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SPE 84885

Radical Approach to Water Injection Scheme for Barton

S. Sathyamoorthy, P. Priyandoko, K.B. Flatval, A. Bulang, Shell Malaysia Exploration and Production, P.J. van den Hoek,
Y. Qiu, Shell International Exploration and Production B.V.

Copyright 2003, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

drive mechanism is gravity drainage with weak aquifer
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE International Improved Oil Recovery support. Current oil production is about 6.0 kbpd, from 11
Conference in Asia Pacific held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 20–21 October 2003.
wells (13 producing strings) at two separate platforms (BTJT-
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
A and BTMP-B). Gas production, totaling some 3 MMscfd, is
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to re-injected for disposal or used for gas lifting, with the excess
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at flared at location.
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is Geologically Barton reservoir is an asymmetrical anticlinal
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous structure bounded by major reverse faults, and
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
compartmentalized into 4 separate blocks. The field is situated
in a structural province characterized by intense compressional
wrench tectonics and clay diapirism. The reservoir is believed
Abstract to be of lower coastal plain origin. Reservoir sands comprise
Fractured injection is not new to the oil and gas industry, and of channels, crevasses, and shallow marine and delta front
occurs unintentionally in most water injection schemes. complexes with shale deposition in flood plain environment,
However, deliberate fractured water injection is usually not which now form seals and flow barriers between sand units.
evaluated upfront in order to derive optimal cost and recovery, Barton sandstones comprise predominantly of quartz, with
and open-up opportunities for further optimization. The initial minor content of feldspars, carbonate minerals and clays
design for water flooding in Barton was based on a full-blown (mainly non-swelling type – kaolinite, chlorite and illite).
conventional water treatment plant on a new platform for Average porosity of the main sand package is about 20%, with
seawater injection under matrix conditions. rock permeability ranging from 50-3000 mD. The H sand unit
has the highest rock permeability in the field.
Fracture simulation work revealed that in the case of Barton,
by relaxing water quality induced fractures are not expected to There are 3 sand packages in Barton: a.) shallow D sands at
be excessively large and cause any concerns on integrity of the 1000 ft tvdss charged with 160 API medium viscous oil, b.) F,
reservoir and nearby wells. Owing to a lower required G, H and I sands at 2000 ft tvdss charged with 320 API oil, and
injection tubing head pressure than previously believed to c.) deeper M, P and Q sands at 3300 ft tvdss charged with 32o
achieve fractured injection only relatively low pressure and API oil. The current field STOIIP is about 165 MMstb, out of
cheap injection pumps are required. Additionally, fractured which some 50 MMstb has been produced. Production is
water injection has allowed for the introduction of raw- almost exclusively from the G, H and I sands (main package).
seawater injection, whereby the significantly smaller water Fig. 2 shows the top structure map of H sand and cross
treatment facility than previously required for matrix injection sectional view of the field (along the North-South plane).
is placed on a deck extension from an existing platform.
Barton Water Injection (BTWI) Project
1. Introduction
Primary depletion alone addresses some 35% of oil recovery.
Barton Field Secondary recovery via water injection is expected to add
another 15 MMstb of reserves, improving recovery to more
Shell Malaysia Exploration & Production (SM-EP) operates than 45% and prolong field life. Field reservoir pressure will
the Barton field, which is located about 220 kms northeast of be progressively increased to near initial condition (c.1000
Labuan island, offshore Sabah, in Malaysia (refer to Fig. 1). psia). Reservoir simulation work revealed that the maximum
The field is part of the North Sabah 96 Production Sharing amount of seawater required is approximately 40 kb/d for
Contract (PSC) with 50% SM-EP and 50% Petronas Carigali optimum recovery under water injection through 4 injector
(PCSB) equity interest. wells. Each injector well is designed to handle 10 kb/d of
treated seawater.
Development of the field started in 1981. Oil production is
primary depletion assisted by continuous gas lifting. Reservoir
2 SPE 84885

