Specs For Precast 3-Sided Frame

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Description: This item will consist of designing, furnishing and installing precast concrete rigid
frame sections of the type, size and length shown on the plans including reinforcing, lifting inserts or
devices, non-shrink grout and all other necessary materials and equipment to complete the work.

Design: Structures shall be designed in accordance to AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design

Specifications, 2010, 5th edition with the interim specifications up to and including (2010) and the
contract documents. The precast end units shall be capable of resisting vehicular impact loads from
bridge parapets in accordance with AASHTO criteria for design loads for TL-3 railings.

Materials: Materials shall conform to the following requirements and those not listed below shall be
as prescribed within the Standard Specifications for Roads, Bridges and Incidental Construction,
including supplemental specifications and applicable special provisions.

1 - Concrete: The concrete for the members shall conform to the requirements of Section M.03 and
as follows:

Concrete shall be air-entrained composed of Portland cement, fine and coarse aggregates, admixtures
and water. The air-entraining feature may be obtained by the use of either airentraining portland
cement or an approved air-entrained admixture. The entrained-air content shall be not less than 4
percent nor more than 6 percent.

The Contractor shall design and submit to the Engineer a concrete mix, which shall attain a minimum
28-day strength of 5000 PSI. The Contractor shall further provide a certificate stating that the mix
submitted shall meet this strength.

a. Coarse Aggregate: shall consist of broken stone, having a maximum size of ¾ inches.
b. Type III or Type IIIA portland cement may be used at no additional cost to the Owner. Rev.
c. Water-Reducing Admixture: The Contractor may submit, for approval of the Engineer,
waterreducing admixture for the purpose of increasing workability and reducing the water
requirement for the concrete.
d. Calcium Chloride: The addition to the mix of calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium
chloride will not be permitted.

2 - Reinforcing Steel: All deformed bars, stirrups, welded steel wire fabric, dowels, threaded dowels
and tie wires shall conform to the requirements of Article M.06.01

All reinforcing steel of the precast concrete bridge shall be epoxy coated in conformance with the
requirements of AASHTO M284-811 or ASTM D3963-81.

3 - Lifting Hooks and Threaded Inserts: Devices and attachments shall be of a design satisfactory for
the purpose intended.

4 - Nuts, washers and all other miscellaneous hardware: shall be galvanized in accordance with
ASTM designation A153. Any hardware on the inside surface of the bridge shall be recessed into the
wall and grouted over after assembly in order to maintain a smooth, unbroken inside wall surface.

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Each bridge section shall contain a suitable number of reinforced lifting fixtures to insure safe and
level handling and to prevent structural damage during installation.

5 – Gaskets: shall be plastic, rubber or neoprene that shall form and maintain a water tight and
flexible joint.

6 - Non-shrink Grout: Non-shrink grout shall conform to Article M.03.05.

Construction Methods: All construction methods for items not listed below shall be in accordance
with the detailed requirements prescribed for the construction of the appropriate items as specified in
the Standard Specifications for Roads, Bridges, and Incidental Construction.

1 - Epoxy Coating of Reinforcement: The Contractor shall provide a Certified Test Report and a
Certificate of Compliance for the epoxy coated bars and a Materials Certificate and a Certificate of
Compliance for the coating powder used by the coating applicator verifying its conformance to the

2- Designer's Liability Insurance: The Designer of the precast concrete bridge shall secure and
maintain at no direct cost to the Owner, a Professional Liability Insurance Policy for errors and
omissions in the minimum amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000). The Designer may, at his
election, obtain a policy containing a maximum Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000)
deductible clause, but if he should obtain a policy containing such a clause, the Designer shall be
liable to the extent of the deductible amount. The Designer shall obtain the appropriate and proper
endorsement to its Professional Liability Policy to cover the indemnification clause in this contract as
the same relates to negligent acts, errors or omissions in the work performed by the Designer. The
Designer shall continue this liability insurance coverage for a period of three years from the date of
the acceptance of the work by the Owner as evidenced by a certificate of acceptance issued to the
contractor or for three years after the termination of the contract, whichever is earlier, subject to the
continued commercial availability of such insurance. The Designer shall supply the certificate of this
insurance to the Owner prior to the start of construction of the bridge. The designer’s insurance
company shall be licensed in the State of Connecticut.

3 - Working Drawings: Before fabrication, the Contractor shall submit working drawings to the
Engineer for approval in accordance with Article 1.05.02(2). These drawings shall include complete
details of the methods, materials and equipment he proposes to use.

Working drawings for the Precast Concrete Three Sided Rigid Frames shall include but not be
limited to the following:

Layout plan of Precast Concrete Three Sided Rigid Frames.

