robust of all psk modulation
techniques since it takes the highest level of noise or distortion to make the demodulator reach an
incorrect decision. It is, however only able to modulate at 1bit/symbol and so is unsuitable for high
data rate application. BPSK is a modulation technique in which the phase of carrier signal is varied
according to modulating signal.

Fig.2 Modulated signal

QPSK: ​The modulation scheme is very important for developing concepts of two dimensional .In a
sense ,QPSK is an expanded version from binary PSK where in a symbol consists of two bits and two
orthogonal basis function are used. A group of two bits is called is ‘debit’ .So 4 bits are possible.
QAM: ​QAM is both analogy and digital modulation scheme. It conveys two analogy message signals,
or two bits streams, by changing the amplitudes of two carrier waves, using the amplitude shift keying
digital modulation scheme .The two carrier waves, usually sinusoids, are out of phase with each other
by 90 and are called quadrature components
IFFT: ​The IFFT transform a spectrum (amplitude and phase of each component) into a time domain
signal. An IFFT converts a number of complex data points, of length that is power of 2, into the same
number of points in time domain. Each data point in frequency spectrum used for an FFT or IFFT
operation is called a bin.

Fig.3 Carrier signal

Cyclic prefix:
A cyclic prefix is a repetition of the first section of a symbol that is appended to the end of the symbol
The below figure represents the transmitted signal and comparisons of different modulation
techniques such as BPSK, QPSK, and QAM for different IFFT sizes
OFDM system model is represented by
I=Input data (Image)
B =Modulation (X, Input) [90deg phase shift process]
Peak Signal=max (B)
RMS= √ [E (B)/m]
B= Transmitted Signal
M=No of Length (R*C)
RMS=Root Mean Square

Fig.4 Transmitted signal

Similar to other transforms, the Discrete Cosine Transform tries to de correlate the image information.
Following de-correlation each transform coefficient is usually encoded separately without losing
compression effectiveness. This portion talks about the DCT and some of its crucial attributes.
IFFT size​:256
IFFT size:​128



OFDM is a very attractive technique for multicarrier transmission and has become one of the standard
choices for high speed data transmission over a communication channel. The comparison has been
done between different modulation techniques i.e. BPSK,QPSK&QAM for different IFFT sizes and
QAM has been proved to be better than other modulation techniques

1.“ Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB
Second Edition” by Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods & Steven L. Eddins

2. Pilot-Based Channel Estimation for OFDM Systems by Tracking the Delay-Subspace

3.Osvaldo Simeone, Student Member, IEEE, Yeheskel Bar-Ness, Fellow, IEEE, and Umberto
Spagnolini, Senior Member, IEEE

4. Channel Estimation in OFDM Systems Srishtansh Pathak and Himanshu Sharma

5.Adaptive Modulation for OFDM SystemsJ.Faezah1,andK.Sabira2(International Journal of

Communication Networks and Information Security)

6. Digital Image Processing Using Matlab by Haris Papasaika-Hanusch

7.Analysis of BER Performance of OFDM System by Adaptive Modulation Sangeeta Jajoria, Sajjan
Singh, S. V. A. V. Prasad

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