Zeiger - What Is Fascism

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I'm itching to fill a certain gap in the forum litterature, which is a simple, clear and concise definition of
fascism, which doesn't rely on complex language, esoteric concepts and symbols, or assume the reader
is already quite familiar with fascist history and literature. There are two reasons I really want to do
this: first, this topic comes up again and again with newer members, and a familiar yet tiresome debate
ensues every time. Second, even after all I've read (and all I've written!) on the subject, I find I still
struggle to think of a simple, definitive explanation of what fascism IS(rather than what it ISN'T), that
would be immediately understood by someone who's totally uninitiated.

Ideology VS World-view

When a man is on a journey, he needs a few things to insure he'll have a good trip. He first of all needs
to know where he wants to go, to have some idea of his destination, even if it's just a feeling (go where
it's warmer) or a vague direction (east). He'll also need maps, which contain the knowledge that will get
him to his destination. In life, a man's destination is determined by his values, and he makes tactical
decisions on a day to day basis according to his knowledge or ideas, which are like his "map" to reality.
Similarly, groups of people, who are headed in the same direction, share a common world-view, and
they base their policies on an ideology. In other words, a group's world-view is the system of values by
which they judge everything else and decide what their common goals are, while ideologies are the
theories and models they develop to reach those goals.

Destination = Value system (individuals) = World view (groups)

Maps = Ideas (individuals) = Ideology (groups)

Modernism VS Traditionalism

There's basically infinite numbers of potential ideologies and world-views, but they all belong to one of
two categories, which are polar opposites and totally irreconcilable. Those two categories are
modernism (often called materialism) and traditionalism (often called idealism). In modernism, the
highest good is to be comfortable and safe, while avoiding pain and danger. Everything is good or bad
according to that criteria. In traditionalism, the highest good is truth and the rejection of falsehoods.
Everything is good or bad according to that criteria.

It's very important to note that for modernists, ideas, values and theories are *tools* to be used to attain
material ends. Those things have no inherent value in themselves. If truth is in the way of feeling good,
then truth must go. Inversely, for traditionalism, it is material conditions and possessions that are
considered tools - used for the purpose of attaining and upholding truth. If comfort and safety are in the
way of truth, those things must be sacrificed.
What is fascism?

Fascism is the traditional world-view, as it manifests in the modern world. This means fascism is
primarily concerned with *truth*, which is to say, with objective reality. It also means that fascism is
not an ideology, although fascists can employ ideologies to deal with specific circumstances when the
need arises.

Fascism cannot be compared with ideologies like capitalism or communism, since those are simply
alternate methods to reach the same goal (ie. the greatest comfort and safety for the greatest numbers),
while fascism holds a completely different goal: to make human society embody the eternal truths of
the universe.

Of course, since the world is a complex and mysterious place, which no one can claim to fully
understand, implicit in the fascist world-view is the need to explore and experiment in order to attain a
greater knowledge of the truth, which will be reflected in our laws and institutions. Inversely, the
purpose of science in the modern world-view is to create gadgets for our pleasure and convenience,
while uncomfortable findings are swept under the rug to allow liberal myths to go unchallenged.

Tenets of fascism

Ideologies like libertarianism are full of tenets, ideas that define them. For example, libertarians insist
that since everyone is selfish, giving anyone a monopoly will lead to corruption. That is one of their
tenets. By making a simple list of these tenets, it's possible to explain what the ideology is about
quickly and easily. This is not possible with fascism, because fascism has no tenets. Indeed, fascists
tend to be "racist", "socialist", "anti-semites" and many other things, but those are not inherent
components of fascism or inherent personality traits of fascists. A fascist simply looks at the evidence
and decides that reality is racist, human nature is that we are social animals, and jews have historically
been a harmful influence on every society that hosted them. If it was proven the other way around, a
fascist would adopt the opposite notion.

As such, fascism has no hard and fast tenets, but fascists are accumulating a mass of scientific and
academic evidence that is "politically incorrect" for modern materialist society. As individuals grow
and progress on the path of fascism, they will progressively acquaint themselves with this body of
evidence, and thus approach truth.
Also, basic common sense and a cursory observation of nature will let anyone understand certain
principles that govern the world. "The strong survive, while the weak perish". Such a banal notion that
it barely needs saying, yet a revolutionary thing to affirm to a modernist. All of these simple principles
can be learned by reading (or remembering!) the fables of Aesop, short stories written thousands of
years ago and intended to teach common sense to children, yet which are now terribly "politically

Walking on the path of truth

Being a fascist means walking on the path of truth - and this requires a weeding out of all falsehoods
from our lives. This begins with the self: it is necessary to fully accept who and what we are (unlike the
degenerates who reject their humanity, reject their gender, reject their race, their nation, their history,
etc). As Rockwell said, you either believe in the scientific method and apply it to yourself, or you're
only kidding yourself.

Walking on the path of truth means learning what is our place in the world and fulfilling that position.
It means understanding that everything from individuals, to nations, races and species have their place
in a cosmic hierarchy. This holds true even when we're faced with the uncomfortable notion that we're
not at the top of that hierarchy.

When the social order reflects the natural order, which is to say that every member of society fulfills
the role that is most appropriate to their nature, then that society has realized the fascist ideal.


This is not a final text, I intend to update this post until it's absolutely clear. Hopefully I can trim it
down to a shorter length, and improve the flow of the text. Also, I don't want this to be a dry reading, so
please tell me if you found this dry and boring or hard to read. My goal is to have a post I can point
newbs towards when they arrive here full of misconceptions - without blowing their minds and boring
them to tears with deep philosophical ramblings. Also please indicate if there's anything missing or
incorrect that I need to adjust.

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