Plans and cross-sections showing length, width, height and thickness of walls and slabs.

Type, size, location and spacing of steel reinforcing and inserts for anchoring threaded deformed
steel bars. Bending diagrams, material lists and catalog cuts for inserts shall be provided.

Type, size and location of lifting holes and seating fixtures. All fixtures (inserts, etc.) cast
permanently into the sections shall be recessed a minimum of ¾”. No more than four lifting holes or
fixtures shall be located in each frame.

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Location and size of all holes cast for grouting deformed steel bars or other reasons as noted on the

Complete details of the joints between precast sections. Material designations.

Working drawings for all sections shall be stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed in the State
of Connecticut. Each sheet of the working drawings shall be stamped.

No fabrication is to commence on the precast concrete until the working drawings are approved by
the Engineer. Erection drawings stamped by a P.E. licensed in CT shall also be prepared and
submitted for review by the Engineer.

4 - Design Computations: With the submission of working drawings, the Contractor shall also submit
to the Engineer for review two sets of complete design computations for each precast concrete
bridge. These computations shall be stamped by a Professional Engineer licensed in Connecticut. The
designer must have designed at least three precast concrete bridges similar to the ones proposed
within the last three years.

The precast concrete bridges shall be designed in accordance with the Design Code and Design Live
Load as stated on the contract drawings.

Design, legal and permit load ratings for the Precast Concrete Three Sided Rigid Frame shall be
submitted in summary form along with computations substantiating the load ratings. The analysis
shall be performed using the Load and Resistance Factor Rating (LRFR) Method described in the
AASHTO Manual for Bridge Evaluation (AASHTO MBE). The legal and permit loadings are shown
in Figure 3.1 in Appendix A of this specification. All software used to compute the live load ratings
shall be pre-approved by the Department’s Bridge Design Section

Live load ratings shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO MBE Table
6A.4.2.2-1 for all limit states, including all optional checks.

For strength I and II limit states, the live load ratings shall be prepared for the live loads, the load
factor criteria and analysis parameters shown in Table 1.4.4-1 (included in Appendix A of this
specification). The average daily truck traffic (ADTT), in one direction, used to determine load
factors shall be greater than 5000, unless noted otherwise. The value of the condition factor used in
the rating analysis shall be 1.00 due to all new components and members. The value of the system
factor used in flexural and axial rating analysis shall be obtained from Table 6A.4.2.4-1 of the
AASHTO MBE. The value of the system factor used in shear rating analysis shall be 1.00. The
dynamic load allowance shall conform to the AASHTO MBE. The minimum acceptable rating
factors shall be no less than the values shown in Table 1.4.4-1, Column A. For service limit states,
the live load ratings shall be prepared for the live loads, the load factor criteria and analysis
parameters shown in Table 1.4.4-2 (included in Appendix A of this specification). The live load
distribution and dynamic load allowance shall conform to the AASHTO MBE, unless noted
otherwise. The minimum acceptable rating factors shall be no less than the values shown in Table
1.4.4-2, Column A.

The Contractor shall submit the packaged set of working drawings and calculations to the “Engineer
of Record”. The “Engineer of Record” is identified in the signature block on the structural contract

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plans. A copy of the transmittal shall be sent to the District Construction office administering the

The reviewed and stamped working drawings and calculations shall be sent by the reviewer, along
with a recommendation regarding acceptance, to the District Construction office for review,
comment and distribution. After the District Construction office has reviewed the working drawings
and calculations, ensured all comments have been addressed and have found the submittal to be
acceptable, in addition to distributing copies of the working drawings and calculations to the
Contractor and District offices, a copy of each packaged set of working drawings and calculations
shall be sent to the following:

James Hall PE
McFarland Johnson, Inc.
239 Littleton Road,
Westford, MA 01886

No fabrication is to commence on the precast concrete until the design computations are approved by
the Engineer.

5 - Forms: The forms in manufacture shall be sufficiently rigid and accurate to maintain the bridge
section dimensions within the permissible variations given below under “Quality Control.” All
casting surfaces shall be of smooth non-porous material.

6 - Mixing and Placing Concrete: The concrete mix as designed and submitted by the Contractor
shall be proportioned and mixed in a batch mixer to produce a homogeneous concrete conforming to
the requirements.

The transporting, placement and compaction of concrete shall be by methods that will prevent the
segregation of the concrete materials and the displacement of the reinforcement steel from its proper
position in the form. There shall be no interruption in the pouring of any unit. Truckmixed or transit-
mixed concrete will not be allowed.

7 - Curing: Precast units shall be cured by a method or combination of methods approved by the
Engineer, that will give satisfactory results. Curing shall be for a sufficient length of time so that the
concrete will develop the specified compressive strength at 28 days or less.

