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Project Activity Template

Committee: Social Committee Date: Nov.13-15 2018

Check appropriate report (only one)

☐ Business Knowledge & Skills ☒ Public Relations ☐ Leadership/Professional Development

☐ Community Service ☐ Fundraising ☐ Social
☐ Other:
Description of the Activity:
FBLA Members participated in American Enterprise Day

Purpose of the Activity:

The purpose of this activity was to celebrate National American Enterprise Day on Nov.15

Steps to Complete Project:

Target Dates: Nov 2018 Cost:
Briefly describe steps below:
Step 1: Decide on what day to do the event
Step 2: Decided to send out invites and wait for a response
Step 3: State Farm owner replied and we went with that
Step 4: State Farm showed up on Nov. 15 for American Enterprise Day

How many FBLA members participated? 30

What was accomplished and what effect did it have?
The owner E. Wester explained and express to us how been your own boss can have its benefits and disadvantages. He
also, express how business owners can influence an community and reshape a person life

Audience 40 Publicity Received: (Attach to report.)

Audience 40 Project Successful? ☒ Yes ☐ No
Suggested Improvements:

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