The initial intent of the project was to inject fully treated years is confined to less than 100 ft. However, the fracture
seawater – after conditioning to remove particles and oxygen – grows to more than 500 ft in 10 years due re-pressurization
under matrix injection mode. The concept of matrix injection effects. The fracture also grows vertically with time,
refers to the injection of fully treated water at non-fracturing intersecting other sand units (G and I) in less than 1 year. As
conditions downhole. This technique of water injection is simulation results show, the fracture will penetrate F sand unit
acknowledged as the conventional approach. A new 4-legged located above 1800 ft tvdss. F sand is currently not part of the
jacket bridged-linked to the existing BTMP-B platform is water injection target.
required to hold the proposed water treatment facility and
associated utilities. Engineering of the new jacket and water Fig. 4 shows the simulation results for similar water quality,
treatment facility amount to 70% of the total project cost. The but at constant reservoir pressure (of 600 psia). In this case,
capital outlay and lifecycle operating costs of matrix injection the fracture length is restricted to 50 ft in 10 years. Vertical
design for Barton are economically prohibitive for which a growth is also constrained, but intersection of other sand units
new more radical design is required. This resulted in detailed (above and below H sand) occurs slightly after 1 year. In both
simulation studies on water injection-induced fracture the constant pressure and re-pressurization scenario, required
propagation in the field, and re-consideration of fractured ITHP to maintain injectivity of 10 kbpd is less than 200 psia.
water injection for the base design.
Building the case for application
This paper reports chiefly work carried out on the design of
fractured water injection for Barton including discussions on In matrix water injection, injectivity declines with time mainly
well completion design philosophy for water injectors. It also due to plugging of the formation-face by solid particles in the
briefly describes the concept of raw seawater injection, made injected water such as in a filtration process via formation of
possible by designing for fractured water injection. an external filter cake. Plugging is caused by solids particles
from external sources – sediments or biological material in
2. Fractured Water Injection seawater or from internal sources such as corrosion and
macro-micro biological growth products. Pang and Sharma,
Water injection under fracturing condition is a subject of among many others, have developed numerical models to
intense interest in the oil and gas industry. The understanding predict changes in injectivity under influence of solids
of the underlying physics behind fractured water injection has loadings, well design and geometry5. These models were
grown tremendously over the years, leading to the tested extensively against field data6. Shell’s formation
development of numerous models, now applied extensively in damage prediction software was used to calculate injector
the industry to assist prediction of fracture size and form basis half-life of a typical Barton cased-hole perforated well under
of design for surface equipment and well completion1-3. matrix injection. Even with very clean water, at solid loading
(or TSS) of less than 1 mg/l, injectivity will decline by 50% in
Fracture simulation less than 3 months. Thus, in matrix injection mode frequent
acid stimulation or back-flow of the injector is required to
Fracture simulations were performed using the Shell 3-D restore injectivity.
fracture simulator, designed mainly for produced water re-
injection3. Sensitivities were run at varying water quality - Experiences elsewhere have shown that pure matrix injection
ranging from 1 to 100 mg/l TSS and 5-500 ppm dispersed almost never occur in nature7. The formation is fractured
OIW content – and two scenarios - re-pressurization and either by hydraulic means or by combination of pressure and
constant reservoir pressure trend. thermal stress effects. In depleted reservoirs, fracturing can
occur easily, especially for cold-water injection4, even at ‘free-
The simulation work showed that the effects of depletion and fall’ injection conditions. By deliberately fracturing the
thermo-elastic backstress cause the Barton formation to formation while water injection, injectivity can be maintained
fracture even at very low ITHP (less than 200 psia). Similar without the need to plan for future acid stimulations or
effects have been observed in other fields, see for example well cleaning.
Ref. 4. This result was extremely important because it was
previously thought that the immediate cost savings from Due to the complex nature of Barton’s geology, with
relaxing water quality (through the elimination of secondary numerous major faults located within the reservoir, some of
filters) would be offset by the need for a high-pressure which are observed on seismic to extend upwards to near
fracturing pump. In addition, injectivity under fractured water seabed, there were initial concerns regarding fault re-
injection is unlikely to decline unless severe problems occur, activation and loss of containment due to water injection
such as sanding-up of wellbore4. induced-fractures. Upon further evaluation, the probability of
faults becoming activated was found to be extremely low, as
Fig. 3 shows the results of simulation for water quality fault reactivation requires more energy than what normally is
comparable to that anticipated in Barton (1 mg/l TSS content) conveyed by induced fractures anticipated in Barton. A
under increasing reservoir pressure trend (up to 1000 psia in 4 comprehensive analysis on fault stability supported this view.
years). In the particular simulation run, water injection is Faults slips and potential re-activation could be a problem in
‘forced’ to initiate in the H sand unit. Fracture length after 7
3 SPE 84885

