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Please note that this is merely a template guide for the section. Your answers can be written in a
different format if you choose.

Business/Company Name: If you are not sure of your Company name yet, please come up with a name
you like and input it here. (The Company name can be changed when you are selected)

Street Address: If you don’t have a company address yet, please use your home address.

Country: Please input the country the company will be operating in.

State/Province/Region: Input the State/Province/Region the company will be operating in.

City/Town: Input City/Town the company will be operating in.

Postal Code: Input Postal Code of Company Address or your home address postal code if your company
is still an idea.

Website: Input your company website or “Not Available” if you don’t have one.

About Me: My name is _________. Currently, I work/school at _________________ as a/an

______________. My role involves ___________________________________________________

I became an entrepreneur because ___________________________________________________


Leadership Skills & Experience: In the past, I have demonstrated my leadership skills by ________

I have also gained experience that I vital for entrepreneurship by ___________________________


Personal Achievement: Some of my personal achievements include _________________________


Elevator Pitch: My current Business/Idea is ______________________________________________


(Introduce your business and try and sell it to the reviewer)

Detailed Description: The product/service that the business presents is _______________________


(Write what distinguishes your business from other businesses)

Wow Us: This Business/Idea is great because _____________________________________________


(Write something about the business that will surprise and excite the reviewer)

Problem Solved: The problem(s) this Business/Idea solve(s) is/are

I. ________________________________________________________________________________

II. ________________________________________________________________________________

(Include as many problems as your business solves)

Development Stage: Select the stage of your business depending on how far you have gone with it.

- Idea (Concept): Select if your business is still an idea and no research has gone into it.
- Testing (Research & Development): Select if you have done sufficient research on the
product/service and/or you have started expending funds to acquire resources for the business.
- Infancy (Market Entry): Select if you have launched the product/service and have started making
- Growth: Select if your business is almost in its mature stages.

Industry Sector: Select your industry sector from the list

Industry Sub-sector: Select the industry sub-sector from the list

Sustainable Development Goals: Select the goal your Business/Idea most closely represents.

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