8 - Patching: No patching of the complete units will be allowed unless permitted by the Engineer.
The Contractor’s proposal for methods and materials to be used in the patching operation shall be
submitted to the Engineer for his approval.

9 - Joints: The precast reinforced concrete bridge sections shall be produced with male and female
ends except as shown otherwise on the plans. The ends shall be of such design and so formed that
when the sections are laid together, they will make a continuous line of sections with a smooth
interior face free of irregularities.

10 - Test Cylinders: During the casting of the units, the Contractor shall make test cylinders under
the supervision of a representative of the Owner. A minimum of four (4) cylinders shall be taken
during each production run or as ordered by the Engineer. Cylinders shall be cured under laboratory
control conforming to the requirements of ASTM C192 and shall be used to determine the 28-day

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compressive strength requirements (f’c). Failure of any of the 28-day test cylinders to meet 90
percent of the minimum compressive strength requirements may be cause for rejection. The Engineer
also reserves the right to request and test core specimens from the units to determine their adequacy.

11 - Quality Control: The dimensional tolerance of the units shall conform to the following:

a. Internal Dimensions and Finish: The internal dimensions shall not vary more than 1 percent from
the design dimensions. The haunch dimensions shall not vary more than ¼” from the design
dimensions. The interior shall be smooth and free of irregularities.

b. Slab and Wall Thickness: The slab and wall thickness shall not be less than that shown in the
design by more than 5 percent or 3/16 inch, whichever is greater. A thickness more than that required
in the design will not be a cause for rejection.

c. Length of Opposite Surface: Variations in laying lengths of two opposite surfaces of the bridge
section shall not be more than 1/8 inch per foot of span with a maximum of 5/8 inch in any bridge
section except where beveled ends are specified.

d. Length of Section: The underrun in length of a section shall not be more than 1/8 inch per foot of
length with a maximum of ½ inch in any bridge section.

e. Position of Reinforcement: The maximum variation in the spacing of reinforcing shall be +/- ½
inch. Cover shall be 1-1/2 inches.

12 - Marking: The following information shall be clearly marked on each section by indentation,
waterproof paint or other approved means:

a. Precast unit section and rise.

b. Date of manufacture.
c. Name or trademark of manufacturer.
d. An identification number or letter on the TOP of each section (to insure proper placement).

13 - Handling and Storage: Handling devices shall be provided in each section for the purpose of
handling and placing. Care shall be taken during storage, transporting, hoisting and handling of all
units to prevent cracking or damage. Units damaged by improper storage, transporting or handling
shall be replaced by the Contractor at his expense.

14 - Inspection and Rejection: The quality of materials, the process of manufacture and the finished
units shall be subject to rejection on account of failure to conform to any of the specification
requirements. Individual units may be rejected because of any of the following:

a. Fractures or cracks passing through the wall

b. Defects that indicate imperfect proportioning, mixing and molding.
c. Honeycombed or open texture.
d. Damaged ends, where such damage would prevent making a satisfactory joint.

15 - Installation: The precast units shall be installed in accordance with details and notes as shown on
the plans and in conformance with these specifications. Precast units shall be placed in a manner to
best accommodate and facilitate the building of the cast-in-place sections of the structure.

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Joints shall be provided with a preplaced neoprene or other suitable gasket, shall fit tight and provide
good alignment of sections and inside faces.

Any unit which is not in true alignment, or which shows any settlement, displacement, misfit or
distortion after installation, shall be taken up and reinstalled or corrected, to the satisfaction of the
Engineer without additional compensation.

In case of conflict and actual field construction cannot proceed according to proposed construction,
the Engineer may direct special construction as may be deemed necessary for the completion of the
work in a satisfactory and acceptable manner.

16 - Backfilling: Methods of backfilling shall be in conformance with the requirements of the plans
and Section 2.16 except that fill placed around the Precast Concrete Three Sided Rigid Frame
sections shall be deposited on both sides to approximately the same elevation at the same time.

Method of Measurement: “Precast Concrete Three Sided Rigid Frame” will be paid on a lump sum
basis and will not be measured for payment.

Basis of Payment: Payment for this work will be made at the contract lump sum price for “Precast
Concrete Three Sided Rigid Frame." of the size indicated, complete and accepted, which price shall
include threaded inserts, structural steel, adhesive anchors, non-shrink grout, gaskets, installation and
all other materials, equipment, tools and labor incidental thereto. The contract lump sum price for
"Precast Concrete Three Sided Rigid Frame” shall also include the costs of preparing and furnishing
design computations, working drawings, final drawings, and erection drawings and installation of the
Rigid Frames.

Pay Item Pay Unit

Precast Concrete Three Sided Rigid Frame L.F.

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