Barton only if reservoir pressure is allowed to decline below Furthermore, a low-pressure injection pump is all that is
300 psia (anticipated c. 2012 under primary depletion). required to fracture the formation.

The direction of the minimum horizontal stress was Reduction in well engineering cost due to minimization
determined from borehole elongation analysis of previous of perforation lengths. Perforation cost for re-completion
drilling campaigns, and found to be oriented approximately of existing horizontal producers to be converted into
NW-SE. Fractures are expected to grow perpendicular to this water injectors is costly in the case of matrix injection
direction. Data on simulated fracture sizes and most likely due to the long perforation intervals (500 ft net) required
orientation were superimposed on Barton top structure map to to inject 10 kbpd.
determine impact of water injection induced-fractures. In order
not to intersect nearby producer wells or major faults, fracture Reduction in operating cost due to no decline in
length must not exceed 200 ft. However, in view of close injectivity. Frequent acid stimulation and well clean-out
proximity of producer wells, recommended maximum fracture that features prominently in matrix injection schemes are
length of 100 ft is necessary to avoid water short-circuit not required.
between injector and producer, with potential impact on
sweep efficiency. Less issues on operation since water quality is less
stringent and water treatment plant less complex. Barton
Vertical growth of fractures could also have significant impact is a remotely operated facility visited daily during good
on the success of the BTWI project. Rather than relying on weather for less than 6 hours by operators traveling from
one single fracture induced in H sand to grow vertically into G an onshore base located 2 hours away by boat.
and I flood targets, a multiple fracture strategy will be
adopted. Fractures must also be contained within the main Fractured water injection allows for the consideration of
sand packages of F, G, H and I sand units. Although, F sand is an even more radical approach by injecting raw-seawater.
not part of the initial water injection target, likely Thereby, significantly reducing water treatment
encroachment of fractures into this zone is not critical because equipment (elimination of de-oxygenator and secondary
reservoir fluid from F sand is produced commingled with the filters) such that a new jacket for accommodating the
other main sand units. F sand holds the smallest percentage of facility is not required any longer.
reserves among the main sand packages, and therefore is an
additional bonus to the project if fractures are able to penetrate 3. Conventional Matrix Injection vs. Raw-Seawater
its shaly layers. The low N/G sand fraction in F unit due to Fractured Injection
shales cause stark stress contrast, which help prevent fractures
from growing further upwards into shallow D reservoir. In the conventional treated seawater scheme developed for
Simulation results show that growth of fractures downwards to matrix water injection mode, a typical water treatment plant
deeper reservoirs (M,P and Q sand units) is not likely comprise seawater intake pumps, electro-chlorination plant,
to happen. two stage filtration, deaeration/de-oxygenation tower,
injection pumps and chemical handling/injection facility (for
Adjusting injection and production rates in the field to avoid biocide, scale inhibitor, flocculants/filtration aids and oxygen
linkage with nearby producer wells will help control fracture scavenger). The overall system is large, and requires
size. Further simulation work has shown that by suppressing significant deck space to house it. Often, the water treatment
re-pressurization trend to cap of 950 psia (achieved in 4 plant for offshore operation, if not installed or planned during
years), would create fractures of length less than 100 ft (over early part of field development, requires a new 4-legged
10 years injection period), and at the same time not platform. This design significantly increases surface
significantly affecting reserves recovery. Needless to say, engineering cost of the project.
fracture monitoring and control plans are critical to the success
of fractured water injection in Barton. The feasibility of applying fractured water injection in Barton
resulted in further optimization of the water injection scheme
Optimization Opportunities Created by adopting raw-seawater injection. The concept of raw-
seawater injection is not entirely new, and has been applied
In general, fractured water injection is extremely attractive for successfully in a few fields offshore North Sea8. Raw-seawater
offshore assets whereby significant reduction in capital and injection is essentially the injection of minimally treated
operating expenditures are offered by the scheme. In locations seawater with no reduction in oxygen content. Detailed
where there are limited slots, fractured water injection allows evaluation of raw-seawater injection, and work done on
high injection rates through fewer injector wells. In the case of Barton to justify its application will be presented in a future
Barton, the benefits of such scheme are: SPE paper8.

Reduction in surface engineering cost due to less The treatment facility for raw-seawater injection is much
stringent solid loading (TSS) requirement. Filtration smaller in size due to the elimination of secondary filters and
system is limited to primary or coarse filters. deaerator/de-oxygenator tower. Fig. 5 shows the difference
between a conventional matrix injection and raw-seawater
4 SPE 84885

fractured injection water treatment scheme. The entire When carrying out coil tubing clean-out of sand in sump,
treatment facility for the radical scheme fits nicely onto the ensure circulation in reverse mode to prevent sand or
existing BTMP-B platform after a relatively simple and cheap fines from being forced into formation.
deck extension is completed. No costly installation of a new
platform is required. Carry-out regular sand monitoring during initial
commissioning stage when frequent pump trips are likely.
4. Injector Well Design
If possible consider acidization/chemical stimulation over
Sand Control ‘back-flow’ to restore well injectivity. In the case of
fractured water injection, significant injectivity decline is
The main reason for sand control in water injectors is usually not normally expected.
prevention against sanding-up of the well resulting in total loss
of injectivity, rather than reducing impact to surface facility, Perforation Strategy
because injectors are usually back-flowed periodically (or not
at all). Sand production in injectors is caused by: The adopted perforation strategy is aimed at preserving
efficient sweep in all target sand units while injecting at
Formation failure during back flow of injectors fracturing condition. Perforations are limited to 30 ft intervals
in G, H and I sand units. Through-tubing wireline or CT guns
Inter-zone cross flow when well is shut-in will be utilized to create deep and high-density shots into the
least permeable sand unit first, followed by a short period of
Effect of water hammer and sand liquefaction caused by water injection before perforating the next sand unit. The
operation issues progressive and limited size perforation of the sand units is
expected to help in creation of multiple fractures. However, it
Even in very soft sand, current industry practice is usually no must be noted that this technique would not work effectively if
sand control unless absolutely necessary9-10. Careful selection the various sand units show very high contrast in permeability.
of sand control techniques must be applied, especially to This is not expected to be the case for G, H and I sand units. In
prevent plugging of the mechanical control devices due to the event that high volumes of water only penetrate the H sand
potentially high solid loadings in water for fractured injection. unit, conventional chemical conformance control techniques
Gravel packing methods are useless when injecting under will be applied. Selectivity at producer end will also be
fracturing condition. In such case, mechanical screens such as utilized to control sweep.
expandable sand screens (ESS) offer more practical solution.
Depending on the quality of injected water especially oxygen Fracture Size Monitoring
content, selection of appropriate material in sand control
devices must be taken into consideration to prevent corrosion. Fracture monitoring helps in the understanding of fracture
growth mechanics, and critical in assessing the actual fracture
Fig. 6 shows historical sand production from the field, size and orientation, of which largely determines the success
affirming results of rock failure prediction study that Barton or failure of fractured water injection scheme in Barton. In the
formation is fairly well consolidated. Thus, injector wells in Dan field operated by Maersk, by comparing field data from
Barton are not designed for sand control. However, several fracture monitoring against computer simulation results, the
good recommendations on operation philosophy of water operator was able to gain in-sights on the actual situation and
injectors by Statoil9 will be applied in Barton to prevent consequently address future development plans involving
similar injectivity problems4: fractured water injection11.

Minimise number of planned shutdowns and pump trips. Fracture monitoring is required in Barton to:

Ensure that injector wells are isolated from the manifold Confirm that fractures have grown vertically by breaking
immediately after pump trip to prevent crossflow between down intra-sand shale sequences to reach all target sand
different wells. Otherwise, wells injecting into same units, yet avoiding penetration into shallow and
zones should be hooked-up to one manifold. deep reservoirs.

Allow longer period of stand-by time (> 6 hours) before Estimate length of fractures to determine if fractures are
resuming injection. This would allow fines or sand contained within sand bodies and not intersecting nearby
particles to settle out below most perforations producer wells or major faults.

Minimise the number of waterhammer pluses by carrying Calibrate computer fracture simulation results with real
out manual “soft” shutdowns (gradually reducing field data to enable further optimization in water quality,
injection rate). injection pressure and rate.
5 SPE 84885

Routine surveillance data such as injection rate, water quality, Computer fracture simulations have shown that
pressure and temperature, which are easily obtained but often injectivity can be maintained by relaxing water quality
ignored, are extremely important for analysis of fracture (TSS content) previously designed for matrix water
mechanics. There are several techniques available, such as injection. Fractured water injection can be achieved using
pressure fall off test for fracture size (for which a novel a relatively low-pressure surface injection pump.
interpretation technique was presented recently12),
microseismicity and downhole tiltmeter for fracture direction Besides immediate cost savings from elimination of
and sizes. Pressure fall off test is more mature, cheap and has secondary filter and not planning for future acid
been reported extremely successfully by many operators. RST stimulations, fractured water injection has opened-up
logging with injection of saline liquid can been used as an further optimization opportunities for the water flood
indirect method to infer fracture height behind casing. project such as raw-seawater injection.

Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) has recently found its The type of water injection scheme influences water
place in many water injection projects. As shown in Fig. 7, the injector well completion design. In the case of fractured
well path of BT-207S1 – a future water injector, DTS is useful water injection, key areas are sand control, perforation
in monitoring temperature profile across the various target and fracture monitoring/survelliance strategy.
sand units. The technology is able to reveal information on
flood front progress, and help in inferring fracture size when By adopting raw-seawater fractured injection in Barton,
data is used in conjunction with results of other monitoring overall surface engineering cost was reduced by more
methods. However, DTS application in converted oil than 70%. The minimum water treatment facility will be
producers (re-completed to water injectors) will cause some installed on a deck extension from an existing platform,
restrictions to already limited flow ID. The impact of applying rather than on a new 4-legged platform.
this technology in re-completion wells is currently being
evaluated, and may change slightly ITHP requirement. Acknowledgements

Re-completion of Converted Oil Producers This paper is written on behalf of the Barton team (other
members include: Steven Lee, Agus Widjiastono, Flavia
Fig. 8 shows the re-completion design for one of the future Kandau, Keri Cunningham, Barry Hii, Kuswadi Hedeir,
water injectors (BT-207 S1), which is currently an existing oil Beatriz Rueda, Andrew Vaughan and Halimah Pit) who has
producer. In view of the high oxygen content of raw-seawater, worked extremely hard to make this novel water flood project
completion tubing is 5 ½” GRE lined L80 tubulars, with the work. The authors also wish to thank SM-EP, PCSB and
last c. 200 ft of 4 ½” CRA tubulars (Inconel 718 or Alloy 725) PETRONAS for kind permission to publish this paper.
stabbed into the bottom seal unit/packer. Corrosion of existing
carbon steel liner is not expected to cause any major concerns References
since cement column behind casing/liner will provide
adequate barrier to formation if leaks occur. Corrosion 1. Koning, E.J.L, 1988. Waterflooding under fracturing
products do not cause problems to injectivity when injecting conditions. Ph.D. Thesis, technical University of Delft.
under fracturing conditions. All tubing sub-assembly and other
well equipment exposed to raw-seawater (such as packer, 2. Settari, A, 1980. Simulation of hydraulic fracturing
injection valve, SSD & nipple) is made from CRA. No gas lift processes, SPEJ, December.
mandrels have been included, since back-flow of the well is
not encouraged to prevent sand production especially in the 3. Van den Hoek, P.J. 1993. New 3D model for optimised
horizontal injector wells. design of hydraulic fractures and simulation of drill-
cuttings reinjection. SPE 26679, 1993 Offshore European
New Water Injectors Conference, Aberdeen.

Fig. 9 shows the typical completion design for a new water 4. Van den Hoek, P.J. Khatib, Z.I. Siemers G.J. 2002.
injector. Tubulars are 5 ½” GRE lined L80 CS, with CRA Causes of injectivity problems during fractured water
material for sub-assemblies. In this case, liners will be GRE disposal. SPE 74416, SPE International Conference and
lined L80 CS, which will be cemented in place. New water Exhibition, Mexico, February 2002.
injectors will be slightly deviated wells, cutting across all 3
target sand units. 5. Pang, S. Sharma, M.M. 1995. Evaluating the performance
of open-hole, perforated and fractured water injection
5. Conclusions wells. SPE 30127, 1995 European Formation Damage
Conference, The Hague.
Fractured water injection is feasible for Barton because
fracture size is not expected to cause any problems to
reservoir containment, fault-reactivation nor
sweep efficiency.
6 SPE 84885

6. Sharma, M.M. Pang, S. Wennberg, K.E. Morgenthaler,

L.N. 2000. Injectivity decline in water injection wells: An
offshore Gulf of Mexico case study. SPE 60901, SPE
Prod. & Facilities, February 2000.

7. Paige, R.W. Murray, L.R. Martins, J.P. Marsh, S.M. 1995.

Optimising water injection performance. SPE 29774,
1995 SPE Middle East Oil Show, Bahrain.

8. Flatval, K.B. Hofland, R. de Kruijf, S. Ligthelm, D.

Building the case for raw-seawater injection in Barton.
SPE paper in preparation.

9. Santarelli, F.J. Skomedal, E. Markestad, P. Berge, H.I.

Nasvig, H. 2000. Sand production on water injectors:
How bad can it get?. SPE Drill & Completion, 15 (2),
June 2000.

10. Morita, N. Davis, E. Whitebay, L. 1998. Guidelines for

solving sand problems in water injection wells. SPE
39436, SPE International Symposium on Formation
Damage Control, Louisiana, February 1998.

11. Ovens, J.E.V. Larsen, F.P. Cowie, D.R. 1997. Making

sense of water injection fractures in the Dan field. SPE
38928, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Texas, October 1997.

12. Van den Hoek, P.J. Pressure Transient Analysis in

Fractured Produced Water Injection Wells, SPE 77946,
SPE Asia Pacific Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne,
October 2002.
7 SPE 84885

Figure 1: Barton field location map

Figure 3: Results of fracture simulation at solid loading of

1 ppm, and the reservoir is under re-pressurization to 1000


0 500 m

0 1000ft
Depth (ftss)


3000 F/G/H/I

4000 M/P/Q
Stage III

Figure 2: Barton field top structure and cross

section maps
Figure 4: Results of fracture simulation at solid loading of
1 ppm, and the reservoir is at constant pressure of 600 psia
8 SPE 84885

Conventional Design:
Deaerator Option
Treated Seawater Matrix Injection
Frac’ pump

Lift Pump & Filters
Strainer Well
Transient sand 101L
Coarse 90
production during 103L
Filters bean-up/production
80 104S
Scale Biocide upset
70 106S
Seawater Hypocholorite Inhibitor Injection

Sand Production (ptb)

intake Generator 201L
Injection Pump 60
Safe limit – no
50 203L
• Inject 40,000 b/d of sea water - removal of 93% of all particles > 2 micron
mu to sustain
to sustain
half life……... catastrophic failure of
formation to be expected 203S
• Deoxygenate water to less than 10 ppb O2.O2 +Oxygen
O2 scavenger
needed. 40
• Bacterial control with sodium hypochlorite +and
if oxygen scavenger used. 204L
• Seawater incompatible with formation fluid - CaCo3 scale controlled by scale inhibitor + andacidisations
acid campaign. 30 205
• Fracture contingency with additional frac pump to sustain injectivity. 206S
• Contingency to backflush.
backflush 20
• Base case assumes
henceno noPWRI
PWRI &&nono
cleaning & dumping offshore.
10 208
Radical Design: 0
Raw-Seawater Fractured Injection Jan-93 Jan-94 Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Dec-97 Dec-98 Dec-99 Dec-00 Nov-01 Nov-02

Lift Pump &

Strainer Well Figure 6: Sand production history in Barton (in pounds
per thousand barrels of liquid)

Scale Biocide &

Seawater Hypocholorite Inhibitor Nitrate/
intake Generator Nitrite
Injection Pump

• Inject 40,000 b/d of sea water - removal of large particles only e (marine
( g. marine
large sediments,
with 40 micron
etc) filters.
• No de-oxygenation
• Bacterial control with sodium hypochlorite,
hypochlorite +THPSbiocide
injection and nitrate injection from start.
• Seawater incompatible with formation fluid - CaCo3 scale controlled by scale inhibitor and acid campaign.
• Reservoir souring prevention with nitrate/nitrate
nitrate injection.
• No
to backflush.
for back-flow
• Base case assumes:
assumes water
atLabuan hence no noPWRI
PWRI&andno no
& dumping offshore

Figure 5: Conventional water treatment facility initially

designed for matrix water injection in Barton, and the new
water treatment facility for raw-seawater injection as a
consequence of adopting fractured water injection
9 SPE 84885

BT207S1 BT202S1

DTS run along cased-hole via 1 3/4” CT

to enable fracture and
flood monitoring


New limited entry perforations
to create multiple fracs G3.0
in G/H/I sand units

Existing perforations
to be closed/patched

Figure 7: Distributed Temperature Sensor (DTS) is extremely useful for monitoring fracture size and flood front in multi-
stacked Barton formation
10 SPE 84885

Existing Completion Design Future Completion Design

as Oil Producer as Water Injector
Depth Depth
Description (ft ah Description
(ft ah
bthf) bthf)
Dummy SS with
3 /12” XN
3 1/2” Flow Coupling
3 1/2” Otis TRSCSSV 800 5 ½” CRA Self-Piloting
852 3 1/2” KBUG
Top of Liner 793 ft Top of Liner 793 ft

9 5/8” Casing Window 1263 3 1/2” KBUG 9 5/8” Casing Window 5 ½” GRE Lined Tubular
997- 1006 ft 997- 1006 ft
1587 3 1/2” KBUG

1920 3 1/2” KBUG

1946 3 1/2” Otis XO-SSD 1900 5 1/2” CRA SSD

1975 7” Otis RH Packer 1950 7” CRA RH Packer

2006 3 1/2” Otis XO-SSD

2030 5 1/2” CRA SSD
3 1/2” Blast Joint @ 40’
Isolated Producing Zone 2100 5 1/2” CRA X-Nipple
Zone 1
H sand H sand
2108 3 1/2” Otis X-Nipple 2025’ - 2040’ 4 1/2” CRA Tubular with
2025’ - 2040’
X-over from 5 ½” tubing
2249 4 1/2” Otis KOIV (last 200 ft to PBR)
2266 5” PBR Locator with 5
seal unit & half mule shoe 2266 5” PBR Locator with 5
Top of 3 1/2” Liner Top of 3 1/2” Liner
@ 2267 ft @ 2267 ft seal unit & half mule shoe

7” Liner Shoe 7” Liner Shoe

@ 2761 ft @ 2761 ft

Zone 2
I sand
2414’ - 2490’ Injection Target 1
2793’ - 2806’ G sand
Injection Target 3
4580-4610 ft
I sand
2800-2830 ft

3 1/2” Liner 3 1/2” Liner

Liner Shoe Liner Shoe
@ 4676 ft @ 4676 ft
2834’ - 4589’ not perforated yet
Injection Target 2
3 1/2” L/Collar @ 4612 ft H sand 3 1/2” L/Collar @ 4612 ft
3800-3830 ft

Figure 8: Re-completion design for oil producer (BT-207 S1) converted to water injector


5 ½” Self-Piloting Injection Valve

5½” GRE Lined Tubular

5 ½” SSD

5 ½” X-Nipple

5 ½” CRA Tubular
(last 200 ft to PBR)
Top of 4 ½” Liner
PBR Locator/seal unit
/mule shoe
9 5/8” Casing Window

4 ½” GRE Lined Liner

Perforations (G Sand)

Perforations (H Sand)

Perforations (I Sand)

Sump for sand accumulation

4 ½” Liner Shoe

Figure 9: Well completion design for new water